Australia-China relations: a distracted Turnbull drops the ball by Andrew Clark Australian Financial Review, 3 November 2017

Link: the-ball-20171031-gzc0aj

Malcolm Turnbull likes paddling his kayak. Far from the serene calm of Sydney Harbour, however, the Prime Minister has once again hit the proverbial rapids, and faces multiple hazards before Christmas.

On November 15 the results of the same-sex marriage postal survey will be announced. Ten days later there's the Queensland state election, and then federal Parliament sits for four days while Turnbull, who emerged from the last election with a majority of one, is one seat down due to the (likely temporary) absence of the dual-citizenship-afflicted .

The by-election for Joyce's New England seat is on December 2, which is the day after the eighth anniversary of Turnbull losing the leadership to . One week later the NSW Liberal Party State Council meets to consider an Abbott-backed motion to broaden the Liberal Party's preselection voting system in that state – a move that could result in the promotion of Abbott-friendly candidates.

How it all turns out is anyone's guess but the drums are beating and the dogs are barking, as they say in the cliché books.

Employing words similar to those used by 78 years ago during another political crisis, Kevin Andrews – conservative MP, staunch Abbott ally and former defence minister – told Sky News earlier this week there was a need for "strong and decisive leadership" over the dual citizenship issue disrupting Parliament. Andrews, who challenged Turnbull just before Abbott rolled his long- time rival eight years ago, was ominously mum on Turnbull's future as Liberal Party leader.

The next day Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder laid much of the blame for faltering consumer sentiment on the roiling effect of the dual citizenship muddle. A late admission by Senate President Stephen Parry that he holds dual British-Australian citizenship "was almost the straw that broke the camel' back", Mr Goyder told the National Press Club.

Mr Parry resigned from the Senate late in the week as doubts were being raised about Energy and Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg's possible dual Australian- Hungarian citizenship status, although Frydenberg told Fairfax Media he was "comfortable" with his position.

Key relationship neglected

Beyond our penchant for perennial navel-gazing, however, the drums should be beating louder about a more significant crisis – for the nation, as opposed to just Prime Minister – brewing over 's ties with China.

An assertive China causing alarm over claims it is mounting a fifth column operation to coerce Australia, and confusion about Donald Trump's "America first" policy, are fracturing Australia's bipartisan approach to the Middle Kingdom, one that has held sway since diplomatic relations were restored at the end of 1972.

The stakes are hard to exaggerate. Bilateral trade has exploded, multiplying 16 times in as many years and is now worth north of $160 billion a year. We host more than a million Chinese tourists a year, there are nearly 200,000 Chinese students attending Australian universities and colleges, and China is the fastest- growing source of foreign investment in Australia, although in total numbers it still lags behind Britain, the US and Japan.

It is therefore no exaggeration to say that China is the key element in Australia's future prosperity, or, if things go pear-shaped in the relationship, a reversal of our national fortunes.

Recent reports about Chinese government meddling in Australia through local proxies, tensions over China's rapid development of artificial islands in the South China Sea, Beijing's targeting of some South Korean industries over Seoul's decision to deploy a new US missile defence system, and the hard-line approach outlined by Chinese President Xi Jinping in July at celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong back to China, have alarmed many.

Conflicting responses

The resulting divergence about what to do about it was on display on October 16 when Foreign Minister and her Labor counterpart, Penny Wong, gave vastly different speeches at a conference sponsored by Institute for International Affairs (AIIA).

Ms Bishop acknowledged the importance of the Liberal-government-negotiated Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, but her speech was wide-ranging and the part that did focus on China was more on regional disputes in which China is involved, such as its island-building in the South China Sea.

More recently, Andrew Shearer, a former national security adviser to Liberal prime ministers and Tony Abbott, wrote in The Australian Financial Review that Chinese President Xi Jinping emerged from the recent Chinese Communist Party's Nineteenth Party Congress signalling he intends to "double down on domestic political, social and economic controls, military power, mercantilist trade and investment practices, and a coercive foreign policy". In contrast, Ms Wong's key point in her AIIA speech was: "If we want to get it right with Asia, we need to get it right with China."

Australia's defence and security agencies should be on the "lookout" for threats to Australia's sovereignty, but it was "also the business" of business and government "to build Australia's economic strength, which is a key contributor to our national security," Ms Wong said.

So "instead of seeing the relationship as a contest between our security imperatives and economic opportunity, the challenge is to construct a foreign policy with a clear-eyed view to our national interests."

Need for coherence and commitment

Linda Jakobson, founder and chief executive of China Matters, a not-for-profit with a focus on drawing Australian business executives and government ministers and senior officials closer together on China-affecting issues, calls for more balance and understanding in Australia's relationship with China. "If we don't take China's interests more into consideration we will lose important parts of our economic relationship," she says, citing Chinese tourist arrivals and student numbers as the sort of areas that could be vulnerable to a sudden, Beijing-inspired and/or mandated, drop-off in numbers.

Australia must decide "what are its national interests vis-a- vis the People's Republic of China. Australia needs to be prepared to stand up for those national interests and be "punished" for them. I think at the moment those in power are struggling to define the right balance with an ever more ambitious and assertive PRC," Ms Jakobson says. In Jakobson's view, government ministers and senior officials need to get to know their Chinese counterparts as well as they know the same figures in Washington. She contrasts Australia's dilettantish attitude with that of Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been in office for 10 years, makes a point of travelling to China at least once, and sometimes two or three times, a year.

Which brings us back to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's preoccupation with paddling his political kayak through the rapids of contentious domestic issues. Meanwhile, under the strategic partnership agreement negotiated between Australia and China by the Gillard Labor government, ties are cemented by annual heads of state or prime ministerial visits, such as those to Australia by President Xi Jinping, and earlier this year by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Now it's Malcolm Turnbull's turn. There's been a flurry of negotiations by officials in Beijing and Canberra in recent days about a Turnbull visit to Beijing sometime after he attends the November APEC summit in Vietnam. The present problem is that Mr Turnbull is, as British playwright Simon Gray once put it, is "otherwise engaged".