540000 544000 548000 552000 556000 560000 9°28'0"E 9°32'0"E 9°36'0"E 9°40'0"E 9°44'0"E

G lide N um ber: N /A Activation ID: EMSN -048 P roduct N .: 02O LIEN AO RO SEI, v1, English & - Flooding at peak conditions

Flooded Area & Water Depth Map - Overview P roduction date: 02/02/2018 Alà dei Padru Torpè Posada Sardi

Italy Buddusò Lodè Rome 3000 Onani Siniscola 0 0

0 0 0 0 Lula 6 6 7 7

4 4 Benetutti 4 4

Galtelli Orosei 2000 Orosei Oliena Orani 132,87 Cartographic Information Loculi Irgoli Onifai 1:40.000 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 0 0,5 1 2 3 4 Km 197,33 N

" G rid: W G S 84 / U T M z one 32N m ap coordinate system 0 ' N 4

" T ick m ark s: W G S 84 geographical coordinate system

R 2 0 ° ' ive 0 4 r C 4 0 0 2 ed ° 0 ri 0 0 n Legend 0 o 0 4 2 2

7 7 Maximum Extension Utilities Transportation 4 4 4 4 Maxim um Flood Extent Electricity grid Highw ay Rail N etw ork 112,08 175,57 P rim ary T rain station Maximum Water Depth Physiography Secondary Bus station Spot heights 0 - 0.3 m T ertiary 552,54 71,64 > 0.3 - 1 m Hydrography o 50,89 > 1 - 3 m rin Galtelli River ed > 3 m Populated places r C 247,23 Stream ve 733,46 Ri V illage Canal

184,14 806,39 Orosei Consequ ences w ithin the OROSEI su b ΑΟ Ι Affected Assets Water depth 0 - 0,3 m 0,3 - 1 m 1 - 3 m > 3 m Population (Nr) 5 30 83 9 Built-up areas (Nr of Buildings) 2 1 1 8 Commercial, Public & Private Services (Nr) 1 - 8 - Industry & Utilities (Nr) 1 - 2 - Transport Netw ork (KM) 0 - 0,3 m 0,3 - 1 m 1 - 3 m > 3 m Primary 0,05 0,54 1,21 - Secondary - 0,9 0,1 - Local and service - 1 1,6 - Other 1,46 10,88 7,95 -

0 0 Bridges (Nr) - 5 9 - 0 0 0 0 8 8 6 6

4 4 Map Information 4 4 T he purpose of the requested m apping is to generate com prehensive k nowledge through perform ing post-disaster situation analysis concerning flood events that occurred, within January 18 to January 22, 2017, within two m ain Sardinia’s rivers flow (T irso and Cedrino) and specifically addresses four (4) sub AO Is in Sardinia (IT ). T he results refer to risk assessm ent products; vulnerability, dam age and risk m apping. T owards adequate disaster recovery activities, efficient support and inform ed decision m ak ing of the involved stak eholders, a retrospective flood m apping (spatial extent of the floods), link ed with the flooding event, was realiz ed within the O rosei sub Area accom panied by risk and dam age (sector wise) assessm ents. For the rem aining sub areas, near to Buddusò, O liena and O ttana agglom erations, risk and vulnerability assessm ent was applied. Key user of the geospatial inform ation and the related m ap series is the N ational Civil P rotection, P residenz a del Consiglio dei Ministri, the national body in Italy that deals with the prediction, prevention and m anagem ent of exceptional events. Data Sources Inset maps based on: T he im ages cover the selected Area of Interest, and consist of:

N P LEIADES © CN ES (2017), distributed by Airbus DS., acquired on 27.07.2017, and " 0 ' 13.09.2017, G SD 0.5 m , ~ 0% cloud coverage, as well as of, N 0 " 2

0 SEN T IN EL 1 (G RD) © ESA (2017), distributed by the G reek Sentinel Collaborative G round ° ' 0 0

4 Segm ent, acquired on 16, 22 and 28.01.2017, 2 °

0 CO SMO -Sk yMed © Italian Space Agency and MoD (2017), distributed by e-G EO S, 4 acquired the 22.01.2017, G SD 3 m , RadarSat-2 © Canadian Space Agency (2017), distributed by MDA – Digital G lobe, acquired the 22.01.2017, G SD 5 m , all provided under CO P ERN ICU S by the European

0 0 U nion and ESA, all rights reserved. 0 0

0 0 Vector layers: T ransportation, hydrography and Buildings Footprints © O penStreetMap 4 4

6 6 Contributors data, duly updated/ digitiz ed/ refined, on the basis of the satellite data 4 4

4 4 photointerpretation | Carta dell' U so del Suolo 2008 © Sardegna G eoportale (Land U se Data Base at 25k scale)| BDG T 10K 2006 © Sardegna G eoportale (G eo-topographic Data Base at 10k scale)|DEM SAR 10m © Sardegna G eoportale) | Census 2011 © IST AT (Census data at census block level). T he data provided is subject to the term s outlined in the arrangem ents concerning access Oliena to authoritative geospatial reference data for Copernicus em ergency m anagem ent service. 263,47 Dissemination/Publication T he products (m aps) are available through the EMS Copernicus P ortal at the following 533,5 U RL: http://em ergency.eu/m apping/list-of/com ponents/048. Delivery form ats are G eoP DF, G eoJP EG and vectors (ESRI G DB form at). 343,95 N o restrictions on the publication of the m apping apply. Framework T he products elaborated in the fram ework of the current Risk and Recovery m apping activation are realised to the best of our ability. All geographic inform ation has lim itations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. T he products are com pliant with the Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery P roduct P ortfolio specifications. Map Production no T he m ap shows the m ap of m axim um extension and Maxim um W ater depth (MW D) of Cedri iver flooded area during the event of 18-22 January 2017, for the O rosei AO I. R T he m axim um flood extent has been determ ined using the MW D isolines, which derived from the observed flood extent and water level estim ations considering the T opographic

0 0 W etness Index levels.

0 0 T he water depth is obtained starting from the shoreline extraction of the hydraulically 0 0 0 0 connected areas, in correspondence of the DEM nodes, extracted via G IS processing. 6 6 4 4

4 4 T hen the m ore statistically significant orographic elevation to be assigned to the shoreline is derived. MW D is obtained by difference between the shoreline elevation and the elevation of each point inside the hydraulically connected areas. Elevations are derived from the 10 m DEM available via the Sardegna G eoportale (http://www.sardegnageoportale.it). T he estim ated geom etric accuracy of the im ages is 5 m and com plies with the JRC requirem ents referring to the m apping scale and is fully supported by the native positional accuracy of the back ground satellite im agery. T he estim ated them atic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, based on internal validation procedures and visual interpretation of recogniz able item s on very high resolution optical im agery. T he statistical table included in the m ap shows the affected assets to MW D extension - rank ed in four classes: 0-0.3 m , 0.3-1 m , 1-3 m , >3m . Contact

N T he m ap was produced (under the Service Contract nr. 259811 of the European " 0

' Com m ission) on 02/02/2018 by G EO AP IKO N ISIS (EL) – N O A (EL) – CIMA (IT ) – T RE N 6 "

1 ALT AMIRA (ES). 0 ° ' 0 6 N am e of the release inspector (quality control): JRC. 4 1 ° E-m ail: em s-risk -recovery-m [email protected] 0

4 http://em ergency.copernicus.eu/m apping

9°28'0"E 9°32'0"E 9°36'0"E 9°40'0"E 9°44'0"E 540000 544000 548000 552000 556000 560000