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Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew100 Growamsterdam Renew ave. rm.Grow # 853 Reappear · ny, ny 10023 Bloom · tel. 212.595.1301 Germinate · fax Emer 212.595.0243ge Bloom · www.alumniandfriends. Renew Grow Emerorgge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate ReappearFirst Name Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew GrowLast Renew Name Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom GerminateMaiden Emer Namege Bloom Renew Grow Emerge ReappearSchool Germinate Reappear EmerGraduationge Bloom Year Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Emerge ReappearStreet Germinate Address Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate City State Zip Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom RenewPhone Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate ReappearAlternate Emer Phonege Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate ReappearEmail Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom GerminateAs a memberEmerge ofBloom Alumni Renew and Friends Grow (A&F) Emer youge will Reappear receive quarterly Germinate newsletters, Reappear get Emer discountsge Bloom on tickets Germinate and Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappearmerchandise Germinate and connect Reappear with Emer your gefellow Bloom alumni Germinate and hear about Renew what Grow they Reneware up to Grow through Reappear a “members Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinateonly” section Renew on A&F’sGrow website. Renew Your Grow membership Reappear fees Bloom help sustainGerminate A&F and Emer ensurege Bloom that we Renew are able Grow to continue Emer ge Reappear Germinate supporting the school and its students. Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom RenewAnnual Grow Membership Emerge Dues:Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate ReappearRegular Emer membership:ge Bloom $40 Germinate (domestic)/$50 Renew (foreign) Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Student membership: $20 (for students who graduated in the last 5 years) Germinate Renew GrowLifetime Renew Membership: Grow Reappear $1,000 Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear A check Germinate for my annual Reappear membership Emerge dues Bloom is included Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge  I would like to make a donation to A&F in the amount of $______Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow ReappearPlease Bloom return Germinateto A&F at 100 Emer Amsterdamge Bloom Ave., Renew room #853, Grow NY, Emer NY 10023.ge Reappear You may Germinate also make payments Reappear online Emer atge Bloom Germinate www.alumniandfriends.org. Contributions to A&F are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our tax iden- Emerge Bloom Renewtification Grow number Emerge is 13-3166108.Reappear GerminateFor questions Reappear please contact Emer usge at Bloom 212-595-1301 Germinate or send Renew us an emailGrow at: Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate [email protected]. Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear DIRECTOR From the Executive

Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

Dear Friends and Alumni, get videos of their own performances; Drama students can learn how to act on film and students hope I’ve now been at A&F in a video club funded by A&F can learn how to for a year and a half and produce and edit. A&F can also build an archive of one of the best aspects student performances. Thanks to Principal Kim of my job is speaking Bruno, Sandy Faison, Coordinator of the Drama with fellow alumni. Department and video and film teacher Clay dream Although many of us did Smith, whose support helped bring this to fruition. not choose to pursue a career in the arts it seems that all who I speak I’d also like thank our departing Board Members: with have done interesting things. I love to hear Abigail Edgecliffe-Johnson (LaG ’94), Donna Levin- your stories! In fact, this year we are introducing stone (M&A ’72) and Michael Kates (M&A ’57), who a new feature to the reunion: a video diary where has been a member of the Board for over 15 years! alumni can record these stories about their time at the school and the impact it had on their lives. Take a look at the special requests for the school These videos can be shown on A&F’s website and on page 6. If you would like to donate any of the connect can also be posted on alumni class websites. items on the list, please give me a call. This is just one of many ways that A&F supports the school We began 2012 with a 60% increase in member- and its students. From awards to master classes ship over last year. Membership carries many to in-kind donations to need-based scholarships, new benefits including access to a special section the school and its students are aware and appre- of the A&F website where you can find other ciative of all of A&F’s support, which is a result of classmates, see your yearbook and read about all your support, donations and participation. A what other alumni are up to. This year, we will heartfelt thanks to each of you. support also be posting old and new photographs and streaming video of some of the school produc- By the way, we’ve found that one of the best- tions for those of you who are too far away to read sections of the newsletter is the Where Are attend. Members also get reduced prices to We Now section. Please keep us updated on your reunions and other A&F events. activities so we can include the information on our website and in newsletters. If there are other We continue to look for ways to support the services you’d like to see from A&F, please let me school. Last year, in addition to the $300,000 we know – we’re here to serve you. gave to the studios and as awards to students, we were able to procure over $150,000 in equipment Warmly, and supplies for the school. As an example the video equipment that was generously donated by Abel Cine, Edith Friedheim and the parents has had a major impact. The school can now have Barbara Engel archival DVD’s of performances and students can Executive Director

Board of Directors Honorary Board ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Executive Committee Shelly Berger (PA ‘56) Robindra Deb James Burrows (M&A ’58) Technology & Database Peter Bakstansky (M&A ’57) James Conlon (M&A ’68) President Natalia Stachula, LG ’06 Audrey Flack (M&A ’48) Awards & Scholarships Barbara Weitz Pollard (PA ’53) Charles Fox (M&A ’58) Vice President Norman Gladney (M&A ’40) Contact Us Walter Mankoff (M&A ’47) Milton Glaser (MA ’47) Alumni & Friends Secretary June Lebell* (M&A ’61) P.O. Box 231485 Hal Linden (M&A ’48) New York, NY 10023 Members Melissa Manchester (M&A ’68) Benjamin Flaim (LaG ’96) Peter Nero (M&A ’51) (Tel.) 212.595.1301 Peter Frishauf* (M&A ’66) Charles Osgood (Friend) (Fax) 212.595.0243 Warren Kass (M&A ‘52W) Toby Perlman (M&A ’60) [email protected] Gabriel Kosakoff (M&A ’44S) Tony Roberts (M&A ’57) www.alumniandfriends.org Christine Scott-Deutsch (M&A ’67) Jerrold Ross (M&A ’51) Carole Bayer Sager (M&A ’61) Susan Stamberg (M&A ’55) Corrections: We apologize for the Suzanne Vega (PA ’77) misspelling of the name of the superb Herbert Wachtell (M&A ’48) recorder player who played at the Art *Past President Peter Yarrow (M&A ’55) Auction; his name is Felix Casaer. 3 4 Support A&F So take aseatandstandupforourcurrentfuturegiftedstudents! alumniandfriends.org andisalsoprovidedbelow. and establishafundtomaintainthetheatre. The donationformison A&F’s websiteatwww. edgement ofyourtax-deductible donation. Your donationwillbeusedtosupportthestudios you reserveyourseatwillreceiveaseatingchartwithitslocation,alonganacknowl be acknowledgedwithaplaquethatwillpermanentlyaffixedtothebackofseat. to cherishthememoryofalovedone. Your sponsorshipofaseatinLaGuardia’s Concert Hallwill way tohonorsomeonespecial;recognizealumni,currentstudents,graduates,oraclass; …and helpsupportLaGuardiaanditsgiftedstudents. Sponsoring aseatisuniquegift–it’s a Take aSeat! Thanks tothe Thanks Edithforallyoursupport! daughters graduatedfromM&Aandtwoofher grandchildren arecurrently attending LaGuardia. Edith HallFriedheim, Vice President ofthe Eric FriedheimFoundation. BothofMs.Friedheim’s supporters of A&F andweappreciatetheirlong-term commitment. Both theFriedheimand Summerfield Foundationshavebeenon-goingandsubstantial A&F Solon E.Summerfield Foundation Support EricFriedheimThe Foundation and the (Maximum of2lines,30charactersperline,includingpunctuationandspaces) Please engravethefollowingonmyplaque:  Rows A-J $550 Telephone Address Name 595-1301. 212 usat call youhave anyIf questions & Friends. Alumni it to return and form this out fill Please the followinginformation: Credit to Alumni andFriendsofLaGuardia. Checks: Pleasesendyourcheck,alongwiththisform,to A&F. Checks shouldbemadepayable Payment Information A&F’s EINis13-3166-108. A&F isanon-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributionsaretax-deductible tothefullestextentoflaw. Signature Number Credit Card Please Charge $ tions andprojects devoted toeducation, thearts,medicineandsocial service. Cards: You can payonlineatwww.alumniandfriends.org orreturnthisformalongwith Solon E. Summerfield Foundation,whichsupportsavarietyofnon-profit organiza

 Rows K-Q $400 tomy  MasterCard  Rows R-X $250 Email

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Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

A&F Announces Three New Funds M&A Class of 1954 Fund If you or your class would like to start a fund, Supports students in the Music and/or Art please contact A&F at 212-595-1301. A&F studios (the class is working on defining the oversees more than 130 named, or endowed, specific award criteria). funds that provide grants, scholarships and other benefits to the school and its students. M&A Class of 1961 Fund An endowed fund is typically given in the Provides seed money for a new collabora- name of the donor, friend, former faculty tion between LaGuardia and the New York member, relative, or the donor’s graduating

Philharmonic. This will be the beginning of an class. The awards from these funds are made eco g n itio initiative to integrate the school into all artistic on the basis of need, talent or any other legal institutions in Lincoln Center – something that criteria in accordance with the donor’s wishes. was intended when the school was opened in Each year, the faculty recommends a student its current location. that meets the fund’s criteria and each of these recommendations is vetted through The Thomas W. & Sharon Faith Collins the Grants Committee of the A&F Board. Scholarship for Architecture These awards are typically given to students Provides an annual award to a graduating at the end of the school year at a ceremony student who plans on continuing his/her to which the donors are invited. In addition, studies in Architecture. Mr. Collins was the each student who receives an award is asked Program Chairman of Art at M&A, PA and to write to the donor and provide a picture and LaGuardia and retired in 1986. Sharon Faith samples of his or her work if possible. We have Collins was a member of the Art Department seen many heartfelt and grateful letters that at M&A and LaGuardia and taught Architec- donors have received. ture and Stage Design. She retired in 1999. She was instrumental in establishing the Awards are made from funds once they reach Technical Theatre studio at LaGuardia. $10,000. A new fund can be formed with $2,000 in contributions and donors have two years to Thank you Classes of M&A ’54, M&A ’61, and reach the minimum fund level of $10,000. the Collins Family for your generosity.

A&F Welcomes Its Newest Donors Shirley E. & Avrom R. Vann In 2011, A&F received a call from Shirley [Ellman] volunteering for several organizations. One Vann (M&A ‘58), who wanted to make a dona- project is with the American Cancer Society tion to the school. We invited her to come for a where Shirley runs a program for women who tour with her husband, Avrom. Shirley was an art are dealing with breast cancer. She possesses major at M&A and developed a keen interest in, boundless energy, optimism and enthusiasm and talent for, architecture. When she graduated and also maintains an active interest in the arts. there were very limited opportunities for women in that field so she chose another path but main- The school tour with the Vanns happened to tained the dream of supporting young women coincide with rehearsals for Guys & Dolls and who face limited options. they got to see the broad range of talent that remains the hallmark of LaGuardia and its Shirley went on to marry Avrom and together predecessor schools. Shirley and Avrom have they have been blessed with children, grand- made a significant donation to A&F and we children and great grandchildren. Together are working together to identify a large-scale they actively support their community. Since project that will be supported by their dona- her retirement Shirley spends most of her time tion. We are most grateful for their generosity.

5 6 LaGuardia NEWS • • 3.  2.  1. school anditsstudents. We encourage youtosupportthe PA auction. There are manywaystodothis: funding effortsarecomplementaryinorder toprovidecoordinatedandsubstantivesupport forthe group raisesmoney fordifferentpurposes,wehaveworked hardoverthepastyear tomake sureour from the auction,the studio parent groupsand A&F totalsmore than$800,000ayear. Although each of Education,whichhasbeen cutbyalmost$3 millioninthelastthree years. The combined funding for currentneeds atthe school,relieving theburdenon theschool’s funding fromthe Department The PA’s galaauction,their annual fundraiser, netted over$200,000 lastyear. This money isused May 12,2012at 6pm AnnualParentsAssociation AuctionThe •  are tax-deductible. contact A&F.donations please All and wouldlike todonatethem, If youhaveanyoftheitemslisted Special Requests From theSchool •  •Junior Timothee Chalamet starredintwoepisodesofRoyalPains. • students thatit’s hardtokeep up! Among themostrecent: There aresomanyawardsandopportunitiesgiventoLaGuardia For moreinformation, contact Angela Wong, auctionco-chair, [email protected]. 5. 4.  selected toperformatthe Young Musicians Concert in April at Alice Tully Hall. The Chamber Music Society ofLincoln Center: LaGuardiaproducedthreeofthe11ensembles Division Conference inProvidence,RhodeIsland. The Senior Chorus willbeperformingatthe American Choral Directors Association Eastern Senior Ansel Elgort(Sky in Theatre Club. for classrooms New computersandsmartboards 16 Silver Key Awards (out of324)fordistinguishedportfoliosandindividualworks. 12 Gold Key Awards (out of330)forthemostaccomplished portfoliosandsubmissions. this year. Of those,LaGuardiastudentstookhome: 2012 Scholastic Art Awards: NYC studentssubmitted3,500 workstothe Scholastic Art Awards www.laguardiahs.org/auction. Go totheauctionwebsiteandkeep intouchwith thelatestnewsandsales: It’s afunevening withlotsofinterestingpeople. Go totheauctionforagreat nightoffoodandentertainmentfilledwithgreatitems to bidon. Become acorporatesponsortohelpunderwriteauctionexpenses ormak contribution. To doeither, clickonthelinkabovetoauctionwebsite. great tickets andmerchandiseavailable.Itemsare frequently added,sobe sure tocheckback. Participate intheonline auctionat CharityBuzz.com andBiddingforgood.com. There are some your favoriteclasses,etc.). The donation formisalsoontheauctionwebsite. Donate anitemorservice(tickets, artwork,workshops,giftcertificatestorestaurants or Guys &Dolls

) willplay Caleb Farley in • Neworgentlyuseddanceshoesandclothing •  •Tungsten lightsforthephotographystudio •  (especially Pentax K100Dcameras) 35mm filmcameras and stringinstruments Musical instruments,especiallybassoons


attheManhattan e afinancial


Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts eUN IO N 2012 Reunion 2012 June 8 & 9, 2012 (for classes ending in 2 & 7) We’re looking forward to seeing you and have planned a first-class event. Highlights include: • Meals with excellent food in the Sculpture Gallery; classes are seated together so they can continue catching up during lunch and dinner; • Planned time for alumni and current students to meet each other and share experiences; • A video room where alumni can record their thoughts on their time at the school and the impact it has had on their lives on a video diary; • Tours of “The Castle” and LaGuardia; • Performances and shows including: the Semi-Annual Symphony & Choral Concert and the Semi-Annual Art Exhibit. You will be receiving an invitation shortly and can mail in your reply or sign up online at www.alumniandfriends.org.

7 8 LaGuardia performances of theproduction. than anyBroadwayproductionoftheshowthathehadever seen! Belowaresomepictures standing ovations!EvenaNew York theatre criticwasimpressed andthoughtitwasbetter All eightperformances were completely soldoutandeachperformancereceived numerous Dolls & Guys www.laguardiahs.org. You can also purchase tickets online at this site. this at online You tickets purchase also can www.laguardiahs.org. at shows art of aschedule with along schedule You performance full the see can The HunchbackofNotreDame The LifeoftheParty, anoperettawrittenforLaGuardia The NewMusic Singers andBand Concert Concert Show Choir The The Crucible Concert The Concerto The RimersofEldritch Event This spring’s performance schedule includes: Spring Performances Was a Huge Hit! Hit! Was aHuge May 17-19, 2012 May 3-6,2012 April 27, 2012 April 20, 2012 April 19-21,2012 March 30,2012 March 22-24, 2012 Date


Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

Philip Gould (M&A ’40) Lectures at LaGuardia Dr. Gould came to at Fordham University, Pratt Institute and LaGuardia in December Parsons in New York, as well as at the Univer- to give the art students sity of Taiwan (Taipei) and at Teachers College a lecture entitled, (Beijing). He was a lecturer for the United “New Perspectives on States Information Service in Europe, Africa Renaissance Art and and Southeast Asia. At present he is a curator the Rise of Humanism.” of fine arts exhibitions, a member of the After graduating from American Association of Museums and an Music & Art, Dr. Gould associate member of the University Seminars received a bachelor’s at Columbia University. Dr. Gould is also a degree from NYU and featured speaker with the New York Council a doctorate from the Sorbonne. He taught for the Humanities. The students were thrilled art history at Columbia University and Sarah to meet an alumnus with such a fascinating Lawrence College and was a visiting professor career and really enjoyed the lecture. N

Join A&F and Fellow Alumni TS “Play Bach” The concert will lead off with a version of April 16, 2012 Bach’s Brandenburg No. 2 for instruments 8 pm Tkts $75 J.S. never knew existed, followed by an original version of the Art of the Fugue and Christ & St. Stephen’s William Schimmel’s Bachianas Argentinas for accordion and strings. In addition, the NYC Episcopal Church premiere of Casey at the Bat: An American Cantata for a team of chorus, orchestra and 120 West 69th Street all-star soloists will cap the festivities. For (between Broadway & Columbus) tickets go to www.alumniandfriends.org or call 212 595-1301. To Benefit Alumni & Friends The concert will feature: Robert Bonfiglio, Conducted by Paul Dunkel (M&A ’60) harmonica; Korey Grossman, marimba; Ed Joffe, saxophone; Scott Kuney, mandolin; Principal Flutist, NYC Ballet Orchestra Natalia Paruz, ; and William Schimmel, accordion. Vocal soloists will be announced shortly.

A Walk Down Memory Lane For those who loved “The Castle” there’s a great video from 1973 that lets you see the school and the beloved stairs up through Morningside Park. Thanks, Mr. Kosakoff, for sending this to us! Go to: http://vimeo.com/27799642.

9 In Memoriam We deeply regret the loss of our classmates, alumni and friends and send our condolences to the families of those who have passed. This list includes notifications we received after the last printed newsletter (Summer 2011) through February 21, 2012.

Leonard Freiser M&A ’42 …passed away in 2008 after a battle with cancer. He was married for 58 years to his wife Helen, a graduate of M&A 1945. Together, they had over half a century of music (Leonard) and art (Helen). Both have fond memories of their high school years. Rose Janet Frumes Kulkosky M&A ’42 …passed away on October 20, 2011. A talented artist, she elected to put her own talents aside to “serve as a second muse” for her first husband, Elias Friedensohn (M&A ’42), her second

m oria husband, Ed Kulkosky (a performance artist), and her cousin, Roy Kahn (M&A ’40). Hank Basayne M&A ’45

e Muriel Remes Chess M&A ’45 …died peacefully on January 11, 2012. A doyenne of the interior design community, she was the editor-in-chief of Professional Office Design and The Designer Magazine, winning an award for editorial excellence from the American Society of Interior Designers. She was Director of Corpo- rate Communications for Swanke Hayden Connell Architects, on the board of directors of the International Facility Management Association, and a force in both the New York Metro Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers and The Decorators Club. She was instrumental in founding Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA) and served on its first board of directors. For more than 30 years, she was a professional interior designer, serving residen- tial and professional clients. She is survived by her children Caron, Daniel, and Nathan. For details about the celebration of Muriel’s life, please contact her children at murielchess@gmail. i n m com. Donations in her memory may be made to the doctors and staff who gave our mother tremendous joy by saving Daniel’s life: Columbia University – Liver Transplant Unit, c/o CUMC Development Office, 630 W. 168th St, Box 48, New York, NY 10032. Dr. Michael Manheim M&A ’45 …passed away on January 5, 2011. He lived in Strafford, VT. After M&A, Mr. Manheim received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in English literature and taught for eight years at the University of Delaware and then for 30 years at the University of Toledo where he was chair of the English Department. He was also in residence at Dartmouth College and author of three books. He is survived by his wife, two sons, daughter-in-law and grandson. Bernice Saperstein M&A ’45 Peggy Moses Bieley M&A ’46 …was an economist with a B.S. from NYU, an M.A. from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. She was never a “card-carrying member of NOW,” but did her best to push the “glass ceiling” as the only female graduate student in economics at Stanford; the only female expert witness in rooms of 20 or more men in governmental hearings; and the only female professional on the interdisciplinary staff at Columbia. She moved to Miami in 1953 and soon led the largest firm of consulting economists east of the Rockies. Vincent Festa M&A ’46 Edith Gibbs Humphreys M&A ’46 Enid Roth Laulicht M&A ’46 Gladys Sterkin Schwartz M&A ’47

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Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

Dr. James Yannatos M&A ’47 …passed away on October 21, 2011 after a long illness. Jimmy, who will be remembered vividly by all his classmates and many others, was an outstanding musician, composer, conductor, and violinist. He was the conductor of the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra for 45 years, lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and leaves his wife Nyia, daughter Kalya, and son Dion. A memorial

was held on December 10th in Sanders Theatre at Harvard University. e Harriet Feig Lowe M&A ’48 Jerry Silverman PA ’50 m oria Lynn Melzak Unger M&A ’52 Laurence Leblang M&A ’54 …passed away on February 1, 2012 at age 75 in Durham, North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, two sons, two daughters-in-law and four grandchildren. Laurence spent his career in advertising in New York and Miami working for well-known agencies including: Y&R; McCann-Erickson; Wells Rich Greene; Mike Sloan; and Beber Silverstein. He won two Clio Awards as well as many other awards. You can see some of Laurence’s work at: www..com/user/jonathanleblang. Dr. Alan Sklar M&A ’54 …passed away on October 8, 2011. His loving wife of 48 years and their three daughters were at his side. Alan was a board-certified psychiatrist and a member of the Counseling and Psychotherapy Center. He also taught at Stanford University as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Playing the violin was a lifelong . He performed regularly in the Bay Area. Donations in Alan’s memory can be made to Alumni & Friends of LaGuardia, 100 Amsterdam Avenue, room 853, New York, NY 10023. Thomas Young, Jr. M&A ’54 passed away on November 26, 2011. Leonie Wagenheim Aron M&A ’56 Vanita Eaton Ellis M&A ’57 (Retired Faculty) John Mayden M&A ’57 Paul Callender M&A ’58 passed away on August 29, 2011 of natural causes in Concorde, CA. James Castor M&A ’58 passed away on January 16, 2012. Ruth Wital Skolnick M&A ’59 Rayna Knobler M&A ’60 …passed away on October 31, 2011. She was diagnosed with melanoma last fall. She lived her life with enthusiasm and energy. She laughed and talked and traveled from Buffalo, where she lived, to NYC and to Rhinebeck. She fought the cancer until it made no more sense to do so. Her husband, Martin, who had ALS, died several weeks before she did. She is survived by her two sons and brother. Isabel Chicquor M&A ’61 passed away in September, 2011. Margaret Miller M&A ’61 Sharon Gilbert M&A ’62 Eugene Sherman M&A ’62 Carolyn Zeichner Jaquith M&A ’67 Jeffrey Acea M&A ’70 …passed away on August 26, 2011. A paraplegic since 1971, he also fought bravely against leukemia for several years. He was a gifted artist, songwriter and musician as well as an art teacher, mentor to public school students and a community activist. He will be missed. Beth Anker Silberlicht M&A ’70 Lindsay Wiltshire M&A ’72 Gary Goldstein M&A ’73 Kim Merritt LaG ’87 Elinor Friedberg LaG ’88 Anthony Ward LaG ’93 passed away on September 26, 2011. Raymond Blonco LaG ’02 11 ?

The list includes notifications we received after the Steve Stevens, PA ’77 (nee Schneider), recently last printed newsletter (Summer 2011) through played guitar at the Iridium Club in . February 21, 2012. Steve is also a songwriter and has played with many notable artists including Billy Idol, Michael Jackson Carol Messner LeBeaux, M&A ’42, is one of only and Vince Neil. 20 silhouette artists in the . You can see her work on her website: www.silhouette-by- Kam Mak, M&A ’80, created the upcoming Year of carol.com the Dragon stamp for the U.S. Postal Service. You can read more about his career at http://carrollgar- ow Norman Narotzky, M&A ’45. opened his show, dens.patch.com/articles/kam-mak. Monserrat Visions, at La Sala Daura del Museu de Montserrat on March 18, 2012. The work consists or Capathia Jenkins, LaG ’84, was nominated for 37 large paintings (90” x 45”) that form a panorama Outstanding Solo Performance by the 52nd Drama Desk Awards. She is also in rehearsals for Newsies, n of the Montserrat Mountains. You can see his work at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjweAIZysC which will open on March 1, 2012. The cast of k&noredirect=1. Newsies also includes Tommy Bracco, LaG ’08. Bob Stewart, M&A ’47, “is back” (see article at Indira Mahajan, M&A ’84, is a winner of the Kennedy Center’s Marian Anderson Award (2008).

Where we are www.queenstribune.com/leisure/Leisure_020912_ BobStewart.html). Bob left his successful music She sings with the New York City Opera and appears career to pursue his other passion, fishing, and is with several national and international companies. now back performing at New York City clubs. Corey Stoll, LaG ’94, played Ernest Hemingway Marlene Siff, M&A ’53, has received two Special and Adrien Brody, LaG ’91, played Salvador Dali in Recognition Awards for artwork in the 14th Annual Woody Allen’s Midnight in , which has been All Media Juried Online International Art Exhibition, nominated for an Oscar for best picture. which received approximately 300 entries from Laquita Mitchell, M&A ’94, is starring in the lead around the world. You can see the exhibition online role of Violetta in New York City Opera’s produc- at www.upstreampeoplegallery.com through tion of La Traviata at the Brooklyn Academy of December, 2012. You can see more of Arlene’s work Music. You can read more about her career at: at: www.marlenesiff.com/contact.html. http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-02-06/ Nina Frankel Levitt, PA ’55, and her husband Stu news/31031957_1_laquita-mitchell-mitchell- have been living in Grizzyland (between Whitefish, plans-maria-callas or http://www.laquitamitchell. MT. and Glacier National Park) for the past 14 com/2012/Welcome.html. years. In between skiing, biking and hiking, she has Isabel Leonard, LaG ’00, made her Vienna State enjoyed being part of a new theatre group. She and Opera Debut in February 2011. She has performed Stu enjoy going to Salt Lake City to visit their son with the , the Metropolitan and daughter-in-law and spending time with their Opera and at the . She is married 3½ year old grandson. to bass- and they have Jimmy Owens, M&A ’61, has been recognized as a son who was born in May 2010. a National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master. Alexzenia Davis, LaG ’06, a poet and spoken This recognition honors Jimmy’s overall service to word artist, just released her first book of poetry, the field of jazz; he also has an impressive list of Would You Love Me? The book is available at www. discography as a solo artist. He has just released barnesandnoble.com, www.amazon.com and www. a new recording, The Monk Project, and you xlibris.com. can read more about it at http://www.nytimes. com/2012/01/03/arts/music/new-music-by-kevin- Molly Ranson, LaG ‘07, is playing the lead in a new hufnagel-jimmy-owens-and-guided-by-voices. production of Carrie that opens at the MCC Theatre html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=The%20Monk%20 on March 1, 2012. Project%201/3/2012&st=cse. Catherine Ochoa, LaG ’11, won first prize in the Suzanne Vega, PA ’47, started her own record opening installment of this year’s Amateur Night at in 2008 along with a four-part album the Apollo Theater in New York City. series called Close-Up, re-recording some of her back catalogue in “bare bones” form, mostly Vega Ansel Elgort, LaG ’12, will play the role of Caleb and her acoustic guitar. The third volume, States of Farley in Regrets at the Manhattan Theatre Club. Being, was released in 2011 and the final album is Previews run from 3/1 – 3/19 and opening night is expected to be out later in 2012. set for March 20, 2012. Don Scardino, PA ’67, actor and director has Timothee Chalamet, LaG ’13, recently appeared in just been nominated for a Director’s Guild Award two episodes of Royal Pains. for Outstanding Directorial Achievement for the comedy series, 30 Rock. Please tell us what you’re up to – you can send us a note or email us at: info@ alumniandfriends.org. We and your fellow alumni would love to hear from you!

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Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts nk y h a nk

Contributions received between Julie Werner Stern, M&A ’57 June 24, 2011 and February 15, 2012 Elliot Lebowitz, M&A ’58 Friend Yolanda Escollies, M&A ’61 Diana Nasta Gould, M&A ’61 $100-$249 Leadership Circle Margaret Ross Griffel, M&A ’61 Bunny Dell, Faculty Ellen Kauffman, M&A ’61 Barbara August, Friend $10,000 + June LeBell Alley, M&A ’61 Joan Barnes, Friend Abigail Sloane, M&A ’61 Barbara Caress, Friend Thomas Collins, Program Chair & David Chapin, Friend Sharon Faith Collins, Retired Faculty Florence Gorsky Banikiotes, M&A ’64 Roslyn Jhunever Barak, M&A ’67 Tara Director, Friend Shirley E. Vann, M&A ’58 & Chris Doty, Friend Avrom R. Vann, Friend Joan Herman, PA ’71 Heather Barkley Craige, PA ’72 Linda Edgerly, Friend Laurie Bussis, M&A ’74 Foundation for the Carolinas, Friend Society Circle Joshua Dachs, M&A ’74 Jacqueline Friedman, Friend Leslie Bussis Tait, M&A ’74 Carol Gerber, Friend Goldman, Sachs & Co., Friend $2,500-$9,999 Ruth Grossman, Friend Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, Friend Sponsor Marilyn Malina, Friend Stephen Madva, Friend Mary Anna Matsumoto, Friend Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Friend $250-$499 Vincent Rao, Friend Peter Bakstansky, M&A ’57 Marian Seldes, Friend Peter Frishauf, M&A ’66 William Elbogen, Friend Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Friend Gail Silverman, Friend Christine Scott-Deutsch, M&A ’67 Robert Stein, Friend Nathaniel Bohrer, M&A ’75 FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, Friend Lawrence Stern, Friend Mary Jo Trusso, Friend

ShihYin Ho, Friend o u… Elihu Kover, Friend Doris Wallace, Friend Benefactor Northrop Grumman Foundation, Friend Henry Weisburg, Friend Donald Smith, Friend Richard Klein, Retired Faculty $1,000-$2,499 Stanley Levin, Retired Faculty Margot Baron, Friend Byron Dobell, M&A ’44 Gloria Fishbein Katz, M&A ’44 Eugenie Seid Kroop, M&A ’40 Jewish Communal Fund, Friend Diane Paret Sachs, M&A ’40 Stephen McAllister, Friend Norman Gulamerian, M&A ’45 Robert Handschuh, M&A ’48 George Gill, M&A ’41 Mike McLaughlin, Friend Julian Marsh, M&A ’41 New York Community Trust, Friend Barry Volkman, M&A ’48 Edward Craig, M&A ’49 Jacklyn Novikoff Friedman, M&A ’42 Robert Stein, Friend Elsi Kovacs Levy, M&A ’42 Richard Verchick, Friend Myra Solomon Schubin, M&A ’49 Edythe Aldort Gissing, M&A ’50 Vera Finn Deutsch, M&A ’43 Lee Willer, M&A ’41 Marvin Kalisch, M&A ’43 Seymour Ikenson, M&A ’44 Evelyn Sheftman Reiser, M&A ’51 Paul Reisch, M&A ’52 Helen Raynes Staley, M&A ’43 Gabriel Kosakoff, M&A ’44 Jay Brieloff, M&A ’44 Walter Mankoff, M&A ’47 Howard Mager, M&A ’53 Madeline Ritter Davids, M&A ’54 Edward Shorin, M&A ’44 Phoebe Freeman Cohen, M&A ’48 Patricia Jones Thompson, M&A ’44 Saul Sternberg, M&A ’50 Harvey Feuerstein, M&A ’54 Emanuel Fineberg, M&A ’54 Judith Abraham Weber, M&A ’44 Michael Mage, M&A ’51 Lotte Heilbrunn Blaustein, M&A ’45 Lee Miller Floersheimer, M&A ’52 Rollie Greenberg Abkowitz, M&A ’55 Donna Irony Regenstreif, M&A ’55 Lisa Szilagyi Grad, M&A ’45 Frederick Grieger, M&A ’52 Donald Mintz, M&A ’45 Nina Mennerich Frankenheim, M&A ’53 Peter Yarrow, M&A ’55 Beverly McIntosh Green, M&A ’56 Roslyn Potisman Swire, M&A ’45 Barbara Weitz Pollard, PA ’53 Joann Bernstein Temkin, M&A ’45 Arlene Rouse, M&A ’53 Ellen Romoff Witkin, M&A ’58 Michael Bernsohn, M&A ’59 Lilly Mendelsohn Urbach, M&A ’45 Michael Kates, M&A ’57 Martin Barr, M&A ’46 Lorraine Ask Nanko, M&A ’57 Jacqueline Sideman Guttman, M&A ’59 Margaret Edwards Stokes, M&A ’59 Alice Katz Dember, M&A ’46 Paul Blake, M&A ’58 Ellen Bower Feingold, M&A ’46 Joyce Klein Gelb, M&A ’58 Michael Ewer, M&A ’60 Margaret Mandel, M&A ’60 Eva Klempner Liebmann, M&A ’46 Joan Luskin-Crouch, M&A ’59 Ivan Majdrakoff, M&A ’46 Grace Gorfin Abel, M&A ’61 Katherine Russo Bernstein, M&A ’61 Deborah Roseman First, M&A ’61 Beatrice McCalman, M&A ’46 Frederick Rosoff, M&A ’61 Renata Urbach Rainer, M&A ’46 Judith Landsman Slishman, M&A ’62 Barbara Grossman, M&A ’61 Barbara Hendrickson, M&A ’61 Florence Sher Safford, M&A ’46 Judy Francis Zankel, M&A ’63 Yale Kamisar, M&A ’47 Adrien Brody, LaG ’91 Susan Ingerman, PA ’61 Jimmy Owens, M&A ’61 Sheldon Sachs, M&A ’47 Phyllis Stern, M&A ’61 Colin Eisler, M&A ’48 Andrea Tish, M&A ’61 Max Frankel, M&A ’48 Patron Allan Vogel, M&A ’61 Stanley Friedman, M&A ’48 Sigmund Gould, M&A ’63 Sheila Katz Harkavy, M&A ’48 $500-$999 Ann Goldman Kendall, M&A ’48 Laura Van Keulen, Faculty William (Bill) Meezan, M&A ’63 Marya Kraus Wintroub, M&A ’64 Zohra Lampert, M&A ’48 Leonard Carr, Friend Thelma Shapiro, M&A ’48 Community Foundation Steven Deutsch, M&A ’66 Clifford Gelb, M&A ’66 Grace Burza Soloway, M&A ’48 of New Jersey, Friend Frieda Teller Blum, M&A ’49 Arnold Feld, Friend Sam Shapiro, PA ’67 Lucien Kraner, M&A ’68 Arnold Burk, M&A ’49 Pfizer Inc., Friend Joan Kalmus Galison, M&A ’49 Jason Stoller, Friend Jerome Schaefer, M&A ’68 Marcie Pollack Kesner, M&A ’69 David Goldsmith, M&A ’49 Dan Veres, Friend Reri Grist-Thomson, M&A ’49 Peter Sternlight, M&A ’44 Ramona Azulay, M&A ’70 Laurie Nelson, M&A ’73 Joyce Carlin Levy, M&A ’49 Gunther Marx, M&A ’45 Norman Mazaritsky Mazart, PA ’49 Naomi Sternberg Felsenfeld, M&A ’46 Jennifer Kohl, LaG ’87 Benjamin Flaim, LaG ’96 Allen Miller, M&A ’49 Mary Barber Phillips, M&A ’46 Eleanor Robbins Allen, M&A ’50 Ann Silverman Aviles, M&A ’52 Celia Starkman Argintar, M&A ’50 Milton Ohring, M&A ’53 Howard Coron, M&A ’50 Linda Burg Macklowe, M&A ’54 Myrna Harrison, M&A ’50 Susan Levitt Stamberg, M&A ’55 Thelma Kline Reiter, M&A ’50

13 14 thank you… Noah andRosalyn Russ Hershkowitz, Joan BerllyHaskel, M&A’58 Adina Cohen, M&A’58 Joel Yager, M&A’57 Sally L. Liss Walter, M&A’57 Michael Spitzer, M&A’57 Joan Yares Schussheim, M&A’57 Ethan Rofman, M&A’57 Robert Plested, M&A’57 Judi EpsteinPaseltiner, M&A’57 Donald Low, M&A’57 Susan Heimann Llewellyn, M&A’57 Muriel Bertenthal (Micki)Kuhs, M&A’57 Nora Fox Goldschlager, M&A’57 Joshua Gendel, M&A’57 Mady Chalk, M&A’57 Linda MessiteBell,M&A’57 Michael Aaron, M&A’57 Marilyn Chris Wallace, PA ’56 Renee FlorsheimRayel,M&A’56 Sylvia PlimackMangold,M&A’56 Richard Hammerschlag, M&A’56 Gallya Lemelstreich Gordon, M&A’56 Anne MiodownikFried,M&A’56 Jeannette Doertler Filby, M&A’56 Miriam Eisenstein,M&A’56 Rosanne Greenwald Berkowitz, M&A’56 Beth Bergman,M&A’56 Andrea HoffmanBardfeld, M&A’56 Bernard Bacharach,M&A’56 Barbara Sprung Wilkes, M&A’55 Yvonne Othon Wilder, PA ’55 Joan Roth Weiss, M&A ’55 Ramona Ashton Wall, M&A’55 Audrey Smaltz, M&A’55 Betsy Cantwell Pusey, M&A’55 Judith HirschNorell, M&A’55 Brian Lipton, M&A’55 Isabel andHarvey Kibel,M&A’55 Henry and Linda Turkel Kellerman, M&A ’55 Claudia Hurst, M&A’55 Isabelle Ganz, M&A’55 Owen Coleman, M&A’55 Stephen Buchman,M&A’55 Roberta Waldman Bell,M&A’55 Judith Spiegler Adler, M&A’55 Jonathan Tunick, M&A’54 Helene Jaffe Swedowsky, M&A’54 Susan Steiger, M&A’54 Carole Ostrow Rothman, M&A’54 Sally BakstanskyRosoff, M&A’54 Paulette Rubin Rosenstein, M&A’54 Linda Latter Rosdeitcher, M&A’54 Julius Miller, M&A’54 Judith Schlein Marlane,PA ’54 Robert Losada, M&A’54 Charles Levi, M&A’54 Richard Gatti, M&A’54 Marjorie Ellenbogen, M&A’54 Alan Barkin,M&A’54 Paul Bachner, M&A’54 Larry Walker, M&A’53 Harriet Brown Saperstein, M&A’53 Karen Sethur Rotenberg, M&A’53 Emilie Baumritter Klagsbrun, M&A’53 Edwin Jacobowitz, M&A’53 Beverly Criley Graham, M&A’53 Jack Freiwald, M&A’53 Jo Ann Katzenstein Bloom,M&A’53 Sheldon Streisand, M&A’52 Barbara BacklarReis, M&A’52 Esther Gingold Liebert, M&A’52 Sondra KaganKramer, M&A’52 Diana Touliatou Vagelos, M&A’51 Rena Feuerstein Strauch, M&A’51 Ina Baron Green, M&A’51 Susan Loeserman Friedman, M&A’51 Bob Ellison,PA ’51 M&A ’58 Frances Loeb Carr, PA ’64 Michael Tannenbaum, M&A’63 Kathleen RadanoPollak, M&A’63 Susan Maier, M&A’63 Joyce Mueller Heller, PA ’63 Harold Friedman, M&A’63 Sydney Fischer, M&A’63 Elliot Cohen, M&A’63 Marlene Butler, M&A’63 James Bernstein,M&A’63 Claudette Simeone Zink, M&A’62 Ellen Taussig, M&A’62 Janet Sullivan, M&A’62 Francine Skurnick, M&A’62 Joseph Pergola, M&A’62 Guy Lucas-deVeaux, M&A’62 Joel Lester, M&A’62 Steven Lambert, M&A’62 Madeline Ettin,M&A’62 Bruce Degen, M&A’62 Ernest Bryant,M&A’62 Beryl Modell Adler, PA ’62 Sandra Zagarell, M&A’61 Melanie Gould Wilensky, PA ’61 Marilyn Wessler, M&A’61 Deborah Silver Verlen, M&A’61 Peter Taub, M&A’61 Jonathan Steinberg, M&A’61 Ronald Spaeth, M&A’61 Jenny Snider, M&A’61 Eleanor Nagler Shodell, M&A’61 Enid Rubenstein, M&A’61 Michele Des Verney Redwine, M&A’61 Renee EisnitzPaley-Bain, M&A’61 Richard Mishkin,M&A’61 Anne Millman,M&A’61 Leslie Liebesman, M&A’61 Elaine Lieberman, M&A’61 Joan Levine Levenson, M&A’61 Paul Lansky, M&A’61 Alice Almeleh Lane, PA ’61 Linda Krieger, M&A’61 George Hoffman,M&A’61 Hildegarde Hammond,M&A’61 Sara Wyner Gootblatt, M&A’61 Benjamin Goldstein, M&A’61 Ranny (Myra) Goldfarb, M&A’61 Judith Claire, M&A’61 Celia Cizes, M&A’61 Carl Brosius,M&A’61 Alma Marshak Whitney, M&A’60 Reeva Starkman Mager, M&A’60 Sheila Linder, M&A’60 Faith EpsteinLifshen, M&A’60 Jon Edelbaum,M&A’60 Paul Lustig Dunkel, M&A’60 Daniel Beagle,M&A’60 Gabriel Weisberg, M&A’59 Michael Wachtell, M&A’59 Roy Tumpowsky, M&A’59 Linda Goldstein Towbin, M&A’59 Barbara Stevens Sullivan, PA ’59 Heather KaplanRosen, M&A’59 Constance Mersel Robinson, M&A’59 Joan Amdur Morris,M&A’59 Margery Brussel Manber, M&A’59 Stan Kusnetz, M&A’59 Diana Brody Jacobson, M&A’59 Caryl Johnson Hudson Baron,M&A’59 Laura Harris,M&A’59 Patricia Campbell Gourdine, PA ’59 Jonathan Bates, M&A’59 Julie Aaron Baraz,M&A’59 Anna Leyens Thompson, M&A’58 Alice Shapiro Swersey, M&A’58 Eugene Skurnick, M&A’58 Rosalie Siegel-Wolarsky, M&A’58 Lynne Littman, M&A’58 Harriet Schwarz Holtzman,M&A’58 Adrianna Edgerly-Moore, LaG ’08 Benjamin Grobman, LaG ’05 Grace Chou, LaG ’99 Jane Khiet Tinh Long, LaG ’97 Amanda Miller, LaG ’96 Abigail Robin Edgecliffe-Johnson, LaG ’94 Christopher Phillipps,LaG ’91 Vanessa Radziewicz Vounasis, LaG ’89 Helaine Katoria Worrell, PA ’84 Yolanda Tabb, M&A’82 Jill Lanier, M&A’81 Willie Black,M&A’80 George Bamber-Abrams, M&A’80 Jean Tsien, M&A’79 Nanette Schwersenz Abuhoff, M&A’79 Suzanne Vega, PA ’77 Debbie Sansevero, M&A’77 Nina Kostroff Noble, M&A’77 Whitfield Lovell, M&A’77 Alison Gaynor, M&A’77 Ronald D. Thompson, M&A’76 Deborah ElkindRosenthal, M&A’75 Debra Kosakoff, M&A’73 Maria Bortoluzzi,M&A’72 Lyle Banks, M&A’72 Christine Gummere, M&A’71 Susan Silverstein Wertheim, M&A’70 William Stone, M&A’70 Lynne Cohen Reik, M&A’70 Joshua Frank,M&A’70 Sandra Blank,M&A’70 Daniel Kravetz,M&A’69 Michele Keklak Gale, PA ’69 James Bednarz,M&A’69 Jan Roth Hauptman,M&A’68 Jonathan Bloom,M&A’68 Linda Rosenstock, M&A’67 Ellen Paleias-Adler, PA ’67 Roger Lang, M&A’67 Judith Katz,PA ’67 Brenda Blocker Duncan,M&A’67 Harry Taub, M&A’66 Janet Sibarium, M&A’66 Robert Hoffman,M&A’66 Joshua Feldman,M&A’66 Beth Levin Peller, M&A’65 Lida Orzeck, M&A’64 Johanna Rosenthal Elinora Mantovani,M&A’64 Kathy Gruber, M&A’64 Mitchell Goodman, M&A’64 Allan Gabel, M&A’64 Shirley Katz-Cohen, Retired Faculty Bill Britten, Retired Faculty Howard Young, Friend Carol Stevens, Friend William andLavinia Simon, Friend Jaclyn Popper, Friend Diane Paravazian,Friend Network For Good, Friend Eileen Lehrfeld, Friend Eugene Lambert, Friend April Klausner, Friend Paul Gurwitz, Friend Beth Flusser, Friend Maria MilinandMarcFinkelstein, Friend Ken DeLuca, Friend Karen Caskey, Friend Kristina Burling, Friend Eugenia Braunshteyn, Friend of American Association Peris Alban, Friend $50-$99 Individual Mendelson-Forman, M&A’64 Teachers ofFrench, Friend


Alumni & Friends of Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts nk y h a nk

Bette Jerome Bialek, M&A ’40 Janet Chassagne Rogenstein, M&A ’54 Susan Halper, M&A ’62 Ruth Kaufman Skernick, M&A ’41 Carol Schott Sterling, M&A ’54 Phyllis Greenman Kiehl, M&A ’62 Wallace Berger, M&A ’42 Judith Kent Green, M&A ’55 Sue Schulman Kincaid, PA ’62 Jean Poindexter-Waldes, M&A ’42 Anthony Greenwald, M&A ’55 Alan Kliger, M&A ’62 Albert Sly, M&A ’42 Emily Wortis Leider, M&A ’55 Gary Koesten, M&A ’62 Myron Wishinsky Winson, M&A ’42 Jack Linder, PA ’55 Paul La Paglia, M&A ’62 Hy Abe Bershad, M&A ’43 Michael Melcher, M&A ’55 Sheila Kolb Moldover, M&A ’62 Henry Plotkin, M&A ’43 Rowena Stapelfeldt Rosenbaum, M&A ’55 Toby Goldstein Schlein, M&A ’62 Richard Rauh, M&A ’43 Carolyn Silvers Salevitz, M&A ’55 Renee Adelman Stein, PA ’62 Vivian Bulwa Chusid De Marco, M&A ’44 Zipporah Weiss Collins, M&A ’56 Sheila Schwed Trautman, M&A ’62 Judith Lacher Fleisher, M&A ’44 Grace Feldman, M&A ’56 Joyce Donheiser Vitale, PA ’62 Vera Fox Jiji, M&A ’44 Maria Passarelli Gabriele, M&A ’56 Miriam Gofseyeff Zarchan, M&A ’62 Max Robbins, M&A ’44 Judy Kanner Kadoory, PA ’56 Richard Band, M&A ’63 Sheldon Soffer, M&A ’44 Benjamin Lanzarone, M&A ’56 Carol Spector Goldin, M&A ’63 Franklin Feldman, M&A ’45 Robert Marshall, M&A ’56 Marian Heller, PA ’63 Gerald Fried, M&A ’45 Wendy Nickerson Maynard, PA ’56 Ronald Wertheimer, M&A ’63 Joseph Liebling, M&A ’45 Avivah Zuchman Pinski, M&A ’56 Catherine Aks, M&A ’64 Miriam Flax Ross, M&A ’45 David Simpson, M&A ’56 Linda Lefkow McBride, M&A ’64 Carl Gscheidle, M&A ’46 Ila Solomon Weiss, M&A ’56 Mary Ann Nichols, M&A ’64 Irwin Rosenberg, M&A ’46 Delores Lefkowitz Bernstein, M&A ’57 Ginger Le Bost Weiss, PA ’64 Richard Berjian, M&A ’47 Miriam Katz Cohen, M&A ’57 Miki Tanikaga Kuroda, M&A ’65 Cynthia Ulick Berliner, M&A ’47 Anthony Drago, M&A ’57 Kenneth Maltz, M&A ’65 John Furst, M&A ’47 Judith Bergman Feig, M&A ’57 Susan Hinton McLean, M&A ’65 Roberta Vlock Gottlieb, M&A ’47 Nicholas Gordon, PA ’57 Laurane Geary Mendelsohn, M&A ’65

Jane Harmon Hein, M&A ’47 Carolyn Resnick Graybow, M&A ’57 Susan Johnson Phillips, M&A ’65 o u… Irma Moten King, M&A ’47 Rona Goldman Green, M&A ’57 Jill Pliskin, M&A ’65 Milton Goldstein Putterman, M&A ’47 Andrew Joachim, M&A ’57 Lester Tockerman, M&A ’65 Betty Hirschberg Rosenblum, M&A ’47 Alan Lazarescu, M&A ’57 Rosely Traube, M&A ’65 Lucy Freeman Sandler, M&A ’47 Michael Lieber, M&A ’57 Ellen Eisenberg, M&A ’66 Florence Alter Stern, M&A ’47 Winston (Buddy) Paley, M&A ’57 Ellen March Feinstein, PA ’66 Mira Jedwabnik Van Doren, M&A ’47 Marvin Richman, M&A ’57 Erica Frouman-Smith, M&A ’66 Lorraine Buch, M&A ’48 Harriet Grossberg Ross, PA ’57 Deena Dash Kushner, M&A ’66 Len Feiman, M&A ’48 Maryellen Weinberg, M&A ’57 Matthew Diamond, PA ’68 Naomi Loeb Lipman, M&A ’48 Robert Axelrod, M&A ’58 Leonard Kamen, M&A ’68 Liane Winrow Lunden, M&A ’48 Jon Konheim, M&A ’58 Susan Simon, M&A ’68 Norma Renard Nelson, M&A ’48 Jin Lau, M&A ’58 Jonah Cohen, M&A ’69 Edith Bernstein Schatz, M&A ’48 Susan Tannenbaum Manspeizer, M&A ’58 Lorinda Klein, M&A ’69 Ann Dimin Shalat, M&A ’48 John Radosta, M&A ’58 Karen Marcus, PA ’69 Judith Levine Greenbaum, M&A ’49 Samuel Rhodes, M&A ’58 Lisa Mintz Messinger, M&A ’69 Millicent Kabakow Jacobs, M&A ’49 Stanley Scheller, M&A ’58 Katharine Flanders Mukherji, M&A ’69 Lida Traum Keltz, M&A ’49 Nancy Adelstein Shankman, M&A ’58 Regina Kurrasch, M&A ’71 Barbara Koral Raisner, M&A ’49 Karen Kissin Wilkin, M&A ’58 Jackie Windisch-Shayer, M&A ’71 Barbara Shatz Seid, M&A ’49 Caroline Fleisher Birenbaum, M&A ’59 Phyllis Lerner, M&A ’72 Iris Graffman Wenglin-Bergas, M&A ’49 Neil Erdwein Edwards, M&A ’59 Rikki Asher, M&A ’73 Vera Schiff Feingold, M&A ’50 Judy Schwartz Ellen, M&A ’59 Robin Jacobs Fox, PA ’73 Ruth Liebling Goldstone, M&A ’50 Sandra Smolofsky Feldman, M&A ’59 Melanie Boros Hooven, M&A ’73 Joyce Kent Helman, M&A ’50 Lawrence Richman, M&A ’59 Helen Churko, M&A ’74 Ellen Sharcoff Jaffe, M&A ’50 Gerard Silverman, M&A ’59 Adele Dinerstein, M&A ’74 Steven Barbash, M&A ’51 Elise Hoch Zazula, M&A ’59 Diane Constantino Golkin, PA ’74 Ellin Friedman Grossman, M&A ’51 Michael Bartos, M&A ’60 Linda Santoro, M&A ’74 Joseph Hartog, M&A ’51 Marjorie Schwartz Copaken, M&A ’60 Robert Kruskol, PA ’75 Louise Greber Londin, M&A ’51 Margaret Grupp Grave, M&A ’60 Colin Danville, M&A ’76 Luba Byman Staller, M&A ’51 Lucy Kraus, M&A ’60 Jennifer Rosenbaum, M&A ’77 Judith Rosenkrantz Tager, M&A ’51 Joshua Rifkin, M&A ’60 Stephanie Salzman Carbonnier, M&A ’78 Judith Rosenberg Conti, M&A ’52 Elaine Tannenbaum, M&A ’60 Anna Seglin Gutsin, M&A ’78 Alvin Friedman-Klein, M&A ’52 Susan Aster, M&A ’61 Sharen Barfield Hart, M&A ’78 Lucille Pachter Gruber, M&A ’52 Elizabeth Block, M&A ’61 Mimi Berotte Francis, M&A ’79 Evan Hersh, M&A ’52 Harvey Botzman, M&A ’61 Crescenda Ramble Lewis, PA ’79 Amy Loeserman, M&A ’52 Julie Diamond, M&A ’61 Deborah Maisel, M&A ’79 Ellen Richter Nenner, M&A ’52 Marilyn Kaplan Eisenberg, M&A ’61 Glenn McKeown, M&A ’79 Eileen Miller Peretz, M&A ’52 Jill Munroe Fankhauser, M&A ’61 Nadine Aubort Oundjian, PA ’80 Stephen Richards, M&A ’52 Eileen Freiberg-Dale, M&A ’61 Mara Milrad Kelly, M&A ’82 Elissa Oppenheim Schreiner, M&A ’52 Roberta Hirsch Friedman, M&A ’61 Elisa Koizumi, M&A ’82 Judith Savitz Sharenow, M&A ’52 Arlene Goldsand, M&A ’61 Teresa Mullane Toro, M&A ’84 Alice E. Goldsmith Weinstein, M&A ’52 Judy Schwartz Hamer, M&A ’61 Mathieu Chamberlain, LaG ’86 Jill Marshall Gallen, M&A ’53 Vera Lambert Kaplan, M&A ’61 Lauren Manheim, LaG ’87 Adina Prietz Linden, M&A ’53 Carol Lieberman Kroll, M&A ’61 Deidre Jones, LaG ’88 Anoush Miridjanian, M&A ’53 Suzanne Kagan Leibowitz, M&A ’61 Judy Wong, LaG ’89 Frances Donn Richard, M&A ’53 Elaine Fialkow Maltz, M&A ’61 Scott Woska, LaG ’89 Fenja Blank Brodo, M&A ’54 Debra Goldstein Popkin, PA ’61 Sheila Johnson, LaG ’91 Rita Falbel, M&A ’54 Iris Rifkin-Gainer, M&A ’61 Cynthia Perdomo, LaG ’91 Carol Fineberg-Wilson, M&A ’54 Jane Schuyler, M&A ’61 Abigail Levine, LaG ’95 Ellen Auerbach Gilbert, M&A ’54 Akal Dev Zuckerman Sharonne, M&A ’61 Isabel Leonard, LaG ’00 Dorothy Dodson Holloway, M&A ’54 Richard Solomon, M&A ’61 Mario Rincon, LaG ’03 Eugene Laska, M&A ’54 Carol Teitelbaum, M&A ’61 Olga Eydlin, LaG ’04 Carol Feldman Newman, M&A ’54 Naomi Weinstein, M&A ’61 Mary Braunshteyn, LaG ’05 Susan Levitis Nimowitz, M&A ’54 Thomas Windham, M&A ’61 Beverly Goldner Panken, M&A ’54 Linda Bloch Grambau, M&A ’62 Sarah Southern Pease, M&A ’54 Lorenzo Hall, M&A ’62 15 Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Germi nate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom GerminateNONPROFIT Renew Grow ORG Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear BloomUS POSTAGE Germinate Emerge PAID Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow EmerWHT RIVge JCTReappear VT Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear EmerPERMITge Bloom 86 Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate RenewAlumni & Grow Friends Renew of Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom FiorelloGerminate H. LaGuardia Emerge High Bloom School Renew of Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Music & Art and Performing Arts Grow Emerge100 Reappear amsterdam Germinate Ave. RM. #853 Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge BloomNew York,Germinate NY 10023 Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Renew Growwww.alumniANDfriends.org Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate RenewIs your Grow membership Renew Growcurrent? Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom ifGerminate you’re not Emer a member,ge Bloom join Renew today! Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear pear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear pear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Renew Grow Reappear Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Emerge Bloom Renew Grow Emerge Reappear Germinate Reappear Emerge Bloom Germinate Renew Grow Renew Grow Reappear