11 MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1893. isr^sssssriss^Bii Number _ M1___ELLSWORTH, 34. ’. ..inal tf arils. ^Unurtismunts. I’llK. HUillW.WS OK IlKMill M. J IOME DRESSMAKING KYK’S SKItl*K\T OK T()-I>.\Y. dbucrtiscincnt. | eUnicrtiscincnt. So Well < oust riieteit tll.it they cull Colli- B. Drunkenness <«nlidiig lleudwu) u, Burnham, pete with the Ituilrouds. 1 OI K DISTINCT SKIRTS AND !low Vinoiig Women of' balneation and < ultnre. j P isio i Attorney. It has Iw-eli Well HIM mat AlllenCiUld TO CUT Til KM. ■ f..r I'i-li-ion* travebii ia t{, 1 American l*res» A.sanria- jwhicli wav twind of custom Mows, nine ach its own bu- tion.l provinces. having they wen i ? artling significance. | reau of roads and The road< : There arc now four distinct shirts, known W ; d Peters, bridges. The chief figure in each of these cases ? •void heavy grades, are oval and respectively ns umbrella, cmpi re, 1830 and kvas a w ■> <>f «.i < rnmulor h! I m •% ivorine usually education, culture and ^i with st'*ue, with or with thecircular. The circular > inoui I i. flogrU paved gravel inaeompletecir- *M»;ti- «.f sufficient beauty and H WASHING POWDER covering is cle, with the center cut out forthewa t, * .... M*u | gravel stone, which best of kvo win love. Yet at tilt i ns for as there is 1 --ss the rest in loos,, folds.-dl around and Just gorvl dishes, tinwnn, ^ all. j,, king and noise than falling i .fill tale was written the Bicycle? [e-ad ! It cannot altord as for clothes. P on no seam that m verv you the latest and most article in j-nint, etc., Have stone, less wear and tear for running with except the lack word drum, ■ l! I improved wheels, and still ) husband it lor kj \ your try removing £ with a road still if like those of last season, bat fuller. It re- gear, gt>od remaining Tie* m; as .-as.- of Minnie Porter want a of a machine to be a machine that Him. grease, or grit from his hand'. bicycle high grade, proud of, is the k DL\ BYRH, ^ the gravel wa-hes aw.iv. quires double wi It h material to cut these. a. i. she was taken Works like from the in L____I magic. 0 The stones are an The is fulled in to t he Indt to cause ir to construction and timsh of in the uniform 1 in ■ and regular top Pv* -f where she was suffering equal any bicycle world, superior in T* r Treatment. «>r lit over the pi 1; Vla.'iiri: Fr°m size and quickly laid taken up again. hips. : r*-m la*’ -fa debauch. to the * Al,ril 1393. every f prolonged k every way 1P>9? patterns of most builders, we will make a r After th* are is on The umbrella nine breadths 1 you proposi- package contains a T y placed earth put style requires di**d i:i :• ih-vue without j 0 splendid r> c. hospital I ! I. t 5 .<•» and is narrow at t YA tion. We have 2(H) our them to till the is the and Par >• >e about of L of crevices, and the whole .. 1 cako pure Olivo Oil Tollot r op extremely ;aim:ig lout consciousness to til. Maiu* ::nes so:m of trimn.it ■ Hsu 5»oap. well rolled, •'*miet wiiha larger-.Her ing, and generally kind „* make i’ iiu nt. The second was • VAt1. c Sbavinj Soap. \ » u drawn by four horses. If th- e is no outlines h seam. ■’theca ■ t V: Bruce (’rane, the wife 1892 14 P ?A COLUMBIAS, P “© The etn ‘ She was brought into the mode! 27 lor men, and m ul 2". lor ladies, which we want to sell. are and the 1*30 • take the place of stone, but if tin* sid-s, is made very full and Haring, •dice court a state of intoxication. k They P^ Cr.v-... frlcDonaid, which receive somethin-* from we never m.;. .■ Olll) a the drainage, show symp- plain top to bottom, but r h; .v her and broke grand wheels, better ones for wear or tor work. Thousands ...... in l*» l't«l*r inpanied *'i -in wa- toms «*f are more often with a 11 ounce set « v that _iv« n nt»- yielding, they carefully i, which D .v as he told the story of kj cut In a and thousands of tliem are used t <*ti th«‘ rr• >wi|«n1 -trv« t so that washes and illies cannot partialrinlesoastogivcti en;)- in* A >-day by delighted riders who ?K0 for f4 « otirday, pav.-d, g his .1 -iforta to reform her. paid l- 't n m aset'ond ns m r- "THE KINb |i1 tin' *rl«> of -addhivart begin there. |M*ftranceof skirt, when, isg« w >.•: *• ».».• •She *. some institution. Tlw lhcm W-u' ago, and got fun v.due for cent of it. We have sold I ik*' a the case, it is headed a narrow every hun- -uddcn ^unboatn’*. rav Tic r -ads are so ally by ruffle, t V! * well built that they [third w n ,-i was Mrs. Prank \V. Palm- or the is some THAT CURES" 1 h* -had- W 'Ilf doubt but',' O V »T 111 joining covered by special dreds of them this f r e.i can c- * l h t the at which unpete with the railroads. Wagons r. wh v.i> f und dead in her room year price they are listed, although ■ ■ t 1 tin burdiMi pain 1 b«*r trimming. 1 aileti with merchandise, f -r t!.<- l mod S ..ten hotel. Alcoholism kj Ni V Ml example, In most cast- tin-,, are cut in the form f in our h>o: wheel into we On Of !, p, I ,»ald Hot h.-ar. r pus..i,:g publicity have neglected to advertise them. .4 ■ enter Liege fr--in Brussels, fk) miles a half but hi are rut b. Ms She had Ikhui ■ 1 M circle, others they in reared in JL L. HOLT, »ujrh I ll-t.Mi.d ..Vr and ,-r. it is in:. and even v Now late in (lie season and away, from Antwerp. 72 miles. wet ions, wit h the wide ctid d» >wn ward an i id and luxury, had been carefully H .getting we want to close them out. To ap- lb.: ■! a ritt in On rj m m rrntril about. The draft h -rses to be the of «,i. h hollowed out a little and s\ are, sure, very top •dm.it.-d ai d had led the choir and who cann> t w Via .a« I k a W 1 partus c.i-li, will sell the on pa--.il an 1 str- it the Ur ni round's 11 give it a flare. 4 pt'Avdi p.c. balance terms of kl n> large ng. but would take two play, t:i• ; an in an Kpiscopal church. easy ■ I < au»nt w.i« bri.’ lit«*r to in The s‘,v;rt is » ;t of them t" the same on empire lutn it like any ou t.icm on pull load many Three d i>» s, «>ne following ch.se p.u. nt.'i may b.ave tl instalment at a advance I bat. t. '..;a -unttni'r -k other. but tln re are « :_ht bnadt' r_* plan, very slight « American r k. A cart filled wrii b f ■ fi m 1 up* n t f another, would m n k tin u:.-!.n against the I i ! t ;> if t! fr e t tu rn t.'.e listed ILie are the f«*r sale and iwn one trav- price. wheels: -• dog will :■» have umisual .»• by s * I»id a? ■ itt*Ti d b "oinbrn t liou^ht. breadth im-nsur. from 0 to inches across significance. ... j; x 1.1 .. K. el a u mile.-, with the m pi 'ml I art r- d in thr kuidl' warmth returning the t<>p and flares to j at ti.* b. !t >m If they m \u that th* r»‘is an increase of ■ owner as a r. m m " !.:lt kindly ;• ..ad tt r-Mlul.t. pass* ng« is rut leng: h\% n the fold. The next six drinking a:, drunkenness among v.*> >in- br» Adths are .*• s toss t in- t .and r • It >•', w at is tli»* cans* " from a fa- m n kimlly • 1 h • * ~' In lac*-, there is such an in I , :l. W. HAYNES. tv -trvi-t that ilav j I >a< P) li k bp- .«lt it is 4>i inch's nil a’. c •*..* and cr i t t was ■ fc > ... .pi’.ftti-aied by ;,HTta|.. t a t; ... ■ short tram in 1 '1 t. of t he * _ .p < ■ n Ams& U s x r i ssr. V w w v informal!- i; r M i a* k br- adt h > n*. :y t ik- n up m pi.-,.■ Ml b d or:. ii: !;. w Stlite the < art It t -j.tin,' d ; oVrd b\ f ft II •. k i'. g this s k i! .'s .i d the reports I -did loud- that w* r. thfn*. > Well as U;e •* 3 ..; i. :.. S3 m waist. In r.is. b v. irrr D >■;. hr by p-id. 1 I : that of -tit.-': 1 and •« .. -kun* :■ : .■ •. •rat Ikdlevueshows the bn tbs t the top or V H 1 a! o tak- t„v -bar. udylit to t it n A. W. IU1.I., t :nU*r of female ahm- gj! t. ji \f />. q red >./•• .> *70; in 1V’M» th-T** wer

Th.- .* t. m f " 1 skirt io> d:a!. 1.1 ,d .**; in lspl, 1.1.V4, and in ^^ t a-ur- -n.-itt h.-m. of ha; !wa. ■ Dii.L.s. Iii:a<;i>ox, “dyspepsia : ln,_': in* r was an liter' .1 -• ‘oil. 1.0 O o ^ d'» Kir \\ it Ik t III fort, I!. th tt f« w r Htrti t ns are tin dr*! o?h ■ : it H7 i r at in f nr MOOt'- : n t « r t ? ! .• MODEL 28. i; e i t : FOR ’. V- ... K. o n, j*r j rittor tl.au vty ha! y -a.- sld !"• .t on YEARS. ;•« i. : ».• there was a ilefinit*- lit- * « t he -tri.l.t a: i -. c«m»" ■ ■ *-•* CURED!’* i. ...r, ,ii;i" t" !• »\vn r:*;l.t up when- re r. er a--- ’.atl- n tin* same ■ •<•'. Ibl Mm*. » »••• ln.ti B QOMPLETELY A \V is a nap «r ;: V. .re t>< Is u*v j tluriny AREN’T 1 Id'* \\ ri.:'.s' ;d. i ::i < ■ •‘d.kr. |’a:• i-hro.-r. ;«• the VAIN LlLiWOH".- at : \\ r I i' > f;;r. H- h:w ; l'r -I U.wi S.] S'.. ■ ■ < c -res ran he p:<« d. a> is sh< n ;he dia "f th- a ’.\ ale •holism. \ m oiii !: i\ then with cushion tires at 5110 or with s [4 v»i •. ; (V;-ul II these* d.-Uih- f each, I will very pneumatic CT it:t. hy t »N w p I: ,.j t T h -. sh.av ahotln r inter* st- ■ ! : r : r- rt— the eharuct* r. duration and c--t of th- > ■ I \ t.al :i! C :t t i.. tiics at si i; 12' ; the of tires. rJ d .idd h .* t !.in is Hot iuy t ’. • : s”> eas* s in lse* i..eh, cash, according quality the .iv. !!,• r -: i’ : from only .« «- t:r. I...— \ an a\ tr- ] >r] yry, quarr: •* i? t ■ .• i- •> ■%* DANA’S y advi«al ; u? f c «K S.iue- w p :> t. a a y 1 l were i'.. .:!♦• of th*- l A* l 1 e s m tee :i •: r h -t •* *> a « T -T T. 1 Ic minted .: lhe t- Us machine is <,: Columbia the best ki •1.’ ;;!i l \aot* Ii.-i 1- t^U- ;• *s two hr* iti.s it, }.*■ t fro..] ne pneumatic, 1 t: r v. win* > s.infrom quarris it I I i, i• nat; I ir : *•»> m c e i on a *t t 1 io as trial th.'fatal c i'*-n and to manufacture ever used ymaran- « • s pltcl bicycle, fully at 1. "Mb d dur .ti >n .-h‘!n. times i me otu» hr* a — rotii|t|«-|e l\ a ure al. ; awak. i ln> r.thuM- lay 1th [4 w* r- m a ’. m tr- Purmy th ri 1 ■ W.VLU Am"! 1*. M. ■ v* N 1. -m \ <•: at Tin- u.sdo h h and the *.?h< r *! >«Q ;• tc. d an v ;: we w n-o:i n; a*’ .Ta n wantint ar-. fr the up ; pm: tor th year; moreover, guarantee the whole machine j.ark wh* n t: .a-: r.s ; -1 « wist. < tv. .:i v. •;t ji.■ y '* -t t’i :• am Inuneho'which r.*.*’-• 1 M- u- i% 1 « :ik»■ s tr :n rim t > i mi ! au to ® pte. tne. hut t* ts w *11 d<» only ;n : re. I- r ••:.! Hr i:r.• :•> th- :*-foiv t hub, lie bar k (j a :j -n rat. 1 irs; hm-M- d:--. ii** 1 -iur* r pedal. J ; :ra-h- isjm tin- lm-;uiti«T- •' Dona k. « s and h. r mu ii m r-- 01 Sarsaparilla Co.. Belfast, Maine, m *- v i only yeneral amony women, i:. —' '.v d : an ! wn int * <■*•; 1 \ i!;• cry i:- v-tiiuh t, e-timnt- and t -•• f. ■: plain tiaph-vs fc-.«ds { ra width. i;t t..*- v; also iMcominy in--re *!••- HOW TO GET ONE. U « eil dur.it :i bn I d .: .r raft w. :.t tin- 1 to 1. years. \ v. t -> J >1 .ami v* !•:?.. * si. ;, ! m \.r he « ut its red L. ".'la$on> ’- -ns«-vju*-ur..*. do > o c mi!-• 1* r ire ar 1, V fr.m ; a v > ;»:.•! ;;; :;.f• >rt.»:■!•• a-la u !.« r; -,u "up -‘tid ■. wit. as t! re js alw a v s a d.lli r C nearest ay m. ! u don’t know wh or where he write to Ir A** for t e 11* »-f it all, on*- man says is, Jnsiiraiuc. hi!a t !:* !’.• rrv inanro r *!.'•" -at. I-* n*u p- r square yard. S’ « :■< •• •; the ahadi: ; ii A. i miiiM'Ior :ii L>m. it is an .i i:.m»• 111 to th** mcreas.-l us and we will tell \ <.\, s.vi :v 1.1.n of your honorable intentions to k !• '•* t" *l.vd i n w and abilitv h «:•: V. 4ft jo... h. ir. ntio U-at- frat: F a-j-hal'. s’hi skirt In.a.e d may lx-of t a citi* s. in < r «• w 'lax-:;, particularly *» fr- !.; Y.il hors< 1;,r r _n u. If of horse S'.i’.o C: Z.’.Evrcr.h, Maine .a. : an hng hill a*an2> in cash ; n. e to re one war. < N* w V -. :• r it is U-< mso f a pay, pay the balance within I bis is f w « Ii.i:it !.*• edit*-* must he lx u: 1 w ith sa> p %'• 'i in ! f r ■ 17 f: :m- 1 oil ->ncr* te f -un- firmly ij -4-4- •*-+ 4--K lay j r*-Jir--"j-M. j i.i- s*: it* r: a. so that t he ha. PS whl I t ntiiuent in the coinmu- an casv wav t i > : an 1 1 w al dati<»n, > ard. 11 fr.m i$J. 1J a biewie v. :th tv. or three of the fourth W 3> iut< iu MoMchkm fain l U* jiT square possess yrade Kullittril upon M i( k thr* uch a:id irritate the w rarer, the i.;t\ rs v.; ich t .* same two last named spell I state, M«< kv, ilon t oth-rs. that tnaClines wlncii are hawked about in auction rooms. It you wish to take ad- k rimiiurnln! himI rol- Th* hi' n- 1 N- I-u « m- « sfe*»med an-1 much « > l on t; upon paper ly mpl to':; i can h 1- 'Ir. !t- d' -.rnl. It is it it a 1 .r; *t;s ay.-, an 1 > llv Hi 1 II** M I Ihtl ». : botdev trd-. \. I this oiler should attend to as we b «r 1 1 .rdi*-. Laving nu •t2h-i.il lst-.r to ha. :• Ui.idi' s, ite and * at nl.iye ynt the matter at once, have but a par ? •’:*• I 1 *•'•• •'-•••. ::r- 1 w* iith ar>* r m : < Ti.- re are thr«-».» sorts of roads m I'»- 1- s*■ t" the tv t.> K- V. Y w a •. t; ited. 1 two h it lining. leaving the lower i:\ y at a r- -. ii y an 1 alcoh- 1 all ;> dur.n*; which ;uum. the ditaensi**tis of w:.’.- h are li\. 1 edpe i" < :!.•• oi'ii with th.- i->ft• m at the is ti:** y them the skirt It s|:. hr in t urn w whip helps !<<•*{» th- > 1 that cushi* -n the as f -11- ws: ;:1.1 fa- e*l it h nl 'i 0.1 are welcome to our it is a beautiful little i\Sl ISANTI-:. ra catalogue, book, beautifully k* Y \ •* a e or I a- N Ik sj p.-h.-d on w ith a it.a KK!» I. M 1 •:r ::• : : t t »i .- in h- r :.!i*« at It-.vN Width f r. ad way, p ufunn;; w- e II r .* 1-*-. th** ard* C1 :a 1.- -; width of sidewalk. yards 4 ih'ii.e If 1 i.r. or four rows ,,f tliestttoh- may >*T|*.*nt illustrated. Call on our events lor tree send us two two-cent r f -< v« n f*« t and ran copy,or stamps ■■ i: !.• «; a !•!. f three-h art!.- yard. '• s. a •. I,. : ak- t *1 ;rt wi:;.-:.. t tra-litn-n, lurks m jo t; ri k : : ...4 w.it* r v« a ; ry tin:** pr a .*. :u! H- A Width ? !'-:u! A *» v* ••' for and we will mail it. :iy, it.d •«: !•* \\ hen tn. se are first the}.*: .•■ \\ in* yi i.ss, has appar- postage r. .. it. a* m .t < i"., kj B. t k r I was i:...d-. IT- Jo tiiis y ar-1-1 -. ’i f s'.-b-vi h* y nr-: b’7 1 a-!* i Stuart, ir. an nd t he Ix at d then ently i- I t- *:i f Eve, a ii, a. w ... ? !.• t'.-i-f -.r: % ard. Uipta!. f v < ■ < 'II I---int 1 ii*T «ii*l th*- Manu- It st if.died on. tile *-!ce he cans -' POPE A\FG. CO. tKK1 1.1 UK! I L 'lid ami V.\ s. *..- in.1: i;st* n as 1% .4 f .. : :r* th- 1 Arts, th*- Mining an*! fully tt:i!!ii;.d ntid then ! oiir.d w.?u hi.is sic hii 1 ,\’«->v V rk > in. 221 COU MBtlS AYBNt B, . ATTORNEY < a ■ th- rt.it: a Sub-- •■Int it a. w in ti s r that Tran-p buiblinp. > ard -4 in* h* par. p^J It *• ore one h •. •• pur;.e. ds ii than Chas. C. Burriil & Son. *pi- •-1 Mi-1way phii'unc-* hunch, N. ( 1 vil In tin- Ituil. ^ ^ ^ -' ^ ? s., u:. d •.: as !ic sk :r: aiv p-irce around Tins is V *,j+'j**2ll***j*j*j'*j*'j* 1 fr->m a .:r !*• rue f. -ir swvat- by 1 '• n r. “Wm-m N W m- by C'x a- t ■ lx- i i w •», u... t irt to th. My i ■ at tore 4 ! 7 ^k:rt a.:. I t irt.-u upward on the outside i: \ i: i; 1. tern t th* W.r. 1* m-r- 1 h**’d:d so < iiKis.11 \\ » \m \\ i>ic. v I hast* d w .* h a t which ;> wh-nta ; Ts went t-> ehurr. Clark general ojv ed down stroi 1 -y ,i.- iin-i j. .in*-'l Ills a>s,>- < til*' III l>\ >. II. »\ «•. throughout Mi :»■ I h.i- ii..: : -i itieiiiorablo an 1 year, nm^ lit* quent $1.4'.* J- the < s t c rm-r. The cheering parents ritie-. 'eg -atur- » Insurance -A Is. d> c *nts t r petitioning m\ a iolititioa omits This allows ••• f t i is one non i square yard. : ■ I : \ tv: .. :.V; sign It of a thou- j ar** si’. y : ;is eomplaii s.-ny ami sii atiny j amend the constitutional debt 1 u, mi '• -< ij'- f :■ ♦ r* bed l'J inches i* cents rv. ni.i.l -ai: 1 r t it t h* rear».* now no 1 i:- ri'-nc*- c uvin«-*-s j ;-iriii-: d**rp, j t< < sp “I)'.wn u s.ihm»n 1" w'mh* tmy ;ir-* >reign clause H- To give cities a i- ar righ' t w? STATE STREET. v \v for th*» .i-;.- -. which c-.-t 1M t-» 4*J c*nts L* * ti.-r: .. .tr 23. l-.*2, land- and t;.it there can he n<> more yivit.y t n- :r full liWrty to «! as i,.> to the posses-i-.n of water system- i:.-!*: f r ■ t with- ut fat vidt-1 "ti-c sal tout *m r cubic yard. 4 cents for lal*or and vc* 1 1 r p •. ••Witnessing I' r i:*-rmit n .' The world hereafter ,f al! m and u let ti Giles & Grummev. pr pi* is* >. y-m-ral y hv- to j ovvuership properties II I MMHMII. 'I \ I \ I -* up it .n a on- wav. c N*.'\v>- fl.;51 f- r th** ;• ivinr n-wi. -h ar*-: Chn-f." TI. t--pic at tii.it time was m;i>t be h- .a d or much streets, if le-ire r !'t ill- ’h:eap.» his pm Tins is one phase of a poi.-»ned very | public they l:**a-r-h d* m -. If rst-lieand a lay-r p*n* r.il, * mg all th*» phu-es « f as a v. tn ! !.• L us in the assured ! Augusta. Bangor. Lewiston. Auf-urnai 1 by j lary ml It is a pitas.- which rejoice > I l.I>U H 1 II, ML of hr k- :: -• r ]»•> are -ub-titr.t- ('hr>t;;ns a* ,■----i f r < arist and c :iv:<'t: nf it hr. ( lark’s work in the "flier cities will joiu largely in sm li a j % j bi.oul'l l .- <1 m tie* fa.---. «... Nn ill 'I I !l 'IIIIIIIHT. s.juart-ly ; f .ion ed. the t v <- -t oiil\ J and th*-1-- II:- ; 1. T t\ :• r** us, h* -w- Y. i\ S. < !. is in a lI.-w- N- r .. .1 helping priceless may 1»-in ■ Th- :' : r :.■ i ! r 1. r n>«* in par*-nts Mije | < LIST OF ■ to tl.e In ,-t i ii f r tal ;--r square ard 1- >m- : 7* o-nts. c\- in limit 1 r- ub- wav to la al world. He has nowhere According in HA- II I.:l H«M » *... a is-- of t'n* tak:: .. r rifb int th- v. is at a I-T’.iny ti-injH-ran. y tamable, the f Maine C ;s \ «• / F-»r mamt* mince the C"-t of m* ntinu.il witm-sinc. In id at ic or hay crop i-r yard i t. r v* tm :r j* iy. tang any jx-rversive doctrine, may > ry m-y'.* i-y j will be very close to a in .' m and a u la roads is \ c* nts. which !*♦•*• -m- ti.-- iii '*rati v-- references w.- h r. vt hut 1 h. .!•:.•• faithful witness to r- country sit- rv : u ii in*- is* to the ( 1 ;r-i- i .«' .: ds « rtaiu t I-*.- s«-* 11. traiinny. ip ter tons There has been u> sii li vie I •HiMN !!. MASON Ilr]irt‘"<‘Iltn|. 6 cents ii- it-industrial di.-tricts and fr- in f r‘ \ ra! cinra.-teriN:. -s •? a Hlll]i.lllit‘s .g ~ pr->tit.i:■’.*» g redemptive truths and in- **• » f -t*-r tm- i.-m r traffic. Tii*-ir plain an 1 since Is.-.:, whrn rue % was I Gt Id te ar suK’ar fa«-t*-ri--s. Mr. H of n*;anal v. itn. -.Ning. -iis : a and ma:y.f*-st :s t.. the evil in tie* nolarly evangelical tons. Since then it ba- been inv !. e- Ar::no7 at Lav, a law r iuso a fluty mp dimply v* It th:- m -tint of the annual in- 1. I! \v ln.iv v.-e witness fa;tli ai. i b After their iyires hii'i v, y. 1 ear* ful «*f ti:- ;r c-mtinually prolonged and the crop las* vear was par' u n v r r.:! i- within r- orh at the y traininy -r.i pit. a.-y ctioii and r- f-»r < iii ;-* A-* xxvi. 22Paulattri'mite* ; of S:l:::t:r cf Patents, .1 i n \ i\'i i: \ni E < < i.. sj- pair: excellent 11 fat: perils travel, let us wel light. «• \v: : ; n. n Tak- all the k’ely a urtv I::-.* k. fishing Kncn Ud to l*' ••-•a-M.-c-utive eat of his ; i; 1. (i l’s c ; l a.- -: an yard-* every ■ y h*» ! 1 Mrs. Clark not mere- ar. a farniei .m i :u. ..f Haiti": ! I .1.1. ami f y r* p ut. In tin* w.uk « f t*-iu- *‘I>y help" Wiiiiam H I n ki \ 'i n. :• sir*-, but 1* ave the fire- "f a\<-m« at ure take :t | MA1NK. A.'**- yards i.;- lias n > ..i .! v •• says h- ciiabl* d t stand and Amt hut as crowned cosmo who ed recent iif liai grle\ at h: | ■ ra:.-■ r* :• rm one ly ■ new material. < r-si-1- <1- every must build ail ! w IV .-‘.tain IV urn .* i until th** projK-r time for and rvphi- d by l» \M 1 \N 1N>. ( (>.. wit!.* ns ; .-.ally f--r Chn.Nt. < i *d is f aristiau Endeavor, (tod f eigh'v f-.nr. was tin !a.-t s,ii\ g .i ... : .J.'tel, ■*:.;!* f'T (.i.KM \N 1!I( v- t« «l tu trarV.e st- a-s 7 by y ovi-r ayainst own house.— Mi i-C‘*>n- pobnn.s U.e i:-avy lav;:,,; ■ th- m arri\ "Hut w*- see a bear!” «• -< mijcht '• -• of tin- late I ut! Hoar, t! ! m 1 to of ar- as *-:i i:,iii!.»-*»a\ir- the trm* f mt witn*---;ng. that f i:an-l> f tiie p.■ aiten i ai! kinlt* 1 V w V rk tilth- > 1. al-*» i1:a*;i: wts lmiukk sK-IKTs. tinent. grant young(,’liris- a : t:. hums. I of v * lt i. \'.:« Well, suppose y.»u : an ier Kang. and a rot' f 1 ii..p- aifiiat le-s P an thr .rth- ■>{ ir, U IIo pr< ! -ngs .r liv-ti tills ns with tinns f all i. iti**ns may lx? so locked to a 1- at: • Tie.- hot .ms of all the -t !• s of skirt** are Hon. Saiiitud if u-- t ( It \v*»n‘t hurt you, au I i* « iv ml Its Work. IL-at* M II \M >VFK 1 IKK IN'. ".. yard. the pr •-r *1 >p-H-- vurruunds get h* r around tiie as to draw the "* toh. tr. P. I the v. ?!;•• ma la planet \ 1 v. n’t it 1- aft* r it sees u. feurthsnf J* li js r y ard s'-ne»'» hy "f r, which father of .ludgt L K. 11 *«r a- d S« it. r s. 'iiij y- v < y u -*• .-r V ik * Ti.** pr* of },. is Du v.;;i the n»-« :--s. It wi. world to His hosoin and make « b :-u* -!■ y * 7 ar.- C;v«-s t h* ri a !. at and ; f -h. d'lie «l*‘plora- .--~ary "pp--rtuni: C F. < r 1- th- : of Worth in kill- heavy 4'4 by by p« Hoar. A! 1 \ M!11; 1 I. I 2s ry much ... *-mpl--y<-l. Wb.-rvthe soil is very t;rm tsiiid- is is ti. r -r** exp -ii.-nt f.>ri;s t-> pray t-* th* und f His heart heats the march- III '.Ml I N'l K \N< E ( ( ».. a -umm-T 1 ar in -r c -at and «*f n » ready ing \ h i.s 7 inrh, s ar.- r-f«-n- ut->i.« L! by *',’-4 >1. lazy an 1 liismareK. our T. .«-r ti it He will i -s us with all ing song of a’.! the ages.--Kev. Joseph \\ « »l I flllollt : V » 1 -:k. “Lit \v«- mi-ht see a —.** w hii h. w ith h*-a'■ > <•': I .:,H- -T..-,. -. ar-- also uns -1 i'' i; \ 1 N Vi l.\N. earthly s | It is n I j rty hut Ik** r that r -hs the os laliti itions. < n ai < 1-» dts lu :r>. .-a*i-fartei y W* f»-t» r has staid d for 1 »r V. .. \ i* Til finish it f r The s w apt Henry tly! you. skirt to he rn w p !, a h.»-![•;.•. hut where d-;r i.tl .r »vi.'-wh-ly.-. Mary l)w;n- 2. W at are w<* r-> wit- I \'| K \\i ! ( ( >F N< ii! I ll drainage is «1 1 by d«-j»»-r a d« b*-d e--ntinually land. v. r-1 wa st pp- d just in time. tii- y are to he worn w:;h a sh- rt. round < >1 i--l<>iiary Item*. of a.-h« ri'-r t j- tig 5 avem. «»n r«>a i- t-Il ’h»-lhs. n»*N- A--t.s xxvi. 22-.' Again Paul may •*•<•• wa.-t a h as Charles Lu’.t :.a- been at i on e "i fa. t is. 1 miud.t se- a m* *-r t: 4 1\- are u-.-l nai>!.. ; f,-r. :t otiers a means Cap* AMI KK \. y uf ia-ht 4*4 by l4 l!*-» r is f .r m.-re dany'-rotis «-nemy to be ur in--!-1. f--r li** wir.u* d "n- no In -met! ’’••district congregations r a -. * « on v. and .’ilni Li s of fas?.-in: c w -t and -k t t. ft}.« r. f• few d a «. : .. r a <1* r r p**u.-»-, <>r duck *-r the l*-\• h <•.. by >' larp-- permit t h bai r»-pi:rmg. living been a- io e MI th- law of th of hi-nor and of com o t■ rv tot;- l. slid, h.-l and i- a'v.-tnb- 1 t• 1- u«-t b.-l !• f<«r Most .; .. .rls inii»-.-nc- on 1-.**.-r Par.: I .mil t his to Yii »rd Jesus.” I..__Aliprrtistmcnis. public t!.- w.ar.r to cl into tin* dr* and it witn.-v.ng divine on Trump. l It d i-1 < la n .- r : Is 11 t-» xneddb- with a -rm of t i.r-y < ar-. t: ..t of r- IN'. (>.. y should ix- ovir from the side trill .N.asli l ha-1 r* veal*-1 tiiein thr«»ugli (>v*-r goo At-, .iii converts in I'ganda lapp^l ri^ht A h c*ure n tin* \\ r d F nr w is u i-a.- .1*; time. furtlier- to e as R J. Le.t« h. Miiurite .( I-...-1 ■■ Ma-- fra An*l, and st ,t hed. 1 ra_r- A beer ilrunk is tic* w i>t r-_.Uis Downey. ■ > firmly | His We sh *uld limit and the alxmt have suffered foll--«s: ry k-. p--r d lm-pir*-1 prophets. It Ul'- Met! ...|:-T, (diuridi. \ugu- 1 v :. if td: uld s* e •»n«-«.f porphy s«tuare yard, 1. r-,m\ f: i. y«.*u Th. I.* w in often "f a t- rents: s.in-1 ;• ci--, js-r square yanl. pocket entirely omitted, | kii..l Ur.!»k. I.. 1). Mitxtu, M. L>. our -t:in to the same. That h ath rath* r t ..in give up their faith in Kev K II II M.o, k Of B -toil N ! \V II VM l*'I III: I. I IK! IN'! K f. a" v l’d t-» hut it he ti.i promptly try —New York Sun. can set in the ha k sain of the We can -ve with matlieinati> al cer- whi h lias i. sanctum R. J LEACH & CO.. pr in the divine (,’hrist. Mis-Sarah Titu- ..f tv- I i is host c a It can he out plan, p ( I it.” that what round or.annas < ANl I ( ••pluj; precisely y«»u tiiat a." much tl«*ur as can lie n word should form no uf our wit- .‘tainty part It i> s.. ; !.:at if the Enited States were (pi e'ly away August after in f lav i.** i n t" do. “Lead us xi t is pref* :.d, l ut must aiw ay U- fa* * -1 with \ «>f .1 table knife is more nutri- nessing. I*: m>t tradition and men's rin. servi' v\. re hi 1 ( Ml- II,-n r. II *j... a...... i mi ... [the point with ministers in the same siitf The fuuefii Marketmen and Dealers in n” is anl “Don't | supplied pro- int-* p-**l, n tempt..:. n*-v* r tious than «i.:ht quarts of the best Bu- that will affect m* n. but divine m lie Methodist. church August It, Repair should In* delayed. *M wt-d. one nil each side uflhe Wai>! hind I opini-m po- :i t it tie- in ath» n world is with I. ( ".. l-a-l .1 into t* ha.- als*> f * i 1'IKEMX lNsFKAN* yni;r*t mj'tation” ! varian be* r. Baron facts an 1 truths. The Hi!-le should bo A B < ar er "fli- iatn g I.? ( n Scientific suiH-rvision D es-eiitial. ing. the .skirt is finished except (or the Liebig. lm .-’.••nan* t ■• n- would bo altogether I nn c*rtau; in-:.: «-f its own, so not C. ,.f llarlf.*pl. why t the .-"lire** of ->ur our Wetting down aids repair l»v helping rinjiuirigs. instruct:*'!! and alxmt \*?">. ab. .rit two-thirds as many as A !•• anil lletr Measuri-. new material to adlier** t< The trimming most in now is fact-, and «-ur will then be *>Wt»* < th** add**'! tho vogue just witnessing there arc now in Boston alone. Sniil h v 111 e. HHH is IMi'EKlAI. IN'l’KAN< I. ". > {, > :111 they can’t you? narrow One \\ !:»n was UeVUif temj-t old. tiie gathered rutile, wit it rolled day the lesson the table effective; • 111; -rwiso it will not. :: I "I I...I..I 1,--. Nine ca.-hs if arrowroot Fied and Sin It ti saw » win •• Trench hem. This is but called “Ale and Beer Measure" a little missionary Harry —Outing. For of as slightly gathered, 3. 'I'-* wh should we repair, especially large area4*, continually M iit to this the other da\ sometimes w ith a and sometimes ha\ehceti Edinburgh year poieupine heading remark aide f<>r his correct lessons witness -*• I IVFRl’t 11 >1 (Ml I * INI" >N \M. ,\n I ii 1* Ob-crvcr In Chicago. well as for construction, a steam roll, r boy Act- xxvi. 22 P.iul witn- 1 without. These are set around the bottom from Amityuin. N>w Hebrides, and A I*. Smith will go io Kock a I ; was quite unprepared. t ail "t-* small and gr at.” » i:i the far west iff eels economy. c«*n:inually I .1.1 M IN''. It is ciil;. j.r.bably great or at mtcr\ ais up the skirt. The trimming thr-- from I'.-rtun.i. The latter is a tend the reunion of the llih regin.• i.* “IIow is tins, John?" sai'l the teacher. w ■ us«* of en- To all no n nIiouM 1m? constant wit- o'. i r.: f the The wide tires should be of a skirt so a ■ I !...!>•!»■■! vI'-- that the spitters k.s-ji up is largely matt, r of contrihuii ui tr tiie native Christian* Frank Thrasher of private ‘I it was no Massachu-etfs, either on sucli or thought use," said John. ucn- s. The r;-l are not t<* !»•* shunm*«l la st practic In the cities, at any rate, couraged by bounty by taste that :t is not easy togive directions as to in re native teachers and to his vacation at Mi- Hen v >.' us- !" saiN Ml 11 \I. I ll 1. IN''. < < » v-iU svhb’ia s-- men who tilt hack in tax style. riches, p-. build the h; ■: church in Fortuna. Cleaves*. *‘N'>. sir: it’s ale and beer measure,” e their on the dinner Four wheeled vehicles All the skirts where the full cut bottom cau f tb* .r the wicked be- fort land. Mr their chairs, put heels freighting poverty, Mrs. Fred Benard and Mrs. M H. Will y Cash Paid for Hides, Calf not the hind wheels should is joints! to the rest have some said John. cause of tie* to divine table an 1 take the fire irons at 40 pares. should track; trimming. "position truths; Reconciling. have beeh made happy by tlie arrival f It be ribbon “I know it the teacher. TIC Wi.Ll li> Kill: .v A< CIUKNT when roll outside the track of the fore wheels. may plain band, jet passemen- is,”said or the indifferent because may Civilizati-ni is progressing you they V iinn g ing shopping with his wife is baby girls. and Wool Skins. terie or velvet bands or milliner’s folds. •Well, sir.” said the little bov, “father mock the saert*-1 <>f talk about but de- Local tax f*T maintenance tends to things God. To ail U'li.ibv x most wof n. Smith and sons of .Mas.- i- IN" < must not spittoons, These la -t be eontvlooking object; Mrs. Charles cannot described, but every and I think it is no use to learn about the under the name of local misuse, local su- men rv. rv wli- re wo are to bear his f.ic. alw&v* bears it the marks are a few weeks it mand that utensil prevent promotes one can learn to make them it faithfully upon chusetls, sending COOMBS’ of Hartford. « ouu. by seeing as we mean to BLOCK, and beer, never » ••cuspid' r." Still the most prominent fn-rvi-ion and prompts repair. done. H'e* buy, witness f-*r Christ, with the object in of d« -pxir But that t xome men a shot? John Smith’s. sell or drink view of crowded with is a boon there Is WAIN ST.. ELLSWORTH. p,om<>\ m \uiNi: ins. c<>.. notice in the Woman's building is, “Do Bias velvet and silk flat folds must be it.”—Exchange. leading them to Him as their shoppers The Wakefield reunion will take plb e r4- made Savii »ur. evidence in the following little storv, week at the old now owned 1 of Ik.st.111. Mass. not on the floor.” A man stood be- ftood Knailt, Good Schools and Prosperity. over crinoline to keep shape. Row s this home, y s;.it ItiiricU In the Ocean. which i- a of velvet folds of w 4. s! wo quoted from foreign periodical L. S. (’leaves. side me as I read this. He wore a slouch Roads! < b >< h1 roads, schools and graduated idths placed Why uld witness continual- good A cabin on the Anchor lino As the storv who had at distances make a hand- pa >«nger runs, a gentleman to which Buffalo Bill’s would he follow one or the other. Ed- regular apart ly (Ps. xxxiv. l-{ ? In this passage wo Kugene Cleaves of Silver Plum* Col., s hat, prosi»**rity to inert his wife in a es- some but must was, to the promised large in trimming, they be sewed 'steamship Ethiopia according have an outburst of the in making his father. (ieorge Cleaves, a vis t,. Ellswortii a fashionable bonnet size, ucation demands good roads, good roads psalmist tablishment where all sorts of are Steam simply a Lannflry on in the for look bail officers, while he things -- straightest line, they very lively passenger t » < iod. *T will bless the Lord Ho is accompanied by Miss Becker of B. Line* wiiftrii mi all »lc*»iralde ri>ks trickles of rich t- .bacco juice wattled his command IIow are we to praiN«* sold ai low was his way prosperity. if they are nut and show’ the tyro. He developed delirium tremens prices making ton. like a his boots were one of these unless the rise [lasted. at all times. His shall continu- the of women Forced to «»t rqtiitalde rate*. mouth barbel’s, attain people Olive Harper. aftiT aboard and praise through throng (shortly going ship be- be 14. models f. .r a coffin maker. and make a united effort?—Jonesboro ally in my mouth.” So it should bo pause for a moment near a counter be- Aug. up came so violent that it was to DYE HOUSE. I iit]ii«—t imialdr indemnity ullcml. necessary Win stood a saleswoman, he Noticing. 1 dare say, a twinkle in the (Ga.) News. Morals of the Altar Hoy. with all. ? Because God’s mercies hind which pretty ? itiinm nterieansed and him down. lie died in one of ths Waltham. dyed. strap and us blurted out: •• I » -..iirlted. said and blessings to are »*tr. t K* tti.er* ft j< oriV'i'oiidrnr.- corner of my eye, he slowly The altar is continuous, speclalt) typical boy pre-eminently tits and was buried at sea. on that would w Is There anything earth Services in the church last Sm day >y "ri >t all kind? done at «hort notice. aTrlrphonr connection. with that grim, smileless humor befit- Too >1 IK-li Housekeeping. tiie good boy of the parish. This state- hourly and daily. Therefore we should -5 L. J. FILES. Prop’r reem.cile a man to such a crowd as this?” Mr Miuchcn. the hero from Imliana have ment does not at all that he is a witness to His goodness at all times. evangelist. ting a slabsided way, Our housekeepers much relief, but Imply was the •‘Be- Y* s. sir,” quick reply. Mrs. and El ie I mean that we rnout goody-goody little prig, with downcast Alliance in tin V.of I i< turps. Bible References—Isa. 7; lix, 19; Cyrus Dickey daugh'er “Sav, now, do they that relief can only come when we adjust lxiii, longing to tiie lUzar. eves and a countenance firm."—f/urper’.s are very ill with fevir. at them There is preternaturally the sale Of tie art collection of the Ps. cxix. 1-3; Mai. i, 12; Luke 48; typhoid FK \N k M. take a shot pictures?’ and our of to far At xxiv, JOY, ourselves style living demure, <»r that mischievous pranks do W. N. Haslam and wife and .laugh r a of local late Mine. Denain.«*nc«* a fan urns actress Acts i, S; ii, 32; xiii, 14; xiv, 22; Gal. iii, certainly susjiicion option sug- those now simpler methods than which not appeal to this sympathies with a force Wheu the devil is looking for an easy Alice have been friends here ;e- Better to have of 10; v. 20; Col. 17; I Thess. v. visiting MUSIC in that sentence. not but that he of the Theatre Francais.a ci-mparison Eph. iii, DEALER, gested in our homes, says the August La- always resistible; merely he finds it in a selfish heart. cently. FIRE MARINE LIFE ACCIDENT of some other no- fftevail with obtained at the auction 18; II Thess. i, 3; I Tim. 1(5. place always gone on the principle is recognized as being habitually truthful, prices those iv, H.I.SWOKTH, MAINE. dies' Homes Journal. Domestic expenses Mrs. C. S. Holt and J W Woodard a e without waste of ami of the Didier collection in from N > tree can ever become so large as not tices which, printers’ obedient, respectful, clean-spokeu 1*68, Oni* A u*t ralian Mr. aud Mis J. v. ,er increase almost'im- Society. visiting their pareuts, llarlior turlni: ev- are tricky things; they more often than ink (and comjiosition), meet your eye obliging, studious, idle, which most of the paintings, etc., to depend for life upon its smallest roots. Woodard. From the very tasteful little leaflet “No admittance. Go out:"— perceptibly. Hut therein lies their great- am) peaceable rather than bellicose. to the hamme r were derived, is erywhere: brought \V. will be held at t e his containing the "Second Annual Review” Says H. Baldwin, president of the The Haslam reunion Cor. News. est danger. Addition is easier thau sub- Occasionally, perhaps, predominant most instructive as the wonder- Chicago showing A.: character of town hall on Saturday, Sept DC A -— | love of play interferes with the execution of the Dawson Street Baptist society of Boston Y. M. C. The traction. A luxury soon becomes a ne- ful variations in the value attached to basket dinner is expected. One 1 jrllit. of bis tasks at home, or with Victoria, we the follow- the his moral and social Legged appointed of art. Thus “The Four Ballarat, glean man, religion, tour on a cessity. the of his lessons for school. masterpieces Mrs. Hannah F**x left last Friday o s A transcontinental bicycle preparation ing notes of interest: Of the membership tastes and inclinations, these are o' the Patent erroneous as constitutes Seasons” (Prudhon) brought £0,000 Mrs. Alfred to t o us where to to what orthodox number of Too many of know begin; His ideas but six are church 10 hav- accompany Hasting- a man with the all members, work alone of number of by fun now and then francs, against 83,500 francs in 1*68; a any special years hospital in Portland wither she has g<* ie <»nd Trade Marks obtained «rd but the too few of us where to llut all this legitimate may expose The con- is no longer uncommon, stop, ing been baptized this year. of -:ret»-c..r,ducted f*»r Moderate Ke*- legs him to summary chastisement from his of Mme.de Sombreval and of —they run back through all the periods for treatment. with one leg is our women are themselves portrait ”11 «• V a man time wearing tributions have doubled this year. N opposite s Latent oft' same by or from one of those broth- son nearly 'H journey a parents, “big her (Nattier), 40,700 francs, against life until they reach his early home—there -••’•-.■til* i.. Vf, rt l I.ii-lues- direct, .*■• Frank S. Beedleson, out the wear and tear of Three cottage meetings and a • certainly novel. by frightful ers” who lord it over the small boy with a of Rembrandt regular The devil’s war is better than his •*. patent business in less* line-an i at Machine N. \has 6.000 francs; i>ortrait (by the foundation was laid.” pea* Penobscot from Canastota. on a which all and It service at the have ,VT if;.i- tiii.se remote from Washington i young cyclist housekeeping scale compels such peculiar relish gusto. may weekly reformatory cross the himself), 40,000 francs, against 4,000 ^ or with liwr. :-t i San Francisco to even, that once in a been carried on the lookout commit- L,, vvu drawing, photo, started ’from too many to live in false No possibly happen, long “The Rainbow” by idvUe Jf > positions. francs; (Th. Rousseau), V,’ uatentable or not, free to reach control of his and a >< and expects while he loses temper, tee. also been rendered fee not due till Is secured, American continent how much a man desire “A help having ^ree patent Beedle- matter may every- under becomes 17.500 francs, against 4,700 francs; Baking Poroiicr. KM,k' to oi»tain Patents,” with re Company. within 100 days. heavy provocation guiltj gospel mission and a Chinese mission. fen*rentes OF comfortable in a he values the Riverside View” 17,500 t ■;m clients in vour staU .count?, >• DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS been station thing home, of indulging in fisticuffs; but these are in- (Bonington), ■ has and committee has 30 °*n.8ent son is a man and The tract visiting free. Address young at health and of his wife above all francs, against 4,200 francs; “The Recon- the West Shore railroad happiness frequent episodes. members engaged in the work who visit agent for “«»n the a dis ciliation” 16.200 he isn’t a man. I To be altar” is. indeed, (Fragonard), francs, of all in Marine and Stationary Engines, He claims to be the cham- things. If he doesn’t, 490 homes Twenty-six Highest Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. C. j Canastota. tinction which every Catholic boy rightlj against 1,450 francs; portrait of Mile. weekly. parcels A. SNOW & CO.. of America. He concede that men are, in a measure, to and of one cyclist as the of an of clothing largo quantities pro- 'buMiaite < pion legged prizes equivalent exception Olivier (Greuze), 15,000 francs, Piueni MIL e. Washington. I» « Boilers and Machinery. against lost a on the railroad several year* blame for this excessive housekeeping. good certificate of character, and f visions have been distributed by this IN- leg ally 6.500 francs; portrait of a Monk Con- -DEALERS will be watch- of which misconduct would cer committee. ago. Beedleson’* journey Many a man, well-intentioned, brings privilege fessor (Rubens), 12,800 francs, against and Iron Pipe and Fittings, tainly deprive him; so that his office The committee SAVE MONEY Brass ed with interest.—Exchange. burdens upon his wife because he doesn’t 2.000 francs; “A Forest Landscape** missionary provides Heat- proves not only a strong deterrent froii for the entire of a in njQ Steam Pumps. Aik Pumps, understand what he is But our francs. support missionary doing. the of vices, but a potent (Diaz), 12,500 francs, against 3,000 AM Injectors. IT CURES practice boyish India. The Sunday school missionary TIME _.Hid, ers, Inspirators, women are at fault here as well. A wife incentive to the cultivation of On the other hand, a few works by exemplary of the society has brought 30 children * ®*HT central route Cotton Waste not assume burdens habits. An altar addicted to truanev Prudhon and were knocked ! excursions. Cotton and Rubber Ilose, should silently boy Decamps much other ^«-\ a I I Dysentery into the Sunday school, and Y rnnducied, through Tourisi or given to quarrelling, deceltfulness, iu down at far b low those obtained I Oil, Rackinq and Engineers' Supplies. —AND— which in her heart she feels of prices ; bf'-ve Chios go twice a week. Sdondave incapable more ur le. work has been T, or the use of a of a Ve- nr<-portable »* com dolence, improper language in 1868, and portrait girl by a, |L ^,®.V10 m for «an Franc i-o Steam and Naphtha Engines repaired by out. No matter how much she done these model Endeav- carrying would be an too great to provi was faithfully by \VasMn**,,nt'”‘ n, Colorado, i tah, Montana. Idaho petrnt workmen. Diarrhea. anomaly lasquez, presumably liis daughter, an'1 via love her husband, that affection is ill- e* and as a matter of fact, in tin orers. This "review” also contains warm bic *5e«>n Chicago, Union Pa attention given to mall or telegraph or may during: sold for francs, against 15,100 hur- Prompt He. 10,000 Shortest Time sent neceasarr. OK VonWAt *RPICI»E CO., Noiwmy. a woman to her commendation of the both the hPWMtern tiers. Workmen If prwpuvd by directed that allows carry average altar-boy these unlovely qnalitiei francs the sale.—London Tele- society by plv u* JTw 85**?plng Car Berths, etc ap at Didier YOUR MONEY REFUNDED, her resources, even in the are conspicuously wanting.—Donahoe* | Rev. Thomas Porter, and the SMITH Manager, or JAMES 8 ft* beyond physical pastor, V tafld«• graph. PURE ; Mana*er’ m Wasbingtor BANGOR. ME noblest resolve or for the highest motive. Magazine. Sunday school superintendent. ABSOLUTELY Street*^BoMon!SUnt 100 Broad St.. 1134„ »

RAILROAD NEWS. W. C. T. u. FROM ^torrtiatmcnta. (5llsluori|} Jmrritan. KITTERY TO CARIBOU. diunscimnts. Railroads anil Steamboats. Items of Interest from over September Changes in the Maine Cen- Address of Welcome and Response at all the Fine A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL tral *t» Time Schedule. the Recent Convention. Tree State. PUBLISHED E Maine Central Railroad The Maine Central railroad will its At the recent annual convention of The Maine State Grange will hold Its ELLSWORTH, AUGUST 31.3 EVERY MORNING adopt the Flan- THURSDAY annual tills I.oration West M.b of Heol A-mih. fall train schedule on Sunday. September 24. cock county W. C. T. U. at Brooklln Mm. J. meeting year at Dover,Sept. 19. near Wyman Park. AT Local Time Ti»l»le—June 2.%, 18SLT. I'uder this schedule, train* between Bar John E. of has nf Har- J. Burke, been ELLSWORTH. Bridges made the addreaa of welcome, aa Waterville, AMERICA'S NATIONAL. ENTERTAINMENT T A MAINE, Ciiiiiliiiialinii (daily.- bor and will be run a* elected of schools at Marl- BY THE Bangor follows: A follows: superintendent fl 9 10 a and boro, Mass. Train* lsoring Hang r at 5 05, 40, in, l!;ii|;i|J train HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. will leave Bar Harbor at 8.15., reaching Modame President, Sisters and Friends of the 3 15 and 6 p m, arrived at The trial of of the Stork to Bangor at 11 30 a. m., connecting there with Union: trip the gunboat “Castine** PAWNEE BILL’S Bangor (KxcJmuge 8t.) at *5 10, 0 50, 9 15a ui; From One Kml tin* la In will take 5 05 m i)t|lHr Subscription Price— flAO a year; 75 cents for the whicb reaches Boston behalf of the Woman's Christian place about Sept. 1, over a course 3 40. p “Flying Yankee”, Temperance Junction 7 03, 9 23 a in, six cents for 1 nion not selec t'd. Penob*cot [Brewer), months; 37% three months, if at 9 30 m. of Itrooklin, 1 extend to a cordial yet She Is uow at Ports- p. This train will have a Pullman you 3 4>, 5 13 p ni. Awaits (’ustomers duriiur .1 at In advance. All are mouth, N. II. t5 m. IS paid strictly arrearages aistcrly a warm a heartfelt t9 45 a in; 4«. 35 u!y. parlor car from Bar Harbor to Bos- greeting, welcome, Hidden, x, fl p reckoned at the through Mlbs. t* 06 a in, (9 43 n m. rate of $2 |»er year. gratitude at meeting you here for work iu a F. E. Thompson a native of Portland, K.gerv'* ton. WILD a »S ?5 41 m. HISTORIC t9 in; ’4. WKST tS 10, 5., p Rates—Are and Lake’llouae, Advertising reasonable, will glorious cause. died Aug. Ifi, at Evanston. III. He was t4 A train will leave Bar at 3 tirccn Lake. * ho, tiooi a ui; 04, fSftupm. l«e made known on Harbor 40 p. m., INDIAN CR/'liT in application. »»ur object is a worthy one, our aim to lift the the son of the late Col. J K. Thomson of MUSEUM, MEXICAN HIPPODROME. INTERNATIONAL L»l*worth kxill.s 9 05. 10 44 a in 14 .*7, to 10 p reaching Bangor at 7 in., there EXPOSITION OF NOVEL •« !» IO 30 n «u; 4 32, p. connecting burden of sin trom humanity and help the erring Portland. TIEj, ANDCRANO PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY. M l.iW OltTIl, IO, 20, Business communications should l»e addressed with the train for which 0 15 p in. night Boston, reaches one to rise to a and nobler wav of Ex-United to and sill money orders made pavable to The purer living. States Consul General Frye tiie mahveh of tiib age Franklin BwUW, I048 *m; *4 41. a 25|>m. ! Boston the next morning. Thi* train wiil are MI m. H ancock County Publishing to Ellsworth, Our hearts already enlisted In the work, but died at Halifax, N. S.. Aug. 14. He was AND llnitr.x k. 14. lu 5 am. -4 .1. :I-J p H III (l II mi 5. —M. Maine. have a Ml. Ilnanrl 84, III, Pullman sleeeing car from Bar Harbor the question seems to be: “How may we l*est sixty years of age, and leaves a widow and Friry. j 0 111. GALLEHTl The to p I to Boston. reach them for four (iivatcst Wild Most iii tin* World, through good?" childreu. Ills remains were taken to ! Sullivan (by boat 7. 11 35 a ni; 5 50, 7 35 p ni. Communications intended for publication should One I 5 Returning, the train which leaves Boston at thought would like to suggest which his former home In Belfast. Contains feature*. selected for their S4»rrento (by boat), 0 55, 1130 a ni, 25, bo addressed to the Editor of the Amrr- historical value ami character from the Wild XV, -t of America t<> iti XX 7 u5 in. imn 7 loads many others, Is that we take up ea< h lit particular, and the orld at large. i- Nature* Own I rut lit u I lx Inl.it ion. p Items of Interest, and contributions on p. m.. will leave Baogor at 7 a. ni.. Not more than half a of blueberries Pawnee I* mi; crop Hill \X 11.1 XX e-t d It \ 14 IIAItllOll (by boat), 7 15 am; topics to the columns of a I tie as It Itself with a firm ha- fulilih c\cr\ purpose and is nd,n -e train will have a Pullman ear from Washington county, season, sleeping t*» do to the fallen and we must read, and those not re- good tempted; the of Tin-Hero of Oklahoma, and Or* at XX hue < Id. f of the XX (daily. carefully used mill l*c Boston through to Bar Harbor. says Cherryrteld correspondent the Pawnee*. Mai-.r dunloii I tlH- Pawnee j turned if love them, while we 1HI! ha- neither at 5 10 30 a accompanied by the necessary postage. should abhor sin In any Machias Republican. The shortage is due spared trouble nor expense in hi- flort- to oib-ct from v. .lime Ut'turning. leaving Bar IIxvrl»or 30, m; A A non The GENERAL vinous communications will not be train which leave* Boston at 9 a. in 4 v'i.’i in. arrive at tvt , 9 pub- form We should not the sinner, but to the io, p lished. de-pise by ravages of worms which appeared STARTLING AND wiil leave at 7 STERLING NOVELTIES. Sorrento at 5 1" 40 a in. 4 3»», > 40 m. Bangor p.m arriving at Bar holding him above -in and Its we in such 50, p temptations, large numbers last season. 1 ntlhtn ( hiefs of r.’t’o\vn V u !, I X ndian 11apc Tra •*, am! Ilv mi a m t of curt, -; are Sullivan, 5 15. 10 45 a in t 40. 7 45 p in Harbor at 9 25 m. Thi* train will have a him to rise above it. pre- p. help At East on sented Npoltril Tail. Xfrnlr*« •«. lafl ll.uel .; ad .1,of I 'll. Iif-kerf (i 15, It 20 « in; 12 50, the 14: h mllan terry, _ AUGUST 24. 1*93. j port Monday, Inst., XX THURSDAY, Pullman We nes^l to tru-t each other. arl lor- ft 'in the ! -rated *dou\. I om inch« ( h*-•. 5 IO. 05 in. parlor ear from Bo-ton through to I>oubt brings Wilfred aged twelve, while ontie, A rapali >»••*, and p Bishop, pick- other >■ 1 *5 I* m. failure. If wc would the love of our friends triors, together with* Haneu k, .’7. fll 4S a ni. f5, p RICKsS Bar Harbor. keep ing cherries at Bucknatn head, lost his Krxinklin Ib'x.d, *'• 15. tn »*: a m; I 4«', v.Y. p m mark-down} M W ADVI HTISKMKNTS THIS WEEK. we must tru-t then The di-cord and distrust These Pullman parlor anil sleeping car* w ill balance and fell over the steep bluff to the The I I I s WOK Ml. O *7. II »H a in; 1 50, 5 40. be Indian Band of Educated Musicians on | mu-t wiped out of thought before It can l*e Only Earth, '!• 32 p in. Ells worth is? run through between Bar Harlior and rocks below. a distance of about feet MU 'K I N AT 1 \( If PK KI- .lKM \ Nl i: ON ALL or OUR ilfty hlUw orth Fall*, trt ?5. *11 a m; 4, *5 45 m. wlpp«l out of rff.-ct. otherwise it 1- like cutting He was p [ A. 11. Norrl* Dry Goods. Boston until late in October, a* it i* the desire picked up terribly bruised, his An Inal «»f Cowboys Mini Frontier Heroes in t!.* 1 hor*em*r of the Ijreen Lake, '7 li a m, '2 35. *« 1" p in. off the of weeds and the roots to sport- repulse* A: na \ 1 | tops leaving left arm broken In three and one ltl-M'd th’.r-ty Wedski nt Tinpper Tom'* 1 nli u and toil 5*111 < Ui««Ti. IIl.iu-.-, *7 2‘< am. *i ■«', ?*i |s m lltglit—Removal, and intention of the Maine Central'* 1 places, Stngr p f -t H. manage- Lucia Harrow s Admr. N< lice. grow elbow dislocated. Lgei •. ’* Ml!;*. ♦’.%>, •*» 22 pm. ment to H Hamlin—Mo. kliolder*’ its Bar Harbor the best *7 a ♦14 3 05. »fi 35 m. Meeting. give patron* As long a-doubt I- found lurking within u-. hr at 4<> a m tween Portland and will be support those Come to otir Store at f during t! n Dei *h am Bangor, cancelled, or .1 15 p m. n*> trains leave .Mt icscrt at any w h.» tru-t Him With such comes tlie fcerry life giving s y% George P. Goodwin—Non-resident lax. and such changes will !*• made on the 11 iti a m or 12 50 p in. The bei*t goods ahv ay (deas,•;>«■■ ;d which to ral-c men ami Bli Ml. prtneipU* helps w.-incn to lull Insert brunch a* are rendered necessary Tom Our stock is the most compr. a higiter standard «.f t hrl-tlan living. I esc Train* connect at Bangor, with through llgures. j R i*ert A-ti I:rv-I.iliel for Divorce. the by discontinuance of these tram*. frb train* on Main Line to and from lloHlot ! the and we <>ur •**» to *>:• Bluehill Hoar nds, again I bid you welcome with u« Portland, publit guarantee pri Academy, and St. .John. a W >l.i' w< In* s M *< 1LLANKOUS By unanimous vote, is,••»*»,! ha* ratith ! t■••!•»_' workers together f< truth. ness eonsiste it w Mi high vaiu* pR**«*nger* are earncRtly re<|ue*trd to procure m aw ( 1 nee mil’s \\ ild West. the contract mad** the W A i- t'-mperai.e*- and --r Ib-d lleketn licfore the and by i-..M«rt (f bc. entering train, especially T here are two kir.ds ol re ! ! «• Kii worth to Kails and Fall* to Klisworth. railroad directors and George H. F Is the to Crosby, bowing response the address do 1 he kind* certain! v w i be » Tickets for the World’s Fair and All you 'dry': the latter. w h other men ofwil.om, \ whereby p'oiniuent delivered by Miss Mary A. Car- Mugw limp's Triumph. Points South and West on sale at the of mean*, wh-n the su!.*i ribed stock amount* roll. of Southwest H-.rbor: Reduced on Our Entire Stoci, 1 *T or teu I)r. William M C. H. R. ticket office, Ellsworth, O. Figures eight years to $.’»>.(a*), are to commerce the construction M ..... au-i \fruder* of the /. \f S W CLIFFORD. Agent. s ■ te»«* 11 Kverctt, a Massachusetts of the !-< ted railroad. at r-i'*- Chris turn 1 ttnyeranco t'nion mugwump, long-pr I-ginning P \TS4IN TO K y it. Attractions. tidewater in W O' />•<-.» 4,1 lias been to to l-.a-^ct in; I runnmg through Vice Pit*, and «»rn’! Manager, trying get Congress, In behalf of K. B'»<'Til BY lien* I Pass, We ysd! se!! '.OS 1 u -• Aina. Whit* fu l l. Wiud-or. t hina. ...ur si-trr unions of Haucm k and Ticket Ag*t ^.!•. at | a .! !,e lias at last succeeded, county. I most to v our kind and 1 M*' '■‘"3. Ivr45 defeating and Unity to Buriiam station. gladly re-pond And hard to I>\ WOUNDED KNEE FIGHT AND MOUNTAIN will reduce figtu a ii mi. i.*t grceiiii,r- get. saving MEADOW MAS; ACRE C-c sold. <, republican candidate who was notn- Beginning Aug. p.i. reduction of tiik aisxicAiv be No one can do better hardlv any w Saturday. In t•••arif'-Sl In Oh- hope ..r th. success of iiirrouROME. are able to II Itui Vi ii.nti 1 in the* district per in. w mid. from tin of the our united. you always have M.er R I pay ef!..rt« for «mn| and hoi;..- aud 1 '■ represented by every S -- M employe1 t.f the Maine Central. This r* do. .a: w .-*••:. t<> mu w it It «.ur • u'h.iTT ... I!.,. V 1 U Cabot until his election you Aspiration* lll'.y'. I V\ ■. ,, j' Henry Lodge some Let ■ Blue!! Sleaniboai Co. » I. vou .1,.... 11.0 tiou applies to all j av-roii* and includes all .or lamlar! ..f life, our plans f.,r tin- by you. 11-give ...... i: a- '!■ ■■■ senator. s' d of our ! SUMMER REDUCTION IN LADIES’ AND MISSES' > of the officers and in ad* of }h ople, ur eoutkcils for tlefcuM* SCHEDULE, 1893. GARMENT general depart- a bit ot advice as to "**>» Minin U l»l~U i.lr 4 Irlit 14 it- •*-• a « ••’i... > m how to 1 A r, until ments and their il!}, and our prayer* to a 1*0 Hit 4 I. publican '84, this untutored u«*l*tauts. and all clerk* In A! lu 4 !.. i! ; p..r. aii'! -J tint through the grace >• f our tit* -Vl with I.Mil.i the general otli r*. Tic- fever* >n <111- tttician finds himself in ’!*;» in a pay per* ■ -*• tlii>: When n* a value. I. d s ! \1. I-u in s ] I I -u« hr.-: lb w. ! bani-h vice in everv aecoinpli'li you OM TH K ROUND UP AMU HHANDIN, 1 ^4 the in CAITI.E. pluyed by eoinpanv, whatever eap.t* tv. ff>*ti. democratic a ur !an«! a ml u .rid. am! u» a- A in Jh.r *, 1 I !.i\ ACM .Vi y I House, accept 1 It >!• ll. dii £(««>»<> I S. v apes opposed by large w ill lie n due*d IP cent, a. are in want of per loginning tt.» *• ir» i. ami servant- t*. drv goods, you lal.«*r faithfully and I •: s* *s a* of his own long rr. Hu j>ortion above date. When the earning* of the .. m- • fT.«11.. -.:•* 5 < > — IT \ '! KU> party, frantically v« rk f r: hilt .g the wrl.lof the A 1 A X 1 ) I } ’. I ■. i )* »I | X eau save A !\'A I IS them w sol 1 at ; at ,l; :n ! it J again reach a where an a 'van r« •• v 1- t :..*t a tv to have a appealing to his once political brethren P*ny point in t mankind enough ii 1 ii I A 1 *' u ilKWINK A .11 1,1 KIT K to s kr the M u •* » r* 4 •« .> c. pay of its *■* :« w. th* v.mr« -t of our hand of seven onjci «*| \\ *i ii«i. « ° • employ warranttd.it .. .. u i: ii < ki J t- r. ,t •, •• ... i. rr. prevent him and his fellow-democrats bank book or -tart a M ,•. ..; be fu:. ■- -c "cold re- < promptly and cheerful) made. th*-life, vigor arid enthusiasm o{ th. rou «|>tnln } ( .*|»ijtitt from ;r being “deposited in a .iuth. draw :n-pirat:• n fi -m the fountain BARGAINS IN cavity.” serve \ w THE CARPETINGS. MATTINGS AND FLOu "• 1 •• t i.'Vc t of own if on ill GHAND STREET };m mankind and £«• on :n your ■ XirVJDTS He |{*> t.Kh \ I **|lO\\ rejoicing " * " w ON AND AFTER JULY splendidly, however, w FIRST, rk M.. -*ur ineinin-r* iml! t" Nf te tie e a w: yn Ea -. he I Um in. \ rifKiilS t .v !., ...iv. »■ -w-ith o| tlie 1 the is a » »• we are doctor and .iixl or.. i.t ami even ot- I ‘-’i;!-. Iii.th.. !• <**• tl.»n. <* profound scholar, every pr> here, buy bargains .1 « ..'-'th-'s ... Hit *1.1 ever., Ml.|).|(lV, now i* the time to i*. it The Ka*tcr» Maine u get yo want to -n\< s*.,t. fair line *• *» '■ •!•-» * >t a brilliant and i. ai! ji.e unions of .»ur countv » A M -urrv persuasive orator, and, of SeatH for ho. ■*’ I*. r r'- r nt, -... ti. only Ingram »♦ ; c Array Trotting l.ntrie-. l*« ms| our to from wick to week. Every Jjr. Ladle, and Children our C.irpet.ng meeting together with you tering you Special Carr •*r"*'k ~* I Av 'I t: I' \ N\ V •» » !it«t. k. -ur*'■ ?»tv...• •. on ill I A f 11 VS | J l: c a the silver be is Thi* we. k S a one at the olfi. «• of * *’ !' I I 1 I >o 7;l c.» *i, b- ing rvduc’n.n ot about b.q pily. question busy th* day N r*: \\ «t 11 ir' «- I' it k Tile dO Mm HI \t. •.> «• VI ! cent d'.t !•[•.» H "l’ 1 *> Ea*lrrn Maine State F.ur at M»> M> •- '*• f'-’ed with a fr.-h shirts at cent-, :;M Wi I 1 :. T*: I : a 1 > .% right. His Bangor. Tin enthu-ta-n. •*•• -ft :. SI ;; '! was followed bv .a I 1 .-1. .1 ”• * speech '■ -U-aiuvi mi i'.. ,,; tr.iiii-* f..r It..* a? ~1 .. .«!■: have entries in all elan*.* have i. :u. l in.-re grn* e, true wisdom ton > urn one nearly .llr* rt. square yard. Art IT gs, Vair Coy c. from sockless a adverli-ed last are statesman tfeellv. S "HIT to a.-i W ork wick, -cll- (God th> w .rk of "inpll-h tlie in the ADMISSION 50 CENTS. im. arranging them i* now pr^rc**- CHILDREN UNDER ‘J YEARS, HALF PRICE. '!• M I.IKTn- a *v I my»rt! t.y ti.at d. it- save the parti: of tin* \\ man** Christian •: '• Hi.’* out:«r. and > I*i k II.i- of S... *!-. T>i Simpson! ■'•id •.air- correspondence. The list when uh!i*bcd ai--i -« ■ l,: <£ ^ If | t" ! t *. .« \» the ure 1! !,l.inrli| of the liquor .Iumti5cmcut$. X;!ice; if; -tram, ii sublime to the ridiculous. V u: train* f-.r •; r> l*a» 1 •' will contain only ,-i n ir vnt::. -. trarth belts and fan-: call for one. i-cgcil !i„- ! t u ; kkn The entri- s wtil out '* •» :. i1 i, ^*\ir <>> n univ. >« rmi'. >i And yet the two men and the two trotting be thi* week •. id i i .i ad > ;. ..d- » ■ " l; II IV 1. <• a««'I Ht \ M or HI T. arrival and mailed a!! over th- Slate. eia** is b t» ever ! me m ur 1 irt „f l-r w Every ounty our '■tat* T.-rm. ■( f- speeches ell illustrate the % 1» ■» n for a ••*.- olnt*. .-»• r;-, intelligence ai d at w ti led with w« nation, land* '' -'' .-matched hors*-, tliu- assuring ry t- •»>•• I :•> •■nr v in tf t'lrrti.H. -• n r. -\ for .,f ■ .n ,. DRESS GOODS TWO BARGAINS. and I w• *. purposes of the two sides of the race, A. tat* .u 1 <>n i. i*f j1 exciting « H. every All the best I r« d- day. In-- k. Uir *ii : One all w.:»>; current ing stables are ortant corrections 7 g.HMl shape, and a great exhit.ttiou. which th* it.oh during the month of July on the chart* ih v Massachusetts has been ► u } BOSTON AND BANGOR usually right autumn sun w ill be pleased to shine upon, i- published L»y the * o*-t and (»eodftlc Survey v itf 1 r. Hi! i: on and Everett, albeit certain. Office great questions, reasonably Ill*: MOV A L I I.UMi SHIRT WAISTS AND LADIES' COTTON ONCER WEAR A a is her Iu addition to the regular exhibition* of recent dvtejruination by Lieut. K. II. K ! mugwump, bright particular 1 I Steamship Company. r, bora*'* and cal tie 1 .. l S. O .r c 1 Sl.ir*. \Vai-* rr.Ju. t • I. and other stock, th* products man, N.. commanding the steamer "I- ;; tai star in the House, and his slogan is of **Lnd« ■ trimmrii with on agiculture. manufactures and art*, th* avor,” place* the Baker I-laud IL S. :i j.-. f \y M 'IM 1 It s| It \ It K, I HU:» “honest It ... money.” management has more ial attrac- whistling about four-tenth* of a mile On and after 28. from to v.. }. .r V engaged -p*. buoy Aug. real cat ;■ tion than N H \\ Simpson, aerauk by nature and aCon- ever before. by three-fourth# W.. of the position ..... l’re-etnih* nt aroongth. se -j :t drawing formerly sh-wn on the chart*, aud It i* now ; u CORSETS AND GLOVES. gressman by accident, attempting, by- cards must be placed the Myrtie !Vek coin- indicated In a position from which Baker Is- x't *. •; ..o O.rl 01 a! J.r quotations from the tablets on that hn* s<» l.iul I.-) .... ,i, .... I ranging bination, i the crow d- ;ght bear* N N W. one-fourth W., dis- ^ >>u *•» greatly p Miss A. V. 1 e !irr**. •*.. ;;r;o; Mt. for the two tant one *» Sinai to tne Tocsin of Washington, past year* at tins fair. and one-eighth mile*. Thla affect* light »’ < lNNINl.ll \M. Ju«|.*e ,w * ’I II I* l‘ I »• Ml** IV* k. however, wi I meet the strong. *t chart* 3VJ. 3**1. 3ow, and M3. Well, for you iKK. K- to that a Mf- « it v- prove live-bushel corn-crib W III. <’:; u ho (1, ,h t huv his £ hopelessly | 1’ « " *?:. -t, ,,*... f.-r »:*• a man u;*on .ke an which t banncl K*»ck beacon In-ar- L. one- OH TUK I II pedal* ordinary bi-yel.-, day j t IVu ... Ml ..on. * '**’ *• its sound llir-.r, V ,i ill ith.I.iv question, portion championed to a li« of a eighth di-taut *• <-.% tr -l- r, flying ight thousand feet or *kim- | N.. about *evtn-cighth* of a 1. I air I I .. a 1 «»rill S!DK UK MAIN MLLF.T !'"• ^ -orr* nu», &i. lay * by Massachusetts mugwump, appeal- rning along above th*-surface of the earth at mile Th** h ast wat* r heretofore Indicated In IVai'llPS PlVSKH i 11e I the rate of or miles an tlr- was three .f } X t.. ;; t! , 10 the to come thirty forty hour. I'K-ailty ami one-haif fathom*. i:*- I I KMNI. ing republican minority KI.I.SWc 'K i ll -<■ ? The world-famous stallion Nrl-.»n wi.! be This affect* hart :.l 1»/. 3»".b and 1(4. *■ * to the .r« , I Or !.. it <1* M up of the Lord the ^ ■ help against the mere w A recent Ii if. y*. > ■. at there, announcement of w hich examination, also Lieut. Till- next •! -or above \ h l at U by -h- .* r.\ .... ,.v. '< if-.1. arr'.y .-f ... ! tend to 1 mighty bring out an imui. n*e crowd, for tin man. the existence of a rock with „'w .4 I;--.:;--. r.-ii. 4 developed iioi.MKs mats.. I;-.ic. at .r. I.a.rJiti^. -oi.tli *.--t liar■ -r in t N .. lids is a Macedonian great Maine staliion i- greater than ever this ten feet of water over it at iow tide, which Is h verily cry. S M ^ r‘ f- •' M 1. y .:.V.•.r:; | ■ rl I‘if I 1 -! a v *. year, and will be again n >w indicated on the chart* In a V1 undoubtedly crowned position from *■ ► .;i 11 u «■ *■ and the great will IV >r. 1- !a .-l -at up las republican party of and which ltock bear* >. BUKIN «• »*•''*• "'.'I !<•!.■ |; I roin -orr- nio. >|. :, ; is king trotting horses, eruiniy the half I.ilhgow by W., distant LL ACADEMY will look in ilic glass. i.ot sulk in I :• ...... nl M I I its tent, but will heed, and mile track champion at the Eastern Maine about two-tenth- of a mile, and Point MOIt-l* \/. t. Mar liar' ..r. Hospital t:j tli*' f rt i. "'ll *. a' 'I x :f mo <-Al.\ IN Al >1 IN ... State bear- NW. -AM*- \/. !,: It-.-t.-n w ill to Fair to be held in Aug. 30. one-fourth \V., distant al»out nlne- tie h *t«\ mI.v tia -r... v ! again prove its right be called Bangor LA, li*> «ill M-c WII.I.I AM II ill I.I.. the |.,urth *4 O IV * N M H \ \; 31 and 1. 1*03. tenths of a mile. This affect* chart* lf’1^ t.rnrrai r, the Sept. 3l6ti, 314. AtV -t •li.is f* -aviour of the nation. ... _ .t.j and 106. VI VH IIILII SC HOOL. r. This i» l'l.At H VK \Ii. an ! »,■ The of water over Km At .ourt The Deadly Parallel. depth Toddy k. situ- ..t »* -I H r:!;. Hltt.ln 1 1 he National Clambake Co. of d about one and lave ilelieioii- eh- ek-.1 No »••«* ..• 'll’ — HARRISON ri.KVF.I VN’I>. two-tenth# miles S\V. one- rosy JESTEEN TICKET AGENCY. A lire- :_i f \ A J. I for C of Treat. half fr*>m Boston light, has been ruit them ll -.vnr, a ,■! we tire T M hicago has failed. It deserved to. Opening Opening of I'r**i- changed 'jnals U \ V .. t. In dent Harrl-on's no— dent < lev. fr*»:n eievt u to < FALL TERM 1 vei ** Ii .m'I* n:;.| all a And** m— three f*-et. This liange wa* OPENS lei ling hem y I ,. Chicago in A cheap. '«• |>oi clam in is out of !! :-t H .. Chicago its ele- sage to 4 oi.gress. 1 If- sage tot oiigrcs*. right developed by the re-survey of Boston Harbor .fxrie We arc satis eel with small hi: ee til ~ ... -.! .Vest. tier. l'-Vj ; norths later, Augu-t. m pi in.-an.vis charts M, and profit, ment, and out of its element I..i :: r- i.t* 1 im. ., ,.r. nothing “In i' -; ld9. 1 mil can ail with a; \ | submitting my Wednesday. Id. supply ipiautit. : _ Sept. M ;. annual *■ \\ < x 'ir^iiin- to can live, not even in that heterogene- message to <'on- 1 be x «'en >' *r. Wm. A Banks, one of Rockland's ous I .cat e r. A clam is like the nt< non in m a'< *• t., urth 1. •t.-st'iti, A\ n-Iiiii_t city. mountain, ing ,;i,tar> r-;i-:r.r*- *'• 0 dot and most respected physicians, died your t .il, Kansas, C.dora- '• tbe MM* til Mite «*f tli«- at ... :v not say geueral tion. involving tb< wel* last aged uc-t U-nutif U t !•■ .... He...unto like Mahomet: Saturday, seventy-two 1u-rt,: ■ to years. ultra t:i. t. ■ .» HOl.Mlis r.K’os .... you’ve got go conditions affecting the fare atei of I'*• ..ti tl,. a-t M.» ... ., i", Arizona, lexas, New and Old pro-perity W I*, a* b \* ;ui. tiiol s. I,....1 «,tr« r- rare lomni'Ti ial ami mdu«- a,i our < tny High ...% to the clam ; it won’t come to | opl*. ha- on- Women you. Wanted ! »l»l*»»rtuniti**M to tli*a men ami w. on u «*f ,v •. trial interest* of the strained in*- to t«>- young ilexi'-o. *-all Ibi* “'■v :i It is < :i tin ag« « tifteenand five. Must ami surrounding t..* -to obtain a general •‘•I*: '«|V to New and l nited Mate* art in the in forty 1 indigenous g. ih*-r *-.\Ta -*--:■.n at the -n iN’otitco. 1 V1 ..-1 A England, n«. and •*1uealt<*n t:!***t eo*t, nti! -1; :■ -<-i. .S!.-e|»itig when off its native heatli is a g* a*-. . State of A *T. II V- : for Iir-t and so und nas- toing, and sure existing condition- to tbeend that through I’..!.. i.iwilr Prescription. take it tiltie-fuimush Maim*. tt i:« -ter. class unwholesome, regularly. A tr ■ V < h unhappy 1 llo«r«l \u -t II IV with those of th* most a wi-e and »r*tt11it to directions. and tlien note «-hea|*. !»••«' •*.. H.-Ci,ter. patriotic the gt*in-r »« ., I’K-Ji-'llSUiT. fo r.r S*.,.r *, ,,j ,,ter.i at <-au»e favored a ’tnproved < on i*.tP>n a Kor information ami catalogue. a>Mre*s iengen. l.owest Kates. For and stomacti- period in the exerci-e of the leg:-la- By thorough «-ours«* ««.*ui»lie* ■: of V 1 full iR-arioumiug L II > * *\ I cltht ii.» c, I of the tive o! -••IftreatiucM with this valuable remedy, the I K. l'rlti., history country duty with which j •dw >4 '.liKKTIM. 1 ache. « \tn :ne a-es of nerv us and Hlueht l. Maine. Come to the clam w I prostration < ••’!!•■ -•••« 1 •• ”• nfunnaiion call or ill, believe, show are ! debility K »• •! nm to it it.:, tf t-'We:. 11* till! :f tn-.-t ,-t :i:. .• !• upon always; they solely charged to women, are \1 correspond peculiar radically cured. A writ T* that so high a degree evils l*e -tr..:..r.• f !!..■-i -':,:e.,t ll. ii.irr h;m- never ask a dam to come to present may tvi: guarantee to this end ever? vidi accompanies ti:oW to the ,i. •,»- of !r« ... ft. v .’it you. of prosperitv and so mitigated and danger- lx)Ule. n, k-| H.t -v, ...... jt Tor Sale. •Uiniiioii I! *• -.u-J .J, f. n 1 unt if -h■ :t .• ir 1 i-ac ■ I i- 11. i.i-.i 'i: general a diffusion of threatening the future f ..ir.*| reel-, he ttiereforx* ii t- ■ >•- the comfort* your i-r.-cin .-ip,.-tr before .1 of life may be averted.” Then is mon < atarrh in Advertif-ment* m»/*r |/n.« .j. rt .-1 D. W. has tills section of the head, in cents per ,, ■f .In.!-. ;.i j-t \i to !, r»U!»- to es.ik' ...ite |.;f, lliei.t | Speaker Crisp announced his were never CLIFFORD, belore en- countrthan all other lturn U ... Iho-eHt. :\t diseases put together, and per trrrl; J J ftLi, o<> rent*. »l KlliWorih ui Mn ! u ri: of lUr, .1-.. .11. I- tl.ere*'i, v«> eM.ibit our until the Ellswortli, Mo. committees. Maine doesn’t a joyed by people.” last few years wa- supposed to be incur- •'•rk, oa t: c -e...isi I : *v of < k b the name f- ^ttleuieul. lvru. get •‘hit-. h.*r a at North great many years doctors pro- ! Ellsworth. Cuts Jo tons of ih*n mvl there In our »*.»:• t -or t .m^wer onto Hll; \ I.KK A IKK. bounced it a 1<*«1 a but the thinks disease. ai d prescrib'd local I I^AItMhav; large barn; story and half h-.u*e, all Cohort A«t> rv of p. i»* if;. ii k Au^e-' a !' K‘e«ihatn. Me »jvvl4 :t* !•> o» nbcfrtiscmcnts. will be useful on the wavs and With unsurpassed With pronounced Incurable represent* rpi** plenteous science ha* in oven catarrh t«• > 1 :.t< ! In all tbe l*e a constitutional | l\ 1 K OK M MM ; plenty pro- crops, with abundant ■ •!-*-;t-c -Pure white Pekin duck's featb token »i|,. :: iii.ii-e r t» .- trn-t ■■} ,.n means committee ; on and therefore requires constitutional I 1Um.mk.hm 1 the H -I! I.tf-I- .1 ., -1: ..f tf.. elmiH liinglev coinage, ductions and all th** of remunera- era. Great chance to secure lirst-clas* fealh- !-!l.l! 'Tuf tt’t e-t.a, promise treatment Hall'* atarrh < ure. manufacture*! I^F.ATHFK.S .Jutlirl.tl eourt next to Ik* KH/.l.- V. \ 1- Hi.. ,,f cr- direct Supreme hiCeen at NOTICE. elenients from producer. *ent on re 1 III the ... and measures and on of natural tive and 1 V J < heiiev A t o.. I .led »h le the Sample* hi wlthii. in.I lor l-.e. et.i.i.tx ..f || k weights production o, only »worth, -.ti 1 appro- jue*t. Orders mall will receive at ► (»••*»'! wealth, our rnanufact- un- constitutional cure on the market. It 1« in- by prompt 1M0 o i.. I ;■ > f 1 >1 ... .o' a Ii >• tvin>r a-the i.,w tie tlft-reti-re manufacture, with taken tcntlon. 55 in dose* Price cent* per |*ound, in lots of jo I •»:! H hi. ire ie. !el.te.| to priations ; Boutelle on merchant ma- urers h ive usual invitation to safe ternally from lu drops t.. a K rt Astbui 11 ■. -;,M onful. or more, 5u cents er .i-e I » It acts <»r» the pounds pound. K. p. ijAi f-tale In make iir•! 1 r«• bavn.ei t ..■ \ our work- are and with directly bloiid ami mucous surfaces df'tfuby ri-ps« -*ni- that fie w m lawfully nnr public investments Ml Maine...... » rine and fisheries and on naval of the oflVr one (bridge. t" a l. A -i r% *.. -1: i. I:. w. .1. affairs; our system. They hundred dollars rid la ;- i.r. t w 'w ..-e oi.Aini, retarded; assurance «• private satisfactory for anv It t' sail..- f..r mint. ease fail- to cure, Send lor circulars now offer for sale maiden name w.i- Ia n* I. Burl. i.-h it Bibb .rd. of different to 11re the full-blooded Jersey -I*K \1 Kit Miliiken on and enterprises busines- *-nterpri»e-, and testimouia1-. int- Ei.mh: p. 4 IS- public buildings Address, v? Jtui.', lieu llur,’’ No. 7.4. hire I <*rk M tin. t* Iti a i,. 1 Ira-*-., kind* are di— « “KingO* !>•« Im!o, \ucusi •. Du.. :u abandoned; suddenly financial k .1 II k SKY A CO Toledo, O. ar." No. .lam m tfi.- thirtieth uf a l» H 7 That th. ;4 and on snd »;74, Lady Alice,” No. Utf. For ex day July, y grounds in the thou-ands of use- trust aud fear have ♦#*Se.ld by Druggists, 7.V*. Ut-1 b.g.-tli®- n- f u-‘ ! .ui'i u ;i.- at 11 : 1:,',.■ expenditures August tended Pedigree see Matu*: Mate Jersey Herd rPU1 ful laborer* are thrown sprung up on everv Book. li dl, from the lime of thelt -r. until to ...i i; HOC i; U I s 1 **ri t-d, that « K navy department. out of side. — W bat This animal is bred .he 'liirtli-tn dav <•! Man h. * t> iHat dnu ij employment Message oj Au- i Cured ilim ? from the l*»st stock in the y..ur ai. : ha* taken t.p«»n f,In,t* tru-t an ad <>F A 1.1. aud reduced to want. country and assesses great Individual merit. He lbeliant has a way i-*n; lu-n d toward- hi- KINDS. gunt amm , N pain oppressed, Is to Is tald wife as a la iful,«ru* an 1 affectionate hn- Brag mo, We have all No no very gentle, easy handle ami sold for :-.lr Of "II ill V possessed sleep, rest, what dreadful only l», ll! Die eo.-.n of 111 hi ... k l’op. I’effer, the Kausas pest the reason w- •ai 1 Thai on trie -all thirta th <•? Mar d«* '1 that have another bull same day ft. hayseed, tbe element* of ma- Such terror- thus ensnared or age. <•. a-. •). —- him s* ■•. o> guii.g l.oii.l a- t*M: law dire i-’ he For further particulars to, or Itsfli. the Mid Lena 1 \ L» ,j *ru has offered a bill as a terial wealth In rich all all apply addiess, there?.-re rv|U*‘*t<- all i\ i... are 'AXNKD substitute for Dy*pep-ia night, day. Uli» ibellant witnout cause and went to .in person- indebted t«. (iOOI)S A Xl*KCIAI/l'V. It Hi.iMK.MhAH Farm, West Gouldaltoro, parts t, "‘ abundance, and really seemed had come to etav ; de. * e-tate. to n ike yet Maine. I6tf (Down to him, since vrhl*-h Um*- he ha- ..«-t seen immediate the Voorhees national bank Bray, gue.-s you, then, w hat cured him payment, nd tho-cwlm ha ve m\ eurreney notwithstanding all *r heard from her, an ! your libellant further demands there- B was Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical on to exhibit me aatne f«.r ^ itlernent. these our Discovery. rPHE Homestead of ti.c late John Ilia, k of this iv*-r8 that such desertion as afore-.'i: ha» con bill. advantages, That is the irreat cure It for the issue of for Heolache. Scrofula. a two Leonard r. (.^7^ provides in its 1 city, consisting of siorv house, bcautb inuid for at least three c*u.s« euthe \«ar-ievt Braodon country, mone- Dyspepsia, Disease. Liver < >u!;:v.iri, Dmcj Kidney ompiaint uid fully situated, and in good and one of the to the of the 11!*. i. ti-ut r- no Aug jiv.;t tary interest, i* in a repair, lirior filing there Best Patent Flour of notes to be General An inactive Liver means $-50,000,000 treasury Debility t». t»est built houses In the Mat*.*, open fire places in • b. tween your libellant are! his -aid wife My condition. oned blood. Kidnev disorder "'•-«Ti--er« hereov e deplorable means pois< d every room, with barns and outbuildings; about :o obtain a divorce’; that the re.-l dene- Ubellee rP,,K give ;M n..tie*. to all l- in great tirmaml at in the and to be of Dr rem- bloo*i, Constipation means blood. ie 1 «U)eerned,U. .t have hi-» n SHORTHAND AND deposited treasury —Alrssage poisoned twenty acres of flue land from the main i s not known to libel ant ami ranm-t ft** as cr- ttiey duly appoint- TYPEWRITING. at running ed it r gr« antidote lor impure blood is l»r. Pierce's mad to the and have takeii upon thru:-* lie* the tru-t t>, 1651'. river; good water; live minutes’walk aiiied b\ rea-onaf*le diligent e. that jour lihellatH of $5.50 PER Contain* the largest, nm-t ■ i! |. available as cash. What’s the matter ttoi.len Medical Discovery. directlv from executors of the last will and BBL. r„n Acting ui»ou the city poet office. This property will be *e ieves It reasonable an*i conducive to testament and cod- • n,l lw-hl bank- :i the ad* cu d proper, lr,l U ,,,•■» orirans. restores them to their normal sold at a a thereto of 1 ard V. tie.-, late of “•*' bargain, al»o large number of house iomeslic and cotx -lent writ the Itluehlll, Coimnrr.mi ( l, gt- in iri(. m i.,- with the cords of cart wheel silver dol- condition. The harmony peace 111 tie- eouiit'. >‘f Jonathan Scott Kills "DiscoverY" is yuarnnlted to ben- lots on the Turner Hill w on llaneiH-k, dece:i-> d, 11 of ill be sold cheap and in*I morality of socletv tfiat the l».*nd- nfun'r:- 'i.iog Bkanciii » Taituhi ii k •. « Farmington eiit or in j bond a- 1 g cure all cases of diseas*- for w hieh it is terms; also one the law dire, t.-. 11,. v theivr.c. 'ALL AND BE lars ou celebrated his 100th easy (I; pew In the Congrega- nonv between him ami Ills -.v.d wife should ropiest CONVINCED. Arilhiintic, ..if,—.... already deposit? Aru’t birthday recently. recommended, or for a!! who are to IVomai.-li!p, they money paid it will be tional church, one second band, Goddard »e dissolved divor. e, persons indebted deeeas^-d’s ""■r- '>■ I good, by wherefore he j.rav- law. Spelling, A. li ...... Stock e«*ate to t, ltev. Fr. M. C. of St. promptly refunded. and one second hand ! hat make imme llate p.ivment, and tl.-e. available as cash? If O’Brien, Mary’s i'ljggy. good, sleigh. For such divorce may he decreed, and that tho-e Hanking, | t>. r,t., Large not. not? who why full * have any immediate demand* church. has been particulars inquire of a. P. Stock driijgk, le may have the ustody of his minor child thereun to WATEK ror large Mr, .. Bangor, appointed vicar- aged exhibit the STItEET. EI.I.>WnHTH. <...u!oy>, till"- L ustom House, Ellsworth, Me. 4will lour and named Lilia Vat Astlmrv. name for settlement. of Hard lluhhcr I’effer has the floor. general of the Maine Catholic diocese. Fr. years, 1U.NOOK i’.l MM M <>| |. K i, F, Children UOBhUl’ AaTBUK Y. I" «X % kpuk». ,,rn' * O'Brien is Cry for Bangui. M nine. A fifty-one years of age. August 21, lSitt. Frederic a. Fisher. loid. Elastic ami l.catlirr August A. I>. iNifl. 55 L. Wilson of is the Charles Goodrich, of Deering. was Pitcher’s Castoria. lDantrb. Suhacrtned an*l sworn to lx-fore me this twenty- Virginia, Ir-t of a. i> l-'.C. n accidentally asphyxiated at his home last «lay August, BOSTON Covered Trusses. Mip|n»rt- new of "Bread Advertisements under this head. Id cents line «. IIA R LEA *1. In ns, chairman the ways and means Saturday night. He leaves a widow and Tapley’s Winner” outwear all other per Non-Resident Tax Notice. shoes. per 1reel ; 3 lines 3 trteks, 50 cents. •Justice of the 1'cace. m, Shoulder llraccs.l.lav if lour and an estate valued at JyrlS foHowlrg li t of taxes on real estate of | committee. He is a rank tariff-for- children, To the damage of said plaintiff as he rP,,Enon savs) 1 resident ou ■♦•min he town of Dedham $100,000. Reliable men to sell our choice he sum of one hundred dollars, which .-ha 1 then tor the \IrANTED— l*9i, in bills roiomftted to lie Uidoiiiiiial man on ex- y y and Stock, and Seed Pota- inti there be made to appear, with other due year me, | Hosier). revenue-only everything The sensation at Gorham is the Abocrtiscmrnts. hardy Nursery <<‘orge P. Goodwin, collector and treasurer | marriage toes, full and complete line. Many varieties can iamages. And have you there t ils writ, with •r town of of a Dedham, on the 23d d v of Mar Etc.. iron, iron ore and bituminous wealthy lady of forty-two years and i*e obtained us. Commission or Four doings therein. Con«r««a Strict, Opp. City Hells, cept pig through salary rernait log unpaid on the 23d rf BRANCH Hall, Suspensories. a ,'/ day May*. of who’until has All Free. paM weekly, aud promptly. Exclusive and Wi nes*, John A. Peters, at 1 -* <, cert.llcate of all youth twenty "lately esquire, Bangor, by that date, aidthev now PORTLAND, ME. coal, of which fruits abund- choice of given. Don’t write at r. ma>n at grow been as stable Those who territory delay ; be twenty-first lay of August, in the year of <-ur unpaid; aid lothe i- Theoldeat Business School in Etc., employed boy and hostler have used I>r. King's New Dis- >nce for ber.diy gi\- Maine. B«*i terms. Allen Niknery Co., Roches Lord one thousand hundred and • n that if the -aid thX“g facilities in 'Twill he well to for hts wife. The had eight ninety- and !nt»?*e*t and charges offered. teacher* la antly Virginia. present lady never covery Loow its value, and those who have *r. X V 20w31 hree. lhaiii.es F. ar not into Full each Experienced •_ sweet, Clerk.* paid the treasury of eah* town Assortment of Department and thorough Instruction been previously married, she had uitldn eighteen Ladies', Store watch his course when a tariff bill is though not, have now the to it Free. STATE OF MAINE. months f om «he dap of com- Short-hand and Parchers Drim a opportunity try limited number of dollars at and Type-wrttln* lover who at bis left her gold #1.15 mitn.ent of said bill®, so mu. Ii of the real estate Garanteedeght by a practical death, $10,000 on Penobscot. ** —Clerk’s office. Stenographer. Seaalon* CaM the advertised druggist and get a trial A #1.20 each. E. E. Jot, Ellsworth. Supreme Judi- taxed as will be -utM< ii. w to Misses’ & •ix an«l five offered. life insurance. 1 pay the amount tliildren’s days event gs Kates low cial Court, in Vacation, Ellsworth, August .2, due very bottle, Free. Send your name and address to therefor, inch ding interest and additional a. i>. is*#. w charges *r7 Information DALESMEN—To sell our choice and nur- ill, w ithout further notice, be s.» «i at cheerfully tnrnDhed Add rest H. K. Bucklen A and hardy the Libel, That the public Senator Hale and of the Carrier’* Co.. Chicago, get a sam- O stock. varieties to offer Upon foregoing Ordered, auction at the *t«>re of Black A L. Secretary Navy Kuropean Hotel, Chicago, sery Many special 1 Bnrri.l in -aid A. CRAY, A. Liotb in ibehant give nolle*-1*» the said Lena I. on WI.J principal. box of Dr. King's New Life Pills as fruits ami ornamentals, and controlled A.-tbury, town, the 27th day of December, a. i» at Herbert enjoy each other’s confidence to (Formerly the St- Charles) ha* 150 fitted ple Free, ;o liefore the Justice or our D93, newly >nly by us. We pay commission or salary, give appear supreme two o’clock in the afternoon. a wonderful The Lewiston Juur- room*. Central well as a copy of Guide to Health and House- ludicial Court, to be holder, at Kllswortn, w ithin degree. location. No advance during exclusive and pay weekly. Write us at if known. territory md lor the county of Hancock, on the second Tuea- Name, Acre#. Val. Tax. val remarks that this fact won’t hart Bath the Fair. It will to in hold Free. All of which Js wee ami secure choice of Mat Broth- pay engage advance, $ 1 Instructor, guar- territory. of an Samuel Doanc ers, N Y. lay (K*tol»er,A* i>. Uctf, by publishing attested or unknown, any. not! Senator Hale in per Currier A Judd, anteed to do Nurserymen. Rochester, low*26 of said and this Probably pats day. proprietors. 15 and 17 j you good and cost you nothing. “opv libel, order thereon, three formerly IIMID Frvc, .>,,0 *K.io some in f6'°° Kilst Me.( very good work on the qaiet for South Clark street, Chicago. III.—Jdrt. S. reeks successively the Eilswortii American, a Gore lot etween Reek sport onfepeiice Seminary. D. Wlggin’s drug store. NOTICE. in ami the important Maine industries, and never lewspaper printed Ellsworth in tlie countv Holden town line, for- .f fie last to l* .w -:er annual meeting of the Stockholders of Hancock. publication thirty .lav's merly K. N. IS. Hart, p>4 24s Now BUCKSPORT. I have a Hcadaeh 11 loses an 1 7.44 opportunity in public debate or the Hancock Land it least to said second of Open. THE Company will be held at prior Tuesday Octoli-r George P. in private conversation to emphasize he office of B. B. Thatcher. No. 58 Exchange iext, that she may there and then* in our *aid Goodwin, A. F. Ph. that it in in- Ulrbical. Collector and Treasurer of Dedham. CHASE, D, will stop very Maine, and her street, llangor, Maine, on the sixth ■ourt appear aud show cause, if any she hare, r.« 11 Principal. strong points. To him Wednesday why Dedham, A ug. 21, lsi«. ;Uv:i4 lay of September, a. D. 1*93, at eleven o’clock in he prayer of said Itladlant should not be granted. the111 and his is dne to a stance. I have si.'Id fellow-congressmen the forenoon, for the election of officers for the ANIiKEW P WInWELL. considerable the MKssENCiEU’s SS^Fall Term opens Aug. 28. degree successful start ensuing year, and the transaction of any other Justice of the Sup. Jud. Court, NOTICK. for the two here k true of the lil>ei ami of past year.- Maine has made in iron shipbnilding, [justness that may properly come before said copy order Court there- STATE OF MAINE. __3w32 meeting. H. E. on. Sw34 ss hm which is giving in these dull times employ- Hamlin, Hancock, August 16, a. i>. 193. C. L. in Ellsworth and at my Clerk of said Company. tJSE ment to thousands when the where *l'c nnt,te «•>«« ■ MISS BEECHER'S yards Dated this 22*1 day of August a. d. It&i. 2*34 NTilTC or niHE r|,|!l.» !\ V’ "» the tenth A Bay of Au*.u-t, a. I>. Harbor anil have wooden ships were once bnilt lay idle. IK«, a warrant In in- store, they lf.rk’s Supreme solvency was Issue.! out of the mart Hair ami Senator Hale is not CARD OF Office, Judicial Court, ) of insol Whisker in his THANKS. veoey for saiB of llaiii .s Dye! even instance- "wishy-washy” Hancock Countv, j county k, ayalnst the es- given relief in To the T- It contain* no lead or partisanship, but he doesn't let it blind him many friends and neighl>ors who by Ellsworth, Maine, 21, j*83. otherwise known a. tulphur. Washing n.»t August ) Ab.i« I *™>d/. required after to all and if with the dem- their kindness and to cheer Trnnily, res!.lent In the town ot Sullivan 1 dyeing a* in other dve*. Whole- 1 have some testi- else, by uniting Gr*Qcfep’s<^ sympathy, helped hereby given mat Bertrand E. n sa.B .sale splendid the last hours of our' beloved de.ia, and whose ^rOTKEis county of Itaneoek, amt druggist- pronounce it the best x.r**».-* can a Clark of Bar in aBjuBrcB to sti.gh* ocrats he give Maine boost, without a\ Harbor, the county of Han- iie aa ins.BveM Bel.t.,r on MORANG. ration ever l>rouglit to their notice. our household of The large-t ha'e thoughtfulness lightened cares, •*>ck, and state of Maine, lias this filed in this petition Si.i.l ilclitor. ! bottle monials from those who the he is we return our heart felt thanks. day Which petilion was Bid on the and best dye in the market. Used lowering republican standard, notice of his to ninth Bav of extern >flice, intention apply at the Oe A. i>. ladle*. George Savage, 1NB. to which ■late Interest on sively hy Brice,.10c. Brenared l»v i. \v them willing to do it Senator Hale is not only Will Cune ober Term of our said court for said county, for August. claims pul,llc «o »« used them. I warrant Mary E. Tate. ■lhaI fayu.cnt of anv PHmMera«l>eI'hh.e,r1^:r fve! THOMPSON, Kockland, Me. Sold all idmission to law in the 1* o. debts by deal* a Kepablican but a Mainican.—Bridqtun N. C. Tate. practice courts of* this toorbv.R’ -aid debtor, and’I"-’ the e l- date. 5w34 John F. Knowlton. transfer and delir- lyrii* or refund the -Veto*. srrvp Ellsworth, 1893. ery of any proj»erty him are forbidden era'_ money. Aug. 23, by by law f j that a of the meeting creditors of said e* lu th« countv of to debtor! ”1 ,?,uen},V P«LS»i3Hancock del A Uo\ KOK -5 prove their debts POWDEKS IN CARD OF THANKS. and choose one or more ? giving bond as the law of S hF The well-known law firm of Baker, assignees his estate, will be held at a We wish to render our heartfelt thaBk» to the 15 z BRIDGE NOTICE. Court of to be holdcn at the For Women cents. kind friends, and who so will- Insolvency probate Baker & Cornish of Angnsta has dissolved. many neighbors court room in * i contributed their valuable services at Bluehill, Lp said county of Hancock who have ingly '‘llangor Bridge,” so-called, Ellsworth ^SSSSPn any demandB there, during ou w eonesday the thirteenth c n'tovo exhibiteihihlV.I. the More Meltable than either Hon. Orville D. Baker will continue the SICK the sickness and death of our beloved daughter, Falls, will be up for repairs, beginning day of September same for settlement. Tans, HEADACHE rHE A. Dirt, at eleven o’clock in the or FOB Pennyroyal. SALK BT Senevia; also for the many floral tributes. May Monday, August 21, 18^. All travel over that p. forenoon. lRA S. I>. WIGG1>- of the firm, while Mr. Cornish Given under my hand the date first above July It, A. D. 1893. If want a business 8- D. WIG61N, DRUGGIST ABO Sod's blessings rest upon all, Is the prayer of lection must be suspended until further notice. writ- 8™V£R yon perfect regulator for the monthly APOTHECARY, WILLIAM one that JflB. AMD MB#. 0BOB0B JC. BBLl. Per order, Committee on Bridges. FENNHLLY. perti.l, Merer failt, safe anil sure, ad I will mother office In the same city. CormtUMlu rjmI W»tfr Deputy Sheriff, aa of the I open 8u.t Kuawobth, Mr, SUlwvrtb, Aug. M, UM. EUewvrtb, August 16,183. iw$S Messenger court of In. ( drewFnajicoAnEttic'ASU'HfcMicaLCo.,Boston. APOTHECARY, solveucy tor «0U county of Htucock. Iw^ k subscribe For The AaimciSv • • ***** 1»OVSniS,mSSS^ lUHTOVIH, _ } -,-*— —■——— HOPKINS MILL BURNED. i-- The Happy Thought Club. “HI BBARDS HAD FLEAS.” Blnehlll. al)f ellsluortli Imfritan. Besides icecream _BORN. SltlBfrtiscnunts. First Serious furnishing and cake to Mrs. Sarah A. Gray of West ^Iborrtisrmrnts. Fire in Ellsworth for those Sedgwick MALONE—At who patronized the musical* of the Assault Case at Buckaport Ventilated ia visiting her son, Wm. M. Howard. Ellsworth, Aug. 16, to Mr. and Many Months- l^»ss $S,o. Mrs. Johu W. Malone, a daughter. IHl’IvShAV. AFOUST 24. Ifc93 Hnppy Thought Hub at the Congregational In the Police Court. On The most serious lire Wednesday last, OVd S. Hinckley ABRAHAM—At Ellsworth, Aug. 16, to Mr. and* that has visited Ells- vestry last Wednesday, the little girls gave an Caroline F. Carpenter is a maiden of some moved his family and eflects from North Mrs. Max Abraham, a son. LIFE & worth for many months occurred FIRE, ACCIDENT early Iasi CLARK—At Southwest « 111 II* II \M» MHIIiTV entertainment of which the is the summers, who lives in the outskirts of Penobscot to the farm he leased Harbor, Aug. 9, to Mr. iMUKtTOKV. following forty recently and Saturday morning, at what is know as the here. Duriug their six Mrs. Clan11 lark, a daughter. programme: Hueksport with a niece. Carrie Gray. On the years’ residence Attention! mill at WILLEY—At to Mr. and Mrs. HI R. H t>l!t«CTOir Hopkins the second dam. It was ! there. Mr. and Mrs. to 8b*ul»en, Aug 6, Music-"Onward Christian Soldiers." night of 3. these who to- Hinckley proved M. H. a N*T owned August two, sleep Willey, daughter. ! •*•*« hn.g nt in 3.) a. v s bhath by a sy ndicate composed of Judge A, be kind aud obliging neighbors, and all INSURANCE AGENCY. 1 v *.■ !«-'» Recitation—“(iolden Rod." Julia Cushman gether, went to bed about 9 and j leased the Kvening Sen Ire at I‘. W Is o'clock, short- will miss Having building. No. 53 Main k well. Senator I)r. them and their children. * *• I’m or Eugene Hale, A. C. Recitation— lovely MARRIED. Meeting "The last 11}inn,” Louise after were startled a as a 1 Kppes ly they by sound of Their friends commend to we offer one of the best lines of P**lor. Rev. l»a»id L. Hagertby and Jerry T. Giles. Recitation- them the ac- Street, Money Mud," Cleora Haney •tone s.riking on the roof. and GUPTILL—GOOD—At Steuben, Aug. 17, by II. Old and Reliable The mill was They got up quaintances which they are about to form ! v a W. Miss Ida Companies Seiens, to Walter P. at li m Si-rvW* formerly long-lumber mill, Song—"After the l*al1," Velma esq., Gupttll at !< :»' Roger* Investigated, saw nothing and went to bed in their new home htre. l»oth of Steuben. 1 Mi-i-r a hut had Good, evening* recently been fitted as a Uecital j I’a-s I.' Inc‘day up shingle nn—"City Shopping," lx‘nh Friend M0KK 1 Sward A. Ma-on again. Immediately after a rock crashed MORRISON- ESTKY-At Ellsworth. 17, CONFECTIONERY, THAT $108,000,000.00 ASSETS mi I. considerable new Recitation, I.oui*e Hutton Aug. REPRESENTED. *' ’> 'o machinery having been by Rev. G. B. Cliadwlek, MIhs Marv E. Morrl I‘reaching ? p * J'iaj.o >olo, laconic* Foster through the window*. North F.IHworth. *• M I'rt.-e an.l in, and n> sou of Ellsworth to S. -WE KEPUE8KNT SOME OF THE- Prayer s« rvice 7 .if) put bad been teased to the Hurriil •■itation—"Two Little Orphan*," liessie Jov Scott Estey of Whltlug. tin < Ti Then the women and -.lav evening at 7:3'. R* itation, Leah Foster got up dressed, and Miss Millie Moore is her JONES—Ml’NN—At ■ Lumber to., which was to start visiting grand- Ellsworth, Aug. 21, by Rev. *•'■* ur-dav evening at 7.30 operatiuus on Mbs C. J. H and Best American and *on£* Annie Louise Ixmt Carpenter went to a neighbor's. John R. parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1> Staples at Ro|»es of Bangor. Miss Charlotte Jones Fruits, &c., Largest Foreign ** 1- M- Sunday arn ice* at Monday morning. '»«■« itation "Drifted out to Sea." Leo nice Foster of Ellsworth to l)r. t diaries E. Munn of Wash n I lluhbard She went in. the occur- North Penobscot. In the ah-euce i'. Jo v. |„ Ji iKhranv loss Friend reported | of the To be Found in the 1 The was the mill May lngton. a > < <>< Iiram total, machinery and City. Recitation—"Tomnij’s I'raver," Cleora llanev rence. and started back, accompanied by Hu ta- organist, Miss Moore played the instru- Companies, Antony Which Muy be Found : at it' a v Salihath dam—which was also ment at Srhnnl at destroyed -being valued Medley, By the Club his and church last Sunday. v 4\\.n»ifc n. imcc at 7. bard. wife another person. PIKP. Pastor, Rev. T K. Ht on which was ! Candies The American of New York $$.000, there insurance of — of all ; of New York National of The v.stry wa* filled with friends of the On the back the talk drifted to a Kinds, Liberty ; Hartford ; 000. way neigh- notices the I kite, A amt and * 1 1 ‘"AW $6 Obituary beyond iretnan’s Fund of California ; California of Prayer Me.-ting chiidrt ii. w ho the w Aye must be paid for at the rate of fan cents a line California ; Commercial lluion of y delighted audience through- l»or with hom Hubbard is said to have bad A question of the Now In the Umc to imined The fire was day. buy ately following discovered Officer out. million ; Guardian or Umdon of '-'••In- I in sdav by Night The children w i*h to the Nuts, Dates, Figs, ; Lancashire ; North British and Mer- evenings acknowledge some trouble. This led to badinage, and final- PARODY—At Ellsworth, Aug. 22, Alexander England I :a> eAet.mga at I Pastor, ti Donovan about 2 o'clock in the autile of London ; Western of morning, service- of Mi-* Cleora Haney of Belfast, who to the that Barker Parody, aged 40 yeoas. Toronto; Assurance Cor- and ly allegation neighbor Employes Liability he gave the alarm. The fire r,». preserve jars, and the question Is where to SAVAhK-At Fruits in Their Juratioil of Loudon department rcudt i.ol effl, ient service in the of wouldn't call on buy. Ellsworth, Aug. 17, l" If U'«j>:i:a. -ponded but arrived too of George Savage, and daughter of promptly, late to be fhe affair. The sum of $ISoO was realized. the Hubbards bad fleas. the late ( apt. James and E. Tab*, of Ells rM;- v 4 of Mary :r»t Tuesday of every any use to the burning Its ser- 29 v 1 building. __ worth, aged years, II months, 15 &c. -Our are *'' and \ngu«iL “You’re a liar,” said Mrs. Hubbard. II. W. Holt ha-* '.lie Lightning, and the Mason; days. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Rates as Low as the Lowest■- vice* were needed, however, to Cl’RTIS— At North * 4 :r*t protect the Hancock, Aug. 16, Jacob >k." Wednesday of even tones >1 ii ti ii “You’re a lady,” replied Mi*s Carpenter. Curtis. el ..lid \ ugiiM. Hurriil Lumber Co.'s mill on the Losses opposite Wrddb.g bd'- rang last Then Mrs. Hubbard lit into Miss < and Pai l at this Office. 'k“ 1 I merrily Monday arpcntcr. STEVENS—At Steuben, Aug. Stevens, Promptly Adjusted -r*t 11ntraday i.f every shore. also jelly tins a** cheap as can lie lu —.George Fresh Candies they bought so ejd J i.!» and \!igii»t. forenoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry •truck her twice, and was followed by Mr. aged about years. Fancy The destruction of the dim renders the WENTWORTH—At |«f’ CORRESPONDENCE PROMPTLY Jones. 'I lie occasion was the of Hubbard, who caught her on tlie left ear and Penobscot, Aug. 12, Mrs. ATTENDED TO. «>. <1 F marriage a we Hurriil mill useless until the bulkhead can Le Mary Wentworth, aged nl»out 60 years. specialty; have the finest line of CIlOCo * **'■*' r. N.. 47 S. nd their daughter, hariotte to hr. Charles K. knock* d iter senseless. the city. and fourth WARDWKI.L—At LATHS, and of J r« built; this will take several week-. Burks|>ort, Aug 19, Osborn BONBONS, penny goods any Office in First Mui.n. I he ci w as This is the V. 43 7 National Bank k t«inony Bcv. story brought out bv the com- Wanlwell, aged years, 19 dealer In N., performed by iponlhs, days. Hancock county. Building,) KIM,‘AUmTii. e, inn I .‘ay 1 he syndicate that owned the mill i- vet un- it. J. Ropes of Bangor, a former pastor of plainant in the trial before Judge Hutton at RK’E—At Bueksport, Aug 20. Miss Kmeline decided us to w Hammocks and sot- n’» •’ 1 Ml V * hetber it will rebuild or not. croquet Rlee, aged years. IKTI tin- Congt* galionai church here. the KlUworth municipal court yesterday. i-CIGARS- " >•' "d and BELL —At Ellsworth, July 16, Genevla 1. Clias. A. ne-day* -« v« Allen I'or rui >cars the gro« m has been pro- The defeuse offered no evidence. The de- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E lb-11 of & H >• nd and !• -U M' M. (Gorge of all Popular Brands, Co., f..!*ys. .it Agents, Fire >»iill!\aii Harbor. R --or Lowell. Mass 17 2 months. " M of veterinary at the fendant was Iwtund over to before the Canary birds’ cages and cod. aged years. ,! >• ^ N \ --t and surgery agricultural appear •' •- «' A taut 3 o'clock ARCIIER--In New at her son's n*s July a. d Wednesday morning, Aug. -• ”• M lir*- was discovered li'Our wholesale department is well stocked at :*• o'. W \ by oue of the rook-, who sunj> pu-ltfon on tip- staff of the veterinary bondsmen. * s with and ^ 4 -1 rat and third in the and who Confectionery cigar-*, which we offer at are ; slept building promptH gavethe 2rg* ''ii- In «lurge of the cattle exhibit at the C. H. Drummer appeared for the .State; o. Ht»!.I > \ AMLTY ,cTOHB. lie SI ill IF YOU WANT A NEW prices as low as can be f**und in the .state. Agents SUIT, ttiarm. A bell-boy named Smith, who ai-«i W rid'- Fair. F. of Fellows Bucksport for the defendant. Tltmcrtiacmcnts. l>Ki»P IN AND slept In the Chalet, was overcome b\ nearly Both bride and groom have many friends Fresh Protidenre Riter LOCAL the smoke, but succeeded in v\ Oys- AFFAIRS. escaping. here !:o w -di them a long and happ\ life In Pol.fr K COl*HI NOTKS. Ilo/ckbill's Siirpi'bi*. wa* summoned Help from the neighboring their new r« at ion. Thomas Mitchell of liar Hnrltor is lodged In “Wat. Hiram. If this «!• >n*» boat nil The old ters. Craekrrs, Etc., con- look at onus. wav \\ is > AT L '• :i-i bouse* and an for dex i..i- dl er cine,’ but horo I've COST tie H. \ .fordal) bOUa* in incredibly short time the ou thirty county charge of •• jail larceny, awaiting found a plo« 1" t!d. her*- n. w«*iM|.« when a doc \\ e a or on hand. have to select men were in the « stantly good variety Iroin, forty hu-y -ubduing tiiles ICe-l nioii. the action of the grand jury at the October t«»r nOrr* a-b «ure I''- for catarrh I wish -to- w w « had it l'-i i--ti v r ~ flames, hich bad burst the side of like im' .J« »t i Mon. Hiram with to li »* ; !' -«T.t«d the u»‘w through Til*- s. vcnth anninl term of court. prices suit, troni SO.60 ateam- re-union of the G1!ea ‘The proprb tors of I*r. -a»:i nta*rh Komodv ranging the the lank u-ed in W'ltil h lit)*- building. Fortunately f w I- off.T a toward of f..i • a*c E. to a .»r c,i‘.»r*. tn In Id at the home of II. L. Howe Adelbert Kmherton of Bluebill was before * any ot catarrh G. SMITH, 8-1 suit. supplying the hotel with water was nearly •'lib h tbov ennuot chit That floats ail lotteries CLOSE OUT. 'I w in Aut«.ra. Sdurdav. Aug. 1*.». ‘til ajs *'h«*r open-air Judge Hutton, Monday, on charge of assault ; hollow' Tho nnutlidi <- .V- .rut*-- your ca- IS ot K full, and this circumstance sax. i the Ellsworth, Maine. building t- tarrh L- or ■ 1 he .1.1% w .a that cc.uld and cured, you t Jr'sur \\'mtc's mv oat -is 2--' »t \* Frida*. «\* nln*;. Im» wished for, battery, and was fined #10 and costs. 51 tf from destruction. A stream of w ater 1 in going rtgrt -I. t*1 Hniw u’s, t*> show steady atid in the for. noon about 120 friend* Committed in W M rri- -f .Hi early default. S.’-IH I nt v« wanted t-> n* xx ;ttdu ton foot of him ha,* purfbas.nl was plaxtd upon the fir*', aud were FURNISHING quantile and rdat \.s vv- n a*-i tnhied. boforv l'ii* If It 1- the urc of til- •• itarrh, I guess 1 ** X : *-i*» *k ai.d -o « I « an We offer the balance *»f our founty, br.ught in bu. k- t* bv mg bund-. I rioikltu. stand tl t dr- gglrls. The New Model Hall k k : dinner was served, a Typewriter. DEPARTMENT The tin vxs* a.m .-t in-id*- tin bu d- A PERFECT MACHINE, entirely f* v ■ Mrs Sarah Brown <*f W*n st»-r. \f.iss for the ensuing year were YY br»* Ho You I nko ITRYITI RK YltTTIYCV W ft I TING CH A O A< ThHS i i* b :ttd a tu-w ing. and s.in* tearing axvax x\ :,- n* i-c--:irx to Is Be lmvo as line a line as Is in < h •-• n a- friends ant relatives in Frank •- shown f.- I.. F. (•:!»**. secretary and visiting Yf• 1m f !'••• ire sick and want * res. 1 .. I»*\ 1 F:»u»t is ti the tlmii *. but iu a short ttm the fr lin. get »• ix.ui xxi«iii to Illness. •''J *. II 1 R'We. Fdmund Giles aud present the 1 rci! « »t H • H»s city. s w for n : wa- *-atmeuish* d. The b.*-. m r.r w .. :n Miss ir-aparllla OIL ( .!> pa p I- A I <• Kv.i West of <‘Union. Ma-s LOTUS, -. committee of arrnnge- ... ritv osk or ora w. : x gutted, but tent est m»: hi.** the iting her Mr. and Mt> \\ in i i K' } ■" it o! coin; j m :ds. grandparents. lain age it only ab -Ut West. I’-i: < :• ■ g* t.i lit it i; r> |*I|.I. — :.ic. : •{ M .:?» -s r«-« t. A '.: o'i!i» up was taken by K. -AT CHARM SHIRTS, The* bar! * U-*d ill til* -UtmiP r ht th* The sp *rts have had tithing in COST, s' •' if V M ! >\. Add. _•>. ‘‘•of ;\. nd lat.- in the day the deligh’ful nr. i k : h« n ■ >? tie Ho M o. *r ueorgc- <‘Mtj of IHIC, fia-s HI tlixl diunlug-room to being £ hildren for I'lie In-st >hiit in ! v s Hi'. s :r> lag it-p r-d with Cry a- titlin:: the market. l‘i-trift anticipations ant and to take bait. we wi-li to vacate our -tore Inn. Whi!*' • ntai i:*g s**u»c in--.*uvi-t u. ready '' •dm.c\ ni -u h i-ant L I • i w uh t i.-ran ;■ re-union*. Pitcher’s Castoria. the fire will not aeriou-ly Interfere wf U b bu si- Mr an.I Mr* W E |lrag<1<*n ard daugh- next month. '’ -• N d Summer from cents F. u-1... lo-iu »rryw, ter Kitth are Underwear tu **- a: iii« Inn. May visiting their friend-. 25 up. A »• 1 a. < ;*',. 1 n-t.il Mr and Mr* Charles at I «»r Oxer I Yearn .'lurch, Lvnti. ifty ( nil cloths*, 42 rents and tip. O'. Th.-• change* in Maine are an- Mass MB- W|\-|.nW 's n«»otmi\«. sNIIIT ha* l*en i_- Hi V. .. tin I. r_* -iiij I- ire at liar liar t»«»r. ■■■••! ''V n.n;;.>i.« ft ui.-'.i.t tn (or their hildren $t> much. $13. ti" K -ii• 1!» < r bv North r*. X a It* 1 M lit A 1-le, The Sullivan >>a*e hall chiu met the " I: -.r• .i Fire ! r« k* out to Mu*n bail «: «> j*. in. lu-t at night ami hroki u »»« 1--. Sargent\ tile, ti.e ••Franklin*" on '•* -r '* *• -* *• k < ! « fl. Cane-seat *15 emts and " * '■ and three- the delta at Kvetb Id" Sat ring and rying chair*. tip. H. m. BYRm & put ou. C;»i 11 Mo- and the w»* burn* I Friday evening, building " •!» I' • lit’. g t'.h r.'l at fttimti* 1 .t < » urdav where an get il a ii i- a Hi and k. \ liiue* a we. k. a afternoon, Interesting ami ■' It K>IO !>*•:!. Kit ami I .'1i* it o\ t 1). CO., <1..- ,; t by I ork. to the ground. The ]o«*« a i > r < • t»a I > 1 anmiiii! •••Hit- f “Mr* NN tu'« s<* t: lug fur Hardwood 45 cents. i y wa* syrup chairs, •» it •e lively game which resulted in I ^V<>. Water <*f n t.» \ lon. andthree-fourth* played, h»l ‘.ren i'-ft: ng I > n i. ve tlu* poor little The llent '•tail ard Tj jew lifer 1" do World Street. F F: »■ -f W i-hillg-.m. !*. C t ?- 'H*' The fforta of the tin im n w ere «!;- fav..r of the "Franklins" a score of 7 r» -.ii:*:.ale;-. I• i.*! up.-n it. mother*. <>ak folding tea tables. $1 '.mi; reduced Ine\|MM.dve. IVrutlde. No Ink Ifild. |n»r 'i rtii.n g tiine « a> h way. From 1, by *• Sept. ti':< -I -'.-k. changeable hi nnv lr or I : rv .•« *• ibt I’b iiio »liureh here on r«« ie.l to saving the n< Xt building, u-el as » to 11...... at u. It mri Hiarrl.it, i Type "ty wu'.iugi !*'1*to .!une i-’C. r* k the ‘i >1 cure* Wind from $3. Write* on tiled or unruled l’ai*er of mi of v storehouse. Ahnh aught tire s. v era! I am *. :i.'*;ng pa-tor li* For the first time since the ice went out •■•••• th. Out: an ! retlui ••* h hn*te t to ii'.irn and t a* Mu K i:•. 14*i— I*i* -ati-llnut to (irceii** Land- fl.trninatlt.il, | quality. r.ipl «n., h r. M ...» r. a ii in hern ti id. and a’-o till adjat enl hou«es. last the l.av wa- cleared <*f ve*-el* tnd e !_•. to the v\ hide l-n r. .*-■ cd if m-rv 1 spring .11.'-. -• F: ::i An; lo. l'-'.i. imrea-c distance "Mi- NS, •»»'** -•• t mi g syrup" 1 rtllilren I w«) satl-fa. lory. N i,d n»r catalogue and sped -( i K A )- a A a ia*t X 1 « ** Hal Hid d M an str. ! uld This fact i* notice- 1 X i ■ li' 4* *. high prevail* Saturday very te.-ij.1:• t.i ti..- t.i-ue All-metal to mens of work. IT.. \ 1 ■ ni an t U the spring*. $2 $3. l. ! *• v I:atige of -lie of pO*t-oflk'«> able pre linve lK**n a- the water -• rv :< because there ha* been a con-taut ri|.t.• «.f ..in in. ■. -t and Im-m female •»;, 1: W swept away, A. S. Me. at <»r.. ii*- l. unit: g. of v—. |dl\ ir: I tilted "late* Hrhe Rent w ood diuini; chairs, $1 50. HARRiMAN, Bucksport, to wall a t»r, coinlngat.il going 1*. great and .E. w ;iu ti: .:• ... i. cope In:gc d N ; -fin; ir to entirely inad*«j’ia!e tw.-.t, v -in., Soi-i all druggl*t* il I N h I. r l-l«* to <»rceti*«i -mail to tt.k< away tie product “f the la- i.y v Inter.-* *\ept. 1. IsH3 urtail aerviee sturdy granite w-.rker* WINM.UW so. -I H!\i. dill I- lyr.-J !i •.r* *. throughout the l*»wn. t 1 1» r l- ••nit;ting N *rtli lleer I-le, The Yoting l’--■-pies’S-.< ietv <»f Christiau Come quick, while they last. FOR SALE A *rg, a \• t.» go to M.» i- 1 ; '! al> tbre. and on*-half mile*. Endeavor of the Baptist churt h h<«d a At Green Lake. Children foi ...K *• at Cry 1 k* L*t. i i.g 11- x: > ... i. 1 i. >. loiior” picnic Georges’ Bond. Saturday. A On k fair dzd t v\ m.k- Sunday targe nuni'kr of men, women and children a i' Tin-: Hu- iar: iitig I lii I le. trio Iihiiiiin.ititig t o. Pitcher’s Castoria. Comfort and the ti-h work-. was preseii1, and with dinner under the Otic store is •»o t ;i*ii a ** ... : a t.» ; a for sale ,.‘j T :• ii i: 1.1 •’.tig of the hi -Worth F.hv- and the occasion tor. \ on! «• 1.00 !■ !.*• h pities, boating Ibhiog. If ti. tram* >• ti,. in ad of t in lake. The government >n; l. »\* ; -d in §4U(H t: w Lon ■•■■iik .m held at tbe ofli.e of wa* v» et ■ ry j .y aide. I ‘l p* ’• I eat medl A 1 p'-tion on all dangerous -ho*!- and r » k* n 1: « ’1 at a in ,*: \V. i;n—!«\ evening i\, \ Ham. !.. Aug. 21. <‘i Wedne*-l.tv of ia-t week. M-* Lttn k | 1, ige*. » eirnnt «••l.-red bargain GRAND. NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE Green La l si « •. vt I.. .It .U f u £ uavigai " r.r.lpt three rent '• '■} T il ; of a r»du*e i !■ ; d.ri -J-T- were cbo*cr.. II. of Wliitehouse 1-ipsharn. -urt A ink** much safer. % I*. Oriiway MT. ■ DESERT. ME. '•ijui t •. •:. t ,r I N. w V A « -t n ..f t: I... .rig on | rk: \. 1*. Wi-well. Eli- home, accompanied by II-v and Mr*. ., !!■ Mm**. if sold at onee. --_:(>F- Tilt* steamer ‘Senator" had Ivv.t 1*- iiiv* li:.'. *•-.<: i.g r- ?u: it lor a re*idenoe v' : it F. >! -.1 Ii. print}*- and S. M. Ge-.rge \V. Avery, a- far :i* Bangor. Miss ■ Itint >l:ii la-1 week, om of fiMv fiom the h« >1 « tb« Wtiilehouse i* the of F. C. rleil. b> Hi. No diiuag. A a. i »n> II till! !■■■•« I .11 d. I Mho. daughter ’• acres the Whitehouse, of, and *!• -»k- II VI „• •. tn :- !■» ni a .«* « a t.i:rv »lgn. Thirty hordeiing lake, and another of p»d fr-*m the fo g of ’he \ !■ 'Ik !!■• ••■lion of c-rt'e er- will be superintendent <' "f to'* :. f i* r r * -n* of the H m k N'-.l! M -l >t ,»r •« 11 line, u •*, n;'t hold g. tt tt I. holder in the B •W'doin Go’s in 1- NN 1 east shore of Echo 1 ,ake. k side* several »u h» ;d later. l’.tper n .r >i: ! im to you gr«>",v and J. H. ( ou .t\ Fair A** iti .ti n x? & E. K. month wid be at and re « HOPKINS, Lisbon Kails. She d g -1 un t*• the At- K. Top-ham ip, -i..i»!.i.g. Me re|5t.ti the I-a ■ ■ 1 lit .-ltd a huts- d« *c< lit of turns home from her vacation visit with Id >11 in Ii have k 1, and f« el* »* It there Two acres of on pat t |-.\elits. granite “S. «»n !- .tilling »•«* h i. ttf | V »!I"I'VI.. I:.- :* troutiled Id'*1' 11 t in' The nator” (»re*ui l. »k* htv ing great Mr. and Mrs. to da her father and Water Ellsworth. thr )a*t two Avery j Will: I! Street, <*•, vs.-ek fr*»m io-dav. Hiur-Uv. Augu-t tv-;.. u. Slid I.:; I- Hitt* .* U the only Somes' Sound, and ■ -u-o, s- a- an exeur-lou b*»*tl. Yesterdiv a sister in a visit to World’s I* air lay of ’A.*- fa:. I'i d. anu-1 Crabtree and son acres 1 -v\ with in-' Wild West” enter- on Beet h 1 lill. 1 tiad the boat, and -in* i- eiigjged t r were coming down the and r- < Eight, »•"’a : -f today sleep ky MARINE LIST Tin m* Tin: Amrki. an •» i:i '.;h. .-vi ofwhiih ha- never vi-ite.l : a party «*f Bangor p'-ople. Tin boat I- -< hill from Martin's Ki-lge, Mr. Crabtree I have be.-ii tsi.o. d i. door to the left ou the t •uot>. Ii. i; to- galore, with wsrb.s.p met with a *eri ’its. and it is f• :tr• fata Address. Mis Mai;y * with rb 1. intilirtllr I'otfa. We arc now aide to 'how !>t« .: M .. »r of ! in .; -jj ^'ate *t •, .-ti ! | !.•. i-.iIT.: ., nm-tang- and bronebo*, accident. 'I he holdbai k broke and tb* Ih-rtts Nr A I h s I, B<>\ -afety: in fact the In-peclor- have a. up •, ||n k. II. Ki. hard 1 t*>>key. Micliiojlll. to tii"«i her«f"fore d A. F. Burn- ...: M-* •• "•■ v\: i h r- an : •! il -u at e only -otn- of wagon ran up m the horse which, becotn the boat 14*' a r I t a ttie a pa-** iigers large i.unil" Nr .. f I I -v. I rt I >n d i and liner Mr. Bun ran r. t larger ham. ham taking the orti vacated :::• s" l- th »t are There will ing frightened, The boy. who wa- public boat of her l.ru' n-i"ii-. promt*.-.1. >.N *:• d .1. Mir. Nu,u-':i. Bowden, 1 11 K \MI i.l' driving, the rein* and ■ ■ !■> f ■ at a. dropp.-d jumped I. I I:. linn v er. r 1" ill and Kt perform- a-sortmcnt at ; The father jumped a!-o, hut caught hi* r t. B \ :i..a, Jo sul;t of goods I *t •■} in» ..• «• n” ..n afh rno u and evening. price- imp- ri i:m)\ u.. ! foot an was precipitated headlong again*! v ft Hi- h il -: v. .*• ■ -< ing it :.v .. ,. :.» Turner’,* J* Has n Aug I Ii Ncn. I point a lock. The force of the fall wa* -■ »ra«~t*, Blnk> fort 1 it.d ENGLISH CLAY NOTICE. T'-gm .* .?.-*• ••. i- a* a ;r:tie off >i-t LOWER THAN EVER. I Ingui-lied \ i-ilor*. great a* to fra. lure the -kull, blood is >:d N-.g ; ■ I y !Uh H. K. Ilaiuiin w ill !•> out ! 'a n v n> \i 1 ;/aU-thp..rt, of •( I N\ P a* Up r* *v a a* i I lav a w a- -uiug fr--m nose, ear* and mouth, lie ha- ..Id t. cil-tingul-hed party gitb- T ISIIIM, to 11>:tke a !ia1 _. in ii,l-u-dncst., A rt rv. n N ..k i.. -. -..Mr-. « •«. for Hath AND SILK MIXED DIAGONAL SUITS I ,J w h-» > o ..f them have U-.-n '!..•■ P;liea- u» *t-of r». fK-t-n unconscious ever since, with tin I off, my cut1 r- *:«•< k f M Kugene Nr N ug I ’rt- I. *-.-i v.uii.l. If J a *« ku 'A Hon. J. F. of .\L- Ida- a- u. t--v\n of blood tiling on the brail) * -rtr. II.. k. N 4 roii-;d-rable Lynch lln i'.(» I Mr-. Sii« rnlan. who bad been pr-.bahliity H h|u*. .Sullivan, TO MEASURE. II. irv. -! II Hr ia n. .. h-.i '• last Hi- ehancea of recovery are -mail. it; \\ at ( Our diet»n *v ;■■ Saturday. v there w ere flies. locks, .lew el n. is Com- a>- irevlou*. \r N ug T t .» Itangor. Ifenrv Clothing Department 21. M ... I. C. BuI Sr! II -n Ii rt 1 l.in. o r.. Aug. d M N. ...Ml |//|e t .X h A ; >i'r i* g i.i*. 1 among the C. ex-Cnited State* • 15. (18. (20. anil (25. 1 I. Win and Masses. Cove '.i-t ( Mn.'.n, Spccttides Eye inn- s r: Saturday. i* :. i-(iov. arroli of « < the g»\ern- Mary- North llanrork. 'It M I. .. II t ollln*. plete in at » x-» t.r-. I ni.din/ every Respect. iv. a u.d. -i.gres-man John A. Ka-*«>n ln it to g!:ii u- .To t'd on Buckle Mr-. B. F. Joy and -on W trrcni.av- Mi** st. Eucy Marshall i* pp:ng will Nr Nug 1 r. n| Ha\r, -•m m I-land 'in. of 1 -A i. I IP at : i: t r. »!.•«- to V k** N.»r- to Westbrook to vi-it her parent-. Mrs. It. Butler for a few H A t II Mi.hl Nr !• hr!g Scotch in Latest A r Mary week* \ur KtdeiU f.-r Suitings Styles ! >« .:.'* I- and. Thi* Furnishing Department L» n Han’tn. "f It- -ton. i- tn :.»wn v g I. II has b. « n N r Kver. Ai:.• 1 at (d'l lVuot.-ent. Springer rt-hlng lately ,ig Ii <; M .. It..-ton ■ 1 o '• i.. .* | l oi i>«- martn. re at and returned w itb a d haul. «•!<•:. »-r>.it Nr Aug Il t K to Measure, $12.50 to $20. h parents. Mr. and Mr-. A. liar :■ n. Mt .ra< .V g>>« 1-, Hull, or in order t" m;tk* a < and Better than in hoi- Is quite ill with ty- land Larger any other night, at Collet •pi.>n: iv the} ha\t to i y by at ha- fevr. Mrs. Martha Marshall been to Bai M -.a ! \ s Thomas J. Holmes at ten tied tiie r* uni .u of phoid I..M..N ._ 1*. h I. Brigs-, Iicer l* Harbor to visit her children Mrs V VA h rli' Hm I >ll ill folltillUe to do Kl l' VlKIMi Store in this hi- reguuei t. the Ilth Maine, at i: k n.d. s .as N .M.l> hell ha* built a tine house receutly. j City. IIPALUI » Nr Nug -< i. .1 ..M ice, folt A i uggv ■ ti.rr. Abbie Graves accompanied her. All Wool Goods. Second to None outaiirug jo-ing gir and 1 till- sea-Hi. ,1.,hn-..n Mrs. K. F. Huberts of Bangor ha- *n th*- | At.I. WoliK IIK.Y N II. i ■ W.\ at. » rna Miss Flora returned from Kintv N» VA Hi t;l d; Nr *. h- •. W >. !eri> d.»* d«w i, M.tiu *tr*et ia*t V.' f l; .b.-rt- iia- tr** Joy Ni.gl ( ollln*, guest for a f« a of Mr*. A. 1 >aundcr-. g to New York days id. She is now 1 N N.-w York From the Kllsworth Woolen Mill aftt ruo.»n. fh. -.or-- — recently quite with hei Sat-..:-.Ia> r.g re.-kit n .. :.er II. nrv t N > .. Whitney,” apt. 1.1 k \r N g |T. I. I';. Kerins, 9m Bartle- eg me u i.! ’> a »« tt’, ;,t A. K. Burnham ha- gone to attend tin .i... aunt. Mrs. G. P. Clark. | ly ii. ven v fa- man. A irn a a* made Into Wi: S. .. r-. M. N .A N of Xfler a reasonable t -i til. -1 ’• Geo. L. Morrison, meeting at Aetna. He will n »: return un\. Another of our ha* as : N:.g M I*. W. Hingion. for collection w ith au att.u ney F.-:f k El etrre! \ a four of the K -- •.* wa» aged pen pi pas-e- P.-rk n town over Sunday, •H ! H: -.v Ihilrd. Under the of Mr. I. L. Halman. over to the shore. I'titUdelphU Management *»• Sept. 4. « other Jacob Cnrtl .. | ant w. re thrown .*. The driver rv- 2 parents, Mr. and Mr* Inn Aid : lira Nr Ih* .1 H l.u.-k At $12.50 to $20 to Measure. died on the Ifith. The funeral service- nr.d 1 Id Id > : •* W .alii Kill-. ti.. 1 .. .m JOY, *■« -.v5 a bad .... :in f .r* in i. but the J. J. Lane, editor of the .1 Pel has met gir.e * ,d 1' n with success, and our work for were performed by Rev G B Chad w h i Nug M,:\t Ip-vxi.h t or. Main and stat< -t- I- i.hvyoktii, Mt | great -peak- itself. c- unhurt. A of the wn.e riitr.ut Laconia, N. 1L. was in the v t»: \ u* 2 ng blocks have been 1'"KI 1 VSI* « : ! Nug 1 aped -pr.ug wagon piv of Ellsworth. Mr. Curtis leaves hi* age. I».»:.i.etu am! 1 •' ’A'-: f H Sullivan broken. Saturday. t" N vv \ .rk from the tils&et Halil!,.., Sl-Klvi; AMI -IAIMKK -1 ITIM.i frmn an ns a can partner to grieve hi* loss, and she feels i S. va -rk call lit.d about in mii'I N made t*» Ry giving you tlie granite i, iair>. endless variety of goods, order In any c\cr\thing ( r. will not be before will be re -■d Nug ; ark N :’• r;i I! IH.i kln-, N » in en :-tk-n yet by the com- The condition of apt. N. H. ILg.-i t long they Bangor style V. •• r d < im. r was in Nr Aug 1-. I II s r. Kr,. ... in n.r fhlladel and h> w as ■ Bangor last united. 111 "INKss *I'IT> to order from #7 to #l.Y ii. ■.* ;.• a a k* ..f ::.e board of aldermen improving, yesterday rep l*hu GREAT way of a i- 2 'iinbi r fur bis new house Si j <»ur riintom department Ik under tin* manage be low. u*mt ik. -Ait'1 Nr A 1 NN 1->ud. >ullIvan r-gar- g *?.- m-w vraik to t*e built t-u the very men! of Mr llau»on. au eipertenred cutter and v.: .- -ti t built. 21. f..r vv N rk Aug. graduate from the John .1. Mitchell north* !*• of Mam etr«-et from o k hall •• r- •• cutting Han. Mi-» Lavini.-i I>avi-. un iu-tru- t'-r in a H ki a s !> Nr N .. !-. h II H-g- r-. Orercoulino's, I csfinrf,v a 1 -ulllvan ech<*»!, Sew York elt \. Suitings, Trouserings, Funr/j M wife of Ellsworth, '. BARGAINS IS! v.-i. Hams Nr \ ug M.srv t. t*• l aii oor The committee ex- ed scho* ! iu \\ iu town Itrooklin. 17. rig All giMMln are shrunk. cut and a-biuglou. I>.C.,i- Si'u- •* thoroughly !.»y afUT'i mu for a short visit ••• N- VA N k. -rh Nellie trimmed, w arranUd not to and satisfaction Jurr/O/is iiiiiI Ihiinrs/irs. g- a :i ., a r\ mas Mitchell. Miss Nellie K Carroll of S- uth W.-- NN t ury H >m !.-r I'. .t> -.-••er*-. guaranteed. open evenings. Nr -< :. Factory FOR Tin; NFNT THIRTY HAYS n.-.r ,ja’ ; a ..f :r- m. th.• ai.kiug* in Harbor is friends in towu. Nug 1 .//;■• I.«-> Sound f.-r Col. J. M. Gr»*cn. who built the r. .r-etd K I Ii Itoaiie. of the visiting pa-tor Baptist N. aa- lh tlf. id i —iisr — i hr \ unil CulonnOs mi f : of a nnrtij HmuIiju!. •'.> *tretch i* to ■ ra- ■•••» Misses Ellen and Clara Robbins of Eis M *.' M lh-i LI |t. from Bangor to the Teliniuu-, Mt. 1 »■ -< v. .i- n on a two we.ks* vacation Nr Nug h* Nn.l.t In A Hanson. S 1 I. Campbell, Joy b* %k- law a> la* i-> ;n fa- 1. t M Hi- health i- mucn benetitted Boston are visiting Mr. and Mrs E Was N |t tf.'O here a day recently. .H.im. A t.rHl.ii, IM-. 1'ir-t-clas- \\ ork i- (■ uarautci d. there i- no tin- rest. at FLOUR, CORN, lie-member, \ \ ib thi- week f»y gait "Sunuyside.” N-Jg 7. Mr H w. !: < Mr. and Mrs. C harles (• of L w j. k ‘. mg’..n, .*hy, H: .. •' Hr,. In W ix made a short visit t« d.. H. T. >: »rke, II. I!. U urn. •■!! ti..* channel with the drtdge Almond Atherton Brewer; have been Mrs. Coi-. 's •• '- trouble to show von a ILL, visiting father, we- Uaini. Mullen, To the Citizens of (ioods, and if u- eali. to buv or • i, Ellsworth on business last k. Hanccci ha- !•• niov ir.g rapidly forward for the *■ County. SHORTS, give Atiia-n I»• >*t•.;j; H. ( Vaughan, Lra-tu- Heduian. in Ibis city. ’.Hi -I.ir \ far-.ri*. Howe, w.-. k. there no obstruction in W t r. k! I I. We are now pre i m' i. K. I.* < pu-: being Mr. and Mrs. Weston (Jolt of -burn F. inptt Bo-;on; A. ■ ■ I ■ N ii g 1 H- v III ha in In-rial AND FEE!) OF AIL KINDS. w iil receive most court) oil.- Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Webber and daugh- t ie siniji* of rocks to impede the progress. Mas*., have been vinitii g relatives in town n, pared to furnish you not, you attention at Th >m W at, rv ole ; J. H. Moore, Albu- Hi-- it. -n >t I ,• i...i. Flora Morang, ter of Somerville. Ma--., are returned home anything you may Also a full line of Laura, vi-ittug Mi- Mary Wentworth died Saturday Wednesday. M• •: g. .k H. r., N. M ; L. p. liter. N. lb Smith, wish In our line of relatives this and 12. after a La MotclIK. ! Nug -*• h .1 '■:i A tintiln. Burton, fhlh iu city Bluebiil. inortr.ng. Aug. very brief illness. marble and H '‘•n th. Port.and; J. ,1. Lane, Laconia. ailel| 1:1.a granite Teas, lottee and Provisions. 1 d.-ceased was very esteemed, Aug 21. for cemetery work, Walter Young, of this ::y, now highly l‘a d in Nug .’! 1 Eui.i*« I* LEWIS FRIEND & N H : \ P. Ii.» !. North Va**.; formerly Newcomb, from the smallest Abingtou, and w .11 be much missed. Her age was BroAvn, Bo-iun, sullaaii CO.’S, of III., is, with his wife, hi- ChmI ine. tablet to the most ex- Low as the Lowest. F. B. « oie. Br.Kiin. M .«« S. M. llaiii:L. L.giu. visiting about x. The funeral occurred on -:x’y lurelk* PnrU monomer t. Several fa*t are pensive .>1 <1 itiiin<>- Shti at 2 in.. Kev. yachts here, and then Get and be convinced. lSlock, Main \ Franklin C.ev eland. Ohio. lay p Mr. Mayo of Biue- I*a Kl> .N A ug 17, hark 11 L We have the latest (tor. Streets) are some <*regg, Hoggins, j prices t.l < iti.li.i .... ti..* k. rvl.i exciting races. John \\ Lancaster i- out again after a for Barhadoe- ami most Improved Tne rt*. nt f->r--*t fire* ii. and 22 > township'* The season here is at its ,1'di.s SB Nr Nug 1-, li A I* designs, ami respect- -evcre and tedious illness He was in the height. Th* Emerson, Kllwwort li, Sliiiur. e iap» * in.- hard work on tb« of the city l»av. furt-rmmth fully ask you to call, D. H. & part weather ha.* been line, and the guests an Eppes Son, la-t but ha- not returned to work. Sullivan. si'kinam —At July It. hrig Eugene Hale, f..r see our goo'is ami fir*-tighter*. r»ut tin- fm'MT Jo** wa* nut week, jet great. enjoying themselves in many ways. Sail Bo-ton prices. Steam i 20 Main Street. A of the tire last week in the > -i u ■ i»» onm ... In t!e D"• :• Tig '-.Jiifineii for th* most part to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Lawrence. Mass., re|>*>rt Iriir i... ) niii.t iiiiimlar -- fet’oHstilng works Swiss Chalet may be found iu another connection. We will greeu or pr*-v iou*iv-burued land.*. The tire with Miss Campbell and M aster Charles Camp- incut this summer. coiunin. iticoitai. grade your lots, cau t)0tcl3. '•nth* H in.' rut low at MartavUle burned bell, are in town visiting Dr. A. C. Hugertby, The following arc the latest hotel ar clean your monu- K« v. I> M W.Uon, U itarian mission- ments and Head NOTICE ! t.v- r a'* -ut f •or r>-». with no considerable rivals: Mrs. Blake, Belmont, Mass.; .1 Charles Hodgkins, a compositor iu the Ban- stones to look as ; ary for N *w England, will preach at Dis- Pain the Teacher. > Cohen, Boston; Mrs. J. C. Van Nostraml as at ? A ut a-Te* on tin- of bus been v good uew.all Shore Acres forty property gor Itnily _\>tcs office, iu town sit- trict hail. Sullivan morn s«»rr next !- u h.it we Hotel, Harbor, Sunday Mr-*. (». Mis | w, j«»y, on>rht to pray for. tie Maria. < .. Brooklyn; Howell, Bangor; Lmd *va- burned over, ing bis parents. Dr. and Mr-. Lewis Hodgkin- mg, Aug. 27. at 10 :>0. An, iiext to peace, we pro lit moat from palu.” reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cor K-gce Belmont. Boston. solicited. good tim >.-r land. respondence mostly of Ala., whe M *re than the usual number of large, The best, however, is considered none LAMOINE Henry M.Hsll.jr. Florence, N. H. HIGGINS Sl CO., BEACH, Letters reiii t;i.. a for at the EMs- ba- been national bank handsome schooners is noticed in this too SALEol'R examiner for free born FOR American Hall’s Steam STOCK appoluted ‘•I notice that you dun’t rail on the Byng* gi: j good citizens; Water St., Opp. Mill, w- 1 the and it is rth po*’-..rti Aug i.’ Mr*. Julia Briu- i- a sou of harbor during past month, Ellsworth, Me. for that state, of H. M. Hail this more. id il?" “The !a»t time I wa an.l the of and as the Frenchman’s Maine. -OF- any Why pursuit joy peace, 14- II HIGGINS. N- H- HIGGINS JU- Bay, t E I> W (» .id dr,. Edward .1 Hodgkius. learned mat. f**r the most part, they were | city. there, I a-Wed her if “he had anything 1 <<>u! l constituents of is one of the May 1, lstfJ. lyrls. Mr* E -i llooLk.!,'. 1 loaded £ at West Sulli- happiness, Kingman. M;*s bjaCrabtree Havey take home and read, and -he handed me a hoo V\ Mrs. J. C. Cbileott and her Mi-* It inalienable all This Hotel is conducted on the Ameri- Ma^.ie Partridge. L. Robertson. daughter. van, with paving blocks. is hoped that on how to keep house on $300 a year.”—hulioi rights claimed for men in Clio, attending Ihe celebration at Ma< bias or this >igu »f improved times may continue, apolii Juuriuil. the immortal Declaration of ludepeud- and can and European Plans. Modern Con- < hui. ll Note*.. ! the liih and 1:1th, and visited relatives H and tiist this industry, which is the most Cemetery Building ; ence. veniences. Excellent Cuisine and Service. He\ I>. E. Yale has and will Jonesboro. important in this little town, may recover returned, lllcbiral. Mr. L. of WORK, all its old-time prosperity—and more. Henry Weed, Belfast, Me., moderate. occupy the pmplt of the Congregational Powers, of the 01*1 Colon? And everything connected with the Charges Capt. Elijah has had exceptional success in the pur- church next Sunday. >teami»oat and daughter, who have bed Business, done Promptly and In the Co., E.ul Surry. suit of that without which, in general, Most Substantial Mannsr, at w at Sheriff and Mr*. havt There ill l*e *eni 2. ! S. M. Ilamill. of Cleveland, ()., general mar.' much to the pleasure of his friend* and future, and reduce our stock as much relatives. who for thirteen years, had been afflict New Granite & Marble Ilex. Messr*. Yale of this city, and Conley ager and secretary of the Bru-b Electric Co. Shop, Stable connected with the House. as Lillian Crabtree, and her sister ed with rheumatism, indigestion, and a Livery possible ri^ht away. of the Fad*, arc going over the northern por- was in town on Monday, attending the annua Miss In the Giles Block, under Campbell A Joy’s Maude are visiting their parents, Mr. and cough, which last was so constant and Coat Factory, Main Street. GEO. R. CUNNINGHAM. Prop'r, In order to do we have marked tions of rh county this week. meeting of the Ell-worth Electric Illuminating l.kW2t> so, every of Mrs. Thomas A. Crabtree—Lillian from SST*All orders left at this will be piece Co., of w bicb he is president. troublesome, particularly since a severe shop promptly liev. I> M. Wilson will preach at District Newport, where she has been teaching filled, and all work and material warranted first- Goods at Cost, and a ^reat manv below cost. attack of la grippe, that he was appre- class In ball, suilivau Harbor, next Sunday at 10.30 Dr. II. C. Vaughan, formerly editor of Tut elocution for the last few months, and every respect. WORLDS FAIR. A I rge variety of the NEWEST and MOST AU- was on hensive of consumption,—two members Now is the time to Goods. a. in. American, in town la-t week business Maude from Boston, where she has been TISTIC designs of buy Dry a* a clerk & of his died of that He found time, however, to call upon many employed by Thomas Long Co. family having disease. MONUMENTS, TABLETS AND Parlies Intending to visit the World's Fair can Call before the assortments are broken. < Her friend, Miss Beth Morrison of Wi early Hancock o. IIi»r*cs at Bangor. old friends, who were glad to see him agaiu He suflered almost constantly from rheu- obtain flrst-< Lass rooms with breakfast and ti her. HEADSTONES, The entries have been made Dr. is now located in Portland. verly. Mass., accompanied which following by Vaughan matism, particularly aflected his on hand. attention o’clock dinner In uice \ rivate within easy other kept constantly Special paid family Haucock horse owners for the Eastern While parts of the State complaiu to and Btone. county Mrs. John E. Lodge, the venerable niothei right foot, to such an extent that he was Polishing, Lettering Betting distance of of weather and of LETTEKI.iG a Fair Grounds by three ear lines—fare Maine Fair at dry everything being Specially. Bangor: ! of Senator Cabot Lodge of Ma-sacbu unable to work for and •rbon’t the Giles’ Block, under Henry dried up, and grasshoppers taking posses- frequently days forget place only 5 cents—at $1 JO per day. A. W. Ellis. Ellsworth, 3 minute A Coat Main Ells- e. w. one Campbell street, & Bonny. Joy’s Factory, McDonald dined at the American house even a co. setts, da? we have of the kind here. weeks at time. He had been | sion, nothing treat- worth, Maine. Address ( lass; Dr. Lord, same; Ansel \V\and Camille. Bar Har j last week, and then drove through to We have had a fair amount of rain, sun- ed by many regular physicians and had All In want of anything In the line of Cemetery A. K. Bu- k. < *rland. 2.31 class; ( Buck, work will find It H. A. MERRILL, amilie, to avoid the Mrs. Lodge shine and shadow. are tine, and a to their advantage to call at this j bor crossing bay. Crops a amount of Vlual Haven. E. II. Ellsworth. expended large money for shop, examine stock and get prices, before placing 2256 Wabash Orland. (ireely. for the water, so she come: plenty of teed for the cattle. The June Avenue, Chicago has an antipathy various medicines their orders. 2 37 class: Greek, Ellsworth, frost that did so much in various popular patent without (form r!y of Raugor). Hyronimous, to Ellsworth by rail and drives over the roac damage was visible benefit from ReferenceDr. Ellsworth. Tile Dr. Lord, Ellis. Ellsworth, Ansel W., Camille parts of the State, just here. receiving any either. He Phillips, therest of tbeway when going to Bar Harbor Health and Strength Restored 2713w Cosmopolitan Magazine and Harmoun. Buck. Orland, 2.34 class. says: AND THE Maj. E. P. Reed, of North Abiogtoo. was it 4,I suffered severely with pains, at times, al Capt. Ira B. Eilems of Rockland, a re- “Saturday evening, Jan. 28, last, town last Reed is the over my body. During the spring I felt com my Saturday. Maj. presi tired sea-captain, died last Friday, loot was so swollen and When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. Hotel Death of Alex. ! aged worn out and took food right paiuful that Hamilton, ELLSWORTH Parody. dent of electric street at North pletely barely enougi AMERICAN railway Abing- 72 years. I could hardly stand upon on the When she was a Child, she cried for Oistoria. RAK WE. Alexander Parody, a well-known barber of to keep me alive. I tried Hood s Sarsaparilla it; and, HAItKOK, ton. Mass., the scene last week of the riot recommendation of Mr. K. H. has subsided and the Moody, When she became she to Castorla. MRS. 8. J. ... this for many years, after an eleven The swelling shootin; Miss, clung STAPLES, PROP’R. BOTH FOR A ! city between the electric road and tbo-t BtH-klen’ft Arnica Salve. of I of him one $2.50 YEAR employees do not trouble roe. I am strongei druggist, Belfast, bought months’ illness, died at his home on pains When she had Children, she gave them Castorla Pleasant Rooms, Excellent Table. Tuesday of the steam that runs through tb« The best halve In the world for Cuts, bottle each of Rudolf’s and railway and have a good appetite.’’ Mks. A. G. Oman Discovery mUK GREAT ILLUSTRATED MONTHLIES have Beal aveuue, of cancer of the stomach. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores. Emulsion and commenced their use. Reasonable Prices. in the sold for The major's company came out ahead Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, 84 Newman Street, South Boston, Mass. past place. It was a Mr. who was years of age. < Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Within 24 hours the had subsided «rNOW OPES TO SIMMER VIS'TORS.88" 81 a year. wonder to priuters how The with its Parody, forty —as does with which he i: Tetter, happed swelling I Cosmopolitan, everything usually are ham 13w24 was t»orn at Old Town, but has been a resident Skin and positively cures Piles, or Hood'S Plllt purely vegetable, and the pain ceased, and I have not been 1.536 of matter connected. Eruptions, yearly pages reading by the greatest writers of the box. For in and appearance. troubled with either world, of Ellsworth for He leaves a money refunded. Price 25 cents per made, perfect proportion since. I have not many years. and its 1,200 illustrations by clever artists, could be furnished for 80 a year. sale by S. 1). Wiggin.—Adrt. been free from rheumatism so loog at widow, but no children. Information has been received at East JHtiiital. In last it put iu the most iu the any time daring the past thirteen years. _ January perfect maga/.iue printing plant world, Funeral services will be held at the Catholic Machias of the death at Santos, Brazil, ol SPECIAL- DRIVE My stomach trouble has im- and now comes what is really a wonder: John E. Dow of brig **Waubuu.’ Abocrtiscmcnts. materially church this (Thursday) morning at 9 o’clock. Capt. proved aud is still improving. My cougb Capt. Dow was for many years a citizen has almost eutirely ceased. I have now We cut the of of East Machias, and only went to Santos See the World’s Fair for Fifteen Cento. will price the Magazine in half for The “Thetis.” taken three bottles each of the Discovery you! some two months ago to take command of of address and fifteen FLOUR. Upon receipt your and Emulsion, and am continuing their Flske’s new cutter has finally been named; after the death of Welch. Tbiuk of 12.S of this vessel, Capt. cents in postage stamps, we will mall you pre- use. health is much it, pages reading matter, with over 120 illustrations—a volume tha she will be There’s flour and flour. You can a big , My general improved known as the “Thetis.” the World’s Co- pay paid our souvenir portfolio of price for poor flour, and you can, If vou ar ; and I have increased in weight; my would sell iu cloth binding at $1, A will leave next with her shrewd, a low for flour. Vou ca 1 party Saturday Business Notices. lumbian the is pay price good etite is better and Qrodtv\)^r api for Exposition regular price fifty if “watch out.” thi my capacity for a week’s cruise along the Maine coast. business is claimed to t* get itargains you Bargains The Bangor college cents, but as we want you to have one, we week. I have work much Increased. In short, I am now the will of the kind in the State Among party be Frank Hamlin of one of the best schools will find it a -CHOICE- in better health than ever before within make the price nominal. You lOft.18a Bali,nvi ata FOR ONLY 1 CENTS. Bovs who want a practical business educatior * my recollection, and ascribe it 1-2*2 Chicago. work of art and a thing to be prized. It con- Gold, altogether find what will suit them In the adver BU. ROLLER PATENT. to tbe wonderfully beneficial effect of a may just of the 85.85 por r. views Headache Cured In another column. tains full page great buildings, the remarkable Instantly tisement of this college This u as It truly remedies of tbe of and is executed in price long .lasts. We will send you THE COSMOPOLITAN which has By using the Royal Headache Tablets. are with descriptions same, Kodolf Medicine Co. I have the fall MAGAZINE, the They The fall term of the Castine normal school will paid the best in the market. No cure, no Send of art. If not satisfied with It, for ail of these which I statf of contributors of pay. same efficient ol highest style price have taken, strongest regular any and open next Tuesday. The corps existing periodical, for free sample, or 25 cents for first we will refund the and and this for large box, by has made this school in tlu after you get it, etampe ISKCS,! voluntarily give testimonial THE mall. teachers that popular AMERICAN, Try them once and you will use no others. the book. Address the benefit of those who be past will be employed another year. Albert ¥ let you keep may (till Agents wanted everywhere- Headache A. E. MOORE. •offerlag aa I have (offend.’’ Boyfil fttefcardmiitto principal. a. £. BVCKUUr * Cp., CMo*o,UI. BOTH FOR ONLY $8.50 A YEAR. T*l*H C*, Uco&fc,». H-Orfrt. fcSS teefcsift if- ■■ mm I

'Jli»r»crt\scmcnt0 When I Go Home. A KiiriiicrV Life. POI LTRY CONVKMFACES. w. c. T. r. Notices. ^UMrtistnirnts. It comes to me often in silence. The farmer does more work for ihe little Legal When the firelight sputters low— An pay he gets than other man. This Inexpensive Moveable Run Kxeel- Itesolut ions Fussed at tlie IlrookHti To the Hon. of Probate within and for th When the Mack uncertain any Judge shadows leut Plan county of Hancock. * Is a wide and assertion. It for a Roost. Meeting August to. may live without friends; we Seem wraith* of the long ago; sweeping may UNDERSIGNED Elizabeth W. Hanlli HEAD CONTEST. A*Je are rpiIE : UREAT SPEAR »" Alway s with throb of be true in pari, at tunes in locali- When ( lucks im? in a brooder Following the resolutions passed at .JL guardian of Clara E. llardln minor heir o f M may live without books. heartache, varying placed ^ the Mar-hall Hardin late of Bluehill, Hancock coui That thrill* each pulstve vein. ties, and it be true as a or under a some is want- annual convention of the Hancock But civilized man cannot live without may rule, but there ben, handy yard tv. Maine, respectfully represent* that said m Cornea the old, W in.r Is seized and of an ii unqujct longing are other facts and conditions in favor ed to confine them, and with this end in county (’. T. {' held at Hrooklio, Au- possessed undivided cooks.” For the of home terest in the following described real estate, viz CHEW |*eaee again. view an Ohio Farmer <»f the correspondent gives gust 10; were received too late to l>e two lots or els of land a And cooks who are famed in all coun- fanner, that more than balance they pan deserllied in dee I'm atck of cuts and of a used in from John A. Herrick to Marshall Hanlin date the roar of cities, the description panel incorporated in tin* of the conven- tries and vlimes disadvantage* he labors under from report February 2, a. i>. H«o, and recorded in Haneoc And of face* old ami strange. his Fig. 1 shows the This small Is yards. panel. printed In la-t we« k s : countv, Registry of Ihwb in vol. 171, pages Are a|v. and abreast of 1 know pay. lie nearer tion paper ays progressive where there's warmth of welcome, Independence should lw» constructed of lioards and to which deed and record aforesaid, may be ha pick- littnlrrd —That we than man. give thank* to our fora more particular that said e the times. Aral my yearning fancies range any other He controls his bus- ! ets. Procure fence boards 6 inches wide ; description; Heavenly Father for His in all tate is unpnMtuctive of any benefit to said mlm Back to the dear old in* .» a> he is guidance as Mis. homestead, pleases, and not indebted to and either Id or 10 feet and saw and that It will be «*f Stall Marion Harland and ! long our just woik. His iu all the for the Interest sal " ith an scn*e of asking help aching pain another for it center minor that tin* *ame should he sold and tli party lengthwise through the This duties that conn to us the McBride. But there'll la* joy in the coming. may through proceed* secured on interest, then-fore pray 11«* docs t*» two s" and and not go the market for bis will give long stri}>s 3 inches wide coming year your Honor that lie may I** authorized and eii Mcsdamts Rorer Lincoln, When I go home again ! lit gotct-il—i ;.at tj„. powered agreeably to law t*> sell in. interest daily food, lie finds it < |o-e at hand, on members of our local many beside. said minor in tlie above deserllietl real c state, * H£40 When I go home There mu-ie [ nlons should |ie earnest in again' more their such of as In speAR ts** It have tried and farm, or stored away in abundance in part your opinion mavbccxi* Who COTTOLENE, That may never die away. efforts to kt cp up the interest in their dient. El.l/AHKTII W II \KI»IN. the and cellar, ami of better cheerfully say And it seems the band of angel*, graiucry qual- meetings, am) m air woik for the elevation Bluehill, A ug. 9. SAVE THE TACS. On a at ity than tlie market affords. Herein be of mankind STATE OK MAIM This t ratable ihortening is gaining tile mystic harp play. Urgolrt d ) nat IIa.m-ih k, saAt a Court of Probate h-id Nave touched with a yearning sadnes- has great advantage in the production of wewili cooperate with day. Ellsworth, on the second Wednesday oi augo and <>n a lieautiful. broken strain. tlie National and Si.au? W. I l\ U. uiild de- : Oik Wild and Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars, food for subsistence over the me- a i». lslti. Smnty-TOree And skilful and chemists family meut* w J physicians To which I* my fond heart wording part of k kiio a ii Social Purity'. | I >n the petition aforesaid, Okpi hm*, That chanic or tradesman who depend* We be 11eve iu an «n i- ! the Ik* 1.v a *>i attest— When I go home again entirely <|* $173,250.00 of Prominent And the autumn's shadow* family. ne\t, at a Court of Probate Another It is made of beef suet and cotton-seed slowly youth v. id guard them li.>m many evils -ptember t»» t holden In Bluehill. and shew cause. if ome drifting, drifting in. The mechanic turns his labor into mon- which ttoght otherwise bring to them in- an; In valuable Presents to be Civen in Return for L oil; i why the prayer of salt I potithmer should ted Ii Away Solddug, the night wind murmur* aud the into or ruin. We 1 Citizen Cured for his the careful ?»ueh i. It is food for the and men ey money supplies jury recommend grant*-.I. notice to be given before | feeble, strong To the of the autumn Use of court. (dash rain, at whatever the tradesman literature prepared by some of the | of family prices o. P.t NNIM.II AM, Judge. toil; But I dream of the glorious greeting ii.om rtrflueU and cultured mind* of our After £ a-k for and *vvAttest -t has. 1*. I>*»KK, Register. Trying every Its color is like AN lun I home may them, generally they naturally yellow gold. go again day. A true copy, \tt.-st Cha*. I*. |n*K»t. lb g.ster. SPEAR HEAD TAGS. other — come into hi- bauds at much Remedy And'tis free from all odor when cook- Eugene Field. higher price* Itrsolced—That wu believe that he In T*» the Honor:*bit* Judge of Probate t >r tie eon. thau cost the so h‘t in the hands «.f w wn.m w mid be ihe tv of -nr csinc- w they farmer, that, though Hancock. 11 ing e’re told. PAM I> FoK 00 IIU'KKN Rt'N. ni">r potent f*>r the d.-sirueti o» f ^rilK I M>KHS|t,NKI>. Edward I Un- c 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES.*31,650 A| \!\| < |{(ir>. he may receive better for his tabor, weapon 1,1 It will aid instead ■ f pay I mlnlstrator bonis n with the will at your digestion to be u>ed for the and bottom frame. the turn power; therefore we will pledge 5.775 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO BODY, a top n» x*-d Ml the e-tate of John Pen -t irn-r lit*- f his food costs him great deal more. <>n our BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC 2H,K75 00 retard. Next three 1 feet support to the enfranchisin'ui d "*-dgw u-k in -aid count v. uil. m Leon's ICeplie* Sent to the Secretary of the procure pickets long re-*p«-ci r*-pr— IMI*ORTED GERMAN BUCKUOKN FOUR HEADED the whole, the farmer Is better off woman. tiiat tie- will of -aid re.- «it* 23.100 HANDLE, Like food that is made with vastly and nail on at each end and John Pi- coiitni injurious Hoard of the other in tie* follow POCKET KNIVES. 33,100 uO Agriculture. — mg clans*- than the mechanic and other laborers who lit gtdvrd 1 bat w e r'ondtfUin tile imh- Leon’s Sarsaparilla Belfast, lard; the center; then attach braces at oppo- ’* I will t.» 1-niM-l || Dunham s.Voono, t 115.500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE T- ;»f d */ industries. should 1h) nailed so as to lor her th* nioie-v ai*ove 3* *75 00 many i', \sph J life. pickets project awakening mi e f. r din k -upport. mentioned i- no advertising on them.. J» your McK-en <»f the State appeii ing I..- the tr<>m wh;- I ;:.i\e never R July t»y Secretary The is an inch above the of the derived fi grip. } fl l] farmer not con lined within the frame and 11 that >»• -» top other wise word nev< r nave ni -- 00 fully rallied 1 my Prove a blessing to children and hus- hoard of agriculture. The bulletin g l-laiel in Bin hill Bay Wlu-refor*- 261,030 Prizes, amounting to.$173,250 appetite August inches these to be so as aroused. fe t weak narrow limits of high brick walls, shut 1m*1(»w, shar]»ened p- UtioiH-r prav that he may' be .»»ith«*u *f an BiidstrrngT ,, The above » band and wife. i- tin* to -« -*» article* will be distributed, by ronnilr*. among parti*'* who chew SPEAR and « g» v ! ! TnQT out, and the secretary summarizes to 1 x* driven into the li Fig. The impori • We will distribute 22G lio Ivenefit theretr irr. pure air of heaven, where nature is smil- panel completed. Ei*w %i.i• I m v* of these prizes in lhi» county ns follows: anee .,f a more enforcement ol Blm I- A sh- rt ti e I ed AM A to the have come very frame is coy, red with 5-cent muslin vigoio>,s hill. Augu-t >, To THT' PARTY sending us the great* *t nuuibt r of SPEAR HEAD II f “Keplios question* ti-tryiN" I.voii'm ing in all around, in the law t o of mi.I S;ir«M|iM- and from :t of the beauty engaged daily Mr* toll'd over against ! cigarett*- "TATE OK MAINE. TAGS from thia county we will give..I GOLD WATCH. |lK|H| w freely larger portion tightly the frame and well rlllA, > 'h is 1 »,e tobacco to toil, out under the blue vaulted sur- al- the s -f IIvm H « oort «>• I .,t« > To the FIVE PARTIES us the next State than to any ether bulletin. Some sky, tack«*d inino:-; against h, r*»l -. \ g st T sending greatest number of ful I l\ e W> Of' -111 mm down with common tacks. A pen 1 ,| > literature .u> the -f \ *» »-.** SPEAK HEAD TAGS, we will give to each. I OPERA GLASS... .5 OPERA GLASSES. MaiV .e acreura’o statements are made in rela- rounded the and unex- impure exhibition only by very by unexplained made from four of lx* t i• -1* n these will Id feet obscene p'*n:li. g-dng ;**-titl .n,«»r r«-«i. Pti.it it I To tlie TWENTY PARTIES 11s the 1. -t numb* r N. K. FAIRBANK A tlou to the of the and pictu,a sending greatest Fails CO., profits poultry yard, of animate and inani- and is room for bn) p* iii.m.-r gs%*- public node to all per■•*...,* tnb-i of SPEAR HEAD wo will give to each 1 IlH KET .1-1 M t— ■ CHII VliO.ao.lJ-J* sut,s|.. HOSIOS. plainable mysteries square enough chicks li'S"lv> d -’I ,t we condemn as a »».-• TAGS, r-ipuliv ) some int. resting matter relating to insect i-l.-d. by can-ing a Hi*- pell i.d :m KNIFE.20 POCKET KNIVES. improvement tins hern v marked that mv rein mate for ami not f r one or two when can Ik* *.r U !*•• ivn. in. creations, toiling himself weeks, they of over the of the sii flier* «.u i-!.e*l t- -i,. wh, *r d with a weak is n-*w pests, >n account of the extra space used Usurpation p ruling p To'he ONE HUNDRED PARTIES us the next wife, ick, ^ »« *1 v * I, to E a -. sending greatest * allowed to roam H,»- •*.. in i. ..-, »...... v -ir »-dn me. ?<•« « -1• lent t! it it tin* month j «r the law-, we have been f r another man. with the knowledge that where they please. The preme jud il juor a at number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, w-> will give to each I trying ,ng 1 I ubltshi d In 1 wot a ■ tv.lhnl will her I take ; leas-.re in re- .mend .• vr4f>nrni4ihp who the f»*rm <.f court in ami ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM T«m)TH PICK.100 TOOTH PICKS. help to some of our suggested these April Mil-worth, nn» I-. ar at a ourt «*t P .» .at. a. ■ obliged clip correspond- pains have give too far from home. These I .* Dec iS;.». straying the Total Number of Prize* Swanville, Me., i$, and full replies an«l to assure them that it Though the cost ..f production, based nullify express* ii will of the people. ". IM 1 N If!* \ M, >1. tK for this C ounty. 22d. \lt. .1 li'g 'htd I hat iu the death of (' -I II \* |. .. i:: is t; v from s« s of sp.ice that d<* on the of is .lam*-- I they high price labor, m -re dis A tr All.- »t H it I k tb CAUTION.—No Tag* will bo received before January l«»t. IfftR. nor after l*t, editor "f I'm Ml I >\\ February EACH BOTTLE not a’l C'hiicott, oi;m Amku l^j. Each must U* marked ■ f GUARANTEED. appear c- package containing tags plainly with Nam- Sender. Town, uraging to than oilier m agriculture any i* vs. our I’nlon has lost one *f its II v k k v a < *1 ;om r« pi es question one we judge, county package charges packages must * w nn ami s -r *«. I -n. ... b -oie —. •. the farm* r is al>ov« b» ar*i. most valued m* w .»*M..rth, prepaid. that \s... m *. m- s» t: i »ns. insects have >* honorary ni‘>« rs. ho ever I W. '•*••*% of \ :,g i■ v •-. KEVD —SPFAR HEAD more of Intrinsic value than nnv other an pn*sc*:r* qualities v and inov* s a. when .a. pr -vetj ut in our eft >rts be-n trou'» -ome. in general, w ith »ug quietly linam unfailing -upp \Ir II KICK. \ * pii a P?otr t-.t a. |-r*.*!!. It i* the sweetest, the f.-ughest, the r. 11.—t. SFI.4K II ft % l» in t:4e :** 1 1 cau-e o| t- r im e. ft I ah*.'! v. j>..- :tiv«-1y and different In flavor from other ».• tie \ <*I grasshopper*, they have d I'icwlti*-- and mm oth*T kind- ..f mp* equal rights distinctively any ; depress t 1 w :d ■•-■liViin ■. tl,.>' ‘k. ‘i l s‘u ••’»! 1 A liti.-fil-iMliil f.id. It I* the ; ir,;. .f .r of ,-iro *. ini «- been less in unil r and varie than for purity, him that in- memory y bu-;i;e-**. He he sows, -f.it- .ft IM.: 5 i> II !!,.;• | sh.4-»-and styl- «-n ear: !i. Whi<-1» pr-'V0,H that It h.as th.e ir * I-'- 1* s'- fhe Greatest Blood plows, he harvest**, w <• caught ppii lp.,. s ill v< au to .*ur m- jj Purifier/%. *nie -. ha* been pr inspiration m» it. an 1 KNOWN. # >• The dry weather people, Try irtlclpnt# in the contact for prize*. t**< that 1 TIN in;,- m every I seircelv tin* effects of a and f r in I" fit of u :.e g: *w hi <»i c;s«- grass- feeling panic, high ral aims and an un-edlsh piece >1‘EAR HEAD v- buy. Send in tiie togs n m h-.w mail t•.• tb< W^ A KM!.NT < III KP.N K< » 'ST. i dfe. And we o *1 for said \ ry sin if •. M'L#w* ami sections *!• ••- n »: know when a :»i d* }• T. th»- loss of olir quuullty. erdy, report- irom many really panic pr — ■. hoppers, \N d;, *.f .1 |. |- ma !•*• di*tt THE P. J. SOHO < oMPAN M; Ohio. ■ rill •; l;i I i;> f m# frames. tn b- made f*r d*» cents and friit.l .! V.\ M, t I V, i.i.kt-iwn, :?i seem rie allowed the ehell Kirkland, whose .< ^ to show has not an ! liar I times ar*- ai* U-- I an. g tie 1» ..f said *1 a — .I and :i lid w .1 the# crippling It v. nl l.i>t ? \ rd m ..r** with » r car**. untimely death ha- j \ li•-» j r>-j deprived the temper -bar. -•! a* h I- t. rmlncd fcopip Obtaining prizes in this couuty will b-- lu thb Oppot > ape ■ publish*d Im r a- • bu-.ness. he l*-arr- ab :t it '• .- uftcr K* l-d. only :> an \' »»U, nt f r a am w ik. rs «»f a f.-,r * faithful ad*. MUM -CM*. I it a-,. iVn c paper Immediately bruary 1st, Tonic. .v sve h He&e □ B «M ‘•For i- ’••ng Fig. jke-*s. pecuT^r pun 1 t n*Kte*t 1 ,1 •: .-«• *!. • lie W therein, The Beit on V uth" awflii <•••=■(• ,# C .• rough the j r v.' are a -o oled t*» mourn tie* wich is t leaves, tt *o:n sp.*: t. ’.I !• n.-th !. .• *- eating potato any ft: t -.. wit k- -a. ... i- ^ a h thera v 'U.i’in ii mm ns u r •# ^ hi-- <• f our CON T S?K0 m TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. !S94. all >r worm at. 1 from the de- When tit.am «1 *1 iV. « r .iml > > I » s si-'.-rs. Mrs. Susan Austin. m “:' ‘• \m»: -»i*. a I'.e-v ■ boil t. ulii*-.- pp. 1 1 ;tp* ht» \v.: l' to -pai |■ at | 1 ■ K*fct m.‘rn, an I grain, and supports any b n.-th, .», pr-> t„ t.r f th* horn We have ap- •i- ■ t. !. w It hi i, .>• 1 f..r 1 a .of Ho (•Of 1 spreading tty h ! r ? nded a’- nt f llciiical. > □ BLUE PILLS v get a' •'.* ar-- growing a- w tie W i t ■•• k. alien In the f• »r« >\'ll i:Q p- iid. .1 a r« p. rt of th«* horn tty as take n ji-t -noon, '.ml •» i•' .i" ve it.-. If .«! r ■# 1" iii tli«» l*>.ird. 11 /.* ■“■{ w«*« v they h.tii', .»«; ii. «t Ih. ',.iih in fr in the r. of >f v« v entom *.- w:*n\*. *f time- hi an.I th- dropping Tnat \ieiid our I *r.d i’r lin j*i* 1 I I port » 1‘ « « NMv.ll \\|, 1*;. # "" * an- the I... on the end of the wires to : i. :,a ai > 'ii; e and a-k *} I mi.rut i: r.i ri l-# gist at \ nine nt station, t'■ »• f at it- highe-t u'er.." || s \ « ■ .' of ,*f !, ■ d'-ut. M ‘vs i*| .lie liO.M. 11 I -'\ I!. w 1 the f>::rv«>t ftls »r> suj.jH.r! ""1 J | for III. •:i!.t. 11;|i x on th,' ■ pitch. Svs it/.. ?Ian.t vs an I s. > w !>*• i* 1 :• re B is attach, d t the \>. r ; at, I m* ! t!i*- renn-':* It ill oug! u- !• 4. -1 .1. n aie-ll.iiifmT-maiic.JJJtlers N* *>. " !■ Coated# 55 I i.!ike in* n in oth* vocation.-, .r11j:i:her health ti.r / *'. -S IffKln, DriiggDt, yotirTonini® member* *1 that the hoard called atten- engag*-i t-» bo at- bJ inches ftpirt. which will *i.my I.Mia.h I (;• \S r J IdUworlh.^J WwP a*. w«t1 ■ kv#I>on*t wait until yoti uj '•re. ai ! iiiour.’nin > \I ■ *1 um more of tion to liiis which tia*i appeared in t;i«* t .• farmer 1- never thrown *>ut t v t pry &fA | *4x>": s»*Hln^ Morrison's •nib-tan- 1• .. t-.ualk. ? tty. emp'.. ]»1 '•« r«l: .1 Vi. M.r#.m'iimi Uni -he l"H ||f. :»•. it.--, ... | w»s, fn of t be S' at* in a bullet in t< r will r.-turn -1> r««I to * — ,M Sure l ure Ionic than other # k, I part m. tit, and 1 -■ v.'w but I **- nr- k* fr* *• from 1;. ns ■'ll 1 lit w ii a f | at! -, | l,v any though rcceivbg }‘t I siml-I^J S. !i,e In a.til Mini !U- !:• ,.i. offensive;- y. ::r#' t L'-l ,4t •..It 1 s.• if. w« are t*» it alten*:-«n t. a*, .j. !,a •• t :. ..mu I ir { Hut g'.ad g;ve ** i|-r- tor tiieilii-im- and with better j 1' r* .!• !e ; r*;-• t<> l.iv •-g> in |.i. results.—>^P -h •r.;:n •! « .;rr "h he earniLg --iim : g.i g W ami < oi v j tl Is out#'* luU. Mbphur I p iy, nti<*n t.» t. » in I again t- ! •• s ‘r-ler* I Every pun hnsrr ... 11.” # .'•-'ti-. u: :; uA1 t he r- -t < >. tuber. 5 *tt s v above t geju-rV !••••:•• U- a. r- iiit.-r. -T. t.. ■. ; .1. a..-u «f ••• ( :i !v ii. !.*. ;:* «1 uni: .• at 0 vs Invalid's Friend.* s, g 1 ! k 'l’iin"V,iU#T*W‘ ave rage at this \c* p the earlv .i.in-trh- fo,- o tneiiare : brown by ; i; 3 * einp. 5 an-l tot- I> a•;• 1 reia •-1 1 r *:u lb-- and lin IT. o|) •!.!. » 1 A ht. -*;• yr.TTr.jr.tho ajro-l polar s. winch have ti-.c u much building -u- rt it I 1 I ■ injured ut. tf ev are s »t ?...t ati. m;, a n, .• a oi;y Tiibig — u TH tl-it t it v j hy !*• i?a: ,.i r. •-> ■: at a l'r«. » « J the s, v r,. dr w hi. has xtend* .1 *!*|• he ipp* B by ought, * t- > KORRiSOlfs* to ;t l‘ i' IP ... ■•! fr" ;,» .... tf.< sur^cure^and hi: ut ar- in• *ii»• everv .,-« M«'o.p. Try To-day! : : win at ate! M of f. r r. ^ •» / crops, but many were i. t tui \ pre pare d virtue, says aa cv .ar.g Mcat.n*-s is it- wh:, h have l‘ IAN Xi,!|\\|..l J- ,t ’<■■■ l \ M \n* ", li'W ! wc-A F i \tt.-t < li«i i»- '.- It ■ a « :• i* 5* s* d !• i a- wv b- u nr w :i bur \ I ,i»:. I:.. H for such a \,-re sLi inking ■ 1 < a -it- duru.g art*, ami f I -p --it.-, hut th*- I.n** b*-’;v.*n 1 U -i ■ / 1 -pp Mti it i* f I- U.'.u These '- an- :i« ar v van» .iK r •' *■'. ^rum'i: liinui-ll have had. dioug. »i*sof j. -n.-wn f I "A the tw i- not defined that twoy.ars. Mu-le iiii. 1 hil'irt-ii. ii #wlii cure sure to com** at s.>uie section f t :•* grow learly many 'I’ll! :• :. -- j... •. t:. }\.u. at the n.: u: ge Mat:• i: '1 v.i- ("• A V i p ie v« ss I — women (I not mistake one for the olin-r. I'll* r a- child lull .h a<. th- a :r » « ing se ason, and we must a'.l l* a;r: tin* it is *s I .< win ii hav. n the l:gh. : av- -itt*I h:»- lak. n upon him-, f th, tru-t t .n :: sT.e: to 1 ut wisdom to b*- ! *r them. Woman k;ml ha- a for extrava- mi wh* would 11 >t l- at hi: mtm-trator of tt.o — .i W >»*n*l L rent A. I*. Onl« A prepared reputation lit-.’ .-cd *>f \\ Tliun'i "At Ot;nce of Prc’fr.Mvc ii, worU k «••**•» A * er are aa follows: Oat#—.loan .• liscnirnts. tor l*.tin. a. w ra i‘. I ri-tn u t, t:..- f X If « •' < Ik stoii,-Mu;s., j.u Porn, sown in drills, f**rm- by far ai. Hat: „, A Mv If .1 111. «* mostly game, ami truth us to -tn .* that i then arm-ed the fact that ,im 1 comp*-!* 1 I'll! 1 i by h.-p •*a-. 1, V it: if *«,.*{ i* to iW r*‘ i- M A ••• Mv ! ... a .*}..• the bulk of the -<•: mg hut Hunga- t«, more thnn a I; r4?*4th|>nrm cr<*p-. th. r. fon- > Po?;nof Cure.” Mv. V do liar*! to that their • har- «• Si ? pf-“ to ,! w.r», p n »r r» -j'i*'«ti all |»»-r— -u-* vi i-. t. a they try prove Flump, a’.-l ian \v!.:N Wi.- at number-. i:.; u ■ rian. oats and mixed grains qu t<> the -all i* a*. -tat*' t<* mak. tmii,. I ... acter has n >t been j. b a H< ri- n 1:. .,rd» t'• that lu w *uM not n ii. ! tin.-.- HANCOCK ,arg* spa* maligned by d, m; a. op* h;.- p.i\until. who rial# nr. u.,! COUNTY on to v!;:•■:i in. -am. for -w-tt .••• M *re are d t: stateiin-nt. but—and a \ i-rv “but" it b \ i.h.iaii'l Holbeii v* s\ t.. 4ji hii-v. fli-vh w os dairy produces reporte large is. hup: Barb-y ••>*•- .-ring hen sic n If tv, «.t ii !■ k -t *»t. f U It “ ! nr.d run- full higher. M French rhev.hi, f*»riner!y. pri*vs too—tin re ar* some who ar** prudent, n.-h’.iry. r, I.mpr»-s tl i: ... I not in* v lazily and c!um-.ly Tr- ;'A t. a i• ! .at. -.r II I-. L' X i'« l The greater part of all the hay cr-.p ami S-.-tch 1*. a*— lTu-«. .n 'dear-headed and keen business women, Improved. vs lout b- ii g a- unmusical a- In- little np«* v. ■ ■■ w as harve ste el in excellent co; dIt l''tl !!i BIu* I.he F.v* <1 Mam-Wat ami Bnu- i THE “C-M" POWDERS. *•«. if » V I h that has w.-* a rare into the altair- f H *vl » male him what been be from one *>r two k- earlier than having insight cringe when he aid ha*taken upon h.-r-. if th- tm-tof a- may July, lb mil. The lb ortr.l \ »n, •: :• » iinj •V’'! 1 ri •■' !-'r »»r: x t• Will usual. 1 fe. bv methods and real V: in }•!' < out of time And f .•-fair f \ :.at' T»*r> \.»t I nil. who, saving of barb a r .• ‘te of It,, •in o- You who suffer y have given lar_a M dur- •»o :• .-> k-p. th. .ii* Hi -..a 16 Etcte again. from raising is on the increase. > \s.»-e\er <■'>,ii-e that he would Street, I “poultry e a dollar for a « «•.*-•••! :-y w»l:!-.' hot: 1 ill till- law .,!.«•• •!, *noiny. lay up many rainy ing f ur ars than tie «’-r w. 1 are :v o' •• as serins to y. •,*{!:• idea. if to f.>r eggs, that branch presented tl «•».'!• re r* a.I « — -t.- w •• .. **m Mostly | -.f« rrwrv^^ Viv ril « N and biliousness t t.. '■ day. gr-wn in tntar:**. In him that the -all a -"*•■!'« -t.it.' I-. ;.a in» iUii lit lit ik v* ...... There is, another class who nif-nt r .... a: d the of hi- ball tiM-nt. tmr any there*.* should m VIS. >- at ill .• r* m ina.i- cross whl’e -he \ i1. \ \f trunk themselves are a!*- *- p d.;!« p.'I 1 pyj practiced !\MI Y I1.:: ■. n THE sive farmers prudeut who \. “C-M" LINIMENT. Hancock county vs r. 'Ml h a Vrt of A "*! t T. C. Tr«-ar. in the medicine s t |• nii'-ir. ». |. 1- ,* u BURRILL. P'‘CJ'ed fcy DALTON SARSAPARILLA CO. Belfast, proven by mean. are the sort who will llano-ck farmers: iutely They \V:.o 4 an t: how the IT WIFI. (I It K. county Wheat. ni A, oats ami barb many -trange I H T r:' h> t THUiSTEKS: w a h A; y. May record, I know *»f no new pe--t that ;» ir -u .. i.g miles to save ten cent- car fare. n« v» r ’boiigU!- that »ine to the youth vs hen, in 1 forty years’ curing 1, uml p< M..y 'j. either orchard, gaideu, or field, but w *; taking into consideration the fact tha fhe o.t • of h he irt. hi- hi d- ••I lid h »- k r. •!. I-if tt.r ..! tut. Jas. F. Davis. N. B. 1 i: 1.11 Hi than some t« U'-t \ Coolidge. i.Koki.K a i* \ ;; III newly advertised I suppose is an old pest but new to in* a wav frm him and ,f H r- v I*-.,.; !:tj. it. -hoc :p < .rather to a greater amount than their W hit** < "rn ami \ rlletv C orn. ! it.- f It M i. In th#* !tv .* || u Mirick John .ast is our « urraut.- 1 th* g. .i future ,,f h b. Avery, F. Whitcomb. -f••«r iiiy, try I -u rM M. 1 vrI **■ or an year, *lc*stroylng manhood g n- !* 1. th. law i!r. .•*- imitation of ride has been consumed their walk. Tier- is little ib.:br 1 r m r %-ff. ts Tie- nutri- of mu- ssou'd be if ; It is not but meanness, that really poetr_v linked to Pi lo .- th. r. U, In Ii! hit thr -anp- f- -.-ttl.-m.-til \ I \» prudence, ft": l»\ r- .1 : I, will irl him IC I ^ It t. s ■ J,.r This is the bores into the currant and lives **n the tive pr .pr :• of this grain. Thenorth- "inm u.--. h-. that fe’i-h of a H. IN' l1. h 'IMI ss philosopher's stone makes a woman g > a whole dav without growing > ’" I hit. ! l» 1-’*. t a pulp uuvil about the time th* currant erti Hint a: ti- s ■ ntuin more -il than n-b ad of p* i.:im.-n!alitv f >1. March 1st, June h* r luncheon rather a that will back it a silken thread and than pay restaurant Tin* —. t:.e sriiiui’s when clearne T r. mi. bring health. ripe, spius tm •;•!. ra or «b :.t t -itNfa« tioni,e.--, of k 1 P th vari*::**. but 1st, Sept. *st and Dec. 1st, If o to I.. or,. |-P. I-. r„. Uh* tt:. r:it. I:. -, the itself to the where it form- for a of tea and s one *h» 1 J that t.r ha- rh <| .. M »ii*Irak* v ,. lowers cup rolls, which, she < element-of would do more I’ grouud atoms harmony < Look for latter the larger pr. entage of t 1 I »*”•• :• !.»*• t...- M t .lt„j Red a cocoon on which d.*v* t" aroii*i- t he large Letters, the leaves, ; argues, costs as much as her int« 'g-rr. iutere-t between r* m* 1 > fur I > -»t ! r,.r ; ?•» three -li..y Mur h. 1 ut lb V is changed fat or oil tr -t f x- utor of n.r la-l ; ai | t.-.t ui^u•!_:*• into a moth again in the List ■ doriii m I'b at.d “C-M" CALL CURE. spring a.ity the uirl.t of -at.ih t.rli. Ur. tat. of :.v\ « n v •, v L. F.” meals She do*-- n-.t .n- prvp<*ndcr- •!•■Tin*. I run. 1 r*»*• ?.* put together. wb-r: a-siMum--1 m ti.r -rive ■i rh, I trieel th** of rgaus ar of the mate i a of H tm. k. 1- mi. 4 plan enclosing my ll in healthful i»«*v "unty It %% 11 I iTn I h 4 aujumn ♦ Sprrd) lilt*. lt. «Hf that tj..t k •.. ; : ;„e Iyr304thpnrru -ider that iu thus her -lie ,- < f anils, ii- It is b■ •::g}it. h- Itu l*oi■ a- tht .aw- Ui. t-. In-thrr. f,.*-. j> bens .u a yard among the hu-hes. th.nking saving inon»-y wcvir, .-ays than 111e nio-t t in-trm ion /<<* rv.pp'-t perf-i r.p.ui ;i!l '■!■„: »'. :ir.' 5 n-!« htr-t to 111 * UK « ■ I -a!! lr.'*'.i 1 TiTofi might the cocoons, nut wit:* but it I** a la*--r Amen, an Agriculturist, that the m rth- i £/• 'b /j. c-ould o--;b \ they destroy putting by pay p:.v-ician { attain •'-tat*- to mafc.- linmc,!::tiii pa-, u an ! tr.o have e era \ ariet:# » ! !- a WP. Hr mil out success, f-.r they ntire > ruined on. Hint arc 1* st r ! 1 p >p j.ar faiim v among pi Imilir-lPitr ■!.' u.t irl- thr Tv.,;, f. x fattening I i:ii Dr: .. D. .-ht hut th- IU-. for -• tti. M.rl.l. v l" the fruit this season. My neigim-.r- ar*- animals -lily, but being b trier r*'Ut- ’hat harm » means erudition, and a.- r-t r. Wll Of course, necessity, in -nine < a-*--, cp:i they I »A Sl» W h I | troubled in the same manner. A reiin b> are in* re ef'oi.’ton of ,,, ab-tru-e a nature a- to ne ditmuilt of dim-sti *i imb-s in I I 'at. 1 In y -’7. i* ! v*l tw .; '••if-ii ritv would be to •impels Women to lh**:il-e!ves «.f b, In reference deprive quite y..i;d the reach of tt,.. V n. appreciated. the form f v. ry fine m. .>1 In t every day J4. |.-rj. THE “C-M" LINIMENT. iimmiki; bug farmers ihiuk th*- g*n* rai that are to u- a of 1;f• fold, arid to f.e reserved f' r the potato many many thing- part « later I rn tl.- im ira-wellastle sTan h w'nieli I'tllf liii’v u'l- f- ■ ? M,4' j ;t,.. * its r application f Paris green is re«luci: g and would year- af». he grown if undertaken ai.,! takm him- .t tl tru-t ..f \r. uto l»e tni.--ed were we de- is to \ up, upon sadly changisi -ugar in oth« r ari- *.« g. * s oi if roll** Hi Mo Mn:< i:v. m w i. •••,.. DU in be is. the not near as ntv at ali. .-.i. th- n cf n \ the I'l w:!. ami t»-»uum-nt of Ir ti.» Jtarl V. -ECRET 1 pest feeing pi* flv when tin- .uth or » «»f them. Such women de---rve t lilt, of ; !• |,y .i.! D T »(;!•• lh. .« tv prived to .rill the fat of animals, wink* the It, .Ml. I»«-M-rt, In thr >t II n k lion »• :i tjr i’. v*• f •...... this se ason as in v«-ars past. maid, ti ha- what i- ca.ied ••talent" Ah, County a—'!. ,y »;,!!:«: a- the ,iw nrert- W itiiiilni lur» 4.KO >| K'414.4., A. only for their enforced denial; in the grain uni in the buil l- the Hiuch-a’iu-ed vs ikmii- of tin .ij- !l<. : 11. I>i:ks.-kk, <)rland. sympathy pho.-phatfs Word! H g.adlv I,*■• therefore n all \% ar ; ‘jiir-t. per-oli- I 1 "• •• 'I «• riiu«Rir in-ant* j. n rj .W*r. dr*1 h. nl. i| 'If I’. \ N.,t lit, W t. PrrmaTure but of the V»oiie» mu- would u! 1 h i* t* ■! to thr -ai.i ,!»■, « i-r.U- t.. CREAT Ac-. K.rrv: there are h >-Ls of well-to-do fi-male- ing up ami ]<*s. artist- bai.i-h from the v.,< c» r-latr m ik* in SUCCESS In i-*ni,t:j »r|. .. M itnlruk** ». •• h-f T"»»*r t*.m :.*•• -*•» 1 m.. v There appeared on my potatoes some u; b ,«' orrh.r u- tat. p iy n,. !.!. ati'l tlm-e w !: ai ai. itutn* k! Femalr Inv ,r ‘bars and fr> in the ar- < or tjik « time In June, a lead that turn a over of tl„- Am. r an howr wIM.uut •!' *!.. ill m I- ■*"'*" nun- *rrt. f st Harm " v 1- oiin mi: n on one hi!. the !>• gr**»*ns for grammar, and gram- U. H o » ■. onlsrf.r6K,.i- puarnn:*, damage (**ouuted eighte* N rotn* .1% :hn ,| •.. VO because it increa- s the cost of their mar of mu an •luly 1, a. i». !v«l. tw -i What is nrfuad if ftut cure pany h the ued < » n entertain that if Use ouu bj Whether they have slugs liketh** ’-dorad fuj j 1;. :ug shut in li ks. A -m.o. 1 in g kind ** I\ " who never, ride j r.-ent.-d i» .- in-vl-t and end lureiit, HU beetle *»r not 1 have Hot yet learned. living; by any possibility, tb* gar.b n v. ill a amount rightly f.i-ciuatiug. aud of 11 * 111 \S .lotm li!P k, Itife Itm 5OL0 of surf when cents yi*-ld large \y k-port. CLARION g, Wort!., Mat; a natut•- --en’ial t* :»r the non- f ▼ f 11 I I i t>nt should think not. They app* ar firs* when can to musical of Malm ] th*y walk.eM.pt funerals; u will a M'i'ejlin ;• If wu.nt the l" !*»• n i' »•' bottle of itrli ! It: iu-t >■' poultry ler -■{ it. u .atirade .'.at.-.J p. i-v',, ai buy ! at>out one-half inch 1 *ug and increase iu po-.f--or voung or old, is crippled. | I li Mi who to bed to save and f. ot*I- Han. .- |j in — k of 1. |t go fuel, who, ami b-t it b. fatten, ,1 r r. K«vl-trv I-. .■,* [TRADE MARK REblSTERFTl.l ju: y. qnn kly. a Il I»r length eighths of 1’ : I*, n.-Ttif.'lM..-to l.-lw. Ml .-i/.'V', h 1; 1 I': Ullini HA these «if radiance, burn a ■« l.i.x.> for *.i. t. •• an inch, are very slim, and stay on the days comforting (Quality rulur than \v. Lmt fixes the IP 1 A -klT n. r, I ru-’et-!* for !h. e-ta o| >1 •••,., > 1, 4 r!l 1 •' -! I‘ k, a rtaltj ]> ..1 la ini ni h hull-1, n*:- tin-r«-oi vn I I': II. *i in x upper side of the leaves, about the « »i*»r tallow dip rather than expend the sum of ,ln 1 This is tlu* r»-a- price pailtry. -e-l-l Km houti-h-l ue-t.-ri Y. Phli.i IDE A WELI A k-port, hy Renne’s of a new slate A *n Otuiliit < UAtmu. pencil. light appicati necessary f--r gas or electric r-n it pays a big to .lp-ss -trerf. northerly l«*,.l ..f «,«.» \\ t,.nn.t.i- MAH Ob light. profit fatten, j hy of Paris green did not all* c them any I A in •r aii iittii riv 'i,y laid of h r> .ler:< **p.itTor- PAIN-KILLING ME." Where is the comfort of such a lift ? and pack f -r market in the im -t ap nniquo \. ••••ling connection hear of others being trouble*] wnit a new j I i: x. 1 manner. with f ion of the White wla What prove Bread r.-.o -.i/l n.ortk-a^t ha- I men a--: ;n, ,| to u I ar** good i- money that briugs no »v bug and piesuuie «-y th*- same kind. j now rp. i, par JOHNSONS M*-a*low ..ii;iy takes the uti u -ah! mottj: i_-. ., * s other than Its No rhiss of live Rt INSTANT KILLER OF PAIN. I EoDC' ESTHF vis « y may Might soiuf land w.i- \N[ fro the lion J w orth a: twelve to fourteen certs per i''o«lu.• ti\,-ne.-s of fowls than allotted to the inhabit- ,.^3 BWI LTS In 80 l»\V*. shadow of evil to come. j skimmilk 1>l unni' yti.iii .l,i t^. ,,t i'i•. ..iie within for Sore v, Intern;:! and External. Nervous* 1 i—a ant- r the tune thr Chol- ^ ^ M. U I .H Throat, Fa.-mr and ing residing in the Pi. of || I... K I -hail -elI at Cramps, r Parrs*i.- 8irr(.i.—nt-s- N,^ht v whey. "V: the same, in Kdsworth J >r nineteen cast t the atn-llon on nlay tt,.- nlntli a y of pt. .•ra pt.'its. *ri' »•' -hrunkrr orjean**. V eggs Family < o-operutimi. portion town, the rent being Morbus, ICIm* n :»< i-111. *i ni.»l»in Scint. lie agn ulturnlexhibit at l» I- at t. ti o'. ... k in tin- H.rmonu at tu. of Rheumatism, Xeu- a] to cents a d-/en. according t » the the World's ; v iva. I... thirty ev- ,-r laid out in bread and di- Tl lu v- l-««t Mknli.Hni Fa-,irri* one «>f her late enter- : liolfra >1 hi I.U-. 4 rltl.n lo.ur. nr »oimv n't itabl,. 1,1... ■ II rn i.ui EVERYWHERE. ,:r‘- Nit.- -:* utiis of the -poitTAiiu:- '>• I -T •' I’ I 1 I hr T v -• young die "t "• '.» ii H. aii'l on lias ii- p 'it »•,- it |.v mml uj -n rrs's-ipt -r*erial charm. I’nite.J you are irre-is'i turkeys | att**n«l»«l by a lar#.* cncmr^ f 'i'.'1'iil die n •rthuV-t sens' in so I have divided the t»l 1 ■ ■ s. a fr»< Add:- -# by the in*! "• >• rr‘■•••■ Pamt- rnv,•!..{..• ble.” from hi e. K«-membc*r liiiU.. ti:.‘ bi.I nf Hrai k I|m-*|HT, -.il |ieinl»tra hein»* \» •-.’•••• Oriental Aftdiral ( oH PlinMik Harr. kiewu. 1IL number of hens I ha i the first of iinu' Win*; rr^uLitcl the run- *on iinoii | n the i-mmcsiic .Mtimah need each by know a a .)••-!.11.1 Huupr .. .up SOLD S. I Another lady returning from a visit *.> Th* re :r» turn varieties of Min*«r*as — of b tin Million Pit by Wieein. Apothecary. Main Street year, atel find the cost of feed per hen. ning HARVl I I 'S an »tber «• W range CONDI I ION l'()WI)l THE HOfiSc BRAND on’ remarked to an e *1. RS. ether Leading family intima the win and the black. ;iu.• uuil.v, Cooking •*-t ••• IK.,-. Dim and iwo-thirds cents Tiit* ri..11—**r -tarts the to run I Can lie easily a- tm> ! bv «iLttSVVOR™ ninety-eight per year. » boys Trustee of estate of I i.i\ m an imp*- friend wh knew al! the member- and < r- i>un!..o. -• I Net one cents for a incritH. It has the I- K.ASH < \l) t* Ivr.'.l .. profit per year seventy The White Wvandottcs fixr«l ili-i.ii, when lie _ __ find 4 171 vr cum-tances of the originat* .1 as ujxm requests ie great -• rain |- each hen. latter family: “Each invention of the age, with which a bids f.-r the fu- ! .s one of the Blanks taken has ‘vports" tr*«m the Silver Laced Wyau- renting j»r.q** rty one year. assured. H Amos (’. 11 Go West separately ■j Mok- in J IT, Ellsworth. I If a l.Id i- made e-.en- variety and stv’e wantid, ! good and even the time the A Answer. vlllprrtisciiients. 7' charming qualities, but during Witty I Wo ‘uni. s. fr t!i.; -r nuttruA. i In answer to number one. will are • question taken are are 'se \\ •-* — U e warrant li .. r:, STRENGTH, VITALITY, MANHOOD. together they dreadful! 1 shall h".vs running, they Tii !i< mi iou i; life it is to the l. I. \kl«'N tv n r.*c r:r k- all season imuiHliately rai Hl- «.l say that this has been ttic freest of vements than anv -tilur 111., f b. « 111 II.- anil never visit there again ISurlal started off 115am and until no l»id tert nil! 'll*- a*!e le pr- nuke. of Narruwly Escaped Alive. a^ain ,>ubiir always pestered Its sale» the liorw* l..ir. si-./. insect pests any year in niv remem- great prove fat: that it kid- a The difference between the two families sliall have U*on friends •ini Ht (•••«. fur c Mrs. made the time iplaintat free seat- Z*: .. brance. A. 11. fcfara Meade has arrived home during petitors. ROYAL *Z '*'•1 ! by |.. Whitmore. Verona. in the lay fact that whereas the members the are iheir entertainments. Tfiere i>* v from Mask ogee, I. where she w*ii b<>ys running, when the last bid- probably AND All crops in this seem to be un- of the first all worked T., vicinity unitedly to m ke der is declared the »*r was a singer nr an actor r • pianis MAKE NO DECISION free from call* l H the death *-f her less****. The public usually insects, and there are no their guest s visit a plea-ant one, th«**- .,f .vipp<»sed sou, wild Was lint bored nearly In death hi without an investigation of the Al -b a aft**rward a*ljourn to an inn. where a ut w that are the other work' d »r this who was struck so « pests doing any damage f the same end cun- city, lli* pi p'e. many of whom had not thi li ->f cheese and from our point of observation. The by ,dit: ing. A1 is about 2i< of spread spring onions, beer claim to a-k W.n.PARKKUtM. D.,N'o,4 Itulflnch po- flietingly. years ago. slightest tne courte-v the] GOLD GOLD CLARION tato not >«» iu Iu the first Ib- Is a are 1 ad lib. to all who wish CLARION, dAm a beetle, though strong force will cal! them and a few suppli* to demand d Bostok, Hah., rtgf eesn/fiM family (we the paint*- weeks ago ac- for II VKOIIA MKIlll Al. IN-TIT1 TE.P » m as in some former has after a Improved 1893, seasons, been look- Harmonies for there were cm a partake, which committee for A who was sue lb M Perfect a tie "w convenience) cept-d employment government pianist pre-eminently And save Worli award.-d the iv■ j.ii muth mei.ai. by ll.e Nat;, val after bis nine yourvlf regret in the future .a not ing interest, necessitating the individuals, of three contract the for the cessfnl in his and that was *< u Maori ATKilt for the PRIZE ESSAY OB generations, about Jo miles from managing charity following day. day not -'l 1 Bc market rc R WOOD OR COtL. use of Paris green a Muskogee, Every tltd l'Unit .1 korn ua ai.d by every vigilant comprising grandmother, her widowed • is far bark either, was who tra; range warranted. S. !.i I v tp. —| /'hprtral I. 1. Wh;l. at work a year appointed.—Million. Kubinstein. 5 esfitin f, * > ) and ad f 0 aa.ia. a of ngaged inside 32-page book's I'in.ily, and KVabaw .Van, farmer. The potato in this part ol the daughter, with her son, about sixteen i elled the whole world over <§ENDfor Allic.avv ,k v,,,c rs t h v.w* an <1» < ‘rival nearly delight y (.i.j, the and vr.iA Kit young destroy- complimentary kets, but most o! by KVITI(lN, Tri Pan. K-av, the f urn it bear near the other have be« n favored with of late are keeping band. and the last mentioned’s niece, a ing tire in the room and fell- Crt-ede, Colo., day. the time he maintained his Wood, & S1-1 pp., ;n\a: ,al>r pr*wcri;,!;:,n«, fuii t'I'-t. on'y composure ever Bishop Co., Bailor, the iu about him sons* He wanted to do a little for I..iyi by mail.deli' retel. «eei,re fmm obwrvation. pastures very good condition, but young lady of eight* en Near**. ing less to the floor. His body killing just though justly irritated. It is told of hirr Ilr. Parker w rlt- are the beet on the there is not move the one fun. nnl.jert. any in direction of Here, might imagine, were some of was render* *! stiff as in and he Presently he stirred up a she bear that just before one of his recitals in I. m- trealel ever pubi -led. and have an enormour rai. death, preparing any crop to the fall the elements of discord t » hand. with two and he don he was accosted an Ibr.eia'h'Mit Ihir << ridry aid tMelaint Head them supplement ready A was very badly burned on the right side. cubs, banged away at by old lady in th* ROBIITSON’S i. ward learn to be STRIIVli. \ IKOKOI S feed, yet no doubt it is a part of the mother-in-law, a sou-in a sisier-iu- entrance hall, and and dairy law, The hair wa burned from his head and the cubs, wounding both. The mother thus addressed MANLY. HealL Hveaijr—Med, a. Review. business we a DOUBLE STRENGTH that should adopt. Dairy law. brother in-law’, cousins, a,, unc]e resented Oh. Mr Kubinstein, I am so glad tt the flesh blistered down to his foot. His this boisterous humor and In, products remain in price about the same aunts, aud aunts and cousins bv see you ! I imve tried in vaiu to courtesy chased Mr. Conn a tree and purcha-t as ankle was burned and his shoe up dallied FLAVORING the few preceding years, but the only ! Less diverse elements than these through, a ticket. Have a seal EXTRACTS. quanti- with him awhile you you could let was tom from his foot. He was herself. Mr. Conn was The of l/Mse Divorce Im\vs ty is in excess of last season. The hay have been found troublesome in o her sup- me hav* ? Iniquity burned bv his Vanilla. Lemon. ; crop has at this been cases. But this all to have been killed and friends next day, a victim Once divorce laws arc married writing, Aug. 4, family very early found | posed by “Madam," said the great pi&ni-t, thru enacted, ef his own lust for Orange. Ro».e. fully harvested in a splendid condition. out that harmony was by no means mono- showed no evidence of life whatever. snperexuberaut fun. is hut one seat at my disposal. :.nd that take of them who Bitter Almond, Etc., etc-. couples advantage There can be no reasonable excuse for If a false note were at !• ive Tlie laar is a inoffensive are » any tony. any time hours later he had been put in a peaceable, yc'ii welcome to, if you think fit to .k* would never have or dreamed ol in Hancock, the season struck, all were common creature. It it." thought poor hay haying by though ta< it wagon and was taken to an un- seeks a home remote from being Tri:- ■<* n.inif* In .jMHl't and flavor, and would have beiug well nigh perfect. Nearly everyone consent agreed that it should not »»e struck the haunts of It “Oh. and a thousand lo-rrt-ams separating, patched np dertaker's at where it was humanity. certainly ye-; th».nk-I and c. u p.-r'i rt L\ their is a flock of Muskogee, keeping for seems Where is it?” was the excited A k v< H * their and differences if there had poultry, mainly again. the intention to to have some which man- reply. iller lor thum or >. .| quarrels the of Each have his body encased rights aatnpbs New production eggs, that being con- member of this household knew kind should “At the piano," srnilinglv replied Ru- Patterns and New Designs In not been such an out of the and sent to his mother in Fort respect. We have no sym- easy way sidered more profitable than the best of all the others, and ail Scott. It binstein.— THE C 1. ROBINSON DRU~ Teamsters, raising points with Harpers Young People. CO., Can find no was to cross a swollen pathy people who make a CROCKERY « better shoe than ;:1C matrimonial bond. So man would have chickens for market, consequently the were united in their efforts to bring out necessary stream, practice WARE. * and in of about in cold Thomnston. IVXo. ever unless the law favored a smaller breeds of hens are such the best and the rest h- far a- this act the bed of the was going slaughtering gaifie A Lewiston Journal man M thought, kept, ignore possi- wagon ha- Ii iIushIu rht g nini'ed to d< ♦•r«. blood "for the fun of frequently 4 Bread loose way out of wedlock, to write : as the Hamburgs. Leghorns, etc., and we ble. and it is astonisbii g how far this is partially and the near- merely the thing.” gmoR.M* * TIN WARE. Winner. submerged body been a.-ked w hat had become of t^e potato if love me, or ever did love find that feeding a of when the etf »rt Is made. covered If man is so inhuman as not to enact | “Mary, you by variety grain, possible Tfiere ly with water. The water had For Retail Trade AU.IllTIKiiil; \\ > l; h balls which were so abundant a few years from Selected Stork. me, will for a divorce, as there with a liberal of clover were no divided interests. If was and conserve laws for the Adapted to anv Hutdnegs I.4 you apply j chiefly dry, supply there the c Sect of animation to the protection of HIT ATT i-*APQ ,i PSf* S«'r»l<'<'lnrtht II.I ... restoring UnmjljfjiN O ..r l»rof.-^ioi». ruled with Made I Min and is another woman whom I could love.” i and we are that liberal selfi-hness it was that the we ago He inquired of several good farmers I:.,,, (i->m «ift. vegetables, positive any of enlarged apparently lifeless body. In consultation liear, certainly sliall applaud the WATER RII>INQ,,vfrK^;:^,'T As the scope of the law is a little by returns are the results, and the ever-ready kind which may almost pass for unselfish- bear for but none of them could »he infor- CONI RAC "nth physicians Mrs. Meade was after- protecting itself.—Chicago Rec- supply I^ANDi’r,•"!::» little an numoer seek market for at our door ail to ness. It was so broad that it enlarged, increasing eggs prompts covered the i ord. mation until he met a AMOS P. ward informed that had not _ TAPLEY & C0-, and after a while it extend the business in this for entire and the water progressive young correspondence and obtain divorces, vicinity all family, “each was f..r all” in a ***PLUMBII\rG*% BOSTON, MASS. his which was a gardener in North Anson from w hom the In sluts branches becomes a respectable thing to ! it is worth. way that desirable submerged body, rare Recent Inventions. done by my mm perfectly certainly produced very RECORDS, !iT who Workmen, there is information was mum-. a»'d sav*-tinn* a d have the of contract what might be called experimen- Nahum B. Yocxg, North Lamolne. results. incident, little doubt that the obtained. The old va- monev. ;...dud All kinds .,f Kl —— apparatus l.AROKSAVIMi Kvr-f I. ASiS St A VN "orf room I* -—- comatose condition of the portable assisting such as the Jacksons KK(j. Kit. nrnhd hv »i* for I lie |»ro|» tal marriages. The hay crop nearly all secured in ex- bod/would rieties, and other on hand or made •«, C ..rder IIALl.KJf. er accommo.lation of fall a* He (the at the World's drawing in perspective. OUI»: In Zinc, Lead «tork and In the West, society receives cellent and a lrridegroom Fair)—“Do have continued until ho was encased in 1‘nli.ltli. r. priu-e Street. X A Pipe. Sheet Lead, II a especially, condition, good crop, except coarse-grained tubers, ran t.» a great Cntlery. rnolrc betw een of rent or want to pro- increase The of the well- you go to the art dear?” A lather's with on* half Ammunition and wirlnr*. oi back divorcees. palaces clover fields, where there is a small building, the suffocating casket, and death would guide, rigid Fishing Tackle K"oil«, we bate decided on very fusion of blossoms and bslls. The He- the latter. do not She—(the bride)—“Do -: A to do are to them. Churches and blueberries are you?” ami the other half flexible «nd L\V AYS 1X 8T( X K. _ open crop. Apples scarce, j necessarily have resulted.—Fort Scott provided PER AXNCM.net, to Have selected He—“I if do.” brons and the more modern varieties have I A PFR PFMT line* that are de«iiahle In cast them out, and ministers welcome Wild do, you with an latheholder. I UM rLlI ULlll investor* raspberries plenty. Cor. Kansas City Times. adjustable Guaranteed *xnd fit. and hate made price* at their communion tables. P- B. She—“If you do, I do, dear.” no balls and several even with I against loss. which should them They Friend, Sedgwick. macliine for dispense |(lve the dealer a «atl*far He—“Just as A painting roofing plates, tory may occupy of trust aud hoDor. you say.” blossoms. This is art in profit, hold In dozen* only: heap positions Spain and Cuba. of a high agriculture. Is W. RODMAN for C to their credit side She—“Do, dear, take choice.” consisting vat, agitator, adjustable WIN8L0W. J. atalogue. two or three divorces your F. IS* The to the NASSAU ST. (Vanderbilt ELDIIBGE. AMOS P. A At Chicago—First now home vitality expended blossoms and * TAPLEY CO. Philadelphia man—Having I don’t want to Spanish propose rolls for the and an end- Building 35 Main notwithstanding. And we are told that | He—“Well, unless you want diplomats applying paint NEW YORK CITY. Street, lyrlfc any fun? rule for Cuba. The direct reason for carrier. balls now goes into the with such have no influence on the grow- to.” less potato just ELLSWORTH, sights Second Philadelphia man—Fun? I don’t think MAINE. j She—“I don’t want to unless their conversion is the fact that the ex- so moth earlier is a ing of boys aud girls. This you want to. A made of aluminium wire, pre- maturity. This great generations I’ll ever go back. Didn’t go to bed last night till pencil is not true. (With solicitude) I)o you want to?” penses of running the little West Indian the Wire and sub- advancement, and is 11 o’clock.—Puck. pared by annealing produced by system- BSfliaEaBggg or He—“If you want to, dearest.” island last were in excess Notice. TANSY Teach the rising generation by object- year $6,000,000 the blanks to a bath of caustic atic, ard continued of the vioes Pauper had a time this jecting pruning The an are “Have you good summer, She (timidly)—“Well, let’s undersigned hereby gives notice that he hai lessons at age wben impressioos go.” of the In other words, a receipts. Spain, soda and water bath. fqr a or two and th-» the Mamma—Come, Johnny, .ay your verse contracted with the ot women Willie?" He—“Are you sure want to year planting for City Ellsworth for the sup- i PBTThTA^ that men and you deep and lasting, go?” while willing to revenue that the lady. port of the poor the n an. accept any of metallic during ensuing year and has ennyroyal. the method seed divorce at “Yes,” replied young She—“If you are.” A making flanged produced from the plants thus rob- made amnle OESPERLIY COMPor\D fa French rtm- may, without losing caste, Cuba might its mother does .Johnny—In the multitude of provision for their support, lie there- school ?” He pay country, the counselors there fore forbids ‘V > '-pleasant to take; never fail*. A Ihjou to Mamed of the of “Do you miss your (timidly)—“Well, let’s letters electro bed of their is on all persons from » and the notion sanctity go/’ lign by depositing plumage. It the same Is a furnishing supplies omen. For a 2-ct. we Ur k. pleasure, not care to shoulder the island's debt*.-. bicycle. to anr on his stamp wiil send you our “Not much. But I mother does."— Wtuh- toward a cameo or mold of panper account, as without his writ- Important to tell the life Is undermined.—AVortA Am- guess [Exeunt absent-mindedly the stock metal in intaglio glass principle that hornless cattle are bred. ten he Women,*1 (necurvlv seal*-.! > family Lewiston Journal. Mamma-Why, Johnny! “There is order, w 11) pay for no (roods so fu-nil a bed tnic you all about it. how anil S• Star. payilion.]—Chicago Record. a scheme. safety- where to t it, Ac tncau Betiete. ington or other material. Quite not a n. HABBY 8. More worry or fret. Address 6 nonconducting “bicycle.” Vllaww W»le -..s JONES WOMAN MiJ^ICAb Ellsworth,Me..April 2, 1883. If VLFPLY COMPANY. Bostou, Maw.

I ■■dirifliMHIIIIMHHi •4 —i