Minnesota Authors and Illustrators either born or lived in Minnesota, spent a significant portion of time in the state or are commonly associated with Minnesota AUTHOR Genre Dates/MN Titles Review/Biographical Sources Connection AASENG, NATHAN juvenile; sport nf 1953 - ; Park Rapids, American Dinosaur hunters, 1996 MN America's third-party presidential candidates, 1995 Animal specialists, 1987 ABBOTT, DAISY gardening nf 1883 - 1958; (THOMPSON) England ACKER, HELEN (GRANT) juvenile 1902 - ; Niagara Five sons of Italy, 1950 Falls, NY Four sons of Norway, 1948 Lee Natoni, young Navaho, 1958 ADAMS, CEDRIC columnist 1902 - ; Adrian, MN Poor Cedric’s Almanac, 1952 MALCOLM ADAMS, ELMER personal narratives 1861 - 1957; ELLSWORTH Waterbury, VT ADAMS, HAROLD mystery f. 1923 - ; Clark, SD Lead, So I can Follow, 2000 Ditched blond ADSON, PATRICIA Lives in MN Princess and her garden c/o Lone Oak Press, 1412 Bush Street, Red Wing, MN 55066-3620 651.388.4102 AGEE, JONIS general f. 1943 - ; Omaha, NE A .38 special and a broken heart, 195 Star Tribune, 4/6/2003 p. F12 Acts of Love on Indigo Road, 2003 Bend this heart, 1989 Houses, 1976 Pretend we=ve never met, 1989 South of Resurrection, 1997 Strange angels, 1993 Sweet eyes, 1991 Taking the wall, 1999 Weight of Dreams, 1999 Stiller=s Pond (editor) P:\REFERENCE\SH.MNAUTHORS.DOC 1 1/2/2009 Minnesota Authors and Illustrators either born or lived in Minnesota, spent a significant portion of time in the state or are commonly associated with Minnesota AUTHOR Genre Dates/MN Titles Review/Biographical Sources Connection AHERN, PATRICK HENRY biography nf 1916 - ; Minneapolis, Catholic heritage in Minnesota, 1964 MN AHLMAN, LARRY Lives in MN Missing in the Boundary Waters, 2005
[email protected] Mittens at sea Terror in the Tetons AINSLIE, CHARLES Autobiography b1938- ; Amsterdam, At the Turn of the Century 19 NICHOLAS NY.