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Bi'ch~ I Adviso Spek Conil Sokay Alligatobail I q~I', ~oWr ~ ~ The - r Florida a <Si. 57, No. 39 Uhannrsty of Fl orido,Goinesville iVednesdoy , Oct. >8, 964 TH ,ClIP sOUTH'S FINEST COLEGE DAIIV - . Plagiarism Defined Cheating? Here's Expanding Universities What I t Means Allocated $231 Million -tudents no longer have an ex- same papers, evidencing that they TALLAHASSEE . (WPT) - The board Ionk stpir at. ictiin funds i:a. Leased $10.8 million. use (or not knowing what plag- were written together rather than The Board of Control apprm;ed directing Its st aft to pr.' I Th. budget, which will be ad- itsmn is, according to Dr. Ward ladepe ndently -- that consti- yesterday record proposed booklet expla Iiing the ',pending justed slightly upnards for final f.Zlstrom,, dsstistant professor of hites plagiarism,"Heilstrom said. spending of $23! mIllonforopera- program ror list, ibutlon to lens - pupil enlrollment flgtres, Iluw wos ngllsh. "Often students have committed lion of Florida's universItIes next litors .ind ci ti tels of I he ,tat t. to the ('.blrn't Budiget Commission i 't week the UFE English De- plagiarism inadvertently, mainly biennium, in increase of $79.3 As approved by the ib'ard, the for siirutlny before e ve dtuall y urment circulated on campus a because they did not understand million over current expenditure. $231,591,556 iiincluded $ltiS,509,339 mnov Ing in to the 1965 legislature. 'titement on Plagiarism'' which whit plagiarism was. There is no The Increase was caused by l5 front general revenue fis nd The enrollment .djustment will be ri -le It plain that plagiarism does longer any excuse for a student per rent salary raises for present $4$ ,OX,232 fr Om~ tru'.t funds. Itttessd I y b~eawusc the number of nit i onsistonlyof'borrowlngsen not knowing," Helistrom said. personnel, proposals to hire new Proposed g enermi reYvfntk CK- pupIls itiw In several schools is tec, phrases, words or ideas personnel and plans for new pro- penditures we re 'w $68.5 million in exc., of estimate', for the of other student durdng an el- (Continued on Page 2) grams at seve ral schools. over current spending and trust 15-3i' bI,*nniumi. nrination" nor onlyotquotlngver- Akiut half the proposed increase i m from a published work with- wi. caused by .al afy raises (or ,'ut ust' of quotation marks or ac- *'dstiw stiff adx proposals for knowltedgement cf source. tww )obs. Salary i tises for cur- 'Liglirism, aceordiiE to the reiit pxosttioiis tot~led $15.2 mUl- I uglish Department, consists of lioni jind *w Iiihs totahld $23 mu - th> cheating and copying plus lion. four other types: Only in. Item wias .tddud to the -quoting verbatim phrases or budgets as recommended by the A*ntences from the published or Imt-. tjff. The hoard tosped in unpublished writings of anyone $34J,000 which would be used to without special acknowledgement LI mi tch private funds ttaIi'd to fl - i* h form of qumtation marks and li~Ine .tudy of 11* ne,'d for a paw references. sti Ini at,' - sIpported nwdieal -l}4iphrasiiw In any paperpas-- % hool ini Iloria. wtgt+ from published orunpublish- liw %th,.xhis k's;, sought for N ed ur1t11g$ ofanyrewithOtSpC- ,A' ih, .'nIst y .or South Florida Mue acknowledgement in the form I i 2 II Tlmpi. (Othvr medical schools of PRge references. i, Eli i elcchse one it Gaines- -wslnginany paperideas derived viii- aind .' pri vateiv supported from p blished orwupptblulhd '. school it the tUniv.,rsity of Miami. writings of anyone WithOut spec- New programs included In *hw ific acknowledgment of the source,. biakigets, which helped bos pr,- - ollusion of students on course posewd genrril evmnt. spending wyak of any kind, e.g., papers, . I, nill in 0xC4ss of II cut rent (OuMse problems and exercises. appropriat Ions. included: 1)lscussiob of class work is do- N,. itnlvsr.itlii Unran@ g jx dIrei end encouraged, buiwheatwo THE LETTERMEN wHIl sing old, new, ballad and show songs, and throw in some Istenibia counties. ateat hijigid students turn in practically rreduct lun, expat Ion of comn gnt.r the comedy to boot in the Foil Frolics Nov. 13. They often interchange individual ti' I iOt . ,itien.grapkhi pro- Adviso ports in their unique style of musical presentation. gi mi. tid librel is, . 1Ww iiliege Bi'ch~I .4 new program inexceptIonul child Blasts Traded car. at the Uilversit V of South I lorlda, "ow I lida Initltute for Set to (Aoitlnug (3,, ver.Ity StudII. Ill- Spek tors, .t new Cotfrge of dentistry 'r. Medlord Evans, consultant at C, :,g.vIlle new 4 cultural tthe John Birch Society and the hr in h .,mxgtmnt ,i,,tbons ind wit' citizens' Council will speak Race In fth ib.Jdvi ipmnnt of the grul- oin K rights tomorrow. Stretch . Home IMti i'flKt.II J'.,tI'ar CSl He will speak in the University Aulitorlum at 8:15 p.m. EN ROUTE WITh GOLDWATER ItN ROUT WITH J(JHNSUN Stall dl rd th, . *w fi. xndCid , , who earned his PhD at (UP!) - Sen. Burry d. Goldwater ('P1) - President Johnson, earn- pirogr FYm. wtr. justlfled .IKd w Ie v.3e will speak on "Separate yest e rday pictured President paigning throtulh Wnmocratic hig Johnson as a power-hungry, ~Wedd and iqiti Stations.'' liv> strongttoldn, chergted y.,ter"- systen wias ti k.eIp hi. idt of 4ccordin( to William (Bill) Mc- be tyrant whose election would lead Gold water divy that Sen. Barry Md. Goldwater edue tIn ,,0ri, CoiltTm chairman of the Florida to socialism. has voted to "rut out or cut down 1nion Forum's Committee, the The COP challenger madeoneof is| almost every program of r',mm',n %peCI(h will evaluate current civil his sharpest attacks on Johnson responhiblIty for anything.' as be carried his campaign into Johnson The Presldent swung Into the (Continued on Page 2) Tennessee, xentucky and Ohio ex- final week ol the 3 w3 campaipi actly one week before election day. with at, asertion that hii GO!' "America's choice is clear and Opprsntnt "prutests too m's' i.' stark." Goldwater told a wildly- Conil SOkay Johnson flew to the Iate Pre'l- cheerlng crowd of about 25,000 to dent John F. Kennedy's home city TA I I AIIAS5.E. rUIPI) - Th. 30,000 at the Tr-Citfrs Airport of Boston for his adires,, ( abi,.I yentv-riay svt [MoC. I lot in oaut Tennwssee. beginning * weutward-%wing eundIg .3 ali fth I?- o jii $25 million in Goldwater 1kew to London, Ky., U i in Albuquerque, N.M., bornl. to finatc, JULIA r colieg. and in a small two-enginer airplane for Bail 14hr, Ii a ipt. Iprip td QmlerIy sltrw 101 a brlef apparance and then ye- Alligato for t.Il'ery in Pittsbugt', (I I ' It Is part of a total $IS m'.llion, tiarned to Tni-Cities and bWarded The Alligator will be requIted Areita, he said: higher educetuin bowd lss au. his campaign Jet for Cleveland, to print minutes of Lngiulatlse 'To those who want IC, ref-rii thorlned for lb. curreS bienroum Ohio. Council mntigs In the (Wtur. be- the prog!.,. of our llmnet I y by 1h* i'A3 llgIlIUurt and dfpriV- f1 In. speech prepared for the ciase of a btil passed in COUn'V i -3dt therm cae and takn a to'd idb a v'A, of the people. 't., w - - WUFT Makes Plans ForEe ~ction Coverage WITFT -TV I' ph nn ing to i At the station's stue in thlt h impuign thitimtot wi bt Into "big tim,*" TV news rept Stadium Building will be simi the RepubtIcaL n md IDemiotr s Ing with an election night spe boartis for Bradford, MarlAn, Put- parties inAljchua County ti ii - to be broadcast next Tucsd 11am, Gllchrlst, Levy, Dixie and range Interviews with them it the The station's remote unit i Columbia counties. courthouse. be set up at the Alachua Cot Rae 0. Wejyner, Director of the At Courthouse. Glenn Smilth, School of Journalism and Corn- 4J. Students in the School of Jour- ~Ad V t a major in boradeast news, 1 nalismn and Communications will munleatlons, said, "'WUFT has an be anchor man at the courthot be calling the Supervisors of Reg- obligation as station that operates Present plans call for a p istration in the surrounding coun- in the public interest to do this sort of two minute election roundup ties to get the latest tally of votes. of thing. be broadcast at 7 and 7:30 p. "Television can do a good job with a half-hour program to bE Acceor ding to Don G room s, of reporting election results, be- at 8:00. WUFT's news director, all the cause people can see the figures. Display boards showing themu counties, except two, use voting Radio is just as fast, but when her of votes cast for every etf machines, so it should be pos- people hear election returns read on the ballot will be used to SI sible to have accurate election re- on radio they forget them. Tele- how Alachut County votes in sults by the time theprogram goes vision makes a more lasting im- presidential race and the state i 011 the air. pression," Welmer said. coiinty contests. Grooms said he plans to contact Singers Plan Jo nizen Wins Cultural 'Game' Association VP UF's Singing Caters and Floria PSU) game by scheduling our cul- DENVER, Cobe, (Special)-Miss Where did you stash the PEEL? State Collegians will kick off their tural scrimmage the night before Alice C.
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