Congressional Record—Senate S7538
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S7538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 12, 2007 The ILO global report, ‘‘The End of introduced a bill to ban all products 200 free events each season, including Child Labor: Within Reach,’’ states made by abusive and exploitative child performances, workshops, lectures, and that for the first time child labor, espe- labor from entering the United States. discussions with artists. It maintains a cially in its worst forms, is in decline And I am committed to working with preservation program with rare ar- across the globe. Between the years the representatives of the cocoa indus- chives open to the public, a training 2000 and 2004, the number of child la- try and the national governments to program for arts administrators, year- borers worldwide fell by 11 percent, implement the Harkin-Engel Protocol round community programs, and a cre- from 246 million to 218 million. Even by July 1, 2008 deadline. ative development residency program. better, the number of children and In my view, we can make significant Jacob’s Pillow also encompasses a youth aged 5–17 trapped in hazardous progress to eliminate this scourge if we professional school training and men- work decreased by 26 percent, declining all do our part and redouble our efforts. toring program for emerging dancers from 171 million in 2000 to 126 million This means that governments must not and is recognized throughout the globe in 2004. Among younger child laborers, merely pass laws but enforce them, as a center for arts leadership in the the drop was even sharper at 33 per- while also striving to provide quality world of dance. cent. free education. Businesses must take It is the first and only dance institu- This is remarkable progress in just 4 responsibility, as well, by not hiring tion in the United States to be declared years’ time. And looking to the future, children, and by paying adults livable a National Historic Landmark for its the report cautiously predicts that, if wages so they can provide for their important part in our country’s cul- the current pace of decline is main- families. Multilateral institutions tural heritage. It embodies the very tained, and if global efforts to stop must also play a robust role. Together, best in cultural achievement and has child labor continue, we have a real we can eliminate the worst forms of enhanced the causes of the many tal- shot at eliminating child labor in its child labor by 2016. ented artists who have performed on its stages and enhanced the lives of worst forms within 10 years’ time. f Today, 218 million child laborers— countless audiences who have enjoyed many of whom are trapped in the worst 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF JACOB’S their exceptional performances. forms of child labor, such as prostitu- PILLOW As President Kennedy said, ‘‘I am tion, armed conflicts, and slavery—are Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, this certain that after the dust of centuries still suffering. While the U.S. Govern- month marks the 75th anniversary sea- has passed over our cities, we, too, will ment and international organizations son of Jacob’s Pillow. Based in Becket, be remembered not for victories or de- such as the World Bank and UNICEF MA, it is the longest running dance fes- feats in battle or in politics, but for have programs designed to reduce abu- tival in the United States. Jacob’s Pil- our contribution to the human spirit.’’ I commend the many dedicated per- sive and exploitative child labor, it will low is renowned in the dance world for sons who have made Jacob’s Pillow require all of these entities and others its commitment to excellence and be- such a remarkable success over the working together if we are to reach the loved by audiences throughout the past 75 years. May this treasure of goal of ending the worst forms of child world for the quality and diversity of Berkshire County continue to enrich us labor by the year 2016. its programming. all in the years ahead. Likewise, in the broader fight This prestigious organization is one against child labor, the ILO report of the most significant cultural groups f verifies that we are on the right track in Western Massachusetts and it at- EXTRAORDINARY CONFERENCE OF to eliminate abusive and exploitative tracts tens of thousands of visitors to CFE STATES PARTIES child labor. The great work of the the beautiful Berkshire Mountains Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, on May ILO’s International Program on the each summer. Cultural tourism is the 28, 2007, Russia requested an Extraor- Elimination of Child Labor, IPEC, af- second largest industry in Massachu- dinary Conference of States Parties to firms the confidence I placed in this setts, and cultural jewels such as Ja- the Treaty on Conventional Armed program early on. I secured the first cob’s Pillow are the anchors of the in- Forces in Europe—the CFE Treaty—to Federal appropriation for the IPEC dustry. Year after year, surveys dem- discuss what Russia identified as ‘‘ex- program back in 1996, and over the last onstrate that arts, culture, and herit- ceptional circumstances’’ that may decade, I have secured a total of more age are among the top reasons for vis- lead them to suspend implementation than $323 million for the program. iting Massachusetts. of the treaty. Russia complains that Clearly, that money has made a real With its proud heritage, Jacob’s Pil- most of their former Warsaw Pact al- difference in the lives of children. It low continues to be one of the most dy- lies have now joined NATO, signifi- has given millions of children an oppor- namic centers of dance in our State cantly altering, in Russia’s view, the tunity to get an education and to and across the country. As Mikhail ‘‘balance’’ of forces in Europe. This Ex- break the cycle of poverty. Baryshnikov has said, ‘‘Jacob’s Pillow traordinary Conference is now under Although there has been a tremen- is one of America’s most precious cul- way in Vienna, Austria. What happens dous amount of progress in ending tural assets—a haven for there will have tremendous implica- child labor, now is not the time to be- choreographers and dancers and an en- tions for the security of Europe and for come complacent. Economic develop- vironment that nurtures the creation U.S.-Russian relations. Both sides ment alone is not enough. We must of new work.’’ must avoid actions that could lead to also focus on human rights and edu- The site was originally a family farm the potential unraveling of a treaty cational opportunities for those in pov- settled with extraordinary pioneering that has served as a cornerstone of Eu- erty. Social change must go hand in spirit in the 1700s, and it became a sta- ropean security since the end of the hand with economic development, tion on the Underground Railroad in Cold War. which requires workers’ and employers’ the 19th century for slaves escaping to In 1990, the CFE was conceived as a organizations. Our keys to success will freedom. mechanism to reduce post-Cold-War ar- be mainstreaming child labor efforts In 1933, Jacob’s Pillow was estab- senals of conventional weapons in Eu- with other human rights and develop- lished as a dance festival and school. rope and has evolved into a stabilizing ment goals, as well as getting national Its mission continues today to support influence through its wide range of governments, NGOs, and international dance creation, presentation, edu- agreed verification measures. This organizations working cooperatively to cation, and preservation. Through this treaty should not be relegated to the end child poverty. work, it broadens appreciation and un- dustbin of history. That is not in the We should not think about these chil- derstanding for classical and modern interest of all European States, includ- dren only on June 12 each year. We dance—and it provides an important ing Russia, nor of the United States. should think about this last vestige of opportunity for dancers and The CFE Treaty was originally de- slavery 365 days a year. I have re- choreographers to develop their own signed to limit the possibility of a sur- mained steadfast in my commitment work and skills. prise attack on Europe, when the So- to eliminating abusive and exploitative In addition to its regular program- viet Union and Warsaw Pact still ex- child labor. It was in 1992 that I first ming, Jacob’s Pillow also offers over isted. It imposes numerical limits on VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:36 Jun 13, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12JN6.075 S12JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMSENATE June 12, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7539 major conventional military weapons— ty in a direction that reflects the cur- Black, the Chaplain of the Senate, with battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, rent security environment in Europe a resolution and the presentation of a artillery, combat aircraft, and attack and one in which all parties can com- plaque honoring him for a distin- helicopters—that can be deployed with- pletely fulfill their commitments. guished career of leadership and serv- in Europe. These limits are verifiable The administration’s proposal to ice to the Senate and the larger com- through an extensive regime of inspec- multilateralize the current Russian munity. I ask unanimous consent that tions, transparency measures, and data peacekeeping forces in Moldova, per- the resolution be printed in the exchanges. To be sure, since the Cold haps under the auspices of the NATO- RECORD. War ended, most countries, especially Russia Council, merits serious consid- SENATE BLACK LEGISLATIVE STAFF CAUCUS in central Europe, have reduced their eration.