The Antheraea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) of Sulawesi, with Descriptions of New Species 297-308 ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo E.V

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The Antheraea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) of Sulawesi, with Descriptions of New Species 297-308 ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo E.V ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Jahr/Year: 1996 Band/Volume: 16 Autor(en)/Author(s): Holloway Jeremy D., Nässig Wolfgang A., Naumann Stefan Artikel/Article: The Antheraea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) of Sulawesi, with descriptions of new species 297-308 ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 16 (2/3): 297-308 (1995) 297 The A n th era ea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) of Sulawesi, with descriptions of new species Part 1: Antheraea (Antheraea) rosemariae n. sp.1 Jeremy D. H o l l o w a y , Wolfgang A. N ä s s ig 1 2, and Stefan N a u m a n n Dr. Jeremy D. Holloway, International Institute of Entomology (an Institute of CAB International), 56 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5JR, United Kingdom Dipl.-Biol. Wolfgang A. Nässig, Schumacherstrasse 8, D-63165 Mühlheim/Main, Germany Stefan Naumann, c/o Schwarzer, Potsdamer Strasse 71, D-10785 Berlin, Germany Abstract: A new species of the helfen-group of the genus Antheraea H übner , [1819], Antheraea (Antheraea) rosemariae n. sp., from Sulawesi, Indonesia, is described; holotype in MZB, Bogor, Indonesia. The species is closely related and similar to A. (A.) helfen Moore , 1858, but shows clear differences in male genitalia and in habitus. Both sexes (females appear to be dimorphic, either yellow or ochreous) and the male genitalia are illustrated. A single male from Peleng Isl. (Banggai archipelago) differs slightly from the Sulawe- sian population, being brown, but a Sulawesian specimen shows this colour as well. Die Arten der Gattung Antheraea Hübner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) von Sulawesi mit der Beschreibung neuer Arten Teil 1: Antheraea (Antheraea) rosemariae n. sp. Zusammenfassung: Es wird eine neue Art aus der helfen-Gruppe der Gat­ tung Antheraea H übner [1819] von Sulawesi beschrieben: Antheraea (Anthe­ raea) rosemariae n. sp., Holotyp in MZB, Bogor, Indonesien. Die neue Art ist nah verwandt mit A. (A.) helfen Moore 1858 und dieser auch ähnlich, unter­ scheidet sich aber in klaren männlichen Genitalmerkmalen (Hauptunter­ schiede: Genitalapparat sehr viel kleiner als bei helfen, dorsaler Ast der Val- ven mit weichen, geraden Borsten anstelle harten, abgeknickten bei helfen, dorsale Haube des 8. Tergits kaum skierotisiert, kleiner und anders geformt als bei helfen) und läßt sich auch habituell abgrenzen. Beide Geschlechter so­ wie männlicher Genitalapparat werden beschrieben und abgebildet. Die § § sind dimorph, gelb oder hellbeige. Ein Einzelstück von der Insel Peleng (Banggai-Archipel) unterscheidet sich etwas von der Sulawesi-Population, es ist fast einfarbig braun; jedoch kommen gelegentlich solche Stücke auch auf Sulawesi vor. 1 Results of Project Wallace No. 146. 2 38th contribution to the knowledge of the Saturniidae. ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter 298 Introduction During the last decade, collecting on Sulawesi, Indonesia, has resulted in a lot of new saturniid material, including new species in the genus Anthe­ raea H ubner [1819], and Sarnia peigleri N aumann &; N assig 1995. The specimens of the genus Antheraea proved to be especially complex, because the species involved exhibit high individual variability, combined with only minor differences in genitalia morphology in some cases. Work within the frithii-growp is further complicated due to the search for type material to establish the identity of taxa described earlier. The genus Antheraea is divided into three subgenera (N assig 1991; N as­ sig et al., in press a); of these three, only the nominotypical subgenus is known to live on Sulawesi and the Indonesian islands further to the east: the other Oriental subgenus of Antheraea (Antheraeopsis W ood -Mason , 1886) only extends as far as Java, Borneo and the Philippines. Here we deal with the helferi-growp of Antheraea (Antheraea); the re­ maining species of Antheraea on Sulawesi belong to the frithii-group and will be treated in the second part of this publication. The helferi-growp consists of two subgroups: the first consists of the East Palaearctic species yam am ai Guerin -Meneville , 1861, from Japan and NE Asia, superba Inoue , 1964, stat. nov. as separate species, from Taiwan, and diehli Lemaire, 1979, from Sundaland; the second contains helferi Moore , 1858, known from N India, the Indochinese Peninsula, Sunda­ land, and the Philippines, pratti Bouvier , 1928, a species endemic to Su­ matra, and the new species rosemariae from Sulawesi. In contrast to many species of the frithii-group, the helferi-group exhibits useful differences in male genitalia morphology. Some information (including illustrations and further references) on the preimaginal morphology of the group is provided by N assig et al. (in press b). Abbreviations for museums: BMNH The Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum (Natural History)), London, U.K. MZB Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia RMNH Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuur- lijke Historie), Leiden, The Netherlands ZMA Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter 299 Abbreviations for private collections: CRBT collection Ronald B r e c h l in , Tegernsee, Germany CSKL collection Steve K o h l l , Kayl, Luxembourg CSKN collection Stefan K a g e r , Nürnberg, Germany CSNB collection Stefan N a u m a n n , Berlin, Germany CTBL collection Thierry B o u y e r , Liège, Belgium CUPW collection Ulrich & Laela H. P a u k s t a d t , Wilhelmshaven, Germany CWAN collection Wolfgang A. N ä s s i g , Frankfurt/Main, Germany GP no. dissection/genitalia slide number Antheraea (Antheraea) rosemariae n. sp. Holotype: <3, Indonesia, Sulawesi Utara, Dumonga-Bone N. P., 23 March 1985, Camp T440’ [1140 m], at MV light (T. H a r m a n Sc M. G. A l l e n ), [Project Wallace], in MZB, Bogor, Indonesia. Paratypes (all specimens from Indonesia, Sulawesi), <3kJ: 4 â â ,as holotype, 21, 23, 23, 25 March, BMNH (1 <$ GP BM saturniid slide 637) • 1 (3, S. Sulawesi, Mt. Sampuraga, 2°10' S, 120°45' E, 1400 m, 1.-6. ii. 1995, leg. S in ja e v 8c T a r a s o v , ex coll. S. N a u m a n n , RMNH • 1 <3, C. Sulawesi, S Batas, 68 km N Wotu, Trans-Sulawesi Highway, 21. x. 1993, disturbed rainforest along road, 1270 m, leg. J. P. Sc M. J. D u f f e l s , ZMA; 1 ç?, C. Sulawesi, S Batas, 60 km N Wotu, Trans-Sulawesi Highway, 22. x. 1993, primary rainforest along road, 2° 16' S, 120°47' E, ca. 1000 m, leg. J. P. fie M. J. D u f f e l s , ZMA • 3 cfc?, Central Sulawesi, Mt. Sampuraga, 1400 m, 2°10' S, 120°45r E, 25. i l - 3 0 . in. 1995, leg. S a l k , CRBT • 2 ¿fcf, Süd-Sulawesi, Maros, 21. vin. 1992, leg. B a h r u d d in , CSKL; 5 efe?, Grenze SüdVZentral-Sulawesi, nördl. Toraja-Land, Pulu Pulu, vi. 1995, leg. T a ju d d in , CSKL • 1 cf, S. Sulawesi, Puncak [Palopo], 850 m, 2. n. 1980 (the earliest collecting year known!), leg. K a g e r , CSKN • 1 cj, Süd-Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, Umg. Puncak Palopo, v. 1994, leg. einh. Fänger, CSNB; 4 <$<$, Süd- Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, Umg. Puncak Palopo, vi. 1994, leg. B a h a r u d d in , CSNB; 1 (3, Süd-Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, Straße Rantepao-Palopo, ca. 5 km E Puncak Palopo, ca. 1000 m, 30. v i i . 1994, leg. N a u m a n n , CSNB; 1 (J, Süd-Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, Straße Rantepao-Palopo, ca. 5 km E Puncak Palopo, ca. 1050 m, 31. v i i . 1994, leg. N a u m a n n , CSNB; 1 ( J , Süd-Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, Puncak Palopo, ca. 1200 m, 31. v i i . 1994, leg. G a l a , CSNB; 3 <$<$, Batas [= border] Süd- /Zentral-Sulawesi, Gn. Sampuraga, road to Telkom Station (ca. 0.5 km), ca. 1250 m, 2. vin. 1994, leg. N a u m a n n , CSNB; 1 S, Zentral-Sulawesi, Lake Poso, vie. Pendolo, ca. 1 km NW Boe (pasture land), 520 m, 3. vm. 1994, leg. N a u m a n n , CSNB (GP no. 939/95 N ä s s ig ); 3 <$<$, Z. Sulawesi, Pompangeo Mts., road Pendolo-Tentena, ca. 2 km N Taripa, ca. 1000 m, 4. vm. 1994, leg. N a u m a n n , CSNB; 19 ¿ 'd ', S . Sulawesi, Mt. Sampuraga, 2° 10' S, 120°45' E, 1400 m, 1.-6. n. 1995, leg. S in ja e v ec T a r a s o v , CSNB; 1 ($, Z. Sulawesi, Kulawi, 1°26' S, 120°00' E, 1000 m, 7.-8. i i . 1995, leg. S in ja e v ec T a r a s o v , CSNB; 3 <$<$, Sulawesi Selatan, Tanah Toraja, Pulu Pulu, ca. 1800 m, v i i . 1995, leg. S. A l a m ec A . H a k im , ©Entomologischer Verein Apollo e.V. Frankfurt am Main; download unter 300 CSNB; 21 S S y Sulawesi Selatan, Gn. Sampuraga, 1400 m, v i i . 1995, leg. S. A la m 6 A . H a k im [?], CSNB; 3 SSy Sulawesi Selatan, Tanah Toraja, Puncak Palopo, Telkom-Station, 1300 m, vin. 1995, leg. G a l a , CSNB; 1 d> Sulawesi Selatan, Tanah Toraja, Puncak Palopo, Telkom-Station, 1300 m, 19. vin. 1995, leg. local collectors, CSNB; 1 d> Sulawesi Selatan, Tanah Toraja, Puncak Palopo, 1300 m, 19.
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