Page 5 - LAGAN LIGHTS No 502 DECEMBER 1985 30p Page 6 — IRISH SONGS

Page 7 - BOOK REVIEWS SALE OF THE Page 8 — DONALL MacAMHLAIGH Dear Disgraced smoky again CENTURY! Dublin A RECENT survey shows Dubli as the smokiest capital in the EE< ONt would be tempted to echo the words of W. B. Yeats at the Abbey riot, and say to the with levels of pollution that ar British Parliamentary labour Party "You TAOISEACH ACCEPTS PARTITION causing widespread alarm. have disgraced yourselves again."

The personnel may be different, bul the Forty years ago it was tui spirit is that of Attlecund Morrison, cxcept smoke, and you got the whiff of i that they perpetrated the crime oftryingto the moment you touched down a make partition permanent, while the THATCHER DITCHES UNIONISTS present brave warriors climbed on the Collinstown. bandwagon without even troubling to think where it was going! Now it is smoke from open cos Well, they're saddled with it, and we By THE EDITOR fire, but above all from motor ca won't let the public forget. Messrs exhausts. Thatcher, Kinnock, Steel, Owen, Fitzgerald and Hume (we don't blame him so much; he has problems the others do not THE Fitzgerald-Thatcher agreement is one of the most squalid and contemptible pieces of What is deplorable is th; face) may declare that the unity of Ireland hypocrisy since Lloyd George swindled Michael Collins in 1921. Kilkenny anthracite, recognised ; can now be forgotten about. You see! Just the finest in Europe, and on! see if it is forgotten! What's it for one asks? Will he advise treating the inferior to the Pennsylvania Of course the whole thing is a fraud. To get peace, of course, comes the reply. How will it get peace? By Under an umbrella ol temporary euphoria, nationalists more gently? He product is not exploited and tf Dr Fitzgerald is expected to sign European stopping thp IRA. How will it stop the IRA if they choose to go on? Now probably will, and that's to the mines are closed. agreements that tic Ireland in to the war- that Garret Fitzgerald has given up the Irish claim to the six counties, preparations of the USA. good. But one would hazard a everybody on the nationalist side (if we treat them a bit gently) will support guess that there'll be plenty of What a bunch! To abstain, yes. but to the SDLP. vote with the Tories against Irish unity, ground for disagreemenf. And gratuitously and with total disregard of when there is, 's word Did you ever hear such a series of He may say the national conlcrence commitment! goes. breath-taking non sequiturs? One demand for a united Ireland is Good luck to the handful of Laboui This means on the English side simple answer disposes of them. If "out". It is not out to republicans. MPs who stood out. Their names also that it is admitted that the six Troy honours should be remembered: the IRA is blowing things up It is not out to Neil Blaney and counties cannot be ruled without , Robert Clay, Harry Cohen, because Mrs Thatcher won't get out Kevin Boland who is challenging the help of Dublin. Will that help Jeremy Corbyn, Tam Dalziel, M. of the six counties, why should they the agreement in the courts. It is Redmond, Ernie Roberts, Terry Fields, be sufficient? Feicimid! Connolly stop when Hume or Fitzgerald say not out to Fianna Fail. And we do James Lamond, Joan Maynard, David So the Unionists have lost their WHEN James Connolh Nellist, Robert Parry and Dennis Skinner. OK they can stay? not believe it is really out to Mr The thing is so ridiculous that Hume, heavily europeanised as he"' monopoly, just as England has decided to settle in the USA it Ask any ordinary person in the country why, given up her monopoly. And this despite all thai-Mrs lliateher has done against its presenters can't believe it is himself. He's the Collins of the 1903, he headed for the city o them, they do not feel like voting Labour at the themselves. Number one reason deal, tragic rather than is a real change and may lead to Troy, NY, where he had relatives next election. The reply will be "You can't irust developments not envisaged by them." 1'his feeling is more telling than all the for thinking the deal may be about blameworthy. This was the "collar town" aru party finessing that is supposed 10 win votes. either of the high contracting he was doing well as an insurance something else altogether. What does Fitzgerald get for Fortunately the whole Labour party is not the parties. agent until a strike paralysed tin TREACHERY the national demand? He gets a same, lite Libour Committee on Ireland has The negotiations have been a industry and after a spell in Nev condemned Ihc agreement on the grounds that its We'll nbt waste time on finger in the six county pie. He will well-leaked secret. But the leaks York city he left for New Jersey. object is to isolate Sinn l-ein. and thai il will only Fitzgerald's treachery. He is be allowed to advise England on perpetuate ihe cycle of violence. were all the Unionists got. They Now the City Council ha Meanwhile we look forward loa lime when the essentially a rootless cosmopolite how to keep the six counties quiet. were not informed. They were not Labour Members of Parliament will have ihe- and would have done better like England will decide what is done, agreed to the erection of ; guts and ihc horse-sense to stand up. and be seen consulted. Gone are the days of his uncle, running a chemical but'he will be allowed to give it the monument to the great Iris standing up. for the interests of the undcr-dogihc "That is a matter for the Labour Parly was founded to light for. works in Woolwich. cachet of national officialdom. socialist-republican leader an- Government of Northern this is to be unveiled next August Ireland." The Committee, headed b And they have every reason to Thomas W. Gleason of th be alarmed. The agreement is International Longshoremai between the British government Union, and supported b and the government "of Ireland," distinguished Irish sponsors not of "the Republic of Ireland." including Mr Sean MacBride i There are legal arguments for appealing for funds, am thinking the Free State donations should be sent to M Constitution Act has never been Ralph Knight at the address of th< legally invalidated and that the "Troy Citizen and Irish Patriot" British Parliament by a simple 18 Cortland Street, Troy, NY. motion could set aside the The Executive Board that i: resolution of the two houses of the appealing for support has Jame: Northern Ireland Parliament that J. Devine as chairman, with co led to the withdrawal of the chairman Peter D. Durkes, am territory from the thirty-two Edward Connoll. county Free State. The treasurer is Anne 1-1 Of course the Unionists have Armao, the secretary Alic been betrayed, outrageously and Connally Fisk, together witl scandalously betrayed, of malice Brian Sullivan, Willian prepense and deliberate McGovern and Joseph Jamiso; calculation. of the Irish American Labou They can now reflect at leisure Committee. of the fate meted out to traitors by The venture has the sulppor. t o history. These are the moneyed Hibernians and others througthroughh interests whose fathers set out New York State. themselves out to pervert the If you're thinking of crossin; minds of decent Protestant people the briny ocean, wouldn't nex August n»* *> food time? December 1985 December 19® £ THE IRISH DEMOCRAT Page Three Page Two THE IRISH DEMOCRAT ACTIVITIES PAUL SALVESOM of Bolton THE TWO DIRTIEST WORDS Socialist Club s "People s History Group" tells me that This autumn Common Market Bernie Morgan fascinated his H AT the dirtiest expression SALE OF THE CENTURY panjandrums have been and invented the lie that there in the American language'' IN THE AMERICAN Those for whom the smell of audience on Wednesday, discussing the Dooge/SpineHi were two traditions in Ireland of American think-tanks represent it this is happening in the case ol Herbert I Schiller, Professor of imperialism is insufficient may November 20th, when he plan, nurtured in the shadowy equal validity. These are the By one of the most serious threats to Ireland's first colony and last ot addressed their meeting on the Communications in the ask for evidence of American sessions of the Trilateral people whose Nuremburg type democracy as they are wealthy any importance. story of the Irish in Liverpool. Mr University of California, LANGUAGE involvement, apart from the Commission, unelected Parlia- rallies kept hysteria at boiling THE EDITOR enough to exert influence at Morgan is chairman of the campaigner against "cultural extradition treaty and the promise The "Irish Democrat" has long bastion of state sovereignty. It "future in Europe", a foretaste of ment of Euro-American-Japanese point year after year while the government levels. And as many Liverpool Branch of the Connolly imperialism" and hammer of of the American administration to pointed out the process of fusion declines to have its economy which can be seen on Liverpool plutocracy. economic interests of the workers governments are composed of Association. Madison Avenue, has no doubt. invest thousands of millions in (Continued between the issue of Irish penetrated, permeated and docks or the steel cemeteries of they kept politically backwarc' semi-literate fools, that is serious. The club's next meeting is to be He told a Dublin audience it was They want to end the national Ireland "pointed towards the from page one) independence and that of world controlled by business interests Sheffield. were sold down the river. So now we can see why the addressed by Joyce Whitehead on veto on EEC decisions. They want north." peace. As the late Mr George "national sovereignty." whose sole title is that they want to The poverty line runs from Unionists are in such a tizzy. The another subject with Irish to make defence, security and Gilmore used to insist, the connections - the strike at Why so'* We will answer for make money. No trifling Dorset to The Wash Ever heard Well here it is. According to the Irish question, like many related subjects, a community not struggle for peace against Anglo- Horwich Railway works in 1911. him. concessions in the field of of tunnels? It may stretch from DIMISSED "Irish Times" London editor, the questions closer to home, is a a national matter. American imperialism is the one This was the strike when the Because it means other people's "human" rights are likely to Bognor to Thanet. Unemployed These have now been betrayed "Institute for European Defence complete mystery to Mrs The Irish have objected that this issue above all others capable of railwaymen came out in support sovereignty. The USA is the compensate for such obduracy in Londoners will get on their bikes themselves and their hangers on and Strategic Studies" made where there is a long article about Thatcher. But she's had her orders would endanger neutrality, and if uniting the entire Irish nation. of the seamen, and Connolly led heartland of transnational the face of the supreme right of to Maidstone. will need to do some thinking. The recommendations very similar to "Heritage", the rightwing and mustn't disobey. that went British peace- the dockers of Belfast monopolies set to tear down all profit, the crown of ten thousand British finance capital is decision to ditch the Unionists, to those leaked by the green and American think-tank whose campaigners might be surprised at barriers to the expansion of million years of universal history. prepared to cower under the rule Ireland with the aid of the orange moles. twelve million dollar funding As we said at the start, the how abruptly their bargaining STRIKE AWAY finance capital, economic, Therefore Russian dissidents umbrella of American hegemony, Republic, may prove the most comes from among others the Fitzgerald-Thatcher agreement is BRIAN CROWLEY who recently power was reduced. Among other things they And the Unionists can do a squalid, contemptible fix-up. political, military and cultural. are good dissidents, quite unlike provided its mile square gambling momentous of this agreement. Chase Manhattan Bank, Mobil visited Bill Grimes, held on remand nothing, unless of course they care What instruction is better The logic of this evolution is to For there is a good chance it will recommended an "Anglo-Irish but at least it makes the issues under the P T A since last the subversives, agitators and den is left to gamble Oil, Gulf Oil and Readers' Digest to injure themselves. They can of equipped for resistance on all four fuse EEC decision-making with not work, and they have proved to intergovernmental council" with clearer and the incontinent Christmas Eve, reminds those who terrorists of western climes. Corporation. course douse themselves with fronts than the nation state? that of NATO, and leave national have dismissed their faithful an adequate staff. It should abandonment of the Unionists, knew him in London that they can if governments no functions more concentrate on fighting terrorism, petrol and threaten to strike a which we've pains in both cheeks they wish send him Christmas That's why it is decried as servants for nothing. The Irish Times man says the significant than policing their own and to facilitate this the British Institute for European Defence match. Mrs Thatcher can afford from laughing at, may prove the cards, to G 78647, HM Prison, backward looking and xeno- YOU MIGHT think the country satrapies. and Irish armies should engage in and Strategic Studies is financed to say "strike away." crowning folly of this stupid Strangeways, Manchester, M60 phobe; it keeps its coal mines open had enough resources to be pulled They may never get them back 9AH There is something pretty TO FUTURE historians the joint exercises. by "charitable donations." Those The younger and more woman. when third world ports burst with round on a non-jmperial basis again. There will of course now be queer about British justice when a capitulation of post-war Europe Strange to say the Anglo-Irish are his quotes. And now we know intelligent of them will see the the products of coolie labour. It is given a resolute government and no reason to keep the Unionist- supposedly innocent man can rot in to America will be one of the IT IS therefore time somebody council that is to be set up (re- who are the charitable ones. For game is up and draw their own More British political called doctrinaire and authori- informed public opinion staffed factories and shipyards jail for a year without being given a mysteries of civilisation. In regard spoke up for the nation state. named conference) will specialise the "Guardian" says that conclusions. We trust those in a reputations were lost in Ireland tarian: it obtrudes the interests of Well, what about EEC rules? going. Work can be transferred to trial to it the late Joseph Stalin made a Otherwise we'll all be plunged into in security, and is to consider Heritage is "extending its sphere position to influence them will than Tory politicians went to hell. its citizens in the path of market Talk if you wish about Britain. But maybe there are curious miscalculation. He the black hole of American super- matters outside Ireland. These are of influence beyond American encourage them to recover their forces. It is anti-economic and socialism; Britain is signatory to a American businessmen who will sentimental; it obstructs the expected west European states to imperialism. "National" should no unspecified. But could it be shores. It is funding a London lost Irishness and return to the MICHAEL MORTIMER, Liverpool solemn treaty, enforceable by look after that. It may have been transfer of assets from Ruritania grow restive under American longer be a "dirty word". And the common foreign policy and affiliate, the 'Institute for national fold. This will happen in CA Secretary addressed a public sanctions, to the effect that it will part of the deal. to Urbania. All very bad work. tutelage, and to combine, possibly extreme right have no title to it. NATO? European Defence and Strategic time anyway. Connolly meeting on the pollution of the under British leadership to throw have no such thing. The struggle of the mining Mrs Thatcher's Irish policy may Irish Sea, organised by the Sometimes, of course, its And the agreement speaks of Studies'." it off. De Gaulle toyed with the Public opinion is not reconciled communities for survival was as Which is where we come to the "unique" relation between the appear like that of a hijackcr who Crosby/Waterloo Branch of governments "have sense"; but On what authority? On the idea. He got no response. The to the loss of sovereignty. But the national as anything in Nicaragua. what's behind it all. two countries. That sounds like allows the plane's owners to CND, together with a prominent you can't be sure of them. So news-agencies are. All but one are authority of Jeffrey B. Gaynor, its Association local doctor. This was on EEC was clobbered together and Privatisation is profoundly anti- the "special relationship" "advise" him, provided his right sovereignty is an anachronism. in direct American control. The own "Counsellor for Inter- November 20th, and it was American was iiber alles. national as it deprives the state of Because Mr Enoch Powell's between Britain and America, to fly the thing to anywhere he national Affairs." learned that a group has been Setting up the bogey of Soviet experts are tainted; the young don its economic defences. opinions are so quirky there is no whereby one country does the likes is recognised. desirous of a good college career The "Irish Democrat" is Conference established in Southport to expansionism, decrying it from We want more national reason why he couldn't have his other's dirty work. This looks like a British victory, monitor leukaemia and other would do well to preach facts right. After all he has no pleased to emphasise this but it is not. In pursuit of their every point on the seven seas, the independence, not less. The EIGHTY-SIX delegates and radiation-induced diseases rife in AT THE present time, when USA imposed on Britain an arms cosmopolitanism. That is "in". national struggles of the Irish, yes, motive for blaming the Americans HERITAGE connection. We were the only obsessional anti-sovietism the the area. The printed report of the visitors attended the Connolly "dialogue" is in the wind, it is burden that precluded industrial National self-help is "out". and the Welsh and the Scots, should for the sell-out of his mates if Yes. Yes. The reader is asking paper in Britain to expose the rulers of Britain, forced out of Conference in the Shaftesbury instructive to ask what President they are not in fact responsible. what links this to America. So Bilderberg Operation and the colony after colony, have Association Conference on National Hotel, will be available just after re-equipment, transferred its neo- be supported by Englishmen in their Reagan has against the USSR. colonial empire to American own interests; they are additional we'll have to tell him. We Trilateral Commission. It is good avoided returning them to their Sovereignty and the Defence of the Christmas. The price will be £1, Over the past few months Irish that others are now on to the same and readers are invited to order as What is it doing to him? control, destroyed its world challenges to the supremacy of recommend the Manchester peoples by handing them over to Nation State in the Conway Hall, America has been fighting a rear thing. For these heavily-funded many copies as they can handle in Good, bad or indifferent as it position while using it as a local AND YOU may have seen transnational capital. Guardian of November 25th United States tutelage. It looks as London on Saturday, November guard action against legislation advance, to help with the may be in other respects, it is a gendarme, and discovered for it a nothing yet. - SLIGO 30th. financing of it. that would provide for the extradition of IRA activists from Speakers included Mr Anthony PP the USA. Perhaps England C'oughlan from Dublin, Mr Noel PATRICK BOND thanks the insisted on this as her slice of the Harris, Belfast-born ACTT share-out. numerous customers who National organiser, and Mr John attended his successful book sale HOW I WROTE THE "RED FLAG FHEIS ORCHESTRATION Boyd who revealed devastating facts at the Four Provinces Bookshop on GERRY ADAMS was surely right THE EDITOR asks me to answer wrote more, and little remained tObe The international orchestra- from a correspondent abandoned. If Sinn Fein were solidy on the wrecking of the British Saturday, November 23rd, and when he said in his Presidential questions about "The Red Flag," and done after that. Next day I made some entrenched in local government all announces another "divarsh'n". tion, fife, drum and cymbals, that address to November's Sinn ^in Ard IN DUBLIN economy by the Thatcherite I will try to do so. The song was first By slight additions and alterations, and over the Twenty Six Counties, on the Anything to do with Gaelic writer accompanied the announcement Fheis that it was fear of Sinn Fein that vandals. published in the Christmas number of the day following I sent it on to basis of hard-work and dedicated Donall Mac Amhlaigh is showed preparation had been was pressing Garret FitzGerald's "Justice", 1889, which paper was then Quelch. parental trunk. And as Sinn Fein local service, and if there was a interesting But this time Donall made well in advance, and that it Coalition Government towards a gathers greater political support will be in the Four Provinces edited by Harry Quelch, and it JIM CONNELL AS FAR as I remember I never powerful general feeling among the Referring :o the Thatcher- wrote a song in such a short time was timed closely to coincide with paltry Angol-Irish Agreement. today, especially in the North, the two Bookshop in person, autographing immediately became popular. : ranks of republicans that a strong Fitzgerald agreement, chairman DURING the four glorious years w'ie ' before or since. Tom Moore confessed the Reagan-Gorbachov summit parties echo one another increasingly, republican presence in the Dail could copies of the English translation of "Justice" then, as now, was published The political advance of Sinn Fein Desmond Greaves suggested that that every one of his "Irish Melodies" and the opening of the next round as there is a general return to the ' be achieved, one might then say it was his satirical novel "Schnitzer on Thursday, and the following M"sh republicanism was oil the crest o* t:» within the Northern nationalist the old song l.dliburlero should be cost him a month's hard labour." A4y classical DeValera position — and a different matter. O'Shea." Sunday the song was sung in both of the Dooge-Spinelli negotia- community is largely the result of wave, with vast rallies against conscription experience of writing amorous verses indeed to the position of republicans But Sinn Fein in the Twenty Six given new words: It is about an innocent young Liverpool and Glasgow. tions aimed at giving all members . It was she who is somewhat similar. I may inform the to the left of DeValera: that the Counties is far from anything like that farm labourer who came to Britain The Editor wants to know my of the EEC a common (American) made martyrs of the H-Block men, 'Thtrr K'O.i an old proph, sv found in a shop and general strikes to get prisoners out of jail, reader (in strict confidence) that connection with England is the root of at present. If Fianna Fail is being from rural Ireland, works first as a "source of inspiration." This reminds foreign policy. and in doing so turned over one-third Thai our land would I'l tuled bv an a.u and a dot although I left Dublin at an early age I the trouble and until the English more republican in part because of Sinn navvy in a cable gang, and then as a me that Bruce Glasier wrote me what was sung to round off patriotic, of Northern nationalist towards Sinn change their policy there can be no And now has thai prophecy come lor lo paw. had already written a love song to Ambassadors chimed in with Fein, then there is plenty of work to be I or Thatcher's The dog and '•'ilzgrrald'.i ihc a \i" brickie's labourer on a high rise shortly after it first appeared that the Fein. basic progress. gatherings? It was not the Soldiers Song. Th;.t nearly every barmaid in the city. All their congratulations, and the done in making that party more block of flats Following a bang on song was "a real inspiration." I those cost me much time and trouble, BBC had an Anglican bishop republican still. Squabbling over the the head he turns out a torrent of cannot, like some of the old Jews, say came later. !t was the "Red Flag", written !', In an echo of the !9f6executions, it Sinn Fein going political is also an and were hardly ever appreciated. I offering as a non-political possibility of a handful of Dail seats is It was announced that the Gaelic poetry, but ends up arrested that I was inspired by the Powers made republicans of many who old story. Half a dozen Irish Co Meath man Jim Connell, a former Fenian suspect I could never rise to the level no way to do that. under the PTA. above. Nobody would believe me if I "thought for the day" that the previously had been nationalists. It movements over 60 years or so can be Connolly Assoc iation was anxious of the girl's estimate of herself. was responsible for a "greeening" of SPLITS could come from other As it's just before Christmas — said so. I may, however, try to explain Land Leaguer and Dublin socialist (Bakunin agreement was the height of seen to have been expressions of that to set up a Sovereignty Committee Woman, lovely woman, "with all thy the political spectrum in the whole quarters too. Far-out leftists without December 20th, 4 pm to 9 pm to be how the song came to be written. Christian charity. So much for the impulse: Fianna Fail, Saor Eire, the brand). Before the Labour movement adopted faults I love thee still." island, as the constitutional a political home are attracted by the on which representatives of precise — members, friends, One thousand eight hundred and Tory party at prayer! Republican Congress, Clann na There is only one air which suits the nationalist parties — the SDLP and radicalism of Sinn fein. Though they interested organisations would be helpers and regular customers will eighty-nine was the year of the Poblachta, the Officials, the IRSP . . . the Red Flag meetings ended with the words of "The Red Flag," and that is Fianna Fail in particular — sought to are neophytes, without tradition in asked to serve. One aim m ould be a be offered a free dram (of wine) and London Dock strike. It was the The tensions this gives rise to between the one which I hummed as I wrote it. keep support from drifting towards the republicanism they are quite willing to a nibble of cheese biggest thing of its kind that occurred Marseillaise. We are indebted to Mr Pat physical force and political recall conference in the spring. I mean "The White Cockade." I mean RED FLAG party of the "men of violence". republicanism are also classical. prescribe all sorts of concocted up to that date, and its leaders: H. H. 0 Donovan for this article^from "The Call", Champion, Tom Mann and John moreover the original version known Continued from page 2 Modern Irish history is in large part "socialisms" as the path to progress The survival of Charles Haughevas While from the ranks of anarchist- Another proposal, prompted in Burns aroused the whole'of England 1918 , to everybody in Ireland fifty years leader of Fianna Fail in face of the the story of the genesis and effects of BOBBY DEVLIN will be the guest femifiism and "gav-lib" ihere are by the work they did and the victory ago. Since then some fool has altered knowledge of elocution will show that extraordinary attempts to get rid of splits within republicanism. part by the presence of a delegate of honour at the Connolly admitted by the Governor of the State dangers of division also. The they won. Much occurred, however, to Siberia at the rate of twenty it by introducing minor notes into it, the words are robbed of their proper him helped as well. Of course from Italy, Miss Ema Bennett, Association Christmas Social on of Illinois. The widow of one of them, nostrums of these people have before that to elevate me. thousand a year. Young lady students until it is now nearly a jig. This later emphasis and true value and meaning Haughey only survived by relying on Can Mr Adam's Provisional Sinn Sunday, December 15th. He will Mrs Parsons, herself more than half a nothing to do with Irish national was to hold an international public Not many years previously the Irish were taken from their class rooms and version is the one on sale in music when sung to that air. The meaning of the more nationally-minded wing of Fein avoid another split? It is indeed be autographing copies of his new Red Indian, made a lecturing tour in devoutly to be hoped so, for divisions liberation. They can only confuse and meeting in the autumn. It was Land League aroused the Democracy sent to work in horrible mines, where shops today, and it does not, of course the music is different from the his party. If he had continued book "Interlude with seagulls" this country soon afterwards. On one within the ranks of advanced divide the republican and nationalist stressed that the defence of of all countries. I am proud to be able their teeth fell out and the hair fell off suit my words. I suppose this explains meaning of the words. Headingley supporting the EEC sanctions against which tells of his experiences as occasion I heard her tell a large republicans can bring onlv cheer to forces, bringing comfort thereby to to say that I founded the first branch their heads in a few months. Nobody why Adolpfoe Smith Headingty might as well have set the song to Argentina after Maggie Thatcher National Sovereignty must be an internee in Long Kesh. audience that when she contemplated the British and their allies. British imperialism and its allies of the Land League, which was could possibly fight this hellish rule induced people to sing "The Red "The Dead March in Saul." sank the Belgrano — which Garret undertaken internationalv. the service rendered to humanity she within Ireland. Britain over the past The date is Sunday. 15th established in England. This was the with more undaunted courage than Flag" to "Maryland". "Maryland" Did, I when I wrote it, think that my FitzGerald would almost certainly was glad her husband had died as he decade has shown examples of healthy December, from 8 pm, and the Poplar branch, and I remained its did the Nihilists, women as well as acquired that name during the song would live? Yes. The last line have done in his place — Haughey did. Yes, I heard Mrs Parsons say that. THE DEBATE at the Sinn Fein movement which were all but wrecked venue is the Old White Horse, secretary until the League was men. It was my privilege to, know American War of Secession. It is shows I did. would hardly have been able to live it The reader may now understand how Ard Fheis on whether abstentionism by developments like this. The papers presented to the Brixton Road. SW9. There will be suppressed, and was a member of the Stepniak, himself one of the greatest really an old German Rooian "This song shall be our paring down. His clear statements that the souls of all true Socialists were from the Dail was a principle or a The Sinn Fein Ard Fheis was a Irish traditional music and song Executive during the whole of the of the Terrorists. I was in his company Catholic hymn.«it isChurch music, hymn." Britain's insistence on claiming conference are to be published. elevated, and how I got into the mood tactic showed that there is here the good and enthusiastic one. It was the end the Christmas draw will be time. Those who played a prominent the night he was accidentally kilted at and was. no doubt, coin posed, and is I hesitated a considerable time over sovereignty over the North was at the which enabled me to write "The Red potential for a split. The party was conference of a movement which was made. Admission f1.50. part in that business never knew when a level crossing on a railway. His book oertaialy calculated* to remind peofrte this last line. I asked myself whether I root of the Northern problem helped Flag." about equally divided on the issue. clearly on the march forward. One can they were going to be arrested and "Underground Russia" produced a of tlnir sins, aad frigjuen them into was not assuming too much. I retain for him also the support of the To the outside observer it seems be confident that if its remarkable indicted for murder. greater effect on me than my fttance. reflected, however, that in writing the Fianna Fail grassrpots. song I gave expression to not only my absurd to jeopardise the unity of an •young leaders keep their eye fixed on ON WEDNESDAY, November 27th, ABOUT the same time the Russian "Revelation" ever produced on a The Editor wants to know how and SO Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail echo Tdaresay it is very good music for own best thoughts and feelings, but advancing movement on this matter the priciple of building maximum- Central London Connolly Nihilists, the parents of the devotee. I was indeed "raised above where it was written. In a train one another politically. Not for the the purpose for which it was the best thoughts and feelings of every at this time. There is very little unity in the republican, anti- Association held a special meeting Bolsheviks, won the applause of all myself' by the dauntless courage of between Charing Cross and New first time, one may say, in modern composed, but that purpose was genuine Socialist I knew, Anarchists likelihood of a single Sinn Fein TD lmperialiai struggle, avoiding siren- on the Thatcher-Fitzgerald accord. lovers of liberty and admirers of Vera Sassulitch and the "endless Cross, during a fifteen minute Irish history. Fianna Fail in the 1920s widely different from mine wfeM t of course included. I decided that the being returned to the Dail in the next sounding distractions to right and left, A similar meeting was beW on heroism. Under the rule of the Cm, abnegation" of Sophie Perovskaya. journey, the first twe stanzas, wjis after ail a limb from Sinn Fein — wrote "The Red Ptsg**. Every tiflMthr laa line should Stand. ' frish general election, even if they will go from strength to strength Sunday, December 1st at the which many Englishmen would now There happened also, in Ml, the including the chorus, were completed, a limb which grew to overshadow i* song • sung to "Maryknd" the \ abstentionism w re wholeheartedly in the period ahead. Shaftesbury Hotel. Mount re-establish if they cc^uld, the best men hanging of the Chicage anarchists. and I think I may say the whole of the Their innocence was afterwards song mapped out. After I got home I are murdered. The very siii lest Pleasant. Liverpool. and women of Russia were deported mtm K December 1985 Page Four IRISH DEMOCRAT December 1985 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT ;Page Five POLLUTED SEA HARRY ALLEN EVEN a Sinn Feiner could not but TRADE UNIONISTS SLAM GARRET'S LAGAN LIGHTS industry could be undermined and level of radiation has a detrimental agree with Councillor George R.I.P endangered. The tourist and fishing effect on all life forms. There was Graham who represents Ian industries and the business interests also the accumulative effect where HARRY Allen, buried on November Paisley's D.U.P. on the Newry and BY S. O. DIOCHON along the coastal area would mount even the smallest dose would build l -th. was born in Ballyroan, Co. Mourne District Council. During a I ,'.ois m about 1907. He came from a STATEMENT a fiercer opposition to nuclear up in the blood system to become debate in the Council on the serious Protestant background. In the hungrv pollution than they have done until lethal eventually. Councillor Tom and urgent matter of the increasing thirties he emigrated to Canada and SECRET MILITARY PACT now. McGrath referred to ,nc iu^ pollution of the Irish Sea, worked there a number of \ears and AN UNTIMELY MURDER DEADLY POISON incidence of leukaemia in the position has been recognised by the additional effect of removing Councillor Graham reacted then came to England in 1939. In TRADE UNIONISTS for Irish emphasised by the British, will The debate in the Newry Council Kilkeel area and wondered if it was Manchester he met his future wife the Republic in a formal the incentive which would DURING the past fifteen years of This appeal was dismissed on the strongly against a proposal to Unity and Independence, which concentrate on cross-border arose out of a report of a joint directly related to the pollution Rubv, an Orkn y woman, a nurse. international agreement". otherwise exist on all sides to seek violent conflict in this corner of 24th October. There followed a accept the British Nuclear Fuels represents a significant body of security. Dr Fitzgerald should investigation commissioned by from the Sellafield nuclear plant. They settled d< >vn in a house on have insisted, in his discussion a political solution". Presumably, Ireland under British rule, only further appeal to the House of Plant's offer to investigate the opinion of the trade union Recognising the fact that the several local councils in Co. Down. ISOTOPES Upper Lloyd Street, near the with the British, on action on the Irish Government made no one soldier was judged to have Lords which was also rejected. extent of its own pollution off the university, and opened their home to movement, expresses opposition Unionists wish to remain within The report stated that fish taken Meanwhile the Annual General other issues, such as anti-Catholic attempt to move the British from committed murder against the CYNICS are saying that the County Down coast. With students for many years. Ruby to the Agreement between the the United Kingdon does not from the Irish Sea had ten times the Meeting of the Irish Medical discrimination, supergrass trials, this position, which "inhibits civilian population. This was luckless Private Thain shot his descriptive power, worthy of his enjoyed nursing and kept on working British and Irish Governments, confer on it any moral right. The radioactive level in their flesh than Organisation, held in Cork last Diplock courts, strip searching of political progress", as they have Private Richard Ian Thain of the victim at the wrong political reverend boss, he said it would be at the Royal Infirmary whilst Harry and we call on our colleagues in Irisfi Government has also similar fish harvested further south month, demanded an immediate women prisoners, the use of now adopted this position I st Battalion Light Infantry, a moment. It was just in the period like "putting Dracula in charge of a vw>rked at Phillips Rubber Works, the Trade Union and Labour rejected the historical.assessment in the English Channel. Dr Harris stop to the dumping of nuclear where he was active in trade union plastic bullets and widespread themselves. lineteen-year-old recruit. In that John Hume's tortuous blood-bank." The worthy Movement to similarly oppose it. contained in the Forum Report. of Sussex University, who headed waste in the Irish Sea and Atlantic work along with his friends Noel harrassment by the army and In the light of the analysis December last year Mr Justice political "process" was getting Councillor could also have added While we are anxious that the In section 4.1 dealing with the the independent inquiry, stated in Ocean. Dr Pat Coll said that while C rowe from Co. Clare and Paddy police in Nationalist areas. contained in the Forum Report, Tiggins sentenced him to life under way. The Forum report had that such an Inquiry would be as suffering of the people of the six Unionist veto on any change in his findings that the radioactive nuclear plants in other parts of the Morrissey from Co. Waterlord. Harry the commitment by the British inprisonment for killing Thomas declared "Nationalists for the unbiased as those of Sir John counties should cease as soon as the form of government in isotope, Caesium 137, was one world had reduced their waste was a Labour Party member and Government to accept Irish unity *:eilly, a pop musician, by most part do not identify with the Hermon, the R.U.C. head who possible, the need remains to work Northern Ireland, the Report order higher than the normal level. emissions virtually to zero, the when in 1945 the Connolly This Agreement is a repudia- if a majority in the North wished hooting him in the back. Private police and security forces. It is appoints his fellow police Association formed a branch in M/C, towards a lasting solution, which stated that "this fails to take At the Liverpool Connolly Sellafield plant continued to tion of the New Ireland Forum, it, is a fraud. The line drawn by fhain was transferred to an clear that they will not be accepted commanders to investigate the he was one of the founding members. can only be based on upholding account of the origin of the Association conference last June, which stated that the structure Britain across the map of Ireland English prison to serve his frequent misdemeanours of discharge its waste into the Irish Somewhere back in Harry's line was a the right of the majority of the problem, namely the imposed as they are in a normal democratic on the pollution and militarisation which the Forum wished to see in 1920 was designed precisely to sentence. At the time the public members of his own force. Sea. This waste contained isotopes connection with William Smith Irish people. Anything else is division of Ireland which created society, by the nationalist section of the Irish Sea, it was emphasised establised is a unitary state. Two ensure that no such majority 'lere, both Nationalist and with an active half-life of more than O'Brien and I remember his showing undemocratic and, therefore, an artificial political majority in of the community, nor will they It only takes common-sense to that while most attention has been further structural arrangements would ever emerge. The self- Loyalist, greeted this judgement 20,000 years. He criticised the me part of a teaset which had come cannot last. It is only when the North". It is incredible that themselves feel confident in their realise that reports of inquiries on paid to plutonium the deadly down in the family from this source. were also examined—a federal/ proclaimed defender of the union, of Justice Higgins with great Dublin Government for its feeble majority rule prevails that an the Irish Government, which set relations with nationalists until matters such as this from poison, Caesium 137, was more confederal state and joint Margaret Thatcher, is, therefore, astonishment. All previous representations to the London Harry had a severe and painful enduring peace can be won. up the Forum, accepted the there is a change in the political Government or Governmental mobile and therefore more widely authority. However, faced with safe in giving such an emptj decisions of the courts, and there Government, and for its acceptance accident at Phillips which hastened his From an Irish point of view, does description of the Unionists as an context in which they operate." agencies will be weighted, guarded spread. the rejection of these three options commitment. It is comparable to s have been several in like of British assurances that the retirement and some years later he this Agreement advance the cause "artificial majority", but have Great play was being made about and secretive. They know that fuH and Ruby made their final home in the by Margaret Thatcher in her dealer in a card game committing circumstances, have seemed Councillor Noel McKevitt, pollution was under control. The of Irish unity? An Taoiseach, now accepted the "right" of this the "alienation" of the and impartial disclosure of the facts w ee island of of Wyne in the Orkneys. infamous "out out out" speech, himself/herself to paying out his/her biased in favour of the armed physics master in a Newry doctors decided to set up a special Garret Fitzgerald says "no'. He is artificial majority to frustrate the Nationalists in the Six Counties would arouse such alarm among an However, he not entirely isolated the Irish Government backed opponents' winnings, when forces of the Crown. Soldiers have secondary school, said that official body to monitor the effects of this adamant that it is not intended to. right of the real majority, of which even though one person's informed public that the authority for once a year Brian Farringdon down and abandoned them. she/he has marked the cards in been acquitted even in the most scientific figures cannot take away pollution on the health of the Irish What then is the intention? In a the Northern Nationalists are a "alienation" is another's of the vested interests in the nuclear would visit him from Aberdeen, and Unfortunately, the Inter- advance. blatant cases of irregular killing of from the fart that even the smallest people. Channel 4 interview, he stated, part. "resistance". The political drive from even further afield Wallace Governmental Agreement does citizens. It was predicted that Ian Stack, once a student at the M/C "we are concerned to create a The Irish Government must from London was for an internal more than this. It will underwrite THE FORUM Report also Thain would not have to serve his home always called on him when this situation—this is the whole demand the end of the Unionist settlement within the partition partition, by the Irish stated (Section 5.1.4) that "the full sentence. side of the water from his native USA. purpose of the Agreement—in veto, together with a declaration boundary. To this end the British AR SONNA Governments' acceptance of the present formal position of the Comharthai naisiun A man of good commonsense and which the alienation of the from Britain of the intention to Government needed the humour. "right" of the Unionists to opt out British Government -^mely the minority from the structures of withdraw from Ireland. The rights On his behalf an appeal against compliance and cooperation of LE LINN na cainteanna angla- suas ar bhreis is se cead sraideanna. JAMES McGILL of an all-Ireland arrangement. guarantee, has, in its practical government, security system, of the Unionists would entail their conviction was lodged in the High the Dublin Government. At the eireannacha ar na mallaihh ni raibh Ni amhain sin ach mhol an h EIREANN? Not surprising, Thatcher declared application, had the effect of judicial system, can be dealt involvement in negotiatine the Court in Belfast. It was heard by time of writing the results of the fhiosagduinearbith, taohhamuigh Feidhmiuchan Tithiochta fein go n- triumphantly, that "the inhabiting the dialogue necessary Lord Chief Justice Lowry, sitting NIORBH e an fhirinne ach with". In other-words, make the constitutional, political and Anglo-Irish negotiations are not d'iad siud a bhi pairteach iontu, ardofai an leagan Gaelige de ainm legitimacy of the Unionist for political progress. It has had with Justices Hutton and public. It is further evidence of the finnsceal a shamhlodh dhuit agus tu set up in the North less oppressive financial arrangements of a new caide bhi da bheartu d'on tir. sraide i nDun Geimhin ar chostas BISHOP WARNS all-Ireland state. O'Donnell. Counsel for Thain "alienation" of the Nationalist a leamh faoi eachtrai Doiminic and the Nationalists will accept it. D'ainneoin sin, no de thairbhe sin, an Stait. Bionn an bratach submitted that the verdict of the population that many of them are MacLoinsigh a fuarthas The Nationalist are alienated b 'iomai rafla agus leargas a bhi ag tridhathach ag foluain le gaoth i partly because they have been FINALLY, the Agreement is trial judge was unsafe in that he commenting that the judgement neamhchoiontach i ndunmharu i ABOUT FOREIGN did thart. Mar shampla duradh go moran ceantracha naisiunta, oppressed under partition, but Peter Mulligan's Peepshow the culmination of a drift in Irish failed to consider the issue of self- given in the case of the soldier Ian mBealfeirste an mhi seo caite. I defence. Furthermore he had Thain owes as much to the mbeadh Rialtas Shasana toilteanach ainneoin go gcuireann se sin mainly because partition has made public, was made by the Government policy towards gcuntas mor fada in "Hibernia" BRITISH BIRTHRIGHT in closer political and security co- erred by declaring that Thain had political atmosphere as to the ligint do na naisiuntoiri sna Se Contha George Seawright agus a denied them their right to be part Social Democratic and Labour ara imeachtai faoi thalamh Ui EXPLOITATION Ireland? "Britain will retain full operation with Britain, the EEC no right to kill in the prevention of much-vauiped independence of bratach na hEireann a ardu go" of the overall Irish nation. Party" (Guardian). The RlfC fired mhacasamhail ar mire. Cibe socru sovereignty over a province that and NATO. The offer of money crime or apprehending a suspect. British law.; poibli agus an Gaelige a usaidgoh- Loinsigh agus an INLA rinneadh THE BISHOP of Cork and Ross, Providing civil rights while 109 bullets into a car in 1982 killing a thiocfas as an chaibidil idir will remain firmly part of the from President Reagan and the oifiguiuil. Leis an fltirinne a claon-thagairt ann d'fhear darbh most Rev Dr Michael Murphy denying a political right solves 3 people. Later two more men were London agus Baile Atha Cliath ni so long as a orchestrated support from other ainm Sean O Rodaigh. Sharodh a has warned against allowing nothing. shot at close range. Again a 17 year dheanamh bhi an rafla seo ina doiche go measfadh naisiuntoiri an majority of its people wish it." American politicians, the EEC tharla don Rodach samhlaiocht CONSIDERING An Taois- old youth was shot dead at a FELLOW TRAVELLER abhair gaire agus tarcuisne imeasc Tuaniscirt gur bua ghlormhar i da foreigners to exploit natural That, as the Irish government Commission and likes of Alfred Hitchock e fein agus a chuid eachs' own words, the realistically accepts, means for the farmhouse in Co. Antrim, a rifle A T THE present time Turkey is that it was really addressed to Mr cosmhuintir na naisiuntoiri. Ni gcealaitear na dlithe amaideacha resources for profit, particularly Chancellor Kohl, indicate the scannan. consultative role conceded to the ruled by a military junta. Mr Evran John P. S. Taylor who is the raibh le deanamh acu ach breathnu along the West Cork coast, an area foreseeable future. So we are not without ammunition was later strategic and military interests of seo. Ni bheadh ann ach an stampa Irish Government seems to be for the President of Turkey controls Director General for Research and ina dtimpeall agus tcifeadh siadna which he is most familiar with. He talking of nudging Ulster into a found. The Army/RUC inform- the US and NATO in closer oifigiuil curtha ar rud ata i the sole purpose of moderating this junta. He shares power with Mr Documentation on Human Rights rebuked multi-national companies united Ireland. There is no covert ation service stated at the time that Anglo-Irish co-operation. sraidainmneacha in Gaelige curtha bhfeidhm cheana fein. Rugadh Sean O Rodaigh in Iur the excesses of Unionism. Living deal with Dublin to deprive the suspects were members of the Ozal the Prime Minister. Mr Ozal Issues. The letter was written by a - Cinn Tra i gContae an Duin that have no commitment to Ireland The members of TUIUI believe under partition would then be Unionists of their British birthright IRA. „ looks after the International Mr Gwyn Morgan whom the EEC in a united Ireland as a necessary triocha agus tribliana o shin. Bhi a or its people and criticized over- more tolerable for the . . . . Dr Garret Fitzgerald's step towards achieving a united Monetary Fund and declares he is Commission had sent to Turkey to athair ina chomhairleoir ar bhardas reliance on them by the Nationalists, and they might stop government will have responsib- "IRELAND is our enemy" - Strip-searching scandal working class, thereby facilitating keeping watch so that Turkey is investigate conditions. It detailed an bhaile sin trath. Dha bhliain o establishment. supporting the IRA. Their ilities to the nationalist minority This statement was bawled out by the advancement of Irish workers. always able to pay the interest on the sayage violations of democratic LIVERPOOL Connolly Associa- shin liostail Sean mar bhall den He went on to say "The choice is aspirations extend beyond this, without the power to exercise them. Mr Ken Maginnis, Unionist MP counties suffer excessively from Our disire to see a united Ireland is its foreign debts. He is sacrificing rights in Turkey today. Instead of tion was recently addressed by < and they will be doubly .. this, at the end of the day, is what during the recent debate on the the high rate of unemployment. IRSP. Indhiaidh tamaill bhig clear. Either we allow foreigners to hard-headed and practical and is Miss Julia South of the "Women disappointed that the agenda for the Anglo-Irish agreepient is all Irish/British talks, in the House of Turkey's internal economy by a doing the normal thing of handing Prices are generally higher in the d'eirigh se mishasta le dearcadh come in and exploit at our expense not based on sentiment. We desire in Ireland" group. She gave a the first meeting of the Inter- about - bringing a degree of Commons. - HANSARD. dependent form of monetarism and the letter ;pver to the rightful six counties that in England, and agus gniomhaiocht na gluaisea- and watch the profits being a united Ireland so that we can vivid description of the treatment Governmental Conference, as normality to Northern Ireland that i leaving the country open to plunder addressee, Mr J. P. S. Taylor, our since debts for rent, electricity etc chta. Tar eis a easaontas a nochtu transferred to Japan or Norway, or • * • progress towards a 32 County of women unde~ the Prevention of is taken for granted in the rest of the by the transnational monopolies. Unionist Taylor scurried off to the are deducted at source, a do na ceannairi d'fhag se anpairti. some such country, or we tackle it QUEEN'S GAMBIT - "The Workers' Republic, the cherished Terrorism Act and other able to form a GAA club in San British Isles." Sunday Times New Turkish laws have given Turkish Embassy and gave the housewife has not the choice of D'imigh se leis go Paras na, ourselves. Time is not on our side". Prince and Princess of ended aim of Connolly and Larkin. This repressive legislation. robbing Peter to pay Paul. Peter is Francisco. The total lack of interest unlimited and uncontrolled letter to the Turkish ambassador. Fraince, ait a bhfuair se jab ag It was revealed that in the past Editorial. their 12 day Australian visit today Agreement will not advance the Particularly objectionable was paid before Paul comes on the » * * authority to the police. Twenty- He said later: that he did this of successive governments in the and left for America confident that cause of Irish unity and it must, the practice of strip-searching scene. teagasc an Bhearla. Bhi scats beag problems of people living in poor SPEAKING FOR DUBLIN - they had put the lid on Canberra's therefore, be rejected. Instead, the nine political prisoners have been because he was concerned at the woman prisoners, frequently in The point was made that the den IRSP ina gconai i b Paras ach — from — circumstances in these areas is "Saving the SDLP is largely what Republicanism . . ." DAILY Irish Government and those executed and a further 450 are apparent interference in the the presence of as many as six Labour movement in general and de reir dealraimh ni raibh baint ar criminal. West Cork towns are the talks are about as far as Dublin TELEGRAPH. within Ireland who believe in unity, under sentence of death. Many internal affairs of Turkey by the officers, who improve the moment. women's organizations in bith ag Mac an Rodaigh leo. JIM SAVAGE made up of old people an(i children. is concerned. In four years, the Sinn must assert this belief in a positive political prisoners have died in the EEC representative. by derogatory remarks about particular should pay more Bhunaigh se cumann a raibh se Bandon is just a ghost town since Fein share of the local election and vigorous manner and should dictatorship's torture chambers. An immediate result of John their victims' bodies. Such attention to the plight of the d'aidhm aige eolas ar stair agus vote has shot up from zero to 11.8% MIDAS McAlpine .... "Lord develop the alliance with Turkey has occupied the northern searches frequently took place women in the part of Ireland couple of months, 400 young people the tragic day on which the West Taylor-'s interference with cultur na h Eireann a leathnu sa Cork rail service was closed. It \yas per cent. If Sinn Fein were able to McAlpine has returned to his old progressive forces in Britain and part of Cyprus and declares it to be someone else's mail was the several times a day and could have occupied by British imperialism. Fhrainc. D'fhoilsigh se treim- from the Cork area emigrated to win five seats in the Dublin job as joint treasurer and fund internationally, in a new put down on the basis of being a separate "state". This sensible decision by the no purpose apart from the M. M. hseachan tri-theangach i England. It is evident that West parliament at the next general raiser for the Conservative Central campaign against London and "uneconomic", even thought it had partitioning of the Cyprus Republic demoralization of the prisoner. bhFraincis, i m Bear la agus i Cork is again being ravaged by the election, which is not impossible Office. With a general election due Belfast unionism. Commission to put Mr Gwyn serviced a poor and desolate area of serves the strategic interests of the Worse still, woman are often nGaeilge. Ansinfaoi Bhealtaine seo emigration that drained it of so under the republic's system of in about two years he intends to Morgan on extended leave and not threatened with rape. There have the country. Nevertheless we have USA and NATO just as a weak much of its life-blood in the 50's. proportional representation, it build up the coffers of the Tory TUIUI SPONSORS send him back to Ankara where his indeed been a number of chuaigh thart thealtaigh se as partitioned Ireland serves the JANUARY Recently a survey showed heavy since seen the provision of a new could hold the balance of power in Party. Private companies gave over Des Bonass, Michael Brennan, life would be in danger. It is cold allegations of rape, and in one radharc go tobann. Ni bhfuarthas interests of the English emigration from the Mizen multi-million pound electric rail the south while dominating 2 million to the Conservative party Bernard Browne, Christine Carney, comfort to know that the Unionist unpublished but documented taisc na tuairisc air o shin i leith. establishment. ISSUE Peninsula. Over the past 15 years service to the richest and most nationalist politics for the first time last year. - TIMES. Hugh Cox, Francis Devine, Eric Taylor would be quite safe and case, the British government was Ar ndoigh ta a mhuintir ag exclusive part of the country. The in the north. It is a nightmare that Fleming, Gerry Fleming, Philp Flynn, The Official Unionist member of welcome in Turkey or in Turkish- compelled to pay compensation to deanamh fiosruchain chuile there had been a dramatic haunts both Garret Fitzgerald in downturn in activity in West Cork. cost of the erection alone would Eddie Glackin, Noirin Greene, Michael the EEC Mr John Taylor, opening a occupied Cyprus where he is said to a woman who could prove the loss bhealach mar gheall air. Deir siad the south and John Hume, the Halpenny, Ben Kearney, Peter of her virginity. Tor instance, in the Castletownbere have kept the West Cork railway ADDENDUM - One British letter in hisf Brussel's office, found own a holiday villa. IRISH DEMOCRAT gur chuir INLA chun bhais e agus going for a life-time. The Dart SDLP leader, in the north . . . Minister recently described the Keating, Sean Lyons, Kevin Woman whose husbands are go bhfuil siad ar lorg a choirp lena Peninsula, where not so long ago FitzGerald wants a deal ...."- service in Dublin is completely SDLP as a 'busted flush'. - If the MacConnell, Finian MacGrath. "lifted" are only comparatively adhlacadh sa bhaile. D'eisigh INLA there were 900 milk producers, Chris Ryder a journalist well known SDLP fails to make a role for itself, Gerry Maclntyre, Cathal MacLiam. MIRIAM JAMES, former member Education, Bedford Way on better off. They are left alone in a uneconomic and is being subsidised of Republican Congress in Dublin, will be published raiteas goirid ag ra nach bhfuil siad there are now a mere 180. for his dissemination of British the British government will, in due Peter MacLoone, Mat Merrigan, John Wednesday, November 20th. family home that has usually been to the ridiculous extent of £10 per and now chairman of London Chairman was Dr Flann Campbell, on ciontach i gcibe rud a tharla don Rural life in the Peninsulas will Army information handouts. course, find itself bypassing the Mitchell, Alice Moore, Noel Murphy. devastated by the security forces. Labour Committee on Ireland, has and Mr Noel O'Connell of the Irish passenger without explanation. The • • • Sam Nolan, Daltun 6 Ceallaigh Jack Poverty due to the absence of the chreatur bhocht. very soon be in very real danger of Social Democratic and Labour arranged, through the GLC, a Texts Society opened the meeting time is fast approaching when O'Connor, Kevin O'Driscoll, Mtchae' breadwinner is added to anxiety extinction if the current rate of R.U.C. GUNMEN - "A demand Party and dealing direct with Sinn ".eries of Terence MacSwiney with a brief account of the life of JANUARY 10, 1986 towns such a Bantry, Skibbereen, O'Reilly. Joe O'Toole, Seamus de regarding his fate. depopulation is allowed to that the results of an 18 month Fein. This could take the form of Tiemorial lectures, the first of MacSwiney, whom he believes the Schull, Ballineen, Durrus, Paor, Ken Quinn, Seamus Redmond. continue. So many young people investigation into the shooting tougher confrontation or - less which was given by Mr Desmond greatest Irishman of the twentieth Even without the denial of Kilcrohane will just be place names Sean Redmond, Thomas Redmond 3 reaves, editor of the "Irish human rights as they are usually Last Copy... 30th DEC have emigratedfrom the small town dead by the RUC of six suspects probable under this government - century. Mr Ken Livingstone was in on the map of Ireland. direct talks " Jerry Shanahan, Anne Speed. Jemocrat" at the Institute of attendance. understood, women in the six of Dunmanway that they have been five of them un-armed should be I

Page Six IRISH DEMOCRAT December 1985 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT Page Seven Sean O'Dwyer a ghleanna

AFTER Aughrim's great disaster, when the foe in sooth was She opposed pollution master, Twas you that first plunged in and swam the Shannon's boiling flood; j on the banks of the roses And through Slieve Bloom s dark passes you led your J - \ u KEY D ^ D i Bm ) Em A7 D gallowglasses Although the hungry Saxon wolves were howling for our blood. of Irish Sea As we crossed Tipperary, we rived the clan O'Leary, And drove a "creacht" before us as their horsemen onward came "Who killed Hilda Murrell?" probably perpetrated by an fourth was any indication of sexual On Ihc tunkj ol Ihc love And I wl down and power The other was her close by Judith Cook. Published by inadequate, perhaps sexually assault noted. I Bin | Em A7 D A SONG OF With our spears and swords we gored them, as through flood and friendship with her nephew who, «n New English Library. 182pp. disordered, local man but: 5) The motive for the murder has fight we bore them the words of Tarn Dalyell "had indeed 1) Although the police said the consistently been alleged to be theft. f p J Still Sean O'Dwyer A Ghleanna, we were worsted in the game. Price £1.95. occupied a key position in naval c- & mm CUMANN NA REPEAL telephone wires were pulled out, Certainly the £50 Hilda Murrell had intelligence during the Falklands ul my vio- Im I Uy my iove lune, In Ihe IF YOU value the unglamorous civil Telecom later said they had been just drawn from the bank was campaign .... Commander Green I Bm | Em A7 right to a natural death you would be disconnected in a professional taken, but nothing else in the house MBAN Long, long we kept the hillside, our couch hard by the hillside, was in position to know about the PARTITION well advised to read this book. Hilda manner so that anyone ringing in was even disturbed except her receipt and dispatch of signals to and The sturdy knotted oaken boughs our curtain overhead; Murrell was a well-educated English would get a dialling tone and assume papers. Most importantly a paper (Air: The Men of the West) from HMS Conqueror, and The summer's blaze we laughed at, the winter's snowS we lady, a successful business woman, a that Hilda Murrell was out. What is she had just finished writing on the light d intercepted signals from the Belgrano Hid Jlc ol Ihc tunc, oil and she said WHEN vou honour in song and in story scoffed at ACT supporter of the Liberal Party and a additionally alarming is that the disposal of atomic waste to be read to the Argentine mainland and back, D f Bhi i Em A7 D The fighters who shouldered a gun, member of TACT: Tories against telephone in Hilda Murrell's Welsh at the Sizewell enquiry. We know And trusted in our long steel swords to win us daily bread. from both British and American And recked not that Death's blow "Great My Shame". By Kevin Cruise and Trident, well-connected by cottage was disconnected in exactly she had completed the final draft Till the Dutchman's troops came round us, with fire and steel they sources." Peter Hurst, the only other should reach them, family and by many influential the same way. Hardly the work of a but since its disappearance from her bound us, Boland. Price £3.50. Published naval intelligence officer to restga If so Ireland's freedom was won. friends; if the outrages described in clueless local yob. home on that day there is no copy )iibii ny , love- ly John ny, would you leave me by Kevin Boland, 85 pages. after the Falklands War had. tike Forget not the women of Ireland They blazed the woods and mountains till the very clouds were this book could happen to her, just 2) In spite of the "local" nature extant. Hilda Murrell, his flat broken into — Who stood without terror or dread flame, think what could happen to the likes of the crime which the West Mercia THIS brings us to the motive for the Oh when I was a young man 1 heard my father say. THE TITLE comes from the poem by significantly nothing was stolen Wf"* Beside those who battled so bravely Patrick Pearce called Mise Eire. Translated of you and me. She was als<5 about to Police have consistently stuck to, on crime. No-one is suggesting that Hilda That he'd rather see me dead and buried in the clay, But our sharpened swords cut through them, in their very hearts his papers were searched. Sooner than be married to any runaway. 'Mid shellfire and deluge of lead. into English the full verse goes. give evidence at the Sizewell Enquiry September 12th, the public was Murrell was intentionally murdered. we slew them, on pollution of the Irish Sea. It is informed that the FBI had been If this seems to you remote from the By the lovely sweet Banks of the Roses. Still Sean O'Dwyer A Ghleanna, we were worsted in the game. I am Ireland: The police hypothesis is that it was a imperative to find out why this called in to help with the investi- burglary that went wrong; the thief needs of the Irish community living in CHORUS: I am older than the Old Woman admirable woman who was also an gation. found her, and there was a struggle in Britian cast your mind back to 1974 Oh then I am no runaway and soon I'll let them know, of Beare. and the tragic case of Lennon who was I hen here's to the women of Here's a health to yours and my king, the sovereign of our liking, exemplary citizen met a violent death. 3) And most chillingly between which she was murdered. The other found dead in a ditch. How much I can take a good glass or can leave it alone; Ireland To Sarsfield underneath whose flag we'll cast once more a chance; Great my glory; time of the murder and the hypothesis is that some agency of the And the man that doesn't like me, he can keep his daughter at home, I that bore Cuchtriainn would we know about him were it not \\ ho marched without fear in For the morning's breeze will bring us across the seas and wing us the In case you have forgotten the facts announcement of finding the body state had entered her house for some valiant. for the humanity and courage of And young Johnny will go roving with another. the van; of the strange murder of Hilda a local counsellor in sexual purpose of surveillance, that because To take our stand and wield a brand among the sons of France; George Melly? If the life of Hilda Old Ireland is proud of her Great my shame: Murrell they can be summarised as disorders was asked by the Police if Hilda Murrell returned home And though we part in sorrow, still Sean O'Dwyer, a chara, follows: Murrell was not sacrosanct, whose«s, And if ever I get married 'twill be in the month of May, daughters My own children that sold their he had been approached by a unexpectedly the two parties met, that r Our prayer is "God save Ireland and pour blessings on her name" certainly not the lives of the Irish in When the leaves they are green and the meadows they are gay. Hurrah for brave Cumann na mother. On the morning of March 21st she person who exactly fitted the there was a struggle as a result of Britain And I and my true love can sit and sport and play. mBan! May her sons prove true when needed, may they never fall as left her home near for a subsequent police description of the which she died. I am Ireland: The events are complex but the On the lovely sweet Banks of the Roses. we did, lunch engagement in Wales at 12.30 wanted man. Why should such a signally I am lonlier than the Old telling is so clear and simple that the For Sean O'Dwyer A Ghleanna, we were worsted in the game. pm. She went to the bank in respectable lady of 78 be a threat to Our tricolour flew on the breezes, Woman of Beare. 4) Hilda Murrell's body was whole is as exciting and absorbing as a Shrewsbury and then, unexpectedly, the state? There are two possible Proclaiming o'er Dublin's old town subjected to no less than four post good detective novel. The words of the verse have reasons. One was her very effective That the men of the nation awakened. went home to change before setting mortem examinations. Only in the obviously influenced the author in the out for Wales — on the way home opposition to the use of nuclear PO'F Would die ere 'twas ever hauled down, presentation of his subject. Dealing calling on a neighbour to pay for some * And into our ranks came the heroines, with pre-conquest Ireland Boland raffle tickets. That was the last time Like the women of Limerick of old, BUACHAILL EN EIRNE quotes the expert, Liam de Paor. anyone except her murderer or And their smiles made the weakest "What is striking is that from the murderers saw her alive. I will leave it a hero - beginning of record, Ireland was a to the skill of Judith Cook to unravel AGRESSION AND GREED Write their fame, boys, in letters of Buachaill on Eirne me's bhreagfainn fein cailin den fig; clearly defined entity; one moreover the subsequent events for you, I will CLARE TO HERE gold. Ni iarrfainn bo spre leithe ta me fein saibhir go fear, which had great force of merely enumerate some of the "British Imperialism in the Kong 1842, and China in the S liom Corcaigh' a mheid e, dha thaobh a ghleanna s Ti. meaning—not to compel allegiance the first world war and the Boer disturbing features of the case. opium wars. Between 1840 and OH, there's four who share the room and we work hard for the Though our fight in the old G.P.O. Eoghain; (allegiance in those days was to Nineteenth Century.' Edited by wars. 1870 , British brass boys. 'S mur n-athrai me beasai's me n' t-aidhr' ar Chontae Mhaigh Eo. persons not abstractions) but to THE WEST Mercia Police have C. C. Elridge. 218pp. Macmillan And getting up late on Sunday, I never get to mass. ( ame to grief as its flames touched command cultural identity. We may consistently described this as basically Press. HB £14. PB £4.95. Columbia, Lagos in Nigeria, compare it in this respect to ancient NOR did it make any real the sky. Rachaidh me 'marach a drieanamh leanna fan choili a burglary that went wrong, Queensland and large tracts of Hellas, the transcendent community CHORUS: We lit there a fire that will blaze boys. Gan coite gan bad gan grainnin brach' ar bith liom India were added to the difference which party was of the divided Greeks. THIS volume is one the Oh, it's a long, long way from Clare to here Till the power of the Saxon shall die. Ach duilliur na gcraobh mar eideadh leapa as mo chionn dominions. The empire expanded power. The perceptions of the well known series 'Probletris in It's a king, long way from Clare to here And we'll cherish forever the story, S' oro sheacht mh'anam deag thu's Ui feachaint orm anall. But Ireland was not just unusual in by an average of 100 thousand official mind stayed much the ancient Europe, it was virtually It s a long, long way, it gets further day by day While the pages of hist'ry we scan, Focus'. Each volume is devoted to square miles per annum up to the same from ministry to ministry unique, because the spatial boundary It's a long, long way from Clare to here. Of these valiant daughters of Erin A PUB a central topic or theme, and the 'Imperial Crisis' of 1869. throughout the nineteenth Hurrah, boys, for Cumann na mBan! Buachailleacht bo, mo leo, nAr chleacht mise ariamh was clear and unquestioned; the most important aspects of this are shores of island." century. This has a lesson for Ach ag imirt's ag 'ol's le hagmhua deasa fa shliabh dealth with by the specially A large part of that expansion anyone who thinks a change in the When Friday night comes around it's on|^ into righting; Ma chaill me stdr ni do' gur chaill me mo chiall, LUNCH commissioned studies from My ma would like a letter home but I've no time for writing. AGAIN later, De Paor is quoted as took place in India under the party in power would make any A's mi no liom do phog na'n bhrog ata'r caitheamh le "Owl Sandwiches" by John scholars in the relevant field. fiction that the East India real difference to the situation in bliain. referring to a "centralising tendency which was present at least from the B. Keane. Published by Eight themes of central Company was a private trading the north of Ireland, for instan<#. And the only time 1 feel aright is when I'm into drinking importance have been selected for seventh century." He also Brandon. 125pp. Price £3.95. company. Wellesley, later to The interests of the British It eases off the pain a bit and levels out my thinking. acknowledges an immensely deep- this collection of original essays A chuisle's a stor na pos an seanduine liath become the Duke of Wellington, mercantile class will always take rooted idea of Ireland passed down JOHN B. KEANE is an all rounder in on British imperialism in the Ach pas a' fear og, mo leo, mur' maire se ach bliain was sent out to protect the precedence. Nearly a hundred through the centuries of Gaelic the world of letters. He has written nineteenth century. Such a Well it almost breaks my heart when 1 think of Josephine No beidh ra go foill ga o no mac as da chionn Company from the depravity of years ago J. A. Hobson had tradition into the politics of the early verse, pungent plays, amusing and selection is necessary for it is not I promised I'd be coming back with pockets full of green. A shilfeadn a'n deor trathnona no'r maidin go trom. hardhitting novels in letter form and the French, but with secret indentified the rentier class in modern world". possible to cover in one slim south-east England using the new Boland has ten pages on Paor's several books of pleasant essays. instructions in his pocket to I dream I hear a piper playing - maybe it's a notion "Owl Sandwiches" is just such a book volume the entire geographical acquire as much territory as imperialism as a means of writings which have important ideas extent of the empire. I dream I see white horses dance on that other ocean. on the question Irish nationality. of essays. possible. The Company's armies profitable investments overseas. Mrs Thatcher is not such an THE ROSE OF Surprisingly when others can clearly As always John B. Keane is good extorted protection money from RALPH McTELL KEY Bb innovation after all. N 138 baidm fheilimi identify a struggle for independence fun, his eye may be sharp for the more The editor points out that the Indian states and in the ' from Tone onwards De Piaor begins to Bb EJ> Bb idiotic foibles of humankind but he imperialism has been interpreted, process ruined them so that they ARANMORE have doubts about national identity. broadly, as the extension of 'had' to be taken over for their writes with warmth and kindliness. The new stage ot buiish This is due to the immense pressures His heart is patently in the right place. British rule or control (or the own good. Vast fortunes flowed M^ thoughts today, though I'm imperialism which began around & m Irish academics come under from He describes Ireland in a manner disposition to establish such rule into the coffers of the company far away. -Jl their English colleagues. 1870 was increasingly an Dwell on Tvrconnell's shore, guaranteed to pour balm into the or control) whether direct or and all the.civil and military din M.cil- i- mf,


• IN his article in the November issue, John Boyd describes as confusing, Margaret Thatcher's opposition to full European union INDUSTRIAL ACTION with her commitment to reducing I SUPPOSE it may be strange honest I don't think I was really steel and coal production in line admission for a man who has been a worth the two quid a day I was paid, with EEC directives. If we look member of one union or another not being long apprenticed to the at the prime reason for the UK ever since leaving school but I have 'Lord Love 11,' but that's another (SORT OF) entering the EEC, the confusion is never yet had the experience of story. . . soon cleared up. being on strike officially. I voted Our workplace was some ten or by DONALL MacAMHLAIGH When the British Government for that form of action (or inaction twelve miles away, in the Towcester went on its knees to plead with if you prefer!) on more than one area of Northampton, and our Gaeltacht, in fact. (All, that is, with the Kiddie was up to from the start France and West Germany to allow occasion as a member of UCATT transport was a mite primitive even the exception of a Latvian labourer but instead of deciding to thwart or UK entry, it had the boot of the and the TGWUbut the only strikes for 1952-a battered Bedford lorry called Alec Smilga who used to ask obstruct him they decided to play USA up its backside. The 'special or stoppages I was ever involved in relationship' with the US State with no shelter of any description them plaintively, several times a him at his own game, as they saw it: Department, so beloved by Harold were unofficial... Way back in the for the men riding on the back, nor day, 'Please,lads, speak English! "Ni bhfaigh' se an ceann-is-fearr Wilson makes Britain the number winter of 1944 the Kilkenny seats of any sort, either. A bale of The 'lads' who were native Irish orainne, spainfidh muide doceard one European lapdog of the US weavers whom 1 carried bobbins of straw lifted from a cornfield out of speakers to a man generally told ta muid in ann a dheanamh," was financial interests. As the US could thread to all day suddenly stopped the country was the only concession the Latvian to get stuffed in the i their response: 'He'll not get the hardly join the EEC, the next best their looms and gave an ultimatum to comfort and to highlight the nearest Gaelic equivalent... It was better of us like that, we'll show him thing was to have its surrogate, the to shop steward and manager indignity some joker had written my own fluency in the Gaeilge that what we can do!' UK inside acting as its agent. That alike that not another bat would Murphy's Circus on the back of the assured me a place in this particular And show him they did! Every is why General De Gaulle and the they do until the heating was lorry-or waggon as we invariably gang, by the way, in spite of my man bent to the work with a will, majority of the French people restored to the pipes. It took being a novice at the navvying shovelling the dirt and stones into opposed British entry at the time. called it. Comfort didn't rate very courage in those days of high highly on my own list of priorities in game-far better workers were the trench with scarcely a pause European Union would diminish unemployment and no social those days and I'd have ridden turned away while I was kept on, from eight in the morning until cafe eonsiderably Britain's ability to security to throw out a challenge endlessly on the back of the and two quid a shift in 1952 was time at half-twelve or so, andfrom play the US cards. The decimation like that but the weavers won out of the British steel and coal draughty waggon with never a decent money!) after the cafe break until we quit industries, on the other hand, is in and the heat was restored almost at moan about wind or weather-what SO ALL they were asking was a around five when it was too dark too strict accordance with the policy of once. bothered me was the business that canvas or tin shelter on the back of work any longer. There's work and the US bankers. That explains the Eight years later I was working awaited us when we clambered off the lorry-a modest enough request there's work, but this was dire role of Ian Macgregor. for the well-known firm of Murphy the truck at our work place, the you might say - but the 'Kiddie' altogether; back bent, arms aching, Is mise, (there was no 'Grey' or 'Green' back-breaking digging or back- (who combined the the roles of shovelling and ramming, shovelling Brian Wilkinson then, it was all Murphy, and to be filling which seemed to come as agent, foreman, ganger and and ramming like mad, each man easily as shaving to the other chaps labourer with equal competence, an keen to excel the next and to show but which left yours truly with all-rounder in fact) resented the the Kiddle what they could do ... blistered hands and aching arms, at untimatum very much and for a There were no appeals from LANGUAGE least until I got used to it. number of days a state of uneasy the Latvian to 'speak English, But it was winter now and the relations marked the job. We please!' because there was no AND CLASS other lads began to complain about travelled to work on the green bus, conversation at all and so it went on the lack of shelter and like the arriving late, and the Kiddie hour after weary hour. And it must weavers in Kilkenny almost a greeted us icily on arrival. He had be remembered that these men By decade before they delivered their the better of us in one respect, too, (myself excepted, of course) were own ultimatum: a 'cab' on the back from the start: in the short winter the cream, the very best of S. 0 DIOCHON of the waggon or they wouldn't days we had one b reak, around mid- Murphy's muckshifters, men who PERHAPS some of the younger and travel to work on the lorry day, for the cafe, and the cafe was had been apprenticed to the slean at freshly enthusiastic adherents of the anymore. Note the nature of the some miles away at this stage from home in Ireland and could cut a Irish Language revival movement, ultimi turn-there-. was no talk of the water-main we were laying. bank of turf with the best:men who would think that Donall M^cAmlaigh could dig a tidte quicker I believe was despairingly pessimistic about the withdrawing labour or anything Normally we jumped oWiRtNffiQfpf future of the Gaelic language in last like that; what the lads had in mind the waggon to be taken to the cafe thatn any other race or breed of month's "Irish Democrat". However, was travelling the ten-or-so miles to but now of course since we were men on theface of the earth. When I any cause is ill-served by those who Towcester on the bus (at their own refusing to travel that way we had hear some people talk glibly now of put on blinkers and deceive expense!) and arriving, necessarily, perforce to stay on the job and hard work-and I admit hard work themselves, and others, to avoid reality. MAIRTIN 0 CADHAIGN doesn't have to be manual-1 think It is a fact that the Gaeltacht areas that bit later on the job ... It may make do with a bottle of cold milk j,inder present trends and conditions be said in passing that none of them and sandwiches, inadequate fare of some of the men in that gang and could become extinct. It is a fact that fees to pay. There are numerous had any experience at all in for men who were working hard in the Herculean labour they were no Dublin Government since 1920 has notices of Irish music and dancing industrial action of this nature, all cold weather outdoors... For afew capable of. had a serious intent to sustain and classes and an announcement of the days we suffered on until the Kiddie promote the Gaelic revival. It is a fact formation of a new Gaelic choir. The being from the heart of rural EVENING came at last and, relented and had somebody knock that at present the television and radio Irish language school and the pre- Ireland, from the Connemara honour mutually satisfied, the authorities in Dublin spew out, for school play-groups continue their up a shelter of canvas over a Kiddie called a halt; it was a most of the time, inane programmes now well established work. wooden frame . . . honour being moment of exquisite relief and it of soap and pap bought in from tenth- Could it be that this shift in the class "You will notice that I frequently satisfied we travelled by waggon T was with something akin to ecstasy ate producers in England and the base of support for the language goes use the words 'class' and 'class-war'. from then on but the Kiddie's USA. that I heard the Kiddie tell me: deeper than that which Donall calls These concepts were sunk into my honour had to be satisfied, too, and But Donall MacAmhlaigh does not "an aspect of the Language Revival?" mind before I left the Gaeltacht and "Maith an/ear, a Danny, bailigh leave us to rot in that abyss of decay Is it not an essential ingredient if the before I Jiad ever heard of Marx or he had his own way ofensuring that. suas na giuirleidi anois agus caith ind submission to Anglo-American revival is to succeed? It is here that an Connolly. Connolly understood the THE FIRST morning we arrived ar an bhaigin iad." (Good man, imperial "culture". He points to a key echo of the still very relevant voice of problem of reviving the Gaelic factor, which if it is understood, James Connolly comes to mind. In his language. If he had had more at work after the shelter had been Danny, gather up the tools now and adopted and acted upon, could open introduction to his "Labour in Irish knowledge of the Gaeltacht and its granted there was a long stretch of throw them on the waggon.) up a path of hope and renewal for the History" he said, "I believe that this conditions I am sure he would have backfilling to do, that is the heaped I hastened to obey, hobbling language movement, even under the book, attempting fo depict the used it to strengthen his teaching. For earth and stones along the trench down the length of the trench to rule of the spineless sycophants who attitude of the dispossessed masses, class distinction is to be seen in the hold governmental power for the time may justly be looked upon as part of Gaeltacht more than in any other part had to be filled in and packed down, pick up the spare forks and shovels being in Dublin. the literature of the Gaelic revival. of Ireland. Marx, Engels and Lenin with shovel and hand-rammer and while other men lit lamps or lit He says it is an aspect of the As the Gaelic language, scorned by would have found clear proof of their later with the Jumping Jenny so- themselves a cigarette-hobbled / language revival that, until now, the the possessing classes, sought and conviction that the men of property, called ... In the normal run of say advisedly, because I was unable', movement was in the hands of the found its last fortress in the hearts and the capitalists, are quickest to betray events the Kiddie (who shall be to i middle and professional class. These homes of the "lower orders", to re- the peoples' culture. The poor were people for the most part have now issue from thence in our own time to the Gaelic speakers. Class hatred nameless) left us to get on with the ordeal of remaining stooped vacillated and "gone cool" on the what the writer believes to be a greater burned in me before I ever read a word work while he attended to other day. My predicament didn't escape language. In their place working-class and more enduring place in of Connolly or Das Kapital. matters but now he made it clear the Kiddie, however, and he called communities in Dublin and Belfast civilisation than of old, so in the "When I did read them, I that his intention was to stand over me back in a peremptory son of are clamouring for the opportunity of words of Thomas Francis Meagher, understood immediately what they us relentlessly all day and ensure giving the language to their children. the same wretched cabins have been were about. Today the same position way. • • \l • • THERE are indications that the holy shrines in which the holds in the Gaeltacht. There is'no that there would be no slacking. Ceard taortya, dhiabhail, no -MacAmhlaigh is correct in stating traditions and the hopes of Ireland reason that it Should be otherwise. And by gum. he dbtl cenfath a btydl^hiit ort mar amV* that this shift in the basis of support have been treasured and trans- You have only to look at the way the Now the sensible response on our (What's wrongWthjpu, ydndfim i'or the Gaelic revival has been taking mitted." pebple of property in the Gaeltacht part to this course of aciioti would or why a tftmp on youtib? place over recent years. His use of the MAIRTIN O CADHAIN came are killing off the culture and word "clamouring" may not be all from that tradition in the Connacht language of the people. Is there a have been to begin working at a that?) WhatcouldJ say? There \ that much of an exaggeration even Gaeltacht. His five volumes of short hatred in the propertied class of the steady pace, stopping for the odd no reply nor was a*? called firr._ though he finds this development stories raised modern creative writing Gaeltacht towards me and my like? drag at a cigarette or to remark on looked suitably abashed and "almost too good to be true . For in the Irish language to a standard C«jrtainiy there is. The Petie O Sheas, the state of the weather.. one might Kiddle example, West Belfast is a comparable to what is best in other th« Fullers and the Rosses Hotel carry even justifiably adopt [a go-slow predominantly working-class area — languages. He endorsed Connolly'; off this war, operating viciously from disgust. "Aw musha, . or rather a predominantly unwaged viewpoint. The following extract from day to day and from year to year attitude, I felt, or at has* kt the us, what's coming over the^ class area, unemployment being over a lecture given by O Cadhain in 1969 ' st the lower class and its 'quare fella' see that there was no today? he asked the Towering 50%. a current cneck-up on the local lends aurthority to. the point made by need for him to stand over us like a Northamptonshire skyline advertisements for the varied Donall MacAmhlaigh, although in nail MacAmhlaigh is right when guard on a&orgkmchaingangfr.> That night I Slept without activities of the social and community translation it does little justice to the he says that this wiy of approaching The attitude ofthe lads was typical r clubs in the area reveals that there are vibrant and colourful way Mairtin O the problem of the Irish language rocking and-the normal day's work forty-five Irish language classes on Cadhain expressed his thoughts in his revival is a positive development that of Hie time and I think typically next day seemed like a i *>fTer with voluntary teachers and no native tongue. is to be welcomed and encouraged. Irish M a way: they