N.J. Robinson Impossibilities No Longer Stood in the Way
My Affairs A MEMOIR OF THE MAGAZINE INDUSTRY (2016-2076) N.J. Robinson Impossibilities no longer stood in the way. One’s life had fattened on impossibilities. Before the boy was six years old, he had seen four impossibilities made actual—the ocean-steamer, the rail- way, the electric telegraph, and the Daguerreotype; nor could he ever learn which of the four had most hurried others to come… In 1850, science would have smiled at such a romance as this, but, in 1900, as far as history could learn, few men of science thought it a laughing matter. — The Education of Henry Adams I was emerging from these conferences amazed and exalted, con- vinced, one might say. It seemed to me that I traveled through Les Champs Elysées in a carriage pulled by two proud lions, turned into anti-lions, sweeter than lambs, only by the harmonic force; the dolphins and the whales, transformed into anti-dolphins and into anti-whales, made me sail gently on all the seas; the vul- tures, turned anti-vultures, carried me on their wings towards the heights of the heavens. Magnificent was the description of the beauties, the pleasures, and the delights of the spirit and the heart in the phalansterian city. — Ion Ghica My Affairs have been editing a magazine now for almost exactly sixty years. I hope to live a good while longer—life expectancy is shooting up so fast that now, at age eighty- Iseven, I may still not have reached my halfway point. Yet sixty is the sort of number that leads one to reflect.
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