Sellwood-Moreland Library Tree Walk 16 17 18 a Self-Guided Tour SE Nehalem SE Miller Miller SE SE Bidwell Bidwell SE 7860 S.E

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Sellwood-Moreland Library Tree Walk 16 17 18 a Self-Guided Tour SE Nehalem SE Miller Miller SE SE Bidwell Bidwell SE 7860 S.E Sellwood Library Tree Walk Please see inside for a listing of the trees represented by the numbers on this map. Sellwood-Moreland Library Tree Walk 16 17 18 A Self-Guided Tour SE Nehalem SE Miller Miller SE SE Bidwell Bidwell SE 7860 S.E. 13th Avenue 16th Ave LexingtonSE 14 15 22 21 19 13 23 12 24 25 26 11 20 10 7 9 27 15th Ave 8 28 6 5 29 4 21. Copper Beech 3 2 Sellwood 30 1 Librar y 31 F or more information about Sellwood’s trees 13th Ave North or Portland’s urban forest, contact Portland Parks & Recreation, Urban Forestry Division The C ity o f Portla nd requ ires a permit to plant, remove, o r prune a ny s treet tree. Call the Urb an at 503-823-4489. Forestry Division at 503-823-4489 for the free permit and to consult with a Tree Inspector. Inspectors are certified ISA arborists and will ass ist the property owner in selecting the best tree, Portland’s Urban Forestry Division would like determining the appropriate location for planting in the public right-of way, and answering other to thank the Oregon Department of Forestry’s street tree care ques tions. Community Assistance Program for the grant Go to for tree care information, Portland’s Heritage Tree Program, that enabled us to produce the brochure. and other neighborhood tree walks . Sellwood Library Tree Walk 12 1556 SE Lexington 23 7933 SE 16th 1 7834 SE 13th Avenue English Walnut Juglans regia Sweetgum (2) Liquidambar styraciflua Japanese Snowbell (3) Styrax japonicus Red Maple Acer rubrum (on 16th) 13 1573 SE Lexington 2 1313 SE Bidwell Camperdown Elm 24 1565 SE Miller Corkscrew Willow (3) Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii' Crapemyrtle Lagerstroemia indica var. Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’ * weeping variety of elm tree * Must be single stemmed trunk for street tree 3 1334 SE Bidwell 14 1583 SE Lexington European White Birch (2) Red Maple (2) Acer rubrum 25 1553 SE Miller Betula pendula ‘Crispa’ Norway Maple (2) Acer platanoides 15 1584 SE Lexington 4 1346 SE Bidwell Black Walnut Juglans nigra on Lexington 26 1556 SE Miller Washington Hawthorn (3) Butternut (2) Juglans cinera Heritage Golden Desert Ash Crataegus phaenopyrum trees (on 16th) Fraxinus excelsior 'Aureafolia' *Note tree sculpture in driveway pavement 5 1415 SE Bidwell 27 1505 SE Miller Monkey Puzzle Araucaria araucana 16 7924 SE 16th Siberian Elm (3) Ulmus pumila (in yard) Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides (in yard) 28 7933 SE 15th 6 7835 SE 15th *spreads rapidly by root sprouts Dutch Elm (2) Ulmus x hollandica Douglas Fir (2) Pseudotsuga menziesii 17 1603 SE Nehalem 29 1407 SE Miller 7 Immanuel Lutheran Church Scots Pine (3) Pinus sylvestris (on 16th) Tulip Tree (2) Liriodendron tulipifera Flowering Pear (4) Pyrus calleryana (on 15th) 18 8014 SE 16th - Ukrainian Orthodox Church 30 1316 SE Miller Pacific Dogwood Cornus nuttallii (in yard) European Hornbeam (2) 8 7915 SE 15th Carpinus betulus Paperbark Maple (2) Acer griseum 19 8007 SE 16th Bigleaf Maple Acer macrophyllum (in yard) 31 1301 SE Miller 9 7906 SE 15th Juniper (2) Juniperus sp. Mountain Ash (4) Sorbus sp. 20 1556 SE Nehalem Norway Maple (3) Acer platanoides (on Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 13th) (by driveway) 21 1579 SE Nehalem Tree walk, and brochure designed by Urban Forestry Division’s 10 1524 SE Lexington Copper Beech — Heritage tree Neighborhood Tree Liaisons, Heesuk Steffen and Debbie Stoller. Hedge Maple (2) Acer campestre Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea To learn more about the Neighborhood Tree Liaison program or *Also known as European Beech to be involved in caring for your neighborhood’s trees call the Urban Forestry Division at 503-823-4489 or go to 11 1533 SE Lexington Black Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica 22 1584 SE Miller Sourwood Oxydendron arboreum Eastern Redbud (2) Cercis canadensis.
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