Hearing Transcript
The President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy PUBLIC HEARING Georgia Centers for Advanced Telecommunications Technology 250 14th Street, NW Atlanta, GA Wednesday, March 24, and Thursday, March 25, 2004 Pete Aldridge Well, good afternoon. I’m Pete Aldridge, I’m the Chairman of the President’s Commission on the Implementation of the U.S. Space Exploration Policy, or as I have shortened it, the “President’s Commission on the Moon, Mars, and Beyond.” I was delighted when I learned that Monica Scarbrough, the Director of Development, invited us here. The Georgia Institute of Technology is in fact my alma mater, and it’s generally great to be back on campus. I’m looking forward to looking around at some of the old haunts that I spent many hours on. The Commission is here to explore ways to achieve the President’s vision of going back to the Moon and on to Mars and beyond. We have listened, we’ve talked to experts at two previous hearings—in Washington, D.C., and in Dayton, Ohio. We’ve talked among ourselves and we realized this vision provides a focus not just for NASA, but a focus that can revitalize U.S. space capability and have a significant impact upon our nation’s industrial base and academia. As you can see from our agenda, we are talking with experts from many, many disciplines, including those outside the traditional aerospace arena. Before I go any further, let me introduce my fellow Commissioners. And begin on the audience’s right, Carly Fiorina.
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