Guildford Business Park Travel Plan
Unit 2 SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL INFORMATION PACK This travel information pack provides useful information on the methods of travel available to you for your journey to work at Guildford Business Park (GBP). WELCOME This travel information pack will provide you with information to make your choice easier when considering options for travel to and from work. This pack has been produced as part of a Travel Plan specifically for Unit 2 which aims to reduce car travel to and from the business park. Travelling sustainably can minimise your impact on the environment by improving air quality, minimising your carbon footprint and contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Running a car can be expensive particularly for short journeys where it may be cheaper, more convenient and less stressful to walk, cycle or take the bus/train. Alternatively, you could reduce the running cost of a car by sharing your journeys with colleagues. By including walking or cycling into your daily lifestyle you will not only be contributing to creating a healthier environment but a healthier you too – not just your physical health but your overall mental well-being! Walk Easy, reliable, healthy Cheap, environmentally Cycle friendly, designated parking, and showers at Unit 2 Cost savings, reduce Car Share congestion, reduce parking pressures WHAT Shuttle Free connections to the ARE station and town centre Bus for all employees MY OPTIONS? Variety of destinations, Train beat the queues, 20min walk to station Reduces congestion, no Bus need to park, nearby bus stops Electric Free charge points, designated parking, Vehicles cheaper to run Flexible rental options, Car Clubs travel sustainably & have the convenience of a car Walking The average person walking at an easy pace can walk a mile in around 20 minutes, so choosing to walk to work may be easier than you think.
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