Hitachi Hyper Scale-Out Platform (HSP) HSP Re-image Guide

FE-95HSP026-01 21 November 2016 © 2016 , Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Preface v Intended audience vi Product version vi Accessing product documentation vi Getting help vi Comments vii

Clean install steps & requirements 1 Procedure 2

Contents iii HSP Re-image Guide iv Contents HSP Re-image Guide Preface

This document describes the process for re-imaging HSP nodes from a USB memory stick.

This Preface includes the following information:

❒ Intended audience

❒ Product version

❒ Accessing product documentation

❒ Getting help

❒ Comments

Preface v HSP Re-image Guide Intended audience

Intended audience

This document is intended for Hitachi Data Systems Field engineers who need to re-image HSP nodes.

Readers of this document should be familiar with the following:

• Hyper Scale-Out Platform administration and configuration

• Site-specific network information

Product version

This document applies to Hyper Scale-Out Platform release 1.2 or later.

Accessing product documentation

Product documentation is available on Hitachi Data Systems Support Connect: Check this site for the most current documentation, including important updates that may have been made after the release of the product.

Getting help

Hitachi Data Systems Support Portal is the destination for technical support of products and solutions sold by Hitachi Data Systems. To contact technical support, log on to Hitachi Data Systems Support Connect for contact information:

Hitachi Data Systems Community is a global online community for HDS customers, partners, independent software vendors, employees, and prospects. It is the destination to get answers, discover insights, and make connections. Join the conversation today! Go to, register, and complete your profile.

vi Preface HSP Re-image Guide Comments


Please send us your comments on this document:

[email protected]

Include the document title and part number, including the revision (for example, -01), and refer to specific sections and paragraphs whenever possible. All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems.

Thank you!

Preface vii HSP Re-image Guide viii Preface HSP Re-image Guide Clean install steps & requirements

This chapter describes the process of re-imaging HSP nodes from a USB memory stick.

❒ Procedure

Clean install steps & requirements 1 HSP Re-image Guide Procedure

1. Gather IP Addresses, Network information, etc. from the Customer.

2. Insert a USB stick into an HSP node USB port.

3. The BIOS must be updated so the node boots from USB. Reboot the node and when the American Megatrends image flashes, press F11 to enter the BBS Popup menu.

4. Choose the option that corresponds to the USB stick. Usually this is named after the manufacturer of the USB stick. For example: Storage Device.

Note: Do not attempt to use UEFI booting for your USB stick. For example do not use any entry that looks like UEFI Sony Storage Device

5. The node installation process does not require human intervention at this point. After the installation of a node is complete it will be rebooted automatically. The total time taken for the installation of a node is typically 10 minutes including boot-up time.

6. Installation of other nodes in the cluster can proceed in parallel, if you have multiple USB sticks.

7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the next node until all the HSP nodes in the cluster are running the new build.

8. After installation on a node is complete, the prompt should say: pcsnode login:

9. Log into any one of the nodes as: User: hds_init Password: hds_init

10. Type cluster_initialize to configure the cluster.

Note: If there is no network present --nonet can be used to initialize the cluster.

2 Clean install steps & requirements HSP Re-image Guide 11. Enter Cluster Virtual IP and the default gateway as prompted, the. Virtual IP must be specified with subnet mask bits: e.g. for an IP address with netmask

12. Exit as hds_init and log in as: User: admin Password: admin.

13. Type hspadm node list at the prompt to follow the progress of cluster initialization. This can take up to 15 minutes. When complete, you will see all cluster nodes like so: admin@Node001:~$ hspadm node list

14. When the cluster is up:

a. Obtain the cluster name by entering:

admin@Node001:~$ hspadm cluster list

b. Edit the description with DNS and NTP information:

admin@Node001:~$ hspadm cluster edit --name --dns- server --domain-name --ntp-server

c. Assign floating IPs: $ hspadm ip-address add --name floating --ip-address --role node

$ hspadm ip-address add --name vm --ip-address --role vm

d. Create file-system: $ hspadm file-system add --name fs_test --quota 128GiB

Clean install steps & requirements 3 HSP Re-image Guide e. Share is automatically created, so create access rule: $ hspadm access-rule edit --name DefaultAccessRule --file-system fs_test --share fs_test --root-squash No

4 Clean install steps & requirements HSP Re-image Guide HSP Re-image Guide Hitachi Data Systems

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