Information about ten of lord

Continue The King of The of Tret south, Cartaviriya Arjuna, and his army visited Parashuram's father in his ashram, and the saint was able to feed them to the divine cow Kamadhan. The king demanded the animal, The Jamadignah refused, and the king took it by force and destroyed the ashram. then killed the king in his palace and destroyed his army. In retaliation, Kartaviri's sons killed Jamadignya. Parashurama swore to kill every on earth twenty times and filled them with blood five lakes. Eventually, his grandfather, Rucheeka, showed up and made him stop. He is Chiranjivi (immortal) and is believed to be alive today in repentance in Mahendragiri. Parashurama is best known for saving the world from kshatriya twenty times after the mighty King Of Cartavirya killed his father. He played an important role in and , serving as a mentor to Bishma, Karna and Drones. Parashurama also fought off the advancing seas to save the lands of Konkan, Malabar and . He is one of the seven immortals mentioned in the scriptures. The ten main incarnations of Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation and life of Dashavatar, are redirected here. For other purposes, see Dashawatar (disambigation). Hindu god Vishnu surrounded by his Avatars Part series of the Supreme Deity Vishnu () / / / Vitoba Important Deities Dashawatar Macia Warah Nar asimha Vaman Parasuram Rama Krishna Other Avatars Nara-Naraya Hanvantari Pritu Venkataswara Balarama Spouse S Sri Bhu Alamelu Neal Associated Scripture Agamas Brachma Sutras Maharata Ramayan Vishnu NaradaYa Acintyabhedabheda) (Shudddhadvaita) Kumara (Dvaitadvaita) Teacher-acharyas Natamuni Nammalwar Romanuja Locacharya Manawala Mamunigal Nimbarka Madhwa Seeing Nia Jiwa Goswamy Harivash Related Tradition Bhagavatism Vayhanas Tokaalais Vadakalya Munitraya Varkari Haridas Sahiya Baul Ekasarana Gaudia ISKCON Radha-Wallabh Ramandi , 19th century. India. (/ˌdæʃəˈvætərə/; : दशावतार, Dashvatara) refers to the ten primary (i.e. complete or complete) incarnations (avatars) of Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation, which has a rigvedic origin. Vishnu is said to descend as an avatar to restore the cosmic order. The word Dashavatar comes from Dasha, which means ten, and (avatar) is roughly equivalent to incarnation. The list of avatars included varies from sect to region, especially with regard to the inclusion of Balarama (Krishna's brother) or . While no list can be indisputably presented as a standard, the most accepted list found in Puranas and other texts is ... Krishna, Buddha. Most of them rely on the following set of numbers, in this order: Kurma; Varah; ; Wamana; Parashurama; Rama; Krishna or Balarama; Buddha or Krishna; and Kalki. In the traditions that omit Krishna, he often replaces Vishnu as the source of all avatars. Some traditions include a regional deity, such as Viphobe or in the penultimate position, replacing Krishna or Buddha. All the avatars appeared, except Kalka, which will appear at the end of -. The order of the ancient concept of Dashawatar was interpreted as reflecting modern Darwinian evolution. The etymology of Dashavatar or dashvatara (दशावतार) means ten avatars or ten incarnations: Dash or Yes (दश) means ten (अवतार) means incarnation of Avatars (अवतार), although Vishnu's avatars are countless and include hermits, Manus, the sons of Manus and other Virgins (gods), because of the curse of Rishi named Bhggu, most of them are only partial (i.e. incomplete) incarnations. Dashavatara is a list of ten complete (i.e. complete) incarnations. Lists of different versions of the list of Vishnu avatars exist, varying depending on the region and tradition. In some lists, Krishna is referred to as the eighth avatar and Buddha as the ninth avatar, while others, such as Yatindramatadipika, a summary of the teachings of Srivaisnawa in the 17th century, give Balarama the eighth avatar, and Krishna the ninth. The latter version is followed by some Vaishnavas who do not accept Buddha as the embodiment of Vishnu. Although no list can be indisputably presented as a standard, the most accepted list found in the Pumas and other texts is Krishna, Buddha. The following table summarizes the position of avatars in Dashavatar in many but not all traditions: Krishna's Position, Buddha (General List) Buddha (Note 4)Note 5 Krishna, Vitoba (note 6) Balarama, Jagannath (Note 7) South 7 1 Macia (fish) Sat-South 7 2 Kurma (turtle) , turtle) 3 Varah (boar, wild pigs) 4 Narasimha (lion man) 5 Vaman (dwarf god) Treta South 6 Parashurama ( warrior) 7 Ramas7 Note 4 Balarama (Balarama) Balarama (15) Krishna (Balarama (16) Dwapara Yuga, in the case of Buddha 7 9 Buddha Buddha (Note 1) Vitoba (Yagannath) 10 Kalki (predicted 10th avatar that finishes Kali-south) Kali South In the main article of Puman: Punash , Padma, Garuda, Linga, , Scanda and Varah Puranas mention the common (Krishna, Buddha) list of Dashavatar. (note 9) has two lists, one long list with Krishna and Buddha, and a list with Balarama and Buddha that replaces frame. (note 10) Purana has Balarama and Krishna. (note 11) The list with Krishna and Buddha is also in Garuda Purana Saroddhara, a commentary or extracted essence of Garud Puran (i.e. not Purana herself, with whom he seems confused): Fish, Turtle, Boar, Lion Man, Dwarf, Parasurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki: These ten names should always be. Those who read them next to the patient are called relatives.- Garuda Purana Saroddhara by Nawanidhiram (translated by E. Wood and S.V. Subrahmanyama), Chapter VIII, Verses 10-11,30'31' Description of avatars from the 1st to the 5th of the dashawatara on the gopurama of the temple of Udupi, . 1 - , fish. King Vaivaswata finds a small fish in the palm of his hand while performing tarpan (offer of water). Manu holds the fish, which continues to grow, eventually releasing it into the ocean, realizing that it is Vishnu. Vishnu informs Manu of the mountainous destruction of the world, through fires and floods, and sends Manu to collect all the creatures of the world and keep them safe on a boat built by the gods. When the flood (Praaya) comes, Vishnu appears in the form of a big fish with horns to which Manu connects the boat, which brings them to safety. 2 - Kurma, giant tortoise. When the virgins and sunk the Ocean of Milk to get , the nectar of immortality, , which they used when the churning staff began to sink, and Vishnu took the form of a turtle to carry the weight of the mountain. 3 - Varah, wild boar. He seemed to defeat Hiranjaksha, the demon who took Earth, or , and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean (just as in ether theory) in history. The battle between Varah and is believed to have lasted a thousand years, the first one finally won. Varah took the Earth out of the ocean between tusks and restored it to its place in the universe. 4 - Narasimha, semi-man/semi lion. Jaya and his brother Vijay are cursed by the sage Sanak when they prevent him from seeing Vishnu, and will be reborn three times as demons () to be killed by Vishnu. In their first demonic birth they become Hiranyaksha and Hinanyakhip. Hinyakashisha persecuted everyone for their religious beliefs, including his son, who was a follower of Vishnu. he was protected by , and by no means could be Vishnu descended as an anthropomorphic incarnation, with the body of man and the head and claws of a lion. He gutted Hiranyakaship and put an end to the persecution of people, including his devotee Prahlad. 5 - Vamana, dwarf. The fourth descendant of Vishnu, Bali, with devotion and repentance was able to defeat , the god of firmament. This humiliated other deities and expanded his power over the three worlds. The gods turned to Vishnu for protection, and he descended like Aman's boy. During the yajana (य) He was approached by Vaman, and Bali promised him everything he asked. Vaman asked for three steps of the earth. Bali agreed, and the dwarf then changed its size to a giant Trivikrama look. With his first step he covered the earthly kingdom, and the second covered the heavenly kingdom, thus symbolically covering the abode of all living beings. He then took the third step for the lower world. Bali realized that Wamana was the embodiment of Vishnu. As a mark of respect, the king offered his head as a third place for Waman to place his foot. Avatar did this and thus bestowed the immortality of Bali and makes him the ruler of Patal, the lower world. This legend appears in the hymn 1.154 of and other Vedic as well as puranic texts. Parashurama, a warrior with an axe. He is the son of Jamadani and Renuki and was bestowed as a blessing, an axe after shiva's repentance. He was the first -kshatriya in , or a wise warrior who was to follow the of both Brahms, as well as the Kshatriya. One day, when King Kartaviria Arjuna and his hunting party settled on the ashram of Jamadaya, Parashurawa's father, and the sage was able to feed them all with the help of the divine cow . The king demanded a cow, but Jamadani refused. The furious king forcibly took him and destroyed the ashram. Parashurama then killed the king in his palace and destroyed his army. In retaliation, Kartaviri's sons killed Jamadignya. Parashurama swore to kill every Kshatriya on earth twenty times and filled them with blood five lakes. Eventually, his grandfather, Rishi Ruchek, appeared before him and made him stop. He is chiranjeevi (immortal) and is believed to be alive today in repentance in Mahendragiri. He is also credited with creating the coastal belt of Karnataka and Kerala throwing his mighty axe in accordance with . The place the axe landed in the sea got its water displaced and the land that arose, thus became known as the coast of Karnataka and the entire Kerala. Anantasyan Vishnu with Lakshmi, his ten avatars above him (annotated), 6th - 8th centuries Badami, Karnataka 7 - Rama, prince and king Ayodha. He is a common avatar in Hinduism, and is considered an ideal model of a general prince without superpowers, despite being an embodiment. Ihs is told in one of Hindu scriptures, Ramayana. While in exile from his kingdom, along with his brother Lakshman and the god Hanuman, his wife Sita was kidnapped by the demon king . He went to Lanka, killed the king of demons and saved Sita. Rama and Sita returned home and were crowned. Prince Rama's return to the kingdom of Ayodha is celebrated as the Diwali Festival across India. 8 - Krishna (sometimes 9 or 0) or Balarama: 8 8 - Krishna was the eighth son of and and the adopted son of and . Often worshipping a deity in Hinduism, he is a hero of various legends, especially Kansa- Wadha and Mahabharata and embodies several qualities such as love, duty, compassion and playfulness. Krishna's birthday is celebrated every year by on the Janmasht lunar-solar Hindu calendar, which falls at the end of August or the beginning of September according to the Gregorian calendar. Krishna is usually depicted with a flute in her hand. Krishna is also the central character in Mahabharata, Bhagavat Purana, and Bhagavad Gita. - Balarama, Krishna's older brother, is seen as Shesha's avatar as a continuation of , a form of Lord Vishnu. Balarama is included as Vishnu's eighth avatar on Sri Vaishnawa's lists, where Buddha is omitted and Krishna appears as the ninth avatar on this list. It is especially included in the lists where Krishna is removed and becomes the source of all. 9 - Buddha; Sometimes Krishna (sometimes 8 or 0), Viphobe, Or Jagannath. 9 - Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is usually included as an avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. Buddha is sometimes depicted in Hindu scriptures as a preacher who misleads and takes demons and heretics away from the vedic scriptures, but another glance praises his compassionate teacher who preached the path of (nonviolence). (Note 1) - Krishna; Usually at the age of 8, sometimes in 0 (9) - in and the image of Vitoba replaces Buddha as the ninth avatar of Vishnu in some temple sculptures and Hindu astrological almanacs. In some of the literary works of Odia, Jagannath was regarded as the Ninth Avatar, replacing Buddha. 10 - Kalki is described as the final incarnation of Vishnu, which appears at the end of each Kali-yuga. He will be on top of a white horse, and his sword will be drawn, blazing like a comet. He appears when only chaos, evil and persecution prevail, the dharma is gone, and he finishes the wicket-sub to restart Satya-sub and another cycle of existence. [38] Историческое развитие Вишну Дашаватара надпись Matsyah Курмо Варахас-ча Нарасимхас-ча Вамана Рамо Рамас-ча Рамас-ча Будда Калки-ча-те-даса Рыба, Черепаха, Кабан, Человек-лев, Dwarf, Parasurama, Dasharathi Rama, Balarama, Buddha and Kalki are your ten. Entrance to the sanctuary, Adivarah Cave (7th century), Mahabalipuram; the early epigraphy associated with the avatar is noted in the main article of Buddha: Buddha in Hinduism Buddha was included as one of the avatars of Vishnu under Bhagavatism between 330 and 550 AD The mythology of Buddha in the tradition of and Vishnu in Hinduism have a number of structural and significant similarities. For example, in the states of Indologist John Holt, Cosmogony and Cosmology of Theravada, it is stated that Buddha overcame 6,800,000 Yojan in three steps, including the earth to , and then put his right foot over Yujandhara, a legend that parallels with Vamana's avatar in Hinduism. Similarly, the Buddha is said to have been born in Theravada mythology, when the dharma is in decline to preserve and support the dharma. Perhaps this resemblance contributed to the assimilation of Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu. The acceptance of Buddha as an avatar in bhagavatism was catalysing in the assimilation of Buddhism into the mythical hierarchy of . By the 8th century AD, Buddha was included as an avatar of Vishnu in several Pumanas. This assimilation is indicative of Hindu ambivalence towards Buddha and Buddhism, and there is also a tradition that there were two Buddhas. According to this tradition, the first was the ninth avatar of Vishnu, and the second was the historical Buddha. Conversely, Vishnu was also assimilated into TheInghal Buddhist culture, and Buddhism is sometimes referred to as a Bhagavatism Buddha. By this time, Dashawatar's concept had been fully developed. The door of the temple depicting Dashavatar from Vitoba in the temple of Balaji, Goa. From the top left corner, the watch wise: Matsya, Narasimha, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Kalki, Wamana, Vitoba, Varah and Kurma. Krishna in her Pralaye Paiodhi Jale from includes Balarama and Buddha, where Krishna equates to Vishnu and the source of all avatars. In tradition, emphasizing Bhagavat Purana, Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of God, from which everything else comes. Gaudia Vaishnavas worships Krishna as Swayamu , or the source of incarnations. Wallabh and (philosophical schools) go even further, worshipping Krishna not only as a source of other incarnations, but also with Vishnu himself, associated with the descriptions in Bhagavat Purana. Mahanubhawas, also known as Jai Kishani Panth, considers Lord Krishna the highest God and does not consider Dashavatar's list, considering another list of Panchavatar (5 Avatars). Thirty-nine avatars are mentioned in Pascaratra, including those such as Garuda. However, despite these lists, a generally accepted number of ten avatars for Vishnu was recorded long before the 10th century AD. Jyotisha's interpretation of the term Jyotisha refers to Hindu or Vedic astrology, one of six or auxiliary disciplines associated with the Vedas. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra mentions Dashavatar as follows: from the Sun God The Incarnation of Rama, from the Moon of Krishna, from Mars, that of Narasimha, from Mercury, from Jupiter, from Jupiter, that of Vamana, from Venus, that Parasurama, from Saturn, that of Kurma (Turtle), from Rahu, that the rest of the incarnations are through Graha. Creatures with large paramatmams (i.e. Rama, Krishna, Narasimha and Varah) are called divine beings.- Brihat Parasara Chora Sastra, Translation by R. Santanama (1984), Chapter 2, The verses 5-7.64 are remarkable, according to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra - an important Sastra or a compilation of Indian astrology for prediction (i.e. divination) - although all ten Dashawatar have appropriate astrological symbols, only four are considered divine beings (i.e. Rama, Krishna, Narasimha and Varya). The sun is the soul of all. The moon is the mind. Mars is power. Mercury is a speech giver while Jupiter gives knowledge and happiness. Venus controls sperm (potency), while Saturn denotes grief. Royal status are the Sun and Moon while Mars is the commander-in- chief of the army. Prince is obviously in Mercury. The ministerial planets are Jupiter and Venus. Saturn is a servant. Rahu and form a planetary army. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Translated by R. Santanama (1984), Chapter 3, Verses 12-15-65 Evolutionary Interpretation of Dasavatar, 19th Century Some modern translators interpret the ten main avatars of Vishnu as an ascendant order from simple life forms to more complex forms of life, and see Dashavatar as a reflection, or foreshadowing, of modern evolution theory. This interpretation was first composed by Saint Gaudia Vaishnawa Bhativida Takura in his 1873 book ,Datta- Kaustubha and again in his 1880 book Krishna Saita. Theosophist Elena Blavatsky also confirmed this in her 1877 opus. Bhaktivinoda Thakura offered the following order : Matsya - fish (Paleozoic era) Kurma - amphibian tortoise (Mesozoic era) the last animal and semi-human avatar (Kenozoic era) - a growing dwarf and the first step to the human form of Parasuram - hero, but the imperfect human form of Rama - another hero, physically perfect, befriends the talking deity Hanuran Krishna, the son of Devaki, a Buddha - the founder of Buddhism Kalki - is not yet to happen and savior , and looks like Christian Madame Blavatsky believed that Christians were undoubtedly copied from hindus (66) Blavatsky believed that the Avatar-related were an allegorical presentation of Darwinian evolution. Some orientalists and reformist Hindus in India have picked up on this idea to rationalize Hinduism as appropriate to modern science. Keshub Sen stated in 1882 that puranas speak of various manifestations or incarnations of the Deity in different eras of world history. Lo! The Hindu Avatar rises from the lowest standard of living through fish, turtle and pigs to the perfection of mankind. Indian Avatarism is, indeed, a rough representation of the ascending scale of Divine creation. This is the modern theory of evolution. In addition, Aurobindo viewed Avataric Evolutionism as a parable of evolution that disapproves of evolutionism but hints at transformative phases of spiritual progress. According to Nanda, Dashavatar's concept has led some Hindus to claim that their religion is more open to scientific theories, and has not opposed or persecuted scholars among them, like Christianity and Islam. But, Nanda adds, Hinduism has many cosmological theories, and even Vaishnava with the Concept of Dashavatar clearly does not teach the evolution of species, but declares the endless cycles of creationism. Dashavatar's concept appealed to other scientists. Monier Monier-Williams wrote: Indeed, the Indians were ... Darwinians centuries before the birth of Darwin and evolutionists centuries before the doctrine of evolution were adopted by Huxley of our time, and before any word like evolution existed in any language of the world . J.B.S. Haldane suggested that Dashavatara gave a rough idea of vertebrate evolution: fish, turtle, wild boar, lion man, dwarf, and then four people (Kalki was not yet born). Nabinchandra Sen explains Dashavatar's evolution of Darwin in his Raivata. K.D. Deshmukh also noted the striking similarities between Darwin's theory and Dashavatar's theory. Some Vaishnava Hindus reject this concept of Avataral Evolutionism. For example, Prakashan argues that this apologeticism degrades the divine status of Rama and Krishna, Rama's unjustified sequence, as inferior to Krishna as Buddha. Rama and Krishna are supremely divine, each right and perfect for the circumstances in which they appeared, Prakashananda said. Notes : b c d e f h Buddha as avatar Vishnu: Krishna, Buddha Printed sources Bansal, Sunita Pant, Hindu gods and goddesses, p.27, Vishnu Dashavatar; Dalal, Roshen (2010), Hinduism: Alphabet Manual, Penguin Books of India, ISBN 9780143414216, p.112, Dashavatara. Dalal: The standard and most accepted list found in Puranas and other texts: Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Doniger O'Flaherty, Wendy (1994), Hindu Myths, Penguin Books of India, ISBN 97801400011111, p.175. Doniger: Vishnu is usually said to have had ten incarnations of Krsna and Buddha. Flood, Gavin D. (1996), Introduction to Hinduism, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-43878-0, p.116. Flood:... 8 century standard number of descent-forms in Vaisnava Puranas 10. This is. Krsna, Buddha. Klostermeier, Klaus K. (2007), Hinduism: Beginners' Guide, Oneworld Publishing, Visnu Avataras. Klostermaier: The most common tradition speaks of ten such avatars of Krsna Buddha. Krishna, Nandita (2010), Vishnu Book, Penguin Books of India, ISBN 9780143067627, p.28-29. Krishna: Krishna Buddha There is a difference of opinion as to whether Buddha was the embodiment of Vishnu Alternative is Balarama, Rama plough and older brother Krishna, who is listed after Rama, thereby removing buddha and making Krishna the ninth incarnation. Limbing, David Adams, Dictionary of Asian Mythology, page 19, Avatar Lochtefeld, James G. (2001), Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: A-M, Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., ISBN 9780823931798, p.73, Avatar. Lochtefeld: While there are some changes to the list of Vishnu Avatars, the gnerally accpeted list is as follows, Krishna, Buddha. Vaswani, J.P. (2017), Dasavatara, Jaico Publishing House, ISBN 9789386867186, p.12-14; Albert Vuaku (July 11, 2013). Hindu gods in West Africa: Ghanaian devotees Shiva and Krishna. Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-25571-5.CS1 maint: ref'harv (link), p.148. Balarama, Buddha Nagaswami, N. (2010), Mahabalipuram (Mamallapuram), Oxford University Publishing House, p.27 Web sources Encyclopedia Britannica, Avatar Indefinite Holt, John Clifford (2008), Buddhist Vishnu: Religious Transformation, Politics and Culture, p.14-15; p.372 note 9 refers to the four Puranas who mention Buddha in 9th position: Varah Purana 4.2; Matza Pulana 285.6-7; Agni Purana 49.8; X.40.22 and I.3. Krishna/Balarama, Buddha Hare Krsnas, Incarnations of the Lord - Dasavatar - Ten primary incarnations of Visnu. The Krsnas hare refers to the eight avatars as Krsna and as Balarama. Leiden: Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra. Leiden: South Decan, Mimore. b c Hare Krsnas, Incarnations of the Lord - Dasavatar - Ten primary incarnations of Visnu. The Krsnas hare refers to the eight avatars as Krsna and as Balarama. Leiden: Rajasthan, Nepal, North Dean. Maharashtra, Goa. Prabhat Mukherjee: Orissa; Leiden: West Bengalis. Donald Larocca, of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, describes the cathar with Rama-Krishna-Buddha, calling Rama Ramachandra, or alternate balarama. However, Hoiberg specifically claims that Rama, as an avatar of Vishnu, is Ramachandra. (18) Purna: Agni, Chapter 49 (list 1), Volume 1, Chapter 86, Poems 10-11 (one of two lists) Ling, Part 2, Chapter 48, Verses 31-32 Narada, Part 4, Chapter 119, Poems 14-19-22 Padma, Part 7: 66.44-54; 71.23-29; Part 9: 229.40-44-24, Chapter 4, Poems 2-3; Chapter 48, verses 17-22; and Chapter 211, verse 69.26 Scanda, Part 15: Reva Handa: Chapter 151, Poems 1-7 Volume 3, Chapter 30, Verse 37.28 Shiva, Part 4: Vaayavia Samhita: Chapter 30, Verses 56-58 and Chapter 31, verses 134- 136 .29 - This 7th century (or early 8th century) inscription is important for several reasons. This is the earliest known stone inscription about the ten avatars of Vishnu, and before that they are in the old texts. The stone inscription refers to Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu in a Hindu temple. Nor does it mention Krishna, but Balarama is consistent with the old Hindu and Jain texts of southern India, formerly equating Krishna to be identical to Vishnu. Some modern Hindus also claim to have two Buddhas, the Puranic Buddha mentioned in Bhagavat Purana 1.3.24, which was the incarnation of Vishnu, and the historic Buddha, who, they said, was not the embodiment of Vishna. They also claim that the is not an epithet for Buddha Gautama, and that Sugata's Buddha refers to the Buddha avatar Vishnu. From this point of view, Sugata Buddha and Gautama Buddha were two different people. Thus, there is no evidence that Buddha Sugata, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was in any way associated with atheism. See also the Joint Declaration: Buddha is not an Avatar of Vishnu. Subnots : Bhagavata Purana 1.3.24, Bhagavata Purana 1 Chapter 3: Krishna is the Source of All Incarnations, Line 24 Links - b Dalal 2010, p. 112. sfn error: several goals (2×): CITEREFDalal2010 (help) - b Lochtefeld 2002, page 73. sfn error: no goal: CITEREFLochtefeld2002 (help) b Doniger O'Flaherty 1994, p. 175. sfn error: multiple goals (2×): CITEREFDoniger_O'Flaherty1994 (help) - b Klostermaier 2007. error sfn: several goals (2×): CITEREFKlostermaier2007 (help) - b Krishna 2010, page 28-29. sfn error: several goals (2×): CITEREFKrishna2010 (help) - b d e f g h i j k l Leyden 1982, p. 22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Vaswani 2017, p. 12-14. sfn error: several goals (2×): CITEREFVaswani2017 (help) - b d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Carman 1994, p. 211-212. a b c d e f h h Pathak, Dr. Arunchandra S. (2006). Junnar. Newspaper department, Maharashtra State Government (first published: 1885). Archive from the original on October 16, 2009. Received on November 3, 2008. 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