ASIE PACIFIQUE/ASIA AND THE PACIFIC N Pays/ Nom/Prénom Contact Domaine(s) Bibliographie indicative Country Family name/name d’expertise/recherche/activités Short bibliography Titre/Position/Institution Field(s) of Title/Function /Institution expertise/research/activities 1. AUSTRALIE Burchill, Louise
[email protected] • Subjects / Research topics: • "Becoming-Woman: A Metamorphosis in the AUSTRALIA Visiting lecturer in Feminist Feminist Philosophy / Present Relegating Repetition of Gendered Time Philosophy, Centre For Ideas, Women's Studies, to the Past", Time and Society (N° 1, 2010 Faculty of Victorian College of the Contemporary French forthcoming) Arts, University of Melbourne Philosophy; Post-Kantism, • 2009, “Derrida and the (spectral) scene of Esthetics, Translation studies cinema", in Colman, F.J. (ed.), Film & • Authors and/or philosophers Philosophy: Key Thinkers, London: Acumen of interest: Deleuze, Derrida, • "In-between 'Spacing' and the 'Chôra' in Badiou, Kristeva, Irigaray, Derrida: A Pre-Originary Medium?", in Heidegger, Kant, etc. Oosterling, H., Silverman, H., & Plonowska- Ziarek, E. (eds.), Intermediality as Inter-esse. Philosophy, Arts, Politics, Rowman & Littlefield, forthcoming. • 2007,"Deleuze comme "traductologue"? Ou le temps de traduire", Multitudes, pp. 187-197. 2. AUSTRALIE Dunphy-Blomfield Jocelyn
[email protected] • Philosophy of language. AUSTRALIA Senior lecturer, Jocelyn.Dunphy- • Philosophy of mind. Monash University
[email protected] • Philosophy of history. Victoria 3800 • Conceptual issues in Australia psychiatry and psychological medicine. • Paul Ricoeur. 3. AUSTRALIE Gatens Moira
[email protected] Research interests: • Feminism and Philosophy: Perspectives on AUSTRALIA Professor, • Spinoza and 17th century Difference and Equality, Cambridge: Polity Press Department of Philosophy rationalism. & Indiana University Press, 1991 (reprinted: The University of Sydney, Australia.