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-+ ...~--....-.·· .........._........... + • 'o.'lllio,ni Jlutc.hin$0n + + • Loil hit b&LLle with Cancer. Died June 21 , 1985 + • • II t I I I I I t1II111I1111 11III1 1+1tiI11II I 11 l t If I I I I I !l I It It I 111 t+++-+++++++tt++++++ Th11nko SUln lion•• ror t110 nbove info . - looldns lll!ln t~. Anncnrnrnr,111 Tllo HRC DX A1.1d to Sor•lco t• for por11on• l·O rctod to t4pe 111 variety of colwnnt. Yo'* don ' t have to be a professioRal announcer bovovor JOU 1hcxild h.ttve ;i volc::e thot won ' l P'*l pooplo to 1lecip! 111 twO Honotoncr11 pl ctn.HI I I lntert111Led tn U\e .)ob eo!\ta.Ct F'red \'obbe nt 706 )'kt~1le, Liu OH 4.580.5-183!1 . Also. tf 7ou kftow ~e t M is ri&ually-lapor·H .,.4 la lnterestH In Ktdi• \lave ll~& •le e cettttlct tept, NI•• lf'flll aet. in cont6Ct vith us here at llQ or vith Fred V'otlbe . I.RCA Mnual Conveattoa to M hel• tn Portlaad, 0et Ofl the VHkHd o( AVl•tl 1)-2,S, at the Uogpay Beat Vttt•r• Motel at 4?0 Jonht-.a&t Hollada;J. c.on•e1:1tlcia r ..gi•tntloa i• $1S.OO vti.h 8iftoel~t. end $9.00 v lthcMlt Bll1W1..et.. for oorci info cell Patrick Katti• 50~1-)185 (Eves.) or Mll Block 5()).. .2S6-2JS4 (£ves. ) . Seod JOU regJ..stratioa fM to Bill !lode, 9307 S. E. Clar St •• Port.I•"' Olt 97216. Call o r vri~! 50011 aol ll!K.• ti.• teh. boforo the eve11t! ! COi.i~ EDITOI!!> TAKE. NOT'P.t One tssue left in Volu•• 52 ••. M.lsthead date for issue 30 is SepteDbtr 1) vith September 22 hoa t.hc M1t1Lhe1td doto. Jl.olov t 1 t ho •cl\.qdulo for tho upcoming S3rd vol1,mo edit.on• of DX NE\.'$: ll!il'IUC M.,.i.theocnd llii.Lof!' f'vb Se1111 l on ?Mte lssuc Mn:nhend lln.Le l'ul1 Soit11lon 0.-.tc - 1- October 1 SipLetnber 29 ---i-6" J 3nu3ty 27 Jnnu.nr1 19 2 October 14 Oet obor 6 17 Fcbr\lt1 ry l J o11u.nr7 26 3 October 21 October 13 18 February LO Febru.ary 2 4 Oclobcir 28 Oct.obor 20 19 Fcbru.'.lry L7 •"o brunr1 9 s Moven.~r 4 October 27 20 February 24 Febriu.ry 16 6 ~ovci111Htr 11 ~ove•ber 3 21 Karch 3 Fobr111rJ 23 7 ll"ovenHr 18 Move11bor 10 2·2 M#rch 10 H.'lrc.h 2 8 ~o•c11ber 25 iltovenber 17 ?3 March 17 Kord•1 9 9 Dec:ffber 2 H'ovmber 21. 24 ii.lrch J l K.1tch 16 10 DtceaMr 9 DKHber l 25 April 14 April 6 II Dtc:.. wr 16 Dtc....ti.r 8 26 Aprll 27 12 Dtc:•ber )C) Decdhcr lS 27 ""'J'""' s 9 Jwte I IJ J;UJIUl\tJ 6 DK.-b<er 29 2$ July l4 Jvlr 6 14 J•~rJ 13 Ja••rr S ?9 August 18 ""•••l 10 J•nuarJ 20 JO S'E!pt~r 22 S.pi,abor 14 IS ..."""'' 12 t.OOt lSS ll>R: 2 •••• AH S>tilch )., •• Stt1 A<ldr Ch;1ngei; 11 •••• DDJD 14 . • .•Top F"Ad l S •••• ConLClll • 17 . ... Sport. • Xatwork• 18 •••• Dxc:hllnge 19 ••• CYDXA-1340.::Az 23.. 26 •• Kap.I 27 •••• St.n profile t,,'M81 .llCSS,WKOl JO . ••• Mu11h•a• 1.5 . • •• NJIC Convc::nlon Fo1'11 46 • •• \'ertfteation Signers 1.7 . •••H AP Paa• • i: 14•.j,J;t I •M'J,J ! •ltf:i f ,1'\'i •I I ·\ ;!rj :fj « ·1II1:! 5i 1Jl tiz 4·1'Z ·S'A :t •bl -t ' tt :J ... J8D RI Hope Val ley: 5000 01 (500 CH) <D CD AM SWITCH 490 UT So li na: 1000/1000 Ul ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,Jerry Starr, clo WHOT Radio, 401,, N.__ Blaine""!' _______ Ave.. Youngstown,,,, OH 44~505---, 580 CA Windsor: 250 03 CAU LETTER CHANGES • ATIONS FROO< EXl_ll!N~ FACILITIES Old coll: New call: Old call: New Cell : 40 KKAR CA Hespert•: power to 1500 watts 10 WK8J PR Kayaguet: night power to 750 watts llEIZ 1280 KYKN OR 540 WOAX GA Colunt>us Cu gene • Cl<ll KIU1C CA Gonzoles: antenn• to U4 · H... Ht•I llCBJ 1290 •Hew UT Kanab KkZIC 670 fl WIYG IL Sendwtch: paver to 710 watts day1 26oo watts nfght, Vii KLOY 1)00 KGHX AX Fat rbanks 680 · H... llA Loc• r KRl<Q KC FA AK taglo Afver: nfght power to 10000 1)10 KfYI CA Oek1end 720 · H... KS Rich ond llReR KOi:.. WSKE PA Cverett: Crftfcal Hours power to ftOOO CA 750 KEPB TX El Paso KAKA 1)20 KHNC Oc.e.~sfde KEZL KlPl LA Lake Provf dence: reduce power to 190 watts • Hev Thornton 1)60 WAST Al Hadtson WDLT 760 co KKBD GA Atlante: p<>wer to 10000 (2500 CH) • Nev Siesta Key WJKB WllTO RI Wfckford WG.KA 780 fl 1370 WKfO WENA PR Penuelas: power to 2500/1000 AZ WNAQ 910 KJJJ Phoe.nf x KFYI 1)80 WNVR CT Naugatuck WZEL GA Young Harrts: to 770 k'Hz wfth 750 watts 01 1010 a rush KKG.Z Amherst WWWI. 11 KCKP co 1420 WAKV VA WNBG TN Warnesboro: to 9)0 kHz wi t h SOO 01 (typo last issue said 1480") 1020 • New AK Eagle Rfver KCfA 1440 Mount Ho1 ly WJBS WKHJ SC KXAM lX Ho Otes: pcwer to 1000 •How Vernon Hf 11 s WTHU 1ora IL WLHV 1450 KO Thurmont WFCO WYKR VT Wells Rtvor: to 1100 kHz wi th 5000 01 (reapplfcatton) 10 0 KJFH HI Honolulu KLHT 1460 KCAN DK Cl Reno KZUE fl Oa~land Park: day power to SOOO •New TN St. Joseph WJOR 1490 WStO Sldnay WEXY NT WCDD Ml Ypsi lanti: to 990 kHz wi th 500/25D U4 1060 KAMA TX El Paso KFNA 1510 WWW() fl Kareo Island WM IB wvrc WRHC fl Coral Gobles: to 1560 kHz with 50000/5000 U4 t 100 •New NC Hfghl ands WZZH 1540 WSWG KS Greenwood WKXG 1120 wooz TN Moryvt l lo WCGM• KUQQ TX Fort Worth KMIA• KGW B WA Wost Rfchland: chonge hours to doytlmc only. 5000 01 end chenge city-of-license to Preist River. tD, relocate XR 11 )0 WACQ AL Carrvf I le WSfU 1560 We UK Kl Portage WHEZ 1170 •New TH Co l If ervt 1 le ""EE 1570 KCfY CA Grover Ctty KTOR• 1220 WVLW MN Stt I lwater WTCN 1580 WAJE PA Ebensburg WESG NTS TO EXISTING FACILITICS 1240 KAKZ Wl cht ta KS KRZZ KCN O CA Al turos: chonges tn antenna system 1270 KGUY CA Po1m Oesert KHWZ . NOTES ON CALLS: WCGK-1120 was lg WLYJ FL Royal Palm Beach: relocate XR stt e ( rew station, not on yet} gtven ~cal l chan?e to wooz ""1 fch 70 KJCB LA Lofayette: day po1i1ar to 5000, an tenna to U4 lasted about •week before they esked to r e t urn to WCGM. Al this happened 40 KTFR KS Lyons: relocate XR bet~en the last Issue of ox Hews and this one so the change Is shown on ly so WJYS IL Crystal Lel!e: power to 5000, changes fn antenna system for tnformatlonol purposes, the statfon rema ins WCGH. Likewise KT OR-1570 70 KPRK KN Pa rk Rapfds: relocate XR site for 870 CP 1 still on 1270 kHl changed their cal l to KCrY for a few days. then retutned to KTOR, this Is a 60 WRFC GA Athens: night power to 2500, changes fn antenna system new station not y•t on the afr. And finally KUQQ-wtSC.0 had esked for K.HJ A, Maplewood: relocate daythae XR, chonges tn ontenna system '30 WKIH KN then had this ce I set aside and renefned KUQQ. Now they have asked for ,040 KAIN LA Vld1l t1: relocate XR (new station, not on yet) KKJA a second tfl'lll: and this time the change was made, these calls are tn use. 120 WKKS GA Gordon: power to 10000 (2500 CH) 01 1)0 WOGT KN Hlnn.capolts: reloc.ote XR APPtICATIOHS FOR ~EW STATIONS 200 \fGOL PR Lares: r•locate XR S40 TX Ferris: 2SO DI 2)0 Kf LR AZ Phocnl•: c:henges In antertna system 670 TH rarragut: SOO 01 (reapplication) WANO KT Ptnevtlle: mode to SHI, oper ate 0600-1900 every day 70D fl Union Pork: 5000 DJ 240 WKPA HS Aberdeen: ch&nges fn antenna system, power to 770 watts MO College Park: 250 Ot 250 KNCK CA Grass Valley: to 8)0 kHz wfth SOOO 01 DR Hazlewood: SOOOO/IDDO U4 )DO WHG f l Marathon: changes fn antenna system VA Me.Lean: 2SO 01 )60 WAST AL Hadfsont to 73 kHz wt th 1000 Ol VA Reston1 500 03 )80 WAHS OE Wflmfngton: delete one of their three day patterns, whf ch one 710 MT Ennis: 10000 01 (not certain what happened to tho KMM0-710 tnn1s CP) was not sp.eclffed. 720 fl Dover: 10000/1000 U4 410 KCOL co Fort Co llins: day power to 5000, antenna to u~ . relocate XR fl Holly Hiiis: 10000/IDOO U4 4)0 WGfS GA CovJngton: power to 5000 01 WA long Beech: S000/2SO US (OA day, Non-DA night) 450 WOCN FL Htoml: relocate XR 8 10 GA Hohlro: 2SOO DI 460 WRBL NJ Mount Hol ly: chang~ city-of-l icense to Florence, NJ 840 WI Seymo<1r1 2SOO 0) ~70 WSRO KA Mar l borough: antenna mode from U4 to U2 870 Fl Pt siro Beach: 5000/1000 U4 480 KI OI 10 Gooding: changes tn antenna system (ne"W statfon, not on yet) 880 CA Konteclto: 1000/250 U2 510 wee FL Cocoa: to 770 ktt1 S000/500 U4 , ctty-of-ltccnse t·O Rockledge, FL CA Thousand P1lms: 1000/250 UI WKl e fl Marco Island: to 1~80 kHz wi th 1000/ 1000 U~ 890 CA Ros..,...,,d: 25000/1000 U4 S8D WLIH NT Patchogue: changes ~n antenna system CA San K.arcos: 10000/1000 U4 580 WJIK NC C.,ip Lejeune: to 830 kHz with 10000/2500 U4 1000 NE Culbertson: 250 01 590 WCSI.