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Not to.say that Ilm the most of his hometom. sprcad my wings and go alter all resbaurant's walls and tlre wait staff gorgeous guy out there, but the "Thornhill wffi a greaL place to aspects."' is firll of delicious details. chtracter was cool. Overly coclqy at grow up. There's a lot ofgreat people His impre.psive resm6 got hlm photos While of a beaming Jem times but so excited that he has a there, qnd fascinatingly enough, hired for an upcomhg rcle in the Chrdtien and a red-faced Keanu butt and can go out there md wink there's a lot- of fmous actors and Global miniseries Cold Blood about Reeves may dzale.most, Thornhill . at a girl without her thinking that musicims that come out of David Milgaard, where he plays actor Adam Rodness has. been he's a creep." Thoinhill," he says. "It's kind of a Milgaard's besi friend/betrayer Ron hamted by one stu in particula in Although he played tfi e glamomm breeding gromdr for entertainmen[, Wilson. the past few months: Corey Haim. role, Rndness discovbred tltat the 1& with a lot of people going after the Rodness's hometown buz is on ' That's because" the 1980s month process of making tlre short entertaiment world md ending up the rise. Excited about seeing heartthmb Haim and Rodness shue was anythhg but" Setbacks from an being successfirl" himself on-air, aged as a rlS-yer-old an upcoming movie Shark City, It's a actor dropping out the day before After graduating, Rodness rvas ("they pimed my hair back md gave risqu6 indie frlrn follgwiag two stock shooting would demoralize mgst, but finally free to audition for mwies me a receding hairline; dipped some tmders, living in New York City in Radnoss sees this ari. his path to and decidedto move io Ins Angeles minkles on my face"), Rodness their early thirties, whose lives success, . at the tender age of 19. Moving into continues to dip into other gems. become entangled with the mob. "I find that, to be succesfirl in the an open ioom in Beverly Hills, He appeared in the homegrawn It is aiso Haim's comeback movie bminesg you have to male it happen Rodness got to live an Aaaron web series Team Epic (tagline: an event - that's ben hyped up by yourself. You hdve to run after it aad Spelling-esque life: hanging out with There's super ... Ald thereU epic) his noble rrndressing ofhis soul in the chase it down before you get chased people from MIV, auditioning for about Canada's B-class superheroes reality TV btt The Two Coreys, with out ofit," hd says. "So my model now 'non,mion jobs, .having random miting after the death of Canada's Hafun's Liceree to Drire co:star Corey is to create short film and sbll them. conversations with Shbmn Stone at. greatest superhero, He played "a Feldmm. to production companies. Get the the Suiset Strip Coffee Bean,?oing very metroserual r4anager lbr a your "Make ffe fint question is money and pmduee the features," a cheesy weather gig on an Interner g"oup of B-class superhgres who about Corey Haim," Rodness's If the 2$yer-old Rodnes seems a radio show and vreekend fomys to wonld lie about his fiying ability." manager Bret Patriquin seys, "All. bit too y;omg to be spouting off Ias Vegas, Proelaiming web TV the "next. anyone's been asking him about the wisdoms of-.a seasonetl vet,;it's "At thre time, I really believed that . generation of this busines," Rodness past few months has been Corey important to know that he's I would be walking down the street is emphatic about the importance Of Haim and [Sftar,t CiQr co-stai] technfually been performing since he :and someone niould spot me md go, "establishtng yourself in your home pyes ,,It Vivicia For His will bug tiiit'' was fou years old. You!,"' he days with a laugh. was base fimt." While Rodriess did ngt buglrsul The son. of wedding singing team greal I met a ton of pe-ople, md I "Don'trushit,"he sa1s.'Avoidthe and is graciow ' about the subject' Jody and Larry Rodness, Adam wasted all my monby. It was all gone mistake that I made. Wmk yoll butt ("He's agoodguy Wegot alongvery would accompany them onstage in a span of four months.tt off in Toronto, and don't be well," he sayd), the actor has more playing maracas. Eventually he Moving back home, -Rodness embmrassed to put youl stuf on pressing matters to talk about than would move on aird strike out On his reada$ted his big dream to his paper and call up huge production hanging out with Haim offset. After owp in Thomhll at the age of lit. current mandale of working on companies to try to get a meeting: all Shark Clty is his firlst signfficant "I needed mon€y, so I started my multiple srnall projects at a time. LA. will rilways be there, and thq/ll film mle, md he gets to play the nice own DJ company," he says. "I wor:ld While studying radio and come a.fter you once your sffi is guythat everyone ]?gs on' DJ my frimds' birthday partiei and televisio_n broadcasting at Seneca done and once yolr notorielr is. "They're makilg' fun of me then DJ and host bar mikvahs - College, RoQness took on a hosting established." because I'm trying to grow a beard that was my bread md butter ail gig for two shows on the all- Howwer, he also has some tips for ' for the first time," he explaim. thrbugh high school. I wolld work electronic.mrisic television channel people who will ign6p his xdyiqs hnd The role also involves Rodnew one or two da;rs on the weekbnd and bpm.tv. Admitting that, "My go to Los Angeles to live their drearn getting beat up,-and while.he'f.id make three times more money than teaehers wererit so fond of me ht util the money runs out. suffer some minor whiplash frbm my fliends workirig at the,mall." that point, because I was always "My favouitepart of goingto L.A filming the scen'e gets where he Growing up aromd Bathtrrst md missing.class," Rodness would host is sitting in the airplme md wing pistol whipped, fe1u o thingq can hold Atkinson, Rodness was a natual the shows Ellectrcnica and Foreign who I'll be sitting no<t.toi Rodness the energetic Rodres d<jm. entertainer. d FTora until mid-2005. says. "I had the opportuniw to sit ba addition to Sfrarf Ctty, Rodnes When he providing E wasn't the Afraid df being pigeonholed as a next to Dave Thomm from SCTV : is coming off the high of jomey u selling a soundtmck to a bo/s into video host, Rodness stafied working and we had a five-hour conversation thirty-minute short frlm, called manhood, he was crackingjokes and ,on several projects, includiirg Blog about the business. He wrrte me a z Gorgeore, he co-produced and stars being sent, to detention. While his TV where he would visit sets, such recommendafion letter, and we in. It made the Torcnto Internationirl jocular mp impressed girts, o; the it x Ihe Tlailar Pa* Boys, with an tIZ maintained a rctatiornhip. Meeting o Film"Fbstival and is in the of prevented Rodness o fruces froqt following Humrner decked out with cameras, all these people, thdll help you out , being adapted into a featurre film. his drearn- He was also doing radio work, in the end." 30 . "It's a movie about a cololrrist who "My prents wouldn't let me inteming on the Mix 99.9 moming '!sii)l"un....' _J., ..; t, iii I .1 lid#,1 .i,$ o t :6 o ; o I 31.