European Parliament 2019-2024

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European Parliament 2019-2024 European Parliament 2019-2024 Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development AGRI_PV(2019)0722_1 MINUTES Meeting of 23 July 2019, 9.00 – 12.30 (coordinators’ meeting) and 14.30 – 18.30 BRUSSELS 23 July 2019, 9.00 – 12.30 (coordinators’ meeting) 1. Coordinators’ meeting The coordinators met in camera. Their decisions were approved by the Committee on Tuesday, 23 July 2019. * * * The meeting opened at 14.40 on Tuesday, 23 July 2019, with Norbert Lins (Chair) presiding. With the Council and Commission 2. Adoption of agenda AGRI_OJ(2019)0722_1 The draft agenda was adopted. 3. Chair's announcements Minutes silence for Mr André Jorge Dionisio Bradford (S&D, PT). 4. Election of the third Vice-Chair The Chair Norbert Lins called for nominations for the election of the third Vice-Chair. • Clara Aguilera (S&D, ES) was proposed by Paolo De Castro (S&D, IT) on behalf of the S&D Group. • Mazaly Aguilar (ECR, ES) was proposed by Anthea McIntyre (ECR, UK) on behalf of the ECR Group. The Chair indicated that the election of the third Vice-Chair would take place by the secret PV\1189255EN.docx PE641.078v02-00 EN United in diversityEN ballot (electronic vote). After the secret ballot, Norbert Lins announced the result of the vote: Mazaly Aguilar (ECR, ES) with 27 votes for, Clara Aguilera (S&D, ES) with 20 votes for. The Chair Norbert Lins declared Mazaly Aguilar (ECR, ES) elected as third Vice-Chair of the AGRI committee. Speakers: Norbert Lins, Mazaly Aguilar, Paolo De Castro, Anthea McIntyre, Clara Aguilera 5. Election of the fourth Vice-Chair The Chair Norbert Lins called for nominations for the election of the fourth Vice-Chair. • Elsi Katainen (Renew, FI) was proposed by Ulrike Müller (Renew, DE) on behalf of the Renew Group. • Maxette Pirbakas (ID, FR) was proposed by Gilles Lebreton (ID, FR) on behalf of the ID Group. The Chair indicated that the election of the fourth Vice-Chair would take place by the secret ballot (electronic vote). After the secret ballot, Norbert Lins announced the result of the vote: Elsi Katainen (Renew, FI) with 29 votes for, Maxette Pirbakas (ID, FR) with 9 votes for. The Chair Norbert Lins declared Elsi Katainen (Renew, FI) elected as fourth Vice-Chair of the AGRI committee. Speakers: Norbert Lins, Ulrike Müller, Gilles Lebreton, Maxette Pirbakas, Elsi Katainen 6. Exchange of views with Commissioner Phil Hogan, responsible for agriculture and rural development Speakers: Norbert Lins, Phil Hogan, Herbert Dorfmann, Paolo De Castro, Ulrike Müller, Martin Häusling, Ivan David, Anthea McIntyre, Luke Ming Flanagan, Phil Hogan, Matt Carthy, Carmen Avram, Eric Andrieu, Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Anja Hazekamp, Clara Aguilera, Maria Noichl, Juozas Olekas, Elsi Katainen, Petri Sarvamaa, Mairead McGuinness, Álvaro Amaro, Anne Sander, Marlene Mortler, Jarosław Kalinowski, Gilles Lebreton, Maxette Pirbakas, Mazaly Aguilar, Jérémy Decerle, Asim Ademov, Irène Tolleret, Sheila Ritchie, Alyn Smith, Bronis Ropė, Peter Jahr, Daniel Buda, Dino Giarrusso, Benoît Biteau, Sarah Wiener, Bert-Jan Ruissen, Simone Schmiedtbauer, Martin Buschmann, Naomi Long, Phil Hogan, Clara Aguilera, Eric Andrieu, Phil Hogan. 7. General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - all sections AGRI/9/00552 2019/2028(BUD) PE641.078v02-00 2/17 PV\1189255EN.docx EN Rapporteur for the opinion: Paolo De Castro (S&D) PA – PE639.624v01-00 AM – PE639.812v01-00 AB – PE640.618v01-00 Responsible: BUDG – Monika Hohlmeier (PPE) DT – PE639.763v02-00 Eider Gardiazabal Rubial (S&D) Consideration of draft opinion Deadline for tabling amendments: 25 July 2019, 13.00 Speakers: Norbert Lins, Pina Picierno, Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez, Elsi Katainen, Benoît Biteau, Eric Andrieu, Bert-Jan Ruissen, Anne Sander, Daniel Buda, Irène Tolleret, Sarah Wiener, Luke Ming Flanagan, Jérémy Decerle, Pina Picierno, Georg Haeusler (DG AGRI) 8. Approval of recommendations issued by AGRI Coordinators 1. DEALING WITH UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1.1. CAP Legislative Proposals Decision: Postponed to the next meeting of Coordinators 2. OTHER PENDING FILES 2.1. Cloning of certain animals (Joint ENVI-AGRI files) 2.1.1. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the cloning of animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species kept and reproduced for farming purposes - 2013/0433(COD) - COM(2013)0892 2.1.2. Proposal for a Council Directive on the placing on the market of food from animal clones – 2013/0434 (APP) - COM (2013)0893 Decision: Postponed to the next meeting of Coordinators The Greens have expressed an interest 3. REPORTS - APPOINTMENT OF RAPPORTEURS 3.1 CAP Strategic Plan Regulation 2018/0216(COD) - COM(2018)0392 Decision: EPP to appoint a Rapporteur 3.2. Financing, management and monitoring of the CAP (Horizontal Regulation) 2018/0217(COD) - COM(2018)0393 PV\1189255EN.docx 3/17 PE641.078v02-00 EN Decision: Renew Europe to confirm Rapporteur 3.3. CAP Amending Regulation (CMO) 2018/0218(COD) - COM(2018)0394 Decision: S&D to confirm Rapporteur 4. ATTRIBUTION OF OPINIONS 4.1 Budget 2020 Decision: Allocated to the S&D Group Rapporteur mandated to table amendments restoring the draft budget 4.2. Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of an agreement with the United States of America on the Allocation to the United States of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota provided for by Regulation (EC) No 617/2009 of 13 July 2009 opening an autonomous tariff quota for imports of high-quality beef COM(2019) 297 final - 2019/0142 (NLE) COM(2019) 296 final - 2019/0141 (NLE) Decision: Postponed to the next meeting of Coordinators 4.3. Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and Ukraine amending the trade preferences for poultry meat and poultry meat preparations provided for by the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part COM(2019) 267 final - 2019/0132 (NLE) Decision: Postponed to the next meeting of Coordinators ECR and S&D have expressed an interest 5. REQUESTS FOR ITEMS TO BE INCLUDED IN UPCOMING MEETING AGENDAS 5.1. Dedicated exchange of views on the Mercosur trade agreement Decision: Organise a Public Hearing on Mercosur during the 2nd half of 2019 and to invite representatives from DG AGRI and DG TRADE 5.2. Request from Jan Huitema (RE) to include during the AGRI meeting of 4-5 September the issue of patentability of plants in view of a decision of the Technical Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office Decision: Include an item on the patentability of plants on the agenda of the PE641.078v02-00 4/17 PV\1189255EN.docx EN AGRI meeting of 4-5 September 6. APPOINTMENT OF STANDING RAPPORTEURS 6.1 STOA Panel Decision: Political Groups are to agree on the 3 AGRI Members to be appointed to the STOA Panel 6.2 Gender Mainstreaming Network Decision: S&D will appoint a Standing Rapporteur for the first half of the legislature term (i.e. until December 2021), with Renew Europe appointing a Substitute Member For the second half of the legislative term (i.e. from January 2022), Renew Europe will appoint a Standing Rapporteur with the S&D Group appointing a Substitute Member 6.3. PETI Network Decision: EPP and S&D to agree on the appointment of a Standing Rapporteur and Substitute 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND MISSIONS TO BE ORGANISED BY AGRI DURING THE SECOND HALF OF 2019 AND THE FIRST HALF OF 2020 7.1. Public hearings to be organised by AGRI during the second half of 2019 Decision: (A) Second half of 2019 Organise a Public Hearing on Mercosur Organise a Workshop on the CAP Reform (B) First half of 2020 Political Groups are invited to submit proposals for Public Hearings by the internal deadline of 3 October (by 18h00). Each proposal should be accompanied by title, justification, suggested dates, number of guests 7.2. Missions to be organised by AGRI in 2019 and 2020 Decision: (A) Second half of 2019 Organise a mission to France during week 44 (28 October - 1 November) (B) First half of 2020 Political Groups are invited to submit proposals for Missions by the internal deadline of 27 September (noon). Each proposal should be accompanied by a reasoned justification, as well as the estimated number of participating MEPs must accompany all proposals. 8. PETITIONS PV\1189255EN.docx 5/17 PE641.078v02-00 EN 8.1. Petition No 0020/2019 by Marco Bava (Italian) on banning the use of sewage sludge in agriculture in Europe 8.2. Petition No 0076/2019 by Manuela Giacomini (Italy), on behalf of Animal Welfare Foundation, on blood farms and Pregnant Mare’s Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) Decision: The AGRI Committee will take note of the above-mentioned petitions and inform the Chair of the PETI Committee that it has done so 9. MISCELLEANEOUS DECISIONS 9.1. Calendar of Meetings - 2nd half of 2019 Decision: The calendar of ordinary AGRI Committee meetings for the second half of 2019 as laid out in Annex I is approved 9.2. Publication of Voting Lists and Compromise Amendments Decision: No publication 9.3. Paperless Committee Decision: The Secretariat will send an email to all AGRI Members, with a deadline, asking whether they insist to have a paper dossier printed 9.4. Inter-parliamentary Conference, “CAP2020 - From Arguments to Settlement”, 27-28 October 2019 (Helsinki, Finland) Decision: The Secretariat is instructed to reply to the Liaison Officer of the Parliament of Finland proposing that the Chair (or a Vice Chair) be invited as a keynote speaker and that an invitation be extended to Members of the AGRI Committee who wish to attend (at their own expense) 10.
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