1977 December 03
ROSENDO BALINAS JR, IGM, Phllip-- plnN, Elo 2420 . MORAAY CHANDLER, IM, N- Zea• Cliess land, Elo 2385 TERRY SHAW, Nat Master, Australia, Elo 2385 · . KHOSSROW HAllANDI, IM, Iran, Elo Marlboro· progress 2375 . • MEHRSHAD SHARIF, IM, Iran, Elo 2360 . THE FIFTH Marlboro arisen and he would not be RENATO NARANJA, 1!11, Philippines, Grandmaster chess classic able to arrive in time. How• Elo 2345 RICO .MASCARIAS, Nat Master, Philip• and first Asian Grandmaster ever FIDE deputy president pines, Elo 2345 Tournament is now under Florencio Campomanes, co• BACHAR KOUATLY, IM, Lebanon, Elo 2340 way at the Makati Hotel, ordinator of the tournament, AROVAH BACHTIAR, Nat Master, Manila, Philippines. The moved heaven and earth to Indonesia, Elo 2335 ARDIJANSA, IM, Indonesia, Elo 2330 tournament is category 6 rush in replacement James RODOLFO TAN CARDOSO, IM, Philip• which means an IM norm is Tarjan of the USA whose Elo pines, Elo 2320 8 points out of 13 and a GM rating is 2495. His presence JACOBUS SAMPOUW, Nat Master, Eugene Torre Terry Shaw 9 ½. This was in jeopardy for just managed to save the cat• _Indonesia, Elo 2315 some time, however, because . egory 6 status. As I write (after four certain to obtain the second my losses being . to Torre, · at the last minute the favour• rounds) the favourite Torre is norm he needs for the lM Bachtiar and Sampouw.. but ite, and at 2590 the highest The participants in order of leading and he appears to be title, having just defeated there are .still nine rounds to Elo-rated player, Erfim Geller Elo rating are: heading for a win.
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