Productivity of Boran Cattle Maintained by Chemoprophylaxis Under Trypanosomiasis Risk
Productivity of Boran cattle maintained by chemoprophylaxis under trypanosomiasis risk J.C.M. Trail, K. Sones, J.M.C. Jibbo, J. Durkin, D.E. Light and Max Murray February 1985 *j -T- S A ILCA PUBLICATIONS The International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) is an autonomous, non-profit making research and in formation centre with a mandate to improve livestock production throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The activi ties and publications of the centre are financed by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Re search (CGIAR). The CGIAR members which have funded ILCA to date arc the International Develcp ment Research Centre, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the United Nations Devel opment Programme, the World Bank, and the govern ments of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chitia, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, France, Iran. Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands. Nigeria. Norvay, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland. the United King dom and the United States of America. Responsibility for ILCA publications rests solely with the centre and with such other parties as may be cited as joint authors. Until 1982, the centre's two maiil series of scientific pubiications were Systems Studies and Monographs. These two series have now been superceded by the present series of Research Reports. Productivity of Boran cattle maintained by chemoprophylaxis under trypanosomiasis risk 3 J.C.M. Trail', K. Sones 2 , J.M.C. Jibbo , J. Durkin4 , D.E. Light4 and Max Murray5 . 1 Livestock Productivity and Trypanotolerance Group, ILCA, P.O. Box 46847, Nairobi, K.nya. 2 May and Baker Ltd., Dagenham, Essex, UK. 3 Amboni Ltd., P.O.
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