
Wha t’s Eating traps and fitting radio-transmitters on the A wild nesting turkey of choice among ’ wild carni - study reveals, in some vores: the eastern wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo-silvestris ). Unlike the domesti - cases, every single cated turkey found in supermarkets, the turkey gets gobbled native Illinois is equally popular among camouflaged sportsmen and wild, the Wild up. Yet flocks continue surreptitious carnivores. Wildlife experts point out that relatively to expand, thanks to few Illinois studies have been conducted about the nesting habits and brood success hidden nests. of wild turkeys. Little was known about the connection between nest-site selection Turkey? Story By Joe McFarland and predator efficiency. Or, after a Photos By Kenneth Delahunt robs them of their eggs, will a hen turkey researcher Jack Nawrot, is thousands of create a new nest in the same spot—or acres of former coal mine that’s been t seems everything out there craves a wisely head to safer ground? What’s more, reclaimed—and is full of wild turkeys. delicious turkey. And, on special researchers wanted to learn how many dif - “I chose Burning Star 5 mine property occasions, even turkey eggs. With so ferent wild predators gobble up turkeys for a few reasons,” Nawrot explained of many turkey lovers in Illinois, how and their eggs each year in Illinois. the vast, fenced-in property on the Jack - does the supply keep up with the A study to document the nesting habits, son-Perry county line. “In terms of having insatiable demand—and are there any and to establish what’s eating our turkeys thousands of acres of Illinois crop and leftovers? Southern Illinois University would therefore represent an important grassland for private study, along with Iresearchers were hungry for an answer. piece of wildlife research in Illinois. woods, water and plenty of turkeys, Burn - Beginning in 2008, they began setting Starting in 2008, the SIU Cooperative ing Star was ideal. Plus it was close to the Wildlife Research Laboratory began to mon - university.” SIU graduate student researcher itor every move of selected wild turkeys Delahunt, who’s making the turkey pro - throughout the year, especially during the ject the subject of his master’s thesis, Kenneth Delahunt (above) prepares crucial nesting season each spring. In that began daily treks to the old mine property to release a hen turkey that’s been first season, graduate student Kenneth north of Carbondale. Within a year fitted with a radio transmitter. Delahunt managed to trap and fit with Delahunt had live-trapped a total of 24 Transmitters enable researchers to motion transmitters nine hens for study. locate nests and monitor survival. The study location, selected by SIU May 2010 Outdoor Illinois / 5 into the incubation. For example, eggs that had been laid recently were abandoned to any predator attack. Eggs that were close to hatching might trigger a maternal stand - off against a predator—even as that mater - nal defense might prove fatal. In the span of a week, when eggs were nearing their hatch date, two hens were killed by , and all the eggs were eaten. Following the tell-tale “death signal” sent by the transmitter, Delahunt was able to track the location of each kill and identify the killer based on how the bird was eaten. Listening to the beeps Research revealed opossums were while carrying his receiver, Delahunt knew he should be able to see one trans - a frequent visitor to turkey nests, mitter on the ground in front of him. But often eating every egg, resulting in there was no sign of it or the bird that total nest failure. once carried it—until his boot bumped against something, which generated a turkeys and fitted them with radio trans - Using radio telemetry, Delahunt was motion signal on his receiver. Beneath a mitters. Two years into the project, he able to learn where hens were nesting little clump of debris was the buried continues to trap and add more to without actually disturbing the nest. Nest- transmitter and turkey carcass. the study group. site selection, he learned, whether amid an “It was a ,” the student “Right now we have 42 birds with open field or within brushy cover at the researcher said. “Bobcats bury their kills.” transmitters,” Delahunt added. “Since the edge of a forest, influenced the ability of As the study continues, the success of project began we’ve been able to follow predators to find the tasty resource. the thriving turkey population in Illinois is 63 birds.” What’s more, researchers found no being revealed as a life-or-death struggle, The study represents one of the largest shortage of predators eager to make a meal where any hen might lose everything, groups of turkeys ever tracked with radio of eggs and hens during spring nesting sea - including herself. But with nest sizes aver - telemetry in Illinois. The transmitters are son. During the 2008-2009 seasons, seven aging about 12 eggs, one successful nest motion-activated, and have a signal range of hens were killed (3 bobcats, 2 and can boost a population even as scores of up to 2 miles. Under ideal conditions, the 2 unknown predators—including a possi - turkey eggs get gobbled up elsewhere. battery life can last 2 years, which means ble owl—were indicted). Turkey eggs “One management objective that might it’s possible to track a hen during consecu - were wildly popular among , arise from this project,” Nawrot noted, “Is tive nesting seasons. Delaunt explained that opossums and other small predators: in the management of nesting habitat. In areas when the bird is alive, the slightest motion 2008, 93 percent of nests (14 out of 15) where there is limited nesting habitat, some ) . r e will send a “live” signal back to the were destroyed by egg-stealing thieves. of the nests are so obvious to predators, it’s w e r

B researchers. If something has eaten the bird There also seemed to be a connection the equivalent of strolling up to a buffet and d i v a

D and discarded the transmitter—or left the between a nesting hen’s willingness to helping yourself to scrambled eggs every y b o t transmitter on the carcass—the lack of reg - abandon her eggs to an approaching morning.” o h P ( ular motion sends out a “dead” signal. predator and the amount of time invested

A bobcat crosses the ice at Burning Star 5 mine property where several hen turkey deaths were linked to this efficient predator.

6 / Outdoor Illinois May 2010