3169'·. Mission Over Certain Through Rates (S
1910~ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3169'·. mission over certain through rates (S. 5106 and :a:. R. 17536) of the American Revolution, of the State of New Hampshire, to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. for retention of Division of Information in the Immigration Also, petition . of · Frederic.k Burgess, of Garden City, Long Bureau-to the Committee on ·Immigration and Naturalization. Island, N. Y., for Senate bill 404, Sunday rest bill~to the Com- By Mr. SWASEY: Petition of Board of Trade and Mechan mittee on the District· of Golumb1n. -. · · ics' Association, of Bath, Me., against Senate bill 5106, that all Also, petition of New York State Assembly, favoring the build steamship lines having rail connections with rail-and-water ing of a battle ship in the Brooklyn Navy-Yard-to the Com- routes shall be subject to . the interstate-commerce law with inittee on Naval Affairs. reference to their port-to~port ti·affic-to the Committee on In ..Also, petition of ·citizens of Gloversville, N. Y., for repeal of terstate and Foreign Commerce. the Dick military law-tp the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, petition: of Eastern River Grange, of Dresden, Me., and Also, petitions of American Embassy Association of New York Topsham Grange, of Topsham, Me., favoring a national health and Rochester (N. Y.) . Chamber of Commerce, favoring House bureau-previously referred to the Committee on Agriculture. bill 15814, for consular buildings abroad-to the Committee on reference changed to the · Committee on Interstate and Foreign Foreign Affairs. Commerce. Also, petitions of John C. Orr Company and James H.
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