College and Research Libraries for Their Type of Material to Be Used
Brief of Minutes ACRL Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday morning, ing scope and editorial policy of the ACRL February 2, 1954, Monographs, and read the statement printed in Chicago on the inside cover of recent monographs. Mr. McNeal reported that the emphasis of Present were officers, directors, chairmen the ACRL State Representatives had been on of sections and committees, and ACRL repre- membership. Procedure in appointing state sentatives on ALA Council. President Mac- representatives was described. It was desira- Pherson presided. As usual, an agenda with ble for these people to serve relatively long supporting documents had previously been terms. Practices and policies were informally mailed to all those present. approved. Miss MacPherson welcomed Mr. Mum- The Research Planning Committee had ford, incoming ALA president; she intro- recommended dissolution at Los Angeles. duced Miss Saidel, ACRL's new publications Mr. Fussier, who represented the committee, officer, and Miss Mitchell, secretary to Mr. felt that if it was to continue its purpose Hamlin. should be redefined. Robert H. Muller had David Jolly reported for the Buildings written in to express belief in the importance Committee that a very successful buildings of such a committee to ACRL. Mr. Hamlin institute had been held in Madison, Wiscon- concurred but suggested the committee be dis- sin the previous Saturday and Sunday. banded now and that the objectives be studied In the absence of a representative of the and redefined and brought back to the Board Duplicate Exchange Union, a letter from the another year. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Max- chairman, Mrs. Dorsey L. MacDonald, was field spoke of the value of the committee to read.
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