Ed 0,4 340 Author Title Institution Pub Date Note
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 0,4 340 AC 014 283 AUTHOR Styler, W.E. TITLE A Bibliographical Guide to Adult Education in Rural Areas, 1918=1972. INSTITUTION Hull Univ. England). Dept. of Adult Education. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 51p. AVAILABLE FROMUniversity of Hull, Dept. of Adult Education, Cottingham Road, Hull, England (60 pence) EDRS PRICE MP-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Adult Education; Adult Education Programs; Adult Farmer Education; *Annotated Bibliographies; Reference Materials; Resource-Materials; *Rural Areas; Rural Education; Voluntary Agencies; Womens Education IDENTIFIERS Great Britain ABSTRACT Books, articles, periodicals, and other publications in this annotated bibliography deal with adult education inrural areas in Great Britain. Items are grouped into the followingareas. (1) publications on rural 'fife of significance in the study ofadult education in rural areas;(2) rural adult education in the context of general educational provision;(3) general works and articles on adult education which include a treatment of adult education inrural areas;(4) works and articles dealing specifically with adult education in rural areas;(5) the responsible bodies;(6) the local education authorities;(7) voluntary associations and institutions--general, the National Council of Social Service,rural community councils, village halls and communitycenters, women's institutes, Dartington Hall, Avoncroft, young farmers' clubs; (8) the arts in the countryside--general, drama, music; and (9)broadcasting and television. An index of authors is provided. (KM) MIN = A BibliographicalGuide to Adult Education in Rural Areas 1918=1972 W. E. Sty ler DEPARTMENT OF ADULT EDUCATION UNIVERSITY 'OF HULL 1973 Contents Introduction 4 1 Publications on rural life of significancein the study of adult education inrural areas 2 Rural Adult Education in thecontext General Educa- tional Provision .
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