- XBMC Media Center 9.11 Camelot - Xcas 0.9.5 2012.01.05 - XChat - XMind XMind - - ZScreen - 0.5.7 XMoto 3.2.1 XChat - 2012.01.05 0.9.5 Xcas - Camelot 9.11 Center Media XBMC - World - 1.9.4 2009.07.30 3.5 Xaos - 1.7.7 Workrave XAMPP - - WxGéométrie - 11.10 4.3.6 - Wubi - 1.4 WinSCP 3.6 Wind - Pack 2.12.4 Codec WinMerge - Essentials 1.1 2011.12.26 1.4 Windows WikSpeak - WinFF - 2.1 2007.09.02 1.1.2 WikidPad - WinDirStat 1.8.8.p4 - stand-alone WaveSurfer - Vuze - 1.1.11 player media VLC - 4.3 VirtuaWin - 1.9.11 VirtualDub - 4.1.8 VirtualBox - - 3.5 Glass Castellano Magnifier Virtual - 0.2.1 0.94 Dimension Virtual - TypeFaster UltraVNC - - 0.18 UFRaw - 2009.05.09 0.4.2 TypeFaster - 0.6.7 2009.05.09 TuxWordSmith 0.5.7 - TuxMathScrabble - 1.8.1 1.2 TuxType2 TuxGuitar - 2.0.2 Command The Math - of 3.2.2 Tux Texmaker - 0.49.1 - DAW Traverso - 2.0.0 10.0 Thunderbird - Tetzle 2.0.0 Guide The - - 1.10 6.13 Wesnoth for battle PhotoRec / Disk Test - 0.6.1 Teeworlds - 2.0.11 TaskSwitchXP - 1.3.7 Coach - Task - beta beta 0.3.3 1.4.5 Synergy SuperTux - 3.4 - 3D Edition Home Sweet Fools April 1.7 War - Mario - Super 1.9 - 1 PDF beta Sumatra 1.0 - Sunbird 2009.03.28 Shareaza Processor Subtitle - Fonts - STiX 3.1.0 - StorYBook 0.11.1 - Stellarium 1.0.0 1.9 - 4.3 Squeak - Chronicles 0.10.1 SpeedCrunch - 1.10.2 Maryo Songbird - 3.20.4 Secret Solfege - - 2010.12.07 3.1.3 1.4.0 SnackAmp - - 0.5.0 Scribus Sigil - - SharpDevelop 1.4 2011.04.04 Scratch - 1.49 5.42 Tools Sebran Monitoring S.M.A.R.T. - - 2.1.2 2.2 RSSOwl Directories - Empty - Remove 3.2.2 - Python 0.7 2010.07.08 - Bandit RSS - RawWrite Rocks'n'Diamonds - Ri-li 2.0.1 2.7.2 - 1.2 Reveal - Python 2.2.1 - PSeInt QuteCom 0.62.t008 - - Tray 1.5.2 2.5.3 PuTTY PyTraffic PosteRazor - - 0.62 9381 PuTTY Collection - Puzzle 2012.02.02 Portable - 5.0 Pooter - - Castellano 0.14.4 1.2.1 Planner - 2.10.1 PDFCreator Pidgin - 1.0 - PicToBrick - 1.1.0 Peg-E Catalán - 4.4 PeaZip - 1.2.0 1.2.3 PDFCreator PDFCreator - 2.2.1 Merge and Split - - PDF - 3.27 2011.3 1.0.0 Safe Password - 1.4 NVDA OpenProj - MyPaint - 4.0.5309 Office 5.9 Microsoft para - Add-in ODF Notepad++ - 1.0 7.1 IDE MusikCube EE Java - NetBeans - 1.1 1.1.2 Target MuseScore Métamorphose Mtp - - 4.5 0.8.5 Installer muCommander Windows - MS - 1.5.19 2.0 .NET Framework MS .NET - MS 1.2.5 - MP3Gain 1.1 - Framework Castellano 1.5.1 Backup Mozilla - 1.5.1 Backup Mozilla - Catalán 1.4.10 Backup Mozilla - 1.0.9 Center Media Moovida - 0.7.2 MonoCalendar - - - Mixxx2.1.1.0 1.1.00 - Mixere 1.10.0 2.6 Converter System Video - Miro 4.0.6 Miro - 0.9.42 IM Miranda Flashcard Words Memorize - 1.2.2 MediaPortal - 0.7.53 MediaInfo - MahJongg - - Bundle 2.0.2 LyX Libertine - MD5summer - Maxima5.25.1 - 1.3.0 Marble - 2.0.2 3.0 MALTED - 1.0.1 LyX3D Solitaire - - 2.2.0 2.14.2 HDR Luminance Lilypond - - 1.0.5 LockNote castellano en Ayuda - 3.4.5 3.4.5 LibreOffice - 1.04 LibreOffice Fonts Liberation 1.51 - 4.2.2 LenMus - Jump'n'Bump 2.5 Launchy - - 4.0.4 - 7.0.0 KVIrc Edit Komodo - 5 1.51 beta 0.9 Kiwix - 2.0 Kitsune - Jump'n'Bump 1.6.5 KeePass KeyNote - - Castellano 2.18 - 2.18 - KeePass - 0.9.96 2.2 3.36 KDiff3 - JkDefrag Installer Receiver KDE-Windows - - Instalador Juice 2011.12.30 - 0.9.581 1.3.0 JDownloader jMemorize - JClic (continuación) DVD-Libre 2012-02 DVD-Libre Febrero de 2012 Febrero de

Febrero de 2012 DVD-Libre 2012-02 Inconsolata 1.010 - Infra Recorder 0.52 - Inkscape 0.48.2 - ITALC 2.0.0 - Java Java - 2.0.0 ITALC - 0.48.2 Inkscape - 0.52 Hugin detrás) - - (sigue 2 Recorder update 7 Environment Runtime 3.44.4 Infra HTTrack - - 1.010 2.0.1 Inconsolata hotkeys - 4.4 - 0.10.3 Impressive - Castellano 1.4X icopy - 1.49 icopy HomeBank - 1.4.2 Folder iColor - 2011.4.0 - 2.6 GNU Hexplorer - - 2.6.0 0.9.5 package gpick - Animation 2.1.0 - Handbrake - Gpg4win 2.9.1 Gtypist 2.14.7 - GTK+ 4.3 GIMP - Graph - one in All - Gramps 0.2.1 1.10.16 - Gnumeric - 2.4.10 GnuCash - GIMP 2010.09.19 FreeFont - - 1.0 GeoGebra FreeTumble - - 0.9.0 3.0 FreeMind GenealogyJ - 0.11.b - GanttPV - 2.0.10 GanttProject - 2.3.1 1.0 Enhanced Bubble FreeCiv Frozen - 0.12.5284 FreeCAD - Free1x2 - 0.70.2 3.8.173 Manager FMSLogo Download - Free - 1.2.1.b 0.4.5 FLAC Fraqtive - - 2.5 Size 10.0 Folder - 6.27.0 - 3.5.3 1.08 FileZilla Explore2fs - - 1.04 0.12.10 eXe FBReader - - - 13.6 2.12.1 beta9 Toolbox emesene Math - Euler 3.2.7 - 6.0.9 Ekiga Eraser - - SR2 0.50.a Helios eMule PDT - 2.1 EasyTAG - - beta 0.5.3 DVDx - 2.1 DVDStyler Commander - Flick DVD Double - DrawPile - - 2.2 children 0.74 for Drawing DOSBox - Ditto - 1.4 Imager Disk - - 0.2.2 ComiX Diashapes - 0.97.2 Dia - 0.9.0 Denemo - 2.33 - Fonts DejaVu - 3.9.11 Crow Data 0.8 - - Comical 0.9.3 CubeTest - 0.97.3 1.1.14 - Attack! Crack - ClamWin Idiomas 10.05 0.5.2.a ConvertAll - - 0.5.2 ConvertAll Code::Blocks 1.6 Childsplay - - 1.6.1 Backup Celestia - Cobian 1.8 CDisplayEx - 4 beta CDex 1.70 - 3.7.2 CaRMetal - 1.1 - Caph - 0.2.5 1.4 Calizo Codec - CamStudio 0.8.38 - beta Calibre 2.6.294 - CamStudio 9.7 .a.R. - Buddi - 4.8.1 Workshop Brain - 6.12.34 - BOINC 1.4 - BlueGriffon 2.61 - Blender 0.13.0 - BKChem 1.10 Vera Bitstream - 1.2.0 Bino - 5.2.5 Bacula - 0.2.1 Babiloo - Avidemux 1.7.2867 AxCrypt - - 2.4.2 AVStoDVD - 0.6.2 2.5.6 AutoLyrix - AutoHotkey_L - Basic AutoHotkey - 1.3.14 Audacity - 4.7 aUCBLogo - 2.1.0 aTunes - 2.0.0 dotNET Ascgen - 2.9 Illusion of Art - 7.2.5 Backup Areca - 1.002 - Pro Anonymous - Castellano 0.4 Anagramarama Diccionario - - 0.98.4 aMSN - Plug-ins 11.4.4 Tools Amaya - 2.6.8 2.1 Shaper AbiWord Album - - 2.8.6 Plug-ins AbiWord Import/Export 2.6.8 AbiWord - 9.22 7-zip versiones de las recopilacionespara consulta su y descarga. disponiblesnuevas están agosto) en (salvo mes cada de lunes primer El yyrecopilatoriosCDs otros DVDs deprogramas fuentes. como así DVD, En puedesactual deconseguiresteversión la más DVD-Librees una recopilacióndelibres programas para Windows. Programas incluidos en el DVD el en incluidos Programas DVD-Libre 2012-02 Febrero de 2012