Directory of Organizational Technical Report Acronym Codes (DIRIAC)
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AD-A281 500 DTICITR--94/! 6 AD-A281 500 B6TU Directory of Orrganizatioual Technical Report Acronym Codes Directorate of Operations JULY 1994 O!7C cquiring Information- -matingKnow/edge Appro"e fo ulc release; disribut on mdn Defense Technical information center Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia. 22304-6145 94227910 Policy on the Redistribution of DTIC-Supplied Information As a condition for obtaining DTIC services, all information received from DTIC that is not clearly marked for public release will be used only to bid or perform work under a U.S. Government contract or grant or for purposes specifically authorized by the U.S. Government agency that is sponsoring access. Further, the information will not be published for profit or in any manner rffered for sale. Non-compliance may result in termination of access and a retirement to return all information obtained from DTIC. Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE J OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information isestimated to average I hour per responsenldgth tiefrrie ngntuti s.eahigestn dteore, gtiering and minta Ing the data ,needed 1andjcompleting aiM reviewing the collection of infor matined m etsegrighibrd eimtoray thraetofhi colecton f Ifomatonncldilguggstins orredcin thsburden. to Wsahington Headquarters Services, Directora te frinformation operations and Reports. 1215 W~fei'sn Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to tir Office of Management anidsucget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0704.0188). Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPO IRT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED IJuly 1994 Annual Report 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBER,. Directory of Organizational Technical Report Acronym Codes (DIRIAC). PE65801S 6. AUTHOR(S) Linda Stallard, Compiler 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORY NUMBER Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 IXIIC/TR--94/1k'i 9. SPONSORING/ MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Supersedes Report no. DTIC/IR-91/2 dated June 1991, AD-A237 000. 12a. ,ISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for puiblic release; .distri1bition unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) This compilation is a guide to acronyms as assigned by the Defense Technical Information Center (lDrIC). The listing contains entries from the Department of Defense (DOD), F~ederal Government, foreign military and non-government organizations. The acronyms reflect reports processed into the DI'IC collection. In all instances the acronyms are those actually used by the organization itself. The listing is arranged in two parts, as follows: alphabetically by acronym, and alphabetically by full namie of organization. The Appendix contains Standard Technical Report Number Update Notification Formi %Th-UP". 14. SUBJECT TERMS I5. NUMBER OF PAGES *Handbooks Information Retrieval_________ *Military Organizations Descriptive Cataloging6 RIECD 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION IS. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT UOF THIS PAGE UOF ABSTRACT U I U NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) by ANSI Std. ZJI-16 29w-Prescribed102 July 1994 Directory of OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (ACQUISITION & TECHNOLOGY) DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER CAMERON STATION ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22304-6145 DTIC-O Jul 94 PREFACE Thi, compilation is a guide to acronyms as assigned by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). The listing contains entries from the Department of Defense (DoD), Federal Government, foreign military and nongovernment organizations. The acronyms reflect reports processed into the DTIC collection. In all instances the acronyms are those actually used by the organization itself, The listing is arranged in two parts, as follows: Part I (White) - alphabetically by acronym Part II (Yellow) - alphabetically by full name of organization Prepared under the Direction of Approved by ir, Directorate of Operations Chif,ataogig ranch ___________ Accesion For NTIS CRA& DTIC TAB Unannounced 0 Justification ..... ... By .............. Distribution I Availability Codes Avail and I or Dist Special July 1994 Directoryof OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes CONTENTS P reface ................................................................................................................... i Introduction ........................................................................................... iii STRN Definitions ........................................................................................... v STRN Definitions and Examples ..................................................................... vii Commonly Used Series Designators ........................................................... ix Report Code Listing Alphabetically by Acronym ............................................................. White 1-1 Alphabetically by Full Name or Organization ............................... Yellow 2-1 Standard Technical Report Number Update Notification Form "STRN-UP" .......................................................... Appendix-1 Directoryof OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes July 1994 ii July 1994 Directoryof OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes INTRODUCTION The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) processes thousands of technical reports whose issuing and sponsoring organizations elect to assign tecbnical report numbers to their documents, but fail to adhere to a standard format. It becomes difficult, therefore, to identify these organizations and to retrieve their documents using their assigned report numbers. A standardized technical report format for the input of information makes both retrieval and document identification easier. The Cataloging Branch (DTIC-OCC), the office responsible for cataloging tech- nical reports, has adopted the newly revised ANSI/NISO Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) Format and Creation, ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1990. The standard was prepared by members of the CENDI (Commerce, Energy, NASA, NLM, Defense Information) Cataloging Working Group for the National Infor- mation Standards Organization (NISO), and is available from NISO Press Fulfillment, P. 0. Box 338, Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338, 1-800-282-NISO. Included in this issue of' DOTRAC is a Standard Technical Report Number Update Notification Form to allow users to register or update th-ir STRN's. Also included are explanations and examples of formats and how to create report numbers using the new ANSINISO STRN. Hopefully, these inclusions will encourage a more knowledgeable and comprehensive use of the standard. There are several benefits that result from using a standard technical report number. Reports from the same organization, especially if they include an acronym or abbreviated form of its name, can be grouped together in indexes without confusion; identifying an organization's reports by a short number facilitates both reference and ordering; and libraries and information centers will be able to identify, locate, and easily organize literature according to a consistent and accepted pattern. In addition, a systematic structure for creating these numbers simplifies the process for contributors. Also, the fact that DOTRAC is generated from the DTIC Source Header List enables users to locate source codes and organizational names more expediently with the utilization of organization report codes. Therefore, if your organization is listed in the DTIC Source Header List, AD-A281 000 and AD-A281001; but no Report Code for your organization has been listed in DOTRAC, please complete the enclosed STRN Update Notification Form (STRN-UP) and return it to DTIC. iii Directory of OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes July 1994 iv July 1994 Directory of OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes STRN DEFINITIONS ANSI/NISO REPORT CODE - The Report code is the first portion of the Standard Technical Report Number GROUP SEPARATOR - The Group Separator is a double hyphen which separates the Report code from the Sequential Group SEQUENTIAL GROUP - The Sequential Group is the second part of the Standard Technical Report Number SEQUENTIAL NUMBER - The Sequential Number is 'he number of reports issued in sequence within a given year SUBDIVIDER - Subdividers consists of diagonals (/) and/or single hyphens (-) SERIES DESIGNATOR - A Series Designator is a descriptive note describ- ing the report LOCAL SUFFIX - A Local Suffix is not a part of the Standard Tech- nical Report Number; but is optional for in-house information only V Directory of OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes July 1994 vi July 1994 Directory of OrganizationalTechnical Report Acronym Codes STRN DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES REPORT CODE REPORT CODE - The Report CGde identifies the organization that prepared the technical report. It may also include a series or a special series issued by two or more organizational subdivisions, or a series designator. In the Report Code alpha and numeric characters are sepa- rated by either a diagonal () or a hyphen (-). Report Codes have a minimum of two characters and a maximum of sixteen. EXAMPLE: DTIC/OCC/415/TR DTIC - Organization which prepared report OCC - Subdivision within DTIC (Optional) 415 - Special Series (Optional) TR - Series Designator (Optional) GROUP SEPARATOR GROUP SEPARATOR - The Group