1 The Arizona

Fun Gi - Newsletter of the Arizona Club

ARIZONA MUSHROOM CLUB and the Foray Facts ARIZONA RARE FRUIT GROWERS ODDS & ENDS Spring is here and our Scouts Terry Joining to share information! AMC Member Holly Nipperus recom- Beckman and Jim Stanczak will be A great opportunity for AMC members mended a mushroom wallet for yourself checking sites. If a foray for Morel * Make plans to attend now* or as a gift for your special fungi friend. is set, it will be on short You can find it at: notice. Please check the AMC website for The Arizona Rare Fruit Growers has invited https://www.cartfly.com/bunkyboutique information frequently, more so as the members of The Arizona Mushroom Club scroll down product category menu on weather warms up in the high country in to be their guests at a potluck meeting of the left to wallets. (THANKS HOLLY!) late April through the second week in the two organizations! There will be two, May. short, illustrated lectures on *Growing The 25th New Mexico Mycological Soci- Mushrooms* by Ralph Reynolds, a Club ety Annual Furay is in Taos, Aug. 20- For summer forays, start checking the member from New Mexico, and Dr. Ches- 23+ Unfortunately, this conflicts with website the end of July through ter Leathers, Club President. Several Rare the AMC Foray. But FYI, they do a the second week in September. Fruit Growers are interested in growing vouchering system and collect speci- http://az-mushroom-club.org mushrooms and would like to learn more mens for storage by the Southwest Mu- az_mushroom/AZ_Mushroom_Club_ about fungi and how to grow them. AMC seum of Biology's Herbarium at UNM. Events.htm members can learn about mushroom culti- vation as well as to learn of the success of From the Editor The 2009 White Mountains Foray for late growing rare fruits in the Valley of the This issue is dedicated to the Morel summer mushrooms is scheduled for the Sun. This promises to be an interesting Mushroom, with emphasis on Morels in weekend of August 22 & 23rd. and informative evening. Arizona. The good news is there is a Last years foray was my first with the vast amount of information on every AMC and although I could only attend facet of the morel in print, on video and the first day, it was a great experience. on the internet. The bad news is that The scouts did a great job and there Arizona is rarely mentioned and very were plenty of mushrooms in the chosen little information specific to this state area * I literally left my two friends be- exists. (or a least, very little your hind in my excitement at such a bo- exasperated editor can locate). So I nanza. I hope all of you can make this have endeavored to provide some basic event and bring along any interested and hopefully useful information on the family and friends. There are motels in What and What Not, When, Where and Springerville where many club members How of Morels. May the blessings of will be staying. If you have questions spring be plentiful for you and yours, about the event, contact Terry Beckman and include a bountiful morel season or Dr. Leathers. The club phone number wherever you may roam. is: 602-230-5281 (leave a message) The Rare Fruit Growers will provide a Happy Trails, Shelley Watanabe and the club e-mail is: club@az- potluck dinner including various locally mushroom-club.org. Additional contact grown fruits, among other dishes. For Copious amounts of information on information is available on the club web- Mushroom Club members who wish to Morels (and false morels) I suggest site. Those of you without web/e-mail bring their favorite mushroom dish to these two publications: access, you can call me directly share are encouraged to do so. If needed Spring Morels and False Morels of (Shelley at 928-368-4485) and I will try to keep the food warm, bring an extension Midcontinental U.S. to help or forward information to the cord and crock pot or warming dish. The http://acube.org/volume_27/ appropriate contact. meeting will be held at the Palo Verde v27-4p3-11.pdf Room, University of Arizona Agricultural Extension Building; 4341 East Broadway, Ecology and management of morels between Tempe and Phoenix harvested from the forests of western North America. http://www.fs.fed.us/ MARK THIS DATE and TIME: June 11, pnw/publications/pnw_gtr710/ 2009 (Thursday) at 7:15 PM. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Spring 2009 Officers Inside this Issue Volume 18 - No 1 Chester Leathers, PhD President

The Arizona Fun-Gi Foray Information 1 is the official newsletter of Larry Morehouse Webmaster Announcements 1 Arizona Mushroom Club (AMC) Odds & Ends 1 and is published tri-annually. Sandy Melgaard Treasurer/ Morels-What to Harvest 2,3 All articles appearing Membership What Not to Harvest 3 may be freely reproduced Where, When, How 4 provided the source and Terry Beckham Foray Coordinator Recipes 5 author are acknowledged. Shelley Watanabe Fungi Editor 2 MORELS What to Harvest figure 3 Morels are the fruiting bodies of species Morels generally are a small to large in the genus . They are prized mushroom with a cap and stalk. The inte- Black Morels edible mushrooms that fruit, sometimes rior is hollow. The cap is rounded, oblong prolifically, in many forests throughout to cone-shaped and is honeycombed with much of North America and in temper- ridges and pits. It is attached to the stalk figure 4 ate forests globally. Large gaps remain, for nearly all of its length (except for the however, in our knowledge about half-free morel, which is attached for 1/3 , Morcella angus- morels. Their is confusing and to 2/3 of it’s length). The stalk is well- ticeps & Morcella conica, The Black many North American species lack valid developed, smooth when young and finely Morel: There are several black morel scientific names. Their biology, nutrition, granular with age. The stalk is off-white, species common to North America. life cycle and reproductive modes are ivory to pale cream in color and the sur- They are extremely variable in appear- unusual and complex. Ecologically, we face layer stretches apart with age so it ance, and generally “morphologically do not yet fully understand how and appears enlarged and wrinkled/pleated. 1,3 inseparable"---which means you can't why some morels fruit prolifically Species variations will be noted in the tell them apart by looking at them. following tree death, wildfire, or other Descriptions that follow. Black Morels as a group are however, forest disturbances. Efforts to cultivate fairly distinguishable. The cap is round morels have only been partially to cone-shaped. The ridges of black successful. Morels fruit from Mexico to morels are pale or brownish at first, but Alaska in western North America. quickly begin to darken and by maturity are dark brown to black. The pits are Morel taxonomy above the species level Yellow Morels usually pale brown to brownish through- is not controversial. However, morel figure-1 out development, but may be somewhat species identification is extremely greenish or pinkish, especially at high problematic for a number of reasons, elevations. The pits and ridges are and with DNA and genetic development primarily vertical. The cap is often the field is still evolving. The literature pointed and elongated to rounded-off or on this topic is technical, sometimes even more or less round. The stalk is contradictory, often narrowly focused, whitish or pale brownish, often some- and potentially compromised by the lack Morcella esculenta, The Yellow and what darker than that of other morel of valid scientific names. More than a 1,3,4 Mountain/Western Blonde Morel: The species. dozen North American species of morels yellow morel is found across North have been identified based on DNA America. It grows in a wide variety of analysis of data collected in the Morel ecosystems; and different species are Data Collection Project. Common names associated with certain trees depending for morels are equally rife with confu- upon the regional area. The cap is sion for the amateur mushroomer. rounded to slightly cone-shape. The pits Variations and overlaps in common and ridges are irregularly arranged, and names occur on the continental level 1,2 the top of the cap is usually not pointy. down to regional and local level. The ridges do not darken with age. When Gray Morels figure-5 young, the pits may be dark (or nearly The information presented here is not A series of photographs illustrating color changes black), contrasting starkly with the pale intended to enter into the fray of in a maturing gray morel. Photographs taken ridges. In age, the pits usually fade until scientific or common names. *A rose by June 25, July 2, and July 9, 2003. they are roughly the same yellowish color any other name....* Common names as the ridges. Both the mountain blond used here are based on what is Morchella tomentosa* and yellow morels occur in western North accepted nomenclature for Arizona and not a recognized scientific name, America, but the mountain blond morel neighboring western states. This The Gray Morel: fuzzy foot, appears to be more commonly found in information is offered to provide the black foot/stocking, burn morel. forests (especially fir, lodgepole, amateur mushroomer with basic or ponderosa pine forests), whereas yellow knowledge to begin hunting edible The Gray morel is found in conifer burn morels are found more often in riparian morels. As with any mushroom, you sites in western North America. The cap hardwood forests that are sometimes should only eat species identified by a is cone-shaped. When young, the cap mixed with . Kuo (2006) called this qualified mycologist until such time as and stem are densely covered with vel- putative species the “western blond” you are thoroughly familiar with the vety fine hairs--the result often being a morel, and suggested that it also can be species. morel that looks like it has been dipped found among hardwoods at lower in fuzzy soot. The edges are fragile and elevations. In contrast to the yellow morel editors note* Discerning distinct species break away with age. This morel can the head of the mountain morel is is only the first step in resolving become gray, brownish, yellowish, or relatively narrow rather than oval or taxonomic status. To be recognized as a even whitish--especially when it is ex- rounded, especially in young specimens. species with an acceptable scientific posed to direct sunlight. Thus, while The primary ribs are strongly vertical and name, appropriate collections must be young, black specimens are unmistak- relatively straight, thus producing accessioned to a public herbarium and a able, older specimens can look like sev- elongated pits rather than somewhat taxonomist must publish a thorough eral other types of morels. The gray irregular pits generally attributed to the description of the vouchered collection morel fruits in conifer forests and is blonde morel. 1,3,4 specimens. Naming and publishing must found abundantly the first spring or be in accordance with the International summer after a wildfire and in reduced Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Once a numbers the second post fire year. It is species has been validly named, then found in greatest abundance at high Mountain (blonde) that scientific name is available for use. elevations and northern latitudes. (The Morel Most morels in North America lack burn associated gray is not the same Between two thing as the "gray morel" known to col- scientific names that meet these black morels 1 lectors in the Midwest and eastern North standards. figure-2 America, who use the term for immature forms of the yellow morel. 1,4 3 What NOT to Harvest Disclaimer: As with all mushrooms, never Snow- harvest morels for the table until you are Bank Half-free Morel familiar with all its features and potential (False) figure-6 look-a-likes. This information is not Morel intended for use to identify selected spe- cies. Some of the false morels are dangerously poisonous, especially if eaten raw or in large quantities or raw. Figure 11 Figure 12

Morchella semiliber, The Half-free gigas, The Snowbank : The half-free morel is a small to Morel: The cap of this species is medium medium size mushroom with the cap to large and brainlike in appearance, attached to the stalk roughly half-way deeply convoluted and wrinkled but NOT up, with a substantial portion hanging honeycombed. The cap is yellow-brown "free". The pits and ridges of the are to tan, turning more reddish with age. irregular. The ridges are broad and flat, The interior and undersurface is whitish. moist/velvety when young and darken- The stalk is thick and short, whitish, ing to grayish brown or black with age. ribbed, wrinkled, and multi-channeled in The mature stalk is often long in propor- cross-section. 1,3,4 tion to cap and is usually fragile. The cap of the half-free morel is attached to the stalk 1/3 to 2/3 of it’s length so that a substantial portion hangs free like a skirt. 1,3,4

figure 9 Comparison of three genera Red-brown sometimes referred to as *morels* Blushing Morel Morchella, Gyromitra, and . figure-7 Figure 13 Figure 14 Some species in the genera Gyromitra and Verpa (NOT early morel) contain poisonous compounds and should be avoided. Verpa bohemica is mistakenly called It may be that some people safely eat the "early morel" in some areas. It false Gyromitras and Verpas, but to para- appears very early in the spring, and Morcella rufobrunnea, The Red-brown phrase Capt. C McIlvaine, in All The Rain continues fruiting during the true morel Blushing Morel: The M. rufobrunnea is Promises and More... season. It bears a resemblance to the “morphologically distinct” meaning it has half-free morel, but the half-free is observable features that distinguish it “It is not probable that in our great food- morel is exactly that--half-free-- while from other morels. When young its cap giving country anyone will be narrowed to V bohemica has a cap that hangs is often twisted and pointy and Gyromitra or Verpa for a meal. Until such completely free of the stalk, it is becomes rounded with age. The pits are an emergency arrives, the species would attached only at the top (see figures). dark and mostly vertical when young, be better left alone”. 3 Another way to separate the two mush- becoming lighter and irregular with age. rooms is to cut them open; the half-free The ridges are whitish to gray when Two closely related genera of mushrooms, morel is hollow, while V bohemica usu- young, and become yellowish to Verpa and Gyromitra, have potentially ally has cotton candy-like wisps of flesh brownish-yellow with age. The stalk is harmful species that could be mistaken for inside. On close inspection, the Verpa irregularly wrinkled near base with morels by the inexperienced harvester. has a cap that is (usually) different, as minute dark granules toward the top; These species are springtime mushrooms well; it tends to look wrinkled, rather whitish to cream, pale gray, darker so their season overlaps with the true than pitted (though old specimens can grayish brown, yellowish toward base. morels. Included here are the 4 species develop a "pitted" look. 1,3,4 The most distinctive feature, however, most commonly mistaken for morels, is the fact that all parts of this morel however there are other species resem- blush reddish-pink to rusty brown when bling the morels and you should always be 1,3,4 maturing or in bruising, sometimes certain of your identification. becoming almost completely reddish 1,4,5,7 , The False Morel, brown. Brain Mushroom, Beefsteak Morel: This species is frequently found by morel hunt- ers in northern and western areas of the continent. It can be distinguished by its White Morels figure 15 figure 16 brainlike, reddish brown, irregular cap, figure-8 and by the fact that its stalk is not large in Verpa conica, The Thimble Morel: This is proportion to its cap. 3,4 not a true morel; the caps are not at least partially attached to their stalks. The cap hangs free from the stalk, like a Morchella deliciosa, The White Morel: little brown thimble on the end of a This mushroom is small to medium in pencil. The caps are convex or more size. The cap is often pointed and the frequently thimble shaped; typically with pits and ridges are sparse and usually a slightly out curved margin when more or less vertically arranged. The mature. They are tan to brown to dark mature stalk is often fairly long in pro- brown, smooth, tacky when wet and portion to the cap. They are apparently smooth or very slightly wrinkled at ma- limited to eastern North America's turity, but sometimes broadly lumpy or 1,3,4 hardwood forests. 1,3,4 False Morel, Brain Mushroom figure-10 wrinkled. 4 Where to Hunt Morel finds in Western Oregon and Wash- When to Hunt Morel habitat depends on which region ington are fairly numerous. In Montana and Idaho, morels are found mainly in Morels have been found in February of the country you are hunting. East of through June depending on where you the Rockies, morels are more plentiful, burn areas. Some of these areas have been so prolific that commercial morel are hunting. The bottom line is that and in some places downright bountiful. morels fruit when winter snow has Morels in the Midwest, Southeast, and hunters and buyers have created an entire industry, with tent cities popping up with melted, the soil is beginning to warm, Eastern states, are typically found in and the air is still humid. In any one hardwood forests and are especially the morels each spring following the previous years forest fires. 1,10,11 location, the season can last from sev- associated with certain trees. Trees eral weeks to several months depending noted for morel production include Ash, on rainfall, humidity, topography, and Poplar, Tulip, Cottonwood, Sycamore, Where OhWhere in AZ the morel species. Warmth and humidity dead or dying Elm and Apple, especially Black, Yellow, Half-free and Red-brown provide the conditions morels need to old apple orchards. Hunters say to look: Blushing morels have all made the list of continue development once they start mushrooms found for the Arizona Mycota fruiting. In areas that have hilly or -in sandy soil -never in sandy soils Project. (As gray morels are not yet scien- mountainous topography, morels should -near stumps -at burn sites tifically recognized, it is possible these fruit first at low elevation or on south- -near old sawmills -near wood piles occur in AZ but have not been recorded as facing slopes that warm up early, then -cemeteries -along fence rows such). However, available books and nu- at higher elevations and on north-facing -in Mayapple patches -along roads merous internet websites rarely if ever slopes that warm up later. Burned soils -on south-facing slopes mention Arizona. Only 3 findings were also warm more quickly than non- -on north-facing slopes reported via internet mapping sites, one in burned soils because the black surface -along bottom of slopes 2005 and two in 2006. NO morels from absorbs infrared radiation better. As -along dried river/creek Arizona are included in the data for the 1,4,8,9 with fruiting locations, the timing and -along running river/creeks Morel Identification Project on the length of morel fruiting can be (*ed's note: Ben in central Ky assured Mushroom Expert Website unexpected. 1 me he always found hundreds ONLY on (mushroomexpert.com). THIS Year, there "tax day" April 15th , EVERY year in the was one reported find on March 30th, An online progression map with dates woods. He made great moonshine too). 2009 - near Sedona in a sub-irrigated can be accessed on the Morel Mush- (underground seepage watering) area room Hunting Club Website at: Where in the West around springs.... under Cottonwoods, http:www.morelmushroomhunting.com/ Alder and blackberries.

Please note that the *false* morels, Morel Habitat Gyromitra esculenta, Gyromitra gigas, figure-20 and Verpa conica also are listed on the AMP species list, so be sure of your 1,3,4,5,8,9,12,13 identification!

Burn Site Morels figure-17 How to Hunt Morels Morels from Morels are notoriously difficult to spot, Morels apparently fruit differently in the Sedona, Az western US. They rarely have any rela- especially for the novice hunter. Morels March 30, 2009 need moisture/humidity so they grow in tionship with particular plants or trees, figure-19 but instead appear most often in a areas with trees and plants providing variety of disturbed habitats, especially protection from the sun. Morels tend to after forest fires, in old logging areas blend in with their environment, espe- and in horticultural plantings, especially cially in conifer forests. Morels and Editors note* I am going to boldly go in bark mulch/bark dust. 1 pinecones are very similar in color and where no Fungi editor has gone before, shape. Contrary to folklore, morels do and suggest where to hunt for morels in not just “pop-up” overnight. It does AZ. Remember, it’s called hunting NOT often seem that way however, as morels "Landscape Morels " finding. Finding mushrooms is what are so easily overlooked that you may figure-18 happens when you go on an AMC foray at not see them on the first time through locations scouted by our super scouts an area. As David Arora points out, Terry and Jim. One thing morels need to visual pattern recognition is essential to flourish is humidity, and like many others, finding mushrooms, especially morels. Red-Brown Blushing morels appear to I moved here partly because of the LACK Often, after locating one morel, hunters account for most of the finds around of humidity! But, as hope springs eternal report being able to “suddenly see them landscaping and horticultural areas, - I suggest you try along river/creeks all around”. 1,3,8,9 especially in Coastal California. where Cottonwoods grow and in last years burn areas. To locate 2008 burn areas Black Morels are found on the ground in you can access the Incident Information many habitats but especially under System for Arizona via internet at: Morels in Burnsite mountain conifers in recently disturbed http://www.inciweb.org/state/3/ figure-21 (i.e. logged or burned) areas. Some This site includes some photos and maps. species of Black Morels fruit prolifically One site I am definitely going to try this the spring following a burn, while others spring is the Eagle Fire in the Clifton seem to appear sporadically in 2 or Ranger District of the Apache-Sitgreaves Editor’s note* When All Else Fails; you more years later. National Forest. The site is about 10-15 can order fresh morels from commercial miles south of Hannigan Meadows on the harvesters , they are not cheap, around Yellow morels are less common in west- West side of State Rd 191 and covers $40-$70 a pound right now. Here are ern than in eastern North America. In 3800 acres. This is a high elevation burn some sites to “hunt the internet”. western forests that consist solely of that happens to be closest to where I live. http://www.morelmasters.com/ conifer tree species, light-colored morels Please try burn sites near you, let me http://www.morelmogul.com/ might be the mountain blond morel. know if you find any morels! http://www.oregonmushrooms.com/ (cont. next column) http://www.earthy.com/ 5 References Mushroom Sauce Recipes Mushrooms in the News 1. Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Re- search Station. Ecology and management of morels (you can use morels in either of these) "US University Returning harvested from the forests of western North America, 161 pp. Retrieved from http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/ Prized Mushrooms to China" publications/pnw_gtr710/ CAMPBELL'S GOLDEN MUSHROOM On April 13, 2009 the Associated Press 2.Kuo, M. (2006, March). Morel Data Collection Pro- SOUP BASED SAUCE ject: Preliminary results. Retrieved from Mush- reported that Cornell University was re- roomExpert.Com Web site: -2 cups mushroom per can of soup turning some 1,700 fungi specimens to http:www.mushroomexpert.com/mdcp/ndex.html China this fall. 57 of these specimens are Any kind you have, I've done this with 3. Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms Dymystified (2nd morels, chanterelles, lobsters, oys- considered irreplaceable. The specimens ed.) Berkeley, CA Ten Speed Press ters,boletes,pholiota and store bought were collected from all across China over a 4. Kuo, M. 800+ Mushrooms and Keys: Retrieved shitake, button and portabellas 10 year period by Shu Chun Teng, who studied at Cornell University from MushroomExpert.Com Web site: You can mix one or any combination. http:www.mushroomexpert.com/morchellaceae.html -Campbell's Golden Mushroom Soup from 1923 to 1925. During World War II, the specimens were smuggled by ox cart 5. Bates, Scott (2006) A Priliminary Checklist of Ari- -1/2 can water per can of soup zona Macrofungi Retrieved from -1/2 onion chopped (more if you like) to Indochina and then by sea to the United http:www.azfungi.org/amp/checklists.html -Dry White Wine States. 2,278 of the specimens were placed at Cornell University. The university 6. Kuo, M. (2006, April). Deliciosa morels (Morchella (Chardonnay suggested) species). Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com -Butter is dividing up and sharing its Fungi of Web site: http://www.mushroomexpert.com/ -Worstershire sauce - dash or two China Collection with the Academy of Sci- morchella_deliciosas.html

-Salt and Pepper to taste ences in Beijing. Some 1,700 specimens will be sent to China this fall, 57 of which 7. The Fungi of California Copyright 1999-2008, Michael Wood & Fred Stevens. Sautee mushrooms on high heat in but- are considered irreplaceable. (Cornell is http:www.mykoweb.com/CAFspeciesGyromitra_ keeping fungi that can't be divided, but esculenta.html ter until "browned". Add onions and sauté 30 seconds or so (longer if you will make them available to scholars). 8. Places to Hunt Morels, Morel Hunting Club like your onions softer). Turn down the During Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, Member’s Area, Retrieved from Teng was tagged as a "counter- http:www.morelmushroomhunting.net/members.cfm heat to medium and stir in soup and water. Add a dash or two of Worster- revolutionary academic authority." His 9. Pelouch, Milan (2008) How to find Morels. The shire Sauce. Add a little wine at a time, works were confiscated and he was dis- University of Michigan Press tasting as you go. When it's tastes good charged from his lab. He and his family were imprisoned. He died in 1970 at age 10. Gearin up for the mushroom rush. By Jim Mann, to you - add salt and pepper to suit you. The Daily Inter Lake, Published: April 23, 2008. Bring it all to a boil and turn down heat 67. Years later, his family managed to recover his manuscripts. His daughter, 11. Evans, Larry (2008) Fire Morels: Picking Morels in immediatelyto simmer . Serve over Blackfeet Country, Fungi, Volume 1, No. 4 pgs. 2-44. whatever you choose, enjoy. Rosaline Deng, worked with a Cornell pro- fessor of mycology, Richard Korf, to com- 12. Sightings, The Great Moral Map Page, Retrieved plete and publish "The Fungi of China" in from http://thegreatmorel.com/sightings.html From the kitchen of Shelley Watanabe Fungi Editor 1996. (Excerpted from Associated Press 13.Morel Sighting Map Retrieved from Reports) Editor's note* The whole story is http:/morelmushroomhunting.commorel_progression_ CREAMY MUSHROOM SAUCE really fascinating, from not just a sightings_map.htm mycological perspective, but also as a very compelling human story. You can From the Slow Cooker by Gina Steer Figures Retrieved from Websites below: This sauce is perfect to serve with download the whole story and enjoy a poached chicken or fish (editor suggests really good read at: Figures 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,17: http:www.pressoffice.cornell.edu/ from USDA, USFS General Technical Report chanterelle); or use as the basis for a PNW_GTR_710. Retrieved from pasta dish such as lasagna or cannelloni pressoffice/cms/presskits/upload/ http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/publications/pnw_gtr710/ (editor suggests porcini or morels). CORNELLANDFUNGIOFCHINA.pdf Figures 4,8,10,11,12,13,14,15: -2 Tbsp (25 g) unsalted butler from Kuo, M. 800+ Mushrooms and Keys: Retrieved -2 large shallots, peeled and chopped from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: -1 serrano chile, seeded and chopped http://www.mushroomexpert.com/ .html -2-4 garlic cloves, peeled and minced -6 cups (450 g) mushrooms, wiped and Figure 16, from chopped fine http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/ speciesVerpa_conica.html -2 cups (450 ml) vegetable broth -2 Tbsp cornstarch Illustrations of powdery mildews Figure 18,20,22: from -Salt and fresh ground black pepper from the book Fungi of China, http://www.fungaljungal.org/morels/morel.htm -3-4 Tbsp light cream by S. C.Teng; edited by Richard P. Korf Figures 19, 20 from

(Ithaca, N. Y.: Mycotaxon, Ltd., http://www.morelmushroomhunting.com/ Preheat the cooker on high. Melt the morelfinds.html 1996) butter in a large pan and sauté the shal- Figure 21 from http://www.oldhousecabins.com/ lots, chile, and garlic for 3 minutes. sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/ up- Add the mushrooms and continue to For some way outstanding north6050008a.JPG.w300h225.jpg sauté for 3 more minutes. Spoon into 3-D like photographs of 20 of the the cooking pot and pour over the vege- specimens, check out: table broth. Blend the cornstarch with 2 http://ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/PhotoLab/ tablespoons of water and stir into the FungiOChina/CUP-CH%202048.htm Editor’s Note: pot. Add the seasoning. Cover and cook Much effort is put into editing the on low for 4 hours. Adjust seasoning, information in this newsletter and to stir in the cream, and use as required, accurately crediting sources. Any errors reheating if necessary. or omissions are unintentional and solely Lentinus the responsibility (fault) of the editor; From The Mushroomer March-April tigrinus Shelley Watanabe, not of the member- 2009, a publication of THE SNOHOMISH ship or any individual member of the COUNTY MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY Arizona Mushroom Club. Igor Malcevski, Editor Retrieved from www.scmsfungi.org 6

Newsletter of the Arizona Mushroom Club

Dr Chester Leathers President

Sandy Melgaard TreasuArer/Membership 16418 w. Lower Buckeye Goodyear, AZ 85338

Club Phone: 602-230-5281 Email: [email protected]

On the [email protected]

Contact the Editor Shelley Watanabe by email: [email protected] The Arizona Fun-gi Newsletter of the Arizona Mushroom Club

Looking for a great gift for any ARIZONA MUSHROOM CLUB (AMC) mushroom enthusiast? Order Form~~Please Print How about a polo shirt, hat or patch displaying the AMC club logo for Name______yourself, a loved one or friend? Use the form on the right to order Address______from Rose Mary or Chester Leathers. Telephone # (______)______A minimum number of orders must be POLO SHIRT with AMC Logo $24.00 ea QTY______placed, so you may have to wait until Size (circle) S M L XL 1X enough requests have been made to 2X 3X 4X place an order, HAT with AMC Logo $12.00 ea. Qty______But Hey - It's worth the wait! PATCHES with AMC Logo $ 6.50 ea. Qty______Paid by: Cash______Check______

Contact: Rose Mary Leathers or Chester Leathers: Tel. 480-832-6709