Home Credit

2nd Quarter 2018 Results Presentation September 5th, 2018

1 Disclaimer

This pres ent at ion has been prepared solely for informational purposes and shall not be considered as an off er to sell or the solicitation of an off er to buy, subscribe for or otherwise ac quire any securities of or obtain lending services from Home Credit B.V., PPF Group N.V. or any of their affiliates in any juris dic tion and shall not be treated as any investment advice or recommendation. This presentation is not directed to, or intended for distribution or use, wh e r e it is prohibited by operation of law. The presentation does not take into acc ount, in any way whatsoever, the investment objectives, financial situation or specific needs of its recipients. This presentation and its contents may not be copied or disseminated, in part or as a wh o l e, without prior written consent of Home Credit B.V. Information and opinions presented in this presentation ma y have been obtained or derived fromvarioussources wh i ch are believed by Ho me Credit B.V. to be reliable but such information has not beenverified by Home Credit B.V. Certain information in this pres ent at ion is based on management es timates. Such est imates have been made in good faith and represent the current beliefs of members of management. Those management members believe that such es t imat es are founded on reas onable grounds. However, by their nat ure, estimates may not be correct or complete. Ac cordingly , no repres ent at ion or warranty (express or implied) is given that such es t imat es are correct or complete. Where this presentation quotes any information or statistics from any ex ternal source, it should not be interpret ed that Home Credit B.V. has adopted or endorsed such information or statistics as being ac curat e. This presentation contains forward-look ing statements. These statements ref lect the Home Credit B.V.’s current knowledge and its ex pect at ions and projections about future ev ent s and may be identified by the context of such statements or wo r ds such as “anticipate,” “believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “project ”, “t arget ”, “may”, “will”, “would”, “could” or “should” or similar terminology. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Home Credit B.V.’s control that could cause the ac tual results and performance to differ materially from any expected future results or performance ex press ed or implied by any forward-looking statements. No repres ent at ion or warranty whatsoever, ex press or implied, is made as to the ac curac y, completeness, consistency or the reliability of the informationcontained in this document and not hing contained in this presentation is, or should be relied upon as , a promise or repres ent at ion. We accept no liability for loss arising fromthe us e of any information or ac t ing on any opinion contained in this document. We retain the right to change the contents of this presentation at any time without notice. Neither Home Credit B.V. or any ot her person is under any obligationto update orkeepcurrentthe informationcontained in this presentation or to correct any inaccuracies in any such information which may become apparent or to prov ide you with any additional information. None of its direc tors, officers, employees, direct or indirect shareholders, agent s, affiliates, adv is ors or any ot her person accept any respons ibility, liability or duty of care whatsoever for thecontents of this presentation, and no repres ent at ion or warranty, express or implied, is made by any such person in relationto the contents of this presentation. The numbers in this pres ent at ion are largely taken fromthe audited consolidated IFRS statements of Home Credit B.V. In the interest of comparability certainnumbers of PT. Home Credit are pro-forma.

For more information on Home Credit Group, please visit www.homecredit.net.


3 Home Credit had a strong 2Q18 Total net loans as at 2Q18: €16.4bn 2Q18 Highlights

Other 5% (excl. ) Rest… OVERALL: 10% • 2Q18 Net income up to €71m from €(31m) in 1Q18 and €53m in 2Q17 Consumer CZ & SK • Cost of risk down from 14.9% to 10.6% QoQ durables 8% loans • Net interest margin improved by 2.1p.p. from 2Q17 to 2Q18 30% • Cost income ratio down from 53.4% to 45.0% YoY China Cash loans 15% 63% 65% COUNTRY HIGHLIGHTS: • China: Cost of risk reduced from 21.3% in 1Q18 to 13.9% in 2Q18 Key metrics and business mix 2Q18 Net income of €46m (+ €134m QoQ) • Russia: Contactless payments introduced Ratios are annualized where applicable. 1Q17 2Q17 2017 1Q18 2Q18 (2) Expert RA upgraded HCFB to ruA- with stable outlook First to issue loans using Unified Biometric System to identify clients Deposits (€bn) 5.6 5.5 6.4 6.5 6.7 • : Continuing strong performance Gros s loans (€bn) 12.3 13.6 16.9 17.3 18.6 • : Fitch assigned B+ longer term rating to HC VN, being the first consumer Equity (€bn) 1.6 1.5 2.0 1.8 (1) 1.8 finance company in Vietnam rated by Fitch Net income (€m) 79.6 52.9 243.8 (30.8) 71.1 • : Continuing expansion – reaching 120 citi es acr oss 20 states in 2Q18 Net interest margin 14.2% 13.7% 14.7% 15.6% 15.8% compared to 77 cities in 15 states in 2Q17 Cost of risk 7.6% 8.3% 8.9% 14.9% 10.6% Rating upgraded to A- by CARE Cost income ratio 53.0% 53.4% 52.0% 45.7% 45.0% Net loss decreased to €(4m) in 2Q18 from €(17m) in 2Q17 RoAE 20.5% 13.6% 14.5% (6.5%) 15.7% • Indonesia: Net income grew to €0m in 2Q18 from €(6m) in 2Q17 # of distribution points (‘000) 308.7 364.7 399.3 403.6 429.6 Cost income ratio improved to 75.1% in 2Q18 from 109.4% in 2Q17 # of active customers (m) 23.4 26.5 29.9 28.9 29.0 • : Profitable in each month of 2018 (1) Impact, net of tax, ot the introduction of IFRS 9 amounts to a reduction in equity of €20 3 m Cost income ratio improved to 72.3% in 2Q18 from 85.2% in 2Q17 at 1 January 2018. (2) Under IAS 39, profit before tax would have been higher by €41m in 1H18 (compared to • CZ & SK: Mature and profitable business profit before tax as reported, i.e. including IFRS 9 adoption). 4 Strengthened leadership to support Home Credit performance and transformation

„Ondrej Frydrych joins as Group CEO allowing Jiri Smejc to transition into the role of Executive Chairman“

Ondrej Frydrych background Executive Chairman Group CEO Jiri Smejc Ondrej Frydrych • CEO - Home Credit - China

• CEO – Eldorado – Russia

• Partner & CEO – Adastra Consulting – Group strategy Day-to-day performance • Technical University of Liberec Partnerships Support online growth • MBA - Rochester Institute M&A Push digital transformation of Technology

• Computer Science - Dublin Institute of Technology

5 Home Credit five key strategy pillars

Online & Offline

Responsible Attractive Lending Markets

Strong Leading Risk Funding Management

65 Leading positions in attractive markets

GDP Growth Total Assets Country Population (m) RoAE 2Q18 (3) Total Assets 2Q18 (€m) 2017 (2) Growth (YoY)

China 1,415 6.9% 14.2% 11,496 23.7%

India 1,354 6.6% (12.4%) 679 101.5%

US 327 2.3% (113.1%) 71 146.3%

Indonesia (1) 266 5.1% 0.1% 387 106.2%

Russia 143 1.5% 17.5% 3,623 14.0%

Philippines 106 6.7% 23.7% 334 139.6%

Vietnam 96 6.8% 33.8% 698 29.4% Kazakhsta 18 4.0% 39.7% 683 55.6% n

CZ & SK 15 CZ 4.3% / SK 3.4% 17.7% 4,228 17.1%

(1) Included portfolio which is not on HC books and is financed within JFS (2) Source: The World Bank (3) Annualized 7 Strong online growth driven by HC APP and partnerships

Sales volume (€m) Mobile app – monthly active users (‘000)

14 000

12 000 838 +74% +224% 10 000 221%

8 000 482 +43% 6 000 368

258 4 000

2 000

0 1Q17 2Q17 1Q18 2Q18 03/17 06/17 09/17 12/17 03/18 06/18

Social media followers: 9,977,529 as at 2Q18 / +74% QoQ growth

8 Home Credit keeps expanding its network and client base

Number of POS (‘000)

430 17.8% 365 56 14 29 Asia (excl. 14 China) Other(1) 252 166 225 7 China 18 38 Russia 103 97 108

2014 2Q17 2Q18

Active clients 9.1m 26.5m +9.4% 29.0m

Total clients 44.4m 83.7m +26.7% 106.1m

(1) Other includes Czech Republic, , , Kazakhstan, US.

9 Home Credit Cost income ratio is improving continuously

Cost income ratio

53.0% 53.4% 52.0% KEY DRIVERS ARE: • Economies of scale enabled by growth in key countries 45.7% • Roll-out of mobile and alternative distribution 45.0% channels

1Q17 2Q17 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Number of employees (‘000) 135.5 144.8 157.7 140.1 130.8

10 Home Credit risk costs reduced sharply in 2Q18

Improving risk performance Key drivers

NPL coverage CHINA 122% 144% 132% • 1Q18 performance strongly affected by impact of

14.9% regulatory actions in troduced in China in 2017 • Home Credit proactive management of emerging 10.6% retail overleveraging led to significant improvement in 8.9% 9.0% default rate of loans originated after September 2017 8.2% 6.9% • The new originations booked after 1 October 2017 in China XS are expected to have 50% lower risk than the actually observed losses on previous vintage bookings

2017 1Q18 2Q18 Cost of risk(1) NPL ratio (2) OTHER COUNTRIES • Risk performance in other countries relatively stable • Improving risk performance IFRS 9 • Conservative provisioning policy • The impact of IFRS 9 introduction in January 2018 (the year-opening-balance impact) pushed the NPL (1) Impairment losses / Average net loans (2) End of period gross loans > 90DPD / Total end of period gross loans coverage from 125% to 149% (retail only) 11 Home Credit maintains a conservative diversified funding strategy with very limited duration gap Diversified funding Very limited duration mismatch

Funding sources of €21.8bn as at 2Q18 Interest position (as at 2Q18)

Equity Other 3,470 Liabilities Subordinated 8% 3,318 2,951 2,791 3,008 liabilities 5% Assets 1% Customer deposits Gap Debt securities 31% 1,289 672 4% 536 666 285

(29) (353) (332) (549) (1,352) (2,326) (3,323) (3,102) (3,994) Loans (4,425) received 50%

12 Home Credit enjoys strong access to capital market

7 Securitization Transactions of Securitization First Senior Consumer Durables Transactions of First Financial Unsecured and Cash loans in Consumer Loan Bond of HC CFC (3 Syndicated Loan in India Portfolio in China years tenor) China

Home Credit India HC CFC HC CFC HC CFC INR 4.6bn RMB 3.6bn RMB 1.5bn RMB 725m Home Credit India Home Credit China Home Credit China Home Credit China 5 ABS projects ABS project Financial bond Due to Dec 2018 3Y Rating: AA+/AA+

January – June 2018 March 2018 April 2018 March 2018


14 Balance sheet

(€m) Assets 1Q17 2Q17 2017 1Q18 2Q18 YoY% Cash and cash equivalents 2,017 2,762 3,021 3,614 2,322 Financial assets 1,236 1,185 1,533 1,507 1,243 Due from banks 437 401 403 353 394 Net loans 11,332 12,540 15,452 15,228 16,439 31.1 Other assets 829 872 1,117 1,340 1,365 Total assets 15,851 17,760 21,526 22,042 21,763 22.5

Liabilities Customer deposits 5,639 5,539 6,356 6,540 6,676 20.5 Due to banks 7,054 8,995 10,598 11,020 10,973 22.0 Debt securities 478 701 998 1,164 957 Subordinated liabilities 434 401 383 373 195 Other liabilities 647 608 1,163 1,175 1,119 Total liabilities 14,252 16,244 19,498 20,272 19,920 Total equity 1,599 1,516 2,028 1,770 1,843 21.6

NPL ratio 5.7% 5.9% 6.9% 8.2% 9.0% NPL coverage ratio 135% 129% 122% 144% 132%

15 Profit & Loss

(€m, ratios annualized where applicable) 1Q17 2Q17 2017 1Q18 2Q18 (1) Net interest income 517 545 2,417 760 782 Net fee income 140 162 666 176 177 Other operating income 21 13 40 16 23 Operating income 678 720 3,123 952 982 Operating expenses (359) (385) (1,626) (435) (443) Impairment losses (201) (247) (1,124) (572) (419) Profit before tax 116 89 373 (54) 107 Income tax expense (36) (36) (129) (23) (36) Profit from continuing operations 80 53 244 (31) 71 Attributable to equity holders 81 54 256 (28) 76

Key performance indicators p.p. ∆ YoY NIM 14.2% 13.7% 14.7% 15.6% 15.8% 2.1 CIR 53.0% 53.4% 52.0% 45.7% 45.0% (8.4) CoR 7.6% 8.3% 8.9% 14.9% 10.6% 2.3 RoAE 20.5% 13.6% 14.5% (6.5%) 15.7% 2.1

(1) Under IAS 39, profit before tax would have been higher by €41m in 1H18 (compared to profit before tax as reported, i.e. including IFRS 9 adoption). 16 Meeting Agenda 1. HIGHLIGHTS OF Q218 2. GROUP FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 3. COUNTRY PERFORMANCE 4. APPENDIX

17 China Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

237 511 235 131 251 958 16 317 14 997 14 897 141 315 10 621

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m)

10 366 196 9 727 9 384 123 46 5 314

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 -88

Notable improvement in risk costs after regulatory changes in consumer market in China leads to to 2Q18 net income of €46m Inaugural RMB 1.5bn (3Y, coupon 6.74%, AA+/AA+) financial bond issued by HC CFC in Chinese interbank market with 1.6x oversubscribtion Artificial intelligence in business (VoiceBot, ChatBot) introduced to increase the cost efficiency of the business

18 China: Benefitting from adjusted consumer finance industry Implications of regulatory intervention around YE 2017

2017 2018 NEW 7% REGULATION 32% 40% 18% MARKET STRUCTURE 1. No license, no business (% of 3% companies) 2. Cash loans 75% 25% with purpose

3. Rate cap Banks + CFC Banks + CFC at 36% P2P P2P Licensed internet small loan Licensed internet small loan Unregulated

Regulated playground expanded substantially … … Home Credit is well positioned, based on 2010 license 19 Russia Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

106 281 107 875 102 922 3 584 3 569 3 470 93 996 3 268

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m)

162 2 532 2 535 2 519 2 336 67 35 29

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

“Best loyalty program in terms of cards” awarded to the loyalty program “Polza” by the “Loyalty Awards Russia 2018” Contactless payments via key payments platformsintroduced – Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay Biometric identification of clients allowing fully remote lending 20 Kazakhstan Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

9 437 1 133 1 189 1 239 9 097 8 877 817 7 934

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m)

533 60 472 493 46 334

14 13

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Strong and stable business performance both in volume and in profitability 21 Vietnam Number of POS Active clients (‘000) 9 275 9 469 7 787 2 041 6 834 1 947 1 860 1 769

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m)

624 64 579 609 46 430

13 12

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Continuous profitable growth supported by steady acquisition loans activities and growing contribution of cash loans First time rating from Fitch: B+ 22 Czech Republic Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

4 951 887 875 3 381 854 1 877 1 970 819

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m) 33 1 089 1 129 1 160 28 881

11 6

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Strong and stable business performance both in volume and in profitability

23 India Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

27 280 3,207 22 982 3,078 2,960 20 494

1,351 5 789

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m) 563 493 474 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

-3 -4 195

-61 -69 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Further expansion of POS distribution network combined with alternative distribution 24 Indonesia Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

15 882 13 678 1 544 11 416 1 335 1 341

4 423 508

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 Net Loans (€m) (1) Net Income (€m)

316 5 247 217 0

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 87

2016 2017 1Q2018 2Q2018 -19 -19

(1) Included portfolio which is not on HC books and is financed within JFS

Leader in POS acquisition with the market share growing up to 54%, totally paper-less sale process bringing a boost in effectiveness 25 Philippines Number of POS Active clients (‘000)

4 579 4 110 4 347 1 694 1 428 1 550

1 951 520

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18

Net Loans (€m) Net Income (€m)

273 5 3 202 218

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 68 -2

2016 2017 1Q18 2Q18 -16

POS market leader with 85% market share Cash loan cross-sell launched through mobile application 26 Thank you for your attention


28 Home Credit’s Senior Management Team A team of recognized leaders in their fields, committed to high standards of corporate governance

Ondrej Tomas Kocka Jean-Pascal Mel Carvill Christoph Radek Pluhar David Minol Pavel Vyhnalek Frydrych Chief Duvieusart CGIRO Glaser CRO Regional Executive Regional CEO Commercial Chief BD Officer CFO Director Executive Director Officer and Head of CM

Pavel Rozehnal Khalid Husseini Vendula Pavel Krbec Miroslav Boublik Petr Janák Ludek Mraz Radek Hubeny CLO CIO Chiznakova Head of Online Head of Special CHRO Head of CRM Head of Strategy Head of FP&A Projects

29 Multichannel distribution with strong cross-sell Acquisition: POS and cash loan walk-in Cross-sell

Consumer Cash loan Cash loan Credit cards durables loan Electronics, white General purpose Purpose General purpose General purpose Purpose goods, two- wheelers Products Products Average Average €304 €1,497 amount €2,412 €1,102 amount

Average term 10 months 27 months Average term 42 months N/A

2.5 3.0 2.2 2.0 Volumes Volumes disbursed disbursed (€bn) (€bn) 2018 2018

1Q 2Q 1Q 2Q