JJ P U / S Rfhe Owtuety-Calmes

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JJ P U / S Rfhe Owtuety-Calmes J lm i’tij-llu iL ’ JJ p u / s rfhe oWtuety-cAlmes X. C o l u m n March was certainly the women GER, etc. pilots’ month in the “Sooner” state! We had a delightful dinner with With heavy brief cases, pencils, lined some of the Oklahoma Chapter — and tablets, tape recorders, etc. we con­ the next day, went to headquarters to * verged on Oklahoma City at the Holi­ visit with our new headquarters secre­ day Inn West, which is just minutes tary, LORETTA GRAGG and received MAY, 1968 from Will Rogers World Airport. assurance from DARLA BULLARD THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. Without too much previous olanning, that she will return to the office to Will Rogers World Airport women pilots arrived at the motel. help when needed. Later, we lunched International Headquarters First to convene was the All Womens with LORETTA, DARLA, SUSIE Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 Transcontinental Air Race Board — SEWELL, and ARLENE WALKUP. and overlapping was the meeting of Saturday, before we left, we returned Headquarters Secretary the FAA Womens’ Advisory Committee to headquarters to check our store­ LORETTA GRAGG on Aviation. Following, was the meet­ room and decide on items needed at ing of the AMELIA EARHART Board headquarters. Editor of Trustees and finally, your Ninety- Laugh of the week was when some PEG ONG Nine Executive Board went into ses­ Ninety-Nines overheard some gentle­ 2900 Rockbrook Drive sion. man in the coffee shop say, “There Plano, Texas 75074 It was almost a convention without must be 50 acres of Women Pilots in THE NINETY-NINES NEWS really trying and, as usual, the Okla­ this motel!” M ay. 1968 The following weekend, at an auto­ Vol. 12 No. 17 homa chapter was most gracious and mobile race in Phoenix, someone tap­ Published monthly, except bi-monthly July- probably completely exhausted by the August and November-December. lime we left. They hosted numerous ped me on the shoulder, and would you Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and is in­ get-togethers for all of us. (They may believe it w as ALICE and CHAS cluded as a part of the annual membership dues of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. secede anytime and depart for parts ROBERTS—among some 15,000 peo­ THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. unknown!) ple. Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159 Speaking for the Executive Board This year you will receive double Return Form 3579 to above address there were a few minor calamities delegate cards — one for the delegate 2nd Class Postage pd. at Chickasha, Okla. previous to the start of the meeting, and one for a proxy — please read in­ structions carefully. INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS such as ALICE ROBERT’S train case AND PLEASE DO NOT BURY President arriving with the contents demolished YOUR BALLOTS UNDER A PILE OF DONNA MYERS with make-up and toothpaste all over LAUNDRY — VOTE AND MAIL IM­ 11603 E. 6th PI. everything else — she spent an hour MEDIATELY. Aurora, Colorado 80010 scrubbing it. BETTY MCNABB found out an hour after arrival that she could Notam: There are some "Thirty-Sky Vice-President not have an airplane after all, to fly Blue Years” pamphlets available at BERNICE “BEA” STEADMAN the IAR. Your president, who hand headquarters — $1.00. 12214 N. McKinley Rd. carried her “brains” in a briefcase did On April 19th I flew to Oklahoma Montrose, Michigan 48457 not gel to the motel with it, but after City, and the following day, DOTTIE a few moments of sheer panic, it was YOUNG flew me to Wichita Falls, Secretary discovered at headquarters. LYGIE where it was my honor and privilege LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN HAGAN spent untold hours in the Den­ to present the charter to our newest South 1907 Oneida Place ver terminal because of wrong-routing chapter, Wichita Falls. We had an Spokane, Washington 99203 from Spokane. DORIS RENNINGER excellent luncheon and a delightful Treasurer had no problems to report, and we lime. The chapler is fifteen strong and were joined by BEA STEADMAN and their enthusiasm so refreshing. Some DORIS RENNINGER GENE NORA JESSEN, when they are brand new Ninety-Nines and some 10-01 162nd Street finished with their Advisory committee are transferees from the Fort Worth Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 meeting. Chapter, the “parent chapter”. South Executive Board We had only a chance to wave at Central Section Governor PAT JET­ BETTY GILLIES and ALICE HAM­ TON, Vice-Governor NEME MASON- ALICE ROBERTS MOND as they rushed to the AE meet­ HALL, Secretary DOROTHY WAR­ 9828 North 19 Avenue ing and did say hello to others at REN and Ft. Worth Chapter Chair­ Phoenix, Arizona 85021 breakfast, such as BLANCE NOYES man, BRENDA STICKLER attended. GENE NORA JESSEN and JEAN ROSS HOWARD as they For insertion in your roster, their 2814 Cassia prepared to depart for the airport. officers are: MESDAMES RUTH REN­ Boise, Idaho 83705 With our problems behind us, we feel TON, Chairman; LOU ELLEN FOST­ BETTY W. McNABB we had a most successful meeting. We ER, Vice-Chairman; SHIRLEY WES- 926 Third Avenue met with DR. DORA DOUGHERTY, BROOKS, Secretary, and BERNICE Albany, Georgia 31701 PEG ONG, and PAGE SHAMBUR- (Continued on Page 3) William E. Hinton M. L. L. Short Dr. Roland H. Spaulding, M. D. Photo by Bedford Studio, Lexington, Ky.) We have three very prominent gentlemen as Honorary Judges for the 1968 Amelia Earhart Scholarship Awards and the following is a brief summary of their biographies: WILLIAM E. HINTON is Assistant * " purchasing, and part of the General Chief of Staff for Massachusetts Air Manager of Bethlehem Steel Corpora­ Manager’s duties Robinson Airlines National Guard. He is a Past Governor tion. He started flying in 1931 and op­ received both a non-scheduled and of Q. B. — P ast President of Sports­ erated airports in New Hampshire scheduled certificate and is now known man Pilots Association — Member of and New Jersey. In 1934 he organized as Mohawk Airlines. He later resigned American Helicopter Society, Flying and taught a General Course in Aero­ and became Executive Pilot for Ford Farmers of Kentucky and AOPA. He is nautics at Middlebury College, Middle- Motor Company until 1953. Later be­ Chairman of the Board of Trustees of bury, Vermont. In 1935 he joined came General Manager of Link Aero­ Sayre School and Chairman, Capital American Airlines as Captain then nautical Corporation. He accepted posi­ Fund Drive, Sayre School. obtained a leave of absence in 1942 tion with Chrysler Corporation as DR. ROLAND H. SPAULDING, and joined American Export Airlines, Manager of their newly formed Air Ph.D. is a graduate of the Curtiss flying 4 engine boats on the North Transport Section in 1956 and when Flying School and received his pilot’s Atlantic run to Ireland. He qualified as this department was closed, he moved license in 1929 - No. 9442. Professor a celestial navigator as well as pilot to Bethlehem Steel Corp. as Manager Emeritus, School of Education, New with this company. He was with the of Operations Aviation Services and York University. Former teacher, Air Corps from 1943 to 1946 and held in 1964 was promoted to Assistant Secondary School Principal and Super­ the rank of Lt. Colonel. He later re­ M anager. intendent of Schools. signed from American and joined the M. L. L. SHORT is president of Ro- He joined the faculty of the School Babb Company as Assistant to Vice- tair Port, Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky. of Education in 1928 as a Specialist in President and Sales Pilot for the East­ He soloed in 1929 and received his Aeronautical Education. There he or­ ern Division. pilot’s license in 1930 and Helicopter ganized the School’s program for the In 1946 he was offered the position Rating in 1952. He is a graduate of training of public and private school of Operations Manager at Robinson Parks Air College. He was with the teachers in aviation subject matter. Airlines, then an intra-state operator. Experimental Test Department of AMELIA EARHART served on an He built up the flight operations, main­ Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company in aviation advisory committee to this tenance and communications sections Hartford, Conn. and Sales Engineer program for several years. and shouldered additional duities of and Pilot for Standard Oil Company DR. SPAULDING continued to de­ of New Jersey. He was a Salesman velop and direct this aeronautical THE PRESIDENT’S COLUMN and pilot for Inter City Aviation, Bos­ education enterprise until his retire­ (Continued from Page 2) ton and Captain with American Air­ ment in 1960. Since then he has been HARVEY, Treasurer. Their meeting lines prior to founding ROTAIR employed as a consultant for 1he de­ date is the third Thursday evening of Port. Inc. In 1938 he received a 2nd Lt. velopment of aviation technical and each month. Commission in Air Corps and served vocational education projects. Cur­ Congratulations and good wishes to on Active Duty during World War II. rently he is preoccupied with an avia­ the Wichita Falls Chapter from all Later held the rank of Lt. Colonel with tion training program in Liberia, West of us. DONNA MYERS Senior Pilot’s Rating. He was Deputy Africa. airport on which the airspace is cen­ VFR fixed-wing departures will nor­ Calling All tered, except during published hours. mally operate at or above 2500 feet, All aircraft operating within the air­ weather permitting, until beyond the VFR Pilots space described above are controlled 20-mile circle. (separated) by the ATC system and VFR Operations at The Proposed Plans for High-Density segregated from all uncontrolled air­ craft.
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