Mle) Speech Rhythm
CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Goldsmiths Research Online 452 Christopher S. Lee, Lucinda Brown, & Daniel Mu¨llensiefen THE MUSICAL IMPACT OF MULTICULTURAL LONDON ENGLISH (MLE) SPEECH RHYTHM CHRISTOPHER S. LEE,LUCINDA BROWN,& Ollen (2003), McGowan and Levitt (2011), and Sada- DANIEL MU¨ LLENSIEFEN kata (2006) yielded the finding that the degree of vocalic University of London, London, United Kingdom durational variability in a language is reflected in the degree of durational variability in the melodies pro- THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT AN EMERGING VARIETY OF duced by native speakers, across a wide variety of dia- English spoken by young Londoners—Multicultural lects, languages, and musical styles, though more London English (MLE)—has a more even syllable detailed findings from European art music have also rhythm than Southern British English (SBE). Given shown how stylistic factors (in this case probably findings that native language rhythm influences the reflecting non-native language rhythm) may exert an production of musical rhythms and text setting, we overriding counterinfluence (Daniele & Patel, 2004, investigated possible musical consequences of this 2013; Hansen, Sadakata, & Pearce, 2016; Huron & development. We hypothesized that the lower vocalic Ollen, 2003; Patel & Daniele, 2003b; VanHandel & Song, durational variability in MLE and (putatively) less 2010). These similarities appear to be salient to listeners: salient stress distinctions would go along with a prefer- Hannon (2009) showed that native and non-native ence by MLE speakers for lower melodic durational English listeners were able to classify French and variability and a higher tolerance for stress mismatches English folk songs according to their language of origin (the non-coincidence of stress/beat strong-weak pat- solely on the basis of their rhythms.
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