Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI GCC hoops Samson women win SPORTS • 9 Since 191 9 DAILY GLOBE Thursday, December 12, 2019 Snow likely | High: 18 | Low: 9 | Details, page 2 LET THERE BE SNOW Hurley City Council receives audit report By TOM LAVENTURE
[email protected] HURLEY, Wis. – The Hurley City Council on Tuesday approved its 2018 audit report. Rob Ganschow, a partner with Wipfli LLC, presented the audit results on behalf of the account- ing firm. He said the $3.26 mil- lion revenue and expenditures for 2017 appear significantly higher than the $2.41 million in 2018 because of approximately $333,000 in capital projects. Ganschow said the city’s expenditures did not exceed revenues over- all for 2018. However, the public works department, conservation and develop- Tom LaVenture/Daily Globe ment and debt A SNOW machine blankets Big Powderhorn Mountain with fresh powder Wednesday in preparation for its Friday opening. service expen- ditures did Max exceed actual Samardich budgets. Ganschow recommended Administrators say special education underfunded observation of transfers between various funds. He said the city is By TOM LAVENTURE for special education, determine who doesn’t.” more severe needs at earlier ages
[email protected] maintaining a positive unas- how equipment and other capi- The outcome should not be who are very involved, and of signed balance that should pro- HURLEY, Wis. – Wisconsin tal costs compare to the previ- that CESA 12 doesn’t advocate course the mental health compo- vide the credit needed for eventu- educators are saying the out- ous school year, and distinguish- just for the school districts that nent is huge for us,” Kasinski alities that require grants and come of a hearing on special es the $30,000 special education would be hurt at the cost of the said.