Robe Maluyu Set Toriffs
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January 2002 Public Disclosure Authorized -- community-based WaterAid- | WaterAid has been active in Hitosa and Gonde Iteya in Arsi Zone and Robe Maliyu in upporte'd program in the Arsi ancdl Bale Zone in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia for the last ten years. The three large-scale alePublic Disclosure Authorized Zones of- O romi a, Ethipia, gravity-fed water supply schemes have been implemented in partnership with Water Action, an s demoristrating' effective community anagement.Three separate indigenous non-governmental organization (NGO), and have involved close collaboration nanagem.ent.' Three- separate,I ravity-fed water supply schemes ha've- | with local communities and with the Oromia Water, Mines, and Energy Resources Development mprovedthequalityandaccessibilityofU Bureau (OWMERDB). Physical implementation in Hitoso was completed in 1995, in Gonde taersupplied to rural and poor urban Iteya in March 2000, and in Robe Maliyu in Morch 2001 (except for final work on some ouseholds,with nearlyi200,000 people- | extensions). Community-elected bodies and their salaried staff are now responsible for all Iready served (design population activities required to sustain ond manage the schemes. ' 60,000). Two rnain factors have | ¢,Gonde lleya: Water Supply, Sanitation and ontributed to the success of- these | iOygiene lEducation Project System Layout t . - AMU 55 chemes.-Firstly, the development of a DAN HU&W A articipatory managemen't structure that- I IEDOJONGO as-'passed-onPublic Disclosure Authorized ownership of the j , IEOCKISA < \ ystem to local comrmunity members at zm, c '. 11levels' and -se-condlj, effective- ocal financial managemerit (the OGONDLAE isconnection- of non-payers, for NDE3 xample, has encouraged high levels- BAOESA 41 f payment for water services). rogress still needs to be mode in such BEKERJANO natters as the provision of water for V00A ivestock, and the promotion of proper V28 anitation and hygiene practices. I AAIODAG ___SH____\_SRN articipatory evaluations indicate that- DEFLECTION POINTS oPUBLIC WATERPOINTS ommunity-managed differentiated mHULAWE LE AR - PIPELINE ROUTE ariffPublic Disclosure Authorized levels and cross-subsidiztion do ,o RESERVOIR ssist -in providing a service to the 0 WATER TANK a BREAKPRESSURE oorest community members. t VILAGE - - UNSURVEYED ROUTE - PIPELINE COMPLETED _ < g 9 < NOT TO SCALE NOT COMPLETED ° A(Do° j j0, ~~~~~~~~~~~~96; , Hitosa Gonde lteya Robe Maliyu Population served 71,000 65,000 126,000 Overall cost (millions US$) 1.72 1.29 1.88 of scheme Cost (US$) per capita 22 19 15 Coverage 28 villages 23 villages 14 peasant associations 3 small towns lteya Town 1 large town 2 small towns Length (km) of pipeline installed 142 112 151 No. of public tap stands 122 82 84 Nor. of private connections 506 2 6 Annual water consumption 159,421 m3 99,324m3 Unknown Per capita daily consumption 8 liters 6 liters Unknown Management Model fully owned and managed by Hitosa The key to the success of these community-elected bodies. Institutional arrangements for water schemes is the level of community This participatory approach has met supply management with clear lines of participation in management. Each with tacit approval from regional communication and authority ore firmly scheme has evolved differently and governmental authorities and many of established in Hitosa (see 'Basic displays some unique characteristics. the 'essons learnt have been Management Structure' box). The However, all schemes have one incorporated into Oromia's regional administrative units associated with this important feature in common: they are water policy and guidelines. management structure are as follows: The Water Management Board (WMB) is in overall charge of the scheme and comprises 62 members from all sections of the local community. Convening WMB meetings -Z on a regular monthly basis with all A l 1 - ] j , ^ . : 62 members present has inevitably proved difficult. It was therefore iiJj tI| decided to appoint an Executive r stX (; w> r 2 ; h . \ i j f : l Committee composed of five board members and four local government f-i ' - .;; V s C / \;/ , officials, thereby providing an important link between the local community and -. k _ & I, > 0! the woredas (districts) and kebeles (sub-districts) that constitute the local +11 government structure. The Executive F> t |S7 ° i ;~ > ' ffi } W . Committee isaccountable to the WMB. The Water Administration Office a- > , _ pb < ret _ \(WAO) is the central body responsible -- i for the day-to-day running of The nine members of the Executive Committee at Hitoso water supply operations in Hitosa. \} a t/ x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4-M 7 (WAT- - Queuing has not been eradicated altogether -the tap stands are open during a few morning and afternoon hours, partly to reduce the top attendonts' working hours. Note the elevated stand for water containers -higher on one of the sides- making the lifting easy for adult women and young girls alike Salaried staff manage the system, read Hygiene Communicators (see below), division of responsibilities and to meters monthly, collect charges, and and encourages expansion of the provide dedicated services the WAO disburse funds. The WAO also service by promoting additional privote is split into three units: technical, coordinates the activities of Village connections. To ensure effective administration, and finance. The WAO is accountable to the Executive LHitosa: Basic Management Structure |Committee of the WMB. __ _ ,, _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Communitiesmaintain on WaterMaagement o=ard (W B) j F ~Water and ! active interest and stake in the 31 Women - UAS-: system through community-based C-om nittee-S Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) -~~~~~~~ ele;Ct-the WMB, and Committees. One male and one Exet-utivv-e Co.....mmi.ltt-e e mor71tor and evaluate female member of each WATSAN * ~~5 coruiybnes the- performance of 4Governmn Hios:Oflil aagmetasc trcurteWOa CommitteeCmmtteof the standWMBtem on the WMB, village level bringing agrossroots perspective to the highestechelons of the water-supply 'Water Admil-ilifretail- Offi-ce (WAO) I management structure. The WATSAN 1 ~~~~Technical U-nit -(4 staft)-l I Committees provide a vital link I ~Administration Unit (6sto) Finance Unit (64 stof{;-niIcluNg tap between private ond public customers attendonts and Village Hygiene to. and the formal manaement structure andyoung girls alike Other groups who assist the efficient and sustained operation of the The Livestock Question scheme include Village Hygiene Livestock watering is a critical rural water demand that needs to be fully Communicators (VHCs) who operate integrated into water supply system design: at the local level, stressing the vital link * Livestock water consumption was never included in the original system between water usage and hygiene; and design of the Oromia WaterAid projects. If animal husbandry is to be tap attendants, numbering 61 in improved and livestock watering encouraged through the construction total, who dispense water from tap of cattle troughs, the design capacity of each water supply system is stands, collect the fees due, and use likely to be exceeded within a few years. their contact with the community to * Livestock represents a significant asset within the Ethiopian context and advise on water and hygiene matters. wealthy farmers moy be willing and able to pay for additional services. Communities in Hitosa are Subsequent income would be welcomed by each WAO and could be justifiably proud of their integrated rural reinvested in capital items and the development of new sources. It and urban management system and could also be used to cover the cost of any major repairs expected in are content with the present the near future. management structure. * On the other hand wealthy farmers, especially those with large herds Gonde lteya and of livestock, are among the local elite who tend to dominate water supply management, and they can use their influence to avoid paying Robe Maluyu set toriffs. The more recent Gonde Iteya and Robe Themaoiy secheme usneIthey basicRobBefore communities embark upon new schemes and tap into the potential Maliyu schemes use the bosic for livestock watering, careful investigation of all the relevant factors is maongement model provided by necessary. The potential exists to improve the socio-economic status of water user groups through improved animal husbandry anrd increased are at an eadlier stage of implementation areatand earlutierstgeof, implementation meat and milk production. In addition, the increased revenvTe generated from water soles would allow communities to plon for reinvestrent, and to defined. arrangements are less clearly contemplate the possible expansion of eeich-scheme. In Gonde Iteya, the water supply system is fully managed by a Water (35,000 people) and the rural villages Financial Management Management Committee (the respectively. Despite the differing institutional equivalent of Hitos.'s WMB). At present The Robe Maliyu scheme is being arrangements operating in the there is no independent WAO, though plans are afoot to adopt a similar completed with ddditional funds. The three project sites, communities system to that established in Hitosa. Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and display a strong sense of ownership. As regards Robe Maliyu, Development Fund (ESRDF) has agreed This is confirmed by their willingness , , ,,, . ~~~~~~~~~topay set water tariffs and take communities have long held the view to part-finance eight villages (about finacial r ifor ate that a central executive