Religions of the World
A STUDY GUIDE TO MAJOR LIVIW~ RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Zoroastrianism Judaism Christianity Islam By Douglas Straton Part I .. Hinduism Buddhism For the exclusive· use of students of the University of Oregon Grateful appreciatj.on is hereby acknowledged for permission of publishers to quote from sources herein noted., HINDUISM I. History II,.. Literature III., Basic Ideas IV. The Orthodox Schools V. Yoga Discipline and Hindu Ethics VI. The Ways of Salvation VII. The Bhagavnd-Gita VIII. Personalistic Developments: Ramanuja. IX.. Hinduism in Main Philosophical Themes X., Popular Hinduism XI., Questions HINDUISM ,l.. HistO!;l 1 .. Vedic Hinduism, or the per:j.od when the~ were written, 1500-800 B.,C"' Lyrical writings, embodying nature worship, praise of the gods, prayer, petition; the four castes mentioned, Rig .. V* 10:12., 90 .. Aryan invaders had descended from the north and suppressed the native black people. 2., Classic, Brahmanic Hinduism: 800-500 B. c. a.., Early priestly formalism, and the writing of the Brahmanas. Formulation of sacrifice and rite in worship of the gods,. b. Develo~ment of philosophical Hinduism by sages and the writing of the Ut,mishads, which had taken their distinctive form by the 6th centu:rJ 599-500 B., C.,). The main intellectual content of Hinduism develops in this period., The basic concern was with the problem of evil, pain and suffering, which attended selfhood; realization of the distinction between mind and matter was thought to be essential for the solving of this problem. The type of life, or method, or way of salvation resulting from this outlook was to attain mystic knowledge, by ascetical practices, that would identify the self with Brahman or Absolute Being,.
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