ga •ound A vialon ! jsoa-dft vlalonl*, 's Moderation Kissing To Be Cultured Rickle Lee Jones). For The Roses had panles Joni In a way that enhances her Joni comes full circle in an some minor accompaniment, but It wasn't vocals In a way that challenges the perfec­ until she teamed up with the entire LA. tion of the vocal duets of Blllle Holiday and Lene Lovich and Culture Club Express in 1974 that she achieved totally Al Hlbber. Shadows and Light is a sincere album reflecting fifteen years full, purely unadulterated, pop. It wasn't album, It reflects the growth Mitchell made hokey-pokey trash pop, mind you, but an down the long road of Introspection, im­ find no affection perfection, and fame. The haunting ot/ilng /usts /or tong",slngs Jonl sions of a person's psyche, they painted elusive, Introspective, fast-paced pop. remakes of ""and "Furry Sings Mitchell on her latest album Wild portraits of completely unabashed honesty. was a successful album, ops...well I guess It's too late. I'll The Blues" prove her ability to really sing Lene Lovich used to be able to express Things Run Fast, from the song There were touches of Laura Nyro here, as commercially, as well as critically, and her have to go through with It and some strange sort of romantic Ideal In her I the blues. The remake of her own "Chinese Cale". and that perhaps, Is the well as , but the poetic Imagery place In the music business was firmly O write the review. I really don't music and In the way she sang-yelped. 9 "Woodstock" Is almost frightening, and statement that Is most Interesting on .lout's as well as melodic beauty were un­ established. want to do this you know. I'm not Inspired. know she sounds rehashed, yelping purely 8 gives the 'Woodstock' era a chillingly, near newest portrait of life In a love-obsessed precedented. Her next studio album, He)lra was also It might be a carry-over from the Librium,, for effect rather than out of affection. Miss­ 2 apocalyptic feeling. On first listening to the world. I say Interesting, because Mitchell, A beautiful and talented woman Is hard well recleved, at this point In Jonl's life she I've been prescribed but I think not. I'm ing also Is the muted, love-Inspired cut, I was struck by the transformation she who has been recording now for over fif­ to Ignore, but one that Is successful Is Im­ began to concern herself with settling down afraid It's from the two records I'm about to psychotic paranoia that used to shine teen years, has not only lasted for ages and possible. Such was the case for Jonl after and kept threatening her manager Eliot had made since her first days as review-- Lene Lovlch's "No Man's Land" through (especially on "Telepathy" from ages, but has created works of near genius the release of Clouds and Ladles 0/ The Roberts that this tour was the last tour, but 'spokeswomen' for the time. and the Culture Club's debut album "Kiss­ Stateless.) Now she sounds a little In not only the genres of folk (Ladles Of Cannon. Friends with Nell Young since her somehow, she kept moving. Each love af­ Rushing ahead to the present, 1982 and ing To Be Clever." I hate to say it, but these loo secure, bolstered by her tiny army of The Canyon and Blue), and pop (Court early days in Canada (they lived In the fair seemed to be a 'false-alarm' as she con­ IVIfd Things Run Fast. 1 admit It- I have albums are Incredibly boring, uninspired synthesized robot guerillas. To put It and Spark) but In )az2 as well (Mlngus and same neighborhood and used to )oke fessed her broken heart In the touching mixed emotions about the album. In many, and unimaginative. simply-- she's trapped In a sound and Im­ her live, brealhtaklngly beautiful Shadows about becoming famous) she became Im­ classic "Amelia". Her own existence, and many ways It Is very beautiful. First the ex­ age the way the "Flash and the Pan" are and Light). Interesting because it seems the mersed in the folk/art/hlpple scene with the reason for It was plaguing her ceptional: the musicianship. Over the past Damian VanDenburgh trapped and all too easily recognizable by eternally lovelorn poetess of the past has CSN & Young, plunged into a relationship relentlessly; "HeJIra" put It best: "I look at fifteen years Jonl Mitchell has become one the synthesized respirator vocals of their shed her ballad-like bravado and adapted with Graham Nash, and moved In with him the granite marker/those tributes to eterni­ hell of a musician. Both her guitar and Don't get me wrong-- I do like new lead singer, George Young. an acceptence of love even Donna Sum- ty, to finality/then I look at myself and two cats on Laurel Canyon in Califor­ piano playing are ready good. Her voice music and I do try to keep an open mind In S,ill luii true, Lene Lovich Is a one mer could admire. here/chicken scratching for my Immortali­ nia. Though that relationship was also ill- has changed a lot over the years, also. regards to such but I )ust can't avoid the album singer who should have quit while ty. fated (as most love-affairs with Jonl seem Back In the days of Song To A Seagull her blatant soulless quality of this music. Where she was ahead. Nothing on "No Man's Debbie Millman to be). It produced some of the prettiest ] do I begin? Side one of Lene Lovich I sup­ Land" merits mention. It all blends together to the first side of this album. "Do you real­ one Is worthless. songs In that year. From Joni: pose. Before I even start the reviews I leaving the listener with no Impressions - ly want to hurt me-do you really want to Side two Is rarely-covered ground for Roberta Joan Anderson has come along "Willie", the sentimental appraisal of her Joni has grown up and she's so straight. should probably mention that right now I'm Ironlcally similar to the desert wasteland make me cry." After listening to this song, me. The titles alone scare me off. "White way since the days she was singing In the everlasting love (Willie Is Graham's listening to "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" scene on the album cover. what was an initial appeal for mercy Boy"(dance mix), "Boy, Boy (I'm the little nightclubs of Saskatchewan, Canada. nickname): "Willie Is my child, he Is my by and still I have no qualms Moving onward, not upward, Cullure becomes a point of debate. If this song pro­ boy)" "White Boys Can't Control It" and Intending to go Into the graphic arts, she father ... I would be his lady all my life" Gone are the heart-wrenching, love-lamenting about doing a disservice to these albums. Club's new album Kissing to be Cleuer left vides any Inspiration, It's towards taking "Take Control." It reads like a decided after one year of art college that and from Nash: "Our House" :"Starlng at Believe me, I'll listen again even as I write, me with the same Impression-- lhat of no karate lessons Instead of going oul looking miscalculated example of the distributive she prefered to play guitar and sing. An In­ the fire for hours and hours while I listen to but it will come to the same end-- an over­ Impression at all. If you've heard "Haircut for Boy George. Rather than getting that theory and sounds even worse than that. tuitive and fresh talent from the day she you play your love songs all night long for lyrics, in its place are the acceptances of love, whelming desire to either sleep or pul on a 100," "Adam and the Ants", "Bow Wow Involved I usually skip to the next song, I should apologize, but what more can I entered the life of musician, she attracted me, only for me." different record. How does one go about Wow" or Joe Jackson's Night and Day "I'm Afraid of Me." With good reason, too. say? This music Is so bland and the attentions of guitarist Chuck Mitchell in Well, (or some reason Nash couldn'l attachments, and corny, heart-warming getting Inspired by uninspired music? then you don't have lo even guess what If my mind ever began thinking of music anonymous lhat even my medication can't the early sixties while she was singing the handle her dedication, and they split up. Guess I'll try this green plll(lt was prescribed Cullure Club sounds like. Culture Club Is this spastically peppy. I'd be a little bll con­ get me out of the stupefied rut that this rounds In Canada. Married after only a Mitchell went Into seclusion, then travelleo as well-- don't wory.) A gulp of waler, a another gimmicky band in a gimmicky cerned as well. music resides In. If I have any concerns brief courtship, their marriage was Ill-fated to Greece, where she lamented her lost responsibilites melancholy exhalation and voila-- the genre thai has yet to equal it reigning Having a relatively weak stomach, I about this music at all, It rests with Ihe as soon as Jonl began Intensely pursuing love, and wrote songs. She couldn't stay reviewing machine reluctantly kicks into master's talents (the "reigning master" be­ usually skip to Ihe next song, "You Know popularity that these albums have already her musical rather than romantic Instincts away too long, and though still depressed, gear, beginning a long trip down a steep, ing Ricky Rlcardo.) I'm Not Crazy," This song sounds like a or will have. I realize that It's a matter of In the Interim she was becoming a better voice trailed and shrilled, soared and fell, opinion but as far as my feelings are con­ (Ironically enough). Although the mid- produced what some believe was her ac­ flat decline. Who are the members of the Culture slow version of the classic "Walk Don't musician and started becoming more and only to peak again, then to drop down an cerned, these albums have little to no merit slxtles folk music scene had already ex­ tual breakthrough album, Blue. The emo­ Rlub? Boy George, ex-Bow Wow Wow Run" by the Ventures. Let's face it-- the more Involved with )azz rhythms. Her first octave or two, all seemingly effortlessly. Boy, this Is really a shame. I really liked either as new music or enjoyable music. To ploded and had begun to dissipate by the tional intensity of this album was for­ (sec?) member on lead vocals, Jon Moss, Ventures were not great musicians by any attempts at this new-found art went unap­ Now Jonl is more subtle, time has mellow­ State/ess Lovlch's first album. It was fun, expand on that would put me in Ihe same time Mitchell arrived In , she midable, her lyrics were dark, almost ma­ means and for a new band to copy the preciated, nevertheless both The Hissing ed "the chirp" out a bit; her voice is deep, fun, fun and nothing more. Flex,her follow ex-Adam and the Ants (see?) drummer on position as these musicians- that being the quickly attracted the likes of Tom Rush and jestic and her melodies, though still not melody of a song like "Walk Don't Run" Of Summer Lawns and Don Juan's full, almost mysterious. Once and a while up was weak, weak, weak and nothing drums, Michael Craig, ex-Northern Soul position of one who flogs a dead horse. I with such songs as "The Cir­ overly complex, were unusual. At this par­ spells (rouble lo me. Without diving into a Reckless Daughter were serious attempts she'll still surprise you, though, as In less. But a least I could still en)oy Stateless disciple turned bass player and given credit rest my case. LI cle Game" and "Both Sides Now". The ticular time of her career, her voice was at exhibiting a lot of potential. "In France "Ladles Man". Again, she Is accompanied and think to myself thai, well It's only her for "heavy cullure" on the album, perhaps shallow pool, I'll just say lhat Ihe rest of side rumor went around the music circles the forefront rather than the Instruments They Kiss On Main Street" and by the best: Wayne Shorter (of Weather second album, give her a break. Then the Inspired by being the token black member about this brutally honest woman who sang behind It. Nevertheless, Crosby had taught "Dreamland" were extremely promising, In Report fame), Larry Williams, John Guerln New Ton E.P, came out. I loved "New of , and Roy Hay ex-haltdresser songs about herself, a woman, In a com­ her a method of tuning her guitar that was fact It wasn't until the 1979 release of (L.A. Express), , an old Toy" and ignored the rest of Ihe E.P., hop­ lurned guitarist and keyboard player for pletely new, startlingly sensitive, and In­ unique and her songs had a 'Jonl' quality Shadows and Light that they realized their familiar face, James Taylor, and a new ad­ ing that "New Toy" was only an intimation this soggy, soppy, ersatz-samba drenched Rossier Returns novative way. They were right. Song To A that she alone possessed. full potential. dition, Lionel Ritchie, who sings vocals of what was to cornc. Nothing could have band. Seagull, Mitchell's first album, produced by During the preparation of the album For with Jonl on "You Dream Flat Tires". let me down more lhan "No Man's Land," I'll be honest--1 can only handle listening , was explosive in a sublte The Roses, Jonl met , horn 1979 was an Important year for Jonl. The album opens with an absolute way; songs like "Slstolowbell Lane'' were player of the L. A. Express (who has played Charles Mlngus (jazz bass player) wrote six masterpiece: "Chinese Cafe". The song Is Calvino's Curse not only songs revealing touching confes­ with everyone from to songs for Jonl to put lyrics to. He interspersed with lines from the Righteous presented to her a thoroughly new world of Brothers' "Unchained Melody" through music; In her own words,"1 was curlousl It her own tune. The song seems to relate ou are beginning to read Mark the reader something to read and thus pro­ was as if 1 had been standing by a river-one Jonl's new stance In llfe-"Caught in the Rossler's review of Italo Calvlno's vide the basis for his slory and Calvino's toe in the water-feeling It out-and Charlie middle/Carol, we're middle class/we're Y // On A Winter's Night A novel. came by and pushed me in-"sink or middle aged/We were wild In the old Traveler. Sit down, relax, and put your feet You think this all sounds very confusing swlrn"-hlm laughing at me dog paddling days/Birth of rock 'n roll days/Now your up on the table In front of you. You may and difficult, don'l you? Well, I must take around in currents of black classical kids are coming up straight/and my child's not have read Calvino's book just some of the blame —perhaps my works are music." In any case, the experiences Jonl a stranger." But the brilliant lyrics signify yet—after all, you're busy. If you haven't not too clear When you read the book, had with Mlngus heavily influenced her what Is wrong with the album. Jonl has read the catalyst for this review, you are however, you will find that Ihe situation Is music, and suddenly her music was not grown up, and she's so straight. Gone are undoubtedly confused. "Why Is he writing much less convululed and complicated simply tailored with a jazzy undertone, the heart-wrenching love-lamenting lyrics this?" you ask yourself, assuming, of lhan Calvino would have you believe. You Mlngus, the album was Jazz, pure and com­ (for the most part), in Its place are the ac- course, that you are still reading and will not be as much of a prisoner of the text plex. The musicians playing on the album ceptences of love, attachments, corny, haven't moved on lo the "Personals". as he wants you to be. The success of the are Impressive: Eddie Gomez on bass, heart-warming responsibilites. Oh Jonl! book depends on your being as drawn Into John McLaughlin on guitar, Jan Hammer When you spoke of your "false alarms" Mark Rossier the ten fragments as the fictional reader. on mini moog, Stanley Clark on bass, and and "people's parties" you spoke for all of You. however, are far too clever for that. others. Unfortunately Jonl's record buying us. When you were In despair, we could Calvlno's book Is not a novel In the con­ You will be well aware of the game Calvlno public didn't seem to approve of this eclec­ relate, we could understand. I can't ventional sense; rather, it is a contempla­ is attempting lo play and as you read, you tic, artsy music, and, once again, it didn't understand how you can sing "Baby, tion on the art of reading. To this end, the will feel that it wears thin about halfway fare well on the record stands. Fortunately you're so square, darlln' I don't care"- you author addresses you directly, just as I am. through. for her die-hard fans, (who might not have used to care. I can't understand how you He talks to you, challenges you, questions Please excuse my presumptuousness, but 1 fully understood what she was doing but can say "We got a chance, hot dog darlln', you, and explains things to you. All these feel that 1 know you well enough to predict remained respectfully aware) the public we got a chance" (Hot dog, darlln'??) direct appeals do not, however, make your Impressions of the book. It will un­ opinion did not seem to taint her artistic Calvlno's book as stimulating or enjoyable doubtedly occur to you that Calvlno Is a Regardless of my personal opinion, I'm convictions, and she once again teamed up as it may sound. victim of his own cuteness as he attempts to glad she's happy. It's very obvious from this with some phenomenal musicians to ac­ The book begins wllh a prologue of sorts find reasons why the reader cannot finish company her on her next tour. album, Jonl has found her man, she's the fragments. As the circumstances grow secure, she's being loved for who she Is, and then moves Into chapter one of what What can one say about her band on we assume Is the novel proper. That, more absurd, it will become clear that the etc, etc. It Is a lovely album. The songs are reader Is merely a literary device, a nar­ Shadows and Light? The names of these soft and warm; "Love", "Moon At The however, is Interrupted by a new story men almost speak for themselves: Jaco about a reader who is reading the same rative convenience and not the mirror of Window", and "Solid Love" are very yourself. Pastorlus on bass, Pat Metheny on lead beautiful songs. (The word love, by the book we are. Thus Calvlno tries to make By novel's end, you will feel tax­ guitar, Lyle Mays on keyboards, and way, Is mentioned 57 times on this album). the actual reader and fictional reader thl ed—bored not as much by the text as by Michael Brecker on sax. Pastorlus and In a sense, Jonl has come a full circle. same, Further complicating matters, every the continual attempts at cleverness. Thlsi Metheny go way back to their days at She's always been obsessed by love, when other chapter Is the beginning of a novel is, you will conclude, a minor work—a fan­ Miami University, their playing together Is she started singing It nearly gave her a ner­ Ihe fictional reader Is starting, but never ciful literary exercise that Is more tiresome' masterful. Mays, who played on Melheny's vous breakdown, now It Is "the greatest finishes. So It goes with ten false starts In­ than tantlllzlng. As someone who has! first album after Pat's debut with Gary Bur­ beauty In her life". It Is still vintage Jonl, but truding on the story of the reader. Ob­ already read the book, let me say simplyi ton, and has now )olned Eberhard Weber like the woman says herself, "Nothing viously, however, they are not really Intru­ that you will be right. G on his latest, Later That Euenlng, accom- for long." sions, since the ten phoney chapters give yyiWiWiW, .' ^.^•ViSWiV.'.v.Vti.'u.iuij.t.t.t* t.'..-.i.i.-.,.,.-.i.i.^.,.u,^j.n>;,^xiji»ij^