
MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 34: 281304, 1986 - Published December 19 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.


Nitrogen sources for the growth of marine microalgae: role of dissolved free amino acids

Kevin J. ~l~nn'~& Ian ~utler~

' Plant & Research Group. University College Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP. United Kingdom The Marine Biological Association of the U.K., The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth PL12PB. United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: Dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) form a significant proportion of dissolved fixed nitrogen in marine waters and could provide an additional source of nitrogen for the growth of marine microalgae. With the advent of DFAA analysis by HPLC, recent studies of algal physiology, and an increased awareness of potential experimental errors, doubts are cast over the conclusion that marine microalgae are not net users of DFAA. Results obtained by testing the use of a few amino acids cannot be extrapolated; the full range of amino acids should be used in field experiments. A high rate of uptake of any one amino acid is not to be expected. It is more probable that a simultaneous uptake of several amino acids will occur at a lower rate. It is essential that environmental conditions be taken into account in interpretation of results from field experiments. Results from laboratory and field studies suggest that maximum rates of DFAA uptake would occur in dark conditions in waters depleted of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Turbid estuaries and coastal waters would also be environments likely to induce a significant uptake of amino acids, because levels of nFA.4 i.n.sl~ch WB!P~S S~C:~!st;l.~.~!y high and the periods of enforced darkness due to turbidity are likely to induce the development of microalgal amino acid uptake systems.

INTRODUCTION then primary production is more likely to be limited by predation. Over the last few decades there have been 2 long- A major difference between the agricultural model running debates about the control of marine prlmary and the natural marine ecosysten~ is that the model production. The first of these is the agricultural model cannot adequately explain species succession; the versus predator-prey model controversy, as described model more closely resembles a unialgal culture by Cushing (1975). The agricultural model describes a grown under optimum conditions. In contrast, the system in which primary production is essentially nu- predator-prey model, superimposed on seasonal varia- trient limited and the standing crop of is grazed tions of temperature, illumination and nutrient availa- by . The predator-prey model, however, bility, will allow species succession; grazing alone can says that predation limits primary production. A key affect species succession (Ryther & Sanders 1980). question is what type of nutrients support primary The second debate concerns which nutrient, nitro- production in summer in temperate waters, for gen or phosphorus, is most likely to limit phytoplank- although the concentrations of inorganic nutrients ton growth (if either). This debate stems from the work (nitrate and phosphate) are very low at this time of year of Redfield (1958) who argued that any nitrogen deficit the concentration of organic nutrients are higher in in the oceans could be met by the biological fixation of summer than in winter (Butler et al. 1979). If these atmospheric nitrogen. This idea has been refuted by organic compounds can be used by Ryther & Dunstan (1971), and by other biologists, who presented data and arguments for the contention that Addressee for correspondence inorganic nitrogen, not inorganic phosphorus, is Limit- 282 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser 34: 281-304. 1986

ing. Generally biologists favour nitrogen limitation, SOURCES OF DISSOLVED FIXED NITROGEN and geochemists favour phosphate limitation, but on a PRESENT IN THE local scale the availability of these nutrients will depend on rates of water exchange and of biochemical Before examining the possible use of components of processes leading to nutrient replenishment or regen- dissolved fixed nitrogen by phytoplankton, it is eration (Smith 1984, Smith et al. 1986). Another factor appropriate to consider the sources available, their has been introduced by Jackson & Williams (1985) who concentrations, and temporal variability. The data pre- suggest that the inclusion of dissolved organic nitro- sented are from the euphotic zone at Station El in the gen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) western English Channel and are a synthesis from into the equations improves the Redfield argument. several sources; they were not collected simultane- However, whilst the possible use of DOP by microal- ously. Whilst the absolute values may vary from year to gae, involving the development of alkaline phosphat- year, the trends and general concentration ranges are ase by P-deplete algae, is acknowledged (Myklestad & typical for this station where measurements of produc- Sakshaug 1983, Degobbis et al. 1986, Heath 1986), the tion have been made for over 50 yr (studies were made use of components of DON (other than urea) by these at this station to support the agricultural model in the organisms is still considered to be negligible. twenties; Atkins 1923). The data illustrate the classic The question of the utilization of DON by marine picture for coastal temperate waters of spring and microalgae is thus a factor in both the agricultural vs autumn production maxima. Such data are not typical predator-prey model debate and the nitrogen vs phos- of open ocean waters in which levels of nutrients and phorus (Redfield ratio) debate. To quote from a report production are usually much lower. The data are from from a Royal Society Study Group (1983): 'An impor- Boalch et al. (1978), Butler et al. (1979) and Braven et tant question which has not been resolved is whether al. (1984), but unless otherwise indicated the other during summer, when inorganic N concentrations in examples are not from Station El, although the pro- the euphotic zone are low, the phytoplankton utilize as cesses will, to a greater or lesser extent, also apply to a source of N at least part of the large quantities of this station. Various rank correlations have been per- dissolved organic N which are present.' If components formed on these data and on those from other sources. of DON are used by phytoplankton then it may explain The results are summarized in Table 1 and, although why natural populations of phytoplankton do not the significance of some are questionable, some inter- always show the symptoms of N-limitation expected esting points do emerge and are discussed in the sec- from the low quantities of inorganic-N in their tion 'Dissolved free amino acids' (pp. 283-286). surroundings (Goldman et al. 1979). The aim of this review is not to provide an exhaustive examination of Nitrate the role of various sources of nitrogen in the growth of marine microalgae, for others have filled this need Nitrate is the dominant form of dissolved nitrogen in (Morris 1980, Platt 1981, Carpenter & Capone 1983), the winter but its concentration falls during the spring but rather to re-examine the potential role of free bloom and reaches a minimum in mid summer (Fig. la amino acids in this process. & 3). Regeneration is affected by bacterial nitrification In this work 'transport' describes the processes of of more reduced forms. During the summer, nitri- solute passage through the plasma membrane, while fication at the base of the pycnocline, below the 'assimilation' describes the incorporation or catabol- maximum, may be an important source of ism of the solute within the cell. Often these processes regenerated nitrate for the growth of the are not, or cannot, be separated. This is true especially Gonyaulaxtamarensis in the Gulf of Maine (Holligan for studies in which measurements have been made of et al. 1984). However, the dramatic increases in the solute disappearance from the medium, and for incu- concentration of nitrate are caused by advection in bations of longer than, say, 30 min (including all field autumn when the thermocline breaks up. After August, studies) after which assimilatory processes are most concentrations rise despite the occurrence of an likely to affect transport by feedback. 'Uptake' is there- autumn bloom which seems to have little effect on the fore used to include transport and assimilation/ amounts of nitrate present (Fig. la). The concentration accumulation. The 'intracellular amino acid pool' is a of nitrite is normally less than 5 O/O of that of nitrate. descriptive term for subcellular compartments (princi- pally cytosol and vacuole) in which amino acids are accumulated prior to catabolism or incorporation. Ammonium Because the study of algal amino acid uptake systems is incomplete, some of the examples given are of fresh- Ammonia is the primary form of fixed nitrogen, water species. formed by the reduction of N2. The total amount of N, Flynn & Butler: DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 283

(much of which is continuously exchanged at the gills) and trimethylammonium oxide (TMAO) (Forster & Goldstein 1969); urea may form only 10 % of teleost excretion. Arginine is an essential amino acid which would be lost in the synthesis of urea. The use of TMAO is not normally considered for algal nutrition, although are known to be able to utilize it (Colwell & Liston 1961). About 10 % of N-excretion by zooplankton is as urea m-.' l*' -;W (Jawed 1969, Corner et al. 1976, Turley 1985) but this JFMAMJJASOND proportion varies depending on the type of zooplank- ters present. Although arginine is an essential amino acid for most invertebrates (Roman 1983), phytoplank- ton contain a greater proportion of arginine than zoo- and the excess is removed by argininase with the formation of urea and ornithine. Herbivores there- fore excrete a greater proportion of urea than car- nivores (Bidigare 1983) and hence the availability of regenerated urea will depend on the predominance of herbivores. There will also be a terrestrial input from sewage outfalls but this is probably only of local importance (Remsen 197 1). The concentration of urea at Station El is higher

1111.111.1111 than that of ammonium but generally lower than that JFMAMJJASOND of nitrate except in mid-summer when levels of nitrate Month are at their lowest (Fig. lb & 3). Peaks of urea concen- Fig. 1 Levels of primary production and concentrations of tration appear to correlate with maximum numbers of dissolved fixed nitrogen in the euphotic zone in the western zooplankton which follow blooms of algal growth in English Channel over the year. (a) Primary production (X- -X), spring and early autumn. nitrate (W) and ammonium (H). (b) Urea (A-A), DFAA (M), and uncharacterized DON (H] Dissolved free amino acids fixed by marine is unknown, but it is thought to be of importance in some oligotrophic areas Dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) are products of (see Carpenter 1983 for review). Ammonium is the protein hydrolysis by bacterial proteases and may also major excretory product of animals in the marine be released by healthy as well as senescent phyto- environment (Corner & Newel1 1967, Corner et al. plankton (Hellebust 1965, Fogg 1966, Williams & 1972, Jawed 1973, Corner et al. 1976) and of holozoic Yentsch 1976, Jolley & Jones 1977, Mague et al. 1980, (Brockmann et al. 1977). Although Hammer & Brockmann 1983, Carlucci et al. 1984). ammonium is usually present at low levels throughout Whilst the degradation of detritus by bacteria may the year (Fig, la & 3),this may belie its importance due provide a continual flow of DFAA to the environment to the rapid use of regenerated ammonium (Glibert (Litchfield 1973), there is some doubt as to the availa- 1982, Glibert et al. 1982b, Goldman et al. 1985, Verity bility of amino acids released by proteolytic activity to 1985). Net zooplankton alone may regenerate 13 % of any organisms other than the proteolmc bacteria the ammonium requirement of phytoplankton (Dagg et themselves (Amano et al. 1982). Hollibaugh & Azam al. 1982). Ammonium is also regenerated by the bac- (1983) suggest that amino acids released by proteolytic terial reduction of nitrate and nitrite, and by the activity are used preferentially and do not completely deamination of organic nitrogenous compounds. mix with those amino acids in the water column. There is also a release of amino acids from invertebrates as part of their N-excretion (Andersson et al. 1985) and in Urea and trimethylammonium oxide response to changes in salinity; amino acids have a function in osmoregulation in invertebrates (Webb et Urea is the major excretory product of mammals and al. 1971). Amino acid excretion by the birds, but not of zooplankton and fish. The major forms Eucalanus pileatus appears to occur in pulses (Gar- of nitrogenous waste from teleosts are ammonium dener & Paffenhofer 1982). The amount of nitrogen 284 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34: 281-304, 1986

excreted as amino acids from zooplankton can amount DFAA in one sample is performed in less than 30 min, to 25% of total (Webb & Johannes 1967) although a measunng concentrations of individual amino acids to level of 10 O/O may be more typical (Bidigare 1983).This picomolar levels. This method of analysis has been is a similar proportion to that excreted as urea. reviewed recently by Mopper & Dawson (1986). Caution should be exercised when refernng to the There is considerable variation in the concentrations quantity and quahty of DFAA in seawater (and also to of individual amino acids, but levels of some are levels of free amino acids extracted from cells and always very low (e.g. arginine) while others (e.g. gly- excreted by algae and zooplankton)measured without cine) are usually present at higher levels. Ornithine is the use of HPLC; typically these appear in the litera- often one of the most abundant amino acids, and has ture before 1980. Before the development of analysis been reported to constitute up to 70 % of DFAA in the by HPLC (Lindroth & Mopper 1979, Evens et al. 1982) Celtic Sea (Williams & Poulet 1986);at Station El this samples were typically desalted and concentrated figure is 11 % averaged over the year (Braven et al. before analysis; such procedures can result in errors 1984). The proportions in which amino acids occur in (Dawson & Gocke 1978, Dawson & Mopper 1978). It is seawater do not resemble the proportions in living now known that samples should be analysed within tissue (Table le) either because some are preferen- hours and not stored. Using HPLC a full analysis of tially taken up (Amano et al. 1982),or because release

Table 1. Results of correlations between presence of dissolved fixed nitrogen. DFAA, and other factors. Rank correlations (after Spearman)were performed using the data from Boalch et al. (19?8),Butler et al. (1979)and Braven et al. (1984)and other sources as indicated below. Conclusions (0) and crihcisms or problems (e) are given; further comment will be found in the text

Test Result (sigmficance level) Comments

(a) l" production vsN0c -ve correlation (95 '10) vsNH,' No correlation ((3) NO, vsNH,' -ve at 90 % VS urea No correlation VS NH2-N No correlation (o) NO, vsNH2-N +ve at 95 O/O vsother DON +ve correlahon (95 %) (b) Urea vsORN - ve correlation (80%) (2)Either use of ORN differs from that of urea, or processes other than excretion involved in release

(c) DFAA vsDFAA 30 O/O of tests +ve (95 %); others no (C,)ASP, GLU, ABU. GLY & LEU appear to form correlation a group (e) Night-time values unknown (d) DFAA proportions Oct & Nov differ from others (D) Difference possibly due to breakdown of Other months +ve correlation (95%) DON in Aug & Sep (e) Night-time values unknown (e) After removal of group ASP/GLU/ABU/GLY/ LEU Jun. Aug, Oct & Nov differ with 50 Oh ' of other months (e) DFAA vsalgal AA No correlation (D) Product~on&/or use of DFAA not in pro- portion to AA composition in algae (Cowey & Corner 1966)

(f)DFAA vs algal excretion mar(95 "/D) (3) Daytlrne DFAA may correlate with algal +ve Feb, Mar, July, Sep, & Nov (90%) release (Hammer & Brockmann 1983) (e) Night-time values unknown; methods of Hammer & Brockmann (filtration)may have yven errors (g) DFAA vsbacterial threshold +ve correlation for all months except (2)Bacterial action may determine DFAA com- Aug & Oct (95 'h) position (Amano et al. 1982) (e) Night-t~mevalues unknown; methods of Amano et al. (desalting & concentration) may give errors (h) DFAA vsalgal preference -ve correlation for Mar & Jul (90?0). I.-) DFAA at low conc. generally those preferred All values -ve (Lu & Stephens 1984 - protein AA) (e) Preferences in dark, & night-time levels of DFAA unknown Flynn & Butler. DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 285

into the environment by processes other than decay are more important. The high levels of the non-protein amino acid ornithine is an example, but its presence does not appear to correlate with that of urea (the other product of arginine catabolism) at Station El either (Table lb). However, its presence has been associated with grazing activity at other stations (Palumbo et al. 1983, Hammer & Kattner 1986, Williams & Poulet 1986).Concentrations of individual amino acids, and of total DFAA, vary with time of day, season, depth and location (Mopper & Lndroth 1982, Braven et al. 1984, Poulet et al. 1984, Williams & Poulet 1986). A particu- larly striking difference is that concentrations of DFAA fall during the night and rise during the day (Mopper & Lindroth 1982, Carlucci et al. 1984, Williams & Poulet *-.m,*\ m-*2-*-*/.-*-.*/..* 1986). 11,111111,111 JFMAMJJASOND There has been some doubt as to the availability of free amino acids because of sorbtion onto surfaces and complexing with metals (Dawson & Gocke 1978), but unless suspended clays are present this is probably not significant (J~rgensen& S~ndergaard1984). Because of the preanalysis treatment of samples for HPLC, amino acids attached to clays may not be detected by this method. An additional problem is the proportion of D and L- isomers of amino acid present in DFAA. It has been suggested that bacterial racemization of L-amino acids I,I,III,I,II, may reduce the availability of amino-N for eukaryotes J FMAMJJASONO (Lee & Bada 1977). The data of Lee & Bada (1977) for the enantiomeric ratios of a few dissolved amino acids Month isolated from seawater and phytoplankton suggest an Fig. 2. Concentrations of DFAA in the euphotic zone in the enrichment of D-isomers in the seawater, but even so western English Channel over the year. (a) Acidic (m), amidlc (tm),aliphatic hydroxy (v-c), aliphatlc neutral (0-O), average values appear to be in the region of only 10 O/O aromatic (+-+), and basic amlno aclds (X--X). (b) Basic amino D-isomers in the water. It remains to be seen if the acids: ARG (m),HIS (A),LYS (A),and ORN (0) application of new methods of analysis (Mopper & Dawson 1986) will corroborate this value, as the increase. This is consistent with the correlation methods of sample storage and analysis used by Lee & between the proportions of amino acids in DFAA and Bada (1977) may have produced errors. in algal exudate in March (Table If), and the positive At Station El, concentratlons of DFAA are maximal correlation between the composition of DFAA and the in winter but fall in spring (correlating with the fall in threshold levels for amino acid utfization by marine nitrate: Table la) and after fluctuating reach a mini- bacteria (Table 19). Together with the consistency in mum in August (Fig. lb). Levels of different groups of the proportions of DFAA throughout the year, except in amino aclds are shown in Fig. 2a; concentrations of autumn (Table Id), these results suggest that the levels sulphur-amino acids were below levels of detection. It of DFAA which we measure are for the most part should be noted that amino acid transport into algae is residual levels, and that amino acids present at very by porters specific to such groups (see 'Amino acid low concentrations are as a result of microbial (bac- porters', p. 294-296). The spring and autumn peaks for terial and algal) activity. The problem of differentiat- aliphatic neutral amino acids (Fig. 2a) appear to corre- ing between production and u~zationof DFAA can late with those of urea (Fig. lb). Fig. 2b shows how the also occur in laboratory experiments. In the work of amounts of individual basic amino acids varied Andersson et al. (1985), microflagellates were fed with through the year. live bacteria which, although they could not divide, The positive correlation between the concentration did remove DFAA from the medium. As a result, of nitrate and DFAA (Table la) suggests that, as levels although increased DFAA concentrations were mea- of nitrate fall, the excretion of DFAA by algae sured, the proportions of each amino acid remained the decreases andlor rates of uptake of DFAA by microbes same as those present in control (bacteria only) 286 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34: 281-304, 1986

cultures for the first 24 h. By 52 h, ornithine was more Conclusions dominant and alanine less so, but the composition 1s statistically little different from 24 h and the data still The over-riding seasonal trend of the lower forms of do not demonstrate clearly the quantity or quality of dissolved nitrogen (nitrate, ammonium, urea and microflagellate DFAA exudate. amino acids, of which amino-N constitutes about 30 ?h The only data for algal amino acid preference are at all times at El: Fig. 3) is of a high in winter and a low those of Lu 81 Stephens (1984) and these do show a in summer. However, even in mid-summer there is degree of negative correlation with the proportions of almost as much dissolved nitrogen present in the form DFAA in the water column in 2 mo (Table lh). Interest- of ammonium, urea and amino acids as there is as ingly, the marine bacteria tested by Amano et al. nitrate in winter. Provided that these forms of nitrogen (1982), and the Phaeodactylum tncornutum are actually available for the growth of phytoplankton (Lu & Stephens 1984) and Melosira rnediocris (Ming & then there is no longer the apparent lack of nitrogen in Stephens 1985) were capable of removing some amino the water column as suggested by an examination of acids completely; there is no suggestion from these results that bacteria could 'out-compete' with algae for DFAA. Unfortunately data for the quantity and quality of DFAA at night over the course of the year are not available; algae are more likely to use DFAA at night than in daylight (see 'Effect of darkness' p. 293).

Unknown components of DON

Much of the remaining DON exists in the form of llll11I11111 'FMAMJJASONO amino-sugars, purines, pyrimidines, , poly- peptides and proteins, many of which will be products Month of decay but some may be leaked from living cells Fig. 3. Proportions of characterized dissolved fixed nitrogen (Newel1 et al. 1972). present as DFAA, ammonium, urea and nitrate in the eupho- Purines and pyrimidines are products of nucleic acid tic zone in the western English Channel over the year degradation. Hypoxanthine and guanine have been identified as the major end product of purine metabol- nitrate alone. It is interesting to note that the concen- ism in a marine (Soldo et al. 1978) forming tration of total dissolved nitrogen remains remarkably refractile bodies within the animal. Guanine is the constant throughout the year in the western English principal constituent of teleost scales and is also pres- Channel (Butler et al. 1979). ent in the walls of fish swim bladders (Alexander It is important to appreciate that the concentration of 1975). The concentrations of these compounds in sea- a particular nitrogen source need not be indicative of water have not been measured; techniques are being the extent to which it is utilized by phytoplankton. The developed, but uric acid and, to a lesser extent, xan- detection of low levels can be used to support 2 argu- thine are unstable in seawater (Antia & Landymore ments; either there is too little present to support 1974). Levels are likely to be low due to the low growth and therefore it is an insignificant nitrogen solubility (both in terms of rate of dissolution and of source, or because it is utilized rapidly most has been maximum concentration) of these compounds which removed from the water column. The proportion of D- probably ensures that much enters the benthic detrital amino acids in seawater may be raised (Lee & Bada after the particles have sunk through the 1977) because L-isomers are preferentially utilized. water column. What is important is the flux of the compounds through In contrast with the concentrations of the other forms the ecosystem. At least in oligotrophic waters, even at of dissolved nitrogen at Station El, the highest levels very low rates of degradation, labile fractions of DON of the uncharacterized components were recorded in may constitute a significant source of nitrogen for phy- August with the lowest concentration occurring in toplankton (Jackson & Williams 1985). winter (Fig. lb). This is positively correlated with Another point is that phytoplankton are not the only levels of primary production (Table la). The rapid organisms which use dissolved nitrogen. Bacteria, for a decline in the presence of DON in autumn is marked given mass, actually assimilate more nitrogen than do by a change in the composition of DFAA (Table Id), phytoplankton because their cellular N/C ratio is although the advection which results in an increase in greater. As a result, bacteria alone are unlikely to nitrate is probably also partly responsible for the fall in regenerate much nitrogen (Goldman & Caron 1985). levels of DON. Regeneration will occur when these bacteria are Flynn & Butler: DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 287

grazed by animals which have a lower N/C ratio and also that used during the assimilation of nitrate, nitrite, excrete the excess nitrogen (Pomeroy 1980), mainly as urea and purines because the initial stages of the ammonium (Goldman & Caron 1985). In addition to the incorporation of these compounds leads to the incorporation of DON, bacteria also use nitrate and intracellular production of ammonium. Thus nitrate ammonium provided that, as is normal, there is a and nitrite are reduced by nitrate and nitrite reduc- supply of DOC (Laws et al. 1985). As much as 90 % of tases, urea is decarboxylated by urease or UALase, and extracellular dissolved organlc carbon (EOC) released purines are also degraded via several intermediates to by phytoplankton (equivalent to up to 30 '10 of primary ammonium (Syrett 1981). Following these reactions the production) may be used by bacteria (Wolter 1982) but, ammonium is then incorporated into amino acids using because much is subsequently respired, the impor- the products of CO2 fixation. As a result of these reac- tance of this process may be underestimated (Jensen tions, the incorporation of all of these nitrogenous 1983). Given the ratios of D0C:DON in the water compounds is likely to interact with the rate of photo- column (10:l - Jackson & Williams 1985), D0C:DFAA synthesis. in algal exudate (>10:1 - Mague et al. 1980), and that When an amino acid is used as a nitrogen source for 63 '10 of DOC compared with 34 O/O of DFAA may be growth, it is likely to be incorporated directly into removed by bacteria (Hagstrom et al. 1984), it may be protein. Extensive metabolism must, however, occur if concluded that bacteria must often use a greater pro- other essential nitrogen compounds, including other portion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) than amino acids, are to be formed from it. Such metabolism DON to achieve a high cellular N/C ratio. This must be will probably involve degradation of the amino acid to so even if 20 to 60 O/O DOC is respired whilst only 10 to ammonium and its subsequent assimilation. The pro- 20 % of nitrogen is excreted after uptake by bacteria ducts of may be required for this proce- (Azam et al. 1983). Any argument against the use of dure because the carbon skeletons of some amino acids DFAA (a major component of DON) by phytoplankton may be synthesized only by this route. For example the based on bacterial competition may apply equally to incorporation of amino acids into protein in Cyclotella the use of regenerated ammonium (Laws et al. 1985). cryptica is twice as rapid in light than darkness (Liu & Bacteria have been thought to be the major users of Hellebust 1976b). The incorporation of lysine-C by DFAA but, with the realization that nanophytoplank- Phaeodactylum tncornutum proceeds at twice the rate ton (Joint et al. 1986) and picophytoplankton (Platt et in light as in darkness, while the incorporation of al. 1983) are ecologically important, ~t is possible that arginine-C is unaffected (Flynn & Syrett 198613). The the size fractions collected by nets and filters previ- incorporation of amino-N by Platymonas subcordifor- ously thought to contain only bacteria may have mis involves deamination followed by subsequent ~ncludeda significant proportion of nano/picophyto- incorporation of the ammonium by the usual pathways plankton and that these algae are partly responsible (Stephens & North 1971). However, when a simultane- for the use of DFAA (Li & Dickie 1985). ous assimilation of several nitrogen sources occurs, the incorporation of amino-N may be expected to differ from that of the other nitrogen sources. If a mixture of amino acids is being taken up, or if there is a concur- rent assimilation of a non-amino nitrogen source POSSIBLE NITROGEN SOURCESFOR GROWTH OF resulting in the release of amino acids into the PHYTOPLANKTON intracellular amino acid pool, the extent to which any one amino acid will be catabolized and its nitrogen In theory, any nitrogenous con~poundwhlch passes used in the synthesis of other compounds will be the plasma membrane and enters a biochemical path- reduced. Although it may be expected that those way could be considered to be a nitrogen source. amino acids with a high N/C ratio would be better However, the processes of entering the cell and of nitrogen sources than the others, this wdl ultimately incorporation must proceed rapidly if they are to con- depend on the rate and extent of catabolism (Flynn & tribute significantly to growth. Mechanisms for the Syrett 1985). transport and assimilation of nitrogenous compounds In addition to the supply of nitrogen, DON may also by microalgae have been discussed in detail by Raven be a source of carbon. The significance of this would (1980), Syrett (1981) and Wheeler (1983).However, for depend on the rate of uptake, the N/C ratio of the a variety of reasons, whlch will be discussed later, the compound, and on the concurrent rate of photosyn- rates of uptake measured in field and laboratory exper- thesis. The fate of the amino acid-C wdl also depend iments may not be indicative of the importance of a on the type of amino acid and of the proximity of the particular substrate. catabolic pathway to respiratory and other pathways. The pathway for the assimilation of ammonium is The incorporation of DON-C may be expected to be 288 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser 34: 281-304, 1986

most significant in the absence of photosynthesis: in cipally advection following turnover of the water col- turbid waters (e.g.estuaries), and at night. umn in autumn). In contrast, the regeneration time for The temporal availability of nitrogen sources is ammonium is very short. Although it is the major another factor to consider. If the source is only avail- excretory product of marine animals, the concentration able in pulses then the cell must accumulate it and use of ammonium may rarely be high because it is rapidly it when the water is depleted of nitrogen. Algae often removed from the water column by algae and bacteria. take up ammonlum in preference to other sources It has been shown that ammonium, like nitrate, when (McCarthy et al. 1977), and take it up and incorporate added to nitrate-depleted natural waters is taken up by it at very high rates regardless of the N-status of the phytoplankton. This response has also been shown in cell (McCarthy & Goldman 1979). The ability to do this laboratory studies in which it has also been shown that has been suggested to be an adaptation enabling algae usually ammonium is taken up in preference to nitrate to take up pulses of ammonium released by zooplank- (Syrett & Morris 1963, Cresswell & Syrett 1979). ton (Dortch et al. 1982). The uptake of urea may also be Although this preference for ammonium may not be uncoupled from growth (Horrigan & McCarthy 1982). surprising, gven that nitrate must be reduced to Other nitrogenous compounds may accumulate in ammonium before it can be incorporated, the control of cells, for example, basic amino acids in Platymonas nitrate uptake, thought to involve a product of subcordiforrnis (Wheeler & Stephens 1977) and ammonium assimilation, is still poorly understood guanine in Chlorella fusca (Pettersen & Knutsen 1974). (Syrett 1981, Blasco & Conway 1982). These compounds are metabolized and the nitrogen Simultaneous uptake of ammonium and nitrate has used for growth when cells subsequently are deprived been reported (Bienfang 1975, Caperon & Ziemann of other nitrogen sources. The intracellular pools of 1976), and from the results presented by McCarthy et amino acids may act as a nitrogen buffer under such al. (1975) would be most likely to occur in natural circumstances, especially in large diatoms (Admiraal conditions when the concentration of ammonium fall to c.t al. 1986). below 1 pmolar. The effect of high nitrate levels may The relative importance of these factors will be also over-ride the inhibitory effects of ammonium if the affected by environmental conditions and the ability of proportion of nitrate:ammonium exceeds about 5 (Car- individual species to adapt to those conditions. How- penter & Dunham 1985), so that even if ammonium is ever, there does not appear to be any intrinsic reason preferred, nitrate is still an important source of nitro- why microalgae should not be able to use the low gen (Glibert et al. 1982a). Despite these results, the molecular weight (M,) components of DON such as significance of ammonium in the nutrition of phyto- DFAA and purines. There are considerable intra and plankton has been thought to be less than that of interspecific differences in the abilities of microalgae nitrate simply because of the disparity between the to use ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, urea and amino-N concentrations measured in the sea. Yet in the equato- (Carpenter & Guillard 1971, Morris 1974, Antia et al. rial Atlantic Ocean, where levels of ammonium are 1977, McCarthy 1981). Such abilities may be important very low, ammonium and not nitrate is thought to be for the development of algal species successions the major source of nitrogen for primary producers, (Butler et al. 1979, Bonin & Maestrini 1981). especially for picophytoplankton (LeBouteiller 1986). Having considered some theoretical aspects of the Laboratory studies are now being made of the rapid ability to assimilate different sources of nitrogen, the cycling of regenerated ammonium, using mixed results of field experiments will now be discussed in cultures of zooplankton, bacteria and phytoplankton relation to those of laboratory studies. (Goldman et al. 1985). It remains to be seen if bacteria use a significant proportion of this regenerated am- monium, together with dissolved organic carbon RESULTS FOR FIELDWORK AND LABORATORY (DOC), for their own growth. Studies off Hawaii indi- STUDIES cate that 50 to 75 % of regenerated ammonium may be used by bactena which may compete with the phyto- Nitrate and ammonium plankters for inorganic nutrients (Laws et al. 1975). Pelagic bacteria have also been reported to instantane- That nitrate is an important source of nitrogen for the ously remove DOC released by phytoplankton (Lars- growth of phytoplankton never seems to have been son & Hagstrom 1979), and as such exudates may questioned. Certainly its disappearance from the water account for a significant proportion of carbon fixed in column correlates with an increase in algal biomass, primary production, bacterial growth using regener- but this does not mean that it is the sole, or indeed at ated ammonium and DOC may well be of importance some times of the year the most important, N-source. It in some areas. may simply reflect a long period of regeneration (prin- Flynn & Butler. DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 289

Urea interaction of purine uptake with that of other N- sources will need to be studled before any firm conclu- Urea has also been shown to be a good source of sions can be drawn about the role of these compounds. nitrogen for the growth of natural populatlons and Because of the aforementioned technical difficulties, cultures of phytoplankton (Carpenter et al. 1972, no field experiments have been conducted with these McCarthy 1972, Turley 1985),and a die1 periodicity for potential N-sources. its assimilat~on has been noted (McCarthy & Eppley 1972, Ignatlades 1986). The abllity to use it as a N- source has been suggested to be one of the factors DFAA affecting the succession of phytoplankton species (Remsen et al. 1974). Like nitrate, the uptake of urea by Attempts to measure the uptake of anilno aclds by laboratory cultures may be inhibited by the presence of natural algal populations have failed to show any sig- ammonium, although the inhibition of urea uptake nificant levels of uptake by microalgae. The work of may require a greater difference between the concen- Schell (1974) suggests that off Southeast Alaska only 1 trations of the 2 substrates (McCarthy & Eppley 1972, to 5 O/O of N-requirements may be provided by Molloy pers. conim.). Urea uptake by phytoplankton in amino-N (but see 'Contribution of amino-N', p. 297). the Carmans kver estuary is not affected by the pres- From other studies it has been concluded that amino ence of ammonium (Carpenter & Dunham 1985), but in acids are utilized by bacteria (Williams 1970, Crawford the Chesapeake Bay the order of nitrogen-source pre- et al. 1974, Iturriaga & Zsolnay 1981, Ferguson & ference estimated over the course of the year was Sunda 1984), rather than by algae, and that the bac- ammonium > urea > nitrate > nitrite (McCarthy et al. terial incorporation of amino acids leads to a regenera- 1977). tion of ammonium which is used subsequently by the phytoplankton (Willianis 1970, Holhbaugh 1976). However, ~t is possible that bacterial utilization of Other components of DON DFAA has been overestimated because of the addit~on of unnatural concentrations of test amino acids in field The composition of a large proportion of DON is still experiments. Bacteria may preferentially take up pep- under examination, but much of the unknown fraction hdes (a component of DON) rather than DFAA; low (peptides, polypeptldes and proteins) may be of no concentrations of dipeptides (10 nM) effectively halt direct use to phytoplankton (except holozoic species) amino acid uptake by non-conipetitive inhibition pi5zia'ily beiaubt. ul ihe probiems oi transport across (ffirchnian & Hodson 1984), but such inhibition would the plasma membrane. be negated by the presence of high levels of amino Another low molecular weight (M,) group of coni- acids. As a result, test amino acids may be removed pounds are the punnes and pyrimidines. These must rapidly by bacteria before a significant uptake by phy- be present in marine waters but, because of technical toplankton has occurred. Bacteria also seem to respond difficulties, their concentrations are unknown. Purines, rapidly and positively to increased levels of DFAA by but not pyrimidines, with their high N-content per an increased rate of uptake (Williams & Gray 1970, molecule, have been shown to be good sources of lrchman & Hodson 1986). A similar problem is nitrogen for phytoplankters (Antia et al. 1975, Antia et encountered in measuring uptake of 15~-~INby phy- al. 1980, Shah & Syrett 1982, 1984). Uptake systems for toplankton, as the unnaturally high substrate concen- guanine and hypoxanthine have been shown to trations used may result in exaggerated rates of uptake develop in response to N-deprivation in a similar fash- (LeBoutedler 19861, and coincidently in a reduced ion to those for other N-sources (Shah & Syrett 1982, abhty to take up amino acids by transinhibition of 1984), but in contrast to the amino acid uptake systems, uptake (see 'Transinhibition', p. 292). they do not appear to develop in response to C-depri- The importance of DFAA for bacterial nutrition vation (darkness). Uptake of guanine by Phaeodacty- depends on the particle load (turbidity) of the water lum tricornutum and by Amphora coffaeiformis, but column, as attached bacteria use a greater proportion not by Tetraselmis su bcordiformis nor DunaLiella of amino acids in companson with glucose than those pnmolecta, is also inhibited by 1 mM ammonium, which are free-livlng (Bell & Albright 1982). The although it is possible that more natural levels of majority of marine bacteria are free-living (Azam et al. ammonium would not be inhibitory (Shah & Syrett 1983), but the proportion which are attached increase 1984). Pettersen (1975) reported that levels of in senescent phytoplankton populations (Albright et ammonium were involved in the regulation of guanine al. 1986). It has been suggested that the diversity of metabolism in Chlorella fusca which accumulates the marine bacteria may give rise to the apparent consist- purine until N-deprived. These results suggest that the ency of the composition of DFAA (Sepers 1981), an 290 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34: 281-304, 1986

idea supported by the work of Amano et al. (1982) and DEVELOPMENTS IN THE STUDY OF THE ROLE OF by the result given in Table lg. However, it is possible AMINO-N IN PHYTOPLANKTON NUTRITION that the apparent constant composition of DFAA may be as a consequence of methods of preparation in In any discussion of laboratory experiments in which which samples are desalted and concentrated before the utilization of organic nutrients by phytoplankton analysis (Dawson & Gocke 1978). has been studied, it is important to bear in mind that An additional problem is the apparent lack of corre- the majority of the organisms used in such work were lation between the concentration of amino acids and originally isolated in media containing nitrate as the primary production (Riley & Segar 1970, Williams sole N-source. As a consequence, any species or sub- 1975, Jerrgensen 1982). However, it is interesting to species which use DON extensively may have been note that the measurements of DFAA by HPLC (Braven selected against leaving us with a biased collection of et al. 1984) over 1 yr at Station El (Fig. 2a) do suggest a organisms with which to work (Antia et al. 1975). It correlation in that there is an obvious decline from may be significant that few of the organisms available March to June which follows that of nitrate. The work in axenic culture are representatives of species present of Laanbroek et al. (1985) also suggests that levels of in summer; most are either unrepresentative of the DFAA decrease during the of the hap- phytoplankton as a whole (having been isolated from tophycean Phaeocystis pouchetii, increasing at the end rock pools or water butts) or are typical spring-bloom because of the activity of predators or because of cell species normally found in high-nitrate waters. This lysis at senescence. The composition of DFAA also isolation of algae in nitrate-medium contrasts with varied during the bloom. Poulet & Martin-Jezequel methods typically used for the isolation of marine bac- (1983) suggest that the release of DFAA by algae at the teria which frequently involve the use of medium con- transition between periods of exponential and statio- taining peptone and yeast extract. Not only may our nary growth (Admiraal et al. 1986) may attract zoo- algal cultures be dominated by species grown on plankton to the high standing stock which is then nitrate, but the bacterial cultures may be dominated by present. species which grow best on DON.

Conclusions Growth experiments

From field observations it has been concluded that, The vast majority of cultured algae can grow well of the potential sources of nitrogen which may be using some component of DFAA (Provasoli & considered on theoretical grounds as being suitable for McLaughlin 1963, Liu & Hellebust 1974b, Wheeler et algal growth, nitrate, ammonium and urea alone are al. 1974, Antia et al. 1975, Hellebust & Lewin 1977, actually used. Data from the Carmans River estuary Fisher & Cowdell 1982), although some species need a (dominant species were the diatoms Cylindrotheca period of incubation (Berland et al. 1979) during clostenum and in late which, presumably, transport and assimilatory systems spring and autumn, and the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium develop. Large increases in the concentration of DFAA aureolum in July) give average rates of utilization, (by 10 to 100-fold) have been shown to be accomodated

over 10 mo, of 45 % nitrate, 43 O/O ammonium and 12 O/O within a period of 1 to 2 d (Williams & Gray 1970) so urea (Carpenter & Dunham 1985). The evidence is that algae can compete with bacteria for amino-N only if amino-N is not incorporated directly by phytoplank- they develop the ability to take up amino acids rapidly. ton, and that it may be considered to be refractory How important periods of pre-incubation are to the (McCarthy et al. 1975). It is interesting to note that uptake of DFAA by algae is difficult to say, but if the whilst bacteria are usually thought to use DFAA, urea appropriate amino acids are always present, albeit at (which is also a component of DON) is considered to be very much lower concentrations, the algae may used by algae. From the results of filter-fractionation already be adapted to make use of the pulses of amino experiments, Remsen et al. (1972) concluded that acids excreted by zooplankton (Gardener & algae, not bacteria, used most urea. Paffenhofer 1982). It is notable that the majority of the studies indicat- An ability to grow rapidly utilizing amino-N is com- ing that microalgae do not use DFAA were made mon especially in estuarine and near-shore species before 1980. Since then improved detection methods which would be expected to encounter higher concen- for amino acids have become available and, as WLUbe trations of amino acids in the natural environment, seen, recent laboratory experiments also cast doubts on thus pennate diatoms grow more rapidly than centric some of the methods and conclusions of past studies. species using amino-N (Wheeler et al. 1974). Clones of diatoms from eutrophic and oligotrophic waters, in Flynn & Butler: DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 291

which 80 O/O of total nitrogen is DON, have also been The uptake of L-phenylalanine by Chlorella fusca is shown to be capable of utilizing fractions of DON, not inhibited by the presence of the D-lsorner including DFAA (Fisher & Cowdell 1982). By compan- (Pedersen & Knutsen 1974), s.uggesting that the porter son, growth using the amino-sugar glucosamlne is is stereospecif~c.However, it is possible that D-isomers poor except at high (unnatural) concentrations (Ber- are transported by algal amino acid porters but not land et al. 1976). used. If transinhibition (p. 292) by the D-isomers then For a few species, growth using amino-N actually occurred, the transport of L-isomers could be pre- exceeds that on nitrate or ammonium (Provasoli et al. vented. This possibility must be investigated. 1957, Guillard 1963, Thomas 1966, Antia et al. 1975, The results from growth experiments have an impor- Landymore & Antia 1977). In one set of experiments, 8 tant consequence for the design of field experiments. It out of 26 species tested grew better using glycine is clearly not possible to supply only 1 or 2 amino acids rather than ammonium (Antia et al. 1975). Glycine is (Schell 1974, Wheeler et al. 1977) and extrapolate from also reported to be a better source of nitrogen than the resultant incorporabon (or lack of it) by phyto- inorganic nitrogen for Hemiselmis (Provasoli et al. plankton, as the test compounds may not be suitable 1957) and Nannochloris (Thomas 1966). It is, however, substrates for the species present. This then presents notable that the abhty to use amino acids is highly the problem of selecting suitable anlino acids for study. variable between groups, species and even isolates of Does one use the most abundant amino acid already the same species (Cain 1965, Wheeler et al. 1974, Antia present in the water column, or that present at the et al. 1975, Turner 1979, Neilson & Larsson 1980). For lowest concentration? It rather depends on whether the example, Skeletonema costaturn isolated from Dokai amino acid present at the lowest level is at that low Bay, Japan, grew as rapidly on arginine as on nitrate, concentration because it is being rapidly removed from yet the same species isolated from Suho Nada could the environment, or because the rate of release is low. not grow on arginine at all (Yamada et al. 1983). This Ideally a mixture of all of the amino acids normally presumably reflects, in part, a difference in the relative present in the water (as '" and/or 14Cforms) should be importance of various biochemical pathways as much added and their utilization followed by a subsequent as the ability to take up the substrate (as described analysis .using HPLC to separate the compounds. Some earlier). form of substrate identification would have to be per- Heterotrophic growth using amino acids has also formed at a general level in order to ascertain which been studied. Various species of the diatom Nitzschia organisms were incorporating most I5N and I4C. This can only grow in darkness on glucose in the presence would be necessary because it is known that some- of tryptone (Lewin 1963). Subsequent work revealed times the N-component is retained and the C-skeleton that glutamate can be used in place of tryptone, being expelled by algae, and sometimes vice versa (Stephens used both as a source of nitrogen and of carbon (Lewin & North 1971, Schell 1974). The main problem with & Lewin 1960, 1967, Hellebust & Lewin 1977, Lewin & such experiments is the presence of bacteria which, if Hellebust 1978). Tryptone or casamino acids, in con- precautions are not taken, will adversely effect the junction with a carbohydrate source, will also support reliability of the results (Fuhrman & Bell 1985). Similar heterotrophic growth of Cylindrotheca fusiformis problems may also be encountered in attempts to mea- (Lewin & Hellebust 1970), Cyclotella spp. (Lewin sure the utilization of regenerated ammonium by phy- 1963), pavillardi (Lewin & Hellebust 1975), toplankton (Laws et al. 1985). and others (Sloan & Strickland 1966). At least some Few authors have suggested, from the results of cyanobacteria can grow heterotrophically with laboratory and field experiments, that natural growth casamino acids as N-source (Hoare et al. 1971, White & rates could be obtained by the use of single amino Shilo 1975). acids (North & Stephens 1967, North 1975). However, The ability of algae to use the D-isomers of amino such an ability is probably of little importance in real- acids has not been studied widely. The marine diatoms ity because a situation in which one amino acid is the Navicula incerta (Landyrnore & Antia 1977) and only form of dissolved nitrogen present would not exist Phaeodyctylum tricornutum (Hayward 1965) can grow in nature. What is of importance is the extent of arnino- on D-phenylalanine, but only at reduced rates. The N incorporation which occurs simultaneously with that type of experiment conducted by Lu & Stephens (1984) of other N-sources. Thus during growth of Phaeodacty- and Ming & Stephens (1985), in which cultured axenic lum tricornutum in a light/dark cycle, ammonium and algae are resuspended in seawater, should indicate arginine are simultaneously assimilated, with the whether algae can take up naturally occurring isomers incorporation of amino-N contributing 30 % of cell-N of DFAA. If an amino acid is removed completely then (Flynn & Wright 1986). it may be concluded that either the alga can take up both L and D isomers, or that L-isomers predominate. 292 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34: 281-304, 1986

Transinhibition Effect of nitrogen deprivation

Transinhibition is a common feature of amino acid When cultured phytoplankton are deprived of nitro- uptake in yeasts (Jones & Wild 1973, Morrison & Lichs- gen (by incubabon in N-free medium in conditions in tein 1976), and has also been reported in Chlorella which they can photosynthesize), uptake systems for vulgaris (Sauer et al. 1983) and Phaeodactylurn tricor- various nitrogenous compounds are often developed nutum (Flynn & Syrett 1985). Transinhibition is a pro- (e.g. Syrett et al. 1986). This is true of amino acid cess by which the substrate itself limits transport uptake systems (North & Stephens 1971, 1972, Wheeler (Hamson & Christensen 1973) preventing an accumu- et al. 1974, Flynn & Syrett 1985), but the rapidity and lation beyond the immediate needs of the cell. If it is a extent of development may be considerably less than common feature of algal amino acid uptake systems for other N-sources (Syrett et al. 1986). There is a then it may have adverse effects on attempts to mea- noticeable lag before the development of the cationic sure the uptake by natural populations. Because of amino acid uptake systems in Phaeodactylum tricor- transinhibition, a cell with a full amino acid pool, of nutum dunng which time other, non-amino, uptake say arginine, will only take up arginine from the systems develop rapidly (Flynn & Syrett 1985, Syrett et environment at the rate at which it is being removed al. 1986). This is consistent with the view that the from the pool for protein synthesis, and then only if the regulation of amino acid uptake differs from that for pool is not replenished by newly synthesized arginine. other systems. If the control of the development and In P. tricornutum, cells growing on ammonium only operation of the uptake systems is related to the size of have a greater ability (by a factor of 5) to instantly take the intracellular amino acid pool, as in yeast (Grenson up arginine than cells grown on ammonium plus et al. 1968, Bussey & Umbarger 1970), then it may be arginine (Flynn & Wnght 1986). Transinhibition may expected that the effects of N-deprivation would not be also explain how amino acid uptake by N-replete, but immediate. Transamination reactions should ensure, at not N-deplete, Platymonas subcordiformis is inhibited least temporanly, a supply of all amino acids. This by the presence of ammonium (North & Stephens 1971, process may, however, only apply to cells which are Wheeler 1977); the rapid synthesis of amino acids from photosynthesizing, as the products of photosynthesis ammonium may increase the size of the intracellular are required for the synthesis of some amino acids amino acid pool and, hence, transinhibition by it. (Hipkin et al. 1982). A decreased ability to take up an amino acid relative to Although a clear link between the size of the other N-sources (especially ammonium) which may be intracellular amino acid pool and the development and taken up more rapidly than required for growth (McCar- control of amino acid uptake systems in algae has not thy & Goldman 1979),may indicate either that the amino been proved, it is known that the pool does contract on acid is not taken up at a great rate (perhaps because the N-deprivation in Skeletonema costaturn (Dortch 1982) products of ammonium assimilation and photosynthesis and in other diatoms (Admiraal et al. 1986). In are already satisfying the requirement), or that it has Phaeodactylum tricornutum there is a correlation already been taken up and that, because of transinhibi- between the state of development and extent of uptake tion, further transport is at a low rate (see Flynn & Wright which would be best explained by the involvement of 1986). One possible reason for the low uptake rates of the pool (Flynn & Syrett 1985). Studies in which the glycine and glutamate measured by Schell(1974) is that intracellular concentrations of individual free amino these amino acids are some of the first to be derived from acids are determined, with concurrent measurements photosynthetic incorporation of ammonium or nitrate of the development of amino acid uptake systems, are (Beardall et al. 1976).When the cells are in the light in the needed in order to test the idea further. Feedback from presence of another N-source, the pool of these amino the total cellular amino acid pool has been suggested acids within the cell may be at a maximum resulting in to regulate nitrate uptake in Skeletonema costatum transinhibition of transport. (Conway 1977). Dortch et al. (1985) suggest that, If we are to examine the possibility of amino acid amongst other indices, the intracellular amino acid/ uptake by microalgae then it is essential that experi- protein ratio could be used to indicate the nitrogen ments are conducted under natural (in situ) conditions status of natural algal populations. The work of Admi- of light, at various times of the day, and using the full raal et al. (1986) suggests that, at least for diatoms, range of amino acids. The use of deck incubators with such an indicator may be of some use. Species like unrealistic illumination for the sampling depth should Platymonas subcordiformis accumulate some amino clearly be avoided. Any conditions likely to result in a acids which are used when the cell is deprived of other filling of the intracellular amino acid pool, such as the nitrogen sources (Wheeler & Stephens 1977). The addition of high levels of nitrate or ammonium, may uptake system for these amino acids presumably also inhibit an uptake of amino acids. develops only after a protracted period of N-depriva- Flynn & Butler: DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 293

tion, resulting in a reduction in the size of the such a way that they become able to take up organic-C intracellular amino acid pool to a cntical level. The sources including amino acids. This interpretation has uptake rate of glycine by Platymonas subcordiformis is been considered to be unlikely as the products of inversely related to the cellular nitrogen content; rates amino acid degradation, when applied exogenously, of uptake by N-deplete cells are 10 times greater than do not enter respiratory pathways (Neilson & Lewin by N-replete cells (North & Stephens 1971). 1974). However, there certainly is some respiration of Examination of the amino acid cycling by coastal amino acid-C by Phaeodactylum tricornutum and this diatoms, by Admiraal et al. (1984), showed that N- is increased in conditions of darkness (Flynn & Wnght deprived Arnphiprora paludosa, Navicula salinariun~ 1986). and Nitzschia clostenum can all take up L-amino The development of uptake systems for amino acids acids. When N-replete, and in the presence of nitrate, in darkness may have more importance in the natural only N. closten'um failed to take up any amino acids. environment than development in response to N- No substantial excretion of amino acids by N-replete deprivation. There is a cyclic development of an cells was detected except from Si-depleted A. palud- arginine uptake system in Chlamydomonas reinhardii, osa. The conclusion drawn by the authors was that during which the amino acid uptake system develops these diatoms would be net consumers of DFAA. during the dark phase and a urea uptake system develops during the light phase (Kirk & Irk 1978a). Phaeodactylum tncornutum develops an ability to take Effect of darkness up lysine and arginine during the dark phase of growth on nitrate or ammonium, and would therefore presum- In contrast with the development of uptake systems ably always have an ability to take up these amino for other nitrogenous compounds, amino acid uptake acids (Flynn & Wnght 1986). Mopper & Lindroth (1982) systems also develop in response to carbon-depriva- have shown that DFAA concentrations are at a max- tion (Lewin & Hellebust 1975, 1976, Kirk & Kirk 1978, imum in the evening and a minimum at dawn in the Richards & Thurston 1980, Flynn & Syrett 1985, Flynn Baltic Sea. This observation could in part be explained & Wright 1986). Schell (1974) reported that the uptake by the activity of phytoplankters which develop an of amino acids by natural diatom populations off ability to take up amino acids during the night. Levels Alaska is twice as high in darkness as in light. C- of DFAA in daytime in the Celtic Sea are best deprivation may occur either during a period of explained by activity of zooplankton, whilst the much enforced darkness, or during the dark phase of a light/ lower levels at night may reflect microbial utilization dark cycle (simulating night) (Irk & Irk 1978, Flynn (Williams & Poulet 1986). It would appear to be more & Syrett 1985). Again the difference in operation of the appropriate to conduct field experiments to measure amino acid uptake systems and those for other N- the uptake of DFAA by phytoplankton at night, or at sources may be explained by the involvement of the dawn, rather than during the day when the products of intracellular amino acid pool in the regulation of photosynthesis together with the uptake of nitrate, amino acid uptake. Thus development of uptake sys- ammonium or urea could restrict the uptake of DFAA tems in response to N-deprivation and C-deprivation by increasing the size of the intracellular amino acid may be controlled by the same regulatory mechanism. pool. In Phaeodactylum tricornutum these stimuli are addi- Estuaries provide conditions where the development tive; cells deprived of nitrogen in darkness develop a and operation of amino acid uptake systems might be cation amino acid uptake system quickest (Flynn & expected to occur. DFAA concentrations are generally Syrett 1985). In darkness, and therefore in the absence far higher in estuarine waters than in the open sea, and of photosynthetically produced C-skeletons, the syn- these levels can be increased during sediment turn- thesis of some amino acids may be restricted (Hipkin et over by tidal movements: the concentration of DFAA in al. 1982), leading to a reduction in the size of amino sediment pore water can be several orders of mag- acid pool content. In P. tncornutum, the rate of nitude greater than that of the overlying water column development of the cationic amino acid uptake system (Henrichs & Farrington 1979, Jsrgensen et al. 1980). is inversely proportional to the concurrent rate of The resultant high turbidity may also limit light pen- photosynthesis in N-replete cells (Flynn & Syrett 1985). etration to less than l m. Thus the phytoplankton of This is consistent with the involvement of photosyn- estuaries are subjected to periods of enforced dark- thesis in amino acid synthesis, as reported for ness, superimposed on the normal diurnal cycle of day Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Smith et al. 1961). and night, in an environment potentially rich in amino Alternatively, development of amino acid uptake acids. However, because such environments are also systems in darkness may be interpreted as a response rich in other nutrients, amino acids may be used only to general C-deprivation, with the cells responding in if, as in Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Flynn & Syrett 294 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser 34: 281-304, 1986

1986a, Flynn & Wright 1986), the uptake of amino acids cannot support growth when supplied as the sole N- is not inhibited by the presence of a large excess of source. Thus the freshwater alga Volvoxcarteri can ammonium or nitrate. take up arginine, but not grow on it (Irk & Kirk 1978). Nonetheless, the uptake of such amino acids, provided that they are a normal component of the cell, will Effect of salinity supply the alga with a supplementary source of nitro- gen and thus possibly decrease the requirement for Salinity also has an effect on the uptake of amino other sources such as nitrate or ammonium. acids. Rates of amino acid uptake and protein synthesis As a result of the presence of these different porters, in Cyclotella cryptica are lowered in cells subjected to a simultaneous uptake of several amino acids (prob- raised salinities (Liu & Hellebust 1976a). Under such ably at least one per porter: 3 or 4 amino acids) could conditions proline is synthesised as a temporary occur. The evidence from the few experiments in osmoticum. The transport of amino acids into the cell which a wide range of amino acids have been supplied may then be slower in response to a lower rate of together (Lu & Stephens 1984, Ming & Stephens 1985) removal of amino acids from the intracellular amino suggests that a simultaneous uptake does occur, acid pool for protein synthesis. In Melosira although Admiraal et al. (1986) suggest that uptake of nummuloides the transport system for amino acids some amino acids may be phased with growth. Such operates with a higher affinity during periods of results must surely cast into doubt the conclusions of reduced salinity (McLean et al. 1981, Table 2). High studies in which only one amino acid has been sup- rates of uptake and an apparent increase in substrate plied. The uptake of one amino acid may indeed only affinity developing in response to reduced salinity are contribute a few percent to the total N-budget, but the possibly related (see 'Affinity of transport systems' simultaneous uptake of half a dozen amino acids may p. 296). be highly significant. Future experiments should make There is clearly a need for experiments in whlch use of HPLC to measure the uptake of a wide range of some of the basic conditions found in estuaries are amino acids from natural substrate concentrations. simulated in the laboratory. The interactions of dark- Ammonium often inhibits the uptake of other N- ness, high substrate concentrations of ammonium and sources (Eppley et al. 1969, Conway et al. 1976, Cress- nitrate, and the effects of salinity on the operation of well & Syrett 1979, Shah & Syrett 1984). Inhibition of algal amino acid uptake systems needs to be amino acid uptake by other N-sources is frequently examined. The effects of other combinations of condi- either absent or only partial. In Phaeodactylum tricor- tions, such as those present at thermoclines and halo- nutum ammonium has no effect on the uptake of clines, which affect cells held below the euphotic zone arginine. On the contrary, ammonium assimilation is also need to be examined. inhibited by 30 % when arginine is present. Inhibition of ammonium uptake is particularly obvious during the dark phase of growth in a light/dark cycle (Flynn & Operation of algal amino acid porters Wnght 1986). Amino acids can also inhibit uptake of nitrite (Bilbao et al. 1981) and of urea (firk & firk The mechanisms of amino acid transport across the 1978). Uptake of amino acids by N-replete Platymonas plasma membrane in algae are described by Raven subcordiformis is inhibited by the presence of (1980) and Eddy (1982). Essentially it appears that ammonium (Wheeler 1977), but is not inhibited when amino acids are cotransported as a complex with Na' cells are N-deplete (North & Stephens 1971). (or H+ for freshwater species) by electrogenic symport, It is appropriate at this point to consider the process with a concurrent efflux of K+ (Raven 1980, Flynn & of amino acid loss from algae. Whilst it is known that Syrett 1986a). one source of DFAA is phytoplankton exudate, little As further evidence that amino acids should not be study has been made of the underlying processes. considered as a single N-source, those algal amino There appears to be 2 situations in which efflux could acid porters studied are specific to groups of substrates occur. One is by leakage from senescent or damaged (Hellebust 1970, Kirk & Kirk 1978b; Table 2). Gener- cells and the other, from apparently healthy cells, ally, transport of one amino acid is only inhibited by seems to either be in response to osmotic shock (Liu & another amino acid of a similar ionic species, although Hellebust 1976a) or to changes in rates of ammonium presumably the extent of uptake could also be affected assimilation, amino acid synthesis and protein syn- by the products of the transport and assimilation of thesis which result in an 'overfilling' of the intracellu- another via transinhibition. As a consequence of the lar amino acid pool. The macrophyte Ulva appears to operation of transport systems specific to groups of leak amino acids when subjected to abrupt changes in amino acids, transport can occur of substrates which illumination (Jerrgensen et al. 1980), while the release Flynn & Butler: DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 295

Table 2. Comparison of algal L-amino acid tranpsort systems

Organism Amino acid K, (PM) Comments Reference

Chlorella fusca Leucine 2.5 &chards & Thurston 1980 Tyrosine 0.4 Alanine 2 8-4 8 Cho et al. 1981 Arginine 1.4-2.2 } (1) Proline 4&85 Cyclotella cryptica Alanine 19 Liu & Hellebust 1974a Clutamine 18 } 131 Proline 6&140 (2) Glutamate 36 & 150 (2) Arginine Ornithine 32? & 4033 (2)121 1(3) Melosira numm uloides Glutamate 120 (4) Hellebust & Guillard 1963 A4elosira numm uloldes Arginine McLean et a1 1981 Lysine 50.0 Aspartate 3;;l:o Glutamate 40.0 Glycine 6.6 (6) Leucine 12.5 Serine 33.0 Valine 40.0 Navicula pavdlardi Glutamate 18 (7) (8) Lewin & Hellebust 1975 Nitzschia angularis Glutamate 20 (7) (9) Lewin & Hellebust 1976 Njtzschia laevis Alanine 20 (7) Lewin & Hellebust 1978 Glutamate 3 0 (10) Nitzschia ovaljs Arglnine 1.5-2.0 (11) North & Stephens 1972 Phaeodactylurn tricornutum Arginine 0.6 13) Flynn & Syrett 1986a Lysine 0.8-2.0 (11) } Platymonas subcordiformis Glycine 6.7 North & Stephens 1967

(1) Higher values given after preincubation with glucose, authors consider differences to be insignificant (2) Two systems; one with low K, & V ,,,, other with high K, & V ,,, (3) Amino acids considered to use the same porter (4jNor caicuiated irom ~nitialuptake rates (5) K, reduced by Incubation at low salinities or low light (6) K, after incubation in darkness at 10 YW salinity, when arginine K, = 33 uM. Data calculated from presented graphs (7) System developed in darkness has higher V,,,,, but similar K, (8) Cells incubated in light-dark cycle (9) Incubated in darkness with substrate (10) K, after incubation in light or darkness similar (11) K, after incubation in darkness half that in light of amino acids by the diatom Thalassiosira rotula port or synthesis. Presumably an efflux by healthy cells occurs when ammonium uptake rates are high in com- is controlled because amino acids would not normally parison with rates of cell division (Hammer & Brock- be able to pass through the plasma membrane unless it mann 1983). Admiraal et al. (1986) report that amino was made selectively permeable. As rnicroalgae acid release by the diatom Thalassiosira excentrica possess transport systems for groups of amino acids only occurs when cells enter the stationary phase of there could conceivably be competition between efflux growth. These observations support the idea of a sur- of 'a' and influx of 'b' if both were members of the same plus amino acid capacity brought about by some form transport group. of physiological shock. There have, however, been suggestions that healthy Loss of some amino acids could conceivably be as a cells do not leak metabolites, and that the values result of uptake of others. Thus if the synthesis of 'a' measured may in some instances be as a result of bad normally preceded that of 'b', then an influx of 'b' may experimental technique. In particular, problems of cell result in an efflux of 'a'. However, one suspects that rupture during filtration, contamination of radio-label- control processes, such as transinhibition, would pre- led bicarbonate with I4C-DOC before inoculation, vent this occurrence unless control was coarse allow- residual I4CO2 on filters, and variations of the environ- ing an excess accumulation before cessation of trans- ment which shock the algae (such as the common 296 Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser 34: 281-304, 1986

storage of samples in darkness before filtration) have replete cells (Flynn & Syrett 1986a). Curiously some been blamed (Sharp 1977, Fogg 1977, Mague et al. algae have 2 transport systems for amino acids. One is 1980). Similar problems may afflict studies of amino a high affinity system with a low V,,, and the other a acid uptake. Inadequate washing of filtered cells leads low affinity, high V,,, system. The K, values for both to exaggerated uptake measurements, whilst filtration systems are higher than natural substrate concen- onto certain types of filter and under anything other trations measured in the sea (Table 2). It would be most than very low vacuum can result in cell rupture, lead- interesting to conduct the type of experiments ing to an underestimate of uptake (Fuhrman & Bell described by Lu & Stephens (1984) and Ming & 1985). The release of DFAA by healthy cells of expo- Stephens (1985), in which cultured phytoplankton are nentially growing Thalassiosira rotula measured by resuspended in seawater and their ability to remove Hammer & Eberlein (1981) may have been overesti- naturally occurring DFAA measured, in order to test if mated due to the use of glass-fibre filters which should the species with high apparent K, values for amino not be used in such experiments (Fuhrman & Bell acid transport can actually take up amino acids from 1985). Diatoms, especially large species, have now very low concentrations at significant rates. been shown to accumulate sizeable pools of free amino It should be noted that whilst bacteria are widely acids (Admiraal et al. 1986) and there must be an considered to out-compete algae for DFAA, there are element of risk that such cells may rupture during few experiments in which substrate competition has filtration, liberating amino acids and creating the been studied. Saks & Kahn (1979) demonstrated the impression of DFAA excretion. However, there is little successful competition by the diatom Cylindrotheca doubt that there are significant changes in the quantity closteriurn for organic substrates against the bacterium and quality of DFAA present in the water column Aeromonas. which occur during the course of diatom blooms (Brockmann et al. 1979, Hammer & Kattner 1986). The problem is to discover which organisms are respons- ible for the release or uptake of which amino acids Incorporation of amino acid-carbon during these blooms. Analysis of exudate using HPLC would be useful in In addition to any effects that the incorporation of investigating conditions leading to increased loss of amino-N may have on the growth of marine phyto- amino acids, but radio-labelled amino acids would plankton, assimilation of amino acid-C should be con- need to be used if a study of simultaneous influx and sidered. It is known, from laboratory and field experi- efflux of various amino acids was to be undertaken. ments, that the fate of amino acid-C vanes depending on the particular substrate, the species of phytoplank- ton, and concurrent rates of photosynthesis. The carbon Affinity of algal amino acid transport systems may be expelled after deamination (Stephens & North 1971), respired (White 1974, Hellebust & Lewin 1977, Another reason for the reluctance to accept a role for Wheeler & Stephens 1977), or incorporated (Flynn & amino-N in the nutrition of phytoplankton is the appa- Syrett 1986b, Flynn & Wright 1986). Cells of Phaeodac- rent lack of substrate affinity (high K, values) mea- tylurn tricornuturn grown on arginine, in comparison sured for algal amino acid transport systems (Paul with those grown on ammonium, have a reduced pig- 1983). Values of K, quoted in the literature are often 1 ment content and correspondingly lower rates of to 2 orders of magnitude greater than the concentration photosynthesis (by 25 %: Wright unpubl. results). The of the substrates in natural waters (Table 2). The presence of amino acids also appears to affect the reason for this may be that amino acids are not signifi- chlorophyll content of Cyclotella cryptica (Admiraal et cant N-sources for these (nitrate?) isolated species, or al. 1986). Ming & Stephens (1985) report that the incor- that the low levels of DFAA which we measure reflect poration of amino acid-C by Melosira mediocris may uptake rather than release. An alternative reason may be significant. be that unless the cells are deprived of nitrogen and Measurements of primary production, by 14C02fixa- carbon in order to reduce the size of the intracellular tion, may be underestimated if amino acid-C incorpo- amino acid pool to a minimum, and hence remove any ration is a common occurrence. The use of pigment effects of transinhibition, initial rates of transport are concentration, in order to estimate biomass, may also not being measured and post-transport assimilatory be adversely affected. processes are affecting the result. This reasoning may explain why the lysine transport system in Phaeodacty- lum tricornutum apparently has a greater affinity after prolonged nitrogen and carbon deprivation than in N- Flynn & Butler. DFAAs as a nitrogen source for microalgae 297

Contribution of amino-N to algal N-requirements: from growth (Horrigan & McCarthy 1982). It is prob- Is it measurable in field experiments? ably inappropriate to compare uptake rates at any one time of day and to calculate the overall contribution Consider a hypothetical field experiment in which because of the effects of photosynthesis. Whilst the the bulk of primary production is attributed to only one uptake of DIN, urea and guanine may be broadly species, and that species derives 80 YO of nitrogen from coupled with photosynthesis, it appears that rates of ammonium and 20% from amino-N. Of the 20 or so amino acid uptake are likely to be inversely correlated amino acids available, this species uses only 5, so with photosynthesis (Flynn & Syrett 1985). Unfortu- before going any further one would have a 75 '% prob- nately, attempting to place previously photosynthesiz- ablility of choosing an inappropriate substrate, and ing cells in darkness, or the other way around, may hence measuring no amino acid incorporation at all. lead to shock-induced release of amino acids from the From results with Phaeodactylum spp, we could cells (Sharp 1977). assume that the uptake of amino acids would be likely Any implications for the use of enhancement ratios to be most important at night (Flynn & Syrett 1985, for dark CO2 fixation to determine the N-status of Flynn & Wright 1986), while uptake of ammonium at algae which are utilizing DON should also be consid- night is decreased considerably (Eppley et al. 1971, ered; it is known that urea may not give any enhance- Flynn & Wright 1986). If one assumed that 80% of ment (Goldman & Dennett 1986). This technique may ammonium and 25 % of amino-N incorporation occur- only be applicable for algae utilizing DIN. Finally, red in daylight, then in a typical field experiment Poulet et al. (1985) have warned against the use of conducted during the day with only one amino acid, measurements of phytoplankton biomass in field only 1.0 % (1.4% of day time uptake) of the N-require- experiments, because a high proportion of algae may ment would be attributed to amino-N if, as has been not be metabolically active thus reducing the apparent done in the past, one assumed that the uptake of one uptake of amino acids. 14C-amino acid equals that of all natural amino acids. A night experiment would indicate 3.0 O/O (9.6 O/O of night-time uptake) attributed to amino-N. These will ROLE OF DON IN THE NUTRITION OF NANOI be average values as the probability that each of the 5 PICOPHYTOPLANKTON amino acids is incorporated at the same rate is low. Enlarge the populations to 3 species, which may or Studies of this size group of algae are in their may not use the same anlino acids, bear in mind low infancy; it is only recently that their importance to cell densities and low growth rates typical of natural marine primary production has been established (Platt populations, and the inadequacies of testing 1 or 2 et al. 1983, Joint et al. 1986). The principal users of amino acids become all too obvious. The detection of a DFAA were originally ascribed to the bacteria-size significant uptake of any one amino acid, even using fraction (Williams 1970) but with the emergence of HPLC, may border on the limits of statistical signifi- these small algae as an important component of the cance. Yet surely 20 % of total nitrogen requirement is phytoplankton it is possible that a significant pro- a significant proportion. portion of DFAA may be used by these organisms in One method of conducting field experiments would addition to by bacteria. be to introduce a full range of radiolabelled amino Because of the paucity of axenic cultures, effectively acids and, after incubation, to separate them by HPLC. no study has been made of the role of DON in the By comparing the ratio of labelled to unlabelled indi- nutrition of nano/picophytoplankton, but as all other vidual amino acids in the water before and after incu- algae studied to date are capable of at least some bation, the net rate of uptake, or excretion, could be growth using DON it would be most unusual if they calculated. The inclusion of labelled substrates enab- could not do so. Li & Dickie (1985) report the uptake of les the detection of uptake in the presence of continued 3~-aminoacids by picoplankters and, whilst illumina- regeneration (isotope dilution technique). If samples tion had Little effect on Sargasso Sea populations, in were to be fractionated before the addition of the Lancaster Sound uptake was greater in darkness. From substrates, as recommended by Wheeler et al. (1977), the use of inhibitors, it was concluded that most of the then care must be taken not to shock the cells by amino acids were used by , of which a changing conditions of light. This would be especially proportion were photosynthetic. Picophytoplankton important when conducting experiments with cells inhabit the lower photic zone and, adapted as they may from the lower euphotic zone or at night. be to such levels of illumination (Glover et al. 1986), Clearly uptake rates of amino acids should not be may be adapted to take up organic nutrients in the compared directly with those of ammonium or urea, as same way that other microalgae take up amino acids in initial rates of uptake of the latter may be uncoupled response to darkness (Flynn & Syrett 1985, Lewin & 298 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.

Hellebust 1975, 1976). Certainly their large surface (8) Laboratory experiments should be conducted area/volume ratio would facilitate the rapid uptake of using cells grown in light/dark cycles, not in continu- such compounds. ous light, with near-natural cell densities and nutrient Much work must be performed on the N-nutrition of concentrations. More axenic cultures of phytoplankton these algae before we know the answers, but clearly species typical of summer months are required and they have the potential for being significant users of such species should be isolated in medium containing DFAA. In a survey of primary production in the Celtic suitable sources of nitrogen and phosphorous for the Sea (Joint et al. 1986), the peak of phytoplankton environment from which they were removed. (> 5 ~m)production was in April, of nanoplankton (9) Field experiments must be conducted with great (< 5 brn to 2pm) was over the period from May to care to prevent shock-induced release of DFAA from August, and of (<2pm) in May and in algae, with natural levels of illumination (including August. Thus the nano/picophytoplankton blooms studies at night), and with the full range of amino acids occur during summer when levels of nitrate are low. supplied at low concentrations. The possibility of bac- Do they use DFAA in addition to regenerated terial interference must be considered. ammonium? In the light of these conclusions it is clear that there is scope for doubting the original contention that CONCLUSIONS DFAA are not used by phytoplankton. With hindsight the design of past experiments, if not the interpretation From the foregoing discussion on DFAA utilization of their results, can be seen to have been flawed in by microalgae the following conclusions can be drawn. certain fundamental areas. Fresh attempts need to be (1) The composition of DFAA in seawater appears to made to solve the problem. reflect microbial use. Algal as well as bacterial utihza- It is apparent that, irrespective of the question of tion could be used to explain the composition. DFAA utdization by phytoplankton, measurements of (2) The ability of microalgae to take up individual this important group of compounds should be made amino acids and to grow using amino-N is highly routinely (night and day) with those of other nitrogen- variable both between and within species, and may ous compounds. As new techniques become available, well be a factor affecting species succession. other components of DON should also be measured. (3) The development and operation of microalgal There is an urgent need to estimate the flux of compo- amino acid uptake systems appears to be dissimilar to nents of DFAA and to measure the composition of that of nitrate and ammonium, probably because con- DFAA exudate from zooplankton, for at present we do trol is at the level of the intracellular amino acid pool, not have data indicating the relative importance of as in yeasts. As a consequence, cells exposed to high individual amino acids in the N-cycle. Such informa- levels of illumination in the presence of DIN are likely tion would be of great use in field and laboratory to take up amino acids at the lowest rate because the experiments, but until this becomes available the full intracellular synthesis of amino acids transinhibit their range of amino acids should be used in experiments transport from the exterior. designed to examine the uptake of DFAA by phyto- (4) N-deprivation and C-deprivation (darkness) plankton. Fortunately, with the advent of new techni- result in a decrease in the size of the intracellular ques this no longer presents the problems that it used amino acid pool and stimulate the development of to, although it would still be a complex undertaking. amino acid uptake systems. The study of marine primary production was origi- (5) Microalgae can simultaneously take up several nally confined to that of the nitrate-dominated spring amino acids because they possess porters for groups of diatom bloom, whilst laboratory work centered on the amino acids. Furthermore, because amino-N need not physiology of diatoms and unrepresentative species enter the same biosynthetic pathways as other N-sour- including freshwater Chlorophyta (used as model ces, a simultaneous assimilation of several amino acids green plants rather than model marine phytoplankton). plus DIN can occur. The uptake rate of any one amino Nitrate was shown to be a/the major source of nitrogen acid under such circumstances may be expected to be for these species. The danger is that, by assuming that low although the total contribution of amino-N may be nitrate is the most important source of nitrogen for the significant. growth of phytoplankton throughout the year, we may (6) Microalgae can take up amino acids from natural have unwittingly only studied the physiological ecol- concentrations found in seawater. ogy of species typical of the nitrate-dominated spring (7) Release of DFAA by algae may be in response to bloom (mainly diatoms). As a consequence the ecology shock or damage, and a net loss is only to be expected of the phytoplankton present in summer, when nitrate from cells growing under high levels of illumination in concentrations are at their lowest, remain something of the presence of excess DIN (see [3]). an unknown quantity. Even the bloom-forming dino- Flynn & Butler- DFAAs as a nitrogen source for rnicroalgae 299

have been poorly studied in the laboratory bacteria in a diverse selection of water bodies. Appl. because only a few axenic cultures are available. environ. Microblol. 43: 1227-1237 Berland, B. R., Bonin, D. J., Maestrini, S. Y.,Lizarraga-Par- If the microalgal utilization of DFAA, and of other as tida, M. L.,Antla, N J. (1976). The nitrogen concentration yet unconsidered components of DON, were shown to requirement of D-glucosamine for supporting effective be significant, either in terms of nitrogen or carbon growth of marine rnicroalgae. J. mar biol. Ass. U.I<. 56: input, it would have considerable repercussionson our 629-637 conception of the ecology of phytoplankton. Berland, B R., Bonin, D. J., Guerin-Ancey, O., Antia, N. J. (1979) Concentration req'uirement of glycine as nitrogen source for supporting effective growth of certain marine Acknowledgement. We thank Professor P. J. Syrett for helpful microplanktonic algae. Mar. 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This review was presented by Professor P. J. Syrett; it was accepted for printing in October 15, 1986