Plan It Applecross CLUP - Consultation Summary Report
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Plan It Applecross CLUP - Consultation Summary Report The following table provides a summary of the sixteen responses made to the Applecross Community Land Use Plan (CLUP) during the 4 week statutory consultation period from 3 May – 3 June (2019). Statutory stakeholders are identified directly in this table. All others are identified by unique numbers and if clarification of origin is required this request may be made to The Highland Council. All changes have the agreement of key stakeholders: The Applecross Community Company, Applecross Trust and The Highland Council. Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue General Issues 1 4, 7, Support for Broadly support proposals across 8, 1, CLUP plan, and the Aims and Vision, whole 9, 13, peninsula scope, infrastructure led 14, approach, and principle of promoting 15,16, land for community and privately led HES, development so as to increase SNH balanced access to land ownership on peninsula. 2 4, 7, Housing Support for proposals for housing 8, 9, provision provision given existing demand from 15 seasonal workers and long term residents. Suggestion that x10 houses needed as soon as possible. 3 8 Rented Concern that those who currently rent Potential to include in Collaborative accommodation may be doing so unofficially and are Housing Strategy mentioned in not protected or safeguarded. CLUP App1 (p49) Change: Added the following text in a new bullet point ‘Address any existing unregulated renting concerns that may restrict tenants’ rights’. 1 Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue 4 3 Engagement Concern that engagement process Noted. CLUP was built upon an may have limited the ability of some extensive and open/transparent groups in the community to influence charrette facilitated engagement the plan (e.g. older residents). process where opportunity was emphasized. This involved initial community surveying conducted in 2018 by the ACC (with 153 valid responses recorded), focused sessions with specific interest groups (e.g. Over 60s, Crofters), open workshop sessions, and a final consultation on the plan over the month of May. 5 3 Allocation Concern that current issues There are limited existing rights to associated with housing supply are acquire under used assets. more related to allocation of existing However, the ACC may wish to housing that are either holiday lets or consider surveying underused long term empty, and that that should assets on the peninsula. be the focus. 6 8 Affordable Support for mechanisms which will Noted, and addressed in housing control help ensure affordability on the Appendix 1 of CLUP. To be taken Measures peninsula. forward by developers, ACC / Trust, and Highland Council. 7 2 Accommodation Concerns that figures (34%) provided Noted. Whilst the quoted figure of monitoring in the introductory section of CLUP by 50% may be true, the 2011 The Highland Council are not correctly Census data figure quoted - 34% measuring the existence of holiday - is the only official data available homes in Applecross. Anecdotal at the local level. Current planning figures suggest a figure closer to 50%, legislation (The Town and therefore recording coding Country Planning (Use Classes) methodology utilised by HC may not (Scotland) Order 1997) doesn’t be accurate (16% error). Additionally, differentiate between mainstream 2 Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue what monitoring is being undertaken use homes, holiday homes and by The HC to resolve the fragility of second homes so local councils the exceptional number of holiday have no legal control over homes, even at 34%. Lastly, the lack switches between the different of HC enforcement of existing policy types of occupation of standard around holiday homes and the houses. The Scottish Government planning of buildings under one use is aware of the distortions to the class and then using for something housing market caused by high different appears to be exacerbating second / holiday / short term let affordability. demand. The Government is currently considering taxation, licensing and planning legislation changes to control these issues but, to date, none of these potential controls is available to local councils. If and when additional powers are available then monitoring and enforcement will be necessary. 8 4, 1, Prioritisation In order to assure faith in CLUP, it To provide delivery potential a list 14 could clearly outline priority of the priority sites to be included in development that may take place in CLUP. near future. In addition, request to Change: outline the timeframe of the CLUP. New table added to Summary / Next Steps section to show priority of sites agreed by Applecross Trust and Applecross Community Company. 9 8, 1 House design Support for a diverse offering of house and size sizes and types to address need for 1- 2 bedroom as well as 4-5 bedroom. Support also for cottage style housing 3 Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue shown in detailed site analysis in CLUP, so as to assure flexibility. 10 7, 3 Ownership Concern that the plan needs to be co- Given the collaborative nature of owned and its initiatives delivered by the process that led to the CLUP multiple vehicles, rather than a and its joint funding, it may be reliance on one organisation (ACC). helpful to formally share ownership, Lack of representativeness that may as a partnership between ACC and be perceived if only one organisation the Trust, and/or the Community takes ownership of the final plan. Council, or have the Forum adopt the plan formally. Change: That new wording inserted in the Foreword or Summary / Next Steps to this effect: This plan has been developed by the ACC and Applecross Trust and is a community plan, to be shared and delivered by all members of the Applecross Community. 11 6 Development Concern that submissions and CLUP makes clear the important impact contributions taken during the natural, social and economic charrette from newer members of the assets that Applecross has (as community may result in insensitive shown in Vision Section) and the development which may damage need to protect this. existing environment, culture and community. 12 6 Croft Concern that development of crofts Planning application process will development without testing existing supply, and give an opportunity to those who without sufficient re-sale restrictions, wish to comment further on site will lead to an unintended increase in specifics. holiday lets and/or disused crofts. Mechanisms for the control of the resale of crofts may be covered 4 Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue under crofting legislation or applied as a covenant to property by developer. 13 6 Provision of Concern that increased housing Planning application process will house numbers supply will not be met with give an opportunity to those who employment opportunities, and wish to comment further on site demand from those in need of specifics. accommodation (social rented & private). Demand for social rented accommodation has been demonstrated in the CLUP through use of Highland Council needs assessment, and prior community surveying. CLUP Place Making Principles establish a clear preference for a sustainable Applecross where housing and employment are created alongside each other. Mechanisms for the control of the resale of crofts may be applied as covenant to property by developer. (Appendix 1) 14 6 Unintended Concern that any new housing will Noted. This may be controlled development of eventually end up as holiday lets. through conditions applied at the holiday homes Highland Council planning application process. Mechanisms for the control of the resale of crofts may be applied as covenant to property by developer. (Appendix 1) 5 Item Ind. Theme Loc. Comment/Suggestion Change if required with Response if no change made ID (pg reasoning and additional comments if no.) CLUP addresses issue 15 6 Retail over Concern that any new retail will Noted. It is recommended that supply conflict with existing offering. long term viability concerns are raised with the developer directly and through planning application process. 16 6 Road Investment required in roads in and CLUP addresses issue in investment around the peninsula (potholes and Appendix 1 (p.51). passing places). 17 4 Local economy Need to develop a local laundry Change: service centre/facility to address To be included in Appendix 1, hospitality needs. see Item 97. 18 4 Holiday home Need to retain holiday home income CLUP addresses issue in income locally, by capturing any commission. Appendix 1 (p. 50). 19 4 Waste Need for a central waste service CLUP addresses issue in centre to address recycling needs and Appendix 1 (p.54). inefficiency in existing waste being regularly taken away by HC. 20 7 Derelict Concern that re-settlement of existing Noted. Certain sites are brought properties and villages and derelict properties is not forward for re-settlement and are historical promoted as highly as it could be in either not supported by existing settlements CLUP, and that growth need not landowners, or will not meet mean changing the character of a planning policy (e.g. proximity to place. services). CLUP does not however restrict individuals from re-developing derelict sites privately. 21 8 New school Propose that school and education As a key service, education facilities be a focus for any future facilities to be included in priorities.