
Rare Earth Elements 101

What are rare earth elements (REEs)? REEs are a of 17 chemical elements that are included in the of elements. All have similar properties that can be found together in geologic deposits: 8 REEs are from the lanthanide series and 7 are from the series, plus and .

H He 1 2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 3 4 Sc 5 6 7 8 9 10 Na Mg 21 Ai Si P S Cl Ar 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 K Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 19 Ca Ni Cu Zn 20 21 Y 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 Rb Sr Y Zr LaNb MoPR Tc PmRu RhEU Pd TbAg CdHo In TmSn LU 37 57 Sb Te I Xe 38 39 40 41 5942 43 61 44 4563 46 65 47 48 67 49 69 50 51 71 52 53 54 Cs Ba La Ce PR ND Pm Sm EU GD Tb Dy Ho ER Tm Yb LU Hf 55 56 57 58 59 Ce 60 ND61 62 Sm63 64GD 65 Dy66 67 ER 68 Yb69 70 71 72 58 60 62 64 Fr Ra Ac-Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg66 Cn 68 70 87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Light Rare Earth Elements Heavy Rare Earth Elements Critical Rare Earth Elements

Are REEs actually “rare,” and where are they found?

Despite their name, REEs are not rare! While most of the elements are relatively bountiful—and commonly found in the Earth’s crust—REEs are often found in low Crust concentrations that are too small for economical extraction. This is because, in nature, REEs do not exist as individual entities (e.g., copper or gold). Instead, they are usually found mixed together in other deposits and uncommon geologic rock settings (e.g., carbonatites and alkaline rocks). Mantle

What are REEs used for? REES are integral to the way we live and to America’s economic growth and national security. They have unique magnetic, heat-resistant, and phosphorescent properties unlike any other elements. REEs are used in most modern technologies—principally as catalysts and in —and are essential components for critical defense and homeland security applications, “green” energy technologies, hybrid and electric vehicles, and high-value electronics. For example, the REE is used to create one of the strongest magnets available, which is a necessary component of hard drives and smartphones.

magnetics alloys Computer Hard Drives NiMH Batteries Disk Drive Motors Fuel Cells Anti-Lock Brakes Steel Automotive Parts Super Alloys Frictionless Bearings Aluminum/Magnesium Magnetic Refrigeration Microwave Power Tubes Power Generation Microphones & Speakers Communication Systems MRI

PR ND Tb Dy ND La PR Ce ND 57 59 60 65 66 60 59 58 60

catalysts gLaSs ANd polishing Petroleum Refining Polishing Compounds Catalytic Converter Pigments & Coatings Fuel Additives UV Resistant Glass Chemical Processing Photo Optical Glass Air Pollution Controls X-Ray Imaging

ND La PR Ce ND GD Ho La ER PR Ce 57 60 59 58 60 64 67 57 68 59 58

Ceramics Capacitors Display Phosphors Sensors CRT, LPD, LCD Colorants Fluorescents Scientillators Medical Imaging Refactories Fiber Optics

ND Y EU Dy LU GD La PR Ce ND EU Tb Y ER GD Ce PR 57 60 39 63 66 71 64 59 58 60 63 65 39 68 64 58 59

Where are REEs produced and supplied?

Up until the mid-1980s, the United States was the leading global producer of REEs. But, these elements are hard to separate and expensive to extract; that’s why the United States now relies heavily on imports. In fact, China holds the lion’s share of the market, accounting for more than 90 percent of the global production and supply of REEs during the past decade. Approximately 80 percent of the REEs used domestically in the 80% United States are imported from China. imported Because these elements are integral to our everyday lives, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy is working to help the Nation produce and supply its own REEs.

What are the benefits of developing a domestic REE supply?

A vast quantity of REEs exist as trace elements within the United States’ large supply of coal resources. They offer the potential for an economically competitive domestic supply. Current conventional U.S. REE reserves are estimated at 1.4 million tons. Coal basins across 10 states could potentially produce an additional 11 million tons of REEs. In addition to maintaining national security, economic growth, and competitiveness in the global marketplace, tapping into this potential will:


Reduce U.S. Create new Revitalize the workforce dependence on industries in coal-producing foreign sources regions

LEARN MORE about how the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy is working to develop a sustainable, domestic REE supply through its Feasibility of Recovering REEs program.

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