Advocacy Contact If you feel that you are struggling to get your South Gloucestershire Recovery Service point of view across, you may wish to consider North Team having someone to act as an advocate. The Elms, 26 Gloucester Road, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 1DG You can find out more about this from Tel: 01454 271000 Care Forum South Team 0117 956 9331 Kingswood Civic Centre High street, Kingswood South Bristol, BS15 9TR Local Information Tel: 0117 378 4611/4621 9am - 5pm Gloucestershire (For medical emergencies dial 999) Your care co-ordinator is: Recovery Service PALS To make a comment, raise a concern or make a complaint, please contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Tel: 01225 362 900 Other people involved in your care are: Freephone: 0800 073 1778 Information for service users and carers Email:
[email protected] Other languages and formats If you need this information in another language or format (such as large print, audio, Braille), please call the PALS number. Lead: South Glos Recovery Team Manager Leaflet code: AWP 022E Last reviewed: March 2021 Next review due: March 2023 What is the recovery service? Together, we will regularly review your care Where possible, they will involve family, friends plan and what support you require. and carers in the care plan, making sure We provide care, treatment and support for everyone knows who to contact in an people who have been referred for further help Some people need higher levels of support at emergency. after assessment from the primary care liaison times or struggle with seeking help.