COLLEGE and RESEARCH LIBRARIES Twelve-Month Period Payable in Twelve In "Iections of the University, Is the Gift of Ed Stalments
News from the Field ACQUISITIONS, GIFTS, COLLECTIONS Dickens, and William Makepeace Thack eray. A "WORKING SCHOLAR's" library collection OHio STATE UNIVERSITY libraries, Colum of 14,500 volumes has been purchased by the bus, have received a collection of some thir University of California, Santa Barbara. The ty-five volumes including several journals of Jacob Peter Mayer library covers mainly horology and watchmaking from the library the humanities, and additionally includes of the late Herman H. Seff, a pioneer mem a considerable number of books relating to ber of the Buckeye Chapter of the National mass media, film and television problems, Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. and studies in psychology. These materials will be kept up to date by A RARE RELIGIOUS BOOK setting forth the contributions from Mrs. Seff and present basic philosophy of the teachings of Buddha members of the chapter. has been given to the Yale University li- · brary, New Haven, Conn., by Ira Victor Mor A WARDS, GRANTS, ScHOLARSHIPS ris. The book, hand-penned in meticulous A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY on social science monastery script in Tibet more than three literature published in Communist Bloc hundred fifty years ago, measures 10 by 28 countries will be supported by a $54,000 inches, and weighs 55 pounds. The exclu grant from the National Science Foundation sive use of gold in the lettering accounts for to the Bureau of Census. the weight. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY has THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAwARE, Newark, been granted $35,031 by the National Sci has been given the library of the Delaware ence Foundation to provide Russian and re Saengerbund comprising about five thousand lated mathematical literature for abstracting German books.
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