Customer Success Story Retain Email Retain Unified Archiving

Historic Royal

To optimise its email storage, implemented Micro Focus® Retain™ Email to archive messaging data.

Overview messages is a valuable asset. It is important to Historic Royal Palaces is an independent secure them as there are historical records that char­ity that looks after the of , need to be preserved. Hamp­ton Court , the , Ken­sington Palace, and Palace. It is the Historic Royal Palaces have four post offices— char­ity’s aim to help everyone explore the story one at each of its main sites. They currently of how monarchs and people have shaped so- have about 650 live mailboxes. Though they ciety, in some of the greatest palaces ever built. do not currently support mobile devices, they At a Glance provide a remote access service so that the Challenge staff can access mail through a web browser. Industry Email is a critical communication tool for every The organisation currently backs up email on Nonprofit company. But for the Historic Royal Palaces a nightly basis to tape, and Retain Email im- (HRP), an independent charity that looks after ports emails every night from each of the four Location the , , post offices. Before installing Retain Email, the United Kingdom the Banqueting House, Palace, users were concerned about storage issues; Challenge and , it is more than just a message however, users no longer have to worry be- cause of Retain Email. The organisation needed a storage solution for its transfer between customers and suppliers. fast growing email data. The data and information stored within email Solution Solution Rob Ellner is the Network Manager at HRP, and Use Retain Email to archive emails and reduce together with his team, he is responsible for storage costs. “Retain’s single instance technology administering and supporting the email infra- was an immediate attraction. structure. “Before we settled for Retain Email, Results We knew that this would allow HRP our mail was archived using inbuilt technology + Centralised all email retention and the inbuilt single to a much higher proportion to users’ home drives. This was messy and ex- instance technology, which allows a far greater amount of data to be stored of its email data, without having pensive. Retain Email has centralised all email retention, and the inbuilt single instance tech- to constantly request staff to clear nology allows a far greater amount of data to down ‘un-needed’ mail.” be stored,” explains Rob Ellner. Retain Email strikes the perfect balance between cost- ROB ELLNER effective storage and lightning fast retrieval Network Manager of messaging data. A key factor for HRP was Historic Royal Palaces “Retain has centralised all email retention and the inbuilt single instance technology allows a far greater amount of data to be stored. Now running for over a year at Historic Royal Palaces, the speed of search within Retain—even across many thousands of records—is impressively fast.”

ROB ELLNER Network Manager Historic Royal Palaces that the back end of Retain Email is driven by “Retain has centralised all email retention and an SQL database, providing them with greater the inbuilt single instance technology allows a scalability and performance. far greater amount of data to be stored. Now running­ for over a year at Historic Royal Palaces, Australia “Retain’s single instance technology was an the speed of search within Retain—even across + 61 3 9825 2300 immediate attraction. We knew that this would many thousands of records—is impressively allow HRP to keep a much higher proportion fast,” concludes Ellner. China + 86 10 6533 9000 of its email data, without having to constantly request staff to clear down ‘un-needed’ mail,” About Retain Unified Archiving Hong Kong says Ellner. Retain Unified Archiving provides unified -ar + 852 3978 2339 chiving of all business communication, including Results email, social media, and mobile communication India + 91 80 4002 2300 Historic Royal Palaces has been successfully data for case assessment, search, and eDiscov- using Retain since January 2009. Apart from ery. It can be deployed on-prem or in the cloud. Japan Retain, HRP is using Micro Focus GroupWise® + 81 3 5413 4800 Mailbox Management for user mailbox man- agement and Micro Focus GroupWise Disaster Malaysia Recovery for backup and disaster recovery. + 60 3761 00214

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