Buy putranjiva roxburghii, lucky bean tree - 0.5 kg seeds online at nurserylive | Best seeds at lowest price

Putranjiva roxburghii, Lucky Bean Tree - 0.5 Kg Seeds

Common name: Putranjiva, Lucky Bean Tree • Hindi: Putijia • Marathi: Jivanputra, Patravanti • Tamil: Irukolli, Karupala • Malayalam: Pongalam • Telugu: Kuduru, Putrajivika • Kannada: Amani Putrajiva • Bengali: Putranjiva, Jioysuta • Oriya: Poilundia • Konkani: Saman • Urdu: Paishandia • Gujarati: Putranjiva • Sanskrit: Putrajivah

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Putrajivaka, sutajva, putrakamanjari are few common names of tree putranjiva roxburghii. It is known as karupali or lrukolli in siddha system of is native to india and found wild or culativated in almost all parts of country.

Common name: Liodendron H.Keng, putranjiva, roxburghii Color: green Bloom time: june to july Height: 10m to 12m Difficulty level: easy to grow

Planting & Care Before you , be sure that you choose varieties proven in your climate. When in doubt, All-America Rose Selections winners are good bets. Or check with your local nursery.If you order from a mail-order company, order early, in January or February (March at the latest).

Sunlight: Full Sun

Soil: well-drained soil

Water: Medium

Temprature: 25 to 30°C

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer


Also, select a site that gets full sun. For dependable blooms, plants need six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. If it’s too shady, the stems will attempt to lean towards the sun or get spindly and fall over. Most of the popular varieties prefer acidic to neutral soil, but some are lime-tolerant or prefer alkaline soils.


Plants love water—but don’t drown them. That is, they don’t like to sit in water, and they’ll die if the soil is too wet in winter. The ideal soil is rich and loose, with good drainage. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to not provide adequate drainage. Use mulch.

Special Feature: Along with Drypetes (of the same family), it contains mustard oils as a chemical defense against herbivores.[3] The ability to produce is believed to have evolved only twice, in the and the Use Medicinal use:

It is known as karupali or lrukolli in siddha system of medicine. It is native to india and found wild or cultivated in almost all parts of contry. In delhi, putrajivaka tree can be seen at race coutse foad and many other of lutyens delhi.

Note: for medicinal use


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Reviews Thursday, 23 July 2020

Madhu Grover

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Joshi Prisy

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Sahmina Abbas

Thursday, 05 March 2020

Keerti Kushwaha

Friday, 21 February 2020

Rajkumar Noveal

Friday, 14 February 2020


Sunday, 23 September 2018

Nicely packed. Have tried some of the seeds and they germinated quite well - would recommend to all

Parvati Gujju

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