2. Typification of Gyromitra Fastigiata and Helvella Grandis

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2. Typification of Gyromitra Fastigiata and Helvella Grandis Preliminary phylogenetic and morphological studies in the Gyromitra gigas lineage (Pezizales). 2. Typification of Gyromitra fastigiata and Helvella grandis Nicolas VAN VOOREN Abstract: Helvella fastigiata and H. grandis are epitypified with material collected in the original area. Matteo CARBONE Gyromitra grandis is proposed as a new combination and regarded as a priority synonym of G. fastigiata. The status of Gyromitra slonevskii is also discussed. photographs of fresh specimens and original plates illustrate the article. Keywords: ascomycota, phylogeny, taxonomy, four new typifications. Ascomycete.org, 11 (3) : 69–74 Mise en ligne le 08/05/2019 Résumé : Helvella fastigiata et H. grandis sont épitypifiés avec du matériel récolté dans la région d’origine. 10.25664/ART-0261 Gyromitra grandis est proposé comme combinaison nouvelle et regardé comme synonyme prioritaire de G. fastigiata. le statut de Gyromitra slonevskii est également discuté. Des photographies de spécimens frais et des planches originales illustrent cet article. Riassunto: Helvella fastigiata e H. grandis vengono epitipificate con materiale raccolto nelle rispettive zone d’origine. Gyromitra grandis viene proposta come nuova combinazione e ritenuta sinonimo prioritario di G. fastigiata. Viene inoltre discusso lo status di Gyromitra slonevskii. l’articolo viene corredato da foto di esem- plari freschi e delle tavole originali. Introduction paul-de-Varces, alt. 1160 m, 45.07999° n 5.627088° e, in a mixed for- est, 11 May 2004, leg. e. Mazet, pers. herb. n.V. 2004.05.01. During a preliminary morphological and phylogenetic study in the subgenus Discina (Fr.) Harmaja (Carbone et al., 2018), especially Results the group of species close to Gyromitra gigas (Krombh.) Quél., we sequenced collections of G. fastigiata (Krombh.) rehm. In this con- The bayesian analysis (Fig. 1) made on lSu sequences of Gyromi- text, taxonomic synonyms of the latter were evaluated, and we dis- tra, including the epitype of Gyromitra fastigiata confirms that it is covered that the oldest name available for this fungus could be distinct from the american species G. brunnea and G. caroliniana1. Helvella grandis Cumino, a species described and illustrated from G. fastigiata is distributed in all of continental europe and probably the alpine beech forests of the north-western Italian province of in Turkey — under the name G. brunnea (aCar et al., 2018) or Cuneo. unfortunately, these two names are only typified by illustra- G. slonevskii —, although the collections made in this country tions, so we propose a modern typification with specimens coming should be further investigated due to a divergent collection, from the original area and usable for morphological examinations KX420700, shown on the ITS phylogenetic tree published in Carbone and rDna analyses. et al. (2018). Material and methods The case of Gyromitra fastigiata Helvella fastigiata was described and illustrated by KroMbHolz (1834) based on material collected in spring near prague (Czech re- Phylogenetic study. — The method of extraction and amplifica- public). It was combined in the genus Gyromitra by reHM (1896). tion of rDna is the same described in Carbone et al. (2018). The phy- There is no type specimen of this species but the Krombholz’s good logenetic analyses were also performed as in Carbone et al. (2018) illustration can be used as a lectotype (art. 8.1 and 9.3 ICn). Its char- but only with the large-subunit ribosomal Dna. The sequences ob- acters ease the determination, although it may have been some- tained during this study have been registered in Genbank. times confused with G. gigas (or G. ticiniana/korfii) mainly due to the Nomenclature. — all citations of ICn articles refer to the Shen- same fruiting period. This is a rare but widespread species in europe zhen Code (TurlanD et al., 2018). (benKerT et al., 1985; CeTTo, 1983; CHerubInI & perrone, 1992; FerrarI, Studied collections. — CzeCH republIC: Moravia, Ždánice, 1991; KoTlaba & pouzar, 1974; röllIn, 1995; SVrčeK & MoraVeC, 1972; 49.0766° n, 16.99524° e, alt. 290 m, on soil, under Carpinus betulus, Van Vooren & Moreau, 2009; MorozoVa, 2014). It was also recorded in Fraxinus excelsior and Acer pseudoplatanus, 22 apr. 2018, leg. north america (beSSeTTe et al., 1997; HuFFMan & TIFFanY, 2001; Weber, r. Manak, ex pers. herb. V18042206, lY n.V. 2018.04.10. HunGarY: 1995) but the correct name to be applied in this continent is Gyromi- Fejér, Vál, ~47.3469° n, 18.649825° e, under deciduous trees, 10 apr. tra brunnea underw. (beuG et al., 2014; Kuo, 2005; lInCoFF, 1981; 2015, leg. J.-M. Moingeon, pers. herb. J.M.M. 20150410-02. ITalY: pia- MCKnIGHT, 1973; MeTHVen et al., 2013). For some authors, e.g. KoTlaba cenza, Ferriere, Cassimoreno, ~44.633254° n, 9.579232° e, alt. 800 m, & pouzar (1974), abboTT & CurraH (1997) or beuG et al. (2014), these under Fagus sylvatica and some Prunus avium, 24 apr. 2010, leg. two species are synonyms. M. Carbone (in pers. herb.). Cuneo, Valdieri, San Giovanni, 44.2691° n 7.401983° e, alt. 760 m, along the stream Gesso, on sandy soil, under The case of Helvella grandis deciduous trees (Corylus, Fraxinus, Alnus, Salix), 26 apr. 2008, leg. From a nomenclatural point of view, the name Helvella grandis e. Simarco, M. abrate & Giordano, pers. herb. V.S. 98042. Ibid., 24 apr. was totally forgotten in the post-friesian period, probably because 1999, leg. M. abrate & V. pepino, pers. herb. V.S. 99007, immature. the name was considered as a synonym of Helvella monachella Ibid., 25 apr. 2000, leg. V. pepino, pers. herb. V.S. 00033. Cuneo, (Scop.) Fr. by FrIeS (1822) and then not critically reinvestigated by ormea, ponte di nava, under broadleaved trees, 23 apr. 2001, leg. p. the mycologists. Incidentally, Cumino’s illustration of H. grandis Fabbri, pers. herb. V.S. 01057. FranCe: ain, Thoiry, alt. 700 m, could have been used as a lectotype of H. monachella (art. F.3.9 ICn), 46.2356377° n 5.954821° e, under Picea abies in a mixed forest, 25 as briefly discussed by Van Vooren (2010). Fries’ concept of apr. 2004, leg. a. Schrumpf, pers. herb. n.V. 2004.04.06. Isère, Saint- H. monachella is heterogeneous, including features of Gyromitra and 1 Van Vooren & Moreau (2009) discussed the misinterpretations of this name for european collections. 69 Fig. 1 – 50% majority rule consensus lSu rDna phylogram of the genus Gyromitra obtained in Mrbayes from 11,025 sampled trees. nodes were annotated if supported by >0.95 bayesian pp (left) or >70% Ml bp (right). non-significant support values are exceptionally represented inside parentheses. Sequences of G. fastigiata/grandis are grouped in the blue frame. 70 Ascomycete.org Fig. 2 – Krombholz’s illustration of Helvella fastigiata (adapted). Helvella. Despite this, SKreDe et al. (2017) accepted this name for the lectotype here designated: Krombholz, Naturgetr. Abbild. well-known Helvella leucopus pers. and designated battarra’s figure Schwämme, pl. 21, fig. 9–11 (1834). MbT 386669. cited by Fries as lectotype. Finally H. grandis and its type are avail- epitype here designated: CzeCH republIC, Moravia, Ždánice, able. The original description and plate are explicit enough to con- 49.0766° n, 16.99524° e, alt. 290 m, on soil, under Carpinus betulus, sider it as a fungus close or identical to Gyromitra fastigiata, Fraxinus excelsior and Acer pseudoplatanus, 22 apr. 2018, leg. although there could be a little doubt because CuMIno (1806) cited the plate 116 from the Flora Danica which clearly represents G. in- r. Manak, ex pers. herb. V18042206 (lY n.V. 2018.04.10). MbT fula2. at the same time, there is no doubt that the closest species 386670. Genbank lSu MK784816. which looks like H. grandis and grows in spring (“…primo vere…”) in Original description:“Helv. pileo trilobo, subirregulariter angulato, beech forests (“…sylvosis faginesis”) is what has been so far named tricuspidato, fusco; lobis deflexis, rotundatis, margine subinflexis et G. fastigiata. glabris, medio plicato-undulatis, subtus stipites subadnatis, adpressis, The case of Gyromitra slonevskii subvenosis, candidis, tomentosis; stipite crasso, polymorpho, sulcato- costato vel sulcato-celluloso, tomentoso, candido, carnoso intus pri- This species was published by HeluTa (2001) for a Gyromitra close to G. fastigiata, differing by “larger ascocarps, colour of cap, length mum farcto, demum cavo.” of ascospores, smell, and a different habitat (mostly on rotten Homotypic synonyms: Physomitra infula var. fastigiata (Krombh.) wood).” but, morphologically, the specimens figured on the two boud., Hist. class. discom. Eur.: 35 (1907); Maublancomyces fastigiata plates accompanying the article are not really different from the (Krombh.) Herter, Rev. Sudam. bot., 10 (1): 17 (1951); Neogyromitra usual aspect of G. fastigiata. Concerning the spore size, G. slonevskii fastigiata (Krombh.) McKnight, Mycologia, 60: 725 (1968); Discina is given the following values: (27) 29–31 (35) × 11–15 µm. our mea- fastigiata (Krombh.) Svrček & J. Moravec, Česká Mykol., 26 (1): 5 surements on G. fastigiata give: (25) 26.5–34 (35) × (11) 12–16 (17) µm. Finally the growth on rotten wood is not unusual and many (1972). species like G. gigas, G. ticiniana, G. infula or G. fastigiata can grow Other synonyms: Gyromitra pratensis Velen., Mon. Discom. on soil or on dead rotten wood. no lSu sequences of G. slonevskii Bohem., 1: 389 (1934), fide SVrčeK (1978); Maublancomyces pratensis are available in public databases, but our previous ITS rDna analyses (Velen.) Herter, Rev. Sudam. bot., 8 (5): 160 (1950). arbone (C et al., 2018: Fig. 1) strongly suggest the conspecificity with lectotype designated by SVrčeK (1978): prC 587 (in formaldehyde G. fastigiata/grandis. bottle). Gyromitra slonevskii V.p. Heluta, Ukrain. Bot. J., 58 (1): 83 (2001). Nomenclature Holotype: ukraine, Koroviaczky, Trachtemyriv park, 22 apr. 1999, leg. V. Heluta, housed in herb. KW. Gyromitra krombholzii bezděk, Houby jedlé a jim podobné je- Gyromitra fastigiata (Krombh.) rehm, Rabenh. Kryptog.-Fl., éd. 2, 1 (3): 1194 (1896). dovaté: 199 (1905), inval.
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