£1 when sold July/August 2018 : 499/500

REMEMBER: This issue covers July AND August


Issue No: 499/500 EDITORIAL July/August 2018 WHAT’S WHERE WHAT’S ON WHEN As everyone will now be aware, our raised to Liz while sharing stories and IN LODE STAR LC Lode Chapel, LSC Lode Social Club, BBL British Legion Club Editor has sadly died on Friday 8 June FH Fassage Hall, BVC Bottisham anecdotes about how she had touched 3. Editorial and today (Tuesday 26 June) we lives and benefited others. 4. Lode Parish Council July celebrated her life with a service at When Liz picked up the baton as Editor of 5. British Legion Club 1 St James’ Pop-Up Cafe (p13) St James’ Church in Lode. Lode Star in 2007 it was evident from the 6. Swift Situation 4 Lode WI 7.30pm LC (p13) Our small church was packed to start that she would enjoy the challenge. 7 Open Studio weekend (p25) overflowing with people who came to say She was always full ideas and if there 7. Elizabeth Mitchell Safari Dinner (p23) 9. Bottisham Gardening Club goodbye to a very dear friend and to wasn’t enough material to fill a final 9 LPC 7.30pm FH (p5) celebrate Elizabeth Mitchell’s generosity column I didn’t have to worry as she would Burwell Windmill & Museum 10 Poppy Workshop for Men (p29) of spirit, resilience, courage and zest for find something from deep within her 10. Mum, Dad—I’m Bored! 11 Bottisham Social Club meeting (p5) life. 11. Wicken Fen & Anglesey Abbey 13 Walk for Health 10am Surgery (p17) experience, or her computer, or her arm 12. Jane Newberry 14 Cambridge Open Studio weekend (p25) The obituary on page 7 gives only a twisting, that fitted the space and the mood exactly—although on many 13. Lode WI Quy Fete 2pm The Orchard (p13) snapshot of Liz’s presence in Lode, and occasion it wouldn’t arrive to the very last St James’ Pop-Up Cafe Junior Prime Brass 3.00pm SB (p24) the next piece from David Ward puts into 15 Village BBQ 12.30pm (p15) words what we all feel. minute and I was afraid we would lose our Quy Fete turn at the printers. In her last days she 18 Gardening Club Summer Outing (p9 A Scottish piper in full Highland dress 14. Swaffham Bulbeck School was still extracting promises from people 19 Mothers Union 2.30pm LC (p32) had piped the coffin into the church, and Lode Star deliverers 21 Cambridge Open Studio weekend (p25) that they would write something for Lode after the very moving and poignant 15 Red 2Green; Village BBQ 24 Winter Lights tickets go on sale (p12) Star (please keep those promises!) 16. Unprofitable Questions 25 Walk for Health 10am Surgery (p17) service, while the family went to the cemetery for the burial, the congregation Lode Star will continue, of course, and 17 Bottisham Patients’ Group 26 Bottisham Patients Group mtg (p17) until another editor comes forward I will 28 Cambridge Open Studio weekend (p25) was invited to follow the piper’s tune to Lode Charity hold the fort with the help of the dedicated 18. Lode Village Fete 29 St James’ Pop-Up Cafe (p13) the Fassage Hall where refreshments were available. regular and occasional contributors who 20. Geoffrey de Mandeville August come up trumps every month.. 21 Public Transport Matters The hot and sunny weather encouraged Lode Star takes its summer break now 23. Lode Tennis Club 1 Lode WI 7.30pm LC (p13) everyone to stay and reminisce with 5 Tennis Club Open Day (p23) family, friends, and colleagues. until the September issue for which I will Macmillan Coffee Morning 10 Walk for Health 10am Surgery (p17) need contributions by 14 August please. 24. 1st Bottisham Scouts Prosecco (a staple tipple at many of the 12 St James’ Pop-Up Cafe (p13) Mitchell’s parties) meant a glass could be Susan Swannell Junior Prime Brass 22 Walk for Health 10am Surgery (p17) 25. Cambridge Open Studios 26 St James’ Pop-Up Cafe (p13) The purpose of LODE STAR is to serve the WHOLE parish by circulating information 26 BVC News 28 Gardening Club mtg (p9) free to every household in LODE and LONGMEADOW eleven times a yea r 27. RENEW 28. Sudoku solution Please could all items for inclusion in the combined ‘It Starts with You’ WEEKLY EVENTS 29. Calling all Men! Thursday Anglesey Abbey Health Walks 10.00am SEPTEMBER 2018 edition of Lode Star reach Bottisham Library Association https://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/ Susan Swannell (address below or [email protected] ) by 30. Army Cadets Force content/lode-bottisham TUESDAY 14 AUGUST 2018 (earlier if possible) 32. Mothers Union Wednesday Coffee Morning, 10.30am, LC ǢǕǝǕǝǒǕǢ: Ǒǣ ǙǞ ǠǢǕǦǙǟǥǣ ǩǕǑǢǣ, 33. Village Freecycle Little Lode Monkeys, from 9.30am, Thursdays in ǤǘǕǢǕ ǧǟǞ’Ǥ ǒǕ Ǒ ǣǕǠǑǢǑǤǕ ǑǥǗǥǣǤ ǙǣǣǥǕ Neighbourhood Watch term time, LC F:@LittleLodeMonkeys 34. Thinking Allowed EDITOR: ...... VACANCY Red 2Green at BVC Tues & Thurs 11am-2pm 35. St James’ Church Café DISTRIBUTOR: ...... IAN FAULKNER , 28 FAIRHAVEN CLOSE, CB25 9HG 811963 36. Outside Information TREASURER: ...... JEFF KEMPSTER , 19 ABBEY LANE, LODE CB25 9EP 812194 ADVERTISING & PRODUCTION: .. SUSAN SWANNELL , 5 ABBEY LANE, LODE 811584 COVER DRAWING: ...... ROBERT GOOD, LODE ON THE ADVERT PAGES PRINTERS: ...... BURWELL COMMUNITY PRINT CENTRE 01638 613102



Lode Parish Council News Ground Charity, and this land is held Bottisham & District Branch of by Fields in Trust. It would therefore The Royal British Legion remain in perpetuity for the benefit of New Parish Councillor buildings on such land are only allowed the parish. It could also perhaps be We started our June meeting by in exceptional circumstances. registered as a Village Green. Bearing Following the disaffiliation of the social welcoming Tom Fitzgerald as a new We would be grateful to hear about the in mind the cost implications, we club from The Royal British Legion Parish Councillor. Tom and his family history of this horse paddock, which has agreed to meet with Trustees of the (TRBL), the social club is changing its have recently moved to Fairhaven not been open to visitors or villagers in Lode With Longmeadow Village Trust identity to The Bottisham Close. We still have a vacancy for a the past. It has been referred to as an who might be able to assist with funds. Community, Sports and Social Club Councillor. Please contact the Parish old orchard. We went on to discuss improvements Ltd . Clerk or any Councillor if you are Waste Incinerator at Waterbeach that might be possible in the future, At the same time, The Bottisham and interested. District Branch of The Royal British Concern was expressed about the such as extending the south end of the Legion is unchanged and will remain Planning Application Refused probable building of a waste incinerator Fassage Hall to regain the space lost with the support of those who wish to District Councillor Alan Sharp at the Amey Cespa site in Waterbeach. to extra storage, and adding a small continue to be members of the local reported that the Planning Application It will be about five miles away from car park nearer the hall. Branch of TRBL . by the National Trust for a temporary most houses in the parish, but only two We are looking into acquiring some catering facility in the paddock near miles from those off Lug Fen Droveway. small goals that can be used during the If you are a member of the Legion and the Mill had been turned down by the The prevailing wind is more in the holidays by teenagers. intend to continue your membership, District Council. This was because Stretham and Wicken Direction, though. Residents are always welcome to then this is an invite for you to come along to the next Branch meeting on the land is within the Cambridge Ironically, the County Council recently propose things for the future. Green Belt, which extends up to the passed a motion about their trying to Wednesday 11 July in the Poppy Cemetery gardens of the houses in Lode Road, eliminate single-use plastics, yet this lounge at the Social Club at 8.00pm. Abbey Lane and Mill Road and would be a major constituent of the A pergola is to be put behind the bench Without the support and involvement includes all of the Abbey Gardens, waste that would be burnt. Plastic is just inside to cemetery for climbing of its members in the Branch Visitors Centre and Car Park. Any made from oil, and oil-burning power plants. organisation, then the Branch, like stations were closed down several years Parish Allotments many in the country, will not be able to ago. continue and will fold. LODE PARISH COUNCIL There are three plots now available for Road Furniture residents to use on our allotments. As a current member you will be CHAIRMAN It is hoped that signage for the B1102 Please contact the Parish Clerk if you welcome to come along to our next Robert Stevens ...... C.811643 and the shared use path to Quy will are interested. meeting and show your support for the 51 Northfields continuation of this Branch. appear soon. The County Council has Cricket Ian Faulkner ...... C.811963 asked us to meet to decide locations for Dave Frost, Branch Chairman Cricket matches in Lode are scheduled 28 Fairhaven Close the interactive vehicle speed sign. We Peter Walker, Branch Secretary to be on 7th and 28th July, and 11th Tom Fitzgerald ...... C.812073 decided to ask for a police speed trap to be used on the road in the meantime. and 18th August. Bottisham and Lode 24a Fairhaven Close will be playing against Newton, Philip Lane ...... C.811944 The Fassage, Hall and Cambridge St Giles, Milton and 68 Lode Road Adjacent Land Madingley. Fran Platten ...... C.813016 We discussed the future of the National Next Meeting Fen Farm, Lode Fen Trust's land between the cemetery and recreation ground, and what to do if Our next meeting is on 9th July in the Rob Small ...... C.812626 Wicken Fen do not wish to acquire it. Fassage Hall at 7.30pm. All residents 32 High Street We already lease three portions of the are welcome to attend and ask CLERK land. We considered that we should aim questions or make statements at the Jonathan Giles 07789 012 761 to acquire the land and add it to the beginning of the meeting. 86 High Street, Bottisham CB25 9BA existing land we own or manage. The Robert Stevens [email protected] Parish Council is the Managing Trustee of the Fassage Hall and Recreation LODE 4 STAR LODE 5 STAR

Swift Situation Elizabeth Mitchell As some of you may know, I moved back into the village after a 22 year Liz was born on 26th March 1953 in absence and have brought some Glasgow and died at the Arthur Rank House visitors with me ..... Swifts. Hospice, Shelford Bottom, on 8th June Or to be a little more precise, Lode had 2018. them already, I have just given them a She was always very interested in village life place to stay while they're here, to nest and joined in with local events. She was in. editor of the Lode Star starting with the July/ They are amazing birds that never land August issue in 2007. It rapidly grew from 28 apart from to nest; they fly off to Africa to 36 pages as she was good at for nine months, coming back here to It was the first ever national Swift encouraging people to write articles. The breed. Awareness week this year from the worry then was that the Lode Star might be They are struggling to survive as the 16th - 24th June, I hope I've done my bankrupted by the cost of printing so many old buildings they used as nest sites bit, albeit a bit late! more pages, but it survived! are being knocked down or repaired Christina Day, 07930 444766 She had many interests including outdoor and new buildings are airtight. swimming. She was a good swimmer and seemed impervious to the cold. They desperately need our help. She would climb in and when asked how it was, would generally reply ‘It’s So the Action for Swifts chaps put six lovely once you’re in!’ It was inevitably freezing! Fran remembers her holes into the gable end of my Action for Swifts swimming alongside the reeds looking for a reed warbler’s nest, parting the bungalow, much to the bemusement of reeds gently. The bird had stopped warbling, so it was impossible to find. She many of my neighbours in Northfields, was always curious and interested in everything and everyone around her. then wooden boxes on the inside of the We are a group of Another of her interests was games. She was very competitive and enjoyed loft. I already have a pair of swifts in Swift enthusiasts working to ensure playing Racing Demon, Bananagrams, Monopoly and particularly Scrabble, at one box, which is quick and a huge that we do not lose Swifts from our which she was beating others right until the end. success, this is probably due to the towns and villages. tweeter I've had calling out for the last Children adored her because she would join in with their complicated games Each and everyone of you can help: few weeks which helps attract them to with some pretty arcane rules and play with enormous enthusiasm. if you put up just one Swift nest box the exact nest site and for which I must Liz was a parish councillor for many years and knew exactly how the different on your home you will be making a apologise to and thank my neighbours big contribution to keeping swifts in levels of government operated and how to contact and persuade the county for putting up with! our skies. councillors whose help we needed to raise money to build the cycle path I have a camera watching the box and between Lode and Quy. Despite being so ill she came in a wheelchair to the If you want advice, information, help would welcome anyone around to view opening and afterwards to the church for refreshments where she was to acquire and put up a swift nest it (although the birds are in and out at surrounded by a bevy of friends. box, or if you wish to report a swift different times of the day, they do colony at risk from development, She often chafed that the Parish Council was made up of retired folk and she come in for the evening about 9.30pm, please get in touch: persuaded Meleena Walsh to join. They produced a design for the seat at the but when they have eggs they will be in [email protected] front of the cemetery including a pergola which is to be built shortly. She permanently, if they lay this year!) wanted it as a contemplative area. Phone Jake on 01353 740540 or If anyone has questions about the She also organised a welcoming party for newcomers in the village with their birds, boxes or Action for Shifts, I will 07749 898797 children which was well attended and appreciated by those who were able to gladly help, or if you simply want to http://actionforswifts.blogspot.co.uk/ enjoy the stunning sight and sound of meet other families. our summer swifts, please come and Liz and John’s parties were legendary, always lots of people, a marquee, toys linger in Northfields for a while! Swifts need homes, for the children, delicious food, lots to drink, and they went on for hours. The can you help? perfect recipe for a good party! ɒɞɝɣɘɝɤɔɓ ɞɝ ɝɔɧɣ ɟɐɖɔ LODE 6 STAR LODE 7 STAR

Lizzie loved her flowers and would often buy them from Edna’s stall just BOTTISHAM especially made use of their gardens round the corner. She also loved selling the dahlias that grew in the National and hedgerows. She did treat us to a & DISTRICT spine chilling story of the lost moon at Trust nursery garden. We were offered the surplus after the Dahlia Festival GARDENING CLUB in late October and we would go in and pick wheelbarrows full of these the end and answered many questions. gorgeous specimens. We would make them into spectacular bunches and Polly Howatt did not speak as We are holding our Annual sell them on the High Street. It was at her suggestion that we gave the advertised on traditional tales from the money last year to Carers Trust. outing on Wednesday misty fens but as an international 18 July visiting the well She was extremely courageous and this was very much in evidence towards storyteller with a love of folklore and known Barnsdale Gardens the end of her life where she was always keen to hear what was going on legend she used gardens plants and in Rutland originally and give advice. I never once heard her complain. She is greatly missed. trees as her theme. created for Geoff Hamilton She told us about plants to be found in for Gardener’s World and now run by most cottage gardens in the early 20 th his son. There are a few places century – the blue purple fen poppy available so please contact Peter Liz and the Book Club which when turned into poppy tea or Bullock on 811716 if you are forthright but was never overbearing, syrup could be used to cure interested. We shall be leaving the always humorous, open to the views rheumatism or neuralgia, about the Village College at 9.30am and the Lode Book Club has met monthly for of others, incisive. She spoke chemist’s preparation of Goddard’s cost is £20. the last 20 years or so, and Liz has beautifully, constructing her Cordial made from opium and black been a vital member of the Club for Our August meeting is on 28 August arguments with care. She would treacle and even Mrs Winslow’s when Rodney Tibbs will speak on most of that time. listen to any sort of nonsense and Soothing Syrup again opium based ‘My Gardening Year’. Please bring The collective memory of the Club is change it for you into a kind of and used as the poor child’s nurse. your most beautiful rose to be not good. Who asked her to join, wisdom. Even on those rare Woodward’s Gripe Water used by us judged for the Don Bedford Cup. mothers in the '60s had an opium why or when is forgotten, but she occasions when she was completely Sylvia Overton C.811792 was the making of the group, the wrong, you left the meeting knowing derivative. difference which made all the she was absolutely right. Onions could be used raw as a cure difference. for baldness (don’t try this at home) or Without Liz there will be more when boiled, to help mothers in a long For Liz the Book Club was not really Prosecco for the rest of us, but it will protracted labour. Foxgloves provide about the books. She was be like Christmas without snow, digitalis to help deal with heart notoriously bad when it came to strawberries without cream, summer problems, willow bark has aspirin, and choosing books to read, winning the without the sun. It will be the same earache could be cured with a clove of ‘Worst Book of the Year Award’ more Book Club but it will not be the same. garlic warmed with salt and placed in than she was entitled to. For her Others will surely relate how she the ear. Broad beans with their white (and all of us, I daresay) the Book carried her illness straightforwardly pith will get rid of warts but they must Club and the books we read were no and openly. There must have been be fresh not tinned or frozen. more than a pathway into talking times when she was feeling low, but Remember this was before the advent about what was going on in our lives she met her future with courage, of the NHS so the poorer people and families, a comfortable place without rancour or regret. Most of all where we could agree to disagree she was determined to live life to the about local and national politics or be full, which for us meant continuing to open about aspects of the modern take part in Book Club until the very Mill Close, Burwell, , CB25 0HL world we don’t understand. end. The longer she came the more [email protected] Tel: 01638 605544 Liz typically led these we valued her: now we know she www.burwellmuseum.org.uk SAT NAV: CB25 0HD conversations. She always had was priceless. something to say which would spark Open: 11am to 5pm, Thursdays, Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays David Ward Parking in Gardiner Memorial Hall Car Park (200m from windmill) the rest of us into life. She could be


Mum, Dad - I’m bored! Wicken Fen and Anglesey Abbey Mum, Dad -- I’m bored! News and Events — July/August 2018 Here are some of our favourite places √ Lammas Land, Cambridge to cool off and have fun in the hot √ Jesus Green, Cambridge WICKEN FEN (Age 3-7). Further fun activities are summer weather! We hope you enjoy √ Cherry Hinton Hall, Cambridge - also Once July arrives, the Fen is literally available throughout August and can be them too! Vicky, Jonathan, Matthew with a duck pond and large sand pit booked now via our website. Don’t (15) and Hannah (6) buzzing, as butterflies, dragonflies and area other insects enjoy the diverse and forget that we will still be offering Beach resorts √ Coleridge Road Rec, Cambridge - beautiful plants and wild flowers. We Mucky Pups sessions for under 5s in also has a splash pad and paddling July on Wednesday 11 and Thursday √ On a sunny Summer's day you can't will be offering butterfly walks in the run pool. 12 from 10:15-11:45; Damsels and beat a day at the beach! We're pretty up to the Big Butterfly Count from Dragons is this month’s theme. far inland here but in 1 hour 40 mins Finally a bit further afield, we also like 20 July to 12 August, and the British you can be in Hunstanton - good old the playgrounds in Ely Country Park and Dragonfly Society (BDS) volunteers will Please check our website for further Sunny Hunny. The beach is great and Newmarket Memorial Gardens - which be opening the Dragonfly Centre at information about Wicken Fen and our you can go for a walk along the cliffs. also has a splash pad! weekends, where they will be getting events: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ The Sealife Centre is also worth a Splash Parks / paddling pools ready for Dragonfly Week from 21 to wicken-fen visit. In the evening the funfair lights 29 July. If you are interested in In the summer you can often find us dragonflies, the BDS is looking for ANGLESEY ABBEY up the surroundings, and why not cooling off in one of the many nearby volunteers to help man the Dragonfly High days & holidays (5 May – 30 round it all off with fish and chips on splash pads or paddling pools. the seafront? Centre during the summer, please September). Join us this summer as My favourite is Coleridge Road Rec in contact Fiona McKenna, Conservation we explore Lord Fairhaven's journeys √ Great Yarmouth (1 hr 45 mins). Cambridge , thanks to the extensive Outreach Officer at: across the globe in his luxury Steam Beach, pier, Norfolk Broads, arcades. shady benches for a weary parent to sit [email protected] Yacht, The Sapphire. Discover how his Sealife centre. Model Village. and watch! (There are also sunny rg.uk and see the Dragonfly Centre travels influenced his design of the √ Clacton (1 hr 40 mins). Beach, pier, benches on the other side of the pool if webpage https://www.british- garden, and enjoy the Dahlia Garden arcades. Airshow in August. you prefer the sun!). The children can dragonflies.org.uk/content/volunteer- where he entertained his close friends, run back and forth between the paddling dragonfly-centre including members of the Royal Family, pool, splash park and main playground upon his return home for the final Our annual BioBlitz also takes place in as well as the large recreation ground stages of the flat racing season. There’s a July, with events starting early evening itself. new on 21 July (evening walk, bat survey Our exhibition will include artefacts Penguin Others we like are: and small mammal trapping) and never seen before. A digitised cine film taken by Lord Fairhaven at the Cowes Beach at √ continuing for 24 hours. We will need Hunstanton Newmarket Memorial Gardens (20 Regatta in the 1920s will be on show in mins) plenty of help to discover, identify and Sealife record the species that we find, so do the House, after the Conservation √ Centre Cherry Hinton Hall (20 mins) come along; all ages are welcome. Team, discovered it in a trunk in Lord Fairhaven's wardrobe. √ Coldhams Common, Behind Abbey This year we are proud to be included in pool (20 mins) Chris Packham’s UK Bioblitz, see Pick up a family passport and travel Playgrounds http://www.chrispackham.co.uk/chris around Anglesey Abbey to explore Lord √ King's Hedges (on Kings Hedges Lots of the nearby villages have good -packhams-uk-bioblitz-2018 Fairhaven’s home and gardens, rec, car park in Jedburgh Close) (20 children and adults alike will have playgrounds - we particularly like As we reach the end of July, the school mins) plenty of fun along the way with a wide Teversham, Burwell, and Great holidays begin, and we welcome √ variety of activities and challenges. You Wilbraham , all of which are within 15 Willen Lake, Milton Keynes (1 hour) families to the Fen for some fun in the can complete them all in one go, or you minutes drive from Lode. √ outdoors. Our summer programme Maldon seafront (1 hour 20 mins), can space them out over the whole begins on Wednesday 25 July with Of course you can walk or cycle to The playgrounds, splash park, sand pit, Den summer. Get your passport stamped Denny at Swaffham Bulbeck or crazy golf, river trips. Note: there is Building (Age 3-10), followed by the after completing each activity - some Bottisham Primary School. NOT a beach there (nearest is 13 ever-popular Mud Glorious Mud on are in the house, some in the garden Cambridge has a wealth of interesting miles away at Leigh-on-Sea) Friday 27 July (Age 3+) and Fenland and some at Hoe Fen - and once you playgrounds, our favourites are: Fairies and Pixies on Monday 30 July LODE 10 STAR LODE 11 STAR

have collected them all, claim your certificate from Visitor Reception. LODE Our restaurant and shop will be offering WOMEN’S themed food and products so you can INSTITUTE taste and take home a flavour of Lord Fairhaven’s travels. Wednesday 4 July This summer programme includes: The History of the Motoring around Europe (4 June - 15 Mary Challis July) We look at Lord Fairhaven's Gardens European adventures in his luxury Rolls I have been teaching dancing for in Royce. He was also partial to a round or over 37 years since coming to Swaffham Bulbeck in 1980. Competition: two of golf, with his close friend Flower Arrangement Lord Inverclyde, who joined Unfortunately this will be my last in a Tea Cup Lord Fairhaven on many of his travels. year, as I will cease teaching from Highlights include a chance to practise the end of the summer term, and your putting in the Arboretum, mapping the street market will be the last Wednesday 1 August your own travels in the Library, a self-led performance with my pupils. This, Molly Dancing statue trail, plus the chance to satisfy as some of you will know, is your sense in the Rose Garden and because I have to have an Herbaceous Boarder. operation to replace my left ankle Lode WI welcomes visitors and An Eastern Exploration (16 July - joint, and the specialist has told prospective members at the Lode Chapel 9 September) Our exploration take us to me he could not undertake the on the first Wednesday of each month the Far East. Highlights include games on operation while I was still dancing. at 7.30pm -board the Sapphire whilst circling India, To say I will miss teaching young Singapore and Egypt. people the joy of dancing hardly Homecoming (10-30 September) expresses my feelings. Many Traditionally Lord Fairhaven returned to children started with me as three Anglesey Abbey in September to enjoy year olds and have remained with the latter stages of the flat racing season me until they left 6th Form College where he could entertain guests including - 15 years! Some of them - now Royalty in his Dahlia Garden. grown up and married have brought their own children to my A date for your diary classes. Tickets for this year’s Together, with the help of all the Winter Lights at Anglesey Abbey children and young people, we go on sale on Tuesday 24 July. have put on 14 shows over the The event runs for 10 nights, over three years, raising more than £15,000 weekends in November for charities including the Rosie (9–11, 15–18, 23-25 November). Neo-natal department and the Ticket prices are Adults £15.50, Children's Cancer ward at Child £10.50, Family £50.50 (2 adults & Addenbrooke's Hospital. up to 3 children), Under 5s and Carers (accompanying a disabled ticket holder) A special thank you must go to all Free. Tickets will be available from the the mums past and present who NT Box Office on 0344 249 1895 or have helped at, and supported online – see www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ these shows. I thank them all for such wonderful memories. anglesey-abbey Jane


News from and Crafts Café project which will Red 2Green provide relaxing inclusive crafting Swaffham Bulbeck Primary School Community Café and Garden activities for all. School Office : 01223 811595 or [email protected] Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-2pm Alongside the café we continue to develop our sensory garden and from many of the Year 5s will be the longest Disability charity Red 2Green from Please join us in giving a big welcome to our large greenhouse we are selling Dan Buddle who has now joined us as time they have spent away from home. Swaffham Bulbeck has tended a garden on the Bottisham Village bedding plants and hanging baskets our permanent headteacher. He is School trips have included a trip to the College site for many years but grown by clients with a learning getting up-to-speed fast and working zoo for Robins and Wrens (age 3-5) following its move to a new purpose disability. We can arrange local with staff on the school’s plans for next and a visit to Colchester Castle by built site on the edge of the school delivery of plants and baskets year. Kingfishers (age 7-9). campus it has now opened a purchased from our garden. This week we held a ‘Meet the The whole school also celebrated the community café at Lode Road, Red 2Green already has some governors’ assembly in school which Royal Wedding by making scones and Bottisham, CB25 9DL . wonderful volunteers in place but are was well-attended by ten of our school attending a tea party, and learned keen to encourage anyone else who governors, representing Parent It is giving clients and learners the dances from around the world in our would like to be part of the café to get Governors, Foundation Governors chance to get involved in preparing World Cultural Diversity Day. in touch by emailing (responsible for fostering our links with and serving refreshments and home- Our vibrant PSA has held two fund- made snacks whilst learning social, [email protected] , calling 01223 St Mary’s Church), Co-opted Governors raising events in the past month, as well and Staff Governors. educational and business skills which 811662 or visiting as selling ice lollies every Friday after in some cases may form the building www.red2green.org Each of us explained our roles to the school. These were the usual half-term blocks for preparing for work children, within the context of ‘people cake sale, and the annual PSA Quiz experience, volunteering or who look after us and keep us safe’. We Night which was very well-attended by employment opportunities. are fortunate to have an engaged and parents and members of the village active governing body, so most of our community. Thanks to everyone who Initially the café will on Tuesdays and faces are already familiar to the children. came along and participated so Thursday from 11am-2pm serving tea The assembly finished with a vibrant enthusiastically! and coffee, and simple homemade fare such as sausage rolls, scones, rendition of ‘Our god is a great big god’. Amy Weatherup, Chair of Governors Following the end of the SATs tests, our cakes and cream teas, increasing the summer term has exploded into a wide selection as the team’s skills range of activities. The annual Swaffham develop. The café is a perfect venue Olympics was held on the Denny with for featuring artwork and craft displays Swaffham Prior and our children were from our learners on the autistic very excited to be the overall winners. spectrum and from people living with Individual children were awarded with DELIVERY PERSON WANTED! mental ill health. big medals for each of the races where Would you like to join Lode Star’s Jackie Fernandez, Red 2Green ’s Chief they came 1 st nd rd Executive said “We are excited to have , 2 or 3 . distribution team and deliver copies of the magazine in Millards Lane, opened a social enterprise community Our athletics team from Owls class (age café in Bottisham. We believe it will be 9-11) came first in a competition part of Lode Road, and Swaffham and Quy Roads? a great learning experience for our between numerous local primary clients, a very useful amenity for the schools and are now going forward into It would take less than an hour at area and of particular benefit to the the County finals – an amazing the end of each month, and your community especially groups such as achievement given that we were one of help would be much appreciated. carers and older people who can be at the smallest schools competing. If you’re interested, please contact risk of becoming isolated”. Owls class are also attending swimming Ian Faulkner: C.811963, classes each week at Bottisham Village 07892 878 836 or Red 2Green is grateful to Awards for College, and are preparing excitedly for [email protected] All England from the Big Lottery their annual residential trip, which for Fund for funding towards the Hearts


UNPROFITABLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Boxes, Milk? News from the We are sometimes asked for boxes Bottisham Patients’ As you can imagine at Lode Village sign, we decided it was clearly written but we do feel that we would rather Shop with Post Office we are often with lights and we didn’t think the give them away if you can find a use Group for boxes particularly empty crisps asked a wide range of questions. We colour was a big deal. Donation: We were delighted to try our best to be helpful to everyone and chocolate boxes. I have found It is not just our business that has this crisp boxes are useful for car boot receive a generous donation from although some days it does feel like we type of open is red sign. If you look out Meeting Point to boost our funds are very repetitive. sales and the bottom cardboard of for these signs at shops or on TV drink cans are useful on shelves but towards the purchase of a surgery pod. Directions shows you’ll see they are often the whatever use you can find for boxes Dispensary: Further to our previous I am sure you’re not shocked to learn same too. please pop in during open hours to items about the dispensary and repeat we are asked for directions but I am The best explanations I can see on the discuss. prescriptions please note that whether surprised how often we are asked for ‘trusty’ Internet is (slightly edited); The hardest thing to manage in a you order or line or by prescription directions to Waterbeach . Once even ‘This may sound simple and I have no small village shop is the milk. Does itself you do need to allow two full by a frantic groom looking for the scientific references, but if you think in anyone have a use for slightly out of working days before your medication is church and his bride. terms of a traffic light, you have green date milk? Please let us know. Thank ready for collection. For day to day questions of places for go and red for stop. So our brains you. Staff: We have a new Practice around the village, we have now are trained to stop when we encounter Corinne manager, Nick McDonnell, who has teamed up with the local artist and red lights and signs. So with that The Shop @ Lode, 24 High Street joined the practice during June. lovely person, Fay Bawtree. Fay has reasoning, red ‘Come in we're open’ C.811927 Rowena Pilsworth has moved on to a kindly designed a beautiful map which signs, your brain interprets that as: new job at Addenbrooke’s. Dr Muse I now have available. Please pick one ‘Stop! Come in, we’re open’’ will be working Monday and Friday as up if it would be useful for you. written by someone called Code locum GP. Kind and helpful Jo Holmes and I are Maverick. Bottisham Patients’ Group: The also putting together an observational Alternatively Nathron is more scientific: LODE CHARITY Patients’ Group would be delighted to treasure map through the centre of hear from you – please see the notice ‘Even though we are sensitive to these Notice is given that the trustees of the Lode. Charity will meet during July. board in the waiting room for details, colours, habitation causes us to not speak to the receptionist or look at the Hopefully you’ll be able to pick up a Retired persons who satisfy the process ambient stimuli containing practice website for further information. copy by the time you read this or them (just like how we don't process residence qualification and students We would welcome help with running perhaps you would like to put one entering a higher level of education the sound of a fan in our room). the group. together for Longmeadow, the farms or However, our eye will be drawn to are eligible to apply for assistance. any alternative central one? Walks for Health: The next walks man-made objects that capitalize on Further information is available from:- the colours on the far sides of this with our accredited walk leader Steve Arthur D Tomlinson spectrum (think of how well neon red Gilson start at 11.00am from the Open = Clerk to the Charity, 5 Mill Road, surgery car park on 13 and 25 July, 10 Green or Red? and blue open signs grab your attention regardless of the ambient and 22 August, 28 September 2018. We are often asked light). All of this is totally dependent on Do join Steve for a walk he would be why our Open sign is the environment, though. If you're in delighted to see you. Anglesey Abbey red while our Closed some kind of district that is lit with red walks continue on Thursdays at 10am sign is green. light, a green light will probably grab from the reception area. Ohh if we had a your attention’. Next Meeting: Next meeting will be pound for every time this question was So maybe as there is green around us Thursday 26 July 2018 at 6.30pm at asked, one little girl would be making in our lovely country village, the red for the surgery. us very rich! Open seems to jar with our Bottisham Patients Group We have given many different answers surroundings so much that we think of On WALL of FASSAGE HALL but the truth is when we ordered the it as ‘Stop, do not enter’?


Lode Village Fete 2018 Lode Village Fete 2018

The Fete Committee would FUN DOG SHOW, Judge’s like to say a BIG THANK Report and Results YOU.to the people who came and helped put up the Twenty dogs of all shapes marquees and set up on the and sizes (and ages) took day; Tim Anderson for the part this year, thankfully at a use of his PA system, our MC Paul Brown. Angela Hall our First Aider, Prill and helpers for running the Dog Show, Anglesey Abbey for

excitement I forgot to ask her surname and place of Ukulele players, children’s Mini residence; and Maisie was Athletics and the many well-behaved third. dogs in the Dog Show. So the overall winner, Best in Unfortunately a few of our stall holders Show, was the consistent didn’t make an appearance. We are much cooler temperature than last Maisie, with Maxi, Runner up. sorry if that caused you some time. We managed to get through only Congratulations to everyone who took disappointment. two classes, as the Biscuit challenge proved to be too much fun to hurry part! We are always keen to receive some through. A special thankyou to my excellent feedback about this year’s Fete and Ring Stewards Nigel and Miles, and any new ideas for next year. More The Waggiest Tail was won by Maxi also to Tim and Paul for supplying my importantly we would welcome some Platten in beautifully lofty, graceful microphone and for keeping it going. more people on the committee and style; Maisie Raby from Bulbeck came helpers on the day. Please contact second with her nonstop energetics, Looking forward to seeing you all Chris King by email and Roxy Page was a very again next year! Prill [email protected] close third, with hers. the use of the The Best Dog with a Biscuit Paddock for consisted of several parking, our challenges (games, really) : parking catching a tossed biscuit attendants and from three paces away, fete stewards, finding a biscuit hidden all stall holders under a bathmat, getting the and of course lid off a tin containing a you for coming biscuit, and doing a trick with along and yet another biscuit. This taking part. class was won by Reggie We were Sale, not exactly from Lode entertained by but strongly connected ; the Soham lovely Lulu was second and I Majorettes, owe her an apology, in the


Geoffrey de Mandeville: the Rebel Baron of the Fens Advancing from Fordham, he captured the Isle of Ely and moved on to Public This is the first of an occasional series of articles that Ian Faulkner will be Ramsey Abbey, which he made his Transport contributing on some of our region’s interesting historical figures. headquarters. The monks were unceremoniously expelled, and the Matters t the southern end of Burwell, Civil war broke out between the two abbey was then fortified, ‘turning the opposite the turning towards claimants’ forces and lasted until 1153, house of God into a den of thieves’. Well, the lack of copies of the new bus timetables of the 15 th April has at times A Exning and Newmarket, you when Stephen recognised Matilda’s With the intention of eventually may have noticed a narrow lane called son Henry as his heir. turned into a bit of a comedy! I settled in marching on London, Geoffrey then my seat at the front of the bus with my Mandeville. If you walked down it, you Just one year later Stephen died and began a military campaign against would come to a footpath that leads to shopping trolley in front of me and a very Henry II succeeded him. Cambridge, attacking the royal castle cross man came and sat beside me the site of the abandoned castle where there and brutally sacking the town. the person after whom the lane is The son of a large landowner in Essex, muttering that he had missed a bus named was mortally wounded in the Geoffrey de Mandeville had originally Other places in the region that had because of not knowing of the changes and he wished he had a proper Middle Ages. been a supporter of King Stephen, who sided with the king were raided and in 1140 made him Earl of Essex. But pillaged in a similar manner, with timetable. I fished in my trolley and Geoffrey de Mandeville was one of the after Stephen had been defeated and churches and monasteries being handed him a timetable to his delight and leading personalities in the turbulent captured at the Battle of Lincoln in the among the main targets. at that point a gentleman on the opposite period known as the Anarchy which following year, Geoffrey quickly seat asked whether I had more and could followed the death of King Henry I in Stephen, acknowledging the difficulty he have one and then people behind him switched his allegiance to Matilda. As of bringing Geoffrey to battle in his 1135. a result he was granted further lands, wanted one. The man next to me then fenland fastness, began work on a requested another one for a friend. I now The succession to the kingdom was appointed Sheriff of Essex, chain of castles in an attempt to disputed between Henry’s daughter Hertfordshire, Middlesex and London, carry a supply with me and drivers are contain him. grateful if I also leave some in the bus Matilda and his nephew Stephen of and confirmed as custodian of the containers. I have asked Stagecoach to Blois, who seized the throne on his Tower of London, a post of great The castle at Burwell, which was never completed, was one of these, and equip the buses with them but it rarely death. importance that had been held by his happens. Hopefully most people now father. similar fortifications are said to have been constructed at Swavesey, have them or have obtained the Within a few months, however, after Caxton, Rampton and Lidgate, south- information from another source. Stephen had been freed from prison, east of Newmarket. Electric buses charged by solar panels Geoffrey changed sides for a second and electric charging points in city Park & time, but his double dealing failed to In August 1144 Geoffrey set out with Ride sites could soon be on the streets of impress, especially as he was soon his forces to destroy the unfinished Cambridge. Both Babraham and discovered to be in secret negotiations Burwell castle and while reconnoitring Trumpington sites are included. It is with Matilda. it he was wounded in the head by a being investigated by the Cambs. County crossbow bolt fired by one of the Council’s commercial and Investment In 1143 Stephen put him briefly under defenders. arrest and demanded that, under threat committees. of execution, he surrender his castles Geoffrey’s men carried him away to a Analysts say that more than 3,000 bus at Saffron Walden and Pleshey, near safe haven in Mildenhall, where he routes have been cut in the last 8 years Chelmsford, and his custodianship of died shortly afterwards. across England and Wales. The elderly the Tower. Because he had been and those on low incomes have been excommunicated for his desecration of hardest hit. Six in ten public transport On his release from custody, the journeys are taken by bus – three times furious Geoffrey – ‘like a vicious and church property, he could not be that by rail. riderless horse, kicking and buried in consecrated ground until Northumberland County Council is Pope Alexander III absolved him screaming’, to quote one contemporary looking to save money by removing bus chronicler – immediately launched a around 20 years later, when he was timetables from bus stops and not KǙǞǗ SǤǕǠǘǕǞ ǟǖ EǞǗǜǑǞǔ, ǧǘǟǝ rebellion against Stephen and fled to laid to rest in the Temple Church, printing new ones. Go online, they GǕǟǖǖǢǕǩ ǔǕ MǑǞǔǕǦǙǜǜǕ ǖǙǢǣǤ the Fens. London. say! Critics have highlighted the high ǣǥǠǠǟǢǤǕǔ ǑǞǔ ǤǘǕǞ ǟǠǠǟǣǕǔ. >>> pay of the Northumberland County LODE 20 STAR LODE 21 STAR

Council senior staff and the chief people during the year – an average of Lode Tennis Saturday 6 October - Quiz Night executive. 6,000 a week. Club (with a twist) Rail issues have been more in the news The big problems as I write continue to This will be held at Bottisham British than buses recently. James Palmer says be the introduction of the new rail Legion, and questions for each round there should be a Cambridge South timetables for the whole country. Who is First, I know that many others will undoubtedly have tributes to pay to Liz will be set by different people, and station by 2021 – it will be near to to blame, is the question. It seems to there may be some very different have lacked proper joined-up Mitchell, but I feel I should add mine Addenbrooke’s hospital, Astra Zeneca topics! There is a fully licensed bar and the new Papworth Hospital. He planning. Locally seven times more than too. normal alterations were made to the and we provide a sumptuous mentions the problem of finding a As well as editor of this magazine, she ploughman’s supper. Teams of up to construction company with the skills to times. It has all been dubbed was someone who took a keen interest eight people, 7.00 for 7.30pm start. build it and a shortage as there are so chaos. Trains terminate unexpectedly or in everything that went on in our village many big rail projects at the moment. arrive so full that people are sitting on the The contributions we ask for this one and played a significant part in a lot of are £8 each. Contact Jeff on A direct rail link between Wisbech and floor. Chris Grayling is being blamed but it. surely it is the rail operators who should C.812194 or John on C.812227 to Cambridge is planned. A Park & Ride More than that, she was a good friend, book your place. site at Waterbeach expanded station have got together and got the planning and will be sorely missed. Our could ease congestion and create more accurate. Our MP Lucy Frazer has said that condolences and thoughts are with all You can find more details of all the jobs. Also there should be a new station her family. at Soham by 2030. A CAM self-driving changes to Govia Thameslink’s off-peak above, and our club activities on our metro service to Huntingdon, Ely to Cambridge service are a Our Curry Night last month was well website at www.lodetennis.net - any Waterbeach and Cambridge North could disadvantage to constituents who work in attended and a lovely evening was had problems just contact me. happen by 2030 and have 3000 the city. You can no longer be at work by everyone who came along - thank Jeff Kempster C.812194 commuters a day. The Cambridge, for a 9.30am start to your day as the train you for your support! By the time this Milton Keynes and Oxford new rail link at 8.58am now leaves at drops on your doormat, the should link areas of growth. 9.17am. Passengers were not arrangements for our Safari Dinner on A commuter has complained about the consulted. Also full size bicycles are no 7 July will be in the final planning THE WORLD'S delays to smartcard technology at longer allowed on the trains. Mrs Frazer stages, so hopefully you will already is hoping to find a workable solution. BIGGEST Cambridge and Cambridge North have told Mo Brown (C.812283) or stations. The trains are run by Greater Govia say that the trains have to dovetail Denise Bardan (C.811948) if you want COFFEE MORNING Anglia and their system is not compatible in with the new routes, services and to take part. to be hosted by the with Great Northern smartcards used by improvements across the area. Other Lode Coffee trains are classed as peak time and more Next month our main event will be our passengers south of Cambridge. Morning Group expensive. Annual Open Day, then the finals of all If you lose your paper season tickets it is our competitions will be held in on expensive to replace. Network Rail should think of a new high September, and in October we will Wednesday Problems with parking at Cambridge speed rail line from London to Stansted have our Quiz Night. The details are as part of the overhaul of Britain’s station continue particularly when set out below. 26 September dropping off or picking up people. railways says a think tank, Greenguage 10.30-12 noon in Lode Chapel 21 – it could extend to Cambridge and Sunday 5 August - Open Day Raffle - Tombola - Games The question of a possible busway Colchester. The West Anglia and Great This is just a lazy afternoon (from between Cambridge and Cambourne Eastern lines are at capacity. Luton Cake Stall - Bring & Buy keeps being discussed – as I write I think 2pm), drinking Pimms, and if you want, airport is due to get a n £225 million rail some social tennis. It’s a way to meet To raise money for it is on hold. James Palmer is worried it Macmillan Cancer Research link which will take passengers direct to other people from the village, and find might clash with the possible its terminal. A new line from Kent to Everyone welcome - please join underground city metro in out more about the tennis and other Essex is also suggested as it would activities available, and what we are us and bring your friends Cambridge. The Cambridge North provide a rail freight M25 bypass. The about. Entrance: Adults £2 station has now been open for a year east coast rail franchise is being and people say it has improved their scrapped for the third time. It is followed at around 5.30pm by a If you can’t attend but would commute particularly for people living bring your own food Barbecue which like to make a donation please locally. There are plans for offices, Rail info: 03457 48 49 50 Traveline: 0871 200 22 33 will be at Jackie and John’s house (33 ‘phone Wendy Parrish on shops, cafes and homes around the Mill Road). Just show up and join in! C.811356 area. Bike parking facilities are Happy travelling! Paddy James praised. The station welcomed 320,000 LODE 22 STAR LODE 23 STAR

A Plea from 1 st Bottisham Scout Group Cambridge Open Studios July 2018 1st Bottisham Scout group consists of a Ensure that a Mini-Guide to Local Artists Beaver Colony (6-8 years), challenging, a Cub Pack (8-10 ½) and exciting and

a Scout Troop (10½-14) and currently balanced programme is offered to Weekend 1: 7/8 July 2: 14/15 July 3: 21/22 July 4: 28/29 July has approximately 75 children, both young people in the Scout Group. 173 Rebecca-Anne & Denise Three artists exhibiting at boys and girls involved in its activities. Executive Committee Member- The Old Courthouse, 123 High Street, Boldra Silver, Swarovski crystal - We are looking to recruit some more Brief description Bottisham, CB25 9BA: www.rebecca-anneboldra.com volunteers to help with the following The Group Executive Committee plays 172a Heidi Lichterman - roles:- Group Scout Leader, Executive a vital role in the running of a Scout The Robinson Room, Committee members. Group. Executive Committees make Anglesey Abbey, Quy Woven textiles and paintings - www.heidilichterman.co.uk Group Scout Leader- decisions and carry out administrative Road, Lode, CB25 9EJ Brief description tasks to ensure that the leaders can Flowing silver-smithing Ikat-dyed, handwoven silk deliver the best quality Scouting to designs and sparkling and wire wall hangings, Ensure that the Scout Group thrives young people in the Group. Helping to and has the best systems in place to Swarovski crystals in semi- elegant silk scarves and organise the upkeep of the Scout hut precious jewellery. shawls. Some abstract support adult volunteers and develop and helping to organise fundraising are Weekends: 1,2 paintings evoking the the Group – including a Group two areas for which the Executive fens. Weekends: 2,3,4 Executive Committee and Section committee are responsible. leadership teams. 174 Adam Bridgland and Lucy We are always on the lookout for more Gough - 172b Claire Howieson - Provide line management and support people to join us as Leaders, Assistant Printmaking and other media Contemporary jewellery - to the Leaders in the Scout Group, Leaders and Occasional helpers. including setting objectives for their - www.adambridgland.co.uk www.clairehowieson.com If you think that you are able to help us work and holding regular reviews and The Hide, 43 Mill Road, Striking contemporary provide Scouting to our Scout group, one-to-one meetings. Lode. Working studio of jewellery in silver and please contact me at contemporary artists. Ensure that the Scout Group has an [email protected] and I will gold, incorporating Printmaking, sculpture, adequate team of supported and direct your enquiry to the correct freshwater pearls, appropriate adults working effectively person. collage and paintings. precious and semi-precious stones. together and with others to meet the Weekends: 2,3 Scouting needs of the area. Yours in Scouting, Peter Rayment Commissions welcomed. Assistant Scout Leader 175 Matthew Blakely - Wood fired Weekends: 2,3 1st Bottisham Scout Group stoneware and porcelain pots - 172c Jeremy Nicholls - www.matthewblakely.co.uk Decorative woodwork - 9 Abbey Lane, Lode, www.jeremynicholls.info CB25 9EP Jewellery boxes, Rich wood fired mirrors and small stoneware and softly pieces of furniture in glazed reduction-fired wood, with original porcelain pots, ranging from mugs decorative paintings to large decorative pieces. Please on metal leaf. Some park on Lode High Street. separate paintings on panels. Weekends: 2,3 Weekends: 2,3 Cambridge Open Studios is a flourishing community of nearly 500 artists, craftspeople and 91@. .... designer-makers working throughout Cambridgeshire. Our aim is to help bring artists and local people together. https://www.camopenstudios.co.uk/ LODE 24 STAR LODE 25 STAR

Games and Picnic on the Fassage, Lode Last year we hosted some games on the Fassage for accompanied children and young Village Praise at Lode Chapel people and we had a good crowd On Sunday 16th September we are holding Raspberry Pioneers! of people gathered in support our first Village Praise event at Lode Chapel Last term, myself, Tom and enjoying the sunshine. After from 5.30-6.30pm. and Zach teamed up to partic- a couple of hours playing The hope is that we can develop a service ipate in a national Raspberry Pi rounders, cricket etc. we enjoyed that appeals to a wide range of folk in our competition. The Raspberry Pi is a small a picnic together. villages. Maybe you worship at a different Bottisham Village College was the computer, about the size of a credit card, that church on a Sunday morning and would like second school to be founded by is designed to help you learn programming, We plan to do the same again Henry Morris, the outstanding and can be used in many electronics projects this Summer. From 10am ’til 12 to join together for worship with people from educator whose vision for a new to create amazing things. noon on Wednesday 8th to your village occasionally too? type of school led to the creation of The aim of the ‘Pioneers’ competition was to Friday 10th August we will have a The content of Village Praise will be the village colleges across create a device/machine to protect you and team of RENEW folk leading accessible to people who are not regular Cambridgeshire. your team from a (theoretical) attack by games and anyone who is not church goers as well as being an opportunity After Morris’s death in 1961, a zombies. We had about eight weeks to come feeling so energetic can gather to worship for those who are. Familiar hymns group of his friends set up a trust up with a plan, create the computer code and and spend time with friends old (chosen by you), Scripture readings (chosen in his memory and established a build our device…it seemed like plenty of time! and new, then at lunch time we by you), stories of how life and faith fund that would allow young We created an electronic security device that will all join together for a picnic. connect … we believe Village Praise could people to experience independent would allow the door of our zombie-proof You are very welcome to join us be a great way to encourage people to travel and study. bunker to open only when a human was and bring family, neighbours, gather, and a way of (re) introducing people The Trust was founded in 1964 outside. Luckily, Zach had a motion sensor and friends. Please note, this is not a to the Christian faith. and continues to operate, with the bullet-launcher, so we created a code that formal organised activity where The services will evolve from our starting would ask a question when the motion sensor current Chair being Peter Hains, a you can leave children with us, all point in September, but even from the outset former principal (then known as was activated. If the question was answered children must be accompanied by correctly, the door would open. If an incorrect I would welcome suggestions of hymns / Warden), of Bottisham Village a parent / adult family member. songs; musicians and singers who’d be College. Peter was recently able to or no answer was given, the box would pelt come into school to deliver them with plastic darts, ‘killing’ them. We just ɒɞɝɣɘɝɤɔɓ ɞɝ ɝɔɧɣ ɟɐɖɔ assemblies on Henry Morris and had to hope that zombies can’t do geometry… the work of the Trust and, as a We video explaining how our machine worked, RENEW Services in July and August 2018 result, of this 8 groups of and sent it off for judging. We didn’t expect to Bottisham Village College students hear anything, as during our filming the code We have activities for children and young people atall our morning services which applied to the Trust for funding to repeatedly malfunctioned, and we pretty much are held each Sunday at Bottisham Primary Schoolom fr 10.30am—12 noon realise their project ideas. The ended up with a series of bloopers. However, a A crèche is available if required. All are welcome. students whose project idea met few weeks later, we heard back that we had Croissants and drinks are available before Morning Worship from 10.10am the funding criteria, were invited to won in the category ‘Most Inspiring Journey’ - 1 July / 5 Aug Morning Worship with Holy Communion meet the Trustees and take part in one of the five possible winning categories! We 8 July Morning Worship followed by shared lunch a short interview to explain their were overjoyed, as we then received lots of 12 Aug Morning Worship Guest Service followed by shared lunch plans. These included trips to lovely Raspberry Pi goodies in the post. 15 July/19 Aug Morning Worship Barcelona, Cornwall, Berlin, You can see our entry (The Three Musketeers) 22 July/ 26 Aug Morning Worship Venice, Hamburg, Rome, London and learn more about the Raspberry Pi at 29 July Morning Worship and one group of boys wanting to https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/pioneers- do the 3 Peak’s Challenge. winners-only-you-can-save-us/ For more information about any of the activities of RENEW please contact: Rev. Alan Brand on C.812558. Email: [email protected] We look forward to telling you by James Hawkins more about the trips in future Or visit our website at www.renewchurch.org.uk newsletters.

LODE 26 STAR LODE 27 STAR happy to share their gift; anyone with a Calling all men! BOTTISHAM brief story to tell about how their faith SUDOKU PUZZLE No. 139 SOLUTION COMMUNITY Do you like a challenge? makes a difference in their day to day 8 3 9 6 2 4 5 7 1 LIBRARY ASSOCIATION lives. Are you up for learning a new skill? 7 4 1 5 9 3 2 8 6 Are you aware that knitting and crochet Initially we envisage a quarterly I am writing this the day after the WI were once men's occupations? service 16th September; 2 6 5 7 8 1 3 4 9 led Community Fayre in Bottisham 2nd December (Advent); March/April Do you know that of the 70 people where we ran a book stall in aid of (Easter); June/July (Summer). 1 8 3 2 5 9 7 6 4 making poppies for remembrance this funds for the library. What a great year, not one is a man? We look forward to connecting with 6 7 2 1 4 8 9 5 3 occasion attended by so many you over the Summer, and once again To redress this imbalance we are holding people and successful too as we extend an invitation to you to join us for 9 5 4 3 7 6 8 1 2 a men-only workshop on Tuesday raised £151. Thank you to all who worship every Sunday morning, 3 9 8 4 6 7 1 2 5 10 July . Come along to Swaffham provided books, DVDs and jigsaws 10.30am at Bottisham Community Bulbeck Black Horse at 8pm, learn to for sale and to our willing band of Primary School. It would be great to 5 1 6 8 3 2 4 9 7 crochet a poppy, and enjoy a social drink volunteers. welcome you. or two at the same time. What could be 4 2 7 9 1 5 6 3 8 We always have books on our sales Rev’d Alan Brand better? trolley in the library. Please come if There will be PRIZES: a four-pack of you are looking to try a new author or Black Sheep Ale for the best poppy to buy some good quality reasonably produced on the evening, and a bottle of priced books for your holiday Our local Healthwatch in Cambridgeshire is launching its Riggwelter for the worst! reading. ‘It Starts With You’ campaign to encourage more people All materials and expert tuition will be As I write this the only news that I to share their experiences of using local health and care provided, you just need to bring yourself have concerning the new library service. and perhaps a friend or two. Take this premises is that we have had a opportunity to prove to the younger meeting with Sue Wills the Library The campaign will run from July to Sharing your opinions with generation that equality works both ways! Service Manager for the Council who September 2018 and will tell the stories Healthwatch is quick and easy and Contact for further information: has talked to us about the changes. of local people who are helping to could make a big difference. Tell us Clare Wilkes C.811693 She will be speaking at our Annual improve the services we all use. what you think and help make care FB: angleseyinstitches meeting on 27 June but you will have better for you, your family and to wait for the September magazine Last year, Jason, who is deaf told us for a report on this. about visiting A&E and not getting a community. British Sign language Interpreter for Volunteer as a Community Listener We are still looking for volunteers to over seven hours even though he had a and help us find out what people who help run the Saturday morning Art serious lung condition. Thanks to Jason live locally think about their health and Club. Can you help? Please come and other people who shared their care services. You will get training, and talk to us for more information at experience, we are challenging the support and out of pocket expenses. one of the Library sessions. local NHS to do better for disabled Call our free Information Service if Membership of the Community people. you have a question about local health Library Association is actually free Have you got a story to share? Tell us or care services and need some help this year!!. The subscription is only about your experiences and ideas to with what to do next. £1 but this entitles you to a free book help services understand what works, reservation costing – you’ve guessed You can contact us on: 0330 355 1285 it £1. Please join (forms available in what doesn’t and what you want from or text 0752 0635 176 care in the future. the Library) www.healthwatchcambridgeshire.co.uk No matter how big or small the issue, A quote from Oscar Wilde “With www.healthwatchpeterborough.co.uk freedom, books, flowers and the tell us about it. If it matters to you then it’s very likely it matters to someone moon who could not be happy” else. Sylvia Overton C.811792


were killed in action, whether they was killed in action after just 16 days To date we have researched some survived the War, if they appear on a on the battlefield. 60 soldiers from the Cambridgeshire War Memorial locally and where they Lt Orbell and 2 nd Lt Huckle are buried Regt in WW1 and will continue to are buried. next to each other at the Perrone research the Battles at Nurlu, Epehy Cadet Charlotte Wallace from Communal Cemetery extension. and the St Quentin Canal, and the Cambridge Detachment has provided Henry William Huckle is Cemeteries at Epehy and Perronne CAMBRIDGESHIRE ACF an excellent report on 765792 2 nd Lt commemorated in the UK at both the before our visit to the battlefields in BATTLEFIELD TOUR Henry William Huckle and 325498 Trumpington and Hitchin War October 2018. There we will honour 21-24 October 2018 Pte Thomas William Bates. Memorials and in Trumpington the soldiers of the Cambridgeshire Regt who 100 years prior stood on As part of Cambridgeshire Army 2 Lt Huckle was born in 1886 to Village Hall. His wife Mary is buried that ground. Cadet Force (ACF) World War 1 Henry and Emma Huckle in Hitchin in Trumpington Cemetery where programme and the Ministry of Herts. He moved 3 times, including Henry is also remembered. This project has been sponsored by Defence (MOD) project ‘Operation to Cardiff where he married Mary Cpl Eleanor Phipps from St Ives the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Army Reflect’, a party of Cambridgeshire Anne Elizabeth Porter in 1914. His detachment researched 326704 Cadet Force Association and the Army Cadets will take part in a Battle Private Reginald Wilderspin who was Reserve Forces and Cadets st daughter was born in 1915 and the Field Tour (BFT) from 21 to the 24th family moved to 182 Shelford Road, born on 3 rd September 1897. Association for East Anglia. October, 2018. This follows our Trumpington, Cambridge; the house According to the 1901 Census, We would be pleased to hear from successful BFT in 2016, led by name was Tourmaline. Whilst in Reginald and his family lived at anyone who knows of a relative who Commandant Col Mark Knight MBE Cambridge, Henry was employed as 11 Saxon Road, Cambridge. The served with the Cambridgeshire Regt and Padre Ryk Parkinson. chief clerk at Oxford and Cambridge 1911 Census records his father, in 1918. The Cadets visited Belgium and Examinations Board. Henry, and mother, Jane, with seven For further information on France with the Cambridgeshire In 1917 his second daughter Betty children. Reginald Wilderspin was Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force Royal Anglian Regimental Mary Huckle was born and in the employed at a printing works on Hills or how you can get involved please Association and the Royal British March 1917, he enlisted with the Road, Cambridge which is thought to visit our website: Legion Riders in order to honour the Cambridgeshire regiment to fight in be Heffers of Cambridge (we are still www.armycadets.com/county/ Cambridgeshire Regt at the 100-year WW1. From researching the history following this link for further cambridgeshire-acf/ Anniversary of the Schwaben of the local village hall during WW1 confirmation of his employers). Redoubt battle at the Somme. Charlotte found that it was used as Reginald enlisted with his brother In March, we held our first training an enlistment centre; another notable Sidney in November 1915 in to the event for BFT 2018 at Waterbeach use of the local village hall at the Cambridgeshire Regiment and was Cadet Training Centre and the time is that the village Army Cadet discharged on 7 th April 1917 due to Imperial War Museum (IWM) at Force detachment paraded there. ‘Wounds King’s Regulation 392 (xvi)’ Duxford. On 5 th and 6 th September 1918 the as he was ’No longer physically fit for The cadets were given the names of Cambridgeshire Regt were engaged war service due to his injury to his two Cambridgeshire Regt soldiers to in the battle for Nurlu. The Company shattered right wrist’. 999 research as part of the project using Commander Lt Orbell was killed in After returning from the war Reginald sources such as Medal Index cards, action and Henry William Huckle took married Jessie Westwood in 1924. over the role of Company data from the Commonwealth War They had a daughter Doreen in Want to see the photos Commander. Later that same day, he Graves Commission, Census 1931, whom Eleanor has spoken in colour? Want to click information and other websites. ɒɞɝɣɘɝɤɔɓ ɞɝ ɝɔɧɣ ɟɐɖɔ with as part of her research. directly on to a hyperlink Their aim was to find out where the Reginald died in June 1975 whilst in the magazine? soldiers were born, where they residing at 9 Beeche Road, Go to www.lode.org.uk to lived, when they joined the Cambridge. view all the Lode Star magazines Cambridgeshire Regt, which since January 2014 medals they were awarded, if they LODE 30 STAR LODE 31 STAR

Dilley who regularly slept under the bridge at J13 of the M11. Five Village Freecycle shared dormitories, which slept up AǞǗǜǕǣǕǩ BǕǞǕǖǙǓǕ If you have any offers or wants, please contact to six people in bunk beds, me by the 14 th of each month by ‘phone In April our Mothers’ Union Diocesan provided guests with a bed off the (C.813362 / 07980 423 210), drop a note Chaplain, Rev. Valerie Kilner streets, warmth and a hot meal for through the letter box at 23 Longmeadow or gave us a talk on the paintings of over a decade. In 2008 funding email [email protected] William Holman-Hunt. was granted for a full refurbishment Please let me know if you would like anything Beginning with his ‘Light and in 2015 Jimmy’s Assessment repeating in subsequent issues. Everything is of the World’ painting Centre was opened. A fully free and nothing is expected in return. Dial 101 Valerie pointed out functional four storey centre, Please can you contact the offers after the features within the providing 24-hour service, with 20 first of the month to make it a little fairer. painting that can be single occupancy en-suite rooms, easily missed, and their and extensive facilities for day time Offered significant meanings. support activities. • Child futon bed in wood, size 140x80x20cm She followed on with After two days orientation, guests Two mattresses for the child futon bed size paintings The are allocated a support worker to 140x70 Ikea Scapegoat and The advise on benefits, health issues, Patrull stove guard (protection for toddlers) Shadow of Death. This and aid with resettlement, life skills Portable Bed Rail, the bedrail folds down making was highly enlightening training and achieving long term, it easy for child to get into bed, 126 cm long and motivated our positive outcomes – not just short Tagalong trailer bike for children thinking into how term support. Commitment of staff Roller blades size 5-6 Hunt’s more and countless volunteers, funding Kids Mini Buggy Board, cool mini skateboard to concealed from local authorities and attach to buggies meanings within donations from the supportive Old buggy still functional; Luisa C.813793 (please also email me on [email protected] ) the paintings community, all contribute to the • Ab Frame (almost new) – for exercising relate to us as caring services Jimmy’s provides. members of At the end of the afternoon a box of Judi 07763 769933 Wanted Mothers’ Union toiletries and foodstuffs, donated [email protected] today. by members, was given to Barry • Good quality second hand cricket gear and and Ros for the centre. footballs (which can be deflated). Further information on services We are taking sports equipment to Sri Lanka for provided can be found on the the children who love to play sport but cannot website: http:// afford the equipment. Mary-Louisa C.813922 www.jimmyscambridge.org.uk/ • Jam jars with or without lids. Jackie C.812227 about-us • A full size SCRABBLE set. Lis C.811233 Our meetings usually take place on • Wire hanging baskets. Fibre (not plastic!) wall the third Thursday of the month in plugs (rawlplugs), sizes no. 8 or no. 10. Lode Chapel at 2.30pm. All are Bob or Nicky, C.813592 welcome to come and join us. Barry Griffiths, Communications and • Approx. 12 house bricks, any age, for use in the Communities Officer and Ros, On 19 July Alice Leadbeter will garden Susan/Peter C.811584 be speaking to us about her Volunteer Co-ordinator for Jimmy’s • Your old light fittings, brown Bakelite switches, Cambridge were our guest speakers in running the London Marathon in 2017. iron conduit and switches, bulb holders and May. holders. Sheets and bits of Bakelite. Postcard We learnt how the night shelter was first In August members will be going rack (carousel if possible). George 07895 064 727 set up in the basement of the Zion Baptist out for afternoon tea at Martyn Lord ...... 812644 Church in 1995 and named after Jimmy Scotdale’s Garden Centre. LODE 32 STAR LODE 33 STAR

Thinking Allowed ST. JAMES' CHURCH LODE with LONGMEADOW We have just celebrated National Now is the time to recognise and Vicar: Rev'd Sue Giles, C.812726 [email protected] Carers Week 2018. affirm that caring is an important and Churchwarden: Julie Sale, C.811222 [email protected] Currently there are around 6.5 million vital part of what it means to live in the http://angleseygroupparishes.co.uk/ carers in the UK, looking after older, community. seriously ill or disabled family and Often carers become isolated from the friends. rest of the community because they CHURCH SERVICES SIDESMEN JULY spend many hours in the home. They Services at Lode in BOLD Caring is an integral part of family life, 1 Peter Swannell ...... Coral Hatley may not be able to get to activities and it’s the glue which holds people 22 Peter Swannell ...... Ann Langran groups they used to belong to. Simple together through good times and bad. Sunday 1 July 29 Peter Swannell ...... Coral Hatley tasks take so long that they may not The care of others is what enables us 8.00am Communion at Bulbeck AUGUST have free time to do other things. Many to weather the storms and challenges 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION 5 Peter Swannell ...... Ann Langran carers are just so tired that they don’t of life, the care of others supports and 26 Peter Swannell ...... Coral Hatley have the energy for other activities. Sunday 8 June encourages us and gives us hope and SEPTEMBER comfort. The result of all these factors is that 10.00am Benefice Communion at Swaffham Bulbeck 2 Peter Swannell ...... Ann Langran Jesus spoke about the care that God they can drop from view and loose contact with others. They can easily READERS had for the smallest and least noticed Sunday 15 July members of a community and he put loose touch with the support, JULY encouragement and relaxation which 8.00am Communion at B’shm 1 Peter Swannell ...... Ann Langran that into practice in the way he cared 9.30am Village Communion at Quy for the people others tried to avoid or sustains their own health and wellbeing 22 Coral Hatley as well as enabling them to be gentle 29 ...... tba ...... didn’t want to notice. He spoke about Sunday 22 July and effective carers. AUGUST the care that God had for tiny 8.00am Communion at S.Prior sparrows, the joy in heaven over a One of the things that we could all do 5 Peter Swannell ...... Coral Hatley 9.30am CHILDREN'S CHURCH 26 Ann Langran sinner who repented when others is to take some company to carers and 10.00am Morning Worship at Quy wanted to exclude them. He ate with the person they care for. There is a SEPTEMBER those others despised or ignored. movement called Sunday Tea where Sunday 29 July 2 Simon Miles ...... Peter Swannell God’s love and care were there in two or three people get together and 8.00am Communion at S.Prior FLOWER ROTA action for all to see. take high tea to someone who lives 9.30am FAMILY SERVICE 1-8 July ...... Jean Coxall alone or to a carer and the person they As the population ages and people live 15-22 July ...... Val Clarke care for. It means no tiring travelling, Sunday 5 August longer, often with complex health 29 July-5 August (*28) ...... Ann Langran nothing to prepare and company in a 8.00am Communion at Bulbeck conditions, more of us will find 12-19 August ...... Marise Temple-Smith place that is familiar where all the 9.30am HOLY COMMUNION ourselves caring. It is a role that some 26 August-2 September ...... Val Clarke carers are given suddenly because of support equipment is in place. Sunday 12 August (*=wedding) accident or illness while for others the If you would like get involved and if you 10.00am Benefice Communion at BRASSES role unfolds before them as a loved would like to make caring a more Swaffham Prior July ...... Pat Arnold one gradually becomes unwell and visible and supported part of our August ...... Ann Langran vulnerable. It is a role fulfilled by community please e-mail me. Sunday 19 August people of all ages, including children Similarly if you would 8.00am Communion at B’shm CHURCH CLEANING who act as carers for a parent or a like high tea to come to 9.30am Village Communion at Quy 9am-10am, sibling. you please be in touch. Saturday 7 July Yet many still see caring as a private It would be lovely to Sunday 26 August Saturday 4 August matter. Maybe it is time to change this help people find one 8.00am Communion at S.Prior Cleaning should last no view and to follow Jesus’ example of another. 9.30am CHILDREN'S CHURCH longer than an hour caring for those who often go With best wishes, Sue 10.00am Morning Prayer at Contact Julie for more information unnoticed. Swaffham Bulbeck 01223 811222


Cambridge code (01223) OUTSIDE INFORMATION unless otherwise indicated BOTTISHAM MEDICAL PRACTICE : ...... 810030 Monday to Friday 8.30-18.00 (10.00-18..00 Dispensary) Saturday CLOSED When Surgery is closed please ring CAMDOC ...... 0330 123 9131 WASTE & RECYCLING BROUGHTON HALL ...... In an emergency: 999 or Swannell 811584 CAMBRIDGESHIRE POLICE ...... Emergency 999 Village—Thursdays Non-Emergency www.cambs.police.uk ...... 101 Box—Refuse & Blue lid Matt Chennell (Police, PCSO, East Cambs - South Villages) ...... 101 No box—Refuse & Green lid ...... Email : [email protected] July ...... [email protected] Crimestoppers ...... 0800 555 111 5 12 19 26 LODE PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Robert Stevens...... 811643 Clerk: Jonathan Giles [email protected] .07789 012 761 August ST. JAMES' CHURCH, LODE Churchwarden: Julie Sale ...... 811222 LODE CHAPEL Alan Brand [email protected] ...... 812558 2 9 16 23 31 ST PHILIP HOWARD CATHOLIC CHURCH, Cherry Hinton ...... 211235 LODE SHOP & POST OFFICE ...... 811927 FASSAGE HALL Bookings - Julie Sale [email protected] 811222 Fen Collection—Tuesdays THE SHED, Pub & Restaurant [email protected] 812425 Box—Refuse & Blue lid 1st Bottisham RAINBOWS/Bottisham BROWNIES ...... 811055 No box—Green lid MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT: Lucy Frazer ...... 020 7219 3000 July ...... [email protected] CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Shire Hall ...... 0345 045 5200 3 17 County Councillor Mathew Shuter ...... 01638 508729 10 24 EAST CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL ...... 01353 665555 ...... www.eastcambs.gov.uk/waste/collection-calendars August District Councillor Alan Sharp ...... 01638 507485 District Councillor David Chaplin ...... 353181 7 14 21 29 SANCTUARY HEREWARD HOUSING ...... 0800 131 3348 BOTTISHAM SCOUT HUT for hire [email protected] 07841 930065 O BOTTISHAM VILLAGE COLLEGE ...... 811250 BOTTISHAM VILLAGE COLLEGE Adult Learning ...... 811372 MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE BOTTISHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL ...... 811235 Wednesday 11 July SWAFFHAM BULBECK PRIMARY SCHOOL ...... 811595 Wednesday 8 August BOTTISHAM COMMUNITY LIBRARY ...... 812354 NATIONWIDE RAIL TIMES ...... 08457 48 49 50 Longmeadow 2.10 - 2.35 pm Northfields 2.40 - 3.15 pm TRAVELINE (Local transport information) ...... 0871 200 22 33 Lode Post Office 3.20 - 3.50 pm STAGECOACH CAMBUS CUSTOMER SERVICES ...... 423578 Renewals/Enq: 0345 045 5225 www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library POWER CUT? CALL 105 FREE Gas ------0800 111999 N Anglian Water ---- 08457 145145 H S Electricity ------0800 783 8838 ROUTE 10 BUS SERVICE + = Serves Lode Church <=5 mins, >=10 mins later on Saturday # = leaves Lode Church 4 mins earlier than time stated From LODE x-roads to CAMBRIDGE From CAMBRIDGE to LODE x-roads Monday to Saturday Monday to Saturday 0642<, 0707>, 0749, 0926, 1026+#, 1126, 0650, 0750, 0850+, 0950, 1050+, 1150, 1250+, 1226+#, 1326, 1426+#, 1526, 1626, 1726, 1826 1350, 1450+, 1550, 1715+, 1815, 1915 Longmeadow bus shelter: Updated 15 April 2018 - CHANGES UNDERLINED Up to 4 mins earlier than these times