Gylton Official Roster, North Dakota 1156
Gylton Official Roster, North Dakota 1156 GYLTON, CARL OLAI. Navy number 1,621,059; registrant, (not giv- en); born, (place not given), Feb., 1890, of (nationality of parents not giv- en); occupation, (not given); enlisted in the Navy at Bellingham, Wash., on July 17, 1917; served in Naval Militia of Washington, to Aug. 10, 1917; Naval Training Camp, Seattle Wash., to Jan. 11, 1918; USS Great North- ern, to Feb. 11, 1918; Receiving Ship, Philadelphia, Pa., to Feb. 16, 1918; USS Hopkins, to Nov. 11, 1918. Grades: Apprentice Seaman, 76 days; Sea- man 2nd Class, 31 days; Fireman 3rd Class, 181 days; Fireman 2nd Class, 92 days; Fireman 1st Class, 101 days. Discharged on July 16, 1920, as a Fireman 1st Class. GYNN, CHARLES H. Army number 2,858,391; registrant, Pembina county; born, Neche, N. Dak., June 29, 1892, of English-Canadian parents; occupation, powder worker; inducted at Cavalier on April 29, 1918; sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in Battery B, 338th Field Artillery, to July 15, 1918; United States Guard, Fort Snelling, Minn., to July 20, 1918; Com- pany B, 29th Battalion, United States Guard, Camp Grant, Ill., to Dec. 20, 1918; Casual Detachment No. 12, 163rd Depot Brigade, to discharge. Grades: Cook, July 19, 1918; Private, July 20, 1918; Corporal, Sept. 5, 1918. Discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa, on Dec. 24, 1918, as a Corporal. HAABAK, GILI3ERT. Army number 1,473,405; registrant, Nelson coun- ty; born, Kloten, N. Dak., March 10, 1894, of Norwegian parents; occupa- tion, farmer; inducted at Lakota on Sept. 21, 1917; sent to Camp Dodge, Iowa; served in 352nd Infantry, to Nov.
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