[email protected] 01.28.21 Lexington BOE agenda busy with approvals The Lexington Board of Education year 2021 in accordance with Ohio met Wednesday, Jan. 13 for its regular Revised Code 3313.203 and 3313.47. meeting. The Tribune-Courier, Richland Source The board members and positions re- and Mansfield News Journal were desig- main the same with Robert Whitney, nated as the official newspapers of the board president; Keith Stoner, vice presi- district. dent; and members Dr. Martin Gottschling, Board member compensation was ap- David Roberts and Rob Schuster. proved at $125 per meeting, the maximum Board president Robert Whitney called allowance by law, for the calendar year the meeting to order followed by a report of 2021. from treasurer Jason Whitesel. Approval The treasurer was authorized to secure was given for the fiscal year 2022 Tax position bonds as prescribed by the Ohio Budget. Revised Code 3313.25 for board president A donation of $5,000 from Warren in the amount of $20,000; superintendent Knorr for the Terry McCammon in the amount of $20,000 and treasurer Scholarship Fund was accepted and an in the amount of $100,000. invoice in the amount of $7,850.01 from The superintendent, Jeremy Secrist, Naviance for a college and career readiness and treasurer were authorized to enter T-C Staff/Bud Motter implementation package for the high into and/or accept/participate in Federal, FLAG DEDICATION — A group of war veterans, local dignitaries and residents school was approved.