Autumn 2014 AD MAJORAM DEI GLORIAM Volume 312, Issue 3b

He is very happy with how well- some fun and excitement.” included well-run, serious playoffs be-

organized the season has been so far, My penultimate question for Mr. Hill ginning in mid-to-late of October. He Cameron Keuning ‘16 especially since games began the second was about how he thought the Intramu- also told me to expect a quick turna- Editor-in-Chief week of school, and that “it didn’t take ral Football season was going through round between seasons, so the Dodge- three or four weeks to get teams togeth- the first two weeks. He said that it is ball season would begin right around er.” He is also very happy with the pub- “good, not great.” His reasoning for this Halloween, and Basketball after the Se- I ’m sure you’ve lishing of standings on a weekly basis, is that he was a little disappointed in the mester Exams. Mr. Hill is also looking noticed something a as you have probably noticed, in home- fact that some homerooms fielded a to do another sport beginning in the little bit different about this year’s Intra- middle of March, for which some op- mural football season. Maybe you’ve tions include Kick-Ball, Soccer, Ulti- noticed that it’s more organized, maybe mate Frisbee, or even another season of you’ve noticed that the rules are consid- Football. He said that he would like to erably more strict, or maybe you’ve do Volleyball, like he did before, when even noticed the grammatically perfect he was Commissioner, but he is getting set of rules put forward by the office of the impression that there is little interest the Commissioner of Intramurals. If in it. Mr. Hill said that in the 90s, Intra- you’ve observed any of this, then you mural Volleyball “was really competi- will probably know it is a consequence tive,” and that “it was taken really seri- of Mr. Hill taking charge of the school’s ously” by the participants. I’m sure that Intramurals program. I sat down with if students informed Mr. Hill that they Mr. Hill for an interview exclusive to would be interested in playing Intramu- the Cub News. ral Volleyball, it would be very likely I asked Mr. Hill if he was excited that it would become quite popular. about his position as Commissioner of I also sat down with Mr. Simmons, Intramurals this year, and he said that he the Dean of Co-Curriculars, for an ex- was, “to some extent.” He said that he clusive interview about the state of the had experience with running the pro- Intramurals program under Mr. Hill. gram. His first time was in the mid-90s, This interview was, however, not an when he first began teaching at The evaluation of the job that Mr. Hill has High, and he chaired the Intramurals done thus far as the Commissioner. My program again as Dean of Students. He first question was if Mr. Simmons had enjoyed both of his previous experienc- any expectations of the Intramurals pro- es with the Intramurals program primar- gram under Mr. Hill. He told me that he ily because he “like[s] organizing expected it to be well organized, well things” and “like[s] making trains run publicized, and that it would provide on time.” students with opportunities to get in- My second question for Commission- volved. This is Mr. Hill’s third time serving as the Commissioner of Intramurals. er Hill was if he had any goals for the My second question for Mr. Simmons team, but never show up, resulting in a Intramurals program entering this year? rooms and in the hallways. “I think was what is his opinion was on the state He responded with a very specific list. forfeit. Some homerooms failed to even of the Intramurals program under Mr. we’re off to a good start,” concluded the sign up, which is a little disappointing to The first was that he would like “to in- Commish. Hill through the first two weeks of Intra- crease participation” on the part of the him. He told me about one of the great mural Football. Mr. Simmons responded students. The second goal of his was I asked was if there was any part of features of this year’s Intramural Foot- that returning to homeroom teams has “the students would have fun.” He also the Intramural Football rules that Mr. ball season. He decided it would be best been an adjustment, especially for the told me that he “wanted to raise the visi- Hill would like to revise, and he re- to go back to homeroom teams for the students, but he expected the change to bility” of the program. Ultimately, the sponded with a firm no. He wrote the sake of organization, and because they be very beneficial as the season pro- latter two provided a gressed. more diverse goals would My final question was one that I also both assist in pool of abil- ity; further- asked Mr. Hill, and that was if he increasing thought the IM program has been more participation more, it helps the home- successful, less successful, or the same in the pro- in regards to last year. Mr. Simmons gram. room to come togeth- said that it was too early to tell, but he is My third er and bond excited for this year, and that we will be question for as a home- better able to evaluate the year as it con- Mr. Hill was room, as op- tinues. if he posed to a All in all, I believe that Mr. Hill being thought, group of elite the Commissioner of Intramurals will be through the athletes, who very beneficial to the morale of the stu- first couple are already dent body. Having a well-organized pro- of weeks of good friends, gram is essential because a chaotic the Intramu- creating game of Intramural Football can be ra- ral Football teams and ther stressful, especially if it’s your op- season, that dominating. ponent who is breaking all the rules and this program This way, getting away with. Sure, going back to was more Intramurals homeroom teams is an adjustment, but Some juniors out enjoying Intramural football successful, less can be more fun at least now, you don’t have to worry successful, or the rules himself with the intention of effi- and more balanced in regards to compe- about searching out every one of your same in regards to last year. He told me ciency when playing. If you have partic- tition. teammates on game day just to have that he wasn’t involved in the program ipated in Intramural Football so far this them tell you they have a test to study last year, so he didn’t really know. He My final question for Mr. Hill was season, or even if you’ve just read the about what to expect going forward for for, or a paper to write at the last mi- also informed me that Mr. Johnson left rules, you’ll notice they eliminate first nute. It’s for the better, and I hope to the program in a very good position, and Intramurals. Being the well-organized downs, and limit each team to only one man that he is, he was able to provide revisit the Intramurals program later that it would have been hard to do better run play per possession. Mr. Hill said with Mr. Hill and Mr. Simmons for an than Mr. Johnson. “So far, I’m pleased,” me with a tentative schedule for the In- that this forces the quarterback to throw tramural sports to come. The schedule update. said Mr. Hill about the first two weeks. the ball down-field, which “creates Page 2 The Cub News, Autum 2014 Welcome, New Teachers!

hardest challenge is going to play the #2 team in the nation, Culver Acade- Connor Hamm ‘16 have over other new teachers? my. What can you expect from our A: Just an idea of how the whole system Staff Writer Cub lax team going up against a team at U of D works. of this stature? Alexander Marquis ‘18 Staff Writer Q: What has been your favorite part A: I expect us to contend with a high of teaching at U of D so far? A few days ago I caught up with power team such as Culver. If we put in A: The responsiveness of the students. one of the newest additions to the facul- the work and the hours, anything is pos- ty/staff roster, Tom Shermetaro. Mr. sible. Q: What is the message you want all Q : What college(s) did you attend? your students to walk away from your Shermetaro is known to the average U A: I attended Niagara University for un- class with? of D student as the new Physical Educa- dergrad, where I studied English. I also A: There is a spiritual side to your life, Q: Last year, a couple of our key sen- tion teacher, but after school hours he attended the University of Toledo, but you have to find it yourself. also holds a job as the new Varsity Cubs iors graduated from the school. How where I got my Masters in counseling, lacrosse coach. As a player for this new do you expect your team to respond and the University of Toronto where I got my Masters in Theology. coach, I thought it would be nice for and fill those roles? you, the student, to meet our new coach, A: Coming into this season, this could Q: What inspired you to come and so I asked him a few questions: be the most high-powered team we have teach at U of D? had in years. We are young and fast A: I taught in public school for a lot of team, so filling the holes on our roster years, but I got the chance to teach in should not be too much of a problem. private schools later in life and enjoyed it a lot. I hadn't been able to teach theol- ogy in a long time, so I decided to come to U of D. Q: What can we expect from our var- sity Cub lax team this season, espe- Q: What is the biggest advantage and cially after a roller coaster type year, the biggest disadvantage of the BYOD only gong 1-13 in the regular season, program? A: Biggest disadvantage is everyone but becoming a Cinderella team in the knowing how to work the device, and playoffs and going to the final four, understanding how to connect to the Wi- winning a regional championship? Fi. The biggest advantage is yet to be Mr. Geraghty found because we are all still experi- A: This year expectations are higher menting, and once we figure everything Q: If you could change one thing than ever before. I can honestly see our out, we will benefit from the program. about U of D, what would it be? team putting on a good showing at the A: Every teacher would have their own Midwest Tournament, as well as walk- Q: Why is it important we teach The- classroom. Floating around to different ing away with Catholic League and ology in school? classrooms isn't fun. State titles. The potential this year is sky A: It’s why we are here. You can learn math and physics any other place. Here Q: What is your ultimate guilty pleas- Coach Shermetaro -high, and we have to talent to be the at U of D, we teach kids theology so ure song? best. Offseason is just as important as Q: Coach Tom, now that you are a they can connect with God, and so they A: “Rock Lobster” by The B52s. I saw the regular season, though. We can only can be a better Man for Others. teacher AND the new head lacrosse them at the Fox Theater a while ago and achieve so much as long as we start the it was one of the best concerts I ever coach at U of D, what advantages will process right now. Q: After filling in for Mrs. Kelly last went to. present themselves for the team now year, what advantages do you feel you that you will be around 24/7? A: It opens so many doors for the off- Well, it certainly seems as if the season. Now I will be able to push my year ahead for the Cub lacrosse team is players to put in work in the weight looking bright. A promising opinion room or on the field during the offsea- form first-year head coach Tom Sher- son, as well as the fact that it gives me a metaro reveals that Cub lacrosse is back chance to get close to the team. and hungry for more.

Q: Looking at your schedule, the

Q. What is the best part about being tive this time around. Q. What is something that is exactly an AVC? What is the worst? the same about U of D, and something A. The best part is having the ability to Q. what was your favorite movie you Alexander Marquis that has completely changed since you give out jugs, and the worst part is hav- saw over the summer? ‘18 attended the ing to wake up at A. Transformers 4 Staff Writer school? 6:30 in the morn- A. Something that is ing. Q. Anything else you want to add? exactly the same is A. Watch out for me at dances. Mr. Gumbel moni- Q. What is your toring the traffic ultimate guilty Q . What year did you graduate pattern. Not a lot is pleasure song? from U of D, and what college(s) did different about U of A. Let’s go Taylor you attend? D. We didn't have Swift - “Shake it A. I graduated from U of D in 2010, and the BYOD program, Off” I attended Wheeling Jesuit University. I and we didn't have Q. What are played lacrosse there and majored in to use lanyards. We your hopes for business. just kept our ID’s in the JV-A soccer our pockets or our team this year? Q. What is the biggest advantage and wallets. A. Win the Catho- the biggest disadvantage of the BYOD Q. What made you lic League. That’s program? want to come back it. A. The biggest advantage would be if to U of D to be- you forget something in class, like a dia- come an AVC? Q. What is like gram or a worksheet, you can pull it up A. I wanted to give teaching with Mr. on your device. The biggest disad- back to the students Mr. Mills ‘10 Tuite? vantage would be kids using their devic- because I know how influential A. It is really fun because I had es during their off periods instead of do- AVCs were when I was in high school. him as a coach and a teacher, so it is in- ing homework or socializing. teresting to get a co-worker’s perspec- Mr. Mills keeps watch at mass Page 3 The Cub News, Autumn 2014 CUB LIFE

soccer games, hopes are high for the stu- tice. Some motivated learners even at- Joe Cozzolino ‘15 dent sections for the rest of the year. John Ghawi ‘16 tend more than once a day. I visited the When I asked senior student section co- MAGIS rooms after school (212, 215, Student Senate Liaison chair Patrick O'Shea what he thought Editor or 217) and saw kids hard at work. Mrs. about the attendance at the games so far, Grady was quizzing them about the he said it was “beyond real;” however, bones in the human body for Mr. Tu- he went on to say that despite the crowds ite's health test (metacarpals!), Mr. ith Homecom- W being large, the guys need to step it up Spilker was going over papers ing, spirit week, spirit games, Icebreak- (Maslow's Hierarchy... again), and Mr. er, and a pep rally all within the first T he U of D Jesuit MAGIS program Mals was reviewing World History month of school, the first week for the is designed to identify students with terms (Why wasn't that elephant do- Senate was busy to say the least, but af- academic struggles and help them to mesticated?). No one seemed sad or ter it was all said and done, everything overcome those struggles. Some stu- bummed out to be at MAGIS. "This is went according to plan. The Senate of- dents may have noticed that the MAG- not a study hall. Kids are expected to ficers and co-chairs got together a lot IS program is very different this year. It come in with both during the summer and during the has become a a plan and first few weeks of school to get the be- more flexible, work to do. ginning-of-the-year festivities in order. student-centered Sometimes Icebreaker drew almost 800 peo- version of itself. you will do Xavier McCormick ‘16 heads the ple for what most call “the biggest dance when Students who are homework, big soccer ball during the Spirit of the year,” while this number was low- it involved in the but just as Games er than that of most years in the past, the program now often we fact that there were two prime-time have the option to comes to the noise. will work on games being played by teams from attend in the studying for Michigan did not help the attendance. The next big event for the senate morning (7:00 - specific tests Overall, dance co-chairs David Piper is Pledge Detroit. Kickoff was Tuesday, 7:45), during all and basic and Brendan Dudek were pleased with September 23rd, and Senior Pledge De- three lunch peri- study skills, the result. The brilliance of 007-Mile troit co-chair Joe Nittmann could not ods ( you can which 9th Homecoming was made a reality after have been more excited. He said on the bring your graders in months of planning, and everything subject, “I've been waiting for this mo- lunch), and after particular went, in President Payton McLoughlin's ment ever since I was appointed four school (3:00 - tend to lack, words, “As smooth as it could have.” months ago.” Nittmann gave a riveting 4:00), as MAGIS BUT we speech to get the guys ready for the The pep rally was the next big is traditionally want it to be fundraiser. This speech ended with a lit- event that we spent our time planning. done. Why the a happy, tle something extra. Joe promised that All in all, it was considered a success changes? Co - productive he, along with the Senate officers and Director of the after the students pulled the upset over A student receives math help place where his fellow co-chair Jimmy Pierce, would program. There are also the teachers in a tug-of-war battle. As from Mrs. Grady kids can learn and work on shave their heads if $200,000 was donat- for the student sections for the fall se- now two mentors per room, their various struggles," ed in the fundraiser. which allows for more one- (Photo credits to Kenneth mester, this is the biggest average at- Donaldson) states Mr. Spilker. MAGIS tendance for games I have seen in my So far, this year has been a very on-one work in a larger va- is definitely a force for good four years at The High. With a Home- successful one for the U of D Student riety of subjects. The new approach in the school, and it shows that every- coming game attendance that easily out- Senate. Everything up until this point seems to be working - kids are able to one, even kids who might struggle a numbered last year's and bleacher-filling has gone very well, and we are looking go to the morning or lunch session so little bit, is a part of U of D. crowds at each of the first two home forward to a year to come. they don’t miss football or soccer prac- Page 4 The Cub News, Spring 2014 Pop Culture

He's always has been known for struc- sized suits were left in the 80s, so I not casions. Looks 7 and 2 just prove that he tured pieces, but he over did it this sea- excited to see this well-known designer presented the best line this season. Look son. “Less is more” is a theme he should place it back into fashion. Look 27 pic- 7 was the definition of high fashion. Aaron Abney ‘16 have considered. Look 23, pictured be- tured below is exactly what I'm talking This designer took innovation and ex- Style Columnist low, expresses my exact sentiments. about. The fabric choices are amazing, panded it. This piece is a white leather Each piece on the model is considered his leather pieces can be compared to romper cut with a high-waisted brown

to be a statement piece. The top with a the best, but the fit of this look on the belt. The jacket is what takes this look pencil skirt would have been TO DIE model bothers me tremendously. Alt- from just okay to amazing. The jacket is FOR. Instead, Marc Jacobs pieces to- hough I didn't like this look, Mr. Kors a triangle structure shape with gold ac- L ast week was the biggest week for gether his asymmetrical skirt, which takes my breath with look 11. Look 11 cents. Brought together with a perfect fashion of the year. New York fashion takes away from the craftsmanship of is innovative enough to push the enve- brown 4-inch heel with no platform, week has been the most covered event the top. If I was forced to pick a favorite lope, but simple enough for everyday Look 2 is more of a professional look. of the nation’s fashion for over 30 years. piece of this show, it would probably be wear. The heavy grey crew-neck can Women pantsuit can be deadly if done Fashion week presents both the design- look 26, which was a signature piece for work with anything, and so can the incorrectly, but that's not the case here. ers that people know and love and the this collection. The black cropped jump pleated khakis, which are tad big, but This pantsuit displays a blouse that will designers that people don't know, but suit really saved their fall season. still work. The travel bag gave me blow your mind. This blouse has a deep who have proven talent. This year, how- Michael Kors’ show this season chills, though. The bag is similar to Her- v-neckline soon cut with the matching ever, some of the major designers didn't was satisfactory. It was hit-or-miss with mes Birkin, so this bag makes anything belt. Over all, this fashion week was impress me. most of his fall collection. In my opin- look good. okay, but I can’t wait to see Milan fash- ion week. Marc Jacobs really disappointed ion, he totally messed up on the fit of The best show of this season was me this year. He over-designed this sea- each of his male designs. Oversized is Balmain by far. Kim Kardashian has son, making his show hard to enjoy. an understatement. Fortunately, over- been seen in his looks on numerous oc-

Look 2 Look 7 Look 23 Look 26 Look 11 Look 27

ca, and pop” band called Rudimental. I on completely alone with only himself and “Sing,” which he concluded with. will say, even though I had never heard and his acoustic guitar. I would proceed Before leaving for real, he told the en- of them, I was pleased with their perfor- to discover that he had a special micro- Cameron Keuning ‘16 mance. They have a lot of talent, and a phone that could record his guitar as he Editor-in-Chief lot of potential to become famous. played, repeat it, and layer it together as if he had a band in the background. He After Rudimental was done, Ed Sheeran came on and proceeded to in- also had another microphone that did cite the 90% female population to the same thing, but with his voice, at R ecently, I had times making it sound like there were the honor of going to see the marvelous three of him. Ed Sheeran at the Palace of Auburn One of the best parts about Hills, and while I will admit that I know this concert was the way he incorpo- very little of his music, it was a fantas- rated the audience into his perfor- tic concert. I thought the crowd was a tire audience not to stop singing even mance. At one point, he told us we little small, especially for such a big- after he left. Quite a few people took were his choir and he was the con- named act, but it could very well be at- him seriously, for I could hear a lot of ductor. He then divided the venue in tributed to the fact that the concert was people continuing to sing “Sing” out- half and made each half sing the held on a scream at the top of their lungs for the side on the concourse. same thing, but in different pitches. Wednesday next two hours. I have said this before, While we were singing, he then sang All in all, I enjoyed Ed Sheeran night. I ar- and I will say it again, I never lost my his own song, with us acting as his very much. His music is very good, and rived at the hearing, but my ability to hear high background singers. he incorporates the crowd well in his concert pitched noises is currently disabled. He concerts. If I was given another oppor- about half- opened with “I’m a Mess,” which I rec- After a little less than two hours tunity to see him, I would probably do a way into ognized but didn’t really know, but it of playing, he departed, only to be better job of studying up on his materi- the opening was very good, either way. brought back out for an encore. He al, so I could be better prepared. This act, a Brit- played two of his best known songs in When Ed Sheeran first took the was a wonderful experience, and I ish “liquid funk, jungle, soul, electroni- the encore, including “The A Team” stage, I was puzzled as to why he came would love to do it again. Page 5 The Cub News, Autumn 2014 Pop Culture

tune in to class discussions.” Both motto this football season has been students and teachers, however, recog- “Trust the Process,” which is very simi- nize the benefit of Sparknotes as a study lar to Coach Lad's philosophy. The De resource. About 79% of U of D students Noah Tylutki ‘17 La Salle beliefs and how they trained Michael Kenney ‘15 use Sparknotes as a helpful tool to pre- Staff Writer and practiced reminded me of our Cub Editor pare for exams, papers, and class discus- football team. De La Salle pushed sion, and many teachers advocate using Sparknotes as a secondary source of in- themselves in the weight room. The formation. Cubs are like that, too, grinding it out Is reading a book summary in- T he movie, When in the weight room and trying to get stead of reading the book cheating? Stu- Game Stands Tall is based on a true better and stronger every day. The Y ou peel your weighty bag off your dents and teachers have vastly different story about the De La Salle Spartans Spartans also suffered hardships during aching back. The smack of the bag hit- perspectives. A solid majority of 86% of ting the ground peskily reminds you of teachers consider reading book summar- football team. De La Salle is an all-boy the season, when their head coach suf- all the homework you have to do to- ies in place of a novel as a form of Catholic high school in northern Cali- fered a heart attack and one of their night. That lab write-up, the math pack- cheating while only only 38% of stu- fornia. Their players, who was et, the theology worksheet, and don’t dents agree. football team committed to Ore- forget--those thirty pages of Oliver Does the time saved reading a won 151 straight gon, was shot and Twist, all due tomorrow. You’ve been summary outweigh the benefits other- running on the smell of coffee, the kick wise received by reading the book? One games, spanning killed. These were of adrenaline, and the feeble mantra that anonymous teacher notes that by from 1992-2003. very serious obsta- the weekend will arrive soon. As you “reading the great novels, plays, and po- To put this into cles the team had to unravel the knot of your necktie, you etry of the world, we are looking into the perspective with endure, but they wonder whether or not Sparknotes human condition...if we deny ourselves other football pulled together and would suffice for the thirty pages of Oli- this, we deny our ability to understand ver Twist that you have to read. As the the world in which we live and our abil- winning streaks, the New England Pa- supported each other like a family, and triots hold the record for longest NFL clock ticks away and the sun sinks, you ity to problem solve within that world.” they survived. After 12 years, their give more consideration to the passing As some teachers noted in their ques- winning streak at 21 games, and the streak was finally broken when they thought that hit you earlier: should I read tionnaires, a message or theme conveyed Oklahoma Sooners won 47 consecutive lost to a high school in Washington. the novel or is Sparknotes a viable op- in the novel can be starchly relayed games, which is the longest winning The team was devastated that the streak tion? through Sparknotes; therefore, a student streak in the history of . ended, which would be their legacy. Although less than half of the must read the novel in order to fully I thought those streaks were long, so I students polled admit to using comprehend and appreciate the story as This made them work even harder and Sparknotes in place of reading an as- a whole. Inversely, many students noted was very curious to learn how the De they knocked off Long Beach Poly, signed novel, 54% the student body be- that, in order to complete all their home- La Salle High School football team then the #1 ranked team in the nation, lieves that they could perform well on work, they can only dedicate a certain won 151 games in a row. The answer is in 100 degree weather. The teamwork tests and papers by solely reading the amount of time to reading. One student that the team was dedicated, the players and determination that De La Salle book summary. Interestingly, a vast writes, “I think that English teachers number of teachers rightly assumed that sometimes think that we all have time to knew they could count on each other, showed reminded me of the Cubs and less than half of the students use curl up on the couch and read 20 pages a and they had strong leadership. De La how we play like a team and stick to- Sparknotes instead of reading the as- night when in reality very few of us have Salle's head coach, the legendary Bob gether, win or lose. signed novels, but only 14% of the time for that...When a student is so pres- Ladouceur, or “Coach Lad,” based his teachers polled believe that students can sured to read by the English teacher and While the movie When Game football program on the ideals of per- succeed by not reading the book. Do the they don't have time to, or they're literal- Stands Tall does not rank with other fection, commitment, compassion, contrasting opinions reflect vastly differ- ly too tired to comprehend any words on high school football movies like Re- ent defini- brotherhood, and faith. Coach Lad member the Titans, The Blind Side, or tions of knew his players could not be perfect Friday Night Lights, it told an interest- “success”? on every play, but he expected his play- Or is there ing story and left an inspiring message ers to give a perfect effort from snap to an underap- which reminded me of our Cub football whistle. Coach Lad also taught that the preciation team. When the Game Stands Tall was process to winning is more important for--or in- a perfect effort, from beginning to end, versely, an than the result, because results flow in my book. overestima- from healthy processes. The Cubs’ tion of-- students’ sparknoting abilities? One anony- mous stu- dent admits that, “I can definitely tell who has and a page, what are we supposed to do?” who hasn’t read the nightly homework So you are back at your desk, assignment because the students that do curling the spine of your book and hop- read are typically more outspoken about ing that it will somehow dissipate in the book and more eager to ‘go out on a your hands. Do you read the book or limb’ with their own interpretations and read the summary? Will you succeed? insights about the novel.” Conversely, a Does time saved compensate for a lesser different student says that, through his understanding of the material? Will you personal experience, he has discovered have a clear conscious? My fellow Cubs, that “You can succeed using sparknotes you decide. as long as you pay attention in class and

ate has didates for Levin’s seat are Democrat likely not going to change. According to been a dif- Gary Peters and Republican Terri Lynn BBC South Dakota, however, Montana ferent sto- Land. and West Virginia are almost certain Will Wright ‘16 ry, and has Republican pickups. If the Republicans Staff Writer been under take control of both the House and the Democrat- Senate, they would be able to embed ic majority policy changes into larger budgets, and since 2009. President Obama would no longer be With the 2014 mid-term able to have the Democratic Senate elections coming up this Novem- block conservative bills, which include ber, there has been much debate border security, energy policies, over who will have majority in the Michigan, along with seven oth- healthcare, and financial regulation. House of Representatives and the Sen- er states, has a seat open in the Senate, Even if the Republicans have majority ate. The House of Representatives has and Carl Levin, a Democrat who is retir- Michigan has been a Democratic in the Senate, though, officials say that had a Republican majority since the ing, has given up his seat in the Senate state for a while now, and that is most it will be short lived. 112th Congress, or since 2011. The Sen- and it is now up for grabs. The two can- Page 6 The Cub News, Spring 2014 Sports

viewers, the same number of peo- aggravate many fans who are trying to One reason for soccer's growth is that ple to watch the U.S.'s draw against Por- watch the matches live. Also, it does not its most passionate supporters are young tugal earlier in this year's World Cup. help that both countries have been people and Jeff Zymeri ‘15 Many decided to voice their support for widely criticized for their domestic and Hispanics. Throughout the coming dec- Editor the U.S. national team on social media. foreign policies and their continued re- ades, the population of Hispanics in the When Luis Suarez bit an Italian defend- pression of freedom. U.S. is expected to grow rapidly. Soc- er, thou- As the cer's popularity will no doubt increase at sands of U.S. Men's a similar rate. Also, parents are choosing Americans Soccer to allow their children to play soccer voiced Team con- instead of more traditional sports such T he month of October provides their dis- tinues to as football. The numerous studies which sports fans with countless sporting gust on transform have listed the dangers of football have events such as college football and the Twitter itself into a certainly influenced these parents. MLB World Series. Many of us have and more com- There are, of course, problems with say- seem to forget that the most watched Facebook. petitive ing that soccer will overtake football as sporting event in the world crowned its Brazil's team America's most popular sport. Super- champion only a few months ago. The humilia- among the bowl XLVIII attracted a record amount newly found popularity of soccer in tion at the world of 111.5 million viewers. Even though America is something that no one will hands of greats like recent scandals are plaguing the NFL's forget anytime soon. Germany Portugal reputation this year, football's popularity Germany's 1-0 win over Argentina in was the and Ger- isn't showing any decline. this year's World Cup final was watched most Jack Bodien ‘17 heads the ball against CC many, Ma- Only time will tell if soccer will be- by more than 26.5 million viewers, an tweeted jor League come America's most popular sport or unprecedented amount. The match drew event in history and will be remembered Soccer also continues to experience a even compare to America's current one. 17.3 million viewers on ABC and an ad- for a very long time. period of steady growth. There are now Students at U of D Jesuit can go and ex- ditional 9.2 million on Univison De- The next two countries to host 19 teams competing in MLS with three perience the exciting sport of soccer portes, making it the most watched soc- the FIFA World Cup are Russia in 2018 more on the way. David Beckham, a for- at any of our soccer team's games. The cer game in U.S. history. The 2010 final and Qatar in 2022. mer English footballer, made headlines atmosphere at one of U of D's soccer game between Spain and the Nether- The eight hour time difference between when he announced his plans to create a games is sure to make anyone interested lands attracted only 24.7 million Detroit and Moscow will most certainly new soccer team based in Miami. in the sport.

Playoffs start this week. The soccer in school history, the Cub basketball team will be more than ready for their team looks to head back to the Final first game at Seaholm. The team is fully Four once again. Prior to last season, the Cubs never made it to the Final Four, or confident they can win a state champi- Jared Demkowicz Jack Sznewajs ‘15 even won a Regional Title. Even though ‘16 onship. When asked about how he felt they came up short of a State Champion- about how the season went, senior goal- Journalist ship, look for them to be in the hunt for Journalist ie Nathan Sier says “It didn’t go as well a title this year. as we hoped, but we fought hard. Hope- s we begin to Led by Cassius Winston, the fully we can pull together and win a A he Cubs soccer team’s expectations wrap up the fall season, the winter sea- Cub basketball team has a deep combi- T state championship.” Not winning the this year is a state championship. Last son lurks ahead. Whether we like it or nation of size and athleticism. When year the team won the Catholic League. Catholic League isn’t going to haunt the not, winter will come as it does every asked about the season Cassius simply This year the Cubs soccer team fell Cubs. The bar is set high, but the Cubs year. However, with the arrival of win- said, “We are ready.”It is only a matter short. Although not winning the Catho- are confident they can win the state ter, it means the arrival of U of D Jesuit of time until the State sees just how lic League, the team is still fully confi- championship. basketball. dent they can win a state championship. good U of D Jesuit can be once again. Coming off their greatest season

in NFL history to finish a season with an Questionable draft picks under gen- which ranked 23th in the NFL. Instead 0-16 record in 2008. In 2011, Detroit eral manager Martin Mayhew have of addressing the problem, however, De- produced a glimmer of hope as they served as handicaps to the Lions in their troit made it worse in the offseason. Jonathan Spunar ‘17 made the playoffs with a 10-6 record quest for a . Mayhew made They cut their top cornerback from last Editor behind Stafford and wide receiver Cal- two slam-dunk picks in his first two season, Chris Houston, and failed to vin Johnson. They have, however, drafts, picking Stafford with the first draft one until the 4th round of the draft. slipped back into irrelevancy since then, pick in 2009 and Ndamukong Suh with They are now relying on 2013 2nd and are in danger of staying there for the the second pick in 2010; however, he round pick Darius Slay and 34 year-old foreseeable future. has regressed since then, especially in Rashean Mathis as their starting corners. A pressing concern for the Lions is the first two rounds. Instead of address- Injuries have also exacerbated the prob- I n 1957, the were flying the maturation of young quarterback ing the defense, he has continued to lem, as the Lions lost Bill Bentley and high as they won the NFL Champion- Matthew Stafford. Drafted with the first draft skill-position players, including Nevin Lawson in the first three weeks of ship. Behind quarterback Bobby Layne pick of the 2009 NFL draft out of Uni- Jahvid Best in 2010, the season. Some- and a stingy defense, they clobbered versity of Georgia, Stafford struggled Titus Young and how, the Lions rank the Browns 59-14 to win their third title with injuries in his first two seasons be- Mikel Leshoure in second in passing of the decade. Unfortunately, the Lions fore breaking out in 2011, a season in 2011, and Ryan yards allowed this have never again reached the same which he threw for 5,038 yards with 41 Broyles in 2012. Best year, but there is no height that they did in 1957. They have touchdowns. He has struggled with turn- had his career derailed way they will be able won one playoff game since then, and overs, however, throwing 17 intercep- by injuries, while to maintain that pace have never even reached the Super tions in 2012 and another 19 picks in Young and Leshoure with their current ros- Bowl, let alone won it. In a league that 2013. He also has had accuracy issues, are each out of the ter. has always featured superstar quarter- as he has only completed 59.2% of his NFL. Instead of ad- For 57 years, the Li- backs, their leading passer of all time is passes since 2012, which ranks 24th in dressing the Lions’ ons have tried to Matthew Stafford, who broke the record the NFL over that period of time. The serious need in the bring an NFL Cham- last year in only his fifth season in the main cause of these issues is that Staf- secondary this year, Mayhew drafted NFL. They even became the first team ford tries to force passes into very tight Ebron in the first round. These choices pionship back to Detroit. They continue windows too often, leading to incom- severely hurt Detroit’s defense, which to fail every year, and have yet to even pletions and interceptions. The Lions ranked 16th last year in yards per game come close to that goal. They have got- tried to give Stafford more offensive allowed. Martin Mayhew may not be as ten off to a good start this year, though, weapons in the offseason, signing wide bad as , but his recent draft going 3-1 so far, including a 19-7 win receiver Golden Tate and drafting tight choices have definitely hurt the Lions. over a divisional rival, the Green Bay end Eric Ebron out of UNC. So far this The Lions will greatly need to address season, he has been slightly incon- their issues in the secondary if they want Packers. On the contrary, numerous is- sistent, throwing for 346 yards and 2 to be a great team. In a league that is sues on their roster mean that the Lions’ touchdowns against the Giants, but also increasingly dominated by quarterbacks, current pace could be very hard to main- throwing 2 picks against the Packers. it is very important to have skilled cor- tain. The Lions have some serious work The Lions will need Stafford to be more nerbacks who can shut down opposing to do if they finally want to end their consistent if they want to make the wide receivers. However, the Lions al- playoffs. lowed 247 passing yards per game, championship drought and make Detroit party like it’s 1957. Page 7 The Cub News, Autumn 2014 Pledge Detroit ‘14 Page 8 The Cub News, Spring 2014 Fun & Activities Pop Culture Grid

What is your favorite What is your opinion Who will win the Big If you had a rapper What are you going as movie of 2014 thus of BYOD? Ten this year in name, what would it for Halloween? far? football? be?

Questions provided by John Ghawi ‘16

Aaron Poyer ‘18 The Purge: Anarchy Eh U of M OG Poyer Mr. Zakaria

Brennan Baudeloque ’17 Teenage Mutant Ninja It’s the bomb Michigan Baudizzle Mr. Tuite Turtles

Andrew Knight ‘16 Bobby Shmurda’s Is that why wi-fi is so Honest: Penn State; AKnightmare47 or Denard Robinson Documentary slow? Long shot: Appalachian AK47 or State Bobby Shmurda

Dean Henderson ‘16 Either Captain Phillips I think it’s great. It has Maryland, they have Minne Sota Satyr of the Village or Don Jon enhanced my Fifa ‘14 the best uniforms. People skills.

Evan Sale ‘16 If I Stay was tight Fresh Slippery Rock young easy stay breezy Bobby Shmurda

Mr. Flowers ‘01 I don't know yet. I'm thinking about The Joker. If ANYONE The Purge 2: Anarchy I hate it!! I feel like it’s Who cares? I’m a GLIAC Flow’s Vicious suggests a certain bearded more of a distraction guy! Go Cards! SVSU basketball player, who plays for students and most pride! What’s up NO defense, you WILL get a will not use properly. Dill?!?!? double jug.

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @CubNews1 Editorial Staff Cameron Keuning ‘16 Editor-in- Chief

John Ghawi ‘16


Olajide Jegede ‘16


Johnathan Spunar ‘17


Matthew Burr ‘16


Jeff Zymeri ‘16


Michael Kenney ‘15
