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/ 11 22 2010 / 03 Political parties at City Hall? Interview with the Vampires The debate continues Local death-pop duo gonna make you sweat NEWS page 3 ARTS & CULTURE page 13 02 The UniTer March 11, 2010 Rock the vote "Boring doesn't just looking FoR listings? Cover Image CAmpUS & CommUNiTy ListiNgS ANd describe their political "Untitled 2" This year's UwSa general volunteer opportuniTies page 6, by Adrian Williams elections promise to be agenda, it is their mUSiC page 12, fiLm & LiT page 14, from the exhibition Let's Live Here, on display Galleries & museumS page 15, like no other political agenda." at Golden City Fine Art until March 27 Theatre, dANCE & ComEdy page 15, See story on page 15 awardS ANd fiNANCiAL Aid page 18 campUS news page 6 Comments page 10 PHotoGraph by Antoinette Dyksman News UNITER STAFF PeoPle Worth reading aBout ManaGinG eDitor Aaron epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer rockin' the boat for a good cause Please contact [email protected] Cin local level and don't stop. Sooner PrODUcTiOn ManaGer D Manitoba should y Melody Morrissette » [email protected] t or later, somewhere down the it WoodstocK-iSMS be leader in green us Choice words from local activist line, someone will listen to you,” cOPy anD styLe eDitor Don Woodstock Woodstock said. Chris Campbell » [email protected] technology, local Shortly thereafter, he made a "The best way to keep a man Photo eDitor documentary, Your World and Mine, Cindy titus [email protected] activist says or woman silent is to give them highlighting the environmental ef- » a job. Too many of us are em- forts of Winnipeg businesses and newS assiGnMenT eDitor ployed by the government and individuals. He delivered the film Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] eThaN CaBel have our head in the sand." to City Hall and to the provincial newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor BeaT reporTer "your MLa isn't represent- legislature and before he knew it, karen kornelsen » [email protected] ing you, they are representing he was being approached by Shaw the interests of the political Cable to produce and host U, Me arts anD culture eDitor Sam Hagenlocher » [email protected] Don Woodstock, a Winnipeg party that helped get them into and the Environment, a local cable Transit bus driver and environmen- office." show that has produced eight epi- cOMMents eDitor tal activist, has a dream – a dream sodes to date. Andrew tod [email protected] "rather than sit and wait for » of a greener and more socially con- “Don [Woodstock] is consis- the winds of change from Listings cO-OrDinator scious Manitoba. tently in the government's face,” Ottawa, Germany or the U.S., J.P. Perron [email protected] “We should be teaching the rest said Shawn Nesbitt, a customer » why not step out and make of the world how it's done,” he service representative for Organza caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer something happen?" said. Don woodstock, a winnipeg Transit bus Market, an organic food store in Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] Due largely to Woodstock's driver and environmental activist, is "i want people to rock the boat Osborne Village. “I definitely think making Manitoba a whole lot greener. The because if you rock the boat, BeaT rePOrTer influence, Garbage Day was re- he is making small steps that will ethan Cabel » [email protected] named Recycling Day by city man responsible for changing Garbage you start demanding more cause bigger changes.” council last year. He also organized Day to recycling Day is getting in the from your MLa, more from your Organza was featured several BeaT rePOrTer the Winnipeg's first International government's face and demanding city councillor, more from your times in Woodstock's cable show, Samuel Swanson » [email protected] Day to Ban Plastic Bags on Sept. change. federal government and you which focused on the store's local BeaT rePOrTer 12 of last year. On the steps of the start demanding more even produce and environmentally-sus- kristy rydz » [email protected] Manitoba legislature, hundreds of erated catering service. He moved from yourself." tainable products. culture rePOrTer people dropped off over 45,000 to Toronto in 1995 and became a “What Don [Woodstock] has ac- Vacant plastic bags, exchanging them for salesman for American District complished speaks to the power of reusable totes. Telegraph home alarm systems. as well as the air pollution and the individual,” said Ian Hanington, Over the last two years, Since moving to Winnipeg in contaminated soil prevalent in the communications specialist for the CoNTrIBUTORS: Woodstock has met with provin- 2000, Woodstock has worked as a community of Flin Flon, home David Suzuki Foundation. cial ministers and even influenced filmmaker, an activist, a television of the Hudson Bay Mining and Woodstock's most recent initia- Jon Sorokowski, Julian ward, Brooke City Hall in making a commit- personality and a candidate for the Smelting Co. tive, which pushed for larger re- Dmytriw, ryan Janz, Jack Duckworth, ment to eliminate plastic bags in Manitoba Liberal Party. “When I went through the tour cycling bins to accompany larger alex Garcia, robert J. holt, Bill Beso, Winnipeg retail stores. He believes “I contacted all three [provincial] I had to pause and ask myself, what garbage containers in the city, did Brian rice, Phil enns, Lee repko, that Manitoba, because it generates political parties when I first came is wrong with this picture?” he not pass through city council. Lynnette McLarty, Mike Duerksen, energy from 95 per cent renewable to Winnipeg because I wanted to said. Regardless, he's committed to rock casandra anderson, Karlene resources, is perfectly positioned get involved,” he said. “Jon Gerrard Woodstock credits the tour for the boat and create some change. Ooto-Stubbs, Justin Luschinski, to be a leader in green technology [leader of the Manitoba Liberals] shaping his view of provincial poli- “Don't get mad [with the gov- Sagan Morrow, Kaeleigh ayre, both in Canada and abroad. was the only one who called me tics and later influencing him to run ernment],” he said. “Get even.” antoinette Dyksman, ashley wiebe, “I believe politics and life go back ... so I figured I'm going to as a Liberal candidate for the rid- Miguel McKenna, J. williamez, hand in hand,” he said. talk to the guy who talks to me.” ing of Southdale in the 2006 pro- To read more fun facts about Kathleen cerrer, Brittany Woodstock was born on a farm In 2001, Woodstock accom- vincial election. The catalyst for his Don Woodstock, and to watch his hildebrandt, will Gibson. in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, where panied Gerrard on a tour of sev- environmental activism, however, documentary and cable show, visit he worked for years as part of the eral northern communities in didn't come until he met David Ethan Cabel's blog at www.uniter. Jamaica Labour Party and as the Manitoba. He was shocked and Suzuki in Winnipeg in 2007. ca/blogs. The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland devoted manager of a family-op- disgusted by the rampant poverty “[He told me to] start at the Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www., or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and by kriSty ryDz campus Plus Media Services. Q: Do you think we neeD political paRties at winnipeg city hall? SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@, or the relevant section editor. Deadline stephen au aron epp eric okoli for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week fourth-year honours, Diversity Foods second-year, business before publication. Deadline for advertisements is political science employee administration noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter "i think it's already "i would say it's neces- "no, we do not. City Hall reserves the right to refuse to print submitted shouldn't be like the material. The Uniter will not print submissions that politicized. there's a sary. Different parties are are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we polarization between poli- necessary to represent province where they argue also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. ticians - your right wing, different political views." and don't get anything your left wing believers. done. Winnipeg shouldn't it's not unconventional be able to shut down City cONTACT US » for municipal politics to Hall for two months and General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 just go on vacation." advertising: 204.786.9790 have political affiliations." Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 E-mail: [email protected] Dawn Fraser Dave ginter heather Malazdrewicz Web: third-year, environmen- winnipeg transit driver manager at travel LOCATION » tal studies "i'm kind of torn on it. i cuts room OrM14 "My instant reaction don't think we really do "i don't like that idea. i University of Winnipeg 515 Portage avenue was that i was against [need political parties] at like the councillors and it because cities should that level. but some unity that they know their Winnipeg, Manitoba r3B 2E9 be on a consensus basis would be nice rather than area and can speak for rather than partisan." what's going on there right it. i like it the way it is." now.