Raymond T. Richey AS
Y Inv I ST. JOSEPH, MO, ’s gifted ministry rocks area By REV. C. B. ROBERTS Words are simply inadequate to amply of miles away, from Colorado, Montana, portray the scenes which have been en- Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Ar- ‘xtcd at the huge auditorium in the heart kansas, Oklahoma, and other states. Sis- of the city of St. Joseph. It would remind ter Louise Nankivell has a sign-gift minis- one of a duplication of the great revivals try. The gifts of the Spirit were manifested one reads about in the 8th chapter of Acts, nightly. when Samaria was filled with great joy in The gift of discernment was prominent hearing and seeing the miracles which Phil- throughout the meetings as she described lip did. their diseases, their condition and charac- Never before in the history of the city ter, often many things that would be a has there been such great manifestations hindrance to their healing. These people ol the working of the Spirit through a were total strangers to her and things sign gifted ministry. The whole city is talk- about them were only made known to her ing about this great meeting. One need not 1, ivirs. Lloyd numl~~irey,IYJ3 Wank by these revelations of the Lord. They inquire about this revival for it is the topic were called out of the audience, prayed Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri, do hereby of conversation on the street, in the buses, declare the lollowing tcstimony to be ac- for and healed, on the spot, coming back in the restaurants, hotels, shops, schools, to give public testimony of remarkable curate adtruthful.
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