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3424-001 Economic Development Council UNlVERSllY U BRARIJES w UNIVERSITY of WASHI NGTON Spe ial Colle tions 3832 Economic Development Council of Puget Sound records Inventory Accession No: 3424-001 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Preliminary Guide to the Economic Development Council of Puget Sound Records. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/EconomicDevelopmentCouncilofPugetSound3424/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF PUGET SOUND Accession #3424 Container List Box -1- Nissan research material, reports, technical information Nissan Nissan - Technical Information From November ?-5, 1976, Seattle Visit Nissan - Memorandums Nissan - Contact Reports~ Telephone Calls Nissan - Teleqrams & News Clippings Nissan - Periodicals, Annual Reports, News Clippinas 1976 Rreadway,-19--7-7- .'?,.:c,. 1-...... .,.. "'-:\f-t-. /Ci 12 f.,I ,, .: , - Rroadwav News Clippinos 1977 Nissan 2 EDC Briefing Book - The Nissan Motor Company, 2 books: June 10-15, 1975 EDC Briefing Book - The Nissan Motor Company, 2 books: November 4-5, 1976 EDC Briefing Book - The Nissan Motor Company, Tokyo, Japan: Sept. 19-22, 1974 Machida Pharmaceutical D. Na9ata i Co., Ltd. Nii9ata Fnoineerinq Nippon Keishokuhin Nissho-Iwai (Abrasives) Nissho-Iwai Maanesium Oxide Nissho-Iwai (Reforrestation) " 11 Maanesium Oxide· Nit tan Co. Northwest Metal Products Oji Paper Co. Okagawa Restaurant Okinawa-Expo '75 - Oceanoqraphy Poyal Crest Farms, Ltd. (Daryl Deede) Puyat, Jose San Miouel Corp. Sansui Electric Seattle Cedar Sharp Corp. 3 Asahipen Corporation technical information, specifications, site information Asahipen Corporation 10-4-74 to 12-23-75, Vol. I Bandai Co. Oonle_y RlousP Dominion Aircraft-"Skytrarler ~nn" Pro.iect East~ West International Euro-Asia Traders Co. Fnlex Industries Gernini Ir.iports Ise Electronics Ima-Asa Co., Ltd. Ishikawajima-Harima Iskra ITT - MacKay Marine Econ. Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. II 3424 Page 2 Box -3- the 1.hin;rn Founrlr1tion Japan Li("lht ~~achinery Information Center JFTPO-Seattle Office Jin Jen Jvi Company Kaiko Inc. Kr1wosaki Heavv Industries Kav International Kohkoku Chemical Industries " U.S.A.-Immigration " - 1975 Kyoei Lease Option Payments Y-yoe i Steel ~yoei ~tee l Memoranrlurns Kubota, Ltd. Kyoei Steel, Teleorams, Phone Calls, News Clipoinf1s, Misc. Information Kyoei Steel Contact reoorts Kyoei Steel Research Material, Technical Information. Maersk Line Malaysian Govern~ent ~ala.ysian Government (Pineapple) Malaysian Rubber Development Corp. Malaysian Rubher Exchanre Manhattan G~rments Mandarin Industries rlarketinCJ Networks t--1ay Youno Co. ,,rm. t~cGee Co. ~isubishi Kenzoku 11 Penc i1 Corp. Mitsui Toatsu Chemical Ind. 4 Asahipcn Coryoration 1-6-76 to 4-30-70 Vol. II Asahinen. Corporation. Vol. III #1 - Sprin\J 1972. Alex Woclz #2 - October 12 - November 1, J.Y72. \-/. H. /\mold #3 - January 1 - February 9, 1973. Robert l~hite, \~. H. Arnold & John Anderson #4 - March 23 - /\pril 20, 1971. Robc~rt Hhite 1!5 - May 11 - June 11, 1q71_ h'riqht H. /\rnnlrl, l•'illic1111 Lotto anc! Rohert hlhite #6 - September 2P. - October 20, 1/)73. !frinht H. Arn0lrl, R0hert 1· 1hitr., \l. Anrlersor #7 - February 15 - March 25, 197~. \fri 9ht fl. /\rno l rl, 1,ii 11 i am Lotto, Hobert Hhi te, .~ John Anderson 5 #Fl - ~r.!)tr.rnher 27 - October 11, 1974. \'1ri~ht H. /\rnolci, John ,L\ncerson and \./illiam Lotto #9 - January 2n - January 3CJ, 1'.:75. John /\nr.0.rson Econ. Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. f/3424 Po.1;e 3 Box -5- #10 - nay 1 - May 27, 1975. 1-Jriqht H. Arnold, navirl r,r.11 and ,Jnhn Anderson - #11 - #J: - October 3 - October 2fi, ]'"'75. Hriqht II. /\rnnld c1nd !·!illir1111 H. Ostenson #13 - Januc1ry ?.~ - February ?7, ]()76. 1·Jriciht IL /\rnold and John Anderson #]4 - May 18 - lJune 12, 1976. John /\nrlerson, David 8aylor and 1•1ri0ht H. Arnold #15 - October 21 - November 2, J.~76. \-fright IL /\mold #16 - December 10 - December 17, 1°7n. 1·Jri qht fl. /\rno 1 d fl? - January 21 - February 11, ]977. Hrioht II. ,L\rnold and Hillia111 Lntto #1-~ - June 1 - lluly l., 1077. l-lririht II. /\rnnlrl oncl clohn Ker1[)le #19 - tfove111ber 5 - November 211, 1077_ Wriqht f1• /\mold, John 1:r.Pmle r1ncl Da nvi n rlorby fl?n - June?.·· July 17, Jn7~. Hriqht H. Arnold, John !(eri11;le anrl l•/illiam Lotto #21 - October Hi - November 11, 197R. ,John l<empl~ #22 - February 12 - March .1, 1cnn. ,lohn Kermle #?..1 1'lay £ J e:Joiie lR, ]O~lO. eJol,,, l~el"lnle. · Nt>-f,',. 80"\. #24 - October ?5 - Nove~ber 25, 1979. John Kemple #25 - March 10 - April 9, 1980. John Kemple #26 - September 25 - October 18, 1980. John Kemple Sixth Professional Meeting of the Japan - California Ass' n. Jan. 25-2_7, 1973 Washington D.C. Conference - "European Investment in the United States" 1976 6 1972 - 1973 Weekly Activity Reports, Account Reports Background Material, Panel on Industrial Incentives, Puget Sound EDC Annual Meeting - Kiana Lodge, September 2, 1976 Business Development Board Report - January 31 - March 1, 1975 1975 - Business Development Operations Committee Meeting (OPS) Minutes (beg. March through Dec. 1975) EDC Operations Report - Augst 22, 1975 EDC Positioning Report - November 1972 EDC Presentation to Japanese Official Study Mission for Direct Investment in U.S.A. - November 29. 1974 Econ. Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. //3Li24 Page 4 Box -6- Trip Report - First International Meeting of Experts on Industrial Free Zones Barranquilla. October 5-11, 1974 International - 1973-1975 Correspondence, Contact Reports, etc. Japan Trip #3 Japan Trip #5 Japanese Direct Investment in U.S.A. Study Mission - November 29, 1974 Nissan Motor Company Report 7 N. Y.-·1972 Pre-Japan Trip #4 Pre-Japan Trip #6 Seattle King County Economic Development Council Invites Investments of Japanese Electronics Industry - March 8, 1974 Site Availability Study For Nissan - September 20, 1974 Site Selection For An Automobile Assembly Facility (for Honda Motor Company Ltd., November 18, 1975) Far East Trip - October 13 - November 5, 1972 Far East Trip - October 7 - November 4, 1973 Trip Report, Far East and Europe - January - February 1977 D. M. Wood-Gaines Taiwan Trip Report - October 20 - 24, 1973 Broadway Vis it - November 1975 - R. F. Buck Trip Report, Washington D.C. (NASDA) and New York City September 6-17, 1976 Europe Trips l and 2 took place in 1971 and early 1972, no known record 1. Europe trip #3, 1977, May WHA 2. Europe trip #4, October 1977 WHA 3. Europe trip #5, March 1978 WHA 4. Europe trip #6, October 1978 WHA Invest in Washington State, June 1972, 3 volumes Capabilities in the 70's, 1972, 2 volumes Econ. Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. //3424 Box -8- EDC memos 1978-79 WHA reading files (correspondence) 1977-1980 JK reading files (correspondence) 1977-1980 9 Japan Trip #25 A & D Terminals Abe Trading Ajinomoto Amax Japan Amrex Amay Canning Asian Economy &Tech Ataha Banda Sangsa Co. Bank of Yokohama Barclay & Co. Bridgestone Tire Broadway Nissan Cabot Cabot Forbes - Misui Canyon Corp Central Motor Wheel CX ina Gulf Plastics Columbian Philippines Co. Daiho Sangyo Daiichi Bussan Dai-ichi Bussan Dai-ichi Hotel Dainippon Screen Daishowa Paper Co. Dodwell Kktg Consultants Fujita & Co. Geotektronix Int'l Hasegawa Co. Hanamarubi Foods I Higashi Maru Shoyu Honda III Honda - Auto 10 "1090 Prefectural Intermix Isamu Paint Isuzu, GMOC JICL/EDC Seminar 1977 Jetro Japan Auto Mfg Assa Japan Chamber of Commerce Japan Industry Location Center Japan Mach. Exporters Assa Jujo Paper Co. Kader Industries Econ. Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. //3424 Page 6 Box Io"" Kahaya Industries Keidanren Kiren Brewery Kobe Marine Products Kobeya Baking Co. Kyoto Ceramics Manpei Tool Matsuihita Electric ' Meiwa Trading Mitsubishi Bank Nassau Nova Scotia New Otani Hotel Nichibei Tsusho Nippon Piston Ring Nippon Research Nippon Sieho Nippon Sheet Metal Nissan Trading Okura Shoji Omron Electric Osaka Press Giken Osaka Science &Tech PETA Pac Sea Consultants Pacific Int 1 l Sales Pam Pacific Trading Philippine House Samsung Elec San Mode Freight Sanyo Mfg T. Sato Seititsu Kogaku Sharp Corp Sharp Elec R. Sheen Sheng Co. Shikoku Chemical Shionogi & Co. S..oftwa re Eng. 11 Sumitomo Metals Sumitomo Shoji k.k. Graphite Silicon Coal Gasification Sumitomo Trust & Banking 11 AII Mi see 11 aneous to 1979 Arab Projects & Development 1975 Artlcles - J. K. Audit Material 1976 11 B11 Miscellaneous to 1979 Batelle Study on EDC 1978:, Bottom Fish Predictions 1977 Boyd Burchard articles 1977 11 C11 Miscellaneous to 1979 Econ, Dev. Council of Puget Sound Ace. /13424 Page 7 Box ll 11 () 11 Miscellaneous to 1979 Containers Information Article Developers - Land 1978 DISC Directory 1972 Distribution 1974 Duwamish 1972 •~E 11 Miscellaneous to 1979 ECAFE - Delegate Follow Up Work 1974 EDC ARTICLES OF INTEREST 1974 EDC Tokyo Office Background 1975 EUROPE #5 Mailing Lists Export Management Companies • F11 Mi see 11 aneous to 1979 Financing Sources 1972 Foreign Trade Zone Luncheon 1976 Foreign Trade Zone Meeting Oct 1976 11 G11 Miscellaneous to 1979 11 H" Miscellaneous to 1979 12 Hill & Knowlton Japan & Int'l Memo 1978 Hill & Knowlton - Swiss Report 1979 11 I 11 Miscellaneous to 1979 Inouye, Senator Daniel Briefing 1974 11
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