

Corey Feldman | 304 pages | 07 Oct 2014 | St Martin's Press | 9781250054913 | English | NY, United States NY Daily News - We are currently unavailable in your region

Goodreads helps you keep track of books Coreyography want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Coreyography editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Coreyography and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Coreyography by . Coreyography by Corey Feldman. Coreyography only advice, honestly, is to get these kids out of Hollywood Coreyography let them lead normal lives. Lovable child star by age ten, international by fifteen, and to Coreyography day a perenni "People always ask me about life after childhood stardom. Lovable child star by age ten, international teen idol by fifteen, and to this Coreyography a perennial pop-culture staple, Corey Feldman has not only spent the entirety of his life in the spotlight, he's become just as famous for his off-screen exploits as for his roles in such classic films as , , and Stand by Me. What child of the eighties didn't have a Corey Feldman poster hanging in her bedroom, or a pile of Tiger Beats stashed in his closet? Now, in Coreyography brave and moving memoir, Corey is revealing the truth about what his life was like behind the scenes: His is a past that included physical, drug, Coreyography sexual abuse, a dysfunctional family from which he was emancipated at age fifteen, Coreyography high-profile arrests for drug possession, a nine-month stint in rehab, and a Coreyography, slow crawl back to the top of the box office. In the span of one year, he mourned the passing Coreyography seven friends and family Coreyography, including and . In the wake of those tragedies, Coreyography spoken publicly about the dark side of Coreyography, lobbied for legislation affording Coreyography protections for children in the entertainment Coreyography, and lifted the lid off of what he calls Hollywood's biggest secret. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published October 29th by St. Martin's Press first published October 15th More Coreyography Corey Feldman. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. Coreyography see what your Coreyography thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Coreyographyplease sign up. Does Coreyography name his abusers in the Coreyography Vir He gives them pseudonyms. See 1 question about Coreyography…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Coreyography. Nov 05, Coreyography rated it really liked it Shelves: memoirsaddictionshollywood. I read Coreyography few celebrity biographies, but Corey Feldman's appealed to Coreyography because I grew up watching his movies. His parents were abusive and neglectful, and for much of Coreyography childhood he was the Coreyography breadwinner of Coreyography family. He had started acting in commercials when he was 3, and he worked steadily until Coreyography was a teenager. Coreyography of his parents did drugs and Corey's paychecks were frittered away. If he lost an acting job, his mother would beat him. Once she beat him so hard that he blacked out. She also tormented him by constantly telling him he was fat and ugly, and that he was klutz. Corey was so miserable that he tried Coreyography kill himself. When he was 12, he swallowed a bottle of aspirin. Later he Coreyography one of his grandfather's guns and came close to pulling the trigger, but he couldn't go through with it. The first time Corey slept over Coreyography a friend's house, he was shocked when the boy's Coreyography tucked his friend in at bedtime and said they loved him. Coreyography realized what he was missing and that his family wasn't normal. He often cried himself to sleep and wished he could escape. Eventually he started experimenting with drugs and alcohol, which set Coreyography on a path to addiction and gave him a bad reputation. As if that wasn't awful enough, Corey wrote about how he was frequently molested by older men, and said Coreyography is a serious problem Coreyography the entertainment business. His longtime friend and fellow actor, Coreyography Haim, was raped Coreyography a movie set when he was just In a disturbing description, Feldman looked at a photo from his 15th birthday party and Coreyography that there were five different child molesters in the picture, along with himself Coreyography Haim. He Coreyography they were surrounded by Coreyography. One of Coreyography childhood idols was Michael Jackson, who became a good friend. Corey's home life was so screwed up that Michael's house was a safe haven for him. The memoir has several sweet stories of hanging out with Michael, Coreyography to Disneyland with him while wearing a disguise, Coreyography attending Michael's elaborate parties. Years later, when MJ was accused of molesting children, Corey spoke up in his defense. InCoreyography broke off their friendship when he heard a rumor that Corey was writing a book about him, Coreyography Corey denied. Hollywood is so far removed from my world that I had never seriously considered the plight of child Coreyography. It's just not fair to put kids under such pressure to earn a living and support a family. When parents Coreyography Corey for advice on how to get their child into the movie industry, he tells them to "get these kids out of Hollywood and let them lead normal lives. Corey tells some good Coreyography stories about making "Gremlins," "The Goonies," "Stand By Me," and "," and fans will probably appreciate this book. But Coreyography details of his abuse Coreyography neglect are very disturbing and sensitive readers should Coreyography warned. Corey closes the book on an Coreyography note, saying he's been sober for years Coreyography he's happy Coreyography have a son, Coreyography, who is now 8, and is still focused on his movie and music career. He hopes that talking about his abuse may help prevent other children from the same fate. My husband says this book should have been called "The Lost Boy. View all 14 comments. May 31, Jami rated it it was amazing Shelves: it-really-happened. First of all, I was born in That makes all the difference in the world. I had posters of the two Coreys on my bedroom wall, Stand by Me was the first rated 'R' movie I watched it was the first rated 'R' movie any of us watchedand, though it Coreyography surprising, I was crushed when I heard that Corey Haim had passed away. Basically, Coreyography good chunk of my childhood movie memories involve a movie starring Corey Feldman. At the risk of sounding like an old timer, Coreyography just aren't the same anym Coreyography of all, I was born in At the risk of sounding like an old Coreyography, movies just aren't Coreyography same anymore. And, Coreyography think you'd have to be from my generation to thoroughly enjoy Coreyography book. I really hope, though, that younger readers will give the book a chance. I really enjoyed reading about his journey, but, again, I imagine that's because we grew up in Coreyography same generation. To be honest, my biggest enjoyment of the book came from reading Coreyography the movies he was involved in. Though I believe that he did suffer abuse at the hands of his mother and some of the Coreyography in Hollywood, I was more interested in his film roles than the gossip about the world he Coreyography up in. One thing that struck me Coreyography refreshing was the fact that, even though I'm sure he did witness and endure tragedies, he Coreyography really trash talked, bad mouthed, or spoke negatively about anyone Coreyography worked with or came into contact with. Even when he was speaking about his abusers, Coreyography spoke in a manner that didn't feel hateful Coreyography vengeful. It was just simple honesty. I've read angry reviews that seemed to suggest he was negatively "outing" Corey Haim as gay or putting Coreyography down now that he Coreyography dead. I disagree Coreyography. The first thing Coreyography said to Coreyography husband was that you could Coreyography he really and truly did love Corey. He didn't stand up to Coreyography abusers or his drug use for the same reason he had problems battling his Coreyography demons He was a child, naive and scared. He had Coreyography own hurdles to conquer, but I think he helped Corey as much as he possibly could. He hated his drug addiction, and he was disturbed by the child abuse surrounding them, but I don't think that he was speaking about Corey in a Coreyography manner. And, I don't think he was saying anything critical about homosexuality. He pretty much said what I thought he would say about Michael Jackson, though some of the details were, I'll admit, interesting. I thought the story was really sad. 10 Tidbits From Corey Feldman’s Memoir, From ‘Fun’ to ‘Sad’

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. I bounce my feet impatiently atop the wooden rung of my chair, feel a cold dribble of milk Coreyography across my lip and down my chin. As consumed as I am by that prize, however, I Coreyography that there is something different, something even more exciting, about today. Now finish your breakfast, please. I was a professional now. At seven, my older sister Mindy was already a seasoned actress. I used to Coreyography hours outside that door, straining to hear the music that sometimes rang out Coreyography her tiny record player my favorite was the Wizard of Oz soundtrack. But when she was performing, I was generally allowed to wander through the theme park Coreyography her and her teenaged castmates. Coreyography watched, awestruck, as she navigated those early brushes with fame, signing autographs and posing for pictures, Coreyography by Coreyography very own circle of groupies. I thought that being a Mouseketeer meant she had a perfect life. It made sense, then, that Coreyography following in her footsteps, my life was about to become special, too. The setup was fairly simple: I would wake up in the Coreyography of the night on Christmas Eve, stumble downstairs in my blue-footed pajamas, and leave a fifty-cent gift certificate for Santa, right on top of his plate of cookies, next to Coreyography glass of milk. When my mother and I arrived on set, a rented two-story home in the Valley, the director, Rob Lieberman, came over to say hello. He had a warm smile and a hippie-ish, Cat Stevens—like beard, a popular style back in Rob patted my head and winked at my mom, and that was the end Coreyography that—off Coreyography went to Coreyography fitted in my pajamas. As the day wore on, we shot take after Coreyography climbed in and out of bed, I teetered up and down the stairs—until, finally, it was Coreyography. And I never did get to meet the real Santa Claus that day. When you ask most people to reflect on Coreyography very first memory, the recollections usually fall within a range Coreyography familiar vignettes—that first Coreyography of catch with Mom or Dad, playing with a beloved stuffed animal or favorite toy, or watching Saturday morning cartoons. So most of my days were spent at home Coreyography my mom. Boobie might come over to babysit, or to take Mindy to rehearsals and act as her on-set guardian, on the days when my mother Coreyography a headache or was too sick to get out of bed. With the shades drawn, bathed in the blue light of the television screen, I would sit and study the hodgepodge of artifacts Coreyography around her room like talismans, the Coreyography ceramic frog statues that Coreyography her windowsill her favorite color was lime greenor the gilded Coreyography that had sat on top of her nightstand for as long as I Coreyography remember. The pictorial had been torn from the pages of Playboy, and from it she smiled proudly, hand on hip. At five foot one she was the shortest among the waitresses at Coreyography Playboy Club in L. It was strange to think of my mother that way, as a single, carefree woman in the days before she had children. She was beautiful but, as I sensed even Coreyography, somehow dangerous. More often, though, she was down, relegated to the confines of her bedroom, suffering from Coreyography mysterious range of maladies. In those days, I was too young to anticipate the high-highs and low-lows of someone with a depressive disorder, or to successfully navigate the unpredictable, violent swings that are borne of substance abuse. I Coreyography thought she needed my help. She would Coreyography and fidget and whine, and sometimes scream and curse and kick, even when I was brushing her hair or bringing her food or running Coreyography a bath. Those were the worst days—when her moods became like black holes, sucking the life from every corner of the house into that cold, dark room. Sometimes her door would stay closed all day. If I had an audition, she might call my grandmother Coreyography demand that Boobie ferry Coreyography around town. So, sometimes I just zipped myself in the giant gray suitcase, warm and dank, smelling of sweat and leather and the sea. In those early days in the Chatsworth house, I learned to entertain myself. The peroxide burns, and the smell is making me nauseous but, apparently, I was supposed Coreyography have been a blond-haired, Coreyography child. Instead, she got stuck with me. With my head still Coreyography under the faucet, water rushing into my nose and mouth, she pauses long enough to wipe the sweat from her forehead with the back Coreyography her hand. Learning Coreyography words, however, is not the hard part—I have no trouble memorizing dialogue, even though I am only four. My voice squeaks and strains. When I emerge from my room to perform for her approval, she sighs. She points her finger toward the narrow hallway and sends Coreyography back to practice more—however long it takes, she says—until I get Coreyography right. It works like gangbusters. By the age of ten, I will have filmed more than one hundred. One morning, my sister and I take our seats at the Coreyography round table and Mindy pours herself a bowl of Alpha Bits. I love Alpha Bits. I can spell all kinds of Coreyography in my spoon. I reach to pour myself a bowl when my mother, Coreyography out of nowhere, suddenly yanks the box from my hand. So I Coreyography that being fat is Coreyography worst thing you Coreyography possibly be. I do have round, chubby, cherubic cheeks, but I always thought that I would grow into them. Coreyography lifts my shirt and pinches a fold of my skin between her fingers. Coreyography there is a new rule: Coreyography eating—at Coreyography she wakes up. This is especially challenging, because sometimes she stays in bed until two or three in the afternoon. And then I decide, after a while, that no one will actually notice if I quietly make myself a snack. Why are there crumbs in your bed? Did the dog eat the cookies, Corey? Did Shadow climb up into the cupboard? Did you eat the cookies? One or two? Those cookies are Coreyography for you and you know it. So now I want you to come in here and stare at the wall for one hour. I Coreyography at my feet, at the wall, at anything but her. She drones on and on until I suddenly realize that I am afraid Coreyography her, that I hate her. Still, I want nothing more than to crawl into her big bed and watch Coreyography Hartman, Mary Hartman, or listen to her stories about bunnies and Coreyography and what her life was like before me. How dare you look at Coreyography like that? Do you have any idea how lucky you are? Do you realize that most women Coreyography die to Coreyography like this after two kids? I just want something to eat. Coreyography thought back to the Baskin-Robbins commercial I had filmed just a few weeks before, to the mountains of pumpkin ice cream that had stretched before me, to Coreyography way the assistant director had smiled when he handed Coreyography a spoon. Actors are generally encouraged not to swallow on shoots like these; ingesting bite after bite, shooting take after take, would be enough to make most people sick. But I had learned a clever trick. I Coreyography only pretend to spit out my food in a napkin. I knew my mother was getting worse, her behavior more erratic. From my Coreyography, nothing much Coreyography changed, except that I was working more, booking more jobs, going on more auditions. Wipe off the tears. Always acting. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free Coreyography everyday! See details. Overview "Spares no details. What would I say to parents of children in the industry? My only advice, honestly, is to get these kids out of Hollywood and let them lead normal lives. Lovable child star by age ten, international teen idol by fifteen, and to this day a perennial pop-culture staple, Corey Feldman has not only spent the entirety of his life in the spotlight, he's Coreyography just as famous for his Coreyography exploits as for his roles in such classic Coreyography as Gremlins, The Goonies, and Stand by Me. He's Coreyography linked to a slew of Hollywood starlets including , , and Coreyography entertainer Ginger Lynnshared a highly publicized friendship with Michael Coreyography, and with his frequent costar Coreyography Haim enjoyed immeasurable success as one Coreyography of the wildly popular duo "The Two Coreys," spawning seven films, a number, and "Coreymania" in the process. What child of the eighties didn't have a Corey Feldman poster hanging in her bedroom, or a pile of Tiger Beats stashed in his closet? Now, in this brave and moving memoir, Corey is revealing the truth about what his life was like behind the scenes: His is a past Coreyography included physical, drug, and Coreyography abuse, a dysfunctional family from which he was emancipated at age fifteen, three high-profile arrests for drug possession, a nine-month stint in rehab, and a long, slow crawl back to the top of the box office. In the span of one year, he mourned the passing of seven friends and Coreyography members, including Corey Haim and Michael Jackson. In the wake of those tragedies, Coreyography spoken publicly about the dark side of fame, lobbied for legislation affording greater protections for children in Coreyography entertainment Coreyography, and lifted the lid off of what he calls Hollywood's biggest secret. Coreyography is Coreyography surprising account of survival and redemption. Coreyography lives in , , with his son, Zen. Show More. Related Searches. Gardner Botsford tells the fascinating and humorous story of his W. Coreyography: A Memoir by Corey Feldman, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

In his new memoir, CoreyographyCorey Feldman Coreyography the sexual abuse he and fellow child star Corey Haim endured in Coreyography at the hands of men they worked with and Coreyography friends. Due out Oct. So they walked off to a secluded Coreyography between two trailers Ron allegedly took advantage of him after turning him onto drugs. Both Haim and Feldman battled Coreyography abuse issues for Coreyography. Feldman, now 42, reached a breaking point when he was arrested for heroin in at 19 years old. Coreyography two more drug Coreyography, he got sober. Haim was in and out of rehab for addiction 15 times before his death in Two Coreyography before he died, Haim opened up to People magazine about his demons. I have come to terms with this a long time ago but obviously not Coreyography. Stuff happens when you are a kid, it scars you inside for life. InFeldman told Coreyography that a "Hollywood mogul" who abused Haim is to blame for the late actor's death. He said pedophilia was and still is Hollywood's biggest problem and darkest secret. Your vote is your Coreyography It is your right and your responsibility. For your voice Coreyography be heard, in Coreyography states you must register before you can vote. Visit the state elections site. For the Nov 3 election: States are making it easier for citizens to vote absentee by mail this year due to the coronavirus. Each state has its own rules for mail-in absentee voting. Visit your state election office website to find out if you can vote by mail. Sometimes circumstances make it hard or impossible for you to vote on Election Day. But your state may let you vote during a designated early voting period. You don't need an excuse to vote Coreyography. Visit your state election office website to find out whether they offer early voting. Coreyography Edition U. Coronavirus News U. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Newsletters Coupons. Terms Privacy Policy. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. All rights reserved. Tap here to turn on Coreyography notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Calling all HuffPost superfans! Sign up for membership to become a founding member and Coreyography shape HuffPost's next chapter. Join HuffPost. Voting Made Easy. Register now. Cavan Sieczkowski. Suggest a correction. How to Coreyography. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming. Coreyography by: Varies by state Your vote is your voice! Visit the state elections site Register to Vote. Vote-by-mail ballot request deadline: Varies by state For the Nov 3 election: States are making it easier for citizens to vote absentee by mail this year due to the coronavirus. Get more information. In-person early voting dates: Varies by state Sometimes circumstances make it hard or impossible for you to vote on Election Day. My Election Office. Today is National Voter Registration Day!